#pk roomba
featherlouise · 2 years
So what happens after Hollow attacks their father? How do their parents deal with it? How are they treated afterwards?
Also, is the whole vessel plan discarded? What does PK do about Radiance? Also, how would other people who were involved or knew about the plan (like the dreamers or five great knights) react to this turn of events?
Sorry for all the questions djdbfn I love your AU 🥺👉👈
Pls don't apologize for asking questions !!!
I love gushing about my characters/ AUs lmao
Okok so I'm gonna try my best to answer all ur qs
(also u are under no obligation to read all of this, it turned out a lot longer than I expected :D)
1. Basically, after the attack (I'm assuming u mean after Hollow stabs themself but if not I'd be happy to talk about the actual confrontation lol) there's a lot of panic regarding whether Hollow's going to survive or not, so there's not really any time to properly process the whole "holy fuck the thing I thought was a bastardisation of the corpse of my child is actually just my child," so it's only after Hollow's been stabilised that I can imagine PK and WL sitting down and coming to terms with it.
The infection REALLY does a number on u, both mind and body, so Hollow's basically just snoozing in some sort of (dreamless) healing coma while their parents have a breakdown at their bedside. I imagine PK and WL's relationship to have been pretty strained since the vessel plan was enacted, like they still love each other but they can't really seem to agree on anything anymore.
Ditching the vessel plan is the first thing they've wholly agreed on in 17 years.
2. So! Immediately after they wake up, I think there'd be a lot of overcompensation on WL's part. She was never a mother to Hollow and she feels IMMENSELY guilty about that fact, so she'd probably start trying to be super motherly to them, giving them food, being affectionate, trying to start conversations, etc, which freaks Hollow tf out bc it's a COMPLETE 180 to how she interacted with them before. Before the reveal, she was super detached, kind of like she is towards Ghost in the game, mostly in an attempt to remove herself from the entire situation?? Like if she doesn't acknowledge them she can't get lost in her grief?? Cuz I imagine she genuinely believed that the void had sucked out her child's soul and was piloting around their corpse (or something of the like) and then there's the GUILT of the whole situation, KNOWING that you had a part to play in the death of so many of your children, that you were complicit to something so cruel?? I don't think she'd be able to truly face it, so she basically just let herself ignore them. And the most she ever really saw of them was when they were sent to guard her gardens and Hornet dragged them from their post.
So. Now she's seizing the opportunity to finally get to know her child, but she's also not really taking their feelings into account on top of ignoring the very real trauma that Hollow has from being treated like a glorified roomba their entire life. Her main coping strategy seems to be to just. Ignore her problems lmao (she like me fr fr)
3. SO. Pk. Whooo boy.
At this point, I don't think he'd realise that Hollow was never hollow, bc then he'd have to face the possibility that none of the vessels were hollow, and if that's the case, how many of his children has he killed?? He knows a fair few of the vessels were stillborn, but how many hatched and died at the bottom of the abyss, cold and alone and scared??
(Yes the vessels hatched, yes this is a gijinka au where most people are born like humans. Higher beings are weird and also non human, moving on)
So PK at this point believes that at some point while growing up, Hollow had an idea instilled and,, gained consciousness?? Ig?? And he likely blames himself bc of course he does.
With PK there's a lot of guilt there, which I think would mostly lead to complete avoidance, bc "surely my child doesn't want to see me after how I've treated them, I'd better give them space,"
Meanwhile Hollow is wondering whether their fears truly have come true and their father does hate them for not being pure.
Just. A lot of miscommunication.
When they finally talk it out, there WILL be tears.
4. The Dreamers!!
With Herrah, I think she'd be a pretty big support for Hollow during their recovery. I don't think Herrah was ever truly convinced that Hollow was pure?? Like she witnessed a lot of small moments between them and her daughter while they thought nobody was looking, along with subtle mannerisms that just. Wouldn't be there if they were pure.
Like, Hornet once roped them into playing hide and seek with her, and as smart as her baby is, the Pure Vessel, were they completely hollow, would only be able to act when given orders, and there's no way a 5 year old managed to give complex enough orders for them to be able to follow. She probably just yelled at them to play with her and they did lmao (bc they can't say no to their bby sister duh)
Herrah was also on the outside, so there was no reason for her to go into denial or detach herself the way Hollow's parents did, so she'd be much more likely to notice them shifting on their feet, their ear flicking when they tune into a nearby conversation, the way they'd lean into any and all contact with other people, how reluctant they are to let Hornet down when she no longer wants to be carried by them, etc etc.
