#zero has logged in (ic)
sentient-rift · 5 months
(Suddenly, Thanos snaps his fingers and wipes out half the universe.)
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"Oh, not again..."
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"Seriously?! We're doing this again?!"
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"Curse you, Thanos!!"
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"Not on my watch! The Infinity Stones won't work here!"
(RiFT snaps his own fingers and reverses the effect.)
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"Of course. No meme is going to take my friends away from me."
9 notes · View notes
lambourngb · 1 year
good fences make good neighbors
Commiseration Tuesday
With AO3 temporarily down, lots of us are sad at not being able to read when we wanted to! With that in mind, I’m taking the opportunity to invite you guys to share a little something from a WIP to keep us going through the downtime! Preferably something we haven’t shared before, but whatever works for you! Tagged by @ravens-words​ - thank you! I am working on an exchange fic, so I can’t share that, but I can share a WIP that I had before then...
ICEMAV - Set just after 1986 - based on a prompt where Mav and Ice are roommates and they have noisy neighbors. mentions of period-typical homophobia, and some misunderstandings ....
4400 words currently, but unfinished.
It was the third time that week.
Maverick stared sightless up at the plain white ceiling, tracing the cracks in the plaster while he listened to his next-door neighbors, Wolf and Hollywood, do their best to medal in the sex noise Olympics. It would be one thing if they decided to do this during the early evening hours when Mav could raise the volume on the ball game enough to drown out the moans and rhythmic thumping, but apparently, no one had any excess energy *right* after a work day. Instead, the second wind came at 2 am.
Again, the third time in the week, and it was only Tuesday. Christ.
Mav swung his legs out of bed, abandoning his attempts at sleep. Tomorrow's seminar on flight instructor certification was going to be rough, but judging from his recent experience, and god did he hate that he had this knowledge, the next-door noise had only just gotten started. It would be at least an hour before things quieted down again.
He met his own roommate in the dimly lit kitchen. Ice's face was flat with annoyance.
"Woke you up too?" Mav asked stupidly because, of course, it did. Ice was completely by the book and subscribed to the minimum of eight hours of sleep during the week; only the noise of Hollywood and Wolf would have had him in the kitchen nursing a warm bottle of Budweiser.
"I bet if I reported them to the brass, it would stop," Ice muttered darkly before pushing a chair open for Mav with his foot and nodding toward the open six-pack on the table.
"Well, just means they would be annoying their fellow prison cellmates with this instead of us." Mav traded a tired smile with Ice, both of them secure in the knowledge that reporting Hollywood and Wolf was completely out of the question. A few sleepless nights was a small price to pay for them, a momentary annoyance; a complaint about the two pilots breaking the UCMJ with each other would have them both dishonorably discharged and likely imprisoned. In fact, because it *was* Mav and Ice sharing a wall in their base housing duplex was probably the only reason the couple felt safe enough to make any noise in the first place.
Still. It was one thing that their friends had a feeling of safety knowing they would never be turned in, it was becoming clear there was also ... a level of shamelessness going on next door.
Mav knuckled the gritty feeling of fatigue out of his eyes, "What I don't understand is ... how do they even have the energy? We're logging four hours in the cockpit and six in the classroom during this new certification session, and I think Jester has become even more sadistic in his teaching since we graduated from Top Gun. I can barely make it through the evening news at the end of the day, let alone want to do..."
He paused, and then they both heard the enthusiastic beat of a bed frame from next door, and the loud tempo of 'Oh god, oh fuck' soundtrack. "That."
"Are you admitting to a lack of stamina, Mitchell?" Ice smirked, his usual cool expression curving into an even more familiar expression of mocking Mav. At least now, there was only humor in Ice's blue eyes instead of the dislike from when they first met.
"What?! No, there's nothing wrong with my stamina; I have zero complaints about that. I'm just saying... those idiots have been together for years, how are they still... like that?"
This time Ice looked away, taking a long slow draw from his beer. The oven light and microwave clock hid most of the details, but Mav knew him pretty well now, he could sense the discomfort in the question. "I wouldn't know. My longest relationship lasted through the holiday break during the Academy."
"Are we talking two days of Christmas or the eight nights of Hanukkah?"
"The former...and believe me, my mother despairs of me."
Mav laughed and held out his beer to clink against Ice's in solidarity over their sad love lives. "Well, you beat me. My streak is six weeks, give or take." 
He wasn't even sure if he could count the time between Hop 31 and getting cleared to fly again as time spent with Charlie, most of that was a blank in his memory of grief and intense accident investigation prep work. Top Gun was an 8-week combat school session, in between finally scoring a date with Charlie and getting dumped for the Washington job two weeks after the Layton rescue, six weeks was probably generous. Maybe he should count Penny instead, add up his assorted weekends with her after meeting her in flight school when her father was overseeing Pensacola. Four years, six weekends.
"I always beat you," Ice reminded him, annoying as always in his precision, with the memory of last year between them. 
Mav had no idea where the Top Gun trophy was, only that he was a little surprised that it wasn’t displayed prominently in their quarters, especially after Ice had found out who his roommate was at the beginning of the session. 
Actually a lot of Mav’s presumptions about Ice and what he would be like to live with had not come true. Neatness was a rule, but there were no white glove inspections of Mav’s room and only the drollest reminder to throw out the carryout containers after a few days, and they both agreed to keep the women at the O-Club. After all, the curriculum to qualify as a Top Gun instructor was difficult enough, without complicating it with a clingy boat chaser or pilot groupie that stalked the bars around Miramar. As it turned out, as straight-laced as Ice was in his job, he was surprisingly relaxed about the apartment. Mav had even expected some sort of judgment from Ice about his sparse civilian wardrobe or his cheap generic toiletries from the exchange, but there was nothing. 
Other than the old joke about who was the better pilot, Ice was a generous and easy-going roommate. Most of the time he put up a token protest about Ice’s winning streak (1 out 1 in competitions) but he was too tired to argue tonight. 
Instead, he flashed a smile at Ice, letting his shit-eating grin say everything for him. Ice rolled his eyes in turn, but maybe he was tired too, allowing the subject to drop without a further jibe.
The thumps and sounds were slowly winding down, and Maverick picked up their empty bottles to take to the trash. He yawned, and gestured to the side where Wolf and Hollywood were staying, “I do appreciate that they feel safe here, what I don’t appreciate is the timing of it. I almost yawned in Viper’s face during the flight log review today because of them.”
Ice’s eyes crinkled at the admission, but he was kind enough not to laugh at least. He put the rest of the six pack back in the fridge and then wiped the table down with a papertowel, leaving the kitchen pristine again. “I agree. Their timing could be better, or at least quieter, and I guess I’m only a little jealous of them.”
“Why, because they’re getting laid?”
“No,” Ice drawled, without an eyeroll this time, “because they found each other. I might not have had a long-term relationship before, but I’m not opposed to the idea. Wood and Wolf, while I know they have to hide their relationship, at least they can talk about their jobs without boring the other person, or worse, spending the evening explaining acronyms. That kinda sounds nice to me.”
Then it had to be a trick of shadow, or the thin draperies by the window, but Mav suddenly had the impression that Ice was *blushing* after that confession. His mind spun over the possibilities, was that something that his wingman was interested in, and with whom, only a few people could possibly check that narrow set of boxes. Certainly not any of the women at the O-Club, unless Ice had his eye on someone Mav didn’t know. Pensacola had been graduating women for at least ten years, though not many in fixed-wing operations. He shook his head, deciding that he must have imagined that. Iceman was way too controlled to blush. 
He realized he was staring just then, and was standing too close to Ice in the dimly lit kitchen. Rushing to cover for his shameful preoccupation, Mav rubbed the back of his head and scoffed. “Yeah, sure it sounds nice, but I can’t really imagine it being realistic. At least not for me.” 
Ice said nothing in response, not even to make fun of Mav, he just brushed past him to leave the kitchen. The quiet in their apartment had been restored, it was time to attempt sleep again. 
As Mav waited to fall back asleep he realized that another presumption that he had about Ice had fallen completely flat. Ice might have been robotic in his flying at time, but the man was also a secret romantic. 
Two nights later it happened again. The thin walls transcribe nearly every movement and every breathless gasp from Wolfman and Hollywood.
Mav sat up in bed with a loud groan of annoyance as the ‘Oh oh, yes!’ chorus started up again. His textbook that he had fallen asleep reading slipped off his lap onto the floor with a loud thump, and then he crashed into his nightstand after overbalancing in his attempt to reach it. The nightstand hit the wall, and Mav yelped loudly in pain.
There was a pause and a giggle from the shared wall and then a loud shushing noise.
He rubbed his elbow, retrieving the textbook from the floor. Thank god blessed silence, Mav thought as the quiet extended past a few minutes, before pushing up from the floor to crawl back in bed.
Except the respite was brief, and the rocking movements of the headboard.
Mav groaned again, even more annoyed by them now. 
There was another spell of quiet, and suddenly, he realized what was going on. Wolf and Wood were listening to him. “Oh you fucking pervs,” Mav whispered to himself, and then shrugged. Maybe it was time for them to get a taste of their own medicine. He got on his knees and grabbed the plain headboard with one hand, then started to rock his hips in motion until the mattress squeaked in time with his efforts.
Boom, boom, boom, he knocked the headboard into the wall, while the mattress made obliging sounds with it. Mav pinched his thumb between the wall and the bed, pulling a loud cry of pain from his lips. Despite the circumstances that gave him an idea, it was the sound that was missing from his production. He moaned and cried loudly, until his muscles started to burn with the exertion.
Had it been long enough? How long did he have to do this? He didn’t want to be teased for being an early finisher if he quit too early-
Out of caution, Mav gave a few more minutes of his best performance without laughing, then he let out a satisfied whimper for his audience. 
It was silent next door. Maybe they were both voyeurs and got off to the noise and idea of someone else getting laid. Whatever the reason, Mav laid flat on his bed and fell asleep quickly in the renewed quiet. His last thought was smug, he had silenced the neighbors in half of the time and all it cost him was a bruised thumb.
The next day was strange. It was Friday, and Mav woke up with a smile on his face. The class had an early morning test before they were all dismissed for the weekend, practically a three day holiday. He had studied the night before thoroughly and felt prepared, his sleep had only been disturbed briefly thanks to his ingenuity, and the weather was beautiful, perfect for an afternoon at the beach. Everything was coming up aces for him.
