#pkmn gladion x reader
vrisrezis · 1 year
can you write Headcanons for your favorite Pokemon Characters to date someone who acts like Mikan
Gary thinks you’re adorable and super fun to tease and embarrass, but he often worries about you tripping over something. The way you talk about yourself and how you were treated makes him feel a bit of guilt for how he’s treated ash in the past.
Gladion worries about you a lot, you’re going to give this poor boy a heart attack. He already finds himself worrying about Lillie ;( but he loves you so much, he’s positive you and his sister are besties.
Bede was a hit mean to you at first but he eventually came around. He will never understand how you can just take his shit and not fight back at all, he feels bad and because of this is overprotective.
Guzma is overprotective to the max. He loves to flirt with you and everything, but he’s the only one allowed to tease you given how you take most jokes from others.
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justlwrites · 1 year
Some of my hcs for pokemon characters and their love language(Male)
Raihan :: Gifting
I feel like he has alot of money, so he'll probably like to spoil you with anything you want
Leon :: Quality Time
As a champion(Lets ignore the protagonist aka you beating him) he doesn't have much time to spend with his s/o, so any free time he has, he'll probably spend it all with you
Hop :: Words of Affirmation
For Hop, I feel like he's to focus on beating Leon and becoming the champion that sometimes he forgets all about you, so sometimes you overthink and starts to feel insecure, but of course best boy Hop here will always tell you that you are still one of his top priorities
Volo :: Physical Touch
I see him as a very flirty man. Yeah, thats the only reason
Arven :: Quality Time
Since when he was little, he never spend time with his parents, he'll probably wanna spend all his time with you so replace that emty slot in his heart where his parents shouldve been
Gladion :: Acts of Service
Tho his family is rich, he doesn't wanna be associated with his family at all, so he rarely gives you gifts. But I still think he'll like to do nice things for you, like maybe, playing with your pokemon if you're busy, taking care if you when you're not feeling well, etc
N :: Acts of Service
Idk, I really dont know why I think he has that LL but i just think it suits him
why tf did i make his
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stargazer-balladeer · 4 years
December 3: Snowball Fight (Pokémon)
Characters Included: Green Oak, Silver, Steven Stone, N, Calem, Gladion, Raihan
Notes: I love all of them, okay-? Hope you’ll enjoy this!
Warning: none
December Fics | MAIN PAGE |
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Green Oak
Green has long since matured, no longer his prideful and arrogant self (though sometimes, he’ll revert back to his old self-). Even though his mind matured, his heart didn’t. So his child-like nature was still there. You could tell by how his eyes sparkle whenever snowflakes fall from the sky.
Green is very competitive, so when you two engage in a snowball fight. He will treat it as a Pokémon battle.
Snowballs were thrown left and right as you continue throwing snowballs at each other. Your Pokémon’s were all safe inside their Pokéballs as they didn’t want to partake in the intense snowball fighting.
“Give up now, munchkins! You know you can’t win!” Green screamed at you as he throw another snowball towards you. “As if!” You hollered back as you block the incoming snowball with your arm.
Let’s just say you both didn’t stop until Red and Blue had to intervene to stop you two from continuing-
Silver thought that snow is annoying, like he had to put many layers on just to stay warm. That’s why, during this times, Silver hardly goes outside. He prefers staying inside in his sanctuary and near his fire place.
Though, even if Silver hates the snow, he would never back down a challenge from you. Because even if you’re his s/o, he still views you as his rival..
Silver groaned when a snowball hit his face, he tried removing the snow from his face with his hands. He can hear you laughing from the other side, and as much as he loves the sound of your laughter, right now it infuriates him.
“Are you okay, Silvy?” You called with hands cup around your mouth. He glared at you as he bend down to create a snowball to tose to you in revenge. “Aww~ is my sweet baby mad? I’m sorry!” You laughed but was silenced when a snowball hit your face.
This time, Silver was the one laughing.
Steven Stone
Steven’s eyes would noticeably brightened up when he sees snowflakes falling from the sky. Afterall, the giddiness he has since he was a kid never left him entirely. He loves walking through the snow with you as he watches the snow fall from the sky elegantly.
Steven would humor you if you challenge him in a snowball fight. Afterall, a challenge is a challenge. One that he wouldn’t back down from.
