praveenmohantelugu · 1 year
ఎందుకు వీటిని దాస్తున్నారు, వెనుక ఉన్న రహస్యం ఏంటీ? |ప్రవీణ్ మోహన్|
Hey guys, నా ముందు వీడియోలో, పురాతనమైన తిరుప్పెరున్తురై అనే ఆలయంలో, 27 నక్షత్రాలు లేదా చంద్ర స్టేషన్‌లను చెక్కారని నేను మీకు చూపించాను. ఈ వీడియోలో, నేను వాటికి సంబంధించిన మిగతా వివరాలలోకి వెళ్లాలనుకుంటున్నాను. ఈ నక్షత్ర వ్యవస్థల పక్కనే, మీరు అనేక వింత దేవుళ్లను చూడవచ్చు. ఎవరు వీళ్లంతా? మనం కొంచెం దగ్గరికి వెళ్లి పరిశీలిద్దాం, ఇది చంద్రుడు, వేద గ్రంథాల ప్రకారం చూసుకుంటే, ఈ చంద్రుడు ఒక పురుషుడు, ఇతను ఏం చేసాడంటే, ఈ 27 చంద్ర స్టేషన్లను, వివాహం చేసుకున్నాడు. ఈ పురాతన కథ చాలా వింతగా మరియు అర్థరహితంగా అనిపిస్తుంది - చంద్రుడు 27 నక్షత్రాలను వివాహం చేసుకున్నాడా? అసలు ఏం అర్ధం కావడంలేదు కదా? 27 నక్షత్రాలే ఎందుకు ఉన్నాయి? ఆకాశాన్ని 25 లేదా 50 వేర్వేరు విభాగాలుగా ఎందుకు విభజించకూడదు? ఈ 27 నక్షత్రాలు, చంద్రుడు భూమి చుట్టూ తిరగడానికి తీసుకున్న 27 రోజులను సూచిస్తాయి.
So, చంద్రుడు ప్రతి నెలా ఒక్కో నక్షత్రంతో ఒక రోజు గడుపుతాడు, అంటే ప్రతి నక్షత్ర నెల లేదా 27 రోజుల సమయం పడుతుంది. దీని కారణంగానే, చంద్రుడు 27 నక్షత్రాలను వివాహం చేసుకున్నాడని, భారతీయ గ్రంథాలు చెప్పినప్పుడు, ఇది ఒక ప్రతీకాత్మకమైన అర్థం. నక్షత్రాలకు ఇటువైపు చంద్రుడిని చెక్కారంటే, అటువైపు ఏం చెక్కుంటారు ? అవును, సూర్య దేవుడ్నే చెక్కారు. ఇది అసాధారణమైన వర్ణన, సూర్య భగవానుడిని, 7 గుర్రాలు ఉన్న ఒక రథంలో ఉన్నట్టు చూపించలేదు. అదే విధంగా, మరొక interesting అయినా విషయం ఏంటంటే, సూర్యభగవానుడు, కాళ్ళు చెప్పులు లేకుండా ఉన్నాయి, అతని కాళ్ళలో చీలమండలను మీరు చూడవచ్చు మరియు అతని కాలి వేళ్ళను కూడా చూడవచ్చు. ఉత్తర భారతదేశంలో, సూర్యభగవానుడిని చూపించే విధానం కంటే ఇది చాలా భిన్నమైనది. ఉదాహరణకు, గుజరాత్ లో, మోధేరా సూర్య దేవాలయంలో, సూర్య దేవుడు పొడవాటి, గమ్ బూట్లు ధరించడం మీరు చూడవచ్చు. కానీ, ఇక్కడ దానికి పూర్తిగా విరుద్ధంగా చూపించారు. తరువాత ఇక్కడ చూడండి, ఒక విల్లు మరియు బాణం పట్టుకున్నట్లు ఒక అరుదైన శిల్పం ఇక్కడ ఉంది.
