#piss off cigna
mbrainspaz · 2 years
excuse me while I was living as a broke hobo for 3 years I forgot how chock full of bullshit the corporate insurance industry is
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lemme get right on that
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marvels-bitch-boy · 3 years
FUCK YOU CIGNA!!! Ahhhhghggggghhagagaagga
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So, another fun thing that’s going on in my life that, since it’s ass o’clock and it’s probably 80+ degrees in this house so I’m going to rant about is I’m like $1200 in medical debt because of that time my friend called the cops and I was taken to the psych ward against my will, where I literally received no services other than sitting and talking with someone for maybe all of 3 minutes.
SO, I got charged for the ambulance ride, which I didn’t consent to or request and was told, several times, I would not be charged for. THEN I just received a bill in the mail from the emergency room. Which, extra pissed me off because they didn’t fucking do anything. 
No one so much as checked my blood pressure while I was there. I was not touched or assisted in anyway. And, to top it all off I did not give them my insurance information, or any information.
So I call my insurance and tell them the gist: I did not request or consent to anything. I did not agree to pay anything. I don’t even know how they got your information. We try and reach billing but can’t, so I had to wait until Monday. Monday, we call back and speak with someone in billing. She first starts off by saying “Well, you came into the ER--”
No no nono no nah bitch I was forcibly brought against my will to the ER.
Then realizing she couldn’t really argue that, she started to ignore it, and kept saying  “Well, you were brought in and went through triage.”
No I didn’t. I literally had all of my possessions taken from me and was left to sit in a chair for close to 2 hours, spoke to someone for less than 3 minutes and was sent home.
Then, she finally said “Well at least we aren’t charging you for any services!!”
“Because there was nothing done. Again. No one so much as touched me this entire time.”
We went back and forth for a bit and she said “Well, ma’am you aren’t even being billed the full amount of your stay”
“There was no stay”
“--you’re just being billed for your copay.”
“Which means you billed my insurance. Which I did not consent you to do. I didn’t even give you my insurance information. I don’t know how you got it.”
And she goes on this tirade of “Well, obviously you did. We even have your work information and current address blah blah blah”
No. I fucking didn’t. I wouldn’t have. And even if I wanted to you took all of my possessions so I couldn’t have given you my insurance information because I did not have it to give.
So she looks into it further, then goes, rude as fuck, “Ma’am, do you remember making an appointment at [TOTALLY SEPARATE HOSPITAL] on [LITERALLY MONTHS AGO]?”
“Yeah. I wound up having to cancel the appointment. Nothing was billed as noting was done.”
“Ok. So we had your information then.” It should be noted that she’s speaking to me (well, us,the person from Cigna was on the line) super fucking rudely
“No, a completely separate 
Intermision: So I’m on like 20mg of Ambien so things might get super weird
Back to the main point
“---Separate institution had it for a completely unrelated conditions.”
“Well, we all use the same network, so that’s how we got your insurance information.
“So, you’re acknowledging that you didn’t actually obtain my insurance information from me. You took it from a different institution, without my permission, from months ago, and then billed it, again without my permission?”
And I pretty much just got a lot of stammering and sputtering at that point, where I circled back to ‘I am not paying you. I did not consent to being brought to the ER, did not provide you with my insurance information for this purpose, nor consent to being billed. I received NO medical treatment while I was there, not so much as a temperature check.’
Now she has to ‘submit it for review’
Still waiting on the ambulance people to get back to me as well, as they apparently have to review it as well
But yeah, as of right now, currently sitting on about 1200 worth of medical debt because someone else decided they knew what was best for me
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Repeal the ACA?
This is in response to a FB post that someone commented a story about a Trump supporter who is now worried she will lose the ACA. The man commented that her story was BS and that hospitals HAVE to take care of everyone-”if they don’t kill you with malpractice”- that you can pay $10/month or file bankruptcy to pay for health care but that Obamacare is broken and imploding on itself with companies pulling out and premiums going sky high until it is basically catastrophic health care.  This is my response.
I speak as a nurse practitioner AND a patient with a complex genetic disorder AND as the mom of 2 kids with the same disorder that has presented in different ways so I've seen A LOT of doctors in a wide variety of specialities as well as worked in clinics and hospitals. I am personally and professionally offended by your statement that they are trying to kill you with malpractice. There are hundreds of thousands of doctors and nurses giving everything they have to keep people alive every single second in America. Hospitals don't try to kill you-Americans are doing a great job of that all by themselves- eating processed foods which are basically almost impossible to avoid in this country in 2017, not exercising adequately, not sleeping, texting while driving, stress and mental illness going untreated and our lack of community, compassion and humanity is eating away at our health. But let's say you only eat things you grow and you butcher and you are zen. Your body IS STILL going to start declining at about age 40. Yes, there are a lot of problems with our medical care system and a lot of idiots practicing medicine but MOST want to do well. The human body is very complicated and patients don't exactly do what they are told to do. Also think about it- if nurses and nurses are 99% accurate which is way above the average performance rate of most workers, that means they will make 1000's of mistakes a year and some of them will be deadly.
Now on the ACA argument: 1. Yes, hospitals are required by law to see EVERYONE for EMERGENCIES but only for emergencies. They don't have to see you for chronic psoriasis or a long term cough and they have no ability to care for you after the initial stabilization. There is no mandate to admit you for anything once you are stabile. SO while they must stabilize your diabetes if they are able to stabilize you in the ER, they can discharge you home and they have no mandate to help you with follow up. This is a huge hole in the often-repeated theory that "hospitals must care for everyone". 
2. In a lot of areas patients can't be seen by doctors if they don't have insurance. In other words, they won't even make an appointment for you if you are uninsured. There is no bill to pay off over time because you can't be seen. I had a patient with a grapefruit-sized tumor in her uterus. I saw her at the health department but nobody would see her for imagine to diagnose it further. NOBODY-because she was uninsured...except the ER -which is where I told her to go, but I doubt she went because how would she pay for treatment? The tumor was growing quickly so it wasn't going to turn out to be "nothing". 
3. Hospitals won't let you pay $10/week. They want a much higher percentage of the bill WITH a down payment and they want to negotiate the bill right NOW and you only get a small grace period before they are sending you to collections. 
4. The #1 cause of bankruptcy in America is medical expenses and THAT isn't a statistic to brag about. It is abhorrent that people can't access basic health care and that you think bankruptcy is a viable option to pay for health care. That it is more viable than fixing the problems with the ACA. America is the only developed country without guaranteed health care for ALL. 
5. In 2016 7 out of 10 returning Marketplace customers could get a plan for less than $75/month and 8 out of 10 for less than $100/month. In 2017 even with rate increases THOSE STATISTICS STILL STAND!!!!! 