“Have you had enough, dear?” “Are you saying that you forfeit, Steven?” Steven only laughed as he tossed a snowball towards you. You shriek, putting your arms in front of you, blocking the snowball to not hit your face.
“I think we’re done, my dear. We wouldn’t want you to get frostbite out here now do we?” You grumbled as you nodded your head. Steven was right, again. Steven laughed as he went near you and patted your head.
“Now.. let’s go back home so we can drink some hot chocolate.”
N is very intrigued during winter times, afterall, during his childhood he never went outside of his room. Now that he’s outside and free, he was now fascinated with the world. But this had some drawbacks. N didn’t know that you need multiple layers of clothes in going outside, he thought it was normal. So that resulted in you finding him nearing death on a pile of snow.
N will blink multiple times before tilting his head slightly. He doesn’t get the concept of snowball fighting at all. But he’s willing to try if that’ll make you happy.
You shriek when you hit N with a snowball right in his face. You thought he would block it! You watch in horror as he fell down on the ground. “N!!” You screamed as you scrambled towards him.
When you arrived beside him, concern and disbelief was clear in your face. “Hey! N! Are you okay?! I’m so sorry! I didn’t think—!” “It’s okay, my beloved.” N assured you as he stares at your eyes. You pout and sighed before helping him out.
“You know what? How about we try building a snowman instead.”
Calem is neutral towards the winter season, though you can see a tint of fondness in his eyes when he stares at the snow. It also gives him a reason to tease you and cuddle with you.
Calem would laugh at your suggestion before agreeing to it, with the same determination he has when he’s battling gym leaders and trainers.
“C’mon, mon amour! You can do better than that!” Calem’s teasing voice rang through the field as he throw yet another snowball towarda you. Luckily, you dodged the snowball and returned a snowball to him.
You click your tongue when you saw Calem effectively evaded your snowball. “As if you’re any better than me!” You shot back as you bend down to gather snow to form a ball. Calem only laughed as he throws the snowball he made quickly.
You shriek when you felt a snowball hit you. You turn to glare at him, in which he stick his tongue out. Well, good to know that this match wasn’t going to end any time soon..
It hardly snows in Alola, so when it snows, it surprises Gladion. Gladion is immune to cold so he doesn’t need extra layers to keep him warm. He prefers staying indoors btw, why? Because he just feels lazy to go out and have fun with the snow.
Gladion would also quirk a brow at your sudden suggestion before smirking.
“That doesn’t count!” You screamed at him, at which Gladion just snickered. “‘Course it doesn’t count.. that’s what they said.” Gladion snickered as he gathered some snow to form a ball.
You pout as Gladion shakes his head, letting a rare smile stay on his lips. “C’mon, [N/N]. This battle isn’t over yet!” Gladion said as he tossed another snowball to you. You grumbled as you let the snowball hit you, resigning to defeat.
Who knew that a edgelord is good in snowball fighting?
Raihan will act scared and frightened when snow starts falling from the sky, since Dragon-type have a weakness to ice. But he’ll laugh it off later and admire the snow. Though he doesn’t fancy the cold very much, he loves the aesthetic feeling of snow.
Raihan is probably the one who suggested a snowball fight in the first place-
You blink when your snowball hit Raihan, which resulted in him falling over. You stare in disbelief at what happened. You were pretty sure that you didn’t hit that snowball very hard. And for a guy like him who has a humongous height, you didn’t think that a small snowball will bring him down.
“.. Raihan? Are you okay, baby?” You called after a couple of minutes. When you didn’t hear his answer, you started to panic. “Raihan?!” Your legs were running towards him as you drop to your knees. “Are you okay, Raihan?! I’m so so sorr—“ Before you could finish your sentence, a handful of snow hit your face.
You deadpan as you internally groan. Of course. You can hear Raihan laughing. “Serves you right, babe!” You sighed before rolling your eyes and a smile form on your lips. Typical Raihan.
