its important to me as a detrans woman to be vocal about it. its important to me as a detrans woman who initially only had radfems to talk to about detransition, because i couldnt find a single trans inclusive detrans person for over a year, to make sure other people know they have options.
radfems arent your aly if you're questioning your gender. they dont have your best interest at heart. they dont care about helping you explore who you are, theyre only interested in sucking you in to be another transmisogynistic pawn for their violent ideology.
if you're trans/nonbinary now, but are wondering if it isnt right for you, know that you have options. you can talk to me. there are people who have not done a 180 into bigotry who are here to support you.
please reblog, do not just like, this post.
i dont have a large platform. i want this to get spread. i want to remove terfs from the forefront of detrans/reidentification awareness & support. they cannot continue to be the first contact for questioning people.
i am begging you, yes you personally, to please reblog this, and comment or reply in the tags if you're a safe, trans-inclusive detransitioned or reidentified person to approach.
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“If anyone needs to go camping in my state…” “If anyone needs to visit their aunt/cousin/friend…”
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Even IF you personally know every person you’re offering this to and know with 100% certainty that they’re legit: YOU HAVE JUST CREATED A POTENTIALLY LEGALLY DAMNING DIGITAL PAPER TRAIL.
I know how obnoxious this is to say, but please: reblog this. I see these posts a lot, and I know most of you have good intentions. But these unoffical auntie networks are dangerous, both for those trying to help, and those seeking help. Law enforcement sees you. Violent anti-abortion extremists see you.
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[Twitter thread]
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I just wanna say thanks for being an awesome blog! There was another blog for a while, with a similar username, but the woman who ran it was a mysogynist, and she didn't support feminism. But she supported men's rights, and only men's rights. Genders, all of them, not both, but ALL, must be equal. There's more than 2 genders, and all of them are meant to hold even value. And you understand that. So thank you. :)
-sincerely, another binary trans man
Thanks for the support! Gender equality is an important goal that I'm more than happy to work towards.
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Given the current discourse situation going around, I figured it might be time to make another point.
For those that haven't already heard, there's a blocklist going around that's full of transmasc people who have spoken about transandrophobia. I think there might be some cis people on that list as well, but the list is pretty long, and I don't have the patience to sit there and click on every single url to see every last thing that those blogs have posted. I will not try to help anyone find this blocklist, but if you really want to see it, you can probably find it pretty quickly.
Some of you may be wondering what transandrophobia is. The pinned post on @transandrophobia-teacher explains it pretty well.
So, in light of everything going on, I want to make my stance clear. It's 100% alright for trans men to talk about the issues that affect us specifically. In fact, it's beneficial to isolate and understand these problems. I'll probably make another post about examples of transandrophobia later on.
I understand if you think that it might be better to use another term besides transandrophobia, but it's the only term we really have to describe the forms of transphobia that are specifically directed at trans men and other transmasculine people. Arguing semantics isn't productive right now.
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hi Im a (cis) boy. I'm fat and a girl at school told me i needed a bra. what should i do? I feel like shit.
The first thing is to recognize that the girl is being an absolute asshole. She is 100% in the wrong.
It may help to talk to irl friends or family if you feel comfortable talking to them, or even going to teachers, administrators, or counselors at school.
I wish I had a better answer for you. If anyone else reading this has better advice, you're more than welcome to add on.
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[ Image Description: A quote image with purple-hued wet paint-like background with pale lavender text on a dark square. At the bottom is a dark purple band and the attribution: "Angela Chen, Ace: What Asexuality Reveals About Desire, Society, and the Meaning of Sex."
The quote reads: “Ace men tell me that people of all genders assume that they are secret incels who hide behind a made-up identity. Such is the trap: Even when a man doesn’t want sex, he can be lumped in with the men who will kill in their desire to have it. Men cannot be simply uninterested; there must always be something else at work.”
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This is not positivity in the strictest sense, but it's really important to identify and name the societal expectations around men and sex, especially when there can be a disproportionate emphasis on women and sex.
So to add some overt positivity: It's okay to be an ace man. You don't have to have any reasons for not wanting sex other than simply not wanting it. There doesn't have to be anything else at work.
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Guys, you don't have to defend yourself from being seen as gay. Gayness isn't bad, and it doesn't make you any less masculine. Being overly defensive about anything that might imply that you're gay makes you look insecure.
It's okay to be close with your friends.
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A post I've been thinking about but yall need to realize men are just people. Gender and biological essentialism is still bad even when you apply it to men. Men aren't inherently evil or bad. Men are taught toxic masculinity and to be misogynistic (just as white people are taught to be racist) but they aren't inherently this way. This isn't meant to absolve them either. Men need to take responsibility for unlearning the toxic messages they have been taught. But like, honestly men are just people. They aren't inherently bad people.
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A proper handshake is not a strength contest.
You just need a firm grip and no tricks. Don't try to break the other person's hand, don't try to turn your arm over, don't do any of that.
It's fine to screw around with your friends during a handshake as long as everyone's cool with it. Don't assume that a stranger will like your shenanigans.
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trans gay men. you are not making it up. you are not “fetishing gay men”. you are not “a silly little girl”. you are allowed to love men. you are not dirty or lying or tricking anyone. it’s okay to love men. you are gay, and i love you.
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The best tie knots: a subjective list
Half Windsor: a great all-around knot that works with any shirt or tie.
Bow Tie: technically a different type of tie, but it's a quirky option that has stuck through the ages. I'm counting it as a tie knot because you have to tie it differently.
Eldridge Knot: It's not the most formal option, but it works great in more casual settings. Use it on a solid-color tie, and you're pretty much guaranteed to get a few compliments.
I purposely left out the simple knot. A half Windsor is only slightly more difficult to tie, and it's much more versatile than the simple knot.
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PSA from Blobby. Something we should talk about more ❤️
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hello mr. prager, you are in a room with a ticking bomb and several maddeningly vague bar graphs directly taken from your beloved youtube channel. The code to defuse the bomb is the numerical difference between the “socialism” bar and the “capitalism” bar. You have sixty seconds.
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Sorry for being inactive; my job is overworking me (they doubled my scheduled hours with no warning), and I haven't had the energy to come up with posts.
I should be able to post regularly again once my work situation changes, whether that means my hours go back to what I applied for, or I get a new job that doesn't completely drain me.
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Masculine Hobbies and Why They're Good (Pt. 6)
Cycling: Cycling is an environmentally-friendly way to get around, and it's good exercise.
Gaming: Yes, there are issues with gamer culture that I'll talk about later. But video games themselves aren't bad; you can make friends and improve your coordination.
Building models: Model planes, trains, and cars are popular options. Not only do you develop craftsmanship, but you also have a cool trinket to show off.
Collecting ties: Ties are a staple of masculine formal wear. It's nice to have a variety to choose from, and you can find novelty ties for holiday parties and such.
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These guys agreed to get undressed to address body positivity in the media. No studio lights or beauty retouching required.
📷 @taylormillerphoto
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