#fallout: tactics rp
deadmxney · 4 months
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❝ I left my heart in the Sierra Madre ❞
DEADMXNEY is a SELECTIVE & PRIVATE Fallout roleplay blog for my original character ZACHARIAH, the son of Father Elijah, and the first of six Mojave Express couriers apart of Mr. House's Platnium Chip scheme.
Considers Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel & Fallout: Tactics CANON!
Prime Series friendly!
Multi-Ship & Multi-Verse
Mun is 20+
Sideblog to truetocaescr
Gif credit goes to gigew!
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newcaliforniadreaming · 5 months
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A selective multi-muse roleplay sideblog for the NEW CALIFORNIA REPUBLIC from Bethesda Game Studios' FALLOUT universe, written by DEAN. Follows from ACERTAINPOINTOFVIIEW.
Complete muse list
Brotherhood of Steel multi-muse
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legions-top-dog · 2 months
Do you need a hug? You seem like you need a hug. I know Legion guys like to be all tough but I'd really like to give you a hug and tell you that everything is going to be okay.
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jeandejard3n · 5 months
Fallout: Haunting Heavens
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a-fellow-courier · 1 month
aight, since the throwing of general cunt face is actually happening, what’s your bet on how he lands?
"I have 2 bets."
"1 is that he lands face first and breaks his neck on impact and dies instantly."
"The second is leg first and that he dies, slowly and agonizingly."
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hcrdtokill · 5 years
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“ But men, they do - through the roads they walk, ”
 “ And I believe that this road has come to an end. ”
                                              INDEX / RULES / MUSES / ASK
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hey y’all i know disco elysium is a good game w a lot of awards but how’s the play style? i keep reading that it’s a text-heavy isometric rp but are we talking like, og fallout gameplay or final fantasy tactics or. like what’s the closest game gameplay-wise you could compare it to
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ryqoshay · 3 years
what does your username name mean?
I feel like I've answered an Ask on this topic before, and I was going to link to it, but I'm not readily finding it in my Archive. Oh well. Que zura, zura.
Anyway, the tl;dr version is that Ryqoshay is an intentional misspelling of Ricochet and is the name of my favorite OC.
As an aside, I've never honestly been sure how to check that box for the Mary Sue test, as the question pertains to naming a character after one's screen name, where as I took my screen name from her.
Anyway, the more in depth explanation will be below the cut for anyone who started following me after I last posted it - I honestly believe I did - or for anyone who is just curious.
I originally created Rico for a story I was writing based on games I used to play as a child. She was intended to be a character of contraditions, specifically, a genki girl - not that I was familiar with the trope at the time as I had not yet opened the glorious gates of anime - who was an ace sniper, a skill that typically requires one to be still for prolonged periods of time.
Her given name is Rebecca, but she was given the nickname Ricochet as she was always "bouncing off the walls." The nickname became her call sign by way of it being a bit contradictory as it is generally an undesirable outcome of firing a rife, one that may not necessarily reflect her actual skill.
Also, she was blonde at first, though I cannot recall why, and I have no idea what her original eye color was.
As I started playing video games that allowed me to type in my own names, I started to use names from that story for characters I felt were close enough in theme or style. Snipers or other gun specialists became Ricochet or Tackleberry - yes, that Tackleberry - depending on if they were male or female. This tradition continued long after I stopped writing the story as I still loved the characters.
If I recall correctly, City of Heroes was the first game I played that let me design visuals for Rico and the others, as well as characters from another story I had started writing by that time. I wish I still had screen caps from then, but I lost that harddrive before I became more obsessive with saving stuff across multiple devices.
Anyway, Rico was a short, blonde girl who wore her hair up in high twintails, sported a purple and black flak jacket, wielded a assault rife and carried multiple superhero style gadgets for support. CoH also let me type a short bio, so she gained parents who were also heroes that she looked up to and wanted to emulate. She also lead the Supergroup known Rico's Roughnecks - yes, those Roughnecks.
Worth mentioning that it was around this time that I had to start getting creative with my in-game character names, as many were often taken in popular multiplayer games. In CoH, I added -chan as I was in my early anime geek years and thought it was cool. Single player games were still my preference, so Rico explored the wastelands of Fallout, the hellish landscapes of Diablo and many other places of the like.
Then came City of Villains. The name Ricochet was obviously taken quickly, so I decided to change my naming tactic and misspell it. Thus, Ryqoshay was born.
But I fancy myself a writer, so there was no way I was going to make the change without giving her an in-character reason. As such, I gave her parents again, but promptly shoved them in the fridge. They existed solely for Rico to take the first letters of their names, Yuri and Quentin, and integrate them into her new call sign. Ricochet > Ryqoshay.