6. The livable wage issue and part time vs. full time work issue is another topic but suffice to say that as long as corporations are controlling the GOP you will not see a living wage for workers outside corporate America. CEOs only care about their shareholders and the next corporate earnings call. That is about as far thinking as they get these days. 
7. 30M Americans have health care coverage because of the ACA. To take that away form them with nothing equal to replace it is inhumane and NOT how we do things in America. The fact is we could pay for single payer healthcare if we don't build a pointless was and cut taxes on the wealthy again. 
8. The ACA IS NOT Perfect. There is no doubt that a group of people in the middle class have extremely high premiums and that has to be fixed. But keep in mind that issues wouldn't be a there if the GOP hadn't kept the mandate out of the law. A lot of the problems that the GOP sees with the ACA are problems they brought to the table. They have had 7 + years to come up with a plan and they can't. 
9. One thing that has them really pissed off is that when ACA was first implemented they did a great job of getting RushRadio and FoxTV to sing a song and dance that the ACA was horrible before Americans had a chance to use the program.For a few years it worked. Obamacare had a bad reputation but over time, as people finally got the health care they long needed, the perception changed. People realizes that health care is a wonderful thing to have and not the evil, sinister thing the GOP sold them in 2009 and 2010. It was mind-blowing to me to watch Americas argue that health care coverage for all was a horrible thing and something they didn't want. Thankfully it was all GOP Propaganda marketing and when American's got health care coverage, that view changed dramatically. The GOP wasn't watching. Nope, they were still over in their corner-using their cadillac plans to care for themselves and their family- thinking Americans still hated Obamacare and a repeal was a slam dunk. I think Trump had it on his Day 1 agenda or close. Unfortunately for them the push back at the grassroots level has been spectacular. My Deep-As-They-Come Republican Representative has changed his song for a HARD REPEAL to Repeal with Replacement. If this corporate-owned politician who has voted 27 times to repeal the ACA can change his tune, they all can. Our new goal is to get him to FIX not REPEAL. 
10. One thing that has been expensive for insurance companies has been the fact that many people who signed up for ACA have long-standing, untreated health problems which means a lot of catching up with therapies, doctors, medications, etc. It takes a lot of resources to get them back to health and that is costing the insurance companies a lot of money. Another problem is the insurance companies didn't use a model that allowed them to be profitable under these conditions. Medicaid and Medicare have long been examples of efficient and cost effective health coverage and a few insurance companies are doing well under the ACA, but those who failed did so at their own fault by not following the lead of Medicaid and Medicare. Seven years into the program, some are figuring out how to make a profit in this environment. 
Why would it make sense to throw out ACA and start over? This reminds me of the old saying "don't throw the baby with the bathwater". We need to fix the problems not start over or as Ryan and the GOP want, give Americans Health Savings Accounts which is so stupid I can't even comment on that here. Why would anyone expect legislation this large, one that profoundly changes the way our society functions would be perfect in its first form? Why would anyone expect that health care coverage on this magnitude wouldn't need twerking and even major fixes during its initial years? As for companies leaving the exchange- Aetna left the program simply as punishment when the Obama administration refused to approve their merger with Cigna. That was all politics. Some companies are trying to put pressure on the system to allow them to sell across state lines because that allows them to go to states with fewer regulations so they can offer less coverage -another example of a company relocating simply to improve their bottom line and not that of their customers. 
There are many stories of people who wouldn't have any coverage if not for ACA .Clearly you fall into the group that is paying ever increasing premiums and deductibles and it essentially becomes catastrophic coverage. That needs to be corrected. But 30M people rely on the ACA and there are millions of stories of lives being saved because of that coverage. 
Let's talk about how hospitals feel. Hospitals can't go back to the old system where 30M people didnt have coverage and therefore the hospital is left with 30M unpaid bills. Imagine how you would keep your business open if people who owed you thousands of dollars were paying $10 a month. It isn't a sustainable business model, even for public and university hospitals. They rely on Medicaid and Medicare to help pay for services and they do not want to see ACA repelled. Frankly, neither do the insurance agencies because to repeal without a viable robust replacement is going to create a chaos that they don't want to see either.
It only makes sense to go to single-payer healthcare. We are the only developed country who doesn’t take care of its citizens in this way. Medicare and Medicaid have proven very efficient methods of health care giving us a model to build upon. Health care has become yet another system that is easily accessed by the upper middle class and up and something the lower middle class and those in poverty struggle to get. Even children are often left out as Dentists rarely take Medicaid. I have cared for many kids who come in for their yearly physicals with holes cavities in their teeth so big I can see them from across the room and I cannot imagine how painful that was before the cavity ate the root away. Children...suffering because American’s can’t agree on Single-Payer Healthcare. We need to step up.  
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yesweranthere-blog · 7 years
Racing Double. Dog Trouble.
Things have progressed. It was pissing it down in Hastings, like really bloody going for it. When you’re in a tent, that’s not so fun, and it put an instant downer on the place. So off we trot to Woodville and Palmerston North where it turns out bugger all happens other than an average Instagram photo and more miserable weather. At least we were eating well.
A post shared by Bets & Sean. We run and travel (@we.ran.there) on Feb 9, 2017 at 12:22am PST
We carried on to the outskirts of Wellington. Our first night’s accommodation at a campsite was ruined by some German campers who had no concept of “personal space”. Okay so granted it was a busy-ish cheap campsite, but unless you’re arriving late to Glastonbury festival there is never a need to pitch ones’ tent within touching distance of another. It’s simple camping etiquette. The night was spent listening to their pillow talk followed by their snoring. We PB’d on our morning exit routine of coffee making, tent breaking and getting the hell out. Sean still can’t talk about the event. 100% rage.
The weekend was spent attempting the racing double: A parkrun on Saturday and a 10k on Sunday. Not the longest of distances, but you should know that we push ourselves to near-puking on a parkrun, and if no such feeling we haven’t tried hard enough.
Getting up from a tent at 7am when it’s actually cold (7/8 degrees) and wet is disgusting, so we feel proud of our commitment to our parkrun tour. No offence England but we were actually pretty chilly setting off. This wasn’t the day nor the course for PB’s - a gradual incline all the way to the turnaround point, plus Sean’s foot was still causing him grief. Full credit to the two lads with buggies who took 2nd and 4th position, Sean taking 3rd and Betty 5th.
A post shared by Bets & Sean. We run and travel (@we.ran.there) on Feb 10, 2017 at 12:31pm PST
As for the Sunday 10k (an out and back along the harbour) we had heard something about the ‘Wellington wind’ but thought it was just the kiwi sense of humour. Wrong. The headwind was brutal and didn’t seem to offer us much support on the turnaround. In all honesty we were grateful for finishing without being swept into the harbor. It was only afterwards we saw the Wellington sign standing proud on the hillside, complete with ‘wind’ effect. Now we fully understand and also slightly regret our decision to sign up for the Cigna Round The Bay Half marathon this Sunday on the same battlefield. 