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wattpadscapcons · 2 years
Pokemon Masterlist (because I'm not scrolling down anymore)
Yandere! Piers w/ Clingy & Touch Starved S/O
Leon w/ Real World S/O
Life is Strange (Leon x Reader)
Leon w/ Flower Shop Co-Owner S/O
Bede Reverse Comfort w/ GN! Reader
Bede w/ GN! Reader Who Acts as His Cheerleader
Bede Friendship Headcanons (GN! Reader)
Transitions (Bede x Trans-male Reader)
Bede w/ Prompt 30 Fluff List
Tossed Into Another World! (Hop x Reader)
Life is Strange (Hop x Reader)
Hop w/ Flower Shop Co-Owner S/O
Allister w/ Friend! Grass Type Trainer
Under Mimikyu's "Cloak" (Allister & Friend! Fairy-type! Trainer)
Allister w/ Friend! Reader That Can Talk To Pokémon
N w/ Uncontrollable Hair
N w/ S/O Who Came Home After Exploring Alola
N w/ S/O Who Heals Pokémon/ Has The Gift Like Him
Seeing Double (N & S/O both have Zoroarks)
N w/ Dragon Priest/Priestess S/O
N w/ Blind S/O Who Has An Absol
Childhood Dreaming (N Friendship Fluff w/ Orphan Child Reader)
Starry Eyes (N w/ Space Artist that's Obsessed w/ psychic Pokémon)
N w/ Kuudere-ish! Reader
N w/ Walks In The Woods
Guzma w/ Guitarist S/O
All Because of Them (Guzma x Reader) tw: Dark themes
Wally w/ Older Friend! Reader (Platonic)
Wally w/ Friend! Reader That Can Talk to Pokémon
Gladion w/ S/O That Has The Gift
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p0k3m0nl0v3rs · 4 years
Gladion with a s/o who goes to Galar to study the new Pokemon and oops becomes the champion
idk why but this is funny to me lmao. also i luv gladion sm thank u also i know i said i wouldn’t be posting bc of exams but this is IMPORTANT
gladion x gn! s/o
gladion would def be supportive of you going to galar for pokémon studies. he wouldn’t necessarily be happy about distance, but modern technology exists for a reason!!
he wouldn’t even know you were also training said pokémon and battling gym leaders. it wasn’t that you were hiding it, it was just never a topic. you didn’t even realize you didn’t tell him
one day, while scrolling on his phone he sees stories about some new galar champion on pokégram. normally he wouldn’t of taken much interest in it, but since you were there he looked more into it!
his jaw literally dropped when he saw a video of the battle with you and leon LMAOO
immediately texts you once the stunned phase leaves him, it’s very mixed emotions
gladion 😗💚 Y/n
gladion 😗💚 Why didn’t you tell me you were challenging gyms ohmygod
gladion 😗💚 I’m proud of you tho. The battle was intense I guess you’ve grown a lot
“ i guess” headass was actually super proud of you his head is just too far up h- nvm
will probably come to galar to see you and congratulate you in person. hopefully you aren’t too swarmed by people cause he wants alone time he don’t like crowds
if you got a new team / stronger team he what’s to see them rlly bad please let him. if he ended up giving you type:null ( idk abt the anime but it happens in the USUM games ) and you included null in your team he would lowkey be a lil emotional and just a lot of soft smiles
all in all he’s really proud of his s/o, thinks it’s really impressive! expect lillie to make gladion let her come too, she’s super super happy for you as well!
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sneakymalou · 4 years
since you do pokemon from all generations, could i ask for a fic with hau?? i recently replayed pokemon sun and i'm feeling strong feelings of love for that boy. just hau being jealous of how close the reader is with gladion and confessing?? if you don't do hau then that's fine too, i just wanted to ask-
Of course I can do a fic about Hau 🥰🥰 This boy is so cute 🥺 Thanks for sending your ask again ❤ so sorry for the bug 🥺
Hau x reader
Jealousy. This horrible feeling started to grow in Hau's heart for a while now, he couldn't help it. He tried to silent it, but every time he gave it a shot, jealousy came back stronger. There was a reason, actually. Recently, you seemed to be closer to Gladion, a talented trainer you both knew. Of course Hau was close to Lily, Gladion's sister, but not in the same way, or that strong. That's probably why, when the blond haired girl told him you were in her brother's company again, his heart bursts out of his chest. “I can't bare it !” he shouted out in a hurry, leaving the place where he'd been with Lily in order to find you. Of course, he knew where you were...