Also, now as a villain, the opposite of a hero, I changed her appearance a bit. Her blonde hair became black and her high tails became low. She traded in her flak jacket for a school uniform and the black color for white; she kept the purple because I love purple. She still lacked an eye color at this time.
Also also, I couldn't bring myself to make her fully villainous, so she became a mercenary instead, who often worked for villains as they paid better. Making her a Mastermind in CoV fit this idea of her character quite well as she sent her mercs to the front lines while she supported them from behind with her rifle and gadgets.
Ryqo's next change came in the form of being translated into D&D.
The character I was playing in D&D was not actually Ryqo, but a barbarian named Vivian Sexton. She was a dual sword, red armor wearing character I translated over from CoH/V. She made an appearance in both games and ended up being the character I played the most in CoV, despite Ryqo remaining my favorite.
But, as my intended two paragraph introduction became two pages, then twenty, I decided to translate the entirety of Ryqo's Roughnecks from their tech based CoV origins to the swords and sorcery world of D&D. And add more characters. And write even more pages.
Anyway, Ryqo traded in her rifle for a bow and her gadgets for artifacts. And she finally gained an eye color, cendrée; I had a thing for heraldic tinctures at the time.
Ryqo received one other translation, into an LL styled idol back when I was more active on Sukutomo. A handful of scenes I wrote about idol Ryqo were actually the first posts I made on this tumblr account. I also used some dress-up browser thing to make a decent visual of her idol form.
Someday, I may get around to commissioning a pic of Ryqo and use it as my avatar. Maki was actually only intended to be a temporary avatar until I got around to doing that, but it's been years and I keep forgetting and putting it off.
Finally, Ryqo was able to see a tiny bit more written about her as I had Yuu play her in a scene I wrote for Tri-Arame about a D&D style game being DM'ed by Setsuna. I may come back to this version of Ryqo someday once I figure out how to integrate the character I want Setsuna to play; one based heavily on her Sun Knight interactive RP story being produced by the canon creators.
So yeah, that's the meaning of my screen name Ryqoshay.
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xwarneverchanges · 6 years
Update: 2019/01/25
Faction list has been updated {For both PC and mobile}! There is info on each faction now,so feel free to read up if you want to!
On the server itself,all that’s left to do is the Wasteland survival guide - Your guide to everything in the wasteland. After that,apps will finally be open!
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dravocn · 4 years
Rules and other necessary information
I would like to point out a few things before moving on. I like to believe I'm a strange if not friendly person, a bit anxious in both the positive and negative definition, and quick to think I've done something wrong, so I apologize in advance.
1. I am a friendly person, I am a far better listener than a talker, and I DO NOT READ MINDS, especially over the internet. If you have a problem I would appreciate it if you tell me, just as I will tell you. I am a pretty lax person, so don't worry about talking to me.
2. Golden Rule, "treat others how you want to be treated" aside. I have every intention to discuss ideas with my partners before implementing them. I get ideas and over excited about them a little more than often and sometimes overstep, so I like to discuss things before moving on.
3. Staying within the lines of rule two is a sort of guideline that is greatly appreciated but not required. I have zero confidence as a writer so I would love commentary, feedback, and constructive criticism on posts and writing. If only to keep me from feeling guilty about the quality of the work and keep me improving. Please and thank you ❤
4. The fact that this needs to be said is a bit sad, but some people have to be told, for some it'sa puberty thing, I understand, but for others.... just no. I will not accept nsfw activities with underage muns or muses. I will immediately block and report all such inclined people, that is the end of this particular psa, thank you.
5. I'm a nerd, I'm a geek, I'm a bit of a freak xD My interests are all over the place, from sciences, to history, to philosophy, martial arts, mysticism, and mythology. I am a bit bombastic about my interests but I understand if my excitement can be a bit too much or the ideas of those things make people uncomfortable, usually for religious reasons as far as I've seen. So please do not take my excitement, interests, or excitement as an attack or affront toward you, I promise I'm less harmless than the letter z.
6. As much as I talked about myself in the last few rules, I say these things because to me, roleplay is a creative outlet, an escape, and a distraction from a lot of things I'm not going to list here. So I would like it if we could get along and understand each other, but reality has to set in at some point so if not, I apologize and I'm sorry.