ఇది ఎవరో మీరు ఊహించగలరా? ఇదే బుధుడు, అంటే బుధగ్రహం. ఈ చెక్కడం పైన చూడండి, ఇదే బుధ గ్రహమని నిర్ధారించుకోవడానికి, ఒక చిన్న శాసనం ఉంది. ఇక్కడ మరొక చెక్కడం ఉంది చూడండి, ఇది, ఏ దేవుడిని సూచిస్తుంది? అతను, మూడు వేర్వేరు ఆయుధాలను పట్టుకున్నట్లు చూపించారు చూడండి, ఒక త్రిశూలం, ఒక వజ్రాయుధం మరియు ఒక ఈటెను పట్టుకుని ఉన్నారు చూడండి. ఇతను ఎవరంటే, ఇతనే mars, అంటే అంగారక గ్రహాన్ని సూచిస్తాడు. ఆయనను సంస్కృతంలో మంగళ అని, తెలుగు భాషలో అంగారక గ్రహం అని పిలుస్తారు. ఇవన్నీ చాలా అరుదైన శిల్పాలు, ఆలయాలలో ఉన్న, గ్రహాలు మరియు ఖగోళ వస్తువుల యొక్క పెద్ద చెక్కడాలను మీరు చూడలేరు, సాధారణంగా చూశామంటే, నవగ్రహాల యొక్క చిన్న చిన్న విగ్రహాలుగా చూస్తాము, కానీ ఇక్కడ మీరు చూస్తున్నది చాలా అరుదైన విషయం. కానీ ఈ వీడియోలో, నేను మీకు ఎవరికీ తెలియని, ఒక రహస్యాన్ని చూపించాలనుకుంటున్నాను. ఈ అంగారక గ్రహానికి పైన, ఏం చెక్కారో చూడండి. అది ఏమై ఉంటుంది? ఇది చూడడానికి చంద్రవంకలాగా కనిపిస్తుంది, దాని లోపల ఉన్న ఒక చిన్న circleలో ఒక ముఖాన్ని కూడా చెక్కారు చూడండి.
ఈ ముఖం పైన, మీరు కళ్ళు, ముక్కు మరియు నోటిని చూడవచ్చు, నుదిటిపైన పెట్టిన, ఈ బొట్టును కూడా మనం చూడవచ్చు. ఇది అంగారక గ్రహానికి సంబంధించిన ఒక రహస్య చిహ్నం. ఈ ఆలయంలో, ఇలాంటి అనేక విచిత్రమైన వివరాలు దాగి ఉన్నాయి. ఆకాశంలో ఉన్న, ప్రతి స్వర్గపు శరీరంకి పైన, ఒక రహస్య చిహ్నానాన్ని చెక్కారు చూడండి. సూర్యుని యొక్క శిల్పానికి, పైన చూడండి, మళ్ళీ మీరు ఒక వింత patternను చూడవచ్చు. ఇది, ఏదో ఒక పరికరం లోపల తయారు చేసిన, ఒక complex అయినా ముడిలా కనిపిస్తుంది. నా ఉద్దేశ్యం ఏంటంటే, ఈ స్ట్రింగ్ యొక్క సంక్లిష్టతను చూడండి, దీన్ని చాలా brilliantగా చెక్కారు కదా. ఈ రహస్య చిహ్నం, సూర్యుడికి ఎలా connect అయింది? దీని అర్థం ఏమై ఉంటుంది? సరే ఇప్పుడు మనం, చంద్రునికి పైన చూద్దామా, ఇక్కడ ఫాన్సీ ఈకలతో ఉన్న ఒక రహస్యమైన పక్షి కనిపిస్తుంది చూడండి. ఇది ఏ పక్షి? ఇది, చంద్రునికి ఎలా కనెక్ట్ అయింది?