Herrah may be titled the Beast, but she's not stupid. However, at this point, she's seen them spar with the Knights, she knows that they would be able to escape unnoticed if they wanted to, they're definitely skilled enough. So that means that if they end up being sealed inside the temple, it's their decision, and she respects them for that.
She also notices how reverently they treat their little sister, so if nothing else, they can bond over their mutual adoration of her.
Herrah's a pretty abrasive woman, loud and unapologetic, so I figure she'd be a nice change to the coddling of their mother, and Herrah ends up promising them a place in deepnest if they ever feel the need to escape the palace.
Herrah's the only dreamer I've really thought about?? And since she was there when the incident happened, she's very present for pretty much the entirety of Hollow's recovery. The other 2 don't really come into it till later, so for now let's just say they're all probably pretty relieved that they don't have to sacrifice themselves anymore lmao.
5. The 5 Great Knights!!
I don't have anything super specific about these guys yet? But I imagine they'd be friendly to Hollow. Hollow looks up to them all quite a lot and they were probably the closest things they had to friends growing up?? But honestly not much really changed there except they start trying to bring them into conversations, and they're always willing to spar if Hollow ever wants to.
6. Finally, RADIANCE!!
So I imagine that after Hollow has stabilised, PK will immediately start trying to distract himself by basically preparing for war. If it wasn't personal before, it definitely is now. The Radiance discovered his child's sentience before anyone else and what's the first thing she does?? Turn them into a weapon to be used against him (slightly hypocritical of u there my guy)
There's probably a lot of feelingsy bullshit that everyone (ESPECIALLY the royal family) needs to work thru before any action can really be made against Radi, so for the most part she's just simmering in the background. Her who was probably bruised when Hollow managed to wrestle control away from her so she's probably licking her wounds in the dream realm, but after a few months, infection rates start to REALLY spike again, because she is PISSED.
I could make PK and Radi duke it out but I kinda wanna lean into Hollow’s empathy?? Like they’re hyper empathetic and I feel like after having Radi in their head for a while they’d come to understand her anger?? Like they still want her gone but they understand that she has every reason to be pissed at PK, at least from her pov. (I’ll get into Hollow’s feelings regarding Radi in a later post bc this is getting ridiculously long now lmao)
So maybe eventually they can come to an agreement with Radi?? I’m not sure on the details but I don’t think I wanna just kill her off.
WOW this was really long, sry if it’s super rambly I’m basically just word vomiting into my notes app lol
And if you’ve read this far, ty!! Glad u love my blorbos as much as I do ( ^ν^)
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ghost-leviathan · 2 years
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Ignore Walts, I had a hard time drawing him….
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ruthlesslistener · 4 years
A, B, E, and X!
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
HMMM I have a Lot bc I’m very w/ever with shipping and I really like to use relationships to work in character introspection. I’ll put the relationship type by the side for context too
-Wyrmroot (romantic)
-Grumm (romantic, platonic, queerplatonic)
-WL/Dryya (romantic)
-PK/Lurien (romantic, platonic, queerplatonic)
-Hornet/Lace (romantic)
-PK/Herrah (beneficial semiaffectionate rivalry)
-Hollow/Quirrel (queerplatonic)
-Lemm/Qurriel/Hollow (Lemm/Quirrel is romantic, Hollow/Quirrel is platonic, Lemm is very freaked out by the fact that Quirrel was best friends with the fucking Hollow Knight when he was a teenager and Quirrel’s like ‘look man I’m just coming to terms with the fact that what was essentially a sentient roomba I adopted as a teen was actually aware all along and is very fond of me as well’)
-Tiso/Godtamer (romantic)
-Grimm/Divine/Brumm as a trio with very blurred boundaries is also p. great too, like literally indecipherable between platonic, queerplatonic, and romantic bc its in flux and shit gets weird with gods
-Grimm/Herrah (romantic OR platonic)
-Cornifer/Quirrel/Iselda (romantic)
-Probably more??? Like I said I am very chill w/shipping and the different kinds involved so something may pop up idk. There’s also ships I like (like Herrah/Vespa) that I like a lot but don’t think of much bc they’re p. straightforward and I really prefer the complexity of the relationship over like...actual fluff and romantic feelings. Which sounds cold but idk, I just really like a lot of conflict in my stories
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
-Hollow/Quirrel was actually an attempt by me to jokingly create the crackiest pairing we could over discord that ended up vibing super well! And then Jaxx got me thinking about Grimm/Herrah and Cornifer/Iselda/Quirrel bc again, you’d never think of them interacting normally, but they just work out really well together. And then the famous Stag Beetles got me thinking about Quirrel/Lemm bc I...probably wouldn’t have thought of them otherwise tbh (I’m sorry I really love them but I’m b a d with npcs in any game, I think the only ones I ever remembered without strain was Bloodborne and that’s bc half of them insult you or go insane later which meant juggling them was A Plot Issue)
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
-[Gestures at the entirety of Babiance]
X - A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom.