A post shared by Bets & Sean. We run and travel (@we.ran.there) on Feb 11, 2017 at 1:30pm PST
At least we had warm showers to follow such a brutal run, After many, many, many slightly garbled emails from a lady in a pickle, we agreed to spend the next few days dog-sitting her 8 month old border collie puppy, in exchange for a stay in her holiday house by the beach. Having both grown up with family dogs, we thought “How hard can it be”.
Well, it turns out, bloody hard. although adorable looking, Alfie needs round the clock attention and soon lets you know if you’re slacking.
A post shared by Bets & Sean. We run and travel (@we.ran.there) on Feb 12, 2017 at 8:32pm PST
They say you learn a lot from travelling, whoever “They” are, we’re sure they didn’t mean at how to become expert pooper scoopers. In addition we spoke to Alfie’s owner just this morning, who, is in England. Currently with no flight booked back to New Zealand. Anyone know the Kiwi equivalent of Battersea Dogs Home - let us know.
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insurancepolicypro · 5 years
They Bought Estimates Earlier than Surgical procedure — And A Invoice After That Was 50% Extra
From a planning perspective, Wolfgang Balzer is the proper well being care client.
Balzer, an engineer, knew for a number of years he had a hernia that might must be repaired, but it surely wasn’t an emergency, so he waited till the time was proper.
The chance got here in 2018 after his spouse, Farren, had given start to their second baby in February. The couple had met their deductible early within the 12 months and figured that might decrease out-of-pocket funds for Wolfgang’s surgical procedure.
Earlier than scheduling it, he known as the hospital, the surgeon and the anesthesiologist to get estimates for the way a lot the process would value.
“We tried our greatest to weigh out our plan and determine what the numbers have been,” Wolfgang stated.
The hospital informed him that the traditional billed fee was $10,333.16 however that Cigna, his insurer, had negotiated a reduction to $6,995.56, which means his 20% affected person share could be $1,399.11. The surgeon’s workplace quoted a traditional fee of $1,675, however the Cigna discounted fee was simply $469, which means his copayment could be about $94. (Though the Balzers made 4 calls to the anesthesiologist’s workplace to get a quote, leaving voicemail, nobody returned their calls.)
Estimates in hand, they budgeted for the cash they must pay. Wolfgang proceeded with the surgical procedure in November, and, medically, it went in line with plan.
Then the invoice got here.
The invoice for Wolfgang’s surgical procedure turned out to be $2,304.51, $800 larger than he and his spouse, Farren, had budgeted for, based mostly on the estimates. “That’s an enormous hit,” Farren says.
The Affected person: Wolfgang Balzer, 40, an engineer in Wethersfield, Conn. By means of his job, he’s insured by Cigna.
Whole Invoice: The estimates the Balzers had painstakingly obtained have been wildly off. The hospital’s invoice was $16,314. After the insurer’s contracted low cost was utilized, the invoice fell to $10,552, nonetheless 51% over the preliminary estimate. The contracted fee for the surgeon’s charge was $968, greater than double the estimate. After Cigna’s funds, the Balzers have been billed $2,304.51, way more than they’d budgeted for.
Service Supplier: Hartford Hospital, operated by Hartford HealthCare
Medical Process: Bilateral inguinal hernia restore
What Provides: “That is ending up costing us $800 extra,” stated Farren, 36. “For 2 working individuals with two youngsters and full-time day care, that’s an enormous hit.”
When the invoice got here on Christmas Eve, the Balzers known as round, attempting to determine what went fallacious with the preliminary estimate, solely to get bounced from the hospital’s billing workplace to affected person accounts and eventually ending up talking with the hospital’s “Integrity Division.”
They have been informed “a quote is barely a quote and doesn’t think about problems.” The Balzers pointed on the market had been no problems within the outpatient process; Wolfgang went dwelling the identical day, a number of hours after he awoke.
The couple appealed the invoice. They known as their insurer. They waited for assortment notices to roll in.
Hospital estimates are sometimes inaccurate and there’s no authorized obligation that they be right, and even be issued in good religion. It’s not so in different industries. While you take out a mortgage, for example, the lender’s estimate of origination costs needs to be correct by legislation; even closing charges — incurred many months later — can’t exceed the preliminary estimate by greater than 10%. In development or dwelling reworking, whereas estimates should not authorized contracts, failure to dwell as much as them generally is a foundation for legal responsibility or “a declare for negligent misrepresentation.”
On this case, Hartford Hospital produced an estimate for Balzer’s laparoscopic hernia restore, CPT (present procedural terminology) code 49650.
The hospital ran the code via a pc program that produced a median of what others have paid. Cynthia Pugliese, Hartford HealthCare’s vice chairman of income cycle, stated the hospital makes use of averages as a result of extra sophisticated circumstances could require further provides or providers, which might add prices.
“As a result of it was new, maybe the system doesn’t have sufficient circumstances to supply an correct estimate,” Pugliese stated. “We didn’t talk successfully to him associated to his estimate. It’s not our norm. We have a look at this expertise and this occasion to study from this.”
Efforts to make well being care costs extra clear haven’t managed to deliver down payments as a result of the completely different costs and costs given are so usually inscrutable or unreliable, stated Dr. Ateev Mehrotra, an affiliate professor of well being care coverage and drugs at Harvard Medical College.
“The fees on there don’t make any sense. All it does is, individuals get pissed off,” Mehrotra stated. “The cost has no hyperlink to actuality, so it doesn’t matter.”
Decision: “As a result of I roll over extra simply than my spouse does, I’m of the mindset to pay it and get carried out with it,” Wolfgang stated. “My spouse says completely not.”
Investigating costs, coping with billing departments and following up with their insurer was draining for the Balzers.
“I’ve been tackling this since December,” Wolfgang stated. “I’ve misplaced two or three days when it comes to time.”
For the Balzers, there’s a cheerful ending. After a reporter made inquiries concerning the discrepancy between the estimate and the billed costs — six months after they bought their first invoice — Pugliese informed them to overlook it. Their invoice could be an “administrative write-off,” they have been informed.
“They repeatedly apologized and ended up promising to regulate our invoice to zero ,” Wolfgang wrote in an e mail.
Most sufferers aren’t as proactive because the Balzers in getting estimates for the price of well being care, and most wouldn’t know that the hospital, surgeon and anesthesiologist would every invoice individually.
The Takeaway: It’s a good suggestion to get an estimate upfront for well being care in case your situation isn’t an emergency. However it is very important know that an estimate may be approach off — and your supplier most likely isn’t legally required to honor it.
