#let me tell you 2022 or 2021 i guess is when i came here
almightyrayzilla · 11 months
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I promise you, this is the only time I will ever willingly post AI generated imagery on any of my pages...but G-Fest is DEAD to me. I first attended in 2006, then again in 2009. I got my start doing artist alley tables at this show in 2010, then branched out to other shows. I even did the promo art for the 2019 show. I cannot tell you how much of my life was shaped from meeting the folks I have met because of this convention.
I'm not even mad. I'm sitting here along with my fellow artists, laughing our asses off. Not because it's funny, but because NONE of us are deeply surprised.
Let's go back a bit.
In 2018, the artist alley (AA) was moved to the lower floor of the hotel. Now I let this slide - the Crowne Plaza had just replaced the area that was used previously with the Caddyshack restaurant. Duh, we couldn't use that area anymore. There was some pushback, that maybe something else could be moved downstairs, but there was refusal to budge. Whatever, us artists actually did pretty good that year, despite a rather sequestered and tight space.
Then for 2019 - we were told a Toho rep was coming, and we were hit with a 30% limitation, which essentially meant that for every ten pieces of art we had, only three of them were allowed to be Toho related. Gamera, Ultraman, Kamen Rider - fair game. I mean, let's put aside that no one could enforce that (and no one tried) - the person in question wasn't even tied to Toho. And even if they were...they'd be more concerned about, say, bootleg DVDs and such.
Personally speaking, my sales were even better, so even with the limitation, people still did alright. Gee, it's almost as if AA is a big attraction at a convention, especially one as niche as this.
Then 2020, when our good friend COVID-19 came about. Someone decided it'd be a good idea to spread misinformation about the pandemic with G-Fest's Twitter page. Among those who spoke up were the artists who regularly attended through its artist alley. A Facebook page that was specifically set up for AA members to share info and whatnot was then told to no longer associate with G-Fest.
And for the record, G-Fest didn't happen that year because of a statewide mandate. No no, the con wasn't canceled it because they recognized the severity of things, it's because Illinois shut everything down.
Well, here comes prep for 2021 (which ultimately became the 2022 show, since it was pushed back again). That's when G-Fest hit us with the AA contract. It forbade artists from selling prints of Toho fan art (originals/commissions were okay, but not reproductions), unless we held a license to sell prints of that work. We could not sell Godzilla fan art prints at this Godzilla convention. We tried to speak with them, to see if there could be some compromise...which there wasn't. They kept saying that the reason for it was to stay on good terms with Toho, even citing a big C&D sweep Toho was doing (they were after bootleggers, not fan artists). Heck, even one of my good friends actually did get a C&D (prior to said sweep), and they have legal word that they were allowed to sell prints of Godzilla art. But apparently, that wasn't good enough for G-Fest. HMMMMM...
I was actually willing to abide by these tighter rules, even planning on trolling them with a few pieces of Jirahs and Gomess (though Jirahs without the frill might have been a bit too risky, lol). We were trying to talk with the head of the vendor room, who was not exactly being clear and timely with responses. Well, someone went to the head of the show to ask if they were being compliant with the rules - I guess they gave a different answer, because that's when the showrunners started bickering about not seeing eye-to-eye on some things, ultimately telling the artist it's best they not come.
That's when I backed out. A few of us had paid for our table/badge for the 2020 show, which was rolled over; with the option available, I asked for the refund. The head of the vendor room said the request was put in. Almost two weeks go by. I go to the showrunner, and within 20 minutes, I get the refund. Look, I know G-Fest isn't a big corporate show, and I try not to be a snob, but I expect SOME professionalism. that's why I've backed out and refuse to ever attend G-Fest ever again. But that's not where things stopped.
During the 2022 show, I was told an artist said screw it and put Godzilla prints out on their table to sell. I laughed and said, "Yeah, and how much of that was playing favorites?" I mean, G-Fest kicking this person out? That would be glorious. But someone like me? I'm pretty sure they'd have banned me on the spot. And I'm not even going to get into the vendor who was selling bootleg DVDs, so...yeah. And from what I hear, the 2023 show forbade ALL fan art prints, not just Toho IPs. I can't imagine how hard they're gritting their teeth trying not tell artists to get lost outright.
*deep breath* And that brings us to today's nonsense. After all that, they pull this. And of course they've turned off comments on the Facebook posts for these...pictures. I mean, after my turn in 2019, we had the idea of giving each AA artist a shot to do the promo art each year before all this crap reared its ugly head.
Like I said, I'm not even mad, I'm actually having a good laugh over all this. If I'm shocked by anything, it's how quickly this convention pulled its 180. The point of this post is to just be informative of what has been going on the past couple years, and why the artists who usually go haven't come back.
But most of all, if/when people ask if I'm going to G-Fest next year, here's the TL;DR version: NO.
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buddhamethods · 9 months
10 BL Characters I Want Carnally
AKA I'm just a person with two keen eyes and dubious morals when it comes to enjoying media so don't take it seriously, I'm here for a good time.
Thank you @sndrys for tagging me! This was an eye opening experience putting this together. As it turns out I might have a type (ew).
1) Guy from Bake Me Please (2023)
The sole reason for me creating this list! Look, I dropped Bake Me Please almost immediately because it just wasn't for me BUT I've been lowkey watching through my dash. And let me tell you, my fingers gain consciousness and hit reblog everytime this baby's face pops up because...well...LOOK AT HIM. He is beautiful and he should get the guy (hehe get it) in the end idc.
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2) Yok from Not Me (2021)
Yok is such a beloved character and for good reason! He is sexy, he is gay, he sets buildings on fire and steals cops' wallets on accident because HOW WAS HE SUPPOSED TO KNOW THAT GUY HE WAS STALKING WAS A COP??? I love you Yok, never change.
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3) Palm from Never Let Me Go/ OurSkyy2 (2022-23)
The anger I felt for all the injustice and mistreatment our beautiful Palm had to face in this show took literal years off my life. It's rare for me to get this passionately protective over a character and yet here we are, in the Palm Protection Squad headquarters. Even Nueng is on the watchlist!
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4) Tonhon from Tonhon Chonlatee (2020)
Not to out myself as an enjoyer of silly goofy times , but I did have fun watching Fish Upon The Sky and Secret Crush On You, so OFCOURSE I thought I would like this one too but GOD was it rough. Did I still finish it? Yes. Did I fawn over PoddKhao pairing and have been quietly praying for some kind of reunion ever since? Also yes. Was I foaming at the mouth barking everytime Tonhon AKA Podd was on my screen? I'm not gonna comment without lawyer present.
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5) Tew from My Dear Gangster Oppa (2023)
Speaking of Tonhon Chonlatee...AH! Ai Long Nhai (TC's spiritual prequel of sorts) was sure...something. And by something I mean I saw Meen and decided I will never speak ill of men ever again, feminism quite literally left my body. And then a year later My Dear Gangster Oppa came out and guess what??! MEEN IS THE GANGSTER OPPA! Dreams really do come true, kids.
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6) Wen from Moonlight Chicken (2023)
(or Tian from ATOATS or Mueang Nan fron FUTS). Mix...I will eat you. Always so dewy and healthy and sparkly-eyed. But Wen from Moonlight Chicken is something out of the realm of my imagination. The sex appeal? The maturity?? The gentleness??!! Somebody sedate me before I say something I will not be able to justify in court.
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7) Vee from Love Mechanics (2022)
He is a pretty bisexual who makes the most abhorrent stupid decisions known to men and then weeps and suffers for them WHAT MORE DO YOU NEED? Once again, is the show flawless or even remotely coherent? Absolutely not. That being said Vee brought me so much joy by being stupid I'm forever grateful.
(also YinWar are so back GO WATCH JACK AND JOKER TRAILER)
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8) Prapai from Love In The Air (2022)
To a certain extent I've enjoyed every MAME show I've watched. To do that you need to possess the rare ability called "I abandoned every shred of moral integrity to gawk at hot men". And Prapai? MAN is this bitch hot. Tall dark handsome? Check! Bisexual on a bike? Check! Stubborn and annoying? CHECK!
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9) Xiang Hao Ting from HIStory3: Make Our Days Count (2019)
*incoherent wailing and sobbing* IM NOT EXPLAINING SHIT ABOUT HIM LEAVE ME ALONE
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10) AlanJeff from Pit Babe (2023)
My newest obsession! I refuse to separate our local senior citizen and his favorite prophetic mechanic. Both of them are hot as shit in their own way. Alan is a sexy dilf with so much weight and responsibility on his shoulders it's a miracle he retained his optimism and youthful awkwardness. And Jeff is a prickly baby-cow-baby-deer eyed baby that is so touch starved it's actually a little funny. SO I GUESS ALANJEFF SANDWICH IT IS.
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(don't be shy tag yourselves besties <3)
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pacifymebby · 4 months
Did you know there was issues in your relationship all along or are there things you didn't realise until towards the end? I've followed you for a few years and from the little bits you'd shared on here your relationship sounded perfect at times. Was there a big change or were things not as good as they seemed all along?
I've been thinking about this alot lately, especially because I scrolled back through my archive not long ago looking for old fic related content and stumbled across loads of old asks from around 2021 when we were really happy together, and those asks paint such a perfect picture of everything, and it's weird because I can hardly remember that year now... But I do know I was that happy and that we were a really beautiful couple. I think he just changed a lot and slowly enough I didn't really see it until it was way too late...
But idk, I really do believe we were as good as I used to talk about us being back during that first year of being together together. Then idk, maybe towards the end of 2022 things were a bit, not rocky, but I definitely started to have doubts... The thing was there were so many other miserable things going on that I could put the doubts down to anxiety and circumstances rather than anything being wrong with the actual relationship... I always had an excuse for why things were the way they were... And he was still there for me in ways I guess my family weren't seeing... And also so many of the things that I had doubts about were like, I kept telling myself they were me problems, or that I was being petty and shallow... Stuff to do with like, physical presentation, or the way he'd speak to me sometimes...
And then yeah, late 2023 I think I knew we were on a losing streak, we had these arguments that should have been petty little squabbles that we came out of as adults... But instead he'd be really shitty to me about them, and they'd almost always circle back to being about how bad his mental health was, id say something like "hey, pls remember you said you'd apply for that course because we're supposed to be moving in together and you're meant be moving out your family home..." And he'd get super angry and then be like "this is the kind of thing that makes me want to *insert dramatic graphic description of whichever suicide method he fancied that day"
And like, he'd make me feel bad for questioning small things like if he didn't brush his teeth and I said hey maybe you should brush your teeth today, then he'd make really snide bitchy comments to me or go back to the "this is the kind of thing that makes me want to kill myself" thing again.
And idk, I'm really understanding of mental health, my job means I'm really trained in understanding it, and my own experiences of it mean I can be very understanding, but like because of that I Know that what he was doing was abusive. And like he would often use my mental health against me if I tried to raise the issue and be like "you shouldn't treat me like this.."
And then obviously even when things were bad, 2022 and 2023 were pretty heavily littered with good moments. And moments when he made me feel loved and treasured...
Then again there was a night we were out last year, we'd been drinking with our mates all day and there weren't enough seats so I had to sit in his lap, and it was all fine but after awhile I'd worried if I was too heavy and then when I asked him if he was alright me sitting there or if I was too heavy he thought it would be a funny thing if he dropped me as a joke. But he let me fall on the floor in front of our mates to get a laugh out of the boys and idk, I think I was upset with him for that but he turned it on me and pretended like he hadn't realised it was mean... And I believed him, and I just think that if my dad had said the things he said to me today about why he had started to go off B, then I'd have realised so fucking fast that my dad was right and that actually I needed to leave and stop wasting my life.
And this all makes everything so painful because it's like wow my best mate of like nearly 8 years wound up treating me like I was his fucking disposable vape or something:/
I think the shit part of the breakup has finally hit lol
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astriiformes · 2 years
u (asexual) were not always included in the lgbt community 😭 y’all started existing in 2008 after the hard work was all done don’t lie
Usually I wouldn't reply to a message like this -- it was sent in response to a post that included plenty of examples of historical ace and aro involvement in what we now think of as the queer community, and was obviously sent just to be inflammatory and get an upset reply. I'm secure enough in my ace and aro identity -- and have more then enough allo, queer friends who consider me a part of their community -- that mean asks on tumblr aren't about deter me from my activism, both in the aro/ace sphere and the broader queer one.
But this particular anonymous ask just so happens to be one of the most astonishingly self-centered, short-sighted examples of ace hate I've ever gotten, so let's have a little talk about what's going on here.
Anon, it takes a special kind of person to claim the hard work is done and over on Trans Day of Remembrance, when we are mourning at minimum 32 people who were killed in the United States for being transgender in this last year -- and at least 327 people globally; on the heels of 2021 being the single worst year the Human Rights Campaign has recorded for trans murders on the United States, and when just yesterday night, 5 people were murdered and another 25 injured in a shooting at a queer club. When 2022 has seen the highest number of pieces of anti-LGBTQIA+ legislation filed in the United States on record -- many but not all targeted at not just trans people, but trans youth. When states like Texas and Florida are sending social workers after parents who support their children's gender transition and scaring queer and trans teachers out of schools. When there is an increasing movement to ban books featuring queer stories from schools and libraries across the United States -- including ones like Maia Kobabe's Gender Queer, which talks extensively about the author's aromantic and asexual identity as well as their gender journey. When TERF rhetoric dominates the news and political spheres in the United Kingdom, and British trans folks face horrific waits of three, four, five, and more years to access lifesaving care as the number of providers in the country who can offer it to them dwindles. When queer Ukranians are speaking out about the danger the invasion of their homeland by a country with a number of trans- and queerphobic laws in place puts them in (and when queer Russians have been living under those laws for some time now). When queer and trans people all over the world are watching all of this with worry for ourselves and the people we love.