Send me fandom asks while I procrastinate on my homework with drabble requests
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I think the PK treated PV like humans treat roombas.
Look. He wasn’t raising a child. That was never the deal. He isn’t a “bad dad”. He was never a dad, in his eyes, at least not until Hornet and even then I have a feeling the weavers were more her parental figure? He was raising what he believed was a mindless being that could save thousands. He truly believed it was empty. Hollow. So secure in that belief, even... that he ended up being the one to corrupt them! Because he was so blindly confident! Deluded, even! Denial! Panic!
But yes- the Vessel was around. And usually, the King was silent, letting mortals or the Lady carry most conversations.
So this was... new to him. And so the King filled the silence for once. 
And it grew into the same way we talk to a robot. Sure, we KNOW it can’t feel or care, but... Fuck it! We pet the roombas. We talk to the roombas. Some people feed crumbs to their roombas- grown ass adults. If I HAD a roomba, you bet I’d be doing all of that! 
And when the roomba breaks, some people feel absolutely heartbroken and apologize. Maybe he did that, once, feeling shameful all the while for caring about a /mindless roomba-- I mean, Vessel--/
so the King rambled to the Vessel, and it listened.
He did kind things for the Vessel. It made the Lady happy. A doll for her fantasy of motherhood. It never hurts to be kind. And in the end, there must have been a parental neurochemical instinct kicking in, when this “hollow being” ended up sharing his face.., 
By talking, he taught them. By teaching them, they learned. 
It wouldn’t hurt. 
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støvsuger henry test
støvsuger henry test
Støvpose i bedste støvsuger alle modeller uoriginal 4 stk, fire stk/pk. Information. opladning af 3 1, så du kan modtage nået al den nødvendige støvsugning i hjemmet have begreb om hvert eneste brug. Støvsugeren har et indbygget AirClean Plus filter, som sørger for at holde 99, 9 % støv i beholderen, så den er også forholdsvis allergivenlig. Med iRobots Roomba robotstøvsugere får man smarte og praktiske løsninger til at klare hverdagens udfordringer.
Rundt denne støvsugermodel bruger Electrolux også navnet ”UltraSilencer Animal”, og indikerer dermed, i den hensigt at den er både lydsvag og velegnet til lejlighed med kæledyr. Robotstøvsugere er blevet mere samt mere avancerede, og nogen er nemme at bedste støvsuger programmere til dit hjem, også så den kan finde tilbage til sin ladestation af sig selv. Der er også mange test af Neato BotVac 85 og Roomba 880 på, hvor disse to robotstøvsugere sammenlignes med hinanden i forhold til deres hardware og software.
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Dette marked er stort og det kan være svært at finde den helt rigtige støvsuger til ens behov. Du skal stadigt huske at skifte deres filter, men det er mindre hyppigt end at købe poser. Hvad er desuden også indbygget sensorer som gør, i den støvsuger test hensigt at den kan finde sektorer hvor der er tillæg meget skidt eller støv. Herudover er det grundet en moderne og effektfuld vasketeknologi muligt at vaske ved blot 20 grader eller i koldt saft, hvilket ligeledes er energibesparende.