Attempt to request an estimate that’s “all-in” — together with the whole set of providers related along with your process or admission. If it’s not all-inclusive, the hospital ought to clarify which providers should not being counted.
Having an estimate means you can also make an argument along with your supplier and insurer that you simply shouldn’t be charged greater than you anticipated. It might work.
Legal guidelines requiring a point of accuracy in medical estimates would assist. In numerous different nations, sufferers are entitled to correct estimates if they’re paying out-of-pocket.
Most sufferers aren’t as proactive because the Balzers, and most wouldn’t know that the hospital, surgeon and anesthesiologist would every invoice individually. And most wouldn’t battle a invoice that they may afford to pay.
The Balzers say they wouldn’t have modified their medical choice, even when they’d been given the proper estimate originally. It’s the precept they fought for right here: “There’s no different client trade the place this may be tolerated,” Farren wrote in an e mail.
Invoice of the Month is a crowdsourced investigation by Kaiser Well being Information and NPR that dissects and explains medical payments. Do you’ve an fascinating medical invoice you wish to share with us? Inform us about it!
from insurancepolicypro http://insurancepolicypro.com/?p=635
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I am doing a project and I need to get 3 auto insurance quotes. It's due tomorrow, if it's not too much trouble could anybody get me 3 quotes? This is the specifics: 2008 (White) Volkswagen GTI 2-Door Hatchback 46,000 miles 2 Wheel Drive Automatic Help would be much abliged, thank you.""
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Good morning! Can anyone suggest a good dental insurance plan?
We had blue cross and blue shield and were not happy with it! We live in a semi small area and the only dentist office that accepted our plan never called us back after 15 voice mails and NEVEr answered their phones so we never were able to make an appointment! So I cancelled the policy. We need some dental insurance. I need to take my son in to get his teeth looked at and my husbands. We live in FL and there just doesn't seem to be a lot that I'm finding. Anyone have a suggestion?
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i was working two jobs, and part time permanent position, and a full time temp position. i was layed off of my part time permanent position. i am still working full time at my temp postition, but at times i don't work that position for a couple weeks at a time. can i apply for edd now so when i have those weeks off i can claim edd. or do i need to wait until i have those weeks off and then claim i was layed off from my permanent job?""
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I just moved about a block from my old rental (old lease was for 2 years) so I updated my address at my insurance. The policy went up to about 100$ a month which I don't understand because I have been told I am low risk and in the preferred age category 25+. I have a cousin about 9 years older who has multiple accidents, claims and tickets who only pays 60$. So what the heck is going on? I am comparing apples to apples on deductibles but it seems as if the insurance companies are punishing me for having a clean record with no accidents. I am just about 30 years old and only have one car a 2000 Saturn LW2 that I've owned outright for 6 years without payments. Even my younger friends who still party and drink pay lower than I do. Is it possible there is false information that the insurance companies are basing my rate on? The lowest rate I have been able to find is 70$ a month... but everything else is over 150$ per month......grr. I am a complete square and only drive up to 5 miles total a day for commute so I don't see why I should be paying so much. I was told by a friend that I should have had a price drop when I hit 26 because that is the cut off for DUI risk but it hasn't happened.""
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Roughly what would is cost monthly for a million dollar liability insurance policy for a lawn/landscape business. The owners of the business would be under the age of 25
Can i cancel my car insurance after my claim?
hi all, i have a car insurance policy with churchill and have recently written of my car.. the claim is being processed and i need to know some stuff. i am 19 and pay 1200 a year for my car insurance from sept2009-sept2010. I made the claim this week. i am planning to go to america in may for summer camp america and also due to there being a 900 excess ( god tell me about it) i wont be buying a new car and wont need a new car.. my car is only worth 1000 but i am claiming to recover the costs of recovery as i tipped it upside down. so therefore i need to know if i can cancel my insurance policy and if i can do that now or if i have to wait unil the claim has been processed. some people have said tat i might not beable to cancel???""
How much do you pay for motorcycle insurance ?
how much do you pay for motorcycle insurance in canada ,for a 300 cc motor . like the kawasaki ninja 300 2013 .""
Leander Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 78641
Leander Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 78641
Car insurance question?
It it legal to drive my mother's car if I have my license and the car itself has insurance but it is under her name, not mine? I'm in Illinois and 18 if that makes any difference.""
Where can I find affordable car insurance for a kit car?
I recently purchased a car that was given a kit car title instead of a rebuilt title and now I have no clue who will insure it! I live in Florida and the cars title lists it as a 2006 Neon. Geico won't do it.. they are who I have now.. Any info would be greatly appreciated!!
Whats the best way to sell life insurance without being a sleazy salesman?
Whats the best way to sell life insurance without being a sleazy salesman?
""Car wreck, how much is the insurance going to give me?""
I got into a car wreck sometime this month of May. It wasn't my fault, the guy made an early turn and hit me. My car and his car are now totaled. I was wondering how much money the insurance will give me on the newer car...? By the way, I have a 1995 Honda Accord Ex and its now totaled. I just wanna know how much they will pay me back? And I have insurace, but not full coverage.""
How much does insurance cost for a 16 year old newly licensed driver and a car?
How much does insurance cost for a 16 year old newly licensed driver and a car?
What is the AVERAGE cost of surgery to fix a varicocele without insurance in the midwest?
I have a varicocele in my left testicle. I have no medical insurance. How much does this operation cost to fix it? I know it will vary, but i want to know the AVERAGE out of pocket cost. This is in a midwest state.. Also, would doctors offer a payment option?""
What is the best insurance for a teen?
i need car insurance and health insurance but still not sure which is better. If this helps i just graduated and live in arizona and have a yukon
How much does a 16 year old pay for insurance in florida?
am going to get a mustang GT and was wondering how much will the insurance come up to be, and also how less cheaper will it be if i get an altima sedan.""
Question about insurance?
Hi. Why car insurance is cheaper for: policy holder with driving licence held for 1 month and additional driver with provisional licence held for 3 months than: only a policy holder with driving licence held for 1 month ?? could someone explain me why is that ?
How much have you paid for classic car insurance?
I have just bought merc e220 1993 and looking for cheap policy. Im over 30 female and got a wicked quote for fully comp with a named driver for 180. What have you paid?
How are young drivers expected to build up 'no claims' or experience when insurance prices are so expensive?
How are young drivers expected to build up 'no claims' or experience when insurance prices are so expensive?
Should my auto insurance company waive my deductible?
I recently was rear-ended by an uninsured driver. My insurance company assessed the damage at $1019.04, my collision coverage has a deductible of $1000 so my insurance company closed my claim and made payment of just $19.04. As I am a California resident, my policy includes the Collision Deductible Waiver. Are my insurance company therefore liable to waive my deductible and cover the full cost of my damages? If so, what should I do next?""