What part of that is easy? What part of the hard work is done? Trans and queerphobic sentiments are on the rise and you seem to think you have some kind of laurels to sit on -- and worse, some kind of moral superiority. Tell me you aren't involved in the fight without telling me you aren't involved in the fight.
I (asexual) happen to have marched in a protest for trans rights in below-freezing weather this week. I had a conversation with the vice-president of my university's queer student organization about how I'd like to get involved in leadership next year. I helped talk a peer down from feeling suicidal when she came into the queer student center crying. I have also been talking a lot lately with my queerplatonic partner about how much happier she is having learned to embrace her ace identity and how much more comfortable she is in an ace relationship. I have been fighting for this community out on the streets while you decided the best use of your time was to hide behind anonymity and try to tear someone fighting for you down.
Because guess what, anon? Even if you want to pretend this fight -- that, yes, ace and aro people have been in all along -- is over, I don't think you deserve to have your right to marry taken away just because you grew complacent any more than I deserve to have a doctor make belittling comments towards me while I hold my queerplatonic partner's hand in the ER just because we're not married. (And yes, the latter actually happened to me this year, in this oh-so-easy world where all the fighting's done and where ace people were apparently never victims in the first place.) You're a bully, but you're human, and my queer advocacy doesn't exclude anyone -- even jerks.
I've been identifying as aromantic and asexual since I was 16 years old. In the last decade, I've received dozens of messages like this, and had hundreds of other horrible judgements slung at me in the reblogs of my posts. I've had people I marched with in Pride parades say insensitive things about my identities the very same day. I've watched other ace and aro friends bear similar trauma at the hands of our own community and We're. Still. Here.
My friends from the university's ace and aro club marched side-by-side with me in the snow, with handwarmers stuffed in our gloves, to protest earlier this week. Another of my aro/ace friends founded a queer affinity group in a major international charity club that has hundreds of members worldwide now, supporting each other and forging life-long friendships. Another ace friend is on a committee at my university fighting for more gender-neutral restrooms on campus. I've helped queer friends move from unsupportive homes and spoken at others' weddings when most of the rest of their family refused to show up. The queer community is my home, and it's an honor and a privilege to fight for it, even if it's a tragedy to still have to. I don't have to prove I belong here.
But you -- who seem to to think that tearing down someone different from you, in a community that's been about being different from the start, is the pinnacle of activism? You might.
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sonicphobia0601 · 7 months
Well... I guess it's time for me to be serious. This marks the seven year anniversary of my dad passing away. I still remember the date.
February 11, 2018. I was in my dad's room, watching videos on YouTube and playing Sonic Dash on my tablet. With zero explanation, at 4:30, I lost complete interest in what I was doing. It was raining. My mom came home that night and told me the bad news. That night, I said goodbye to my dad for the last time.
We had his memorial gathering on his birthday. It was supposed to be his sixtieth birthday. A lot of people came to see my family, including the kind of family I don't like giving attention to.
Enough pity on the past!
Why don't you show how you grew as a person? I know you miss your dad, but show what happened afterwards!
Okay then.
2018: Dad died. The beginning of my development of personality started here. After my dad died, I only took one day off from school. I had prom on my 18th birthday and was the only time I pulled a complete all nighter due to attending prom and post prom. I graduated high school that year with cum laude. I start college living on campus that fall. And let me tell you, it's not 100% like the movies. I was on the Cheer team and accidentally discovered my love for horror, playing a bunch of FNAF. I start playing Sonic games, discovering that I actually loved Sonic. Yes, I wrote fanfiction at 16, but it was cringe and trauma dumping at its finest.
2019: I befriend the class snitch (big mistake), got gaslit by both the head of the special needs program along with the class snitch. Ended up alone. Had a mental breakdown that resulted in me getting suspended indefinitely (not proud of myself). Slowly figured out that I wasn't exactly straight.
2020: Remember that suspension from 2019? Well, it cost me a scholarship but it is a blessing in disguise... Because while I was suspended, I was not allowed on campus. And we all know what happened in March of that year. I completely avoided a tactical nuke because of my suspension. It turned out, my old college had a big outbreak of COVID. I honestly enjoyed the first part of COVID because it was quiet and no overstimulating activity happened outside. Got myself a temporary job at a gym as a custodian. It was nasty but the people there liked me. I completed Portal 2. And I attended a Halloween wedding that year. I dressed as a plague doctor for the XDs. That was fun. And I start writing on Wattpad.
2021: Uh... I'm not talking about what transpired here. But long story short, if you are drinking alcohol, GO SLOWLY. You'll thank me later. And that was when I learned of Poppy Playtime. I thought it was an April Fools prank by Zamination. It wasn't. Had fun playing it. And I start college in a community college. I decided to try Archive of Our Own as an outlet for my much darker stories.
2022: I kept getting misgendered online. So I started using they/them because of the obvious mistake. So now I figured out I'm pansexual and nonbinary.
2023: I entered the Billie Bust Up fandom because I found a short on YouTube, specifically one of Barnaby. Got curious. Fell in love with the game. Rest is history. Started a cosplay on Barnaby. Taught myself how to stim discreetly. (Yes, I borrowed Fantoccio's face pat stim)
Now, here we are. 2024. I wonder how much I would grow.
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vro0m · 1 year
You were there during the aftermath of 2021. From what I get from the veterans it was hell.
Me I'm kinda new to the fandom. See,I knew about Lewis in about 2017-2018 because I was following Jourdan Dunn and Olivier Rousteing (Balmain) on Insta , and there was this Balmain campaign. So I saw him and let me be real, he looked like that typical lightskin man who is a fuckboy, party like Neymar, is toxic and will live you wahala back, front, left, right, up down and center. So it was a pass.
Then comes I think the time around may 2022 i got interested in knowing who is Lewis Hamilton. Prior to that some aesthetic blog non F1 related blog that were my mutuals and could not name one F1 driver beside him, so in my head this was already a fine fine boy.
I am going to be honest with you I'm not a Lewis fan because of F1 but because of his influence outside of F1 (things like his Tommy gig, Balmain, his appearances in celebrity events like the Met Gala). The main reason I became a fan is because he is handsome and dress well and is an A-list celebrity, so even if you think Formula 1 is a brand of baby food, you know who that man is. Plus as a Black woman I gotta support the only Black man in the sport, so.
But again I joined F1blr in 2022. And let me tell you: it was a mess. Drama everywhere, fandoms war everywhere, racism everywhere and on top of that I do not even understand how a car works! It made me feel like I was Beyoncé and Jay Z had just cheated on me: the fandom was giving me chest pain because I had to defend a 37 years old man's legacy to strangers who had babies with their fave driver in delululand.
Fortunately for me, I remembered that blocking people and filtering tags is something. So now my experience is enjoyable. Also, when and why did you become a Lewis fan (si tu en es une, parce que je viens de me rappeler que tu parles français et que j'aurais juste pu écrire en français dès le début 😩)
Sorry pour le long pavé là
Yeah but comme ça tout le monde comprend c'est plus convivial mdr
Okay so here's how it came to be for me. I was watching My next guest needs no introduction with David Letterman on Netflix in 2019. Loving it. Season 2 episode 3 was Tiffany Haddish. I was getting close to the end of the episode, so I took a peek at who's next. "Lewis Hamilton". 🤔 sounds vaguely familiar, I'm like who's that. Read the summary : "World champion Formula One driver..." I go : "aww no fuck that who cares about Formula One". But I'm nothing if not curious. I didn't know who Tiffany Haddish was either. I still watched. I still learnt. I still enjoyed. I think "whatever, if it's boring I'll skip it". It wasn't boring.
First of all same as you he got my attention because he's hot. No way around it. Second of all he got my attention because he explains F1 isn't just sitting in a car, that it's super hard, that it's an actual sport. Third of all he got my attention because he was endearing af. He talks excitedly and knows his shit. He takes David Letterman for a ride and they break a car. He makes his dad stand up from his seat in the audience so everyone can applaud him for everything he did for his son. (Gifs : 1 - 2 - 3) I'm like seriously : WHO'S THAT.
And, I repeat, I'm nothing if not curious so I think "eh, I guess I don't know shit about F1 and it's not what I thought. Maybe I should watch a race." Pour mourir moins con, comme on dit. So I look it up. When's the next race. Oh this sunday. I'm not very busy on sundays. Where can I watch it. Oh they broadcast it on national tv for free. How convenient.
I watch the race. Here I am almost 4 years later. I came for Lewis, I stayed, extremely weirdly, for the sport.
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heilith · 2 years
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I posted 982 times in 2022
That's 803 more posts than 2021!
240 posts created (24%)
742 posts reblogged (76%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 674 of my posts in 2022
Only 31% of my posts had no tags
#lotr - 120 posts
#amazing art - 96 posts
#the hobbit - 66 posts
#boromir - 62 posts
#thranduil - 60 posts
#legolas - 48 posts
#drabbles - 48 posts
#haldir - 47 posts
#thorin - 30 posts
#old stuff - 28 posts
Longest Tag: 70 characters
#and he fell in love with a witch and flew out of the chimney after her
My Top Posts in 2022:
Loss and Gain
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A/n: As requested by @a-music-undergrad​ “Haldir notices the reader had a bad day and, in the most subtle and elusive way of his, offers a hug”. A bit loosely, but still. I do hope you like it. The feedback is very welcome.
@mismaeve​ Hi! :) I still managed to find a substitute for that word!
@scyllas-revenge​ Not sure you’re interested, but you asked me to tag you.
Sorry if there’re any mistakes or typos - my bad, I tried to edit it carefully. Also sorry if it’s awful - then forget you ever read that! 
Ok, here it is...
Loss and gain
The light was pouring out of what looked like a thousand of windows, adding to your resentment. The people inside were making the merriest of the merries, as you were only left to wonder what had caused such a burst of cheer.
Whatever it was, you had not been considered a person important enough to deserve your place among the celebrators. Among the musicians, at the very least. The neglect was more offending, since you’d counted the so forgetful dwellers of the house among your friends.
And now couldn’t be so sure any longer.
The thought weighed unpleasantly on your mind since the morning, when you’d noticed the first preparations for the feast. As boring a life as you led, you’d been eager to partake in something to brighten it up, and the surprise of no suggestions of the kind was a rough one.
You sighed, telling yourself it was high time to leave and cease wounding your heart with the spectacle of the pleasure you’d been denied.
Would you have been that much of a burden?
Were you that unsavory a company?
“Enjoying your solitude, little neighbor?”
He had the most irritating manner of appearing by your side out of the blue, when you least expected it.
“Not anymore,” you muttered in a nasty sulky voice.  
It had been silly of you to expect Haldir to have the temerity of looking guilty or thrown off his reserve.
“I wonder who’s to blame,” he encountered, untouched by the heavy hint in the greeting you’d bestowed upon him.  
A particularly loud blast of laughter from the house interfered with your reply. You shrugged, averting your eyes to try and discern the silhouettes of the guests - to guess what had enlivened them to this extent.  
“They must be really happy,” the words came out way more wistful than you wished.
“Some of them are. At least, they seem to be,” agreed he, “Are you not, little neighbor?”
You could never fathom why he insisted on calling you that. To your humble mind, the nickname was in a bad taste. It had you feeling more insignificant than you already knew you were. But you had yourself gulp it down each time, too polite to speak your annoyance.
It was such a trifle, after all, that you noticing it at all could only be an object of ridicule.
“I can you take you there, if that’s what you want,” offered he, leaning against the trunk of the mallorn, under the canopy of which you’d been pining away so pathetically.
“It’s called intruding, big neighbor,” you couldn’t restrain yourself from returning the favour for once. Alas, by the looks of it, his prideful self strangely enjoyed it – at least, his smirk didn’t testify to the contrary. Oh perhaps, he hadn’t let it grasp his attention at all.
“Not when you’re invited.”
“I was not,” the objection seemed amiss to you.
“Their loss,” stated he calmly.  
The hour was far beyond the midnight, and the celebration was waning at an unhurried pace. The joyful tunes became tamer, more hushful, then metamorphized into a languid ballad, long and saddening.
See the full post
79 notes - Posted April 8, 2022
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A/n: A Boromir x reader for the challenge of the lovely host @mismaeve​ for the Maeve’s January Tolkien Prompt Challenge
The prompt is “Have you no regrets?”  I’m afraid, my take is very primitive, but that’s all I could come up with, and I really wanted to participate. :) 
Warning: not exactly NSFW, so I guess the tag will be redundant, but it’s Mature. 
Also tagging my dear @averil-of-fairlea​ for the reason of Boromir. :)
Anyway, let’s move to it.
His eyes, so simply gray in daylight, showed all different in the glowing darkness of a Lorien night. Dark like the reflection of a storm cloud in a stirless lake. Coldish like the cruel steel of his sword. Deep like the waves, that had once closed over Númenor, hard and full of twisting shadows.
The air was tainted with the smell of your blood. Boromir could hardly fail to sense it, too, you could read it in his face, see it from the way his nostrils widened slightly, when he leaned over you for one last kiss. A satisfied hunter, still taut with the exertion of the chase and murder, but already triumphing over his prey.
This one had come too easy for him, your feared.  
The two of you both marred the place and blended with it perfectly.
“Are you cold?”
The quietest question you had ever heard of him. You smiled in your mind, too exhausted to let it show on your lips. He was so unlike himself, and still so much of what you’d known him to be.
“Not yet.”