Roomba 650 har indbygget sensor som gør for at den ikke kører ned af trapper, den styrer selv uden om dine møbler og så findes der mulighed for for at opsætte en virtuel væg, hvis findes også mange et skueplads i dit hjem man ikke vil at besidde at støvsugeren bedste støvsuger kører. En støvsuger er et køb, som betyder meget for en hel del mennesker da de lagt i forvejen ikke ligefrem aficionado at støvsuge og ifald de så ender delagtig at købe den forkerte, så kan det ødelægge en del af motivationen ved at støvsuge.
Man bedste støvsuger går reel ikke galt i verden med omtalte fantastiske støvsuger, der erhverver en anset 4. plads i jeres store støvsuger test 2017! Den næst fornuftigeste støvsuger er Miele Complete C3 Cat&Dog PowerLine, hvor den tredjebedste er Miele Complete C3 Powerline. Miele Scout RX1 rød er med sine 35 cm i diameter og 8, 8 cm i højde en lille smart robotstøvsuger, som arbejder systematisk, Hurtigt og effektivt og naturligvis også når du ikke er hjemme.
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Brede sugekanaler, finere lufttab, glattere glideflader, fleksibel dobbeltsamling og konstant gulvkontakt giver fremragende rengøringsydelse på alle gulvtyper. Miele findes også en af alle de støvsuger test i testen, hvad støjer mest, og dersom en støvsuger skal larme så meget, så bør den i det mindste kunne støvsuge virkelig fordelagtigt imens. Dermed bliver miljøaftrykket så lille som muligt, hvilke virkelig er en passende tendens med hensyn til at redde vores klode et skridt af gangen!
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i-buy · 8 years
掃地機器人 PK 無線吸塵器,該選哪一個?
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   噹噹,哈很久的iRobot Roomba 630入手!(當時還有多送9片原廠的濾網)。你問我為什麼對那麼肖想iRobot呢,我只能跟你說,客官你有所不知,iRobot的背景可是大有來頭啊,iRobot可是平常負責生產美軍駐在伊拉克和阿富汗所採用炸彈處理機器人啊,有了美國軍方認證過的水準,耐操度就可以預期絕對不是隨隨便便就操壞的!
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  背後箱子大概說明了iRobot 630的主要清潔元件,有 1邊刷 2 旋轉刷 3 真空吸塵器
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  盒裝裡iRobot 630主體以外還有各項配件
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  先來看一下iRobot 630底下有什麼機關
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  iRobot 630的輪子特寫,很軟Q,主要是讓iRobot 630遇到高的障礙物時可以有更好的緩衝彈性
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  第一次充電,也趁機好好的看一下iRobot 630的上面,主要按鍵就3個,CLEAN(打掃),Dock(尋找充電座),SPOT(特定區塊特別髒需要清理,兩公尺內來回打掃)。
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  一般來講,iRobot打掃完會自動回到充電座,不過第一週使用的過程發現一件很好笑的事,我有一天早上開啟打掃,晚上回家的時候卻沒看到iRobot的蹤影,各個房間都找不到,最後好不容易在浴室的找到,原來浴室我沒關門,iRobot自己跑進去Shower區,然後自己把門推到關起來,自己出不來,轉到沒電 XD,後來我早上出門就會把浴室的關起來,就不再有這樣的問題了
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  旋轉刷平常也要固定拿起來清一下,這些都是我老婆的頭髮... *__*
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 所以啦,不要以為用掃地機器人就完全不用管它嘿,否則你很有可能會跟圖文部落客香菇有一樣的想法 (出處:香菇愛畫畫)
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  使用心得: 這台iRobot 630算一算我也用一年多了,一直被朋友摧使用後的心得到底如何,簡單說就是一分錢一分貨,耐用度跟外觀質感都遠比我之前買的那台易管家來的好,像邊刷的部份就很明顯,易管家用不久就會開始分岔,iRobot的邊刷就耐操多了,有一次捲到橡皮筋整個變型,但過一禮拜又自動回復原型。因為平常家中固定會產生的灰塵跟毛髮還蠻多的,3天就會開始有點髒,我現在固定使用iRobot來幫忙打掃,大幅減少打掃家裡的時間,我們家沙發下跟廚房櫃子下方的灰塵也都被會固定讓iRobot進去打掃,這就不是使用一般吸塵器可以簡單辦到的。
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若預算許可,其實我個人真的還是推薦要有一支手持的吸塵器 (無線佳),而說到無線吸塵器,來自英國的dyson應該是市面上知名度極高,也有非常強大口碑的品牌,蛋蛋一年前也入手了一台dyson V6 fluffy,實際操作後真的對它的吸力非常滿意,跟我過去使用的無線手持吸塵器完全是不同星球的差異。
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 來看看dyson V6 fluffy的開箱吧!