7. This is a multi-ship, multi-muse, multi-versal rp profile. I have other muses but my main is obviously the one I tend to play the most often and the most fleshed out. As such I have a list of possible verses, with undefined backgrounds for flexibility for the AU ideas made by myself and my rp partners. For now, that should be it for the rules, of i need more i will add them, but until then, let's all have fun, hm~ ❤
Naruto AU: Test Tube Ninja
Tokyo Ghoul AU: Chimera Ghoul, Rinkaku and Ukaku
My Hero Academia AU: Dualism Quirk
Bleach AU: Born hybrid Shinigami Quincy
Supernatural AU: Witch
Type-Moon (fate/staynight universe) AU: Barthomeloi Family
Inuyasha AU: Half Breed
Full Metal Alchemist AU: Alchemy and Alkahestry practitioner
One Piece AU: Neither Marine nor Pirate
DC or Marvel AU: Alchemist
Elder Scrolls AU: Khajiit follower of Vivic, Julianos, Riddle’Thar, Magrus, and Hermorah
Fallout AU: Institute Gen 4 model Synth
Detroit: Becoming Human AU: Android
Final Fantasy VII AU: Soldier
Final Fantasy X AU: Spellsword Samurai
Final Fantasy XII, Tactics, War of Lions AU: Veena Viera
Kingdom Hearts AU: Twilight Keyblade Master
Lord of the Rings AU: Meiar of Aule
Star Wars AU: Jedi of the Grey Order
Pokemon AU: Abra starter
Vampire Diaries AU: Witch
(more to be added later)
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tanolife · 5 years
PC版を始めたての頃にTwitterで一回構成を晒したけど、前から随分内容が変わったのでもう一度やってみたい。 ほぼvortexでのロードオーダー順ですが例外もあります。
1:Lowered Weapons 2:Lowered Weapons - DLC Addon
ジャンク品をクラフトモードで固定させ飾れるようにするMOD。 Place Everywhereの方が評価は高いですが個人的には操作が手軽なこっちが好き
4:Loot Detector
スクラッパーperkの強化、各種ハイライトを追加。 伝説装備のトラッキングがめちゃくちゃ便利
5:Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch
6:Eyewear and mask retexture
8:Fashionable Valentine
9:Essential Named Settlers
10:CROSS Uni Scarf
12:Visible Weapons
背中に武器を背負うMODなどを使用時に装備状態と武器の可視状態をリンクさせる。 例えば装備しているときは背中の武器が消え、装備を外すと可視化するという仕組み
13:Barber and Surgeon Camera Fix
14:Enhanced Lights and FX
15:Increased Build Limit Enhanced 4K
16:Collection Hints
17:More Where That Came From - Diamond City Radio Edition
18:CREAtive Clutter - All DLC
19:CWSS Redux
20:Automatron for All
21:Unique Uniques
22:The LoveMe Pills
23:DOOMBASED Weapons Merged
24:See You Sleep
25:Diverse Cats
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装備改造時にできることが大幅に増える。レジェンダリーの付け替えや防具の不可視化など。 半分チートだけど一度入れると手放せない。AWKCRと競合有りなのでパッチ併用を
28:Settlement Activity Markers
30:Mod Configuration Menu
31:You are not Nora
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33:Settlement Menu Manager
34:Companion Overhaul by DeadCh1cken
NPCをコンパニオンに追加できるなどの色々な機能補充MOD。 これを使ってDiMAを連れて旅をしています…神MOD
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36:Retro Fashion Overhaul
37:Craft Assaultrons
ロボット作業台の新規ロボットを全裸プロテクトロンからフル装備のアサルトロンに変える。 プロビジョナー初期化バグ時にアサルトロンへ変化するので心理的ダメージが少なくなる
38:Custom Camera
39:Father Companion
40:Wasteland Tactical
武器も背負えるバックパックを追加。Visible WeaponsMODに対応
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41:Sharper Synths
Creation Kitを日本語で読み込み文字化けせずに表示させるためのMOD
43:Settler and Companion Dialogue Overhaul
AmazingFollowerTweaksで追加した名有りのNPCコンパニオンは取引時の応対や独り言を全くしゃべらない。 それをDiMAのみだが喋らせるようにしたMOD
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fallout76rp · 5 years
Synchromystica Roleplay on Fallout 76 has just evolved a new layer of storytelling for our sprawling, ongoing narrative.
Text-based roleplay, Wasteland RP, has now activate on our Fallout 76 Roleplay Discord server! We’re communicating through prose paragraphs!
Click her to read or join in!
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At the bloody horror that is Bolton Greens, a teen rises from beneath a pile of dead bodies…
In small and festive town of Helvetia, a strangely dressed robot realizes it has new dreams…
And in a place that we shall not yet name, Clarissa Kubrick draws her gun…
Meanwhile, back at Whitespring…
Voice of Robot Carla from Cheers: “Wasteland RP is filmed before a live studio audience.”