బుధ గ్రహం పైన కూడా, ఇదేలాంటి patternను మనం చూడవచ్చు. ఈ రహస్య చిహ్నాలకు అర్థం ఏంటీ? ప్రతి గుర్తు క్రింద చెక్కబడి ఉన్న ఆయా గ్రహాలకు, ఇవన్నీ ఎలా సంబంధం కలిగి ఉన్నాయి? సరే, స్తంభాలను వదిలేసి, ఇప్పుడు మనం ceilingను చూద్దాం, ఇక్కడ నమ్మలేని కొన్ని వివరాలు ఉన్నాయి. ఇక్కడ, మీ దృష్టి వెంటనే ఈ రాతి గొలుసు పైకి ఆకర్షిస్తుంది. ఇవన్నీ ఈ, ceilingకు attach అయినా మెటల్ గొలుసులా? ఈ శిల్పాలను, చెక్కిన అదే పెద్ద రాతి బ్లాక్‌లో ఒక భాగంగా ఈ గొలుసులు ఉన్నాయి. పురాతన కాలంలో ఇంత అసాధారణమైన ఒక రాతి పని చేసి, దానిని చాలా ఎత్తులో ఉంచారు చూడండి. ఈ మధ్యలో, ఒక పెద్ద, circle shapeలో ఉన్న, ఒక 3డి pattern ఉంది చూడండి, కొంతమంది, ఇది rotate అవుద్దని కూడా చెప్తున్నారు. ఇందులో మరింత interesting అయినా విషయం ఏంటంటే, ఈ circle చుట్టూ చాలా శిల్పాలను చెక్కారు చూడండి.
Praveen Mohan Telugu
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ao3feed-crimeboys · 2 years
My last note.
by PlanetMercury
Tommy has no clue how he got there, he was a step away from the edge of a bridge.
The bridge him and Wilbur used to hang out at to be specific, it was nice.
The stars were out, Shining and taunting him as they flaunted their precious existence.
His phone was ringing from where he tossed it, right next to him. The phone ringing and ringing showing the same caller id, Ranboo.
It didn't matter now all that mattered was how his head was spinning and couldn't register anything, His brain was so overloaded with existing.
He got up from where he sat leaving the empty alcohol bottle, ringing phone and note.
He'd always wonder if he'd turn into a star after death.
Or Tommy suffers from mental health, Has a shit family, and has a shitty friends (except for Ranboo).
Words: 2022, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Real Person Fiction, Video Blogging RPF
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: Gen
Characters: TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot, Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Phil Watson | Philza, Ranboo (Video Blogging RPF), Toby Smith | Tubbo
Relationships: Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit, Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & TommyInnit & Phil Watson, Ranboo & TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Ranboo & Toby Smith | Tubbo & TommyInnit, Toby Smith | Tubbo & TommyInnit
Additional Tags: TommyInnit-centric (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot and Technoblade and TommyInnit are Siblings, TommyInnit Angst (Video Blogging RPF), TommyInnit Needs a Hug (Video Blogging RPF), TommyInnit Needs a Break (Video Blogging RPF), Mentioned Ranboo (Video Blogging RPF), Mentioned Toby Smith | Tubbo, Mentioned Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Hurt TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Suicidal TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), TommyInnit Has Mental Health Issues (Video Blogging RPF), Character Death, Bad Parent Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Bad Sibling Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Bad Friend Toby Smith | Tubbo, Good Friend Ranboo (Video Blogging RPF), Substance Abuse, Underage Drinking, TommyInnit Has an Eating Disorder (Video Blogging RPF), Sad Ending
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"Mercury Retrograde 24"
#mercuryretrograde because why the hell not!
I wanted to experiment with different colors and see what else I can come up with, and this one stood out to me the most. While I experimented with this piece I thought of the retrograde.
P.s. I will have this piece available in my print and merch shops check it out here 👉🏻 https://linktr.ee/SavvyCreations27
This linktree has all the links and socials you can visit me on.
Y'all have a (good) day and like always do your best. Love y'all! 💚💙
#savvyabiart #fmufam #fmufamart #digital_artwork #digitalartdrawing #digitalart #digitalartwork #digitaldrawing #digital_art #art_work #art_digital #artdigital #planetaryart #planetmercury #planet #astronomyart #astronomy24 mercury #pointillism
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euphosynth · 5 years
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My take on how planets would look like if they're human
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ebthecelebrity · 5 years
Don’t Let Mercury Retrograde Get You F*cked Up!
