abwwia · 2 years
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Patrycja Pi Pa Piwosz (PL, b. 1983),
Overgrowers [Obrastacze], 2013
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bodidarma · 6 months
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Patrycja Pi Pa Piwosz.
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sashaspasiba · 7 months
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Patrycja Pi Pa Piwosz (PL, b. 1983),
Overgrowers [Obrastacze], 2013
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olostrzyz · 11 months
Stadium Guide: Jastrząb Łoniowa. 2023-07-23
Prawdziwy trening strzelecki  urządzili sobie piłkarze rezerw Okocimski KS Brzesko  w spotkaniu pierwszej rundy regionalnego Fortuna Puchar Polski Ich ofiarami padli zawodnicy LKS Jastrząb Łoniowa-Official  którym "Piwosze" zaaplikowali, aż jedenaście goli
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gaykidtraanscity · 2 years
Piwosz Tyskie would be either a blueblood or a purpleblood I think
real actually.
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egzarcha · 4 years
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Feelin Lucky to Juicy IPA z Browaru Trzech Kumpli #BrowarTrzechKumpli #IndiaPaleAle #IPA #JuicyIPA #SklepPiwosz #Piwosz #piwo #pivo #browar #bier #biere #birra #cerveza #beer #beerlove #beerporn #beerstagram #instaphoto #instabeer #beerphoto #polskiepiwo #craft #craftbeer #polishbeer #polskikraft #polishcraftbeer #piworzemieślnicze #piwerko🍺 (w: Osiedle Ołbin, Wrocław, Poland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBQO3O1n_CM/?igshid=y1bb03fcihgz
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juliannakulczynska · 3 years
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Jan Baszak, Karolina Bieniek, Jagoda Dobecka, Kinga Dobosz i Zoszka Mykietnik, Natalia Dopkoska, Baltazar Essa, Małgorzata Goliszewska, Ania Jeglorz, Joanna Krajewska, Piotr Szymon Mańczak, Małgorzata Mycek, Aga Nowacka, Patrycja Piwosz, Aneta Sieniawska, Mita Smyczok, Anna Sztwiertnia, Dorota Wójcik, Jaś i Małgosia, Marta Krysińska i Horacy Muszyński 
Współpraca kuratorska: Julianna Kulczyńska
Inkubator Kultury Pireus, Poznań 2018
Z chaosu: myśli samotnych umysłów, erotycznych przygód, miłosnych wyznań oraz chaotycznych wniosków- czas wyłonić materię. 
Wystawa „Miłość/Love” zorganizowana przez Koło Naukowe Studentów Rysunku i Malarstwa UAP 19i10 to wybór prac spośród ponad 50 zgłoszeń do zorganizowanego z okazji valentynek Open Call’a, o tym samym tytule. Poprzez dzieła artystów łatwo zatopić się w miłosnej, nie zawsze subtelnej narracji dotyczącej tego, co odnajdujemy w głębi serc. Podczas wyjątkowego wernisażu, balu valentynkowego, zostaną zaprezentowane  obiekty, instalacje, wideo, ziny, prace net art, a także performance - w różny sposób odnoszące się do rozległego tematu miłości a także jej etapów.
Momentu zanim nadejdzie gorące uczcie. Czasu na egoistyczną/bezkompromisową wolność.
Licznych szans, wyboryów. Nie zawsze trafnie postawionych diagnoz.
Love story.
Etapów trwających. Narodzin i śmierci.
Gdy widzisz koniec na horyzoncie, ale przymykasz oczy.
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elafalqu · 4 years
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Magda Piwosz
Magda Piwosz likes to showcase the natural beauty of the environment as well as that of people. Her main path in to fine arts started with the portrait photography. Part of Magda’s inspiration is the natural beauty and how it blends well with a person’s natural beauty. Currently, Magda Piwosz tends to provide fine arts photography in which the subjects are blending in with their environment. Doing so allows Magda to have two forms of subjects in her art work, the models and the environment. the environment and the model blend properly to provide iconic family portraits.