Except for one thing. Well, one person. Ice.
Never a chatty person in the morning without caffeine, Ice was downright monosyllabic on Friday. He nodded to Mav in the kitchen, taking his coffee back to his room with a brief return of Mav’s greeting of ‘Good morning’ and then he left for class before Mav was dressed from his shower, instead of sharing the walk to the hanger with him. 
Hollywood and Wolf on the other hand were all smiles and jokes that morning, elbowing each other and laughing whenever Mav came near them. He had chocked their behavior up to being a pair of immature pervs, even if they were madly in love with each other, and he had dismissed it completely. 
Ice’s behavior was a little harder to puzzle out.
His uniform was perfectly pressed, and his gold pen was still in his hand while they waited for the test to be passed out to the class. No sign of the lazy, hypnotic twirl that Ice was prone to do. It was as if every inch of him was locked down and under complete control. A complete 1-180 from how they first encountered each other. It was then that Mav realized that the pen-flipping and gum chewing were all signs of Ice being comfortable and at ease with his environment, and why wouldn’t he had been during TOPGUN, his skills had him in first place on day one, and everyone else had to play catch up, Mav included. Not today. A statue had more warmth and movement than Ice did. Mav tried to catch his eye from across the room, but Ice seemed to be deeply interested in front of the classroom and never acknowledged Mav.
That was also new.
“This might be a short day, gentlemen, but this test will determine whether you have the proficiency to teach the theories of aerial combat to incoming Top Gun classes. I hope you all studied hard,” Jester said from the podium with the tests in hand.
Hollywood smothered a laugh after Wolfman kicked the back of his chair.
“Something to add, Lt. Neven?” 
“No sir, we all studied hard. Some of us went at it a little harder than others last night,” Hollywood answered, almost respectfully. Mav noticed that Ice’s shoulders seemed to tighten and a red flush was spreading over Ice’s ear as he stared straight ahead completely stone-faced. The rest of the room was used to Hollywood running his mouth, nearly everyone rolled their eyes at the innuendo.
Mav had the strange feeling that he was missing something. Ice’s knuckles were white where he clutched his pen when just the other day that type of remark would have had him trading long-suffering looks with Mav. They knew better than anyone what Hollywood was referring to as the unlucky neighbors. However his musings were cut off by the appearance of the test. There would be time to figure out his wingman later, Mav reasoned, first he needed to make sure he didn’t wash out of the training program because of a stupid written exam.
The previous hard work the night before in studying was at least well rewarded. He confidently wrote in the answers to the open-ended questions and circled the appropriate bubbles during the multiple choice sections, hardly needing to pause to remember the correct information. Mav had to hide a smile as he reached the end of the exam, and noticed that Viper had updated the scenario with the MiG and inverted tanks. Finishing the test with a flourish, Mav stood at almost the same time as Ice did, both of them were the first to turn in their exams. 
He rushed to the front of the classroom, mostly with grace and slapped down his test in front of Jester with a smug celebration for being the first. Jester raised his eyebrows at the display, and placed the completed test to the side with an exaggerated gesture of patience. Mav turned his head to see if Ice was bothered by finishing second, only to watch him walk slowly and unhurriedly to the front, seemingly without a care. 
Like Mav was the only one who was competing. Like Mav wasn’t even worth competing with.
He was definitely missing *something* when it came to Ice. Well, as a pilot, Mav was well-trained in the dogged-pursuit of a bogie; putting his wingman in his sights was easy. Target acquired time to move in for the easy kill.
Or at least it should have been easy. Mav waited just outside of the classroom doors for Ice. 
Ice took one step out of the hanger, then caught sight of him, he then made a text-book perfect dress-right move away from him in an obvious attempt at avoidance. Ice must have been in charge of drill formations for his brigade at the academy, Mav mused to himself before jogging to catch up to match Ice’s long strides down toward the housing block. Something was definitely up with him.
Deciding to start with the obvious, Mav fell breathlessly in step with him, “Hey, so how do you think you did on the test? Not as bad as we thought, right?”
“Fine,” Ice gritted out without looking over at him.
“Just fine? I think I aced it,” Mav continued, undeterred by the short response. “Did you see the question about the inverted tanks? I feel like perhaps my name should have been cited as a resource there, since it was my intel from the Enterprise-”  he paused to see if Ice reacted to that, and was met with a clenched jaw but nothing else. “I guess we will find out on Monday if they wash any of us out for being too stupid to teach here. It’s not like the ASVAB where you get thirty points for spelling your name right, although yours was probably a challenge, Kazansky.”
There was no way that Ice was worried about failing out of the program, Mav thought, but maybe he was wrong about that. It was barely ten am, and there was almost three days before the results would be ready, maybe what Ice needed was a distraction. 
“Listen, it’s early enough, why don’t we hit the beach, scout out the best location before the rest of our class finishes up. Maybe it’s time for another rematch in volleyball,-”
“No, thank you,” Ice replied firmly.
The response was polite on the surface, but completely cold. Mav blinked, and realized that they were back at their shared quarters. Instead of moving toward his bedroom to remove his uniform for the long weekend, Ice was packing a slim carrying case with his textbooks and notes. His movements were smooth and unhurried under Mav’s stare, as if Mav wasn’t even there in the room with him.
He had tried subtle, but that had rarely worked for him, so Mav got straight to the point. “Is something wrong?” 
Ice didn’t pause after zipping the case up, even though his hands flexed on the supple leather. “No, nothing is wrong.”
“Are you sure? Because if I pissed you off, it wasn’t deliberate-”
Ice straightened, holding the case in his right hand. He was still the consummate officer, his left hand was free to salute, as he flicked his gaze over to Maverick for the first time all day. Up and down, without a hint of his thoughts on his face as Mav shifted anxiously under it. Whatever he saw on Mav, it must not have been interesting as he executed another precise pivot away from Mav. “You didn’t, I just don't have time for you right now, Mitchell.”
Mav thought about what Goose had said during that first night at the O-Club about Ice, “he wears you down, you get bored, frustrated, do something stupid and he's got ya-” somehow without Mav becoming aware of it, Ice had gotten lock on him and had fired, echoing the words of disinterested foster parents and bored peers who hadn’t cared to hear his teenage-mouth runoff about planes and the Navy in that dead end town.
Ice had his back to him thankfully for Mav’s ego, he was too intent on leaving the small duplex and missed the devastation left in his wake, calling out a belated, “Later, Mitchell,” over his shoulder. 
Still precise and polite, even after leaving a knife inside Mav. 
Time played games with Mav after that, slipping away in hours before lingering painfully over the last few minutes with Ice. He was somewhat aware of movement outside the door, a knock and call from Wolfman, some offer about the beach, but it felt unimportant to Mav. One thing was clear, he had not imagined the tension in Ice that morning and then the sudden dismissal after the test solidified that into fact. 
He had done something wrong, something that had killed the blossoming friendship between them after the Layton rescue. He had no idea what it could be, but he was a little too familiar with this type of confusion after having experienced it before as a kid. He remembered how it went back then, foster parents that were excited to welcome a son into their family, with wide smiles and effusive hugs always seemed to slip into cold, disapproving strangers because of something Mav had done.
There was even a particular look they would get after making the decision to return him to foster care, but before the social worker could find the next placement. With the brief return of the wide empty smiles, everyone would act nice, but behind it was the peace of knowing it would be just temporary and he would soon be someone else’s problem. 
Ice had found his limit with him; apparently, he was now cooly polite to Mav and obviously avoiding him. Maybe he had reached his own decision about Mav, there was no social worker for Ice to call to pick Mav up, but there were transfer orders and reassignments instead. 
He’s waiting to finish the teaching certification and then he’ll be headed back to sea, away from Miramar, Mav realized dully. They would finish the program qualified to be instructors, but not together. Somewhere along the line after Ice had signed up for the class with him, he had pictured sharing an office with him at Top Gun, taking up new pilots and bickering over paperwork, turning that bond they had from the Indian Ocean into something… more. 
Mav had never felt more stupid in his life, he suddenly understood why his stomach had clenched when Ice had confessed being a little jealous of Hollywood and Wolfman having found each other. “I might not have had a long-term relationship before, but I’m not opposed to the idea.” He was jealous, because he now realized that he wanted that too, with Ice. 
He swallowed the sour taste in his mouth and stood up from their couch, suddenly aware that hours had passed and he had done nothing to fix whatever he had done to piss Ice off. The key to convincing someone to keep him around had always revolved around being useful to them. He had learned early on that certain home placements had lasted longer when he accepted the bulk of household chores, then later on, he had ensnared Nick Bradshaw’s lifelong friendship when he had volunteered for newborn diaper duty with baby Bradley. Hell, even Charlie had hung around for his knowledge of the MiG, which was all very useful to her career prospects in Washington. 
Now how could he be useful to Ice, and make up for whatever he did to alienate the other man?
The quarters they shared were still neat, as per Ice’s original request but maybe he also meant he wanted them to be clean? That he could do.
It was almost eleven when Mav heard the key scrape in the lock that signaled Ice’s return. 
He kept his attention on the baseball game, long since placed on mute after the sound of the announcers had started to scrape over his anxiety. Ice flipped on the lights, causing him to blink owlishly at the brightness, his eyes having long since grown used to the dim light of the television.
“Sorry,” Ice apologized, still polite and courteous. “I didn’t think you’d be back.”
Mav glanced over at him before returning his attention to the game, even though he had no idea how his team was up by four. That confirmed another suspicion, Ice had stayed away until now because he wanted to avoid him. He hated it when his suspicions were proven correct. “Never left.”
He could see out of his periphery that his admission seemed to halt Ice in his tracks to the kitchen. It was just temporary, he recovered and continued to the small alcove to retrieve a beer from the fridge after placing his leather case on the small card table that masqueraded as a kitchen table. The sounds were familiar to Mav, the hiss of the refrigerator door, the snap of the bottle cap, the careful clink of Ice throwing the cap away in the trash, instead of tossing it carelessly like the rest of their class.
It all sounded normal, except for the bounds of tension that were looped around his chest. 