How much car insurance will cost?
i m 28 year female. i bought a used car for $3000. i have new G2 driving licence which i got last month.i have driver trainning certificate too. can someone please tell me how much my car insurance will be? i tried quote online, but i m not getting correct amount. please some one give me a average monthly payment that would cost?""
Just a question or two regarding car insurance? :)?
im a 19 year old female who is in college. i want to get a car but seeing as im a broke college kid money is a bit of an issue. how much would i end up paying for car insurance if im on my parents insurance(we have allstate)? i was also looking into getting a electric car, would that be more expensive to insure or should i just buy a junky old car for my first? tips, advise, and recommendations are much appreciated. thank you for your help! :) <3""
When is it too late to make a car insurance claim?
About 3-4 months ago I was parked in a supermarket car park. My mum, opened the passenger door where the wind blew and hit the car next to us. Upon packing the car, the passenger in the alleged 'chip' car stated that their car was damaged- the damage was barely even visible- something you would expect as a driver to occur. I even questioned whether that 'damage' was the fault of ours because the car was that battered. Anyway, 3 months later I received a letter stating that I was involved in an accident on the 21st of June. This date is also incorrect where this 'accident' actually happened on the 1st May (my car insurance renewal date). My insurance know this happened in this time as I called them to ask what may occur. Could anyone provide me with details of when it is the latest time to make a claim. Also, what would usually happen for the 'chip' in question since I know this day that it allegedly happened was a lie. (UK answers only please)""
""How much taxes will be taken out of $250,000 life insurance?
I am getting a life insurance policy pay out. Does anyone know how much taxes will be taken out?
Insurance will only cover 1000$ of dental issues?
My friend's parents haven't taken her to the dentist in 10 years. Now she has 21 cavities. She says that it will cost 6000$ and insurance will only cover 1000$. Is there anyway she can separate the fillings so that insurance will pay (almost) all of it?
How much do you reacon my car insurance will be?
I am currently taking driving lessons but in a few months I will be taking my driving test. If I pass my test my mum is giving me her car which is a 1.3 litre Toyota Yaris, I will have to pay for the insurance so I was just wondering how much it would be?""
Insurance on a 2005 premium mustang v6?
hello, my daughter is 17 years old and i am thinking about getting her a 2005 premium mustang v6. she is on the honor roll, hasn't had any problems or accidents as far as driving goes, and really doesn't drive much. we live in a rural area. how much would insurance cost? our insurance company offers some plan where if you're getting good grades, you get a discount. how much would it all be? i have her driving a 2012 volkswagen jetta now and it's very pricey.""
What's car insurance im a beginner on cars?
I'm only 17 in the future I want to buy a car a mini countryman I see a lot of car insurance ads on tv do they pay you or do you pay them
Should i get a policy on My Dad's car insurance?
Hi all My Dad has been with Churchill a long time and says they are brilliant. I have been looking at my own policys and they are around 2.5k-3k which is so out of my price range it is unreal.I have checked how much it would cost to have my Dad as the main driver on another Churchill Policy on my car and have me as a name driver,Protect his no claims and i am also able to build up my own for future use with Churchill. The cost of this kind of policy totals at around 750. Should i take this or could there be any problems in the future.""
Where is the cheapest Motorcycle insurance for a Honda CBR500R in Vancouver?
I'm a new rider buying my first bike. I am not really sure which options are available for insurance. I know ICBC has mandatory liability that has to be paid to them, however I'd like to know where the cheapest motorcycle insurance for a CBR500R is. Any help or info would be appreciated - Brad""
How much is car insurance for me?
If you are a sixteen year old with A's and B's, no accident/criminal history, about how much would insurance be on a 1968 olds 442 convertible with a V8? Please don't consider me stupid if this is unanswerable, I just don't want to put my information onto an auto insurance website.""
Health Insurance ?? I can buy on my own thats affordable.?
I own a small business and need some health and dental for me ,2 kids and my husband that is affordable and actually works. And that you dont have to be low income to qualify.""
Insurance question !?
I live In London Ontario and I'm 16 I'm about to get my g1 if I pass use my parents car for a year and do drivers Ed and if I buy a Honda civic 2009 manuel transmission, hOw much would insurance be ? Please list a bunch insurance companies and tell me the price thanks!""
Leander Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 78641
Leander Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 78641
Can someone give me an aproxiamate estimate on how much my car insurance will be?
I am 22 and I will be getting my first car soon. It is used and in good condition. I am wanting to put my mother on the insurance as well so we can both drive the car and be covered.
Car insurance confusion: Honda Jazz & Ford Fiesta... help please?
Hi there guys, I am sorry if this is a boring run of the mill question with an obvious answer, but I am seriously confused! I have two prospect cars to chose between, one is a Honda Jazz, and one is a Ford Fiesta, now to my knowledge the Jazz's insurance group should be around 11-14, (new 1-50 ranking) and the Fiesta should be around 8. A number of sites have confirmed this to be true. But trying to get actual insurance quotes, the Jazz is coming out cheaper, by at least 300. (This is with my details and the rest of the policy identical) I thought insurance group was the only factor of the car that changed the insurance, or is there another factor? I am a newly passed driver if that changes anything?""
Is a jeep grand cherokee overland reliable w.cheap insurance for 16 yr old?
15 now looking to get one possibly is it good for me
Will this affect my car insurance?
My car insurance took the money out of my account today and I completely forgot there wasnt enough money in there. But when I checked today I realized they did take the money out even though it put me in the negative. This is the first time ive ever done this. Will they cancel my insurance?
Cheap car insurance for young male drivers?
where is the best place to get cheap car insurance for a young male driver??
Can i switch over car insurance to new car/ Montana to Wisconsin?
I had insurance for my old car when i was living in Montana, liability coverage or whatever is the cheapest. I got rid of my old car, moved to Wisconsin and bought a new (used) car. Can i switch my insurance over to the new car i bought? I got my insurance through AAA> Any advice would be helpful>thanks""
""Roughly, how much would it cost to insure a 17 year old for a motorcycle?""
Hey, I'm sixteen, and live in Birmingham, England. I'm thinking of buying a geared, 125cc motorbike for when I am seventeen. I have looked around for insurance quotes, but none are straight forward, and as I don't have a bike yet, I can't get a very accurate one. I understand the only way to get a quote is to simply ask an insurance dealer, but I just wanted a simple, rough figure to get a price range for my self. If anyone can give me any information on price or how to get insurance, that would be greatly received. Thanks if anyone can help.""
Car insurance question?
my car insurance was due yesterday.. i'm 17 years old and yesterday the difference between my dads car insurance and mine was due and i forgot to pay it.. am i still allowed to drive my parents car? im going to pay it on monday thanks.. let me know
What can I expect for getting caught without auto insurance?