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With the Mercury Retrograde in effect until July 31st, I have definitely been quieter. This is the dreadful time of the year where planet Mercury moves in an opposite direction to planet Earth.  Mercury is the planet associated with Communication. As a major believer in astrology, I have always been intrigued with the planets and stars and am a big believer that we are balls of energy walking on earth.  
Energy never lies.
With the retrograde miscommunication, technical errors, and angry verbal blow-ups are expected. This is the time to OBSERVE, NOT ABSORB. If you observe the energy around you, you don’t have to absorb none of it. Remember, every action doesn’t deserve a reaction.  With this being said, over the past week, I have been observant and really shaking my damn head at the things I am seeing with grown ass adults. I mean,  do I really have to write this article on etiquette?  Why yes, yes I do. Somewhere, we lost our integrity and human empathy. From childish social media posts, petty family members and high school equivalent drama at work, the retrograde’s energy is suffocating me!  It could very well be the energy bouncing off the retrograde, or it could simply be the lack of decent manners.  
I wanted to share 8 etiquette rules that I live by.  Remind you, I am only 36 years young and I have a lot to learn.  Some of these, I, too, must remember and never step outside of the lines of respect. No one is perfect. If you are over 30 years old and you have to be reminded of these, it’s time to sit down, self reflect and repair your behavior.  
1.  When dropping a friend/lover/family member off at their home, wait until they have fully unlocked their door and went inside their house before leaving.  I can’t tell you how much this bothers my spirit.  It screams, “IDGAF if you truly get home safe or not.”  A similar situation I had to learn from was when I was in my early 20s.  I dated a guy who lived in a not so great part of town.  After a night of clubbing, drinking excessively and even sexual relations, this guy would carelessly fall asleep.  I would too sometimes but then realize I had to wake up to head home as it was still dark outside. This guy would never wake up, causing me to venture outside alone.  My first pet peeve with this is if you can’ t handle your alcohol, don’t overindulge and leave your date to fend for themselves.  I would always say a silent prayer that once I walked outside to my car no one would be hiding behind some bushes to kidnap or rob me.  This behavior is inexcusable.  Always make sure your loved one is fully in the house before driving off.  I am not only discussing this as something to be aware of in bad neighborhoods, but what if that person lost their keys and their phone was dead?
2.   Please don’t talk loudly on the phone in public.   Okay, we have ALL done this. Sometimes you are knee deep into a conversation that just can’t be finished when you walk inside the store, however, to be loud and obnoxious is NOT the business.  The other day my son and I were in Food Lion picking up a few groceries.  I was strategically looking at the barbeque sauces.  Reading the back of each bottle with the goal to find the one with the least amount of artificial ingredients and no high fructose corn syrup.  Two young girls came into the store and were engaged in a phone conversation via face time with someone. “Ayeeee! It’s a hot girl summer girl! Turn up! Drink something!” I rolled my eyes in annoyance. Then, the worst happened, they strolled right down the sauce aisle where I casually stood.  The loud laughter, yelling and inappropriate conversation almost sent me over the edge. Mind you, it’s a place and a time to turn up. Hell, I still partake in a light turn up periodically.  As we age, many of us find perfect peace in the comfort of our home.  We dread leaving home to visit the grocery store, hair salon, barbershop, riding public transportation, doctor’s office, etc due to this very reason.  It’s instant anxiety.  I understand that not all public places are quiet, but it would be a lot more enjoyable if we all respected each other’s peace in any environment. PS: It’s still a hot girl summer though, but can we leave the grocery store out of it? Thanks Megan Thee Stallion J
3. Call before you stop over someone’s house.  As stated before, your home is your haven; therefore, if you see someone pop up in the driveway without a prior notice, proceed to ignore the doorbell.  Now, back in the day, this may have been common as the development of technology left room for unexpected guests.  Now in the 21stCentury, we communicate via phone or text.  You can also send a dm, type it in a status update, or email the other party.  There are too many ways to communicate a visit to show a lack of respect of popping up. The next time you even think this is a good idea, ask yourself if the other party possibly worked a long shift, has to cook dinner for their family, has extensive house chores or may be trying to find the energy to do homework with a young child.  To selfishly barge into someone’s structured day without notice, even to drop off an item cannot be tolerated.