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Andrzej Strzelecki zmarł dziś nad ranem. Aktor w marcu usłyszał druzgocącą diagnozę – był chory na nieoperacyjny nowotwór płuc i oskrzeli. Jego syn w wielu wywiadach powtarzał, że tata kocha pracować i cały czas, mimo choroby jest obecny w pracy. Na krótko przed śmiercią artysta napisał słowa do piosenki, którą wykonała Karolina Piwosz. Jej premiera miała miejsce kilka godzin przed jego śmiercią.
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abwwia · 1 year
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Patrycja Pi Pa Piwosz (PL, b. 1983),
Hydra Lernejska Bazyliszek
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enews4 · 6 years
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wild child... by Magda Piwosz https://ift.tt/2Md5S9q
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jadroher · 6 years
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wild child... by Magda Piwosz https://ift.tt/2Md5S9q
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firethelonelylife · 6 years
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wild child... by Magda Piwosz https://ift.tt/2Md5S9q
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Small Business Advertising And Marketing: Word of Mouth as well as Company Networking
Small Business Advertising And Marketing: Word of Mouth as well as Company Networking
It is all right to begin jumping up as well as down, asserting that this write-up is splitting hairs over the two terms. Yes, there are striking similarities as well as overlapping, yet this is one lesson that individuals running their very own programs cannot afford to miss out on.
A lot of freelance people may be under the false impression that small business advertising means specifically the same thing as marketing. It doesn't truly, as well as such an idea could well be equally as essential, specifically where financial resources are worried. Let's take a look at exactly how small company advertising and marketing differs from terms that may be misunderstood to indicate the exact same point. We'll also briefly analyze its value in the company world.
Local business marketing has the tendency to strictly describe the manufacture of advertisements for the services that your business offers possible clients. Small business marketing appears to be even more of an umbrella term (Kalkulator podatkowy uk self employed ). It tends to be primarily concerned with methods that expose your venture to the designated target audience. Although batteries are not included, market research as well as advertising definitely are.
Word of mouth advertising techniques would certainly need to be the most affordable - undoubtedly, no charge - public relationships campaign at your whole disposal. It seems that little to no initiative is likewise associated with getting the details about your professional solutions around. All it takes is the proper facility of your trustworthy local business and also a number of customers who are greatly linked to lots of members of possible clients in your broader target market.
It also helps to guarantee that the first set of consumers are more than absolutely satisfied with the product and services. If they are, your venture would probably experience the snowball effect, whereby the first customers applaud your job to their networks, who subsequently inform any kind of relevant prospective customers within their grubby paws, etc.
All right, so the next one - business networking - might need a little financial investment. A primary tagline belonging to The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King is, "There could be no triumph without loss. No triumph without suffering. No liberty without sacrifice." Although you're not on some reckless mission to conserve Middle Earth, consider Middle Earth as the epicentre of your enterprise. So saddle your horse as well as head down to networking occasions in your area.
Much of these features are free, depending upon exactly what cocktail party you're at. As an example, some organisation networking promoters require the booking of tickets for presence at a significant occasion, whilst offering everything else absolutely free.
As a small company operator, the marketing obligation is totally yours, for it is your financial resources that are at risk. If you understand of a person experienced in public relationships, it is best to have a speak with them regarding your small company advertising alternatives. Naturally they would certainly want you to take the plunge due to the fact that it's money for them. Fantastic, huh?
Article written by Thorgal Piwosz. - http://www.rozliczenia-online.com/
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ogrodkieu · 7 years
Ogrody działkowe ROD "Piwosz"; Połczyn-Zdrój; ul.Strażacka.
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egzarcha · 5 years
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Custom IPA to DDH Session IPA z Browaru Hopito #BrowarHopito #indiapaleale #ipa #sessionipa #ddhipa #SklepPiwosz #Piwosz #piwo #pivo #browar #bier #biere #birra #cerveza #beer #beerlove #beerporn #beerstagram #instaphoto #instabeer #beerphoto #polskiepiwo #craft #craftbeer #polishbeer #polskikraft #polishcraftbeer #piworzemieślnicze #piwerko🍺 (w: Ołbin Wrocław) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxwDLuTi0Lo/?igshid=17wdiypoqxhy5
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