His skin was cooling off against yours slowly, but he didn’t hasten to deliver you from his weight.
The core of you was sore and had already started throbbing vaguely. Oh, hadn’t he had the best intentions to be tame and gentle with you. You had turned them into nothing with your moans, kissed them into dust and drove him into frenzied near-madness quite deliberately.
It took him a while to recover from it, and now the after-thoughts were stealing in with him.  
“Have you no regrets?” he asked, voice even, yet strained like a string on a verge of tearing.
It was a bitter pleasure to run your fingers through his hair, again and again. You wished you could make yourself memorize the feeling for the rest of your life.
“I don’t know this word,” you whispered, “I forgot it.”
A husky exhale left his chest. He shook his head, obviously even unaware that he was doing it.
You took a breath at last, as he placed himself by your side silently, sliding his arm under your neck to press you close into him.
The Golden – now Silver – Wood heaved a tired sigh, sending leaves into trembling and scaring off whatever curious spirits could be spying on you at this hour.
Without a word he brought your hand to his mouth and kissed your knuckles, then your open palm.
“Yes, love,” responded he softly.  
It came out with such ease that you had no heart to voice your mind and shatter the peace that you had given him, if only for a moment.
Don’t die. Don’t leave me.
“No,” you said on a calming note, “It’s nothing.”
His “now” was still here. And you could only hope it was still strong enough to fight his “then”.
93 notes - Posted January 10, 2022
Legolas jealousy (your Yearning fic has me addicted to this now.)
Well, well, since you liked Feel me so much, consider this to be a sort of a near-sequel for it. If something is wrong, sorry, a bad day today for me. Thank you for the request!
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The urge to close his eyes is too strong, and Legolas succumbs to it almost with relief.
The sight of you is a torture.
You’re sleeping peacefully, a treasured prize in the circle of warrior’s arms, strong and jealous enough to keep you safe for as long as you allowed it.
Not his arms.
He was too late. Too fainthearted to face you in broad daylight. He found himself a dozen of better things to do, not a hard task for an Elf in an Elven realm…  
His heart is festering with pain that he can find neither name nor remedy for.
A gift from you, concealed behind the sweetness of his name on your lips.
It’s hard to say what Legolas resents more – your games with his fancy or his own eagerness to ignore what he knows only too well. You do not care for him.
He could as well perish in the Halls of Moria, or long before that. You’d cry, perhaps, but not as it is fit to cry over the love that never came to be.
He’s not your friend, either.
He’s nothing, far less than the Man of the South, whose chest is burdened with the weight of your trust now. This one you feel at peace with, no matter how little affection is involved. Him you will see, as you open your eyes in the morning. He will return your smile and accept your gratitude for a night of tranquility.  
You’re beautiful.   
Legolas shudders hard, as the hand of the Gondorian wraps itself around your shoulder too tight for a friendly gesture.
He would never suspect it could take so little for every bit of selflessness to be ousted out of him.
He takes a step.
The feeling of your skin under his fingers breaks him yet again.
You flinch in your sleep, as the raw longing oozes from his fingertips and drips into your blood to bloom inside of you like wolf’s bane.
The man gives him a look, that promises no good.  
“Her dreams are vile,” utters Legolas in a calm undertone, “She’ll be better now.”
@oenothera5 @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore @mismaeve I think you were interested in that drabble, too. :)
99 notes - Posted November 11, 2022
WIP ask game
WIP Name Game
rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and interests you and i’ll tell you something about it!
Oh, do I have a pretty bunch of WIPS of a various degree of staleness:
1) Blade
2) Bottled up
3) Ball and chain (gosh, do all of them start with B?)
4) Boromir_bet
5) Lonely girl_trigger
6) Legolas_in_disguise
7) Mairon
8) Safe landing
9) The_Anchor_2
10) Kitty cat
11) Faramir_love_letters
12) Robin Hood
I could swear there was something else, but nope, can’t find it. 
Tagging  @arizonapoppy (you haven’t done it before, have you?), @pollysforthelonelypeople  @faeriefics @xxbyimm @mismaeve
117 notes - Posted January 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
In the Middle
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Ok, @mismaeve​, I KNOW it’s not exactly what you asked for, but, hmm, perhaps, you needed it? Just in case, don’t kick me too hard. Oh, and it’s also pretty short, with a lot to think up on your own.
I used two prompts for kisses, the one that you requested - A kiss that is leading to more, but is interrupted by a third party with Elrond - and something like A breathy demand: “Kiss me” - and what the other person does to respond - and here we’re in for a twist.
The gorgeous drawing belongs to Yen-Yen-Yen
Anyway, here it is.
In the Middle
…two, three…
His each kiss came with a little gift.
A soft, teasing bite.
A word of admiration and want -  a touch of air, barely above whisper, more tangible than audible.
A brush of soothing fingertips against your cheek.
A broken exhale he would let you scatter with a laugh or a moan of your own.  
…seven, eight…
Just like always, you were your best pliant self, lending your mouth to him to try and bewitch you, and turn your mind, so ever-wakeful and loaded with mistrust, into a shrine of tranquility, to where only one worshipper was allowed, if not completely welcome.  
The old game of give and receive, in which you were never the giver.
His arms were begging and insistent. You played along, a waxen likeness of a goddess under his hands, inviting him to mold you into whatever shape pleased him best.
And his kisses were an offering and a prayer, and you accepted both without a shadow of shame.
The door behind your back creaked open and was shut immediately. The rough sound brought you back to alertness. You flinched and stumbled in the middle of your count, pulling yourself out of his embrace, yet there was not a trace of a strange presence in the chamber already.
Just when you needed your peace so badly…
“I’m sorry,” you murmured more to yourself, than to him, half-relieved, half-repentant.  
“You never need to be,” reproached he mildly, “Go rest, my heart, it’s getting late.”
Another kiss could make up for the crumbling hopes, but that you’d have to grant him on your own, and that wasn’t what you wanted now. Or yet.
It still felt sweeter to be lulled than to take care of someone else’s comfort.
                                                         -       -       -
You motioned to step back, caught off-guard by the last thing you would ask for this evening.
He stood in your way silently, a disdainful presence, radiating scorn and bitter understanding.  
“You’re toying with him.”
The initial shock was wearing off little by little.
The choice of smiles you could give him was endless, but you didn’t settle for a kind one.
See the full post
188 notes - Posted June 23, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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jackiewepps · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤
Oh my! This is a hard one! I have so many works. How can I pick five?I guess I can list a few, and since I can't bring myself to rank them, let's do it in cronological order, the oldest first.
Free Parenting 2015 (AO3 2016)
The story just means a lot to me. I came up with it together with a friend, and it triggered a whole series. It is obvious that this story is eight years old at this point. My understanding of the English language and the Japanese culture has developed a lot since I wrote it, but I'm still proud of what I made, even if reading the mistakes now makes me cringe, it's only because I care. That I came up with that AU and all the conflicts that would come from this setting is still beyond me.
Hotel Room Fantasies 2017
This is still my most successful one-shot ever. Of course, it is BL, so that makes sense. Still, I once again managed to pull off exactly what I wanted. My intentions with the story was that the reader should not be able to tell whether what the boys do is actually happening or if it's just something going on in Serinuma's head, and I think I accomplished that really well. I really want to say I did it to perfection, but I also don't want to praise myself too much, but oh well. The numbers speak for themselves when it comes to this story.
Ace of Chatrooms 2017
My first chat-fic and my most successful one (of two). I remember that I only wrote this story because I wanted to try and write a chat-fic, and before I knew it, I had written half the story and it wasn't about to end anytime soon. I have no understanding of English chat-language and therefore did not use it. As a result, it probably feels less realistic, but everyone can follow it easily. It also has a lot of my humor in it and it is one of the fics I will sit down to read when I feel down and need something to laugh at. I've already read it more times than I can count, and the sequal too. When the Daiya anime continues, I'll probably write the third part of this series, but I definitely need the material to base the chaos off of before I can unfold it again.
Danger Zone 2021 (Title might change)
This story is probably the most complicated one I've ever written, and not because I find the plot too complicated. It's mainly the storylines. We follow quite a few characters throughout the story and their stories are all connected, not just because they know each other, but each minor plotline has an impact on the overall story. I'm proud of how it turned out. I still call it my masterpiece. I mean, it took me two years writing it and only half a year publishing it. That part is bittersweet, but I'm proud of my work and I enjoy going back to read it.
I Will Go With You 2021-2022
So much research went into this story. I did the same when I wrote Figure Swimming, but I still did more research here. I wanted to make the snowboarding seem realistic, and I wanted all facts about Canada to be as accurate as possible. There were a few problems, as it is not known exactly where in Canada Langa is from, except they don't speak French there. But I looked into how long it would take to travel to Canada, how to get in, what kind of food is traditionally Canadian, the school system, and of course everything worth knowing about snowboarding. On top of that, I feel like I managed to flesh out my original characters really well. I still have art of Louis and Lian that I don't think made it unto any website. I also think I managed to make Langa's grandparents into more than just some stick figures, and the same with Erica. I managed to include all the scenes I had in my head and make an interesting story. The only thing I'm sad about is that even in my story Reki can't win a race. Good thing I'm playing with the idea of making a sequel to this story too.
Honorable Mentions:
Imagination (2016) because I like that I managed to come up with it and execute the idea that well.
Figure Swimming (2017) because other people tell me I got the characters' personalities really well (and it was the first work I did a lot of research for).
Dumb Luck (2022) because it marks my "dark age" of realism. I also personally think it makes sense in spite of me not using the names of the main characters of the story.
Knights and Princesses (2022) because the scene on the bridge came out just as I had intended it to.
I know I was not supposed to list this many, but with a total of 88 works on AO3, there is quite a lot to choose from. I also would have liked to mention a few more, but I guess I'll really have to stop myself at this point.
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comebackali · 1 year
🔥 + those new star wars shows
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i feel like it's not an unpopular opinion that disney star wars is like, bad, and we're very over saturated with sw content rn. but let's go one by one for disney era sw shows, yeah?
rebels (2014-2018): okay i love rebels. nuthin to say here. it's not perfect but overall, a good fun time. good fun characters. love it.
forces of destiny (2017-2018): meh. the animation is meh, but i liked most of the padme ones, and i liked the ones where the girls from different franchises interact, like leia and sabine and jyn. i like the concept, but overall was underwhelmed. but for what it was it's fine.
resistance (2018-2020): i don't really have an opinion on resistance. i watched a few episodes when it first came out but it didn't really pull me in. so i'm neutral on it, but it's sequel era so auto hate i guess. but not really. it's fine.
galaxy of adventures (2018-2020): best animation in star wars. oh and it's narrated by dante basco? incredible. love it.
the mandalorian (2019-present): hate. i liked the first season cuz i liked baby yoda (he's cute!), and i liked pedro pascal becoming daddy™, but then season 2 was just bad. the best part was them getting temuera morrison back as boba fett, but we all know how that turned out. and season 3 was simply intolerable. even characters i used to sort of like i now hate with a firey passion. like bo katan?? hate her. why is she so young?? and here's the real unpopular opinion, i HATE baby yoda. like he's not even cute to me anymore i literally just hate him with the passion of a thousand firey suns. i think it's the combo of over saturation plus the absolute STUPIDNESS that was his "arc" in the book of boba fett, but kill that little green old man with fiiiiiire 🔥🔥🔥. i didn't even care about the order 66 stuff with him, it was just so stupid. the best part was my boy kelleran beq. but i do respect the hell out of pedro pascal for being like, the highest paid voice actor in hollywood. like he's barely in the suit anymore but literally get that bread 🤑🤑🤑
jedi temple challenge (2020): i cannot belieeeeeeeeeve that when i look up "star wars shows" wikipedia has every fucking show listed EXCEPT jedi temple challenge. THE AUDACITY. THE DISRESPECT. jedi temple challenge is a star wars game show based on game shows like "legends of the hidden temple" from back in the day, and it's an absolute delight. AND it brought ahmed best (jar jar binks) back into star wars. and he did such a good job and you can tell he had such a fun time doing it. kelleran beq my absolute BELOVED. y'all think you love him but none of you love him like i do. also SAM WITWER??! frank oz?? zakai "the dark side is a little bitch" you absolute fucking legend? incredible, no notes. i wish there were a thousand seasons.
the bad batch (2021-present): hate. #unwhitewashthebadbatch. also, it's boring. i just don't care.
visions (2021-present): best thing that's happened to star wars in 20 years. love forever ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
the book of boba fett (2021-2022): HATE. IT'S JUST SOOOOOOOO BAD. HOW COULD THEY DO THIS TO MY BOY????? temuera morrison deserved sooooooooooo much better. and don't even TALK to me about what they've done to my son, luke jskywalker. fake luke skywalker. jake skywalker. terrible. hate hate hate.
obi wan kenobi (2022): my beloved. has done nothing wrong in their life, i know this and i love them. (except for what they've done to my boy the grand inquisitor. and fifth brother. but we don't talk about that.) genuinely so surprised that it was as good as it was, seeing the state of star wars live action before it. but i've never been so grateful that dave felony does not care about obi wan as a character, and therefore does not feel the need to rub his greedy little hands all over him. deborah chow did such a good job protecting the integrity of the characters imo. i would have been happier if it was just sad man alone in the desert, hallucinating anakin and house hunting with force ghost qui gon, but i've since gotten over that. i loved baby leia and the organas. also i don't think this is an unpopular opinion but KATHLEEN KENNEDY IS A LITTLE BITCH FOR CANCELLING S2 BUT GREENLIGHTING A REY MOVIE THAT NO ONE WANTS. ESPECIALLY when ewan/hayden/jimmy were all on board. she's number one on my hit list tbh. but if that was all we had it was enough. better to die a hero than live long enough to see yourself become a villain, and all that.