A ball was hit to the outfield, and Mav watched as it arched higher and higher over the desperate reach of a desperate center fielder. He blinked, realizing belatedly that his team had allowed the opponent to tie up the game. It was the bottom of the ninth, if his team held it they would have another shot at winning, but if they slipped it was all over. That, at least, felt familiar to Mav. 
“You cleaned,” Ice said, stating the obvious with a small wrinkle of confusion on his face as he took a seat next to Mav on the couch. His blue eyes scanned the room, noting each small change, like the rug was freshly beaten, the wood floors swept, the scent of lemon oil in the air. 
Mav pulled his attention away from the game and tried to read his expression, looking for some sign of approval or disapproval. Damnit, he was twenty-five years old, and somehow he had found a time portal back to 1973, eleven years old and wondering if he had cleaned the house well enough to avoid being sent back. For the first time since Ice had brushed him off, he felt the lick of anger at himself for being this weak. 
“I did.”
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lightwise · 5 months
TBB S3 E11 Reaction
I’ve watched this episode multiple times already but honestly it doesn’t get any easier. Here we go I guess 😩
- This droid guy looks like the one from episode 4. They’re kinda cute
- The return of Mel! (And Phee 😁)
- Both of them are in a mood 😆. What trip did they just get back from to make them so cranky? Love the throwback to Skara Nall too.
- Noooo not CX-2 😭
- He’s a sneaky boi
- I knew that Phee would inadvertently be how the coordinates to Pabu would be found 🥺🥺
- I’m just now noticing that the back office is playing music and that’s probably why Phee can’t hear the alarm go off. That is hilarious and also very frustrating 😅
- Of course the droid thinks it caused the alarm somehow
- There’s no way downloading someone’s flight log goes that quickly but okay
- Ooooh my girl knows something is up! Her spidey pirate senses are going off. Aghhhh if only she had been a second sooner!!
- If CX-2 ISN’T Tech there is zero reason why he would have stayed behind to watch Phee leave before he snuck off. Also how is he so incredible at hacking into and decoding things 👀
- Ugh I just want a show of Phee and Mel adventures around the galaxy!
- Why is his ship so freaking cool. These maps are incredible.
- Reallyyyy wanna get CX-2’s helmet off 😭
- Aw Pabu is so beautiful in the sunset
- Ha! I knew the boys would try to leave after Ventress warned them it was too dangerous to stay on Pabu. Hunter might be slow sometimes but he’s not completely stupid guys
- Aw poor Wrecker just wants an ice cream
- Crosshair shakes his head at him 🤣
- The little clone cadets outfits are so cool!!!
- Not going to lie, the first time I watched this was the closest I had cried all season. Tech’s goggles and Lula being placed in the Archium is so heartbreakingly fitting 💔
- Wrecker and Gonky banter 🤩🤩🤩 Gonk is such a part of the family I love it soooo much
- Okay seriously how is CX-2 able to both know he’s tripped a proximity sensor AND turn it off?? Come on
- I just realized how he knows where the cave is too. If he tracked Phee’s flight log it must have shown exactly where she normally landed
- Ugh that gold and purple is just too beautiful. Can Pabu be a real place that I can go to?
- Hunter’s spidey senses are also on alert. And I love how close he and Crosshair are again, their pre-Order 66 bond has been restored and is even deeper. Crosshair is attuned to when Hunter’s senses go off. And their helmets sitting together on the cart is so cute 🥹
- No NO no NOOO Nooooo. This moment was ruined by the Star Wars marketing team so it honestly didn’t hit as hard as it would have otherwise, but 😭😭😭. RIP Marauder. You will live on in our imagination
- I still can’t believe that they somehow heard our outcry about what would happen to Gonky, Lula, and Tech’s goggles if they blew up the Marauder, and decided to save EXACTLY those three things 🤣 (and Wrecker. So glad Wrecker is “relatively” okay, poor boy)
- Hunter’s slooow helmet turn until we see the starship above the island. Phew. And the Imperial March coming in.
- Omega comforting Batcher 😭😭😭
- Having LAATs swoop down into a town like that would be terrifying
- Man, where’s Maarva when you need her. Fuck the Empire
- “Search every domicile until you find her” is going to go down in Star Wars quote history
- I was genuinely afraid they were going to burn the whole island
- I’m sorry but I just can’t take the backpack clips on CX-2 seriously
- Batcher baby no! (Also genuinely thought we were going to lose her for a second)
- Damn Hunter. Nothing makes him shine like hand to hand combat and other things 🥵
- He’s never been hotter honestly
- Alright how in the world is CX-2 so good at *everything*. I’m honestly getting a little annoyed at it.
- Crosshair’s face 😭💔😭 he’s never looked more scared and pleading than when he says his baby sister’s name
- I’m kind of surprised that they didn’t just burn down the town anyway. Either CX-2 is just trying to be super efficient/he doesn’t care past accomplishing his mission, or the Empire gets much more petty and cruel by Kenobi and Rebels
- It’s so interesting to me how touchy CX-2 is with Omega. Why all the shoulder pushes? Shoulder touches are very much a form of affection and communication among clones. Has that impulse in him just been turned to violence?
- Sooo…we basically will never get wet hair Hunter 🤣🤣🤣 I’ll take this much dripping and cute Batcher scratches compensation though
- Okay. I’m just going to say it. The way they chose to have Crosshair miss the tracking device was so disappointing to me. Not the fact that he missed, but how he missed. Having him be distracted and fend for his life and be late for the shot was great. But I wish they had brought his hand tremble into play here as the main mechanism behind why he missed. They’ve been building that up all season and it would have made perfect sense. Instead he rushes and like trips and just shoots too early? So out of character. I didn’t like it and still don’t :(
- Welp, Omega seems to be less worried than we are. We’re in the end game now folks 😳 this music is awesome too
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Version 1.1 "Undercover R&B" Update Details
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Dear Proxy,
Below is the updated content and compensation for Version 1.1 "Undercover R&B."
[Update Start Time]
2024/08/14 06:00:00 (UTC+8)
It will take about five hours to complete.
[Compensation Details]
● Server Update Compensation
Compensation: Polychrome ×300
Compensation Eligibility: 2024/08/14 06:00:00 (UTC+8) Proxies who are lv. 4 or above before this date.
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Compensation: Polychrome ×300
Compensation Eligibility: 2024/08/14 06:00:00 (UTC+8) Proxies who are lv. 4 or above before this date.
Please refer to the corresponding compensation mails. Proxies, before 2024/09/13 23:59:00 (UTC+8) make sure to log in and claim your compensation.
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[How to Update]
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[New Content]
1. New Characters
● S-Rank Agent [Qingyi (Stun - Electric)]
Qingyi is an Agent who can rapidly Stun enemies and inflict more DMG on those Stunned enemies. While inflicting Electric DMG, she can build up Flash Connect Voltage, entering the [Flash Connect] state after accumulating up a certain amount.
While in this state, hold down Basic Attack to unleash a Finishing Move, inflicting [Subjugation] on enemies and increasing the target's Stun DMG Multiplier.
*Exclusive S-Rank Agent [Qingyi (Stun - Electric)] can be obtained from Signal Searching the "Untainted Jade" channel.
● S-Rank Agent [Jane (Anomaly - Physical)]
Jane is an Agent who relies on quickly triggering [Assault] Anomaly to deal damage. Her moves accumulate Passion Stream and she enters [Passion] state. While in this state, Jane's Anomaly Buildup Rate and ATK will increase, and some of her moves will be enhanced.
During Jane's [Passion] state, different moves will consume or restore Passion Stream. When Passion Stream has been depleted, Jane will leave the [Passion] state.
● A-Rank Agent [Seth (Defense - Electric)]
Seth is an Agent who can provide Attribute Anomaly and survivability buffs to squadmates. By unleashing his EX Special Attack, Seth can build up [Resolve] and gain [Shield of Firm Resolve]. Once [Resolve] exceeds a certain amount, hold Basic Attack to consume [Resolve] and launch [Basic Attack: Lightning Strike - Electrified]. His Finishing Move will launch against enemies after performing continuous attacks.
When Seth hits an enemy with a Finishing Move or Assist Follow-Up, it will trigger a Quick Assist for the previous squad member and provide [Shield of Firm Resolve] for that squad member. A squad member with [Shield of Firm Resolve] has their Anomaly Proficiency increased.
*Exclusive S-Rank Agent [Jane (Anomaly - Physical)] and A-Rank Agent [Seth (Defense - Electric)] can be obtained from Signal Searching channels that will be released later.
2. New W-Engines
● S-Rank W-Engine [Ice-Jade Teapot (Stun)]
Exclusive S-Rank W-Engine [Ice-Jade Teapot (Stun)] can be obtained from Signal Searching the "Dissonant Sonata" channel.
● S-Rank W-Engine [Sharpened Stinger (Anomaly)]
● A-Rank W-Engine [Peacekeeper - Specialized (Defense)]
*Exclusive S-Rank W-Engine [Sharpened Stinger (Anomaly)], A-Rank W-Engine [Peacekeeper - Specialized (Defense)] can be obtained via Signal Searching channels that will be released later.
● A-Rank [Gilded Blossom (Attack)]
*Obtained via Version 1.1 limited-time event "Camellia Golden Week."
3. New Bangboo
● S-Rank Bangboo [Officer Cui]
*Can be obtained via "An Outstanding Partner" channel.
4. New Areas
● New Eridu Public Security: Unlocks after accepting the Commission [Special Episode "Undercover R&B"]
● Gang Transfer Station: Unlocked for a limited time during [Special Episode "Undercover R&B"]
5. New Story
● Special Episode: Undercover R&B
A Thiren lady who walks among vicious criminals wearing a mysterious smile...
Availability: Permanently available after Version 1.1 goes live
How to Unlock: Complete Main Story Chapter 3 "The Midnight Pursuit"
● Qingyi Agent Story: The Case of a Missing Bangboo
Become an Assistant Public Security Officer and help Qingyi get to the bottom of the case!
Availability: Permanently available after Version 1.1 goes live
How to Unlock: Complete the Main Story Chapter 2 Interlude "Mission Unthinkable"
● Agent Trust Events
New Trust Events for Jane, Qingyi, and Seth
Availability: Permanently available after Version 1.1 goes live.