A roll of thunder in the distance became the echoing footsteps of the Enclave officers, in service of Empress Von Killchild. A circus of hooligans strode beside them, gathered by Von Killchild to fight alongside the Enclave as she spread her influence across the wasteland.
Tannin watched through freshly polished lenses as Officer Shoshana Pai strode at the lead, tightly uniformed. Von Killchild’s empire had see impossible victories as it spread across the lands, but with every victory came madness, and even from this distance, Tanen could see the madness spreading behind Shoshana’s face.
Shoshauna Pai has tried growing her hair in the atom bomb style of her Empress and Queen, but Von Killchild had taken offense, and burned Shoshana’s mushroom cloud off, right there on the spot.
The two uniformed officers just behind her were clearly feeling the intensity as well. One was older, smiling over gritting teeth. The other was younger, and appeared to be on a constant state of shock and terror.
But the slender man in the top hat, wearing red, was feeling none of that stress at all. He grinned a dark grin, as he reassured the lead officer about a situation Tanen could not hear the details of.
A man with a suit made American flags walked behind them, hands deep in his pockets. From the patriotic collar of that suit rose, snake-like, a head covered in black metal-threaded fabric, a marine tactical mask. His face had no mouth, and was featureless, but for the dark, reflective eyes, black-mirrored like crude oil.
The Patriot was whispering to a clown walking alongside them. As threatening and insane as this clown clearly was, he too was radiating calm, undisturbed by whatever situation was bothering the uniformed.
None of them bothered turning to even glance at Tannin as they strode past. None save the last, the one lurking furthest behind…
Dario Morton, alias Dario The Ghoulish…
The Ghoulish One’s mask was a massive twist of iron, beset with round, blood-red glass eyes that glared at Tannin like hot stars. His words arose from within the mask’s gaping grimace like a dead man rising from the grave.
Dario stared at the robot, stared into him… and then finally spoke.
“I have often wondered at the depths of the robot mind,” said Dario, “and I am wondering now at the depths of yours…” Dario’s arms hung limply at his side. “I feel that you might be hiding something from us, Tannin. Some secret… Do you hide it from Empress Von Killchild as well?”
Tannin spoke. “Security is our top priority.”
And Dario replied. “…indeed. Indeed… Perhaps I should drink with you sometime, Tannin. Perhaps I should drink with you at your bar, instead of alone, as I so often do. The things you and I have both seen over the years.... You and I have much to discuss, I imagine.”
Dario stared for long moment more... then turned as if on an axis, and continued after the rest of the Von Killchild’s servants, who were already descending the stairs ahead.
Tannin returned to his default position, removed a bottle of bourbon from below the bar, and started to pour.
A woman in a trench coat burst up beside him, like a molerat bursting from it’s hole.
Her eyes were bright, her mustache was fake, her sleeves went well past her hands, and she was ready to drink.
Her name was Jamie Spano.
“Holy crap, that was close,”
Tannin handed Jamie her glass, and a sudden confused scream rang out as a man she had just met that morning came tumbling from above the bar. He crashed hard into the ground, like he was his own Three Stooges movie.
“Balls!” the man shouted as he flailed about on the ground, struggling to regain his feet.
And once those feet were regained, so was his dignity, as he radiated that style of impossible charm that only the heavy set middle aged alcoholic can radiate, and asked Tannin for another pour.
“So we were just introducing ourselves when the dark side stormed by,” said Jamie.
“Yes, indeed Ms Spano.” He shot out his hand to shake hers. “Phoenix McGillicuddy, the Whitespring’s most outstanding and long-lasting human customer. I was here when the bombs went off and kind of faded into the background when the bots started kicking people off the property. Security is constantly trying to kill me, but the wait staff is beyond compare. Tannin and Bubbles are delightful. They mix a mean drink, and they haven’t ratted me out yet, so here I am, living in the walls like, well, like a rat, sort of. But a charming rat, like the kinds who sing, and drink bourbon.”
“All rats drink bourbon, Mister McGillicuddy, but we enjoy you anyways,” called Bubbles, the sassy and spherical, French-accented, lady Nuka-Cola bot running the soda fountain around the corner.
Tannin turned to Jamie. “Welcome to the Whitespring.”
“Thank you very much, Tannin,” Jamie said as she raised her glass, but suddenly they heard another door open, down the hall.
“Who’s that!?” Jamie and Phoenix exclaimed in unison.
To be continued...
We plan on adding a second text-based roleplay setting in the coming weeks - Vault 76 RP. This will be dedicated to our time in Vault 76, and the mysterious events which took place there. 
“Did you ever go all the way down in Vault 76? Down into the darkness?