I recently got caught driving without insurance (stupid I know). The cop was nice enough not to impound my car, so he just gave me a ticket with a court date. I'm assuming I can expect a large fine, but what else? Anything?""
NY Full Coverage Insurance Rates?
How much is full coverage on any plan for a new driver?
Car insurance rate for teens?
I live in Detroit, MI so the insurance rate will go up just for that. I'm a very responsible student (I'm in the 10th grade). I would be using my grandparents' car. What would be the ranges for insurance roughly? I just want an estimate for how much it would be per year. Please help.""
How do companies determine car insurance fees?
im trying to build a database insurance system for cars only and i wanna know how to calculate different types of insurance fees for this category and if there are certain terms and policies i should consider
Motorcycle insurance question?
Hey, I dropped my motorcycle on the right side yesterday during a turn. It's a 2009 Kawasaki Ninja 250r. Two pieces of fairing were damaged pretty badly (right side and front piece). I just got insurance the day of the drop (before dropping it). Will insurance cover the damage? Also is it even worth getting them involved? I already have very very high insurance ($400 a month for a Honda Odyssey) due to previous car accident. I don't want to get any more things on my record. Will my insurance go up if I call them? The replacement fairings will cost me $560 out my pocket. I have a $250 deductible on the bike. So I would save about $300. Is it worth it?""
Insurance for a 17 year old on a Ford Fiesta 1.4 Zetec Petrol?
Hi, I'm currently 16 years old and my birthday is coming up in late May. I'm thinking of buying a car and I'm trying to keep costs to a minimum. As I can't get a quote on any insurance companies yet. I'd like to just know roughly how much I would have to pay on insurance for a Ford Fiesta 1.4L Petrol Zetec, it has an 06 reg plate, 3 doors and 49k on the clock. thanks.""
What is a very general cost for motorcycle (cruiser) insurance for a teen?
I am a 16 year old living in Kansas City, Kansas. I just need a very general quote for the annual cost for a cruiser motorcycle less than 600cc. A small bike with not a ton of power. I have taken a Basic Rider Course. I've never been involved in an accident car wise. Would it be wise to just have my dad insure it under his name? Are there any potential consequences for that? I only need liability as the bike is only worth around $1300. I have not bought one yet.""
What is the average life insurance amount people take out?
What is the average life insurance amount people take out?
Car insurance on a Mustang gt?
I'm a male, 19, years old going on 20 next month.. I'm wanting to save up for an older model (1999-2003) Mustang gt. I know there are different kinds of auto insurance agencies around but can someone maybe give me a rough estimate of how much i would have to pay each month for my own insurance? I've had no accidents or tickets/ felonies ever since my driver's license have been issued to me.. And i drive about 15 miles to work one way and 20 miles to college one way. Thanks!""
Who's insurance company do i contact the car owners or mine a driver with compresive insurance?
i was driving my wife car and parked it as i got out a car reversed into the car i am not a named driver on the insurance policy for the car but my own insurance covers me do drive other cars with owners consent. which insurasnce company do i report the accident to i was not at fault as was parked in a parking bay the other car aslo attempted to drive off
State Farm Car insurance payment question?
I have to make a payment on my car insurance 3 days late (it comes due 3 days before pay day, since they changed the due date on me). However, I don't want my coverage to be dropped. I called my agent's office and the girl told me she would suspend my payment, but that they might send me a cancellation notification. She said I should ignore it. Does this mean I will loose coverage for those 3 days, or do I have a small grace period ?""
What is the best and cheapest homeowner's insurance in canton georgia?
What is the best and cheapest homeowner's insurance in canton georgia?
Insurance Agency Tax Help 1120S?
I own an insurance agency. I have a seperate checking account for insurance premium funds. When we collect a insurance premium payment from a customer, the funds are deposited into this account and then we send our agency check to the insurance company. How are these funds treated on form 1120S?""
""Are there health insurance plans that are low premium, high deductible?""
I mean like a $5,000-$10,000 deductible or higher. I have a lot of savings but I'm going to have a part-time job for a little while. I'd like to just pay $100-200 a month or lower for health insurance. Or as low a premium as possible.""
Does Lowest Quote Wins really lower your insurance to $15 per month?
I saw one of their ads on a car today and was obviously intrigued. How legit is it?
Will my insurance go up when someone hits me?
I was driving on the highway, suddenly traffic slows down and we were driving at regular speed (65). i check my side mirror's, and the next thing i know my brand new car has no bumper. some idiot did not pay attention and he hit me. total repair is $1538. now, will his insurance call my insurance and let them know about it? will my insurance rates rise even though its not my fault?""
Why is my car insurance company charging me 2 premiums?
I go through farmers insurance and last month I paid a premium of 94.42 and now this month I'm being charged a premium of $83.70 plus a renewal adjustment of $7.27 does this mean my car insurance is always going to be this high? It was only $67 last 6 month cycle.
Leander Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 78641
Leander Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 78641
When does my insurance expire?
I have a Family HealthPlus insurance that I just renewed thus is valid until next year, I also just got a new job, and my employment insurance is in effect as of July 1. What happens next? is my HealthPlus automatically cancelled or can I use both of my insurances simultaneously? The reason why I am asking is that, I have a referral to extract my wisdom tooth from my old insurance, and would like to use it to do just that. My employer does not allow me to take sick/personal days off in the first 90 days of my employment, so I can't really do that between now and July 1, to schedule an extraction. Thanks a bunch!""
Can u recommend any car insurance for 6 months rather then 1 year ?
i may need to sell car after 6 months and that's why i do not want to pay insurance for 12 months upfront
Insurance on a 1275 gt mini for a 17 year old?
My friend has just passed his driving test and I'm trying to help him get a car and insurance sorted. He's determined to get an old 1275 gt mini. I can see why though. I've been getting insurance quotes and they're all coming back at over 5,000 every time. I must be doing something wrong. I'm just wondering if any of yous could help me and give me an idea of what it would cost for a 17 year old male who's just passed his test on a 1275 gt? Thanks.""
Affordable Private Health Insurance Provider Needed?
Could somebody tell me any company for affordable private health insurance.I need good site.And free quotes and many benefits.Please be honest.
Must I have car insurance?
I'm thinking about buying a car but cannot afford the insurance. Can I have a car with no insurance? I live in Amherst Massachusetts and not really familiar with the rules over here. Thanks a lot for any respond.
I need some help with car insurance please.?