How to Unlock: Obtain the corresponding Agents and complete the required Stories (Please see Workbench > Partner Archive)
6. New Events
● All-New Programs
Log in for a total of 7 days to earn Encrypted Master Tape ×10!
Event Duration: After Version 1.1 goes live – 2024/09/24 03:59 (server time)
Requirements: Reach Inter-Knot Lv. 8 and in Prologue- Intermission unlock the "Events" function
● Camellia Golden Week
The most anticipated holiday in New Eridu, and rewards unexpectedly unearthed by a Companion Hollow~
Get ready to celebrate! Secret treasure! Gold! Golden Week!
Event Duration: 2024/08/21 10:00 – 2024/09/23 03:59 (server time)
Requirements: Reach Inter-Knot Lv. 32 and complete Main Story Chapter 3 "The Midnight Pursuit
● Scene One, Shot One!
Tell the tale of New Eridu through the camera in your hand
"Lights! Camera! And... Action!"
Event Duration: 2024/09/13 10:00 – 2024/09/23 03:59 (server time)
Requirements: Reach Inter-Knot Lv. 36 and complete Special Episode "Undercover R&B"
● Daily Life of a PubSec Officer
What's the daily life of a PubSec Officer like?
A "law-abiding," passionate, and compassionate Ridu citizen wants to try it out!
Event Duration: 2024/08/30 10:00 – 2024/09/09 03:59 (server time)
Requirements: Reach Inter-Knot Lv. 36 and complete Special Episode "Undercover R&B"
● Immersive Tactical Drill
The HIA Career Club VR Challenge just got a new update:
A special limited-time challenge is now open to all players!
Event Duration: 2024/09/06 10:00 – 2024/09/16 03:59 (server time)
Requirements: Reach Inter-Knot Lv. 30 and complete up to Chapter 2 Interlude - Intermission in the Main Story
● First-Class Customer Service
If you wanna build a reputation for your store, you gotta have good customer service.
Your player's broken? Yup... the video store can take care of that now!
Event Duration: 2024/08/16 10:00 – 2024/08/26 03:59 (server time)
Requirements: Reach Inter-Knot Lv. 15 and complete Agent Story "Mole in the Hole (I)"
※ Please look out for official announcements for updates on other events.
7. New Gameplay
● New Hollow Zero Challenge "Inferno Reap"
Within 180s, continuously suppress Symbiotic Ethereal Swarm, codename: Nineveh, to reduce its Ether activity, and control the spread of Withering
How to Unlock: Complete "Withering Garden: Core" and reach a certain point in "Foliage Hunt"
8. Other Updated Content
1. New Commissions
● After progressing the Special Episode "Undercover R&B" story, Proxies can accept new Commissions in various areas and via Inter-Knot notifications.
● Obsidian Division have posted a number of Combat Commissions on Inter-Knot. Proxies will receive notifications for these Commissions by raising their Inter-Knot level.
● Some Commissions have added epilogue content. After completing a Commission, Proxies can encounter Clients in the city and talk to them to find out more about what happened after their Commissions were completed.
2. New Content
● Adds Agent Avatars: Unlocked by obtaining the corresponding Agents.
● Adds Agent Mindscape Cinema Namecards: Obtain by evoking the corresponding Agent's Mindscape Cinema 3/6 times.
● Adds Dynamic Backgrounds: Obtain Agents Qingyi, Jane, and/or Seth, and increase their Trust Level to unlock the corresponding Agent's Dynamic Background.
● Adds Trigger Mode for [Chain Attacks]: Auto Mode and Manual Mode. Can be changed in the settings menu.
● On mobile devices while using the touchscreen layout, go to [Options > Input > Button Position Settings] and adjust the size and positioning within the provided parameters.
● Adds Selfie Mode: Proxies can switch to the selfie perspective as needed.
● Adds Selfie Poses: In Selfie Mode, Proxies can choose from preset poses to take photos.
● Adds Filter Function: Multiple filters have been provided. Proxies can choose the filter that suits their preferences.
● Adds recommended Drive Disc sets for each Agent based on usage rates (Data is sourced from recently active players).
● Adds recommended Drive Disc main stats for each Agent based on usage rates (Data is sourced from recently active players).
● Adds a Teleporter to the HDD in "Random Play."
● Adds the "Logistics Shop" Teleporter to "Scott Outpost."
● Adds the New Eridu Public Security area and associated Teleporter.
● Adds Achievements (incl. hidden achievements) to A Ridu Journey, Proxy Business, Agent Trust events, Agent Stories, Special Episodes, Hollow Zero, Shiyu Defense, and Hollow Exploration Guide.
● Some stores in "Sixth Street" and "Lumina Square" have added in-store voice lines.
● Adds some new NPCs to the "NEPS Lumina Branch" area.
● Adds "NEPS Lumina Branch" street corner random encounter conversation. Adds street corner random encounters to "Lumina Square", "HIA Club," and other areas.
● Adds a filter function to the Agent screen, allowing Proxies to filter Agents by specialty.
● Adds "Rampant Brute" to "Expert Challenge."
● Adds Challenge Target to [Combat Details > Commissions] in the "Routine Cleanup" details screen.
● Adds "go to next stage" function to the Challenge Result screen of Audition Stage "The Final Callback." Using this function, Proxies can directly experience the next Agent's Audition Stage.
● Adds Friends Chat portal to the right of Personal Info in the top left corner of the screen.
● Adds a Claim All button to the "New Eridu City Fund" Level Rewards screen. Claiming single rewards has also been optimized.
● In [Options > Other], added [Quick Use of Bangboo Plug-Ins on the Board] settings. Bangboo Plug-Ins can be switched between two different modes: "hold down on a Plug-In to use it instantly, click/tap to open the Plug-In panel" OR "Click/tap to use a Plug-In instantly, hold down to open the Plug-In panel."
● In [Options > Other], adds "Remember Board Acceleration Status" setting. Once activated, your chosen acceleration status will be carried over to future Commissions.
3. Shiyu Defense
"Disputed Node"
Adds permanently open node: "Disputed Node." There are eight frontiers at the "Disputed Node." There are no time limits for this challenge. You will receive two "Ether Dewdrops" (these will restore Agent HP automatically when defeated). Your rating will be determined by the total number of Agent defeats.
Unlock Requirements: Complete Main Story Chapter 2 Interlude "Mission Unthinkable" and Stable Node: Fifth Frontier to unlock.
"Critical Node"
After the Version 1.1 update is complete, the reset time for "Critical Node" in "Shiyu Defense" will be changed to 04:00 (server time) of the 1st and 16th day of each month. The buffs of the updated "Critical Node" are as follows:
Phase I:
Daze from [Basic Attacks] is increased by 15%. DMG from [Chain Attacks] is increased by 100%.
Agents deal an additional 50% damage to Stunned enemies.
Phase II:
When an enemy is Stunned, all squad members gain 2 stacks of [Fervor], and when an Attribute Anomaly is triggered, all squad members gain 1 stack of [Fervor]. [Fervor] lasts for 20s and stacks up to 3 times. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.
For each stack of [Fervor], Agent ATK increases by 10% and Anomaly Proficiency increases by 10 points.
Phase III:
Increases Agent ATK by 20%, and Attribute Anomaly DMG by 30%.
[Adjustments & Optimizations]
1. Agents
● Optimizes Agent "Piper's" walk-to-run transition animation after triggering certain moves.
● Optimizes Agent "Nekomata's" blade glint special effects during [Basic Attack: Crimson Blade].
● Corrected "Soldier 11's" Mindscape Cinema display.
● Corrected the text description and word order for Agent "Ellen's" [EX Special Attack] (These are text-only fixes and do not affect actual skill effects)
● Optimizes the way buff icons are displayed for Agent "Soukaku's" different "Vortex" states.
● Optimizes the way buff icons are displayed for Agent "Grace's" different "Electric" stacks.
● Optimizes the text descriptions for some skills (These are text-only fixes and do not affect actual gameplay).
1) ATK and DEF in some skill descriptions were changed to "initial ATK" and "initial DEF."
2) "Increases ATK by 10%" in text description of 2-piece Drive Disc has been adjusted to "ATK +10%."
2. Enemies
● Optimizes visual display of Stun DMG Multiplier info for some enemies.
● Optimizes the UI design and display for some elite enemies.
● Corrected the background color of "Hornet" Ether Mutants in "Phaethon's Database."
3. Systems
● Adjusted the portal to the mail function. Proxies will be able to directly access their mail using the button to the right of [Options] in the bottom part of the main menu interface.
● Optimizes the user experience for Inter-Knot notifications, DMs, and using the camera function. After finishing using these functions, the player will be able to move again much quicker than before.
● Optimizes the user experience for upgrading Agents: Players will be able to jump to the corresponding gameplay directly from the material item details interface. Then, on the challenge results screen, players will be able to return directly to the Agent upgrade screen by using the "Return to Upgrading" button.
4. Gameplay
● In Hollow Zero, the number of times Special Commissions that need to be completed within Bounty Commissions each week will be adjusted from 5 to 2 times, and the number of Special Commission tasks will be reduced from 4 to 2. This adjustment will take effect on the first Monday at 04:00 (server time) after the Version 1.1 update is complete.
● Increases the number of Bangboo System Widgets and Whitestar rest area Z-Merits that can be obtained in a single reward in Hollow Zero. The weekly limit will not change. This adjustment will take effect after the Version 1.1 update is complete.
● Optimizes the call for support logic in "Hollow Zero." When Proxies don't require support, Agents won't enter the squad, and players can select their support items.
● Optimizes the description of the challenge to go to the next floor in "Hollow Zero."
● Optimizes the description of The Hollows Bank event in "Hollow Zero."
● Optimizes the display logic of different area unlock requirement descriptions in "Hollow Zero."
● Optimizes the enemy display animations in the "Hollow Zero" portal.
● Optimizes relevant enemy descriptions in Key Enemy Info in "Hollow Zero," adding gameplay details.
● Optimizes the visual display of enemy attribute weakness and resistances in "Shiyu Defense."
● Optimizes the logic of the timer in data recovery gameplay. Only the time spent during data recovery will be recorded.
● Adjusted the combat special effects for some enemies in "Expert Challenge."
● Adds no. of enemy waves and enemy descriptions to Enemy Details in "Shiyu Defense."