4.  Never go to a party empty handed.  Please do not be this person!  I don’t know a single soul that is not on a budget.  Even the wealthiest of people enjoy Wendys “4 for 4” and clips coupons.  Any working, middle class individual knows that throwing any type of party can be costly. You have to brace yourself for the upcoming energy bill after your summer party for the amount of air condition that you provided the guests.  Freeloaders are not welcome in 2019 and beyond.  This shit stops TODAY!   If you know someone who does this, it’s time to take his or her name off the guest list going forward.  I sit back and am puzzled on how can people show up to an event held in the comfort of another’s home and just “show up.”   Unless the host advises you that you don’t need to bring anything,  that would be the only time to show up empty handed.  It can be as small as a bag of ice or paper cups to as large as a sheet cake or a bucket of fried chicken.  My go to is always a bottle of wine.  You can never go wrong with that.  Worst case scenario, no one drinks it and you finish the bottle yourself.
4.  If you borrow money and it took you longer than expected to pay that person back, give a little interest.  Okay, hear me out.  Many of us have loaned a close person some money and they haven’t been able to pay us back in time.  We thank God that we are able to help, but there is also that possibility that your own finances get messed up in the process. I have witnessed people getting a loan from someone who are awaiting their loan to be paid back.  It could be as little as $30, which may be the monthly Internet bill.  If we were all able to acquire a loan from major banks, we’d all be paying interest anyway.
5. Never put your phone on the table while eating a meal with a guest.  I’ve struggled with this the most. I’ve learned that sacred time is just that, SACRED.  After you’ve snap chatted a pic of your delicious plate of food, place your phone in a purse or pocket and engage. In the constant need of communication and the fast paced social media interactions, having the phone on the table screams that the phone is your guest, and not your physical one.  Taking a break off technology for some old fashioned conversation is the new wave.  As soon as the meal is over, then you can check the 56 likes and notifications you received on the pics of your crab legs.
6. Don’t try to build a romantic relationship over the text messages. Tinder, Bumble, POF, and the many other dating applications have made it very convenient to meet potential mates over the phone, but once you have had that icebreaker, what’s next?  This is a lazy approach to continue to court someone you are very interested in via text.  How would you know that you hate the way they chew without more in person interaction? I understand that sometimes many introverted people urge to date too.  Being standoffish and contacting via text message will only cause the other party to look the other way when they find someone who starts actually making plans with them. Getting to know a person takes physical contact, not sex, just physical chemistry. It’s important to see if a person’s energy matches yours.  Instead, call and say “I’m making breakfast, come by”, “ face time to ask them how their day went and analyze their facial expressions or plan a weekend date at the park to have some one on one.  Actions are proven to show great results in terms of dating and for the life of God, STOP TEXTING “WYD” !
7.  Stop asking a Black Woman if she is wearing a wig/weave.  * sigh *  The fact that I am saying this in 2019 is beyond me.  I love to change my hair up, as it gives me a sense of empowerment.  I grew up thinking my hair needed to be straightened and while there is nothing wrong with that, I have grown into acceptance of the hair that grows out of my scalp. I worked with a woman who always made a big deal about when I changed my hair. In our 9 am weekly meetings, she would broadcast to the entire staff that I have new hair.  I felt all eyes on my scalp, many wondering if it was grown out of my scalp or not.  This irritated the shit out of me. I am here to do a job, not to be discussed. Please do not ask a black woman, “Is all that your hair?”  You can be another black woman and do this, making it unacceptable. Unless that woman puts the information out there for your curiosity,  then please just don’t.  Purchasing an additional hairpiece is not anyone’s business.  A simple, “Your hair looks great!” compliment will suffice.  
