#new guest muse
ask-dark-monita · 1 month
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"Two can play at that game! Any muses owned by the Warner Bros company will also be taken out!"
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chaoscrawls · 8 months
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Name: Hastur Alias: The King in Yellow, The Unspeakable One Pronouns: He/him
Hair Colour & Style: Long blond almost golden, reaching to below his waist. Is messy on top and around his face, but straight and neatly brushed the further it goes. Recently has begun styling it in a high ponytail because his cousin complimented it offhandedly. Eyes Colour: Yellow. Complexion: Pale, with faint bags under his eyes, no other blemishes are noticeable. Height: 6 ft 2 inches
Usually seen in the form of a large human skeleton wrapped in intricate yellow robes. Under the surface of the bones, there is a pulsing oil-like substance that seems to make up his core. When he speaks in this form his words sound like a whisper, no matter how loud he is speaking.
Positive Traits: Curious, trusting, enthusiastic, family orientated Negative Traits: Impulsive, lazy, tactless, mischievous, fussy
- Teleportation - Liquid shadow - Inducing madness (Passive - Explained in detail further on.) - Amorphous Physiology
Yog-Sothoth - Father - Asleep Cthulhu - Half brother - Asleep Nyarlathotep - Cousin - While Hastur loves and seeks approval from his cousin, the feeling is not reciprocated. Nyar finds him to be a frustrating burden.
Hastur has been a resident of the void for a long time, which can get incredibly lonely when most of your family is in a deep… seemingly endless slumber. It used to be better for him, once upon a time as he was allowed to wander the mortal plain as much as he liked, meeting humans that worshipped his family. That is till all of the cult members he was spending time with started going insane and killing themselves. Deciding that he was no good for the family’s goals and the mortal members they were amassing, he was banished back to the void by Nyarlathotep. The mortals were left, only a play with his name and a strange symbol to remember him by.
When interacting with Hastur he has the passive ability to make mortals go slowly insane in his presence. He has very little control over this power (except the ability to expedite it). The rate at which the insanity takes root depends on what origin the mortal is (human or supernatural) and how often his name is spoken. Other Lovecraftian deities are not affected by this power and there are some creatures that are less susceptible to it and some that are completely immune. Before writing with Hastur I would prefer to speak to the mun about what category their muse will fall under.
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infernal-feminae · 7 months
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"Heh. Imagine coming from an egg."
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"Beelza, darling, you came from an egg."
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"Wait I did????"
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corruptedbyvengeance · 4 months
should i .... add aerith to my muse list ....
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royalreef · 14 days
(( By the way. An accurate comparison for how big Miranda's head is. And her everything else.
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gcldenchild · 1 month
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don't mind him. he's being used as a pillow right now. it's actually quite the fulfilling existence, he'd like to argue. edward is wonderfully warm - when he's not complaining about it being cold, that is. at least he knows he'll be sleeping easy later because of it.
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divinityunleashed · 2 months
"Well this is a strange predicament we've landed ourselves in."
"We might as well take advantage of it. After all, I am clearly the superior fusion."
"I am neither Goku or Vegeta. I am the one who will destroy you!"
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bluemooncove · 3 months
While Dragoon was occupied dragging Seeker from the pond, Dusk Witch had slipped off to the side with Sentinel. She glanced up to the balcony that overlooked the courtyard. Moments ago a woman had been there but she was now gone.
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"Sass, what's the deal with the lady in the tower?"
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She follows her friend's gaze upwards to the third floor balcony. Its sliding door connected to what seemed to be a bedroom. She replied in turn:
"Spru, I don't think the third floor of the guildhall counts as a tower."
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"Okay, well, what's up with the lady on the single balcony in this place?"
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"I only noticed her for a second before but that looked like Beauty."
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"Beauty? Like the guild's name?"
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"You know ... Beauty? One of the twelve heroes of Makeda? The ones who defeated Gevurah?"
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"None of what you're saying means much of anything to me."
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"Well we can't be having that, It's important history to our guild. I'm from Velva this story isn't far from home so I think I can tell the basics pretty well."
It felt nice to get to call it our guild. She and Spruce had a home now. As Sentinel readied to tell the story though, she couldn't help but feel like someone was watching her.
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"Once, over a century ago, there was a kingdom named Makeda, home of the Makedans. Local legend says it's where humans originated from. It was a kingdom to the south of my own and they were regular trade partners of the Velvans. It was gone before my time but my grandmother passed to me the stories her grandmother had given to her. They said it was beautiful even more so than the hanging gardens of our once-king. It was said to have lasted for hundreds of years led by a long line of wise philosopher queens."