andor (2022-present): rogue one is the best thing that star wars has ever done imo, and andor is andor: a rogue one story, so it's great. but i fucking hate polldark cereal man. he's so fucking annoying. every time he is on screen i am throwing things at my tv. i don't even know his name, sibil, maybe? anyway, he's fucking stupid. taking away valuable screen time from my beloveds and for what? and he's just so boring. he's not even an interesting fascist like dedra (who i really only like because of the actress's incredible performance in "under the banner of heaven"). but anyway he's the worst. unpopular opinion is that mon mothma is sooo valid for selling her daughter to satan for one corn chip. go off queen.
tales of the jedi (2022-present): stupid. you can't even have continuity in your own canon? get it together dave, christ alive. i wanted to like it but, meh. i did like the rex, ahsoka, anakin one, because it's peak anakinnuttery and he's literally so insane i love it.
young jedi adventures (2023-present): adorable. you're killing it babies. high republic is fun. all the gold drip is fun. and the little riyo chuchi pantoran with the purple lightsaber is adorable. the eps are whatever, but it's literally made for 3 year olds, so it's great.
ahsoka (2023): it's so terrible i can't even speak. my expectations were low but man they wow'd me with how bad it was. first bitchy thing: ewan's new wife as hera was even more terrible than i was expecting. i can't think of a single thing i liked, except sabine a little, but that is for lesbian reasons and i cannot be held accountable for that. the rampant love for shin is soooooooo transparent. like i don't even dislike her, i like her just fine, but come on. and cgi hayden?? are you kidding me?? he looked SOOOOOOOO terrible are y'all for real?? i knew it was gonna be bad but damn. biggest takeaway was that whoever was in charge of the sound editing should be SHOT. it was so bad and sooooooo distracting. it took me right out.
huh. i guess overall i don't hate as many as i thought. but still, the ones i hate i really hate, and waaaaaaaaaaaaay too many. i'd sell them all to satan (except kenobi) for one corn chip.
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harlowsbby · 2 years
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I posted 13,827 times in 2022
That's 13,635 more posts than 2021!
8,736 posts created (63%)
5,091 posts reblogged (37%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,384 of my posts in 2022
#jack harlow - 1,390 posts
#jack harlow concepts - 816 posts
#🌸 anon - 260 posts
#jack harlow imagine - 237 posts
#🧁 anon - 192 posts
#urban - 189 posts
#jack harlow x reader - 181 posts
#🍉anon - 119 posts
#🌎anon - 113 posts
#💕 anon - 90 posts
Longest Tag: 127 characters
#my classmate asked for a ride to school and i was iffy at first but she said she’ll give me gas money so i said alright fuck it
My Top Posts in 2022:
710 notes - Posted August 6, 2022
Angst request: gf yn is on tour with Jack and one of the tour mates is crushing really hard on yn. Jealous Jack. Possessive Jack. Sweetheart yn.
She’s taken
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Jack loved you with all his heart he truly did you were the girl of his dreams the sweetheart he’s been manifesting but at the same time he hated the fact that you acted so clueless to when other guys were flirting with you or trying to get at you.
Jack had asked if you wanted to join him on tour and you of course said yes you were beyond thrilled to see everything that went on behind the scenes of everything and seeing your man before every other night was something you wouldn’t wait to see.
You were all in Denver Colorado for Jack’s show that night you were currently sitting with Neelam and Jt just looking at different types of nail designs and hairstyles you all wanted to do for tonight’s show. You were so into the different designs that you didn’t notice one of Jack’s band members trying to get your attention till Jt tapped your shoulder.
“I think he’s trying to talk to you girl.” Looking up you smiled seeing Earl, he was apart of Jack’s live band he was really and always kind to you.
“Oh hi Earl how are you doing? You ready for tonight’s show.”
Neelam and Jt smirked at one another noticing a certain curly headed boyfriend of yours now inspecting Earl and You.
“Yes most definitely I’m always ready to go out there and show out like we always do.” There wasn’t not one mean bone in your body you just loved to spread love and positivity and that was something Jack loved, you always judged by the mind and heart never by how a person looks like or acts like.
“That’s good I’m really excited you do so good on the drums I always wanted to play the drums back in high school.”
“I can always teach you whenever you’re free if you’re down.”
“I’d like that.” He smiled and the two of you continued to talk about anything and everything.
“You just gonna let him sweet talk your girl.?” Nemo came from behind Jack and rubbed on his shoulders. Jack was trying him best to work on being less possessive and protective with you because the last thing he wanted was for you to think he controlled you and controlled who you talked to.
“What am I gonna say Nemo? You know how Y/N is she’ll get mad at me instead of Earl and besides she doesn’t really see the issue I guess.”
“All I’m saying is the way he’s touching up on your girl and being all friendly with her wouldn’t slide with me.” Nemo walked away from Jack leaving him alone in his thoughts as he watched Earl brush his hands on your arms a few times but what did it for Jack was when Earl leaned in to say something in your ear which caused you to start giggling like a fool.
He quickly flung off the couch and started walking towards the two of you.
“Uh oh here comes trouble.” Neelam and Jt both laughed and watched how Jack’s face held a stern and jealousy look.
“May Earl rest easy he lived a good life.” Jt joked the two of them ready for what was about to go down.
“What’s going on over here?” You jumped a bit at the sound of Jack’s voice since you didn’t hear him walking up from behind you.
“Earl was just telling me how he can teach me how to play the drums sometime when we all have downtime that is.” Earl smiled and nodded up at Jack but his smile was quickly replaced by a frown.
Jack rolled his eyes at Earl and held a stern and cold look with him till he felt you tugging on his hoodie, his face softened when he made eye contact with you, something about you always managed to calm him down and he was grateful that you were his light when he had bad days.
“Jack? What’s wrong baby did something happen, did someone say anything to you.” You looked up at him with your big doe eyes your voice sounding so sweet and fragile that Jack almost forgot what he was mad about.
“Uh nothings wrong baby I just came over to see if you wanted to get something to eat before the show?” Jack sighed mentally he knew he should’ve brought up what was bothering him but he wasn’t about to stress the small stuff, he knew you were loyal to him and only him so there was no need to worry.
Smiling you nodded and took his hand in yours before quickly giving Earl a hug goodbye.
“Bye Earl I’ll see you later before the show.” You waved him goodbye and he smiled back before waving bye as well.
“What do you feel like eating Jack?”
“Whatever you want baby.” He brought the back of your hand up to his lips and kissed it before wrapping his left arm around your shoulder and brining you into him.
“This man sure is whipped.” Jt told Neelam as the two of them watched Jack and You leave to go get food.
“He sure is he sure is.”
730 notes - Posted September 10, 2022
concept: smacking jacks ass
but in front of his friends...
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“Y/N I swear on everything if you smack my ass in front of the boys ima hurt you baby.” Jack playfully threatened making you pout and hide your hands behind your back.
“Like I’d ever do something like that Jack you know I’d never embarrass you like that.” You lied perfectly straight through your teeth. He nodded scratching his beard and glaring at you slightly.
“For some reason I don’t believe you, if you slap my ass baby I won’t talk to you till next year.” He said before making his way downstairs to where everyone was at.
You smirked knowing full on well you were going to slap his ass in front of them but I mean you couldn’t resist it especially when it looked so round like a peach.
“Damn took y’all long enough I thought y’all was up there fucking like rabbits.” Druski said making everyone laugh meanwhile Jack flipped him off and stood in front of the tv watching the football game.
You couldn’t resist it just seeing how good his ass looked in those gray sweats it was hard not to slap it. Druski looked at you with his eyebrows furrowed as well as Clay and Urban till they saw your right hand lean back and slap Jack’s ass.
Jack yelped at how hard you actually slapped it and turned around quickly and covered his ass.
“Yo what the fuck your girlfriend slaps your ass? I knew your ass was freaky but shit.” Druski laughed making Urban and Clay almost spit out their drinks.
“Shit I didn’t know Y/N was the man of the relationship now.” Urban said making Jack flip him off.
“I just couldn’t help it your ass looked so good in those sweats ba-.” You squealed being lifted up and tossed onto Jack’s shoulder as he carried you upstairs.
“Ima show you who’s the man of this relationship baby I told you that you’d regret it.” Your eyes widened knowing you’d be on bed rest tomorrow.
“Yeah it’s time to head out, y’all want chic-fil-a?” Druski asked Urban and Clay who nodded their heads quickly before heading out.
734 notes - Posted May 25, 2022
imagine jack and reader sitting courtside and the basketball players giving reader all the attention and jack getting fed up😭🤍
Enough is enough
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“What’s wrong Jack? Are you not having any fun.” You teased as the grouch next to you groaned and huffed watching all the basketball players come up to you and flirt.
“No I’m not having any fun actually and I’d rather go back home.” He crossed his arms over his chest and pouted like a five year old child.
Tonight Jack wanted to take you on a little date night which consisted of the two of you sitting courtside side at the Golden State Warriors game but the minute the two of you arrived Jack instantly regretted it.
Your outfit was pretty simple nothing too over the top, Jack thought it would be cute if the two of you matched tonight, he wore a Golden State Jersey with his black cargos while you wore a very short short skirt in Jack’s eyes with a crop Golden State t-shirt.
“Jack you don’t see me getting upset when thousands of girls are thirsting over you and throwing themselves at you everyday, besides now you know how it feels.” You mumbled the last part but he heard you loud and clear.
“That’s different though baby, I don’t pay attention to any of them I only pay attention to you and half the time all they want is pictures, but these basketball players they want more then just pictures.”
“Yeah they wanna get between them thighs.” Urban joked from behind the two of you, Sunni chuckled but immediately stop when Jack flared at the two.
“Watch, I bet you one of them comes up to you and tries asking you out as if they don’t know you’re with me.” Jack soon regretted those words because just like magic one of the players known as Jordan Poole came strolling over to where you were all seated.
“Uh oh.” Sunni laughed and watched how Jack’s jaw clenched and unclenched, eyeing Jordan up and down.
“You know this whole time I’ve been trying to focus on the game but your beauty has honestly been distracting me so much.” Jordan grinned and sure you should’ve told him that Jack was your man but where was the fun in that.
“Why thank you Jordan you know I’ve honestly been only watching you all night.” Jack’s head whipped to the side, you stiffed a laugh at how his mouth flung open the shock and hurt evident on his face.
“Is that so pretty lady? Well if you don’t mind would you like to go out or something after the game?” You we’re going to continue teasing Jack and entertaining Jordan but based on the sour look placed on Jack’s face it was best you didn’t.
“I’m sorry Jordan but I do have a boyfriend, he’s right next to me actually.” His smile fell while Jack rolled his eyes, Urban and Sunni laughing like hyenas behind you.
“Oh shit my bad Jack I didn’t even know you had a girl.” Scratching the back of his head awkwardly, Jack shrugged his shoulders and turned to the side.
“I’m sorry.” You mouthed to Jordan as he walked off.
“Damn Y/N just out here pulling all the men tonight.” Sunni laughed but Jack sat there with a irritated expression his face.
“What’s wrong Jack? You know I was only playing with you.”
“Go date your little basketball player I’m sure he’ll show you all around the city.” He huffed and you frowned, when Jack got jealous he tended to take it too far and get in these mood swings.
“Alright ladies and gentlemen who’s ready for the kiss cam?” One of the announcers in the stadium announced over the loud speaker. Everyone laughed and aww’d at all the couples that made it on the kiss cam.
Before you knew it you were looking at your face and as well as Jack’s on the big screen.
“Uh oh is there trouble of paradise or is Jack Harlow always this grumpy?” The announcer asked making everyone in the room laugh.
“Come here Jack.” Grabbing Jack by his chin you smashed your lips onto his, him being petty didn’t kiss back at first but eventually he did and grabbed the side of your face deepening the kiss before pulling away.
“Well damn I thought a porno or something was for-sure going to happen.”
“Shut up Urban!” Jack and You said together.
“I’m sorry Jack, I shouldn’t have flirted with Jordan, can you forgive me?”
“I forgive you baby girl besides I know many ways you can make it up to me tonight.” He grinned and sure enough that night you made sure to make it up to him in many ways with many rounds.
749 notes - Posted October 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Master List
962 notes - Posted May 31, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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julesthoughts · 2 years
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I posted 73 times in 2022
Das sind 73 more posts als 2021!
20 posts created (27%)
53 posts reblogged (73%)
Blogs I reblogged most:
I tagged 33 of my posts in 2022
#personal – 11 posts
#ask – 11 posts
#duskwood – 11 posts
#thank you – 11 posts
#love – 8 posts
#julesisreading – 8 posts
#<333333333 – 6 posts
#duskwood everbyte – 6 posts
#duskwood fanfiction – 5 posts
#hacked-by-jake – 5 posts
Longest Tag: 43 characters
#i'll paint your nails as dark as my soul 😈
My Top Posts in 2022:
Trap of Lies
Chapter 21
This is a dark AU collaboration started by @x3kristax3. You can find the other chapters here.
TW: Mentioning of Torture and Violence
After ages, I was finally able to persuade Alan to leave his house. Of course, only with him, alone he would never let me go. His proximity drove me insane, and his constant advances got on my nerves. I kept telling him that I wasn't ready because of what had happened. He showed understanding, but still, it didn't stop him from trying again and again. It's been two weeks since I left Jake and honestly, I was hoping to get back to him as soon as possible. Back in his warm arms, look into his soft eyes and feel his soft lips on mine.