● Adds enemy resistance info to the enemy details screen in "Notorious Hunt" and "Expert Challenge."
● The "Restart" button description on the "Notorious Hunt" Challenge Result screen has been changed to "Let's do it again!"
5. Mouse & Keyboard and Controller Optimizations
● Adds controller vibrations to interactions in some areas, when obtaining an A-Rank Signal through Signal Search, and when evoking Agent Mindscapes.
● Optimizes the controller prompts for finding materials when lacking the corresponding upgrade materials for Agents, W-Engines and Drive Discs.
● Adds a button prompt for calling up the Shortcut Wheel in Controller Mode.
● Optimizes the claim reward experience for "New Eridu City Fund" in Controller Mode.
● Adjusted the Exclusive Skin on/off button on the Agent Equipment screen while in controller mode.
● Adds a function allowing players to select some options using number keys while in Keyboard & Mouse mode.
● Adds more ways of activating the Shortcut Wheel in Keyboard & Mouse mode: Players can go to [Options > Input] and select hold, drag, and release to activate or click to activate.
● In Keyboard & Mouse mode (hold, drag, and release) and Controller mode, added a needle prompt showing the highlighted function.
● In Keyboard & Mouse mode and on mobile devices while using the touchscreen layout, added a call-up progression bar to the "Shortcut Wheel." Holding down one of the corresponding buttons on the "Shortcut Wheel" will bring up the call-up progression bar.
6. Others
● Fixes an issue on some mobile devices where there is a chance of stuttering occurring during combat.
● Optimizes the layout surrounding the NPC "Casper" in "Scott Outpost." Teleportation for some upgrade materials and items has been added.
● Corrected the completion requirements for some Achievements (These are text-only fixes).
● Reduced the flashing intensity of some special effects.
● Sped up some of the animations for the "Monitor Array" and the time it takes to switch from "HDD" Commissions to Story content.
● Optimizes information display on the New Eridu City Fund screen.
● Optimizes information display on the "Inter-Knot Membership" screen.
● Optimizes the visual display for when W-Engines are obtained: When obtaining an already owned B-Rank W-Engine, the "NEW!" icon will no longer appear.
● Optimizes the visual prompt for receiving a new Disc Drive: The "NEW!" icon in the top right corner of newly obtained Disc Drives will disappear the following day at 04:00 (server time) after logging out and logging back in again.
● Optimizes the speed it takes to complete resource integrity checks in certain circumstances.
● Optimizes the external volume for some Android devices while playing the game.
● Optimizes "Nineveh's" combat sound effects.
● Optimizes the English, Japanese, and Korean voice-overs for parts of the story.
● Changed the English voice actors for Agents "Lucy" and "Soukaku," and replaced the corresponding voice lines.
● Optimizes the 3D models for some NPCs.
● Optimizes the mission prompts for "Spend the day at my own pace."
[Issue Fixes]
1. Agents
● Fixes an issue with Agent "Soukaku" where, after entering combat via a Chain Attack, there is a chance she will incorrectly move side-to-side.
● Fixes an issue where, under certain circumstances, when Agent "Soukaku" applies the buff from her Core Skill "Core Passive: Blade Banner" to herself, there is a chance that the buff will be removed.
● Fixes an issue where a minority of incoming attacks that hit "Lucy's" Guard Boars cause incorrect attack effects.
● Fixes an issue where there is a chance Agent 3D models do not display correctly when entering combat.
● Fixes Agent "Rina's" incorrect EX Special Attack description. "Order Anastella to..." was changed to "Order Drusilla and Anastella to..." *These are text-only fixes and do not affect actual skill effects).
● Fixes an issue where, after suffering "Shadow of Horror" Corruption in Hollow Zero, when Agent "Ben" successfully blocks an attack while invulnerable during his [Special Attack] or [EX Special Attack], Dead End Butcher will still be able to regain health.
● Fixes an issue in Hollow Zero where after activating a certain Ether Activity in [Withering Garden], when Agent "Ben" successfully blocks an attack while invulnerable during his [Special Attack] or [EX Special Attack], Energy and Decibels are still consumed.
● Fixes an issue where, under certain circumstances, there is a chance that Agent 3D models can disappear or flash.
2. Enemies
● Fixes an issue where attacks from some enemies, such as "Heavy Striker" and "Lightfoot Rover," have a chance of being interrupted.
● Fixes an issue where, under certain circumstances, after an Agent triggers a [Perfect Assist], "Thanatos'" Daze is calculated incorrectly.
● Fixes an issue where some of "Nineveh's" skill visual effects have a chance of being displayed incorrectly.
● Fixes an issue where, while playing on a mobile device, textures for some enemies are not displayed correctly.
● Fixes an issue where some enemies' visual effects do not display correctly.
● Fixes an issue where the [Disorder] effect incorrectly builds up Daze.
3. Systems
● Fixes an issue where there is a chance that Agent Story "Cat and Mouse Game (I)" cannot be experienced normally.
● Fixes an issue where, when entering an "Agent Story" via the "Video Archive," there is a chance that it does not display correctly.
● Fixes an issue where, on some devices, when calling up the "Quick Menu," there is a chance that it does not display correctly.
● Fixes an issue where, on some devices, after interacting with "Howl" at the newsstand, there is a chance of being unable to exit the interface.
4. Gameplay
● Fixes an issue that occurs while attempting Main Commission "[Challenge] Saving Hacker Rain" on Hard Mode, where the results are calculated incorrectly after completion.
● Fixes an issue that occurs during the "Rally" series of Commissions, where there is a chance that the player cannot control their Agents.
● Fixes an issue where City Commission "King of Street Soccer (II)" cannot be completed.
● Fixes an issue that occurs in some "Monitor Arrays," where there is a chance that the player cannot control their character as normal.
● Fixes an issue that occurs during "Shiyu Defense," where there is a chance that the game will crash.
● Fixes an issue where, after collecting the max. amount of "HIA Commemorative Coins" in "Lumina Square", "Sage in a Barrel" indicates that there are still 10 Commemorative Coins to be collected.
5. Environments
● Fixes an issue where, under certain circumstances, environment models have a chance of disappearing or flashing.
● Fixes an issue that occurs while taking elevators in some environments, where there is a chance that the player cannot control their character.
● Fixes an issue in "Lumina Square" where some vehicle models do not display correctly.
6. Others
● Fixes an issue where, on some devices, there is a chance the 3D models of "Wise" or "Belle" do not display correctly while moving.
● Fixes an issue where, while playing the game on PC, there is a chance of experiencing stuttering while in "Lumina Square."
● Fixes an issue that occurs on some devices where there is a chance of experiencing a black screen crash.
● Fixes an issue where the text and voice lines for some languages do not match.
● Fixes typos found in some in-game text.
● Adjusts, improves, and fixes the in-game text for some languages. These changes will not affect gameplay or functions.
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luciddaydreamsstuff · 8 months
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Here’s the band! More info about each under cut.
I find it weird how Freddy is technically the only naked animatronic. Minus DJ who is just too big, Freddy just has his top hat, bow tie, earrings, and the spike bracelet. Other than that, he’s just commando. Like Sun and Moon have harem pants with Moon also sporting a night cap, Roxy had a two-piece, Chica has a one-piece and leg warmers, and Monty also has pants. Freddy however, zip nada.
Anyways it’s weird, and I’m rambling. Also keep in mind that this is both my interpretation of the characters and also their designs in my AU.
From Right to Left:
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Glamrock Foxy: Mostly known as Foxy, Foxy is on the shorter end of the animatronics standing at 6’1. Foxy was originally part of the Core Four, a nicknamed for the original Glamrock band which consisted of Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy to keep in line with the previous locations. Foxy originally played the drums for the band before being swapped out for Roxanne. Foxy’s main attraction is Kid’s Cove, a pirate themed Play Palace. While not primarily connected to the Superstar Daycare, Kid’s Cove was a place for children to run around and play if they were too old for the Daycare. Due to budget constraints, Foxy, Puppet, Ballora, and Baby had to be shelved away, so they were not aware of the virus until after they came back. Foxy has a playful rivalry with Bonnie. His design is a mix of fan interpretation of Glam! Foxy but also some cut-outs seen in his log fume ride in Help Wanted 2. Foxy’s legs are based off of actual fox hind legs as most of his strength comes from his legs.
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Glamrock Freddy: Mostly known as Freddy, he stands at 6’7 being around the middle of the animatronics heights. Freddy doesn’t change much from his canon counterpart. He was part of the Core Four (Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy) and later the Main Four (Freddy, Chica, Monty, Roxy), though he doesn’t treat his band mates, either past or present, any differently. After the True Ending of Security Breach, the owner/manger/supervisor of the pizzaplex had contacted Vanessa after watching over and reviewing security footage of the night. With her summon came Gregory and Freddy. A comprise was made and Freddy went with the other animatronics to get fixed and a redesign. With the redesign came pants, a “leather jacket”, and fingerless gloves. Freddy still takes care of Gregory, who lives with Vanessa. His main attraction is Fazer Blast, which I won’t explain because it’s in the game. Freddy is essentially the therapist friend of the animatronics, always willing to go the extra mile to help a friend out.
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Glamrock Bonnie: Mostly known as Bonnie, Bonnie stands at 6'5 being around middle height for the animatronics. Bonnie has a sort of rebellious, cool older brother personality. He is both a sore loser and a sore winner, though it is usally played for comedic effect. Bonnie's main's attraction is Bonnie Bowl, a bowling theme attraction with an ice cream bar close by. Bonnie was originally part of the Core Four (Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy) and was on bass, after a malfunction he had been swapped out for Monty, and was not upset about as he saw it as more freedom. He also has a friendly rivalry with Foxy. After Bonnie was found, he was also given a redesign and fixed, and apologised to those he felt like he hurt most. Bonnie’s design is based off of both is canon design and some fan designs, though it mostly shows through the outfit.