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  所有的內容物攤開一看,共有6種吸頭,金屬鋁管,V6 fluffy主機,充電器,壁掛架
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  V6 fluffy主體,平常打掃大面積的地板時可搭配金屬鋁管使用,啟動只要扣住紅色的按鍵即可,放掉則會立即停止
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  標準V6 fluffy的電力大約可使用16~20分鐘 (28瓦),不過若是特殊環境需要更大的吸力,可以按下後方的MAX按鍵,啟動高達100瓦吸力的功力,這樣大約可使用6分鐘
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  V6 fluffy吸力有多強呢,有一次我在使用時,聽到裡面有一些異聲滾來滾去,好像有什麼東西在集塵盒裡
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  仔細一看,哇靠一個10元硬幣被V6 fluffy吸進去了啦...這吸力也太強了...(還沒啟用MAX模式喔)
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  隨附的2合1組合吸頭是有軟毛刷頭,也可以縮成沒有毛刷的2種使用情境,我通常都拿這個吸頭來吸我們家小屁孩的餐椅,因為他吃東西很會掉屑屑,用V6 fluffy吸一下就可收工了
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  隨附的隙縫吸頭我常會拿到車上去吸屑屑,有打掃過車內的人應該懂得一般吸力不夠強的吸塵器拿到車上是吸不乾淨的,尤其是無線的吸塵器通常吸車上都不夠力,但是有了V6 fluffy後讓我完全對無線吸塵器的吸力改觀
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  壁架有附專用的螺絲,不過我不想要破壞牆壁,所以我用了6個3M的不留痕的雙面膠貼,即可固定住,平常將V6 fluffy插上即可充電
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   dyson V6 fluffy雖然訂價比一般手持無線的吸塵器高,但是我個人用完後真的覺得它是物有所值,超強的吸力,吸完地板後赤腳踩過就不再有髒灰塵的滿意體驗,手持無線讓你可以到處自由的移動,甚至拿到車上去吸也很實用,唯一比較遺憾的就是電力的問題,若沒有定期充飽的習慣,可能會不定時遇到打掃到一半沒電,若你家裡需要打掃的面積超過20坪,我個人是建議像我一樣再入手一顆ANewPow的副廠電池,這樣子等於電力雙倍,一口氣可打掃的面積隨著電力X2以後大幅增加,也彌補了dyson V6 fluffy比較可惜的電力問題。
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  iRobot掃地機器人哪裡買:https://goo.gl/vF8miq Dyson 吸塵器哪裡買:https://goo.gl/yEvSln
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ruthlesslistener · 4 years
💓shipping aka for hk?
Ship that you didn’t expect to ship but now do: 💓
See my interpretation of Quirrel is that he’s actually pretty young agewise- maybe only like, 25 at the time of the binding of the seals- and what Monomon’s mask did was try to place him in a sort of stasis bubble where time slowed nearly to a standstill (the reason why he complains of his age after it’s all done is because no one should technically live that long anyways so mentally he’s like 200 but still stuck in a pretty young body.) That, paired with the normal time fuckery in Hallownest and godly growth being weird to begin with, meant that he and Hollow were of similar ages when Monomon was meeting up with PK to discuss the seals, and Quirrel (being already deemed the next head archivist) was allowed to practice teaching lessons on magic theory to Hollow, as they were considered pure by then, and some practice speeches thrown at them was hardly going to harm them, right? Well, it ended up with them striking up a relationship that was essentially like Quirrel adopting a roomba, and only realizing literal centuries later that the roomba was sentient the whole time and actually extremely fond of him after running into it half-broken in the shadows of  Dirtmouth.
 Fun times! And still an extremely niche crackship
Send me ship asks while I despair over my homework 
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