8. Never, Ever, Ever, Ever, EVER tell someone they look like they gained weight! This is self explainatory.  I don’t have to go any further. Next person who tells me this, WILL get punched in the face. 
Now, this is just a few and I am confident there are many many more etiquette practices that we can live by.  If you know me personally, this is not a jab at you.  It’s simple rules to live by.  Let’s make the world a better and more caring place by practicing respect and love at all times.  Now, let me go sage my entire house and myself.  Time to meditate, pray and just observe. Happy Self Care Sunday!
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elayagaia · 3 years
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New Planet Mercury Necklace! Part of the Planets Collection... with a magical Silver Sheen Obsidian central pendant... and a variety of beautiful stones... done on Nov.6th, in the Samhain/New Moon portal... ***PART OF THE ONGOING SALES in my shop, 30% discount!*** www.etsy.com/shop/ElayaMagic did you know silver sheen obsidian is protective and allows to connect to the future ( if the Universe wants...), it is an oracle stone... #mercurynecklace #planetmercury #geminiconnection #gemininecklace #silversheenobsidian #elayamagic #oraclestone #novembersales #gratitudeheart #newmooncreation #samhainportal https://www.instagram.com/p/CWwndv2IQES/?utm_medium=tumblr
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worldnewsapp · 4 years
A look at the 360 degree view of the #planet #Mercury as mapped by the #MESSENGER #spacecraft in April 2019. The featured video is a compilation of thousands of images of Mercury rendered in exaggerated colors to better contrast different surface features. Visible on the rotating world are rays emanating from a northern impact that stretch across much of the planet, while about half-way through the video the light colored Caloris Basin rotates into view, a northern ancient impact feature that filled with #lava. Detailed observations of the innermost planet's surprising crust began when the robotic MESSENGER spacecraft first passed the Mercury in 2008 and continued until its controlled crash landing in 2015. Previously, much of the Mercury's surface was unknown as it is too far for Earth-bound telescopes to see clearly, while the Mariner 10 flybys in the 1970s observed only about half. (Video: NASA) #Mercury #planetearth #SolarSystem #Universe #MercurySurface #NASA #nasa🚀 #amazingview #spaceview #spacefacts #wow #planetmercury https://www.instagram.com/p/CJaCqDeB7y9/?igshid=10ak4dm64jnem
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joelbenjamin528 · 7 years
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You have to wake up to how powerful you really are. This Mercury Retrograde is coming around stronger than ever before and the so called powers that be know this and will use it against you to make life even harder because they how POWERFUL you really are. So know it's time for you to claim the true power in you. @nicholasbk we have the items to help unlock your true power call 7188584400 Also watch @joelbenjamin528 on www.youtube.com/c/joelbenjamin528 #joelbenjamin528 #joelbenjamin #mcspookism #nicholasbk #nicholasbrooklyn #mercuryinretrograde #mercuryretrograde #mercury #planetmercury #powerful #powerfull #retrograde #retro #socialmediamarketing #socialmedia #social #socialites #truepower #powersthatbe #empath #truthortruth #withinyourself #unlock #unlocked #yourpower #wakeup (at Nicholas Brooklyn)
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mmltd-blog · 5 years
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tiny mercury! it was so nice to see you! you remain an elusive planet in my print collection! comparative sizes of the planets • antique lithograph c. 1910 • #antiqueprints #antiqueprintstore #transitofmercury #astronomy #mercury #planetmercury #planets #nasa #celestial #popularastronomy #robertball #etsy #etsyseller #blackandwhite #nineplanets #eightplanets #sofaraway # (at antiqueprintstore.com) https://www.instagram.com/p/B42UwqgJGRk/?igshid=45g6nhngya03
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emeraldorgin · 5 years
Emerald Gemstone For Healthy Relationship
Link-: https://emerald.org.in/blog/emerald-gemstone-for-healthy-relationship/
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lucasciences · 5 years