I am of the mindset that Bonnie was Patient Zero for the virus, and that Monty did not decommission him. Bonnie, in my AU, was the first one to get the virus but instead of it gradually upping those affected’s worst qualities by 11, the prototype virus only flared upped when Bonnie felt annoyed, angry, or frustrated, lead in to what staff referred to as “Bonnie Blow-ups”. Bonnie didn’t really notice it as a problem until the third or fourth blow-up, the third with him realising he had a glitch, and the fourth time recognising it as a virus. Bonnie begins to distants himself from his friends but confided in Freddy after each blow-up. Bonnie had gone into Gator Golf to talk to Monty about controlling his emotions when the virus flared up, which led to an argument then a fistfight. After the fight Monty leaves, but Bonnie stays behind to clear his head. He ends up almost getting crushed by the bucket of plastic balls, but ends up just falling and getting pelted by them. Afterwards, Bonnie retreats to the secret room he had found accidentally and stays there until he is found during the event of this AU.
I tried to make this shorter than the last post but I also need to make a post about just the timeline of events and whatnot. I also need to do one for Ballora as she’s the only one so far who has a design but no information about her. I might make it after showing the final animatronic designs but there will be more design for this AU in the future.
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pjsk-headcanons · 17 days
inspired by genshin anon here are my zenless zone zero hcs
ichika really enjoys the game but she cannot get perf.dodge/perf.assist/anything timing based because she is constantly listening to miku music while playing and the dissonance between the combat timing and the music timing messes with her. she is definitely a qingyi main, solely because the pigtails remind her of miku. she wants to install some skin editor mods but is terrified of being banned because of it and losing her c6 u5 qingyi
saki started playing at launch but lost interest quickly because it's not the same style of game as genshin
honami plays and is spookily good at the game. she usually just dissociates into the void. she is a soldier 11 main, the "right timing" mechanic scratches her brain.
shiho does not play but is obsessed with jane doe. she stole shizuku's login to stare at jane ingame for hours.
all of mmj "play" zzz because of a brand deal, but of the four, only shizuku and minori actually play.
minori is a bit of a klutz and like ichika, sucks at quickswap mechanics, and she mains nekomata. she has lost the 50/50 every single time she pulled, and has nekomata c6.
shizuku is a hardcore player, has been playing every day since launch, has spent all her battery charge every single day, has a timer so her charge doesn't cap & she doesn't miss out on any. her ign is something like "mr.chop luvr". she mains whoever's on banner, it changes every banner. at the moment she's a jane main, but will switch when the newest character is up.
kohane plays and mains piper because she likes her playstyle, but she doesn't actually know how to use her. she sometimes asks toya for help on stuff and he ends up going on a 3-hour-long autism infodump. she is too scared to interrupt and tell him that she just wants to know which wengine is best for piper.
toya is a hoyonerd. he's been playing since flyme2themoon and remembers the days when kiana was still "voiced by" hatsune miku (hoyo just didn't have the money to pay VA's and used a vsynth to solve the problem). is a firm believer that zzz is somehow tied to the honkaiverse despite dawei saying it is not. he is an anby main and pulled for u5 ice jade teapot for his anby.
emu plays, but not really. she likes the little games godfinger arcade has and only logs in once a week to defend her honor in top 1% of snake battle. when she does actually play tho, she mains corin.
nene plays and has horrible rng. she goes to hard pity every single time and always loses the 50/50. atp she mainly just pulls on standard banner to get closer to the 300 pull character selector - she desperately wants grace. is an anton main in the mean time.
kanade plays and really enjoys the mechanics, she didn't like genshin because of how awkward the combos always felt to her. she likes hi3 & zzz because of the character collab combos in fights, and feels great joy when she triggers chain attacks. she doesn't have a dedicated "main" because she mains koleda&ben combo.
mafuyu does not play but she would if she could - she thinks the character designs are mildly intruiging. is an ellen enjoyer, relates to ellen's uncaring meticulous methods of "cleaning". also shork gorl.
ena plays. after the mmj/zzz brand deal she got airi's discarded account that had been given c6 u5 soldier 11. does not play 11 very well, and sometimes pesters honami for tips.
— 🔆 anon (if that's not taken)
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bihansthot · 1 year
I write late at night when I can’t sleep so have a fluffy little drabble. It’s a tiny bit self indulgent as the reader does have anemia like myself but it’s only briefly mentioned and easily overlooked, I made this one gender neutral as it’s fluff. Hopefully you lovelies enjoy it. As always if you do please like, comment and reblog, engagement keeps me motivated.
Author Note: qīn is slang in Mandarin for bae or babe
“Are you warm enough qīn?” Bi-Han’s low voice rumbles against your ear as he drapes a fleecy blanket around your shoulders.
You settling down by the fire after a playful afternoon of making snow angels and having snowball fights with your lover. You try and hold back your shiver at the cryomancer’s close proximity, the steady cold rolling off his body. The crackling fire roaring in the fireplace doing little to mitigate the personal blizzard that was Sub-Zero. “Honestly Polar Bear I’m still pretty cold. You know I love playing out in the snow with you but I’m,” you trail off not wanting to make the conversation awkward.
“Anemic,” Bi-Han answers, “I know, you’re delicate when it comes to the cold. Even though you like it so much.” He laughs softly as he throws another log on the fire giving it a good poke or two before making his way to the wet bar in his large stone walled bedroom. “Coffee or hot chocolate,” he calls to you already knowing your answer as he fills the electric kettle and rummages around the overhead cupboards looking for the hot chocolate mix.
“Hot chocolate please,” you respond rubbing your hands together and scooting every so slightly towards the fire. Your illness made you more susceptible to the cold but that wouldn’t keep you away from the cryomancer, he was worth wearing extra layers for. You sigh contently and pull the blanket tighter around your shoulders as you sink into the comfortable pile of pillows of your little fireside nest. A smile graces your lips as you hear Bi-Han humming to himself in the kitchenette waiting for the kettle to whistle.
Bi-Han gets a mug from the cupboard and fills it with the instant hot chocolate mix and a splash of milk. He grabs another glass and ices it over before filling it with a deep, rich imported whiskey, a rare departure from his go-to baijiu. The hiss of the kettle ceases his humming as he makes a slightly annoyed ‘tch’ at the noisy appliance before yanking it off the trivet to pour the boiling water into your mug. Bi-Han watches the powder dissolve as he stirs the water into the mix before his deep chocolate eyes steal a glance at you. His life has always been one of difficulty and hardship but all of that seemed worth it whenever you were with him to soothe his worries and anger. With you he didn’t have to be Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei, he didn’t have to be Sub-Zero, he could just be Bi-Han.
His heavy footfalls echo in the vast chamber of the Grandmaster’s quarters as he makes his way back to you with both drinks in hand. “Here ya go qīn,” he mumbles as he hands you your hot chocolate, the drink slightly cooled from the cryomancer’s icy hands.
“Mmm thank you Polar Bear,” you smile and take a small sip as Bi-Han settles in next to you. “You don’t have to sit next to the fire, I know it makes you feel uncomfortable.”
“I want to be close to you, I won’t melt. You can’t fight a blizzard,” he rumbles and drops a kiss on top of your head before taking a drink of his icy whisky.
You make a face of doubt at his comment before rolling your eyes at his charming arrogance. “Spring can,” you quip at him before taking another sip of the warming, sweet beverage.
“Fuck Spring,” he huffs indignantly before draining his drink in one go.
You can’t help but burst into laughter at Bi-Han’s petulant response. You snuggle against his cold, well muscled chest feeling the slow, steady thump of the cryomancer’s heart as his strong arm wraps around your shoulders.
Bi-Han pulls you in for a chaste kiss, “sweet,” he mutters and licks his lips. His eyes flutter closed for a moment before lightening to an ethereal, icy blue. The cryomancer grasps your chin, tilting your head before pressing his cold lips to your warm ones.
It’s not long before you feel his icy tongue prying your mouth open as the slick organ wriggles into your hot cavern. A pleasured shiver runs through your body as you slowly untangle yourself from the blanket to free your hands. You make quick work of the elastic holding the cryomancer’s hair back as your fingers glide through his silken locks. You moan as your tongue tangles with Bi-Han’s, tasting the rich warm notes of vanilla and smoke still lingering on the cryomancer’s tongue.
He strokes your rosy cheek lovingly before slowly disengaging, “warm yourself first qīn, I don’t need you getting hypothermia.”
“Maybe I want hypothermia,” you sulk as you nurse your rapidly cooling not so hot chocolate.
Bi-Han barks out a laugh before he gets up to fix himself another drink, “patience qīn, patience.”
You sigh and pull the blanket back up, a mixture of frustration and adoration bubbling up inside you as you wait by the fire for Winter to join Spring.
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talisidekick · 7 months
My life is on Tumblr. Not all of it, but enough. Why? Because I finally broke out of the illusion I made for myself growing up. I felt like a monster because thats how I was told to feel for feeling what I felt, and so I lied to myself until I believed I didn't feel the things I did. It was a self-made, bunker thick, mysoginistic and misandristic shell of toxicity that made me miserable for the purposes of others convenience in upholding a fantasy world of simplicity. Upon rediscovering truth and having to face all I'd lost in making unappreciated sacrifices, I started to learn how to reclaim and rebuild myself. I want to show people it's okay to be yourself. That being transgender doesn't make you inherently evil. That I, at the end of today, am human, a person, like any of you.
I've shared my thoughts, my frustrations, some of my joys, my hardships. I've made statement pieces, analysis, and even science posts. I've, on occasion, written papers on here with citations/links to my sources. I've put a sizeable amount of time and energy into letting everyone on this site into my life in some small way to combat the idolization and demonization political actors on the local, provinicial/state/territorial, national, and global stage are doing to transgender people. Because the term "transgender" is not synonymous, a thesaurical equivalent, or a replacement for the words "predator", "pedophile", "rapist", "adulterer", "monster", "assaulter", "victim", or "survivor" to name a few. It means "to identify as any gender other than the one assigned at birth". Thats it. Someone could literally decide "I'm just not the gender the doctor said I was" or "I'm not just what the doctor said I was" or " I'm just me" and that's enough. Those are people you know, love, talked to, interact with, laughed with, but maybe also argued with, had a heated discussion with, fought with, or got mad at in traffic for not using a turn signal to change lanes (we've all done it by mistake). Transgender people are just people. Capable of making mistakes, helping others, needing help, and fucking up like everyone else. We all make bad calls, and stupid decisions. We learn, we correct, we hold eachother accountable.