Hau came to you in a matter of seconds. You just won again Gladion in a little friendly competition, and was surprised by his arrival. While you were laughing with your friend, Hau's face was torned by anger. “I'm gonna leave you two together” the blond boy said, disappearing quickly as if he imagined what was going on in Hau's mind. “Is something off ?” you asked softly, coming closer and even squeezing his hand. You tried to be gentle, but he pushed your move away. “Of course something's off ! Can't you see ?”
Hearing him sighed that way made you frown abruptly. “Since when you speak with riddles, Hau ?” It took a few minutes for him to talk again. Instead, he mumbled over and over, trying to calm down his nerves before explaining. “It's you ! It's him !” he yelled, pointing out your whole body, hurting you while doing it. “Me ? What do you mean by me ??” Your breathe became louder and painful as you imagined the worst. “Yeah, you ! I... I never want to see you again.” Hau finally said it so calmly it froze your blood. Tears brimmed in your eyes as you assimilated the meaning of his words. Your gaze went to the ground as you tried to hide the sorrow that raised in your heart. Rain fell all over you, like the sky was crying in your stead. Hau regreted his behavior immediatly, and that's how he didn't run from you. In fact, he came closer and cupped your cheeks, erasing all your tears with his thumb. “I'm sorry. I'm... I'm a goddamn fool, I don't deserve you... and yet...” he murmured in a single breath before capturing your lips with his. Seconds stopped as you were surrounded by a little Heaven. This kiss became a sudden and warm dance between your two souls, never that close as you were now. “Forgive me, forgive me...” he repeated over and over against your lips, incapable of separate his body from yours. He needed you, and you needed him. No words were enough to describe what you lived on that moment. “All is forgiven...” you mused, linking your two foreheads, ignoring rain still falling around you.
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vrisrezis · 2 years
Fluff alphabet with gladion
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Self indulgent stuff b4 I answer rqs
A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about their partner?) he finds your strength the most attractive part about you. How great you are with Pokémon battles, even if you’re the shy or gentle type, he can sense how strong you are and he loves that part of you.
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?) well, so considering the fact you’re both children and he hasn’t once thought about it, no. When he’s much MUCH older he would need to warm up to the idea but would be okay with it in the end. For awhile he’s scared of ending up like his mom in anyway.
C = Cuddle (How do they like to cuddle?) typically doesn’t care how you cuddle, as long as you don’t see his face because it’s as red as can be. Usually has his face in your neck.
D = Dates (What kind of Dates do you go on?) might take you on walks, pretty simple dates but he likes taking you to cafes. He just doesn’t like being noticed in public so he tries to take you to more quiet areas.
E = Everything (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…) you are my sun. (Meaning like his reason for waking up every morning lol)
F = Feelings (When did they know they’re in love?)
Took awhile since he doesn’t understand his feelings, he would realize after hau says something. He would deny it at first, but when he sees you beat him again in a Pokémon battle, he realizes it for real.
G = Gratitude (How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their S/O does for them?)
Absolutely. He has a hard time showing it all the time but he absolutely will show you how appreciative he is of you.
H = Honesty (Do they have secrets they hide from their S/O?)
No. He’s very honest. He believes honesty is key to a relationship.
I = Impression (First impressions?)
Depends on your personality. If more outgoing and bubbly might think you’re stupid and annoying and naive. If calmer or even shy he might have more positive first impressions on you, such as how gentle you seem.
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous? How do they deal with it)
Yeah, a lot. Typically keeps it to himself, but he seems grumpier than usual.
K = Kiss (How do they kiss you? How do they like to be kissed?)
He’s often too shy to kiss you, if he’s taller than he typically kisses your forehead. If not your cheek. But he always gets red in the face. He’s too shy to ask but he likes being kissed on the lips or on the hand.
L = Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?)
You. He’s very shy about saying it first.
M = Memory (What’s their favorite memory together?)
His favorite memory was probably the first time you and his silvally started to bond.
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
Yes. He has the money.
O = On Cloud Nine (What are they like when they’re in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?)
Very obvious. Hau and lily know he ain’t slick. His face gets red whenever you’re around and he stares a lot. He’s visibly on more edge, but not in a bad way? He’s just more nervous and easily embarrassed. He has a hard time being vocal about his feelings but he’s obvious.