I shook my head slightly to break the train of thought. I couldn't think about Jake that much now, he was my weakness and weakness wasn't allowed right now. We went to the flower stand and as I was looking around, my favorite flowers caught my eye. I took a bundle and smelled them, a lump forming in my throat immediately. The memory of Jake watching me here back then came flooding back. He was a stranger and yet I felt drawn to him in a way. The corners of my mouth twitched up briefly, but I immediately put my face back to normal.
I swallowed the lump in my throat and put the flowers back as Alan wasn't going to buy them for me anyway. Alan had his back to me, and he was talking to someone, but I couldn't see who it was as he was completely hidden by Alan. I wanted to take a closer look, but suddenly I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder. I could already guess who it was, but I turned around to confirm my suspicion. In front of me was a red-haired beauty and I saw relief on her face. I put my arms around her, and she hugged me tightly to make sure I was really in front of her. I heard her sigh joyfully. The last time we saw each other was before I was kidnapped and held captive.
I wanted to detach myself from the hug, but Jessy wouldn't allow it. "MC, Jake told us everything. Everything. Would you explain to me why you are with him?” She whispered in my ear. The way she pronounced the word him sent chills down my spine.
I leaned closer to her ear and whispered, "I know what I have to do. Please be on standby, Jessy. You're the only one I trust completely." She loosened her grip, and I broke the hug. She put her hands on my cheeks and wiped my tears from my face with her thumbs. I didn't even realize that I started to cry. She gave me a compassionate smile.
"You can't let him see you cry. You can do it, I'll always have your back. You are so incredibly strong.” She took my hand while saying this.
Jessy looked so innocent and sweet, but when it came to her loved ones, she knew no bounds. When she cast her eyes on Alan, I saw pure hatred blazing in her irises. She hated this man like no other person in this world. I knew she would do anything to help me, and I was beyond grateful for that.
"Listen, I'll try to persuade him that I can meet you. I miss you and I could really use a girls day,” I sighed.
She knew that when I said girls' day, I didn't mean a normal girls' day. We wanted to catch up. I saw that Alan had finished his conversation and was approaching us. He put his arm around my waist. "Hello Jessica," he said cold as a stone.
Jessy rolled her eyes and I spoke to Alan, "Alan, I'd like to go with Jessy. She's on her way home and I haven't had a chance to meet her. I'd just like to have some girl time with her."
He took my chin in his fingers and looked deep into my eyes, scanning me. I sighed softly and my eyes softened, getting the answer I wanted. "Only if you promise to come back. I'm worried, you're not fully recovered."
He drove me crazy with his care. It was his fault that I felt so bad. Take a deep breath, MC! You have to pull yourself together if you want to reach your goal and get back to Jake. Since getting back together with Alan I've had serious problems controlling my temper. Knowing that I was pretending to love the man who put me through all the torture made me frustrated.
"Don't worry, I'm feeling pretty good today and besides, Jessy is with me,” I said shortly. I just couldn't speak long sentences with this man without losing my temper.
Out of the blue he took my face in his hands and kissed me firmly but sweetly on my lips. I kissed him back, I had to keep up my acting. I wanted this kiss to end, but Alan let the kiss deepen. What was the matter with him? I opened my eyes and saw that he was looking to the right. I followed his gaze and my heart shattered into a million pieces.
Jake stood there and his eyes were on us. He didn't even grimace, but there was pure pain in his eyes. His eyes made my heart clench painfully. Alan was really enjoying Jake's suffering and I broke the kiss abruptly. Alan glared at me, but I smiled sheepishly, "Alan, you know I'm not that fond of kissing in public." That was the truth, Jake respected my opinion and wouldn't kiss me in public.
Alan stroked my cheek, "Sorry, my feelings for you took over for a moment."
Fucking liar. I didn't understand what that was about, did he want to see Jake suffer? He didn't seem to realize I saw Jake and I took advantage of that. I kept acting the innocent woman in love with Alan. I said goodbye to Alan and when I turned around, I saw Jessy buying some flowers. She gave me a bunch of my favorite flowers and my eyes shone with joy, "Oh Jessy, that wasn't necessary. Thank you!"
On the way to the carriage, I saw Jake walking towards my father's trade business with his head bowed. He avoided my eye contact, and it broke my heart. I had broken his heart in the worst possible way. I began to have doubts as to whether he would even want me back once I had achieved my goal.
As we got into the carriage my lips started to tremble, Jessy already noticed from the outside of the carriage that I was watching Jake. She put her arm around me, and I let my head rest on her shoulder, exhausted.
"So, I'm waiting for an explanation. I know you know he was behind it all. Why are you with him?" She asked when the carriage took off.
I sighed shakily and tilted my head back. "You're right. I know it and I hate his every touch. Every time his lips touch mine it sends a shiver down my spine. But I have to go through this if I'm going to have a quiet life with Jake.” I pulled the ring out of my corset and held it in my hand, my eyes shining as I looked at it. “The question is if he even wants me back.” I spoke my thoughts out loud.
"Oh, my love, you still love him?” she asked happily. "Everyone thinks you don't love him anymore, including him. He needs to know that!"
"No!" I protested heatedly. "He mustn't be involved, do you hear me? And earlier he walked in the direction of my father's business. Something tells me that my father is helping him on the right path.”
Jessy shook her head, "Don't you want to give him at least a glimmer of hope?" She bit her lip, and I could tell immediately that she was holding back something. I ignored it.
"He doesn't need that, if I judge my parents correctly, they will have already given him hope. And if my assumption is right and my father really helps him to get back on the right path, then it would be more than wrong to involve him in it,” I said while bringing my head back to a normal position and avoiding Jessy's gaze.
See the full post
20 notes – Posted November 16, 2022
Tumblr media
I'm trying my hand at writing especially for Duskwood Fanfictions. I post Fanfictions on Wattpad and One-Shots here on Tumblr. I'm happy to take requests, if you have a request let me know. Mainly to Duskwood please. I hope you'll like my work. Enjoy!
Duskwood Fanfictions:
Duskwood - Dark Secrets
Duskwood - Who are you?
Duskwood - Loving A Criminal
Duskwood - Choose or Lose (Sequel to Who are you?)
Duskwood - Dunkle Geheimnisse (German Version of Dark Secrets)
Duskwood - One Shots
Other Stories:
The Betrayal
Tumblr Works:
Unexpected Reunion (Jake x MC)
Unexpected Reunion - Part Two (Jake x MC)
Unconditional Love (Jake x MC)
Revenge of the Rotten Tomatoes (Request)
You mean like a date? (Thomas x MC)
You are under arrest (Alan x MC)
Trap of Lies ( Dark AU based in the 1700s)
Rules: No bullying — No rassism — Trigger warning for sensitive topics
25 notes – Postet Oktober 11, 2022
Revenge of the Rotten Tomatoes
A/N: I was asked to turn one of my dreams into a short story. Thanks goes out to @hacked-by-jake Discord Server. The story is just bullshit my brain made up. Enjoy. :)
Words: 694
Requested from: @hacked-by-jake, @itsnotzka, @fem-moony, @julesisreading, @anabellerose96
TW: I don't now, Violence and fighting scenes. xD
I came home from work exhausted. I quickly changed and then went into the kitchen to make myself a sandwich. When I wanted to cut the tomatoes, I saw that they were already rotten, "Eww, no tomatoes today." I threw away the tomatoes and ate my sandwich. It was tasty, but the juicy tomato was missing. After I finished the sandwich, I quickly brushed my teeth and then watched some TV while I fell asleep on the couch.
I woke up early to the sound of loud banging noises. I went outside to see what was going on, the first thing I heard was panicked screams. I saw a young woman run past my house and get pierced by a green spike. She screamed, looked at me and asked for my help. I ran to her, and another green spike hit her. She kept running until she eventually fell down and stopped moving.
I wanted to run to her when a green spike grazed my arm. I turned around and couldn't believe what I saw there. I ran back into my house and opened the bin, my tomatoes! They were gone. Those out there were the tomatoes I threw away last night!
My cell phone rang, and I saw Jake's name on my display. I took the call, and I heard a panicked Jake, "MC! I hacked your laptop's camera, I saw the tomatoes leave your trash can and roll out of your house. We must do something. I'm on your doorstep, I have guns with me. Come out, we must save the world. And bring a trash bag!”
I saw that I had several notifications of breaking news that tomatoes were attacking the city. That was real! What have I done?! I hung up and stormed out the front door. He handed me one of his guns and stuffed the trash bag into his backpack. We ran out into the street and there were 6 tomatoes. They turned to us and let themselves roll towards us. Jake yelled, "Dodge!"
Why were they so big? No time to ask questions! Action is appropriate! I shot the first tomato and it popped but it healed on its own. I looked helplessly at Jake, and he shouted, "The stalks! Shoot the stalks!"
I shot the stalks and the first tomato popped and deflated like a burst balloon. The liquid spilled all over the street and I had some of its seeds stuck to my clothes. The other tomatoes got angry, and their green leaves turned into spikes and spun like a circular saw. A thousand green spikes flew at us like mad. I did an air roll and hid behind my house wall.
Jake shot one of the stalks of the tomatoes and the next tomato burst and its liquid ran like a river across the street. I did several air rolls until I was across the street and standing next to Jake. He pressed himself against the wall of the house and with one quick movement he shot the nearest stalk. "Three left," I stated, shooting for the next one.
I shot again and then again. My gun was empty, Jake nodded knowingly and fired at the last tomato. When the last tomato burst, we went to the place where the huge ones were before. There they were, my tomatoes from last night. In their original size and rottenness. Jake pulled the trash bag out of his backpack and held it open while I tossed the tomatoes into the trash bag. One of them tried to bite me, but I managed to throw it in the trash bag.
Jake tied the garbage bag shut and I stepped on the bag with all my might and crushed the tomatoes. We went home and showered after this adventure. In the evening we invited the others and we all sat together around a cozy campfire. I threw the tomatoes on the fire and let them burn there so nothing like this could ever happen again. We talked and laughed, but there was something we didn't know.
We forgot to throw away one tomato.
It was still out there...
34 notes – Posted November 20, 2022
Unexpected Reunion - Part Two
A/N: I promised a second part and here it is. If you haven't read the first part, you can find it here.
Words: 2.429
TW: Sexual Content!
"I'm so incredibly sorry, MC," he said.
I got up abruptly but didn't turn around. I balled my hands into fists and hung my head while my lips trembled. My heart was racing, was it really him? I had never heard that voice in my entire life. Who else could it be, only he had a reason to be sorry. I turned around and two metallic blue eyes looked at me. His jet-black hair hung in his face, but it didn't seem to bother him. He was wearing a black hoodie with a leather jacket, his hood pulled low over his face. His hair was blowing in the wind, he was soaked from the rain just like me. How long had he followed me that he was so wet from the rain? My heart ached as he smiled. He had fooled me for four years. I didn't return his smile, I was too hurt. His smile faded and regret flashed in his eyes.
My vision blurred, I looked into his eyes and asked, "Jake?" He nodded and I saw tears forming in his eyes. He was about to say something, but I cut him off, angry. "So, you're telling me you've been alive for four years? And it didn't occur to you to leave me any sign of life? And if it's one of your fucking riddles with an encrypted message! You know I would have kept it to myself if you had asked me to! Shit, I'm standing here in front of your grave, but you're standing in front of me!"
He took a step toward me, but I backed off. He wanted to grab my hand, but I pulled it away. "Don't touch me," I hissed. He looked down, hurt, but I wasn't done with him. "Lilly dropped the bombshell and her parents got divorced! I was in touch with your mate, he was devastated! I was devastated! Hannah blames herself for your death! Lilly wanted so badly to meet her big brother, but you didn't let her! I blamed the others for your death! Jessy is still trying to reach me until today! Do you have any idea what kind of grief your death caused?! The whole group broke! Happy Hannah no longer exists! They've already lost Richy, they accepted you as a friend! I HATE YOU!"
Jake seemed to have had enough because he yelled back. "NO! Don't you dare say you hate me! Five minutes ago, you said something else! I looked after you for four damn years," he quieted down when he realized I was letting him talk. "Alan told the FBI you were in contact with me. They wanted to arrest you, shit you just wanted to help. I had to distract them from you somehow. When I found out that Hannah was safe, I knew I had to go. Yes, I almost died. They found the hoodie because I took it off because it was unbearably warm in the mine. I made it to the exit I told you about in time. I jumped at the chance when the FBI thought I was dead. I don't know how, but they figured out I survived. So, they tried to contact you. I hacked into your laptop and blocked all ways for them to reach you. The same game with your phone. After that, I drew their attention to me. I hacked into their database and left obvious traces. So, you were no longer their target, you could live freely."
I started crying, he had sacrificed his safety for me. "But you couldn't live freely anymore." He shook his head. "You were worth it to me and still are," he said shyly. "What do you mean still?" I asked shocked. "I'm still not safe, but I made a false lead. Don't be mad at me, but with Nym-Os I always had access to your phone and also your location. As I said before, I've watched over you for four years. Took care of you. Made sure you're safe. For the last three years I have always been here with you at the cemetery." He gulped hard and a tear ran down his cheek. "It was incredibly difficult for me not to run up to you and take you in my arms. I was constantly afraid that if I approached you, I would put you in danger. I had never managed to lay a false trail that lasted longer. Now I've finally managed to do it and I swore to myself to speak to you. To explain everything to you. I hated that you fell into deep depression because of me and my actions. I can understand if you want nothing more to do with me, but I wanted to explain everything to you. I'm so incredibly sorry."