Logging in today to see a long-standing transgender persons blog getting nuked for the either the stupidest idle threat ever made (or so thats the official reason by the Tumblr CEO) or for simply being transgender (as other and numerous members of the public claim) has made me personally a bit wary. The way I see it, it's both. An idle threat was made to a Tumblr executive and because of the prejudice thats become common place world wide, Tumblrs CEO felt vindicated in going to the excessive lengths of full account deactivation on a transgender persons blog. It's absolutely expected to have a zero-tolerance policy on issuing threats, especially to staff. It's not okay in an online forum of supposed neutrality to utterly silence a person completely without fair warning of a Terms of Service failure and a chance to remove, redact, or re-edit a response. We ALL get heated, even myself, and do stupid things in a reactionary moment of passion. What the issue here is, is the disproportionate response. Given I and numerous other transgender people have recieved threats, those on our very lives in fact, which have gone completely ignored, why is there suddenly a zero-tolerance immediate ban policy on a threat that was, in comparison, the kind of insult you'd expect from a grumpy five-year-old?
I see why this is blowing up, because it's a clear display of power privilege. And rather than going through the established review path, as far as anyone can tell, this was a direct response. This sends, whether intentional or not, a clear message: if you're transgender, you're on thin ice here. And it's not just transgender people and queer and cisgender allies who are getting the message. The transphobes, the so called 'gender critical' crowd, the terfs, are seeing it too. That is why I'm calling for Predesterone's account, all associate blogs, be reinstantiated.
The constant misgendering, libel, misinformation, verbal violence, abuse, and conjecture transgender people of all identities face on this site without any reprocussion to those responsible has, for a long while, helped set a clear standard that users of this platform are afforded the privilege of a degree of disrespect towards marginalized groups and minorities. Ableists attack the disabled and neurodivergent, Nazi's attack Jews, Transphobes attack Transgender people, homophobes attack the gays, lesbians, and bisexuals, and racists attack people of colour with -very- little the victims of such hate can do to make it stop. The bigots know this. And this ... this is going to make it worse. Bigots are going to try and instigate harsh responses from minority groups with the intent of forcing queer people and other minority groups off Tumblr. It has already begun in the reblogs of several posts like this one directed at transgender people. Predestrogen is already getting misgendered and disrespected outside the scope of the issue. Conjecture is already being made enmasse.
I'm on Tumblr because Reddit and Twitter were too unsafe. I'm not on any other blogging sites because Tumblr has, for the moment, a supportive queer community. That can change, given this whole situation has been done in such a way that it's being interpreted on all sides as an attack on transgender people.
Tumblr has no obligation to listen to me or others, but Tumblr has always struggled to get by, and I have to ask: is one persons dumb 'threat' really the spark you want to make to get people to leave. Is becoming a truly unprofitable cesspit and hate-haven like Twitter what's desired? Because this is the exact kind of rallying cry to make if you do.
I'm adding my voice to this. Bring back predesterone, this response is out of proportion. No, the CEO does not deserve to be threatened to have hammers thrown at his car until it explodes, or whatever. The point has been made: DO NOT THREATEN TUMBLR STAFF. But neither does a long-standing account deserve to be wiped off the face of Tumblr permanently for a blog post that is so benign compared to what the average transgender site user has to deal with on a regular basis with no recourse. Someone threatened to actually shoot me, kill me, if I was walking down the sidewalk and they saw me, and that post is still up and so is the account despite being reported. It's been 2-3 months or more. If I'm expected to stomach that, you can stomach someone saying they'll throw hammers at your car from a person who in all likelyhood is paying so much into transition she can't afford to buy one tiny kids-sized hammer. The person who threatened me actually openly admits to already owning guns.
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lastlycoris · 3 days
So my boss in the prison medical wing is Dr. Nora Fries (pronounced freeze). She's an MD-Ph.D, both a military doctor and a biomedical engineer specializing in prosthetics. It's said that all warsuits that the rich people keep for "personal protection" are derivatives from her initial work. Her criminal moniker is Dr. Fries, which kinda just shows how infamous she is - you know - that they just outright use her name.
As for why she's here, that goes back two decades ago according to personnel here. Mostly to warn me to not mention the former company GothCorp she and her husband (important later) worked at. Because this lady has two obsessions: to restore her husband from a cryogenic freeze without killing him and getting revenge on the company that caused it.
I don't really know about their personal lives. Just two strange people meeting in college and fell in love. Eventually their paths had it so they ended up working in the same company.
Her husband was a specialist in cryogenics, Ph.Ds in physics, engineering and chemistry. And the hopes were to make a chemical gel that could easily preserve pharmaceuticals and food at the end of a cold chain.
And then an accident occurred when the company decided to scuttle the project for insurance purposes and blame Mr. Fries. Of course, this information came out much later.
In any case, they still call those series of small inhabitable inter-connected islands, where the Factory was housed, the Ice Rink. Because every so often, a vat of what's being called Friesium would rupture and instantly send everything in the area to below liquid nitrogen temperatures, which is not survivable.
Logs showed that one of the researchers noticed something was wrong with the chemical vats and sounded the alarm for evacuation to get everyone else out. The six that remained, including Dr. Fries's husband, were required to prevent the entire factory from freezing everyone instantly.
People do not survive getting frozen solid without help - if the initial freeze doesn't kill them, the defrosting will. However, logs apparently showed that Fries's husband had injected everyone with an experimental cryoprotectant fifteen minutes prior to the cryoexplosion - preventing the nastier effects like water expanding to ice to rupture cells - and a single outgoing phone call to his wife.
The rest is history. Dr. Fries makes the first prototype warsuit in three days, a suit impervious to cold and sudden pressure changes from extreme temp drops, and marches in to retrieve the lab members. Ferris Boyle, the president, tries to pull the plug stating it's futile and expensive to continue keeping the six on ice, and Dr. Fries offers the cryosuit design to make payment. He accepts and then goes back on their deal stating it never happened - and then claims it was an attempt at a bribe to prevent him from revealing that it was her husband and lab team that sabotaged the factory.
And I guess that was the moment where she descended into supervillainry.
It was quiet for a week as the Board argued about the PR nightmare pulling the plug would do, even if they claimed these were the ones that caused it.
Then someone armed to the teeth in a shiny warsuit decided to break into GothCorp with a bunch of goons to retrieve the pods - who were funded by the money she got for selling a simplified warsuit design to different criminal factions and companies . And then she declared war on GothCorp.
Now this is twenty years ago before this era of superheroes and supervillains. That warsuit was the pinnacle of high tech at its time, and it singlehandedly brought the military to the city after a month. Why they didn't come sooner was because she was very selective with the damage. Only to GothCorp assets and zero casualties beyond the broken bones people dumb enough to physically get in a walking tank's way.
She singlehandedly brought the company to near bankruptcy. And the military only helped because the company took up a military contact on a very big deficit. Otherwise, they would've just treated it as a civil matter for the police to deal with. After all, no dead people, damage only to private property, and it wouldn't look nice if the military got their asses handed over to them too.
It wasn't even the military that got her in the end. It was some fresh detective named Gordon, now Commisioner, who figured out where she's hiding because running cryogenic preservation for six people took a stable large supply of electricity.
A deal was made between the two. Nora voluntarily surrendered after five days. Gordon discovered the system logs from the factory, showing the company's sabotage of its own factory. Wayne Industries makes a generous offer to preserving and eventually finding a cure for the frozen researchers.
And she's been researching cryogenics in prison every day ever since. The only prisoner. allowed her own laptop and allowed outside to visit her husband every month as part of the unusual deal made with the police.
Except now that Wayne Industries took a severe blow after their Tower collapsed and President kidnapped and probably dead, the frozen six apparently moved to some no-name company, and the decaying law and order of our city, it seems she's taking matters into her own hands because it looks like no one can keep the people she wants to protect safe. At least that's what it seems like.
Makes me wonder, if their places were switched, whether her husband would show the same single-minded devotion to her.
I certainly hope so.
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tamapalace · 9 months
Bandai Announces Tama Bobsled Tama Arena Event!
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A cold wave has hit the Tamaverse, and we’re going to start playing in the snow, and ice! Bandai has officially announced the Tama Arena for the month of January, Tama Bobsled. To participate you’ll first need to visit the Tama  Arena in the Tamaverse and select your team, you’ll need to choose between team ski and team skate.
The event will run in the Tamaverse from Monday, January 15th, 2024 14:00 JST through Monday, January 22nd, 13:59 JST. The result calculation period will take place on Monday, January 22nd, 14:00 JST through Tuesday, January 23rd, 2024 13:59 JST. The reward distribution period is Tuesday, January 23rd, 2024 14:00 JST through Monday, January 29th, 2024 13:59 JST. Your participation each day will help contribute to your teams score.
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How to play? This game is very similar to the Tama Racing game back in August, 2023. You can practice each day, but of course practice is always easier than the actual game you play once per pay. Once you begin the game, you’ll wait for the countdown, and repeatedly press the “A” button to get a boost at the start.
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Hold down the “B” button to increase the speed, but be careful, don’t press the button too long because the meter will go over the speed limit and go back to zero.
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When a log or star appears, swing your Tamagotchi Uni device towards you to avoid the log, or up to grab the star which will help you speed up.
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When your Tamagotchi character gets cut off by another bobsled racer, press the “A” button to get out of the spin! Results will then be announced and you will be placed in either first, second, or third place. Playing daily will score you 500 points each day.
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Based on how often you play, you can score some awesome rewards. If you play 6-7 days (rewards A,B,C), you’ll earn all three wards which are the Diamond Dust accessory, Buff Snowman furniture, and Tissue accessory. If you play 2-5 days (rewards B, C), you’ll earn the Buff Snowman furniture, and Tissue accessory. If you play just 1 day (reward C), you’ll earn the Tissue accessory.
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The winning team will earn the grand prize of 5,000 Gotchi points, so be sure to choose your team wisely, and participate daily to increase your teams chances to winning! Good luck, and may the best team win!
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sentient-rift · 2 years
A random piece of Castle debris was just randomly floating in the Dimensional Rift, like the piece of a medieval tower. There was only one life sign present within the tower, though whoever it was, their vitals were not in that great of a shape.