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
Hun, honey, dear, sometimes babe.
Q = whats their fav non modern thing
Not doing this one
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
Chill out, play video games probably. He doesn’t like going out in the rain so.
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/S/O up?)
He usually trains when he feels sad, but when it’s you he often tries to be there with you. Whatever you do to cope he’s there with you, he worries a lot about you when you’re upset so he does anything he can to make you feel better.
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
Anything, as lame as that sounds lol. He just likes listening to you so anything that makes you ramble.
U = Understanding (How well do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?)
Yes, he knows you very well. He can read you and tell if something is off even the slightest. He is extremely empathetic.
V = Value (How important is the relationship to them? What is it worth in comparison to other things in their life?)
Extremely important. Like one of the most important things in his life, he typically chooses you over most things in his life, other than his sister and Pokémon.
W = Wedding (thoughts on marriage, When, where, and how do they propose?)
Obviously it would be many years down the line, probably in your mid 20s. He would do it in a place that was special. A place you two went out on dates a lot, or perhaps where you both hang out often. Perhaps where you first met if you had a good first meeting. Would take you on a walk and work up the courage and ask you.
X = XOXO (How affectionate are they? In public/in private)
Not much in public, but he’s fine with pda if you initiate. Not in front of people he knows too much though. In private as well. He wants you to initiate but he’s secretly clingy. And loves kisses and hugs from you.
Y = Yearning (How well do they cope when they’re separated from their S/O?)
He tends to distract himself but he can’t help but feel so alone.
Z = Zeal (Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship?)
Of course. He’ll do anything to keep your relationship happy and healthy and to make sure you’re happy.
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vrisrezis · 2 years
i saw you write for pokemon,.,.., so gladion, guzma, james, and raihan with an s/o that constantly gives them flowers and is kinda shy so they stay near them whenever possible? tysm :D
Funny how u requested my fav characters… u know me so well anon
Gladions entire face goes red when you get him flowers, it’s such a nice gesture to him? Also, he’s shy himself so he kinda gets not knowing how to show affection other than just wanting to be near the person lol.
Guzma actually gets flustered by this, he’s not as confident and flirty in a relationship as people make him out to be, and he’s definitely shy about his feelings too so he is similar to you in just wanting to be around you
James thinks it’s sweet, he definitely makes the effort to give you some back that he finds himself. He is pretty straight forward with you, so you being shyer is a nice contrast to him but he certainly doesn’t mind.
Raihan will always make a comment about this, usually a joke, or maybe an opportunity to flirt with you. He appreciates it, he thinks it’s really nice? Nobody’s ever really gotten him flowers so it’s a first, but certainly not bad.
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p0k3m0nl0v3rs · 4 years
i do ultra sun / moon and shield (: here are some basic rules
i’m not going to do aged up nsfw. it just makes me kinda uncomfortable when someone’s asking for nsfw for a 10 yr 10 years older. i’m on debates with this for characters who are like 15+ ( like gladion i think), but for now i’m just gon keep it strictly no minors. i will do aged up for sfw tho! ( ex: college au )
i will take nsfw for 18+ characters though!
i rarely write full on fics unless the idea is really like,,, inspiring i guess? i do lots of HCs though!!
i only do character x reader
please be specific in your request what gender the reader is, otherwise i’ll make it gender neutral!!
i will do poly
no non con, abusive ship, yandere, etc. i will cover mental health things like anxiety, depression etc though!!
i’m pretty sure that’s it! feel free to spam me with requests (:
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p0k3m0nl0v3rs · 4 years
Gladion with a male s/o who flusters alot
Gladion x male ! s/o who’s easy to fluster
let’s be real here- gladion would most certainly be flustered himself around his s/o for the longest time
he’s mega love starved tbh so it’s a given from him
he honestly finds you also being easy to make all red n stuff lowkey reassurancing. like he’s not the only one who’s shy abt relationship related things
it can be kinda messy when you’re both too awkward/nervous to initiate things like holding hands or sum or hugs but it’s not a big deal at all!
he’s glad both of you can go slow bc of it tho
plus he thinks it’s cute when you blush he’d never admit this unless forced but still!!!!!
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