“Do you remember?”
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currycurrie · 6 years
Fjord really is testing the limits of his relationships with a lot of the Nein throughout this whole arc huh. I’m thinking it’s a conscious RP decision for Travis to have Fjord get a bit more cocky and overconfident as he gains power and items related to his patron. I feel like he did a similar RP thing with Grog and Craven Edge, except for that it was more intensifying his obstinate nature and general blood lust. Plus the fact that he keeps being called leader by the rest of the group, and is now captain of a ship and treated as such. You only have to be told that so many times to start believing it. Travis has said that this has been the most fun/exciting time ever in Fjord’s life, and he is loving it. Perhaps he’s trying to preserve that sense of wonder by shutting out the reality of the situation as well.
So right now he’s consistently talking down to Nott, and outright insulting her. Which pisses me off to no end. This didn’t really seem to be an issue ever before? Correct me if I’m wrong here. Anything I can remember from before this current arc between them, Fjord always seemed to be coming from a place of misguided but genuine concern. Now it just seems to be straight up malice.
And then there was the whole situation with ordering Jester around which totally fucking blindsided me. I am very glad Jester called him out this episode. That boy needs a reality check so bad. I was never super into fjorester just on a  compatibility front, but now I kind of really don’t want it to happen. That whole interaction just gave me major fucking red flags all over the board. I’m gonna need some serious confrontation and apologies happening when this arc is over between those two. Cause right now their whole dynamic is starting to squick me out. That may just be personal hang ups talking though. I may be biased here. 
Beau has also called Fjord out for being a fucking dick to Nott, but seems largely unconcerned. 
Undead seem to be the bane (haha) of Cad’s existence, and it’s now becoming pretty clear Fjord is heavily entrenched in the darker side of the arcane. Plus with Cad’s crazy insight, I feel like he must be picking up on some weird vibes by now. Cad’s patience is really gonna be tested as Fjord grows stronger. Warlocks, man. 
As a final note here, Caleb is being ridiculously smart about this whole situation. Every time he and Fjord interact anymore, it always seems punctuated by Caleb stating that he’s following Fjord’s lead. Stating it often and publicly. Caleb is removing all culpability from himself and making it known that should any shit go down it’s Fjord’s fault. It’s manipulative and shady and underhanded and exactly the sort of tactic in Caleb’s wheelhouse. Cause now Caleb can go along with this, learn from this, but not suffer any interpersonal fallout. 
I never used to subscribe to the Fjord is secretly evil theory that’s been going around for ages, but I now definitely think there’s some sort of corruption of personality going on here. When this is all said and done there’s going to be a serious wake up call for Fjord. I am 1000% ready for Travis to smash my heart into little tiny bits with his awesome RP as he continues to position Fjord as increasingly oppositional to the rest of the party. 
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Some info on Nine!Kola (trigger warning for child abduction, child experimentation, and scars under the cut read at your own risk.) 
- The verse/au has no set location so can be during most any of the games. (ie. Fallout 1,2, 3, New Vegas and 4 *going with the main ones for now so no Tactics or 76*)  
- Kola was five when she was abducted and given to an unknown lab for testing. And stopped aging around that time. (for rp’s it can be pushed up to six.) 
- She has scars on her body but a bit more than she does in her normal cannon as courier six. 
- Kola can talk but chooses not to at the time she will how ever hum or make small sounds (gasp, whimpers, hmms ect.)  
- On her neck is a tattoo of what looks to be the number 9 on both sides. 
- When she gains her raincoat later it’s slightly too big on her almost down to her feet about to the lower part of her legs. 
- She walks around barefoot constantly. 
- Kola was allowed to keep her stuffed bear Nuka because the kidnapper had picked it up. The lab let her keep but threatened to take if she didn’t listen to them or disobeyed. 
- She is slightly small for a kid her size despite how much she wanders around and eats.  
- Her S.P.E.C.I.A.L is different in this verse/au  to be S:3,P:7,E:5,C:6,I:6,A:7,L:9  
- Kola’s skills are Sneak,Unarmed,Survival, and Lockpick (hidden kind of skills are Melee and Pickpocket.) 
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Me again
Yeah I know no one is probably gonna read this judging by the response my last post got.
But I still want to rp so I decided to change tactics. This time I'm looking for a MacCready to rp with.
We can do smut of any kind, I'll even do mpreg. I do have a female character if that's what you want. I'll dig her up out of storage. Actually I really wanna use her because I've got a cute plot idea using her.
She's a 'blind' sniper named Lucy. I made her originally for New Vegas but I prefer how she plays in fallout 4 so I changed up her backstory.
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