For a moment discomfort spreads across Sentinel's face. A few awkward seconds pass before she forces a smile and continues.
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"We, uh, aren't much fans of queens anymore in Velva but even now the Makedan queens are treated with reverence. I wonder if we'd feel the same way were they still around? But, as you've probably gathered, they aren't. After hundreds of years of rulership their kingdom fell to a man named Gevurah. Some call him Daemon King Gevurah and others Daemon Whisperer Gevurah. I guess it depends on if you believe he was an actual Daemon come to our world or simply one with great ties to them. Regardless he was a powerful warlord who cast the kingdom into flames. Where his legions came from nobody knew but he ravaged the land of Makeda and forced its people to flee.
It was then that he did the most heinous thing of all. He opened a portal to the Daemon land! From it poured countless evils that spilled out into our world. What was left of Makeda wa-"
Before Sentinel could finish her thought she felt a gentle hand come to rest on her shoulders. She glanced behind herself, following the arm back to the woman it came from. A mild mannered woman with a soft smile on her face.
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"Excuse me?"
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"I'm sorry to interrupt and I don't meant to eavesdrop but you are talking quite loudly. What you called the Daemon land has a name. The place that Gevurah opened a gateway to was Pandaemonium. Where all Daemon dwell. The gateway he created, a jaw of panic, doesn't just let Daemons cross into this world. It allows bane from Pandaemonium to flow into our world. Bane is the energy that Daemons survive off of, the way that you both need food drink and air. It is born from mortal suffering and anguish and they cannot go long without it. That is why Daemons rarely spend more than brief instances in this world. That energy coalesces in Pandaemonium, where they live, but through this portal they could sustain themselves within Makeda."
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"I didn't know all of this. The guild has some really educated people in it miss ..."
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"I'm hoping to have my name changed to Paladin or maybe Holy Knight, so please refer to me as that."
The woman ruffled Sentinel's hair and then walked off. She gave a brief wave to the still preoccupied Crusader before slipping through a courtyard door into the hall itself.
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"Folks really are friendly in the guild huh Spruce? I just finished the part about who Gevurah was, right? This proved to be an enormous problem. Not only were Daemons now spilling out into our world without any summoning but the numbers of monsters in the world also rapidly increased. They say that Daemon beast masters were creating them. These forces of evil spilled out from the borders of Makeda and began to terrorize everywhere around my home continent. Not just that but they went further west to places like the Gale Empire. It was a crisis that lasted for decades. Eventually it required the cooperation of kingdoms across Elbeth to muster a grand army. Unity never shown before and that hasn't been shown since.
Heroes from many kingdoms formed together to lead an army. They say there were forty of them. Leading soldiers from all over to drive back the Daemons, reclaim the fallen kingdom, and slay the villainous Gevurah. The heroes that did it are modern legends."
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"I get it, so that Beauty lady is one of those forty heroes?"
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"Good you were paying attention but, um, not quite actually. You see forty heroes left on this journey and twelve heroes came back. Beauty was one of the heroes that came back but she wasn't one of the ones that left. I don't think anyone knows where she came from. Everyone who tells the story gives a different explanation. What does matter is some how she joined them and she was one of the ones that made it through the finale. One of the twelve to beat Gevurah!
Afterwards she and a few of the others went and formed this guild. Most of the rest of the founders are retired now but Beauty, the leader, is still here with the guild. I think that's who the woman that watches from the balcony is."
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"It's really amazing that you know so much Sass. Just ... something about what you said doesn't make sense. You said that crisis lasted for decades and that they founded the guild after buuuuuuuut you also said told me before this guild was somewhere about thirty to forty years old. If she was some kind of legendary hero when they were dealing with Gevurah she'd have to be fifty or sixty at a minimum, right? She didn't even look middle aged yet."
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"Yeah, huh ... how 'bout that?"
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"I bet your idol drains the life out of people to keep herself young! mwahahahaha!"
Now Dusk Witch is cackling while Sentinel tries to get her to shut up.
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misc-muses · 3 months
"Dipper, quick! I have to use the laptop! It's for love!"
