#platnium chip
bigirlbased · 4 months
fallowl au time!
second post in like 10 minutes lol anyways luz king and eda time! as ive said in the initial couple post luz king and eda are taking the place of the courier/mc. They all three travel together delivering packages acrose the wasteland, but one day they are interecepted by a gang and they are knocked out and burried alive, the platnium chip they were delivering to the strip taken They wake up in doc Mitchel's house in goodsprings and are told they were found by a securitron in three shallow graves, they are given some supplies and sent on there way and the story goes form there but in this post were talking backstories!!!!!!!!!! Eda: Eda grew up in a little town called bonesburrow in california, she was raised with her sister Lilith and together they both dreamed of one day joining the ncr, but life happens and dreams change. Eda went on to become a courier for the mojave express and Lilith joined the ncr and ended up becoming a high ranking member eda spent her days delivering mail and adventuring across the mojave, until one day she met king... (not going super in detail into eda as 1. i wanna save some for later and 2. im still figuring some stuff out) king: One day while eda was exploring an abandoned vault for treasures and supplies she found a young king, he had been abandoned and Eda had decided she would care for him, it was unclear what king was exactly but it didnt matter to eda,she took him in king has the same personality he has in cannon and is overall the same charecter, just edas companion/adopted son on her adventures Luz: Luz grew up in gravesfeild, a small farming town on the outskirts of the mojave, her father died when she was 7 and she never got to know him super well. She was close to her mom and she loved reading pre war fantasy novels, none of the other kids in gravesfeild never really got her, she was soemtimes mocked and ridiculed but her mom was always there and while it hurt to have no one understand her but she got threw it that was, until the legion attacked when she was 12 the legion attacked gravesfeild and burned it to the ground, her and her mother tried to run but Camila dies trying to defend Luz, and she was left alone. She hid in a secret room under one of the houses until they left, and when she leaves she finds the town burned to the ground and everyone gone, until a woman and her companion stumble into the town and find her Luz has been traveling with eda for the past 4 years and has become part of there little family and they have gone on plenty of adventures together sdie notes: like i said in an earlier post i decided to age up the hex squad just a bit in this au, just cause fallout is a pretty violent series and i thought they should be at least a bit other before getting into shootouts lol anyways the stuff with luz is new lore, like i new i wanted to do the whole orphaned by something happening and eda taking her in type story for luz but the specifics about the town and the legion are new, also gives her more reasons to hate belos, also i just kept the names of towns from the show for any new settlements i add to this au cause i think its neat anyways hope yall enjoyed
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deadmxney · 4 months
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❝ I left my heart in the Sierra Madre ❞
DEADMXNEY is a SELECTIVE & PRIVATE Fallout roleplay blog for my original character ZACHARIAH, the son of Father Elijah, and the first of six Mojave Express couriers apart of Mr. House's Platnium Chip scheme.
Considers Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel & Fallout: Tactics CANON!
Prime Series friendly!
Multi-Ship & Multi-Verse
Mun is 20+
Sideblog to truetocaescr
Gif credit goes to gigew!
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spoonhead · 8 months
what do you think the platnium chip is in wof x fnv? i think it would be a really powerful animus object (most animus objects have been destroyed and there hasnt been an animus in a very long time, so yeah, pretty valueable)
oh it would SO be an animus object
i don't completely remember all the Mr. House lore behind it, but it would still be a chip, enchanted before the war, that House had sorta commissioned for his plans
actually maybe he bought it post war i don't remember ANYWAYS
there'd probably be other animus enchanted things around the wasteland that would react to the chip's enchantment and do the thing it was meant to, like with the securitron upgrade
i feel like it would be passed around the wasteland a lot more before it was given to the Courier because people would advertise it as "oh cool animus enchanted object could make you rich and powerful" but most of the dragons that ended up with it didn't know what to do with it and ended up selling it the same way
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fineasscaseyyyyy · 5 years
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Everyone wondering what the fuck happens to Benny after you save him.
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tedhaternumber1 · 2 years
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jezajaygoesgaming · 5 years
Rime (PS4)
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Rime, a game developed by Tequila Works, QLOC and Tantalus Media is a beautiful puzzle based adventure game with a magnificent orchestral soundtrack which swells and guides you though this simple yet emotionally intense game.
You play as a young boy, who with the use of his voice and several friends that he collects along the way, starts his own journey through seagull full beaches, swampy forests, desert plains and a dark and drizzly ending.
To pass through each stage you must complete simple enough puzzles that use both the environment and collectable keys, while the game doesnt exactly funnel you to the right direction this is excused by the scenery and optional mini games involving fruit and a hungry family or boars and if you really get lost your fox companion will bark and lead you forward.
With such nice scenery and music i felt the main character was lacking, I understand the game wanted secrecy around who you are but with no voice it was hard to gain any sense of achievement, on a positive side sometimes hitting the shout button gave you different emotes and if your not paying attention while running hitting an obstacle will cause you to fall over.
With enough collectables to keep a kleptomaniac happy without being a chore rime encourages you to be inquisitive to look around every corner adding tiny bits of story to every collectable you find and still the games ending caught me off guard. But dont worry if you didn't find everything first run finishing the game unlocks stage select for those that want to clean up. Collecting everything gives you a small alternate ending.
I did encounter a glitch in the 2nd stage if I fell off a ledge or the bird grabbed me while i was doing the final windmill i would spawn onto unstable terrain and the only way to continue playing the game would be to die and hope i spawn on rendered ground or restart from checkpoint and that usually crashed the game. This was incredibly annoying while I tried to follow the path to collect the stage 2 outfit.
Overall Rime is a nice 6 hour casual game that you can chip away at your own pace.  The puzzles offer challenge without being overly difficult and the worlds you explore are nicely designed. It's difficult to say if I'd play this game again after 100% completion but I would reccomend it for casual puzzle players that want a quick platnium trophy.
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Hhjmhhgjjjdrhdgj Courier Ideas for some other playthroughs Imma do once I'm finished with my Legion Playthrough:
- Independence Route where the Courier is originally apart of the Followers and does Courier Work as a side hussle in order to earn extra caps. Ended up getting the Platnium Chip by accident and we know what happens from there
- Mr House Route where the Courier has taken up Courier Work as a was to pay off her Gambling Addiction+ is already pretty familiar with the Strip since she's Wealthy and Shit
- NCR Route Version 1: NCR Courier sides with the NCR but is a deplorable peice of shit and has only sided with the NCR because of his belief that the NCR has the right to take over Nevada or some shit idk
- NCR Route Version 2: NCR Courier sides with the NCR because they truly believe that the NCR is the best outcome for the betterment of the Mojave
- Other Independance Routes but focus on The Kings, Powder Gangers/Other Thug-ish Factions, Great Khans, Brotherhood and maaaayybbee just a route where the Independance Courier just wants everything to be in shambles so they can take over as the Sole Leader or some shit idk
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