#planetman has logged in (ic)
formerchaoslord · 1 year
What does everyone wish for Christmas?
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"I want to get my hands on the rarest Battle Chip in the entire Multiverse! After making the business deal with Welch, I learned that there are chips that are much more rare than what I own."
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"A cool motorcycle like Carol's. She has the coolest motorcycle in the world, and I want a motorcycle that's... Well, it probably can't be as cool as hers, but I'd like it to be close to as cool as hers."
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"Heh heh... If my boy only knew..."
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"I just want the universe to be at peace, as unrealistic as that sounds. To just know that criminals like Brevon are locked up and can never cause trouble anymore, and no one has to feel anxious about them would be nice. That's why I want to stop Brevon as soon as possible."
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"I want Sonic Frontiers' DLC to come sooner! It's the closest thing to Sonic Adventure 3 to being a reality! Also, I want Sonic Adventure 3 to be a reality! And I feel it will be! I just can't wait for it to happen!"
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"I want... To be able to reunite with my creator again. I want to see him, hopefully forgiving me for all the horrible things I've done again... Hopefully see that I changed... And hopefully call me his son again... Dr. Cossack... I'm so sorry..."
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"I want to discover every planet in the Multiverse! It would be a wonderful accompaniment!"
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"I... I really... Just want to spend more time... With Slashman..."
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"Quick question; how many of these were Christmas gifts, and how many of these were just wishes and goals in general?"
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formerchaoslord · 2 years
Attention Link Navi gang! Have any of you tried Beasting Out? What kind of form would you like/need in a hypothetical case?
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"Good question. None of us tried to Beast Out, but I feel it would be cool if we could. Without the 'going berserk' side effect, of course. I think I'd go for a form similar to Megaman's Elec Beast. I feel that's what my form would look like is something like that. I guess that means I'm in favor of a Gregar form. I want to have increased speed that give Quickman a run for his money."
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"Hey! Can I get in on this, too? I want a Falzar form with some awesome blue fire wings! That would be so sick! And I want my Buner Jet attack to cover me in the flames and give me a fire bird appearance!"
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"I would choose the Falzar form as well. An increased wingspan and increased power over wind sounds favorable."
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"I don't really want to look scary, blip. But I did always want to fly. So I think I would pick a Falzar form. Preferably a form that's not so scary, blip. And I want to have the an ultra Hydro Cannon as an attack."
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"If I had the ability to Beast Out, I want to have a Falzar form that gives me cosmic wings and have a ring of stars orbiting me."
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"I feel a Gregar form is more my style. I want to have two spacecraft shaped lasers at each side and rocket fists."
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"I would like a Gregar form that further emphasize the Kamaitachi inspiration of my design. I'd like to be able to create slashes that are so powerful, they create razor sharp tornadoes."
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"If I had a Beast Out form, I'd like to have black armor, large bat wings, and claws. I'd call the form 'Absolute Zero.' Does that sound dumb?"
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formerchaoslord · 2 years
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Hey Starman! Are you a yellow dwarf star? Because you're the light of my life!
(Give my muse a bad pickup line.)
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"Good question. I guess since yellow's in my color scheme, and I'm a rather small Navi, I would classify as a yellow dwarf star. I never knew I was bright enough to light your life, though. That's pretty cool..."
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"Starman, I do believe the young lady just gave you a pickup line."
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"Oh. Nice.
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"Um... What's a 'pickup line?'"
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"It's when somebody tells you that they like you and think you're cute or pretty in a creative way."
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"Oh! Well, I like you and think you're pretty, too! Just like a night sky full of stars! Did I do it right? I hope that was creative enough."
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"You'll have to excuse him. Starman's a little naive, and things like this go over his head."
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formerchaoslord · 1 month
🎶 Kat! Ah-ahh! Savior of the Universe! 🎶
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"What? Me? Savior of the universe? I mean, I try my best as a superhero and all, but that's a bit much, don't you think...?
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"Besides... I came from a branching timeline where I failed to save everyone... I'm not worthy of such a title..."
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"Hey... Don't be so hard on yourself, Kat. We think you're a great superhero."
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"That's right, Kat! We didn't become your (unofficial) sidekicks because you were a bad or mediocre hero. We knew you were an incredible, selfless hero! Even when you failed, you got back up and tried again when you were given a second chance! You're an inspiration, and we're glad to be part of the Gravity Rushers! (Name still pending.)"
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"Thanks, you two... You really know how to cheer a girl up."
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formerchaoslord · 2 years
For PlanetMan: The Galaxy Song from "Monty Python's the Meaning of Life".
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"That was pretty catchy! Although Dante won't let me show the video due to some questionable content. He wants to keep things family friendly. But I did like the song."
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formerchaoslord · 2 years
Solo, I've got a new years resolution for you, stop being a tsundere. Also, megamen, get new power ups and be nice to your girlfriends. Burnerman, please control your anger.