As RiFT did his usual routine of monitoring the Multiverse, he noticed the castle debris, which was coming close to the gateway of the dimensional rift. When it entered the pocket dimension, RiFT discovered someone was inside. They were still alive, but they didn't have long. So, he used the intercom to call the rest of the team.
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"We have an emergency! Someone's hurt, and they don't have much time! Is there anyone available? I need a healer here! Quickly!"
It took a few seconds, but Atoli, one of the healers who were at the flower shop, entered the room. Her friend, Haseo, was by her side.
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"Oh my! Let me help you!
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"Phal Reph!"
Atoli used her healing ability to heal the stranger, hoping it worked.
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"Are you okay? Did it work?"
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"How do you feel? Any better?"
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skinnyaesth · 23 days
heyy my loves!
today was pretty good day. had my first lessons of the school year, which i got pretty tired after like the second lesson haha. I'll get used to the routine eventually. But i gotta admit that i got very overstimulated because my school has A LOT of students.
Today's food log:
iced coffee for breakfast
slice of pizza and vanilla pastry before gym
baked potato-carrot-chicken for dinner + coke zero
+ some raffaellos as a snack at school
I dont count calories yet, because I know when i do i binge. So for now i just eat small portions and when i get used to it i'll start counting.
I did a great leg day at gym, destroyed them ^^
edit: omfg all the sweet things r so tempting rn🫠
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dreamingkelz · 1 year
Possibly a little grumpy, but I do think the egg tasks made more sense when each egg had two assigned parents who were regularly logging in. Giving two players a project to mutually work towards was a great way to break the ice and get people from different communities to have reason to interact.
With the French and Brazilians, having egg tasks was a great way to get them up to speed and working with the established players.
At this point though, they feel like a chore more than anything. If you can't get your egg's tasks done, someone (usually Bad, it seems) will cover. If the admin can't get on (which the players shouldn't be punished for), another admin will cover. But even knowing that, it isn't any less stressful to get to Thursday and see your favorite egg has finished zero tasks for the fourth week in a row. Also, while I can't speak for every streamer, the one I watch at least really likes to employ loopholes to spend either less time on tasks, or to integrate them into what he was alreading doing ("They never said we couldn't go on a hunt...for clues."), which makes them feel even less necessary to me.
I think there are some uses for them (drawing people to the museum is genuinely a good use of it, and they do sometimes drop lore into them), but I think the way they work right now isn't super sustainable. I would love if they could either make them optional, or slowly phase them out. Like, once an egg reaches a certain milestone, they no longer are at risk of dying in the most anticlimactic way possible.
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amphetaminedreamer · 1 year
tips & tricks to ward off cravings when restricting. 🌸
drink lots of water and take vitamins if you can, often times your body will crave certain micronutrients that can initiate cravings for other things (chips, fries, burger, etc). make sure you’re supplementing these for healthier options when you’re not fasting so you can see more results
think outside the box, let’s say you’re anemic (like many of us who have chronic ED’s) and are rlly craving a burger or thinking of breaking your fast. CHEW ICE!!! it can be such a lifesaver
depending on how you determine your fasts, drink tea!! if you’re craving something sweet use the tiniest amount of stevia (remember if you go past a certain threshold your body will begin to produce insulin and no longer be considered to be “fasting”
if your electrolytes are low do something abt it!!! i love vitamin water 0, seaweed, and rice cakes, for emergencies. remember anything under 50 cals does not break a fast, make sure that there are 10 or less grams of carbs in it tho
track your fasts down to the minute!! from your exact last bite of food set a clock for your fast, i like to use the Zero app. it helps hold me accountable and encourages me to keep going
find distractions, read a book, talk to a friend, watch tv, go on a walk!
back to my first point abt cravings. this is basically my cheat code
if i notice myself craving anything fatty, (burger, pizza, cheese) i opt for healthy fats. my go to is salmon, walnuts, almonds, and olives
for craving salty foods, (chips, fries, etc) I like to opt for roasted seaweed or broccoli.a
and for sweet cravings i’ll reach for a cup of warm tea w/ stevia. i usually like ginger tea bc it debloats very well!
pre plan your meals! know exactly what you plan to eat that day and hold yourself to it! i usually pre plan the sunday of a week or each morning or evening so that i’m making sure i’m getting what my body needs
work out more! once i started exercising it helped me to really understand how many calories i was eating. 1 protein bar becomes one run, an extra scoop of ice cream is a pilates session etc.
you can double check calories if you’re paranoid abt them when logging
every 1g of carbs has 4 cals
1g protein = 4 cals
1g fat = 9 cals
diligently track your calories if that’s something you do, we’ve all binged and been afraid to log calories after, log them anyways. it’s motivation to not do it again
weighing yourself before and after meals can encourage you to eat less
when preparing for a meal drink 12 oz of water first, then eat all vegetables first, then lean proteins, then carbs/ fats, you’ll be able to eat less that way and might not even finish your meal
hope this helps!
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vermanaward · 3 months
dawntrail msq - 99 - end
living memory
we are in ultima thule 'living memory', a place at the ass end of existence in the remnants of (?) another reflection, given form and substance through the power of dynamis electrope. here, meteion sphene has recreated long-dead people whos hearts memories she has safeguarded, and who the wol must bring hope to destroy in order to save the universe
also for some reason everything is yellow. or gold, as it were.
also i was. half right, i guess. it is sphene's amaurot; not the actual amaurot, but her own sulk hole at the bottom of the ocean. or in a bottle surrounded by lightning. an ode to an idealised what-was.
i was pondering last night why the ascians would let this little fragment slip by unrejoined, since emett clearly knew about it, but like. if he knows about it then he probably also knows about sphene's complete lack of hinge and figured she could be leveraged to cause a calamity on another reflection, given the nature of her mission. why throw away a perfectly good unhinged world devourer etc
maybe there are some i missed but there seem to be basically no miqote after disc one except for the small group in xak'tel, and zero au ra in all of america. (there are also very few big cats in alexandria, but i don't know how much of that is bc of the low big cat population in yyasulani)
kinda going ??? at the fact they decided to call out arcanima existing. like. ink mages? between this + galuf's comments in the flashback + the fact that aloalo is supposedly connected to dawntrail i'm wondering if we're building up to the reveal/retcon somewhere that arcanima actually comes from this shard.
[thinking emoji] on the other hand if the milala fled from the source to alexandria's shard during the calamity of ice, that would a. track with everything else we know and b. mean that sphene's shard isn't Entirely Fucked, just. Mostly Fucked. are we going to unfuck it after we get done with the void, or
ahaha. yeah the milala home was aloalo :') [hands krile v&c logs]
presumably there were also lalas already present, but [shrug]
...anyway. man. robosphene was a fun fight. i think i'm supposed to be sad she's dying or something but nah. this is the woman who deleted her conscience so she could do a genocide without feeling bad about it.
(she's not perma dead. pashtarot truthers will go down with the ship etc)
"nothing about their lives will change" okay but like. we're going to wean them off the abominable way they treat souls, right? right?
i really don't know why estinien was here at all other than to fill in the 89 trial. sir why am i in this expac
anyway that's just about all she wrote. gonna chew on this Experience for a few days before writing up final Thoughts
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obsidian-warthog · 1 year
Did another Pikmin 4 demo playthrough, this time going for 100%. Lined up treasures next to each base site so I could grab them all without running afoul of the Sparklium limit. Also did each cave with no treasure collecting so I could revisit on my collect everything day. Ended this run with zero casualties.
Revisiting caves showed me some important things about them. Enemies stay defeated, but treasures revert to their original position. Wild Pikmin will also appear to be collected again, so you can bump up your Ice Pikmin numbers that way.
Also nearly missed the buried treasure that doesn't show in the map. At first I was worried Oatchi digging up buried treasure infringed on the White Pikmin too much, but thinking about it more, it was the right decision.
You can have only three Pikmin types with you, and whites being the only way to even detect certain treasure would make them feel too mandatory. Not a problem with other games where you use varied squads, but now with you only being able to use three at a time it becomes a problem.
Didn't occur to me in the first paythrough, but you can leave Pikmin in the ground at base camp. However their time to flower appear to be based on real time spent at base camp rather than in game time. Full in game days didn't get them to flower, but wandering around base camp did.
Fell short of the platinum medal in the challenge cave by literally one point, it was the last golden nugget. And I wasn't able to retry it for a platinum, cave was sealed off. ARGH! Please let me retry those caves, that was the whole point of mission mode.
Crazy that I missed the presence of Blue Pikmin in this demo entirely. I had a lot of trouble getting the blue onion, I needed to use Oatchi buffed up to the strength of ten Pikmin. If you don't get that upgrade do you just have to come back when you've either gotten another fralic or twenty wild blues/flying? Wonder if the ice bomb could last long enough to get the Blue Onion?
After I snagged every treasure I spent the rest of the day bolstering blue numbers and setting up a berry harvesting operation. Felt nice to get that going.
Had to have it pointed out by Collin, but you can set actions to shortcuts. Feels a lot better with disband and switch on dedicated buttons.
Still need to get in the mindset of fully using Oatchi, the way he's simultaneously a super Pikmin and a second captain trips me up. Took me too long to remember about charging into walls to knock down treasures.
I unlocked Oatchi's ability to swim on my last day. I wonder if it's based on the day count?
Happy that Piklopedia is also back. But I feel like having dedicated side characters for treasure inventory and piklopedia misses part of what made them great, you got more insight into the characters you were playing as. The interface looks like there will be multiple authors again at least, like 3 Deluxe.
Spent some time cycling through 'let's chat' dialogue at base camp. Everyone seems to have at least two responses, Shepherd has quite a few that gives background info on Russ and Collin. Also noticed you can get her captain log as well.
In the initial Olimar part I took the time to collect all of his Pikmin, absolutely destroyed that enemy. Very excited for when I get to properly explore that area in the main game.
I was both impressed and shocked that the story dialogue changes depending on your order of actions. I rescued Dingo and did the Dandori Battle in the same day, and the next morning meeting reflected that. Felt more fluid than Tears of the Kingdom acknowledging similar plot situations.
Looks like curing the leaf people will be a key part of the plot. Olimin made it sound like he viewed the transformation as a survival tactic. They mentioned the doctor is named Yonny, and that's who trailers show giving night expeditions. So maybe the sap you collect with Glow Pikmin is needed to revert the transformation?
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