About a year ago my husband and I sold a car. We went through the usual channels with dealing with the plates, calling the insurance company and so on. Well today we got our yearly insurance cards in the mail and didn't recognize one of the cars they had given us a card for so I went over the statement. It turns out they have been billing us for insurance on a car we sold over a year ago. We never really noticed how much we should be paying in insurance for our cars and only get our statement once a year with these cars. We only pay $1504 a year for what we thought was two cars and I had assumed that was pretty good. In fact we were paying for three cars and an extra $663 a year on the car we sold. I haven't contacted the insurance company yet but my question is what are my options here? Will they give us the money back for the year we payed on a car we legally sold and what do they need, if any, proof of that? We have paperwork of the sale but no real proof we called them to inform them to take the car off the insurance. Will that we enough?""
Need suggestion for health insurance?
Living in CA. Just want to get individual health insurance in case of any expensive treatments like surgery, hospitalization...so the insurance can have high deductible... In this case, should I consider supplemental insurance like AFLAC?""
Do i need a motorcycle license to get insurance for my motorcycle?
i dont have a license yet but i want to get all the paperwork done so i can start riding as soon as i get my license.
Getting car insurance please help ?
I live in MN And in a small town. And I dont want to ask for car insurance yet. Im just asking and estimate for me One male 18 2 tickets 99 s10 blazer 4 doors 4 wheel drive And if full coverage Would 750 for year be right ? Would that be enough
First car ideas? I'm going to be 17 so insurance is a problem what car is cheapest to buy and insure?
I'm not interested in a Nissan Micra or Ford Ka. Need a cheap car to insure and to buy..
Why do we need car insurance or why is it required?
I've been driving for about 3 years now, and I honestly cannot help but ask why are we paying $100 per month or more on car insurance, and some of us don't even get into accident at all? I mean that is like money out the door. My current premium is $625 per 6 month and it is a pain to pay it off. So, what I suggest if you get into an accident you are required take out a loan if you cannot pay and pay it yourself, wouldn't that make more sense? Instead of having to pay all that money off and in return you get nothing?""
How much are insurance?
I asked this, before but it was too general so here are the insurances i want the price of.. 1. Health 2.Car 3.life 4.home in georgia.""
Ways to make car insurance cheaper?
I know this question or something similar has been asked a lot but i'm 18 and i've just passed my driving test and i'm looking for insurance. I have 2000 saved up and all the quotes i've been given are around this, I know i'm not going to get it much cheaper than this. Does ringing up the insurer and saying you've been given a cheaper like for like quote etc. work in getting the price down? And what companies are recommended for younger drivers? Thanks :)""
Taken out insurance?
I am 63 years old own my house with a mortgage, I'm disabled and on benefits which I don't like. I can't get lower than that but I can afford insurance on my contents so why should the goverment bail out those people that haven't got contents insurance what do they want from the goverment new furniture what a cheek I say. If they do get that it is not fair for the people that pay for insurance's. After all they have to get it on there cars and when they travel abroad.""
Do I need a license for a 150 cc scooter in Indiana?
Do I need a license for a 150 cc scooter in Indiana?
How do I go about getting insurance at 18? In WI?
I'm 18. I work two jobs unfortunately with no insurance or benefits! How can I get health insurance? I live in Wi.
Renting a car with no insurance.?
Hello there, I'm over 25 and have a driver's license but I currently don't own a car therefore I do not have car insurance. I know that usualy when you rent a car and you have car insurance, you won't have to pay extra for rental car insurance. How does that work if I don't have insurance right now? Is extra insurance from the rental company expensive? Or would they even let me rent a car (only for a couple of days when I go to my cousin's wedding out of state) if I don't have car insurance? Any insights would help! I would hate to show up and not be able to rent a car and have to call someone to come get me. Thanks!""
What is the best(cheapest) orthodontic insurance?
What is the best(cheapest) orthodontic insurance?
Those self-employed: can you share a good health insurance that's affordable?
I have found only quotes over $300 a month. Those that were under $100 had a.. drum roll....deductible of over 10,000 dollars! I need health insurance, but can't afford it. Ironically, my dogs have it and I cannot afford it for me.""
Do i need insurance if im driving my dads car?
Hello. I was wondering if i need insurance if my dad is teaching me to drive while i got provisional license with the L plates on the front and back of the car? When i pass my test i will get my own car.
Insurance for new drivers?
hi i am about to turn 18 and for my birthday my mom and me are going to lease a car for me. the car is 20000 and its new. the insurance is crazzzy expensive but my mom is going to by a car to right when i am so is just keep that i mind for the insurance and stuff. what is the cheapest way to get insurance?? please help
Married Young and Health Insurance?
I am 19 and my fiance is 22. I have a few questions about health insurance. I am currently covered by my mom's health insurance provider and my fiance does not have health insurance currently. When we get married, what will be the best deal to get health insurance for both of us. Would I be able to stay on my moms until I am 26. I was just reading a few things. I will put the link here. Thanks! http://www.dol.gov/ebsa/faqs/faq-dependentcoverage.html""
Ticket for no proof of insurance?
in california best friend got a ticket for no proof of insurance at the time of accident, he doesnt have insurance i know everyones gonna write about that but how can he fix the ticket? he didnt know that his insurance was canceled his dad who lives out of state pays. ive read other questions on YA and one said u can take proof of insurance to the clerk before the court date (the judge) and they will disregard the ticket? if the insurance card says that hes covered from 6/30/09-6/30/10 would the clerk check to see if hes paid?""
Has anyone got car insurance with the Cooperative?
what are they like?, good service etc? would you recommend""
""Im 21years old,male with a mazda miata 2001. My auto insurance to too high. where can I get cheaper insurance?""
Im 21years old,male with a mazda miata 2001. My auto insurance to too high. where can I get cheaper insurance?""
Leander Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 78641
Leander Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 78641
0 notes
Insurance covering medical bills
I wanted to share what I just recently went through regarding an insurance claim in case it helps anyone else in filing an insurance appeal.
In January of this year, I started having migraines-but not just any migraine. Unrelenting, screaming pain that nothing would relieve. I was prescribed stronger and stronger meds, sought treatment from many different avenues (including my primary care, an ENT, a dentist, an ophthalmologist, a chiropractor, a massage therapist, my psychiatrist, and on and on...), and did everything I could to get relief. My situation simply got worse, and by the end, the only relief I could get was having someone kneel on my head. I was exhausted, and then I woke up the morning of February 28th. According to my husband (I don't remember much), on top of the usual pain, I was extremely lethargic, fell down trying to take a shower, could not get up, had no peripheral vision, could not walk well, and was incoherent. He immediately took me to the ER. They did not know what was wrong, but treated me with an intensive migraine treatment (IV drugs, etc), and referred me to a neurologist for further evaluation.  The good news is that the neurologist was able to diagnose and treat the pain, and ultimately we've found the long-term cause and I'm in the process of getting better, with an expectation of complete healing in a few more months.  However, this isn't what I want to talk to you about. I want to share what happened with my insurance.