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Caloris Basin. Located on the planet Mercury, the Caloris Basin is one of the largest carters ☄️ on the planet. . Formed during the Late Heavy Bombardment that came to an end about 3.8 billion years ago, this large area of the planet shows extreme gravitational anomalies (bottom right) implying subsurface structures - possibly lava tubes. . Intriguingly, the basin experiences some of the highest temperatures of the planet since the Sun 🌞 passes it directly overhead. . How did subsurface features form on Mercury? Most likely due to the contraction of its core as it cooled which can also “seen” due to a lack of volcanic activity on the planet’s surface. . Credit: NASA/JHU/CIW / public domain, NASA / public domain and NASA/Goddard/JHU/CIW / public domain. . #science #planetmercury #mercury #mercuryretrograde #planetsofthesolarsystem #craters #lavatubes #lava #planetarycore #nasa🚀 #astronomy #messenger #nasamessenger #solarsystem https://www.instagram.com/p/B2hX_ufBAH3/?igshid=9sf7jvo17u4l
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ao3feed-crimeboys · 2 years
by PlanetMercury
Tommy suffers from issues with mental health and can't happen to get out
Shitty au where everyone ends up unhappy
Words: 2273, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Video Blogging RPF, Minecraft (Video Game)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: Gen
Characters: TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot, Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Phil Watson | Philza, Ranboo (Video Blogging RPF), Toby Smith | Tubbo, Niki | Nihachu
Relationships: Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit, Technoblade & TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), TommyInnit & Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & TommyInnit & Phil Watson, Toby Smith | Tubbo & TommyInnit, Ranboo & TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Ranboo & Toby Smith | Tubbo & TommyInnit, Niki | Nihachu & TommyInnit
Additional Tags: TommyInnit-centric (Video Blogging RPF), TommyInnit Angst (Video Blogging RPF), TommyInnit Needs a Hug (Video Blogging RPF), Sad TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Suicidal TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), TommyInnit is Not Okay (Video Blogging RPF), Bad Sibling Wilbur Soot, Good Sibling Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Bad Parent Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Mentioned Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Suicidal Thoughts, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Suicide, Self-Harm, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Ranboo Needs a Hug (Video Blogging RPF), Toby Smith | Tubbo Needs a Hug, Ranboo & Toby Smith | Tubbo & TommyInnit Friendship, Bad Ending
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"Mercury 24'"
Hello everyone! I hope you are doing well. I've been good, just been busy working (or adulting) and making art for y'all.
I present to you this #mercury I drew. This took me forever to draw, to be more exact(ish). This took me over 300 hours to complete. You can go through the slides to see the close ups of Mercury I drew.
This has been one of my most favorite pieces I have drawn but also at the same time mind gnawing. Because what you see is a bunch of dots. #pointillism at it's finest y'all! 💀✨🔥🤣😭
But it was worth it.
I will have this piece available in my print and merch shops check it out here 👉🏻 https://linktr.ee/SavvyCreations27
This linktree has all the links and socials you can visit me on.
Y'all have a (good) day and like always do your best. Love y'all! 💚💙
#savvyabiart #fmufam #fmufamart #digital_artwork #digitalartdrawing #digitalart #digitalartwork #digitaldrawing #digital_art #art_work #art_digital #artdigital #planetaryart #planetmercury #planet #astronomyart #astronomy24
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minstrel75itg · 5 years
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Observing the Sky - Mercury. At face value, Mercury resembles the Moon—an endless sea of craters upon craters, dominated by the large impact scar called Caloris. #space #solarsystem #planetmercury https://www.instagram.com/p/B0pZPUZFAeh/?igshid=1j53mdcgd4lt4
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jnjfarmky · 5 years
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#gemini is the third astrological sign in the zodiac. Under the tropical zodiac, the sun transits this sign between about May 21 and June 21. #gemini is represented by the twins #castor and #pollux #airelement #throatchakra #sodalite #basilessentialoil #planetmercury #lovematches #aries & #leo https://www.instagram.com/p/BxzowE5hopy/?igshid=htrbqafzsxfu
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lngbn · 6 years
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