I raised my arms to interrupt him. "Stop trying to get pity from me. Thank you for the explanation, but I will never be able to forgive you. I can't thank you enough for keeping me safe, but at the same time you broke me. I wish you the best of luck in your life, you deserve only the best despite your actions. Goodbye, Jake."
He let his hands hang down and just nodded. He looked down dejectedly as I turned away from him and left the cemetery. Shivering, I buttoned up my jacket and crossed my arms across my belly. I quickly ran back to the motel as it started to rain heavily. "Why did I leave my umbrella in the car," I cursed at myself. I could already see the motel and a relieved smile spread across my face. I was looking forward to getting into my warm motel room.
"MC!" someone shouted through the rain. No, he didn't actually follow me. I picked up my pace, my teeth chattering so cold I was. I've been in the rain in the cold for far too long. "MC!!"The voice was closer, my heart started racing. It was Jake, now I could definitely confirm it. I didn't know why, but my body decided to run. "Wait please! MC!" His voice broke my heart.
I kept running but strong arms pulled me back by my hand and he turned me around. "What do you want?" I yelled at him with tears in my eyes. He didn't say anything, he cupped my face in his hands and pulled me up to him. He leaned down slightly and pressed his lips firmly to mine. This contact triggered a firework of emotions in me. I didn't hesitate and wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. I couldn't suppress my feelings and smiled into the kiss. The kiss became feverish, we couldn't get enough of each other. The taste of his lips mixed with the rain and my salty tears.
He pushed himself against me and I backed up until I was stopped by a pillar. He pressed me firmly against the pillar and my breathing became shallower and I felt warm all of a sudden. His hands traveled up and down my waist and my hands found their way into his hair. I moaned softly as his hand slipped under my sweater. "Wait," I whispered into the kiss, pushing him slightly away from me. He looked at me in disappointment and I couldn't help but giggle. "Let's go inside, I prefer it private."
We walked into the motel and the receptionist just rolled her eyes and put her headphones back in. I pulled Jake by my hand until we got to my motel room. I turned to him, smiling, but he looked at me doubtfully. "Is something wrong?"
He shook his head, "No, but I'm sorry about what just happened down there. I didn't mean to force you into anything. I don't even know that about myself, that I'm so so so..."
I walked up to him with a genuine smile, "So wild and passionate?" He nodded silently, he continued to look at me doubtfully, but his eyes gave him away. Pure lust flashed in them. "Who says you forced me? If I remember correctly, I just returned your passion," I purred.
"I just don't want you to regret it. I want to prove to you that I really love you. I don't want you to think that I'm an asshole." Again, he looked depressed to the ground, only now do I see how sorry he was about all this. I walked up to him, cupped his chin in my fingers and looked lovingly into his eyes. "Prove it by giving yourself to me."
He didn't need to be told twice, shortly afterwards I felt his lips on mine again. I took off his leather jacket and he took off my jacket. We stumbled across the room until my legs reached the bed and he gave me a little push, so I fell onto the bed, back first. He immediately climbed onto me and slipped a leg between my legs, making me moan.
He kissed an imaginary line down my neck. When he got to the collar of my sweater he growled in frustration. He took off my sweater, I did the same and took off his hoodie. Our hands conquered each other's bodies, we didn't want to miss an inch. He kissed down on me, when he got to my waistband, he unbuttoned my jeans and slowly pulled them off me. His hands caress along my legs. He kissed my thighs, I looked down at him for a brief moment and our eyes met.
I caught my breath as I looked into his eyes, full of desire and admiration. A flash of joy shot through my whole body and the butterflies in my belly went crazy. When he pressed his lips to mine again, I helped him pull his jeans off. It wasn't long before we were lying completely naked on top of each other.
When he entered me, it was all over with me. I tilted my head back and dug my nails into his back. Every time he almost pulled out of me, I wanted to pull him back to me. Once he was fully inside me again, I didn't want to let him go. This feeling made me moan louder with each of his thrusts. I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him as close to me as possible. He brought us both to the climax and we lay on top of each other, breathing heavily.
He gave me a soft kiss and rolled off me to enclose me in his arms. My heart was beating way too fast, and I was on cloud nine. I gave him a quick kiss on his chest and inhaled his scent. His regular deep breathing made me fall into a deep sleep.
When I woke up the next morning, I was afraid to open my eyes. Afraid that Jake was gone or that it was all just a dream. But shortly afterwards I felt a hand on my cheek that gently stroked me. I couldn't help but grin and kissed his hand. "Don't stop touching me."
He kissed my forehead, and I slowly opened my eyes. There he lay looking at me lovingly with a big smile on his face. But his smile faded and so did mine. "You have to go back, don't you?" He nodded and I could see him trying to swallow the lump in his throat. I thought for a moment and then voiced my thoughts, "Take me with you."
"No, MC. That's too dangerous. I don't want to endanger you unnecessarily." I sat up abruptly and glared at him, "Who says it's your choice? I want to go with you!" We argued for ages, at one point Jake challenged me, "Give me one reason why you would want to sacrifice your safety for me?"
"Because I love you! There you have it! I love you!" He seemed speechless, doubts overcame me. "You... you don't love me?" His head snapped at me, and I forgot to breathe, pure determination in his eyes. "Don't you ever question my love for you again!" He said slowly and his voice was deep, he was angry. I swallowed hard, "Jake please. I've been without you for four years. Please don't do it to me again."
He got up abruptly and got dressed, I looked at him sadly. I guess he really didn't want me around. My lips trembled and my vision became blurry. He cupped my chin in his fingers and placed a gentle kiss on my lips, smiling cheekily. "It's nice to see you naked, but if you're going to run off with me, you'd better get dressed."
A wide smile spread across my face. I got up to get some fresh clothes when he suddenly pushed me against the wall. "I just can't control myself in your presence, we still have a few hours. We should enjoy them." I nodded and he pressed me even tighter against the wall, leaning against me from behind. I groaned as he entered me from behind. I loved his passion and how wild he got during sex. At the same time, I loved how shy he was when we talked normally.
See the full post
57 notes – Posted Oktober 20, 2022
Meine #1 des Jahres 2022
Unconditional Love
TW: Sexual Content
Words: 1,732
A/N: I tried my best at writing fluff. It's not my best work, but here it is. It was requested by @julesisreading 🧡
Before I left the gym, I checked my phone one more time. No new messages. I hated showering at the gym so I saved the shower for at home. I got in my little car and drove home. I parked in the residents' lot and entered the apartment building. I cursed myself for doing leg day today, walking up five more floors afterwards was just hell. I unlocked the door to the apartment and flopped onto the couch, groaning in exhaustion.
As my pulse and breathing calmed down again, I listened and heard the fast typing on the keyboard from the next room. He asked me not to disturb him, he had been in there for three days now and when he left the room it was only to go to the bathroom. We also didn't talk if we should meet during his walk to the bathroom. I'd like to know what he was doing in there, but he said it was just because of his work. He worked for the FBI now, but he's never been this busy.
It was pretty late at night so I made myself something to eat and sat on the couch and watched the live stream from the Aurora. My favorite band performed there today, but unfortunately I couldn't be there. I lay down on the sofa and fell asleep. When I woke up the next morning I was covered with a pillow under my head. A bottle of water sat on the living room table with a small note, "I love you."
Even if he was distant at the moment because of his work, he always left his love for me. He knew I loved those little gestures. I didn't need huge bouquets of roses or any chocolates. I was grateful that he had put the pillow under my head otherwise I would have a stiff neck now.
I noticed that I was still wearing my gym clothes. "Ew, that's gross," I said in disgust, sprinting to the bathroom. I wrapped myself in a towel and as I exited the bathroom I noticed that it was unusually quiet in here. I walked slowly and quietly into the bedroom and a love-struck grin crept onto my lips. Jake lay in bed asleep, he didn't even get to cover himself up, he was so tired.
I quietly opened the closet and quickly dug out some clothes. I tucked Jake in and placed a light kiss on his forehead. He didn't notice any of this and went on sleeping. I giggled softly when I saw him snuggling into the blanket. I slipped quietly into the bathroom and got dressed, I made two toasts and drank a coffee. After that I brushed my teeth. Shortly thereafter, my cell phone rang and I internally cursed not to have put it on silent.
I quickly ran to my phone and when I read the name, I growled, "Phil."
I took the call, "What do you want Phil?"
He chuckled, "Why are you in such a bad mood? You know I could have gotten a seat for you last night."
"Phil," I said firmly, feeling a presence behind me. This name literally summoned him. "Thanks for the offer, but I know you would want me to work for you if I had accepted the offer. And we all know you don't need any help."
"Who says that?" he asked in his flirty voice.
"I'll say that. I've been watching you, you're anything but overwhelmed at work. You're rather underwhelmed, you just want me there to let the female guests flirt with you more. And you want to use me to brag. "
"And who says that?" he asked a bit annoyed.
"You, drunk," I giggled into the phone. I felt two arms wrap around my waist and try to possess me like I was being taken away from him. He kissed my neck and let me exhale heavily. I tried to stifle a groan as he ran a hand over my breast.
I tried to hang up but he kept me on the phone. That was probably my punishment for accepting the call in the first place. But I didn't let such a punishment escape me. I enjoyed his touch and closed my eyes as he smiled at my neck since I wasn't wearing a bra. He twisted and tugged at my nipples, almost making me mewl.
His hand slipped under my top, exposing one of my breasts. He stood in front of me and closed his mouth around my nipple and his tongue drove my nipple mad. He crouched down a bit because I was a bit smaller than him. He looked me in the eyes from below and my breath caught. I threw my head back. It was only seconds, but it was wonderful to finally feel his contact again.
I was about to groan when Phil's voice snapped me out of my ecstasy, "It was a pity you weren't there, the others missed you too. It's a real pity you live on another continent."
"I thought it was a pity too," I immediately put my hand to my mouth. I sounded totally horny and my voice was deep with lust.
Jake smiled and nibbled on my nipple and I squeaked softly. "Everything ok?" asked Phil.
"Yes, yes, I'm fine. I... um... I have to... hang up now." My breathing quickened as his hands slid to my waistband.
"Okay? Goodbye."
Without saying goodbye, I hung up and glared at the man in front of me. He got up and I knew he just wanted to play. I immediately put on a frustrated face as he covered my breast in my top again.
"Jake! You can't do that," I whined.
"Watch me," he said walking back to his office. I laughed mockingly and he immediately stopped. He didn't move. The game can begin. I grinned cheekily, but when he turned around I put on a disappointed expression.
"Oh, don't worry about me. Go back to your cave." He scanned me from head to toe, trying to find a flaw in my changed behavior.
Inside I laughed evilly. I knew how high the risk is that he will either get mad at me after my next sentence or if he will pounce on me and show me his love.
See the full post
68 notes – Posted November 6, 2022
Hol dir deinen Tumblr-Jahresrückblick 2022 →
8 notes · View notes
trixxiephantomhive · 2 years
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I posted 99 times in 2022
That's 99 more posts than 2021!
55 posts created (56%)
44 posts reblogged (44%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 51 of my posts in 2022
Only 48% of my posts had no tags
#lukanette - 13 posts
#luka couffaine - 13 posts
#miraculous ladybug - 10 posts
#art - 7 posts
#airip4 - 6 posts
#pro lukamari - 5 posts
#miraclous fanfic - 5 posts
#lukanette endgame - 4 posts
#wip - 4 posts
#this is so cute i love it - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 40 characters
#ver you’re an evil mastermind in writing
My Top Posts in 2022:
August Minific Challenge day 04!!
Today’s prompt is “How don’t you know the difference between your left and right?”
(Prompt list: )
WC is 693
Fugitive!Luka and Mari are making their way to London this time.
It’s the dead of night, and Luka and Marinette are running down the silent streets of Paris, trying to catch a ride on any bus that hopefully won’t call the cops on them.
They stop by a bus and Marinette and Luka go to board it. After getting on, the driver immediately yells for them to leave or he will call the cops, and in the heat of the moment Luka draws the gun Anarka had forced him to take with him when he started packing up to run. “Drive us to the Gare du Nord and don’t call the cops.” Luka sits in the frontmost seat facing the driver as Marinette takes the spot next to him.
The driver spits at them and curses. “Always knew you Vigilantes were freakazoids. I bet you’ve always been working with Hawkmoth.” Luka feels an almost predatory hiss climbing his throat but holds a straight face and just gestures to the gun.
The driver shuts up and takes them to where they wanted to go and Luka quickly pulls Marinette off the bus. “He’s gonna tell the cops where we’re going. We should transform to be safe then throw clothes over top.”
“Okay… and Luka… you wouldn’t actually shoot anyone… Right?”
The boy stares at her and almost drops his gun. “Of course not! It's just… we’re already criminals… It… seemed scary… I’m sorry Mar.”
“Don’t worry about it.” She smiles and quickly transforms and throws clothes on as they board the train, Luka having done the same. “I haven’t ever seen that side of you.”
“It’s the part of me I never want to be.”
“Mysterious.” The couple starts to giggle, some of the adrenaline fading away, as they’re already another step to safety.
After a bit of a trip, they carry their few things to the small residence in a quiet part of town and knock on the door. A slim woman seeming to be almost an exact copy of Sabine appears, quickly pulls the two weary travelers inside and gives them some tea.
See the full post
16 notes - Posted August 4, 2022
August Minific Challenge Day 16
Prompt: “Can I hold your hand?”
Word Count: 283
A rainy night where Marinette can’t help but wonder why Luka is standing outside in the cold weather. 
Marinette looks out her window into the pouring rain, and sees a figure standing in the street. This person, something just seems off about them. Sad, or Lonely. 