My insurance provider recently created a loophole in our insurance plan to avoid paying for treatment.  I have a Cadillac insurance plan, paid for through a Fortune 50 company which covers substantial costs (my total plan is about $20K a year for my family) to ensure we have healthcare.  However, my insurance company decided that you cannot go to the ER unless your diagnosis is deemed an emergency.  So, if you don't know what's wrong with you or are terrified for your life...doesn't matter.  The doctor used "migraine" as my diagnosis, which my insurance does not believe is an emergency. Therefore, they refused to cover any of my medical bills-over $5K in total costs.  I received the bills, and had no idea what to do. Fortunately, my company also pays for Accolade, which is a health services concierge company that's available just for things like this-to tell you what to do and how to do it.  They advised me that I can file an appeal, and they called my insurance company with me. However, that's the end of their ability to get involved-they can't tell me how to appeal, what to provide, or what to do to get it addressed.   So, I was stuck trying to explain to an insurance company why they should pay for a bill that they were refusing to pay.
My first level appeal, I provided a statement on how I felt that morning and explained why I chose to go to the ER. The person working my case had no interest in any additional documentation, and basically blew off my offer to provide additional information.  My first level appeal was denied.  At that point, I again requested an appeal-and started working on it. I had a few weeks until the date of the hearing, so I spread the work out to avoid getting overwhelmed or exhausted-dealing with medical issues can sometimes feel like walking through mud.  I asked the case manager what I should provide, and she said any information I felt would support my appeal-helpful, right? So I decided to provide everything. 
The first thing I did was sit down and pull medical records-every doctor's visit, CT scan, and dollar paid leading up to the ER visit. I created a timeline, based on medical records and my credit card and FSA history to document every step I had taken since the beginning of the pain.  I notated the date, who I saw, and what the outcome was.  Then I started requesting copies of my medical records.  I called everyone who had treated me and had them provide documentation of my efforts to seek treatment prior to escalating to the ER.  I pulled documentation that I had been forced to take six weeks off work for treatment after the ER visit to show the severity of my health concerns. I had my husband write, sign, and email a statement to the case manager highlighting his perspective on my health. Throughout the entire process, no matter how pissed, exhausted, or frustrated I was-I did my best to maintain my poise and my manners. Yes ma'am, no ma'am, please, and thank you dominated every exchange with my case manager.  I packaged everything up in one email to her three days prior to the hearing, and sent it over with a detailed description of everything included.  The morning of the hearing, I made sure I was in a quiet space, with no distractions, and all my documentation available.  I was introduced to the committee, which consisted of my case manager, a surgeon, and a health insurance expert.  I again did everything I could to be polite and worked to modulate my voice, to not show my frustration or anger with the company. I was given the floor to make a statement, and I highlighted the information that was contained in the documentation I provided, and then my husband's statement of the shape I was in that morning.  I highlighted our terror that there was something wrong that could cost me my life.  The committee asked a few questions-primarily making sure they understood the timeline, facts, and had a clear picture of the situation. At the end, I finally let my emotion show-I let my voice crack and tears to sound in my voice, while thanking the committee for their time and willingness to let me speak, and briefly highlighting how difficult this whole situation had been.
We received word by email 8 hours later that the committee had overturned the original decision and would pay all medical bills related to my ER visit.
Tactics when filing an insurance appeal:
1) Manners-don't antagonize ANYONE related to your case, no matter how tempting it is.
2) Documentation-provide EVERYTHING you can to the case worker, in a timely manner. The committee needs a few days to read and absorb your files-give them that time.
3) Hearing-don't trust the committee to review your case. Be there, physically or on the phone, and ensure they are crystal clear on every point that supports your appeal.
4) Preparedness-be prepared to speak at your hearing. Whatever makes you more comfortable-having a written statement, or having 3-4 points you want to highlight and speaking off the cuff.
5) Financial hardship-stay away from financial hardship at an appeal hearing. It's beneficial when working with your doctor's office regarding payment, but it will not impact your appeal, and may lessen the overall impact of your statements. Focus on health and medical reasons for your appeal.
Links to appeal processes:
Humana: https://www.humana.com/medicare-support/member-guidelines/exceptions-and-appeals/
Blue Cross Blue Shield: Varies by state, each state has their own site and process
Cigna: https://www.cigna.com/healthcare-professionals/resources-for-health-care-professionals/clinical-payment-and-reimbursement-policies/claim-policies-procedures-and-guidelines/claim-appeals
Kaiser Permanente: Varies by region, each region has their own site
United Healthcare: https://www.uhc.com/united-for-reform/health-reform-provisions/appeals
Aetna: https://www.aetna.com/individuals-families/member-rights-resources/complaints-grievances-appeals.html
Medicare: https://www.medicare.gov/claims-and-appeals/file-an-appeal/appeals.html
Medicaid: Goes through state appeals group, but must follow federal procedures outlined here: http://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/appealing-medicaid-denial.html
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mbrainspaz · 9 months
Fuck Cigna. I mean I know they're an insurance company so obviously they're assholes, but Fuck them.
Sometimes I miss not having insurance at all. Could I get medical care I needed? Ya know, sometimes. Only from wacko libertarian doctors who like doing under-the-table deals to live out their sad little wild west fantasies.
There's just no way to express how much it sucks to have Cigna there as this barrier to accessing healthcare that I have to go through, all while they insist on LOUDLY and OBNOXIOUSLY deadnaming me at every opportunity. And for what??
The condition that I'd have to pay over $5000 out of pocket before my insurance really even kicks in makes it so utterly worthless to me. If had to spend all my housing savings on medical care I might as well just skip a few steps and move directly to the streets to die.
I'm supposed to get an assessment for ADHD tomorrow and they've made up this arbitrary rule that I have to pay 20% of the fee myself ON TOP of my normal copay. Why? Because they just decided I should have to do that to get assessed for ADHD apparently. What the hell gives them the right?!
It pisses me off so much. On the phone with some smug-sounding Cigna rep just now I was like, "okay that's my legal name but I go by '____'"— and the son of a bitch just totally fucking ignored me. I even corrected him again and he was like, "oh I'm so sowwy. Okay DEADNAME, —"
Fuck cigna and fuck that nasally asshat in particular.
I'm honestly considering looking for a way to opt out of company health insurance to see if there's a way I could get that extra $200 ish a month they're already just draining off my account. That'd be $1800 already—and with that I could've paid out of pocket for two ADHD assessments at the better clinic I can't afford now.
I mainly wanted insurance so I could get surgery on my arms/hands for nerve damage and I got denied for that because the nerve damage wasn't bad enough. So like... I guess I'm good for another 10 years or so until my hands are completely useless. That's also when another doctor said my knees would probably be done-for. My only hope is by then I'll have fled the country.
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