#platonic chenle x reader
anothershorthuman · 6 months
Stay Alive Pt. 8
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pairings: nct dream x platonic!reader, afab!reader (you wear a skirt, but they/them pronouns are used), ??? x reader x ???
genre: zombie apocalypse au, high school au, angst, fluff, humor, not really horror but it's zombies ya'know
word count: 3.0k
series warnings: blood, injuries & fighting, suicide, character death, swearing, again... zombies.
chpt warnings: medical malpractice, mentions of dead parents, swearing
summary: nobody was ready for a zombie apocalypse. you were definitely not ready for a zombie apocalypse. while contemplating just giving up and accepting your fate, you meet a group of boys. life may seem pointless now, but at the very least, you now have a reason to stay alive.
previous: masterlist: next
The camp isn’t as full as Jaemin thought it would be. Sure, there are several hundred people, but there are plenty of empty beds. The camp is broken up into several buildings: 4 housing lodges, 3 bathroom lodges, 1 cafeteria, the 2 medical buildings near the entrance, the staff entrance building, and a giant courtyard in the middle. 
The boys were given a tour after all of their medical examinations and given color coded wristbands in order to place them in a lodging house. Mark and Chenle were put into the green house, Renjun, Haechan, and Jisung in the yellow house. The remaining two houses were blue and red, but the wristbands given to Jeno and Jaemin were orange. 
“What the fuck is orange?” Jaemin asks the guard giving them a tour. 
“The two of you were uncooperative when you were found. Think of it as your first warning.” 
They were instructed to stay in the red lodging house. Apparently, that is where all of the uncooperative residents stayed, as well as off-guard security and military. Jeno assumed that this is similar to what being in prison was like. Uncooperative residents were only allowed in the red lodge and other communal spaces. People placed in other housing lodges were free to enter any building except the staff building. There was a curfew, everyone was to be in their housing lodge at midnight.
The boys sat together at the outskirts of the courtyard. Jeno was glaring at anyone that stared a little too hard. They had tried looking for you, assuming that your medical examination must have gone by quicker than theirs considering you were by yourself and yet, you were nowhere to be found.
“What if something was wrong with them?” Chenle asked. The implication was understood by everyone, what if you had been infected?
“Don’t say that.” Renjun is quick to shoot him down. “We asked the guards if they were fine and they said they are so… they’re fine.”
Jaemin is picking at the skin around his nails, “Fine my ass. We should find them and get out of here.”
“Maybe we should leave without them.” Everyone's heads whip to look at Jeno in surprise. He shrugs a bit, “Don’t look at me like that. If the government wants to keep them for whatever reason, maybe we should let them. I mean, it's the government! What the hell are we supposed to do against the government?”
Haechan is the first to defend you, “We’re not supposed to abandon our friends.”
Jeno shakes his head, “I’m glad you could find comfort in them after what happened with your mom, but they aren’t the only ones wanting to help you through that. We need to be realistic, okay?” When an uncomfortable silence follows his statement he continues, “This isn’t me not wanting to be their friend. This is me prioritizing the friends I have in front of me right now.”
Jeno’s a bit out of breath after his outburst and his eyes flicker between all of the boys trying to gauge their reaction. 
“Maybe he’s right.” Jisung says softly. He’s ripping up the blades of grass in front of him as he talks, avoiding eye contact with everyone else. “If something were to happen to them, or anyone of us, they wouldn’t want the rest of us to be hung up on it, right? We can’t just sit around and do nothing. If something happens to me, I want you guys to make a run for it. Keep living.”
Chenle stands up and speaks as he dusts off his pants, “I don’t give a shit what you guys say. Leave for all I care, but I’m not leaving without knowing why they’re being so secretive about keeping my friend isolated and away from us.” And with that he left towards the green lodge. Mark is quick to run off after him, assuring the others that he’ll be back after making sure that he’s okay. Jisung follows.
Renjun sighs, this really wasn’t how he thought this conversation would go. Jeno has been nothing but candid with his distaste for you, even if he’s unwilling to explain where these feelings originated. He’s also noticed the complete opposite with Jaemin. All of the second years know that Jaemin is a flirt, often taking people out on dates. There were rumors about how he would sneak his arm around his dates shoulders, his other hand maybe wandering. But Renjun knows that despite Jaemin’s flirtatious persona, those rumors were only rumors. Jaemin hadn’t been interested in anyone for years, but he wonders if maybe he’s interested in you now. Renjun glances at him, only to realize that Jaemin is already looking at him intently.