She goes down and out the bakery door. She walks up and sees it’s Luka, one of her friend’s older brother. A boy she’s grown a bit of a crush on. 
“Luka?” She calls out, and he turns his head to look at her. 
“Hey, what are you doing in the rain?” He asks. 
“I came out because I saw you, why are you out here?” She looks him up and down and her eyes are drawn to his simple grey t-shirt soaked from the rain, and his tired eyes looking to be long past ready for a nap. “Do you want to come inside?” She asks, gesturing over to her house, the bakery door still open, caught in the wind. 
“Okay” He calls out as she starts to run back towards the building. He follows her and they head up to her bedroom. 
“Luka, What are you doing in the rain?  and please let me get you something else to wear.” 
“I just felt like it?.. And I guess.”
Marinette leaves him alone and gets a pair of pyjamas from her older and quite absent older brother’s left over things, assuming they’ll fit, since he would’ve been a bit bigger than Luka is when he left. 
He gets up and changes, throwing his stuff into the dryer as well. 
“Hey Luka, are you okay?’
“I think so, I guess everything has just been too much lately…” Luka sighs and sits on the floor. Marinette kneels down and then sits next to him, glancing over. 
“Luka, Can I hold your hand?”
“Yeah..” Luka whispers back at her, his mind already shutting down for sleep, she takes his hand in her own and just smiles at the moment, hoping this can mean something for them in the future. 
17 notes - Posted August 16, 2022
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LBSC sprint Challenge for Prompt 5!
I put the original text prompt in the upper corner!
20 notes - Posted July 8, 2022
W.I.P Wednesday 11/16/2022
Luka was just zoning out and serving customers the night Marinette returned. She entered with no fanfare, just quickly over to the bar seat she found the night a week or so back. Luka didn’t even remember her at first, until after she ordered and he caught the sound of her heart. The Music that made her seem so kind at first glance.
“You know, People usually… Come to bars for alcohol. Not glasses of water and fries. That seems more of a diner thing.”
Luka chuckles at this small girl while he serves her what seems to possibly become a new usual.
“Technically you’re labeled as a Bar and Grill. That just seems to cater more to the bar side, You don’t have a bouncer. And I got a lot of work done last time.” Marinette looks up at him, plainly stating her fact of why it makes perfect sense for her to sit there with a glass of water and especially good cheesy fries.
Luka smirks and nods as he wanders off to help others. During the night the acquaintances catch each other's eye a multitude of times. Luka quickly darting away from the attention each time. The night gets later and later, and Marinette begins to sketch more and more, Losing herself in the work. After what feels like no time at all she feels a tap on her shoulder. So suddenly in fact, she screams and goes to attack with a pencil “AHH!!” “Woah, woah. It’s just, your friendly bartender here. We’re closing up and I wanted to give you some time to get out of here”
31 notes - Posted November 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
This Again?
@lovebugs-and-snakecharmers sprint fic!! 
Prompt I chose:  I'd follow him/her to hell and back but I wish s/he'd just stop going there
“Luka I love you- but please stop almost dying.” Marinette adjusts her pigtails as she gets to work pulling stitches into her boyfriend's newest of many smallish injuries.
“I’m not currently almost dying. Just- Practising sword fighting while seeing who can go the longest without sleep isn’t a good idea.” Luka smiles and looks at her, ignoring the pain in favour of watching his beautiful girlfriend doing something with such precision and focus. A small blush creeping up his cheeks. 
“It really isn’t. Are you alright though? I can’t imagine this is comfortable.”
“Eh- not the worst thing ever. I’m a Couffaine. We’re made for taking hits and dealing them back harder.”
Marinette laughs, his stubborn yet charming demeanour always managing to make her smile. Then she thinks for a second and looks at him 
“You didn’t kill your best friend did you?” 
“Nope! Just tossed him off the Liberty.”
“Don’t worry- he’s fine”
“Good. dummy.”
“I love you too Marinette”
“Oh hush..”  after letting out a tired sigh she stands and gives him a quick kiss.
After getting sewn up, and not waiting around to let it settle, Luka gets up and starts making himself a cup of coffee. Also grabbing himself a fresh donut, swearing to Tom he’ll pay when he can (He has a tab of at least 96 Euros by this point). The large man doesn’t really care, noting that Luka is a nervous wreck around the love of his life’s father. Which has the girl’s parents chuckling to themselves. 
Once the coffee is finished, Luka returns to Marinette’s room, and sits back on her chaise. The slightly exhausted boy trying to sip on the hot drink.  
“Luka, seeing how long you can stay awake isn’t healthy.” Marinette looks at him, the concern written across her face. 
“Don’t worry, I’ve stayed up longer from insomnia, and I doubt Dingo is gonna last any longer, he could barely hold a sword.”
“I can barely hold a sword on a full night's sleep. They’re heavy Luka”
“you’re just extraordinarily small. In a hot way.”
Marinette blushes and throws a halfway finished pillow at him. He gets hit and laughs looking at the black and green pillow 
“Who’s this for?” He asks, wondering if she normally makes things other than clothes
“Just trying out something new” 
“Cool.”  Luka smiles, always impressed by the sheer awesomeness that is Marinette’s talent. 
Marinette, slightly freezes, trying not to blush at Luka’s ever adorable smile. 
The young couple just watch each other for a moment. Then slowly make their way closer to each other, arms extend, a hug turns into kissing, kissing turns into cuddling, cuddling turns into Luka staying the night, and that becomes use for the condoms Luka is forced to carry around by word of his mom. 
“I’m still not sleeping. “
“Well then at least shush”
He gently hums, and moves his hand to stroke Marinette’s bare side. “Got it, quiet”.
38 notes - Posted June 13, 2022
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meadow-dusk · 2 years
Albums I Loved in 2022
September: Time Fades Away (1973)
Some of you that have been with me a while here probably know by now I usually have some highly personal reason for the album I "loved" any given month. I know it might seem like it because...well, I'm usually pretty long-winded about it when it happens, but I don't always have a moment of self-discovery through a piece of music that has been frustrating or captivating me. I don't always encounter something that speaks directly to my soul like nothing ever has before (I don't even know if that's possible on such a consistent basis). I don't necessarily have that overwhelming sense of being welcomed home to open arms from a long journey. I guess sometimes I feel like they're telling me not to even bother leaving.
Sometimes my world isn't rocked: it's settled. Which is sort of ironic to say about an album that rocks like this one does.
But therein lies the familiarity, for me at least. It felt almost like a full circle moment to appreciate it on a level almost entirely visceral. Rock and roll. It feels pretty good just to let it wash over me. To tune in and drop out. Sure, there's more to it, but it's buried under a few extra layers of sound, a little more grime and grit, and something devoid of language that doesn't encourage introspection as much as it fosters a primal connection. For those reasons, this one didn't hit me like an oncoming train, it came along for the ride with me.
It's hard to pin the album down to a central message, or even a singular mood, and no particular event prompted me to rediscover it, it just happened. For my part, I sort of found myself in a mindset that looked like accepting the place my mind had made its own, taking a bit of ownership for my own mental health, and realizing that the only true penalty for being in a bad situation is continuing to stay there. I don't have the path out yet, I don't even know what it looks like, and I'm worried that I don't care about it as much as I should. But honestly, sometimes I just need to turn the music up and drown out the sound of the rest of the world. This felt like a good album for that.
>> see my Albums I Loved in 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019
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barnesafterglow · 2 years
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I posted 5,207 times in 2022
That's 2,902 more posts than 2021!
1,589 posts created (31%)
3,618 posts reblogged (69%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,423 of my posts in 2022
Only 34% of my posts had no tags
#tiff answers - 1,137 posts
#ask game - 341 posts
#tiff talks - 258 posts
#tiff responds - 247 posts
#bucky barnes - 229 posts
#anon - 189 posts
#fayth :) - 181 posts
#sebastian stan - 126 posts
#bucky fic - 109 posts
#nika &lt;3 - 108 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#this man at the bar tells me my shoes are cool and asks me what i do and listens and asks genuine questions after i talk about school/work
My Top Posts in 2022:
summary: your friends with benefits situation with bucky takes a turn that could break your heart
pairing: frat!bucky x reader
word count: 3.6k
warnings: ANGST, explicit language, consumption of alcohol, implied smut, mention of previous cheating (not bucky), reader may have a slight drinking problem, bad rebounds, one (1) game of spin the bottle, bucky is kind of a dick but also reader is kind of crazy, slightly toxic but it works out in the end, like the tiniest bit of fluff (if you squint). loosely based on undrunk by fletcher
a/n: here she is, the long awaited frat!bucky. i hope this was worth the wait, and everyone enjoys the happy ending i tried to do. if you like this please make sure to reblog and comment - i appreciate every single one!!
main masterlist ─ i no longer have a taglist but you can follow @theafterglowlibrary and turn on notifications for fic updates!
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You were woken up by the click of your bedroom closing, and the soft sound of padded feet through your hallway and out the front door. You squeezed your eyes tight, willing the tears not to come as you rolled over and checked the time. 5am. At least he was consistent.
It was stupid - you were stupid - to let this happen again. Bucky had broken your heart enough times that you should know better by now. But you never learn.
You guessed you couldn’t really blame him. He had made it clear to you from the very first night that he wasn’t interested in a relationship. That it would only ever be sex. Of course, when you’re half drunk and desperate for him to just fuck you already, you agree to anything. No one could blame you for a one night mistake.
No, the real pain came from the months after. The 1am texts and the secret touches. Because with those came the silly pictures and the late night talks as he laid in your bed. With it came the desperate want for more. Even when you knew it wasn’t possible.
So you laid in bed, staring at the ceiling as the tears streamed down your face, knowing you had no one to blame but yourself.
Despite the ache in your chest, there was one thing you could never say no to: a party. Maybe you should learn to stay away from them, considering that’s how you ended up in Bucky’s bed in the first place, but you just couldn’t; there was nothing like the sweet release of drinking your pain away.
At the very least, you could stay away from Bucky’s frat house. Or that’s what you told yourself.
Somehow, though, you ended up in the basement of the Phi Gamma Delta house, even though you specifically told Wanda not to let you anywhere near Fiji tonight. Not after your conversation with Bucky a few days ago.
Not after he had accidentally stayed the night, and you thought it meant more. Not after you had asked him to go to breakfast and he practically sprinted for the door.
But you hadn’t seen him yet, so that was a plus. There was always a chance he had skipped out on the festivities for the night. Maybe he had gone home to Brooklyn for the weekend, or maybe he was upstairs in his room and you could just -
Your thoughts were cut off by the cheers of the group of people around you, and you turned to see Sam in the middle finishing off a handle of vodka. In your experience, that could only mean one thing.
“Let’s play spin the bottle!” Sam shouted as the last burn of the liquor coursed through him. Having no reason to say no, you made room for yourself in the circle and patiently waited your turn.
Sam gave a dramatic look around the room, before spinning the bottle with a twist of his wrist. Everyone watched as the glass slowed, anxious to see who the first person to kiss the frat president would be tonight. To your surprise, the bottle came to a slow stop on you.
You looked up with slightly panicked eyes. Even in your inebriated state, you could recognize that kissing one of Bucky’s brothers probably wasn’t the greatest idea. But then you remembered the look of absolute terror on his face at the mention of more. And Sam was moving across the circle to you, and Steve - Bucky’s best friend - wasn’t saying anything and so you came to the conclusion that you did with most things: fuck it.
When Sam’s warm lips met yours, you felt… nothing. No spark, nothing beyond acknowledging he was a good kisser. It lasted less than 10 seconds before you were pulling away and spinning the bottle yourself.
Which is how you ended up kissing half the people at the party: Peter - everyone’s favorite pledge, Natasha - your chemistry lab partner, and Scott - who you had never met before but was as funny as he was a good kisser, just to name a few.
The game continued until it dwindled down to a handful of people and you switched to another drinking game. One which you were losing terribly and it showed in your glassy eyes and drunken babble.
The last thing you remembered was the feel of strong hands on your hips, the soft plush of a mattress, and an ache between your thighs.
A beam of sunlight burned across your face, enunciating the raging headache you had after going to bed without Advil or an acceptable amount of water. You could have sworn you closed your blinds, but figured you must have opened them up at some point during the day before.
It wasn’t until you reached for the bottle of water you usually kept on your nightstand and grasped air instead that you realized you were, in fact, not in your own bed.
You shot up before groaning at the rush of dizziness to your head. Slowly, you blinked until the room came into focus, and assessed the damage of your night.
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721 notes - Posted March 17, 2022
my hand to yours
summary: you're a lot smaller than ari - everyone is - good thing he likes that
pairing: ari levinson x fem!reader
word count: 383
warnings: explicit sexual content, explicit language, implied smut, ari is a sex god
a/n: here is day 6 of my valentine's blurbs with the prompt comparing hand sizes
i know i said i was taking a break but i had already started this and it honestly makes my stomach hurt to think about putting all this effort into my own challenge and not following through with it. even if i am taking a step back from interacting as much, i don't want to stifle my creativity but not writing when i feel the motivation. i hope you all can understand &lt;3
challenge masterlist
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“I could totally handle you,” you huffed as you rolled off Ari, offended by his comment that you should keep taking it slow because you can’t take it all, baby.
“No, sweet girl, I think you’re overestimating yourself here. Look how big I am compared to you.” He delicately took on your hands in his, showcasing that, yes, you were quite small. Your entire hand barely covered the palm of his own.
“You’re so cute when you pout, baby.” He pressed a kiss to your temple and pulled you so you were spooning - your back molded against his front. You could feel his lingering hardness pressing into you, so you shifted against him, eliciting a deep groan. “Baby…”
“What is it, Ari? I’m trying to go to sleep.” You were glad you were facing away from him so he couldn't see the shit eating grin on your face.