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"Fool! My only resolutions is to grow stronger and to defeat Bass and Stelar!"
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"I'll do what I can to find more power ups. But I think Hub and I got it covered when it comes to being nice to our girlfriends."
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"Yeah, definitely."
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"And I want to be the best friend and future boyfriend to Ryoko that I can. Of course I want to better myself and work on my anger issues. I have been getting better, right?"
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"You have. You've been having less outbursts lately, and you been much nicer to Planetman, blip."
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"Keep it up, and Ryoko might fall in love with you before you start dating."
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"Aw, sweet! Thanks, you guys! I'm gonna keep trying for Ryoko and for all of you!"
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formerchaoslord · 2 years
Why is Volt Kraken in Jet Stingray's stage?
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"Our job is never done, I suppose."
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"Deputy Planetman, at your service! You just leave the Volt Kraken error to me!"
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"Thanks, Planetman!"
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formerchaoslord · 3 years
Anonymous said:
Whelp, at least your canon is more stable than that of the Kamen Rider series... Darn you, Z-io and Decade...
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"Yeah.. Kind of hard to keep up with that series, isn't it? Still enjoyable, though."
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"If you ask me, this universe isn't so easy to keep up with, neither."
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"Yeah. With all this dimensional travel and crossovers, it's almost as unstable as Planetman's potbelly."
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"Doh! You're always making fun of my weight! That's it! I'm going to avoid you from now on! When you see me coming down the street, you better get on the other side!"
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"Hah! When you come down the street, there ain't no other side!"
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formerchaoslord · 2 years
Question for StarMan, PlanetMan, Geo, and Omega-Xis: If you could visit any planet in the solar system, which would you visit?
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"If it has to be a planet in our solar system, then it has to be Mars. It's the only planet a human has a chance of surviving on, even if it's a small one...
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"Hmm... But then again, as an EM being, I could travel to any planet I want without having to worry about oxygen. I always wanted to see the rings of Saturn up close. But if I could choose a planet outside our solar system, planet FM would be my choice. And if it weren't destroyed, AM as well."
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"I heard stories about beings named after each of the planets in Geo's solar system. I think I'd like to see them all."
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"Hey! Me too! I wanna see them all, too!"
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"I actually had the privilege of seeing them all. Working for the Net Police allowed me to go on space missions, and I've been to each planet at least once by now."
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formerchaoslord · 3 years
Burnerman, I got you, ask mayl she's a red head.
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"Wait, so all redheads know about each other?! I never knew that! Do they have some kind of link or something?"
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"Slow down, Blazing Cupcake. Although her hair color has nothing to do with it, I do believe Mayl will give you some sound advice on how to win Ryoko's heart due to being a girl who knows what she wants in a boyfriend.
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"With that said, know that no two females are exactly alike. You will need to get to know Ryoko herself. Know what she likes and doesn't like. Her hobbies and such. I'm sure Mayl will tell you the same thing..."
Right on cue, Mayl appears.
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"I would, Welch. But I also have to point out that due to her memory loss, she's trying to figure all that stuff out as well. I say the best course of action is to spend time with her and for the time being, focus on being Ryoko's friend before trying to become her boyfriend. She's probably not ready to get into a relationship just yet when she's still trying to figure out who Ryoko Otonashi is."
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"So you're saying getting the girl is gonna take even longer than I thought...?"
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Oh no... Please don't get mad... Please don't get mad...!
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"Alright! I can do that! I'll be the best friend she has, appart from Nana. I will do everything I can to always be there for her and support her! I'll even be nicer to Planetman and lay off the fat jokes! I'll do whatever it takes to make Ryoko the happiest girl in the world!"
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"...There are no words to describe how proud of Burnerman I am right now."
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"*Sob* This is the happiest moment of my life..."
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formerchaoslord · 2 years
Continued from here and here.
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"Wow! We have a real superhero on our team! WAHOO!"
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"Aw, c'mon! I'm flattered and all, but you guys are practically superheroes yourselves. No need to act so excited..."
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"Are you kidding? Teaming up with a superhero is the coolest thing ever!"
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"I agree! And your powers are somewhat space themed, too! Can Starman and I be your sidekicks?"
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"Whoa! Sidekicks? I teamed up with other heroes before, but I never had my own sidekicks... I don't know if..."
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"Aw, why not! Okay, Starman and Planetman! It's not 100% official since we don't have the paperwork, but you two are now sidekicks in training of the Gravity Queen!"
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"I'm happy for you guys! And if you don't mind, Miss Gravity Queen, I'd like to take some notes from you so I can learn to be a better hero myself!"
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"Sure, Klonoa. I admit, there's a lot I need to learn as well, but I'll teach you everything I know!"
(Kat the Gravity Queen has joined the party!)
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