“What?” Renjun asks.
Jaemin shrugs, “You didn’t say anything earlier, I was just wondering what you’re thinking.”
“I’m worried about them too. But if everyone else wants to leave, then I’m okay with that too.”
Jaemin lets out a dry laugh, “So you don’t actually have an opinion?”
Renjun can feel his eyebrows rising, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means that you’re taking the easy way out. Would it kill you to be divisive?”
“I’m divisive when I need to be,” Renjun is quick to retaliate, “I care about the entire group and I understand that not everyone will agree with me, something that you don’t seem to understand.”
“Oh, I understand. I really just don’t care. If I’m right, I’m not gonna go along with everyone else because they agree. They’re still wrong.”
Renjun leans forward, challenging him, “So you’re never wrong?”
Jaemin sends him a lazy smile, “I’m never wrong.”
Sure, Renjun is annoyed with Jaemin’s answer, but it’s Jeno that scoffs in disagreement.
“I can name 5 different times you were wrong right now.” Jeno says.
“Do it.” Jaemin challenges.
“The time you told Haechan that Chaeyoung was into him and he should confess to her.”
“I knew she would reject him. But he had been doing unnecessary favors for her and Haechan was being used. She needed to straight up reject him so he could move on.”
“What?” Haechan exhaled in surprise, “You couldn’t have just told me she wasn’t into me!” He shoves Jaemin and Jaemin shoves him back and snickers.
“The time you stole Yangyangs money.”
“I saw him take it from a freshman. I gave it back to them.”
“When you skipped Chemistry for an entire semester.”
“That was the semester Yuna would not leave Renjun alone unless he had people around, I’d skip class so he wouldn’t be alone during lunch.”
“That’s why you’d eat lunch with me?” Renjun interrupts. 
Jaemin nods his head. “That girl was so fucking clingy, I figured you would like having a guard dog around for one period.”
Jeno laughs, “You did not just call yourself a guard dog.” Haechan starts to jokingly bark at Jaemin.
“I am one.” Jaemin smiles. “But see, I’m always right. So, we shouldn’t leave until all of us can leave together, okay?”
“Fine by me.” Renjun sighs.
Jeno is looking at his hands in his lap, smoothing out the wrinkles in his pants. “I don’t know, man.”
Jaemin scooches closer to Jeno, putting a hand on his knee. “Please, dude. For me?”
The breeze picks up, and Renjun can feel the hairs in the back of his neck sticking up. The wind rustles the trees surrounding the camp and the leaves fall into the camp. 
“Okay.” Jeno says.
Haechan interrupts the moment with his loud voice, “No one’s gonna ask me what I think?”
Mark watches Chenle pout and whine to Jisung about how unfair everything is. If the circumstances had been different, Mark would probably have even thought that Chenle looked cute. He would have leaned over and squeezed his cheeks affectionately, teased him about his complaining. Sadly, they were still in the middle of the first zombie apocalypse known to man, so the temper tantrum was more annoying than cute.
“Can you chill out, man?” Mark asks.
Chenle’s mouth opens in an “O,” seemingly shocked by Mark's statement. “I can’t believe you just said that to me!” he complains.
Jisung is trying his hardest not to laugh. Really, he is. He knows that there isn’t anything funny about Mark reprimanding Chenle or having an argument about potentially leaving someone behind to die, and yet he can’t stop the giggles that leave his mouth. This, in turn, prompts Chenle to start giggling too. Soon, they are both cackling, leaning onto each other for support. Chenle is doubling over in laughter and Jisung is hitting him on the back as he starts to wheeze. 
Mark can’t do anything else but watch. His face expression is contorted into one of confusion, his eyebrows pulled together and his mouth slightly open as if to ask a question. His face only makes the other two boys laugh harder. Mark sighs deeply and leaned back on his two hands. 
“Okay, okay,” Jisung says, wheezing between laughs, “We’re done.”
Chenles laughing lessens when he sees that Mark didn’t seem amused by their outburst. He didn’t mean to be annoying, but it felt like all his repressed emotions were starting to catch up to him. 
“This