radiomogai · 2 years
okay thank you for letting me know!
(also omg sorry i accidentally unfollowed while trying to click on the ask button)
SDHGJSDHGSDHGJSHDJ YEAH WE SAW AND THEN WE SAW THE FOLLOW AGAIN AND DIN'T REALIZE YOU HAD BEEN FOLLOWIONG US EARLIER AND WERE CONFUSED LIKE "DID IT ONLY JUST NOW FOLLOW ADFTER REBLOGGING SO MUCH???" butr honestrly that's the Tumblr experiebnce, people who don't follow yiou reblogging a ton of your posts so who cares, i love Tumblr so much i am so glad to now be in this decade
- Dr Bright
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radiomogai · 2 years
oh sorry, do you not want any tone tags used for you all? i apologize if i caused any discomfort
tl;dr: i (Dr Bright) rant about tone tags. we're okay with tone tags such as /lh, /pos, /neu, /j, but don't use /gen, /nm, /nao, and others like that with us
we don't like stuff like /gen or /genq /gq /g etc and also /nm and /npa and /nbr and /nao sos tuff like that???? but we're fine with stuff like /lh and /pos and /neg and /neu and /s and uhh /j
see the thing is that the /gen stuff gets used so often that our paranoid psychosis brain goes "ohw ell if someone isn't using that gen thing it must mean they're lying then!!!" abnd we kinda caught that and nipped it in the bud and went "ok nobody use /gen for us k thx"
and then /nm our brain automatixcally sees it and thinks people are mad at us like ??? but i think it's because we usually see it used in situations where one of the following is true if not both: a) we wouldn't have toughtr the person was mad anyway??? and b) they're like insulting us so it's obvious thehy're actually mad
and then /npa just grosses us out like if you're being passive aggressive you can't just say "oh well i'm not being passive aggressive" and gert away with it like no. that's like saying "i'm sorry that you took offense to what i said" like it's not apologizing for what you said but it's more of a putting the blame on the other person abnd we dislike it a lot.l and also we see /npa used a lot when people are actually being passive aggrsssive and once we called somewone out on it and they went "well i said /npa!!!" like srsly?????
and then /nbr is the same thing. not being rude except you can't just say that to then be rude
and /nao is like it's supposed to be "not an order" which just makes us feel icky and iiiii'm not super sure why tbh
uhhh what other oens do we really not like?? i can't remember
we also dislike how hyperspecific tyone tags get like why does there need to be four ones you could use to say "hey this is a genuine question" ????? you can use /gen or /g or /genq or /gq and it's like
ok we have prettyy bad memory problems. we can't keep track of them.l and then people are like "oh just look at this guide" like do you rwally think i want to be looking at a guide for every single message
and there's so many we literally keep a Notion documebnt with every tone tag we've seen and it has 153 different tags on it and also some aren't even tones???? like we see /wp used a lot which means "wrong proxy" like that's not a tone and neither is /dnr which means "do not reply" and like some of them are just /? or /! wich mean confused and excited respectuively like just use the punctuation normally????
also we see people use tone tags on things where the tone is clear like there's no question if a friend says "i like your art!" then they're being genuine but we have people put /gen on that when talking to us anyway and it makers us feel infantilized
it confuses and annoys us because people get mad at us for forgetting tone tags and get mad at us for not lioking them when it's a psychosis problenm as well as like other mental ehalth and neurodivergency problem
this wasn't supposed to be a rant??? i don'ty know why this became a rant haha sorry but ig uess my thouights are laid out clear now????
- Dr Bright
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radiomogai · 2 years
oh, please do tag us in any scp genders! i'd love to see them! :D /gen
awesome will do!!! and for the future please don't use /gen with us, we should add that to our about sdgsdgsdgsdgd since we haven't actually mentioned it here before
- Cecil {and again with emotional bleedover from Dr Bright, who immediately after receiving the last ask went onto Discord to be excited about this}
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radiomogai · 2 years
yo, if we coined some SCP related genders, could we tag you in them? (it would have to be coined tomorrow though, due to me spam reblogging a bunch of terms for my hoard, lmao)
ALSO we've got some SCP gender term ideas bouncing around our commonplace book, once we eventually fix up definitions and names and potentially flags do you want us to tag you in those????
- Cecil {with a lot of very excited bleedover from my assistant Dr Bright and the various other people in front as well}
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