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Kirby Star Allies is one of, if not my absolute favorite Kirby games, and I recognize while it's on paper one of the weaker entries in the core series, it appeals to me personally on multiple levels and I think I should revisit it more
#musings#kirby#no the reasons don't begin and end with 'dark meta knight is playable'#but that is a very big reason#to expand on it i think the dlc dream friends were amazingly designed#they still fit into the structure and playstyle of a playable kirby character but they also still feel like bosses#using dmk as an example they took his boss fight from triple deluxe and made it into a playable character#preserving most of his moves and adding new ones in the same vein#before unlocking dmk i played as marx and was surprised by how faithful he felt to his boss fight#and of course being able to augment these characters' movesets with elemental upgrades makes it even better#guest star allies was a great addition because if i want to i can play through the whole game in one sitting#as dark meta knight with fire powers#that's like my ideal kirby experience right there#did i mention the dlc was all free and very well-crafted?#that's not a given nowadays so i'm very appreciative of that#i also like the mage sisters and the lore implications the game offers#fransisca and flamberge are quite possibly the first lesbians in a kirby game#and they're ALSO playable! with their full boss movesets!#you can even tag out to the other elemental nuns whenever you want#so they're three very strong characters in one package#i seriously need to finish completing my save file in star allies so i can just start up a dmk or mage sisters run whenever i want#that would be nice i think#but of course because of the main mechanic being related to having teammates i can bring both characters with me#including in other guest star allies runs#because if i want to i can just ride their back and control them that way#i wonder how easy it would be to cheese a hard guest star allies run by piggybacking off an op dream friend
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e-m-p-error · 7 months
Alt x2?
Send me "alt!" and I'll introduce you to a character I've rped in the past, want to play in the future or are currently playing somewhere else!
[ Indus + Mera ]
"Lady Mera, I must say, as your bodyguard, I don't think--"
"You're right, Indus. You don't. But I have calculated the risk here and I think that it's well worth it." Mera sighed softly, closing her eyes as she swayed a little on her feet. The pain was starting to get unbearable today, and she wanted something, anything, to get some relief.
Molly really opened a can of worms for her, helping mute the pain for a while. It only made living with it again more miserable. She wanted to find that girl again so she could feel nothing for an hour or so. That feeling was possibly the greatest feeling in the world.
It had made half-cuddling Indus an actually enjoyable experience, even if she was broken beneath her skin. She hadn't felt a thing.
"Lady Mera..."
"If you're so concerned, why don't you stick your hand in the hole, then? See if you can find anything."
"I'm... Not sure it'll fit." Lifting his large, meaty mits, he placed his fist against the hole, too wide across to get inside, "Damn."
"Double damn." Mera sighed, "This is where it's supposed to be." This hole in this tree was supposed to hold the Brand New Thing that would, hopefully, help her out.
"Hey! Hey, you!" Indus suddenly whipped around, pointing at the nearest stranger, "We need someone to reach into this hole!"
"Indus!" Mera squealed, her eyes wide and one hand over her mouth.
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"Huh, that was actually fun for a change."
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Holiday Event
(Blame @santaverse for this. In their multiverse every universe has it's own version of Santa Claus so in the Kemono Friends universe we have Reindeer! aka the KemoFure Christmas episode we never got)
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"Ho Ho Ho! I'm Reindeer! This season is the Christmas Season Guide-san! Since reindeers are from the north pole I know everything there is to know about Christmas!"
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"Christmas Season?" Kaban is just a little confused.
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"Christmas is a holiday where animals celebrate winter with their friends doing activities such as making snowmen, drinking hot cocoa, and singing special songs and then the famous cryptid Santa Claus gives them presents if they've been good."
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"Santa Claus has always been assisted by my kind, so it's my job to work in his stead to spread the joy of Christmas and Christmas presents around the park! So to start out with let me teach you about Christmas Guide-san!"
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"Well I'm not sure I understand but it sounds fun Reindeer-san." Kaban replied with a smile.
It seems that in Japari Park this year they would be celebrating Christmas with the help of a certain Friend who was passionate about the holiday. Reindeer will be a guest muse for the month of December and will be hanging out with Kaban and Serval.
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general-kalani · 10 months
{ @vuulpecula sent in; [ sit ] for your muse to quietly sit by mine [ for dutch ]
Prompt from here! }
"Tired too, kid?" Who was he to be surprised, they'd been all over the County doing missions and jobs and barely taking a break.
He supposed this was one of the rare times they were taking a break. He was thankful for it, really. It had been a while since they last stopped in and he'd been getting lonely.
"Should rest up more often. Keep those bones'a yours from breaking under all the stress."
Was that truthful in any way? Probably not, didn't matter to him.
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gcldenchild · 2 months
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huh ?? whuh ??? is someone talking about him ??? he's too busy eating.
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meanwhile, there is an odd shiver down his spine about the potential of being found out.
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divinityunleashed · 2 months
"Only I am allowed to be the evil Neptune here. This is unacceptable. Prepare for the banquet of despair."
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