“Now don’t be mean, pretty girl.” The deep timbre of his voice caused a chill to run down your spine, the tingle going straight to your core. “I’d hate to have to punish that pretty pussy.”
You gasped as he flipped you over on the bed, his hands running down your sides until he snapped the waistband of your panties against your skin. He propped himself up on one elbow, using the other hand to push his boxer briefs down, letting his member free to slap against his abs.
“You still think you can handle me?” He teased as you hovered over you, his cock pressed to your stomach, showing you just how far he would split you open. You moaned pathetically, bucking your hips up, desperate for some sort of friction.
“Fuck, Ari.” Your hands wandered the wide expanse of his back, settling on his ass and trying to push him against you. He harshly grinded his hips against yours once, causing your eyes to roll back at the feeling of him against your clothed heat. “Fuck me, please.”
At your words, he pulled back abruptly, tsking as he gently caressed your body. He settled back on his haunches as he watched you squirm against his touch, finally spreading your legs wide and pulling your panties to the side.
“Be patient, sweetheart, if you wanna take me we’re gonna have to do some work.”
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746 notes - Posted February 7, 2022
i made a quiz about which fanfic trope you are
879 notes - Posted March 25, 2022
only the two of us
summary: stuck together, you and bucky find yourselves in an unfortunate position (or maybe not)
pairing: tfatws!bucky x fem!reader
word count: 2.5k
warnings: dubcon (very much consensual but it's sex pollen so yk just being safe), unprotected sex, oral (f receiving), fingering, pining bucky (just a little), one computer was harmed in the writing of this fic
a/n: here is my next prompt: sex pollen with tfatws!bucky. i really liked writing this one! i'm sorry i haven't posted hardly any prompts but i'm trying not to pressure myself. please reblog and comment so i know you liked it!
you can join my kinktober taglist or follow @theafterglowlibrary to get updated when i post 🤍
kinktober masterlist ─ main masterlist
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984 notes - Posted October 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
sweet like honey
summary: you have a thing for bucky's height. he just might have a thing for all of you
pairing: neighbor!bucky barnes x fem!reader
word count: 2.1k
warnings: modern au, smut (unprotected sex, pull out method, fingering), voyeurism but also not really?, size difference, bucky has BDE, bucky is BDE, bucky is also tall as a motherfucker, excessive use of the word honey, lesbian nat and wanda as always, fayth if you're reading this i'm sorry in advance
a/n: here's the next prompt of my kinktober! i've actually had the time the past couple days to write and and motivation is high so i'm so happy to share this with y'all! please make sure to reblog and comment if you enjoyed this. every single one means the world to me
you can join my kinktober taglist or follow @theafterglowlibrary to stay updated on my fics! 🤍
kinktober masterlist ─ main masterlist
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1,056 notes - Posted October 17, 2022
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furious-rogue-stuff · 2 years
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I posted 1,018 times in 2022
That's 516 more posts than 2021!
185 posts created (18%)
833 posts reblogged (82%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 937 of my posts in 2022
Only 8% of my posts had no tags
#pedro pascal - 473 posts
#pedro pascal characters - 403 posts
#javi peña - 316 posts
#javier peña - 312 posts
#heat - narcos fanfic - 276 posts
#narcos - 255 posts
#javi x querida - 225 posts
#javi pena - 126 posts
#thank you kindly for the reblog! - 124 posts
#shameless reblog - 91 posts
Longest Tag: 94 characters
#manly men who are comfortable with their sexuality and experiment with guys is my kink i guess
My Top Posts in 2022:
Current mood:
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175 notes - Posted April 3, 2022
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PEDRO PASCAL is how I get high. Don’t fuck up my high, world!
But seriously, I’m not the only one, right?!
183 notes - Posted October 6, 2022
♛😔💤 lets spice it up a bit from my usual love for Javi and Javi only 🧐
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Well, dear anon, I have finally gotten around to this intriguing gem of a prompt from my previous 300 drabble prompt challenge - just in time for hitting 400 followers 😅 Anyway~
Special thanks to @just-here-for-the-moment​ for reading through this and assuring me it wasn't ridiculous drivel! Your encouragement is my ambrosia, my friend. 
Pairing: Din Djarin/F!Reader | Mando x Stunner
Rating: Mature/Explicit 🔞
🚨Author chooses not to include warnings
Character Count: 11,000+
You knew something had stuck with him post-job. Which was odd, since it wasn’t the usual fiasco you’d become accustomed to when it came to this bounty-hunting-by-proxy gig you’d fallen into with him.
No, this job had gone pretty smooth, and you’d even managed to net a decent bounty. So much so that you now had plenty of supplies and plenty of credits for the reserves to take a spell between accepting the next job. You were savvy with stretching out the coffers, and had gotten a great deal for supplies in the market. But while you should feel pleased, you can’t help be curious as you stare musingly out at the hyperlane you’d just made the jump to meld beyond the transparisteel before you.
Whatever it had been, it’d hit him hard. Leaving him withdrawn and taciturn. 
Okay – you couldn’t know for sure because you’d never seen his face, so you were strictly going by the other tells: his posture, the way his pauldron-clad shoulders had slumped minutely, and how even more reticent he’d become. 
But even though you’d only spent a short time with Mando, you had a heightened sense about these things. Still, you hadn’t pried, and returned to your ship with the supplies, and him in tow. A while later, though, you’d come down from the cockpit expecting to find him on that damnable crate he seemed to favor sitting on to polish his weapons and clean his blaster. Instead, his back was to you, and you could make out that he was staring down at something. So, you shifted enough around to feign like you were heading for the kitchenette to pour yourself a fresh cup of caf when really you were glancing at him from the corner of your eye. 
The shiny circular piece of metal looked like the top of a control’s joystick. He was rolling it pensively, strong digits tracing it around while perpetually encased in his well-worn orange-fingered gloves before he dropped it into the black-leather-clad palm of his right hand and tucked it out of sight in his belt when he finally sensed your gaze on him.
He was enigmatic, the Mandalorian. 
You’d found yourself thinking about what could’ve brought him to be on his own, so far out in the Outer Rim, with no ship. But you’d learned long ago to keep your curiosities to yourself. Best to not stir up the resentments or specters that men shackled themselves to, but something about this man had always tugged at your heartstring. Yes, the last solitary heartstring you got, and that you’d decided long ago you couldn’t spare for anyone else. Still, you found yourself feeling drawn to him in this moment, and couldn’t help let that intrepid, wily part of you seek to coax him out of his brooding silence.
Taking a sip of your caf, you loped around him and kicked one of the other supply crates to slide across the polished floor of your somewhat cargo-cluttered hull to park across from him so you could plop down onto it with a sigh and recline forward – propping your elbows onto your knees as you stare directly into his glossy black T-visor to where you think his eyes are.
His posture straightened, and his hands fidgeted to find perch onto his thighs, trying to seem unbothered, but you know better. He’s clearly wary to socialize much with you, no matter how many times you’ve given him signs that you would welcome it. But you’d quickly realized he was guarded, and seemed to be building up his walls all over again. From what? You didn’t know, but you also assumed it wasn’t all due to the strict Mandalorian Creed you’d heard so much about through the galactic grapevine of years loitering in cantinas and spaceports. 
For him? He just wasn’t sure about you.
It’d been a few weeks since he’d gotten dropped off by his ragtag compatriots onto that frigid mining hub on some moon between Bespin and Hoth. He’d declined all offers of joining up with them, and had set off to lose himself for a while. Eventually, when credits were running low, he’d strode into that seedy cantina at the end of the port and asked the barkeep for leads on jobs. All eyes were on him and his chrome-shine beskar, but he was used to it, and when the Weequay pointed him to the back booth around the corner of the bar, Din had made his way around the surreptitious patrons while keeping his gaze sharp and his gait imposing. Most would shift or avert their gazes when the sweep of his black T-visor scanned their direction, and if his height, imposing posture, and deliberate stride weren’t intimidating enough, the spear fixed at the back of his left shoulder and his right hand being not so far from the blaster strapped in the holster at his hip seemed to do the trick.
When a cheer went up in the opposite shadowy corner of the bar he was headed in, he couldn’t help glance over to see what had been the cause of it. That’s when he saw you boisterously grinning at the Trandoshian across from you as he hissed sourly at his losing hand of Sabacc while you fanned your palms across the center of the table to collect your winnings. 
“You cheated!” the reptilian behemoth had sniped, snarling to show you his row of razor-sharp teeth while he stood from his seat and glared balefully at you.
Unbothered by the accusation, you swept the bunch of credits into a leather pouch and stowed it inside your cropped two-toned leather jacket and leaned back in your chair to eye him snidely while the crowd around the table began to scuttle away to be at a much safer range. “Because I won?” you’d countered smoothly and picked up your cup to sip from it.
“Because there’s no way you had that hand! Three winning hands in a row, at that,” the angry Trandoshian hissed and slammed his clawed hands down raucously on the table before his buddies tried to calm him. “No, this little harpy is a cheat!”
“What did you call me?”
The clatter of voices died down at the cold, steely growl of your voice as you narrowed your eyes at the foe and slammed your cup down to slowly stand and challengingly square up at him from across the table to deride crossly, “Who’re you calling a harpy, you overgrown hatchling!”
“Hey! No fighting in here,” the Weequay barkeep shouted from behind the counter and gestured with exasperation as he warned, “You take it outside, or you’ll answer to Quent!”
“You wanna take this outside then, lizard lips?” you sneered tauntingly at the Trandoshian, and he hissed at you, nostrils flaring irately before his buddies yanked at his grubby flight-suit and beseeched him to back off. 
The entire time the impending brawl escalated, Din had watched from his vantage point, oddly intrigued by your moxie. After all, you looked petite enough for him to toss around easily, so a seven-foot Trandoshian could’ve easily made mincemeat out of you – albeit ripped your limbs from you with the ease of plucking the tail from a krill.
He spotted a slim blaster in a holster fastened to your left hip, and from the set of your shoulders he could tell you had a hidden knife strapped just beyond your jacket, and what he guessed to be a modified stunner tucked into the shaft of your shin-high boot. All the trappings of a scrappy and self-sufficient individual making their way through the galaxy, so he’d began to turn away to resume his approach to the back booth where he assumed a shadily-affiliated guild surveyor was waiting for someone like him with several pucks needing clearing when he heard another commotion kick up.
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184 notes - Posted August 30, 2022
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All of us today.
306 notes - Posted April 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Cause of death: This tweet!
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606 notes - Posted August 11, 2022
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wildegeist-old · 2 years
Sorta personal log but it's nothing grim, don't worry. ♥️ I'm just having thoughts and emotions and I'm feeling comfortable to be open today, but I'm cutting out grisly details because this is an optimistic post.
As 2022 draws to a close I feel really strange. It's been a mixed bag of a year. On one hand I've made positive changes, on the other hand my luck is still kinda bad and there's a few things I could have done without, but whatever, you know?
2021 broke me. IYKYK. I don't even remember a lot of it that clearly because it was so stressful I think my brain just kinda purged it lol. The bad luck was unrelenting and it left me emotionally numb and tired by the end. I barely had the energy for people and when I forced myself to be around them, I was just kind of frustrated all the time, so I became distant. I don't even like thinking about the year so I'm gonna cut it off there. Again, anyone who knows me knows... it was *bad.* Hell Year lmao
Start of 2022 I tried to fight back for my optimism again, because some... of the things I was dealing with in 2021 came to an end alongside the year. (IYKYK.) There was a huge-ass shift in my personality that happened around the end of 2021 that makes me feel like a different person. I was dealing with so much bottled up stress and anger, and this year after the shift, it's... hard for me to feel things like anger much anymore. I just dealt with so much that year it forced a change I guess. Pessimism is exhausting and I hate it, and apathy is shitty and empty, so I started doing stuff to fix myself. Went back to therapy to figure out what my growing issues were (and I did get my answer), saw an eye doctor and figured out I do in fact need glasses and was just in denial, started eating and sleeping better, became more mentally stable and capable, you know, healing shit. (Therapy has helped greatly btw. I dissociate way less often these days and I still feel shitty sometimes, but it's not as overwhelming.) The year hasn't been perfect or kind necessarily, but... like, it'll be ok in the end. Always is.
In other words, I'm tired of going ape shitt, I just wanna be nice. I don't have the time or energy to feel stuff like hatred or pettiness anymore, when I feel anger it never lasts all that long (anger is a parasitic emotion to me and I hate it because it makes me feel tired and disgusting), and I've kinda rediscovered my love of humans.
Like holy shit, I'm surrounded by love and wonderful people and that's actually so cool. I have really bad luck and it's something I've kinda gotten used to, I have really bad trust issues because I've dealt with a lot of people who hurt me and damaged me badly (I'm easy to manipulate, but I'm fixing that!), but the people here and around me now, I'm grateful for them. I want to tell the voice of my trust issues in my head to fuck off and let me enjoy them. It's hard to do that but I'm trying. It's hard for me to express these feelings because anyone who knows me knows I'm simply not good at showing my feelings in the ways most humans do, but those who really are close to me respect me and understand that about me. And I love them for it. I want to reconnect with people and strengthen and maintain the connections I have, even if social things are difficult for me.
I'm so thankful to have the people who just like me for me. Who *actually* respect me, who *actually* treat me as a person. Life can suck but these people make it worth it, I'm enjoying experiencing hope again.
Humanity is so cool. I'm not going to let a few outliers trick me into thinking it's not.
Sorry if this is out of the blue and disorganized, I just want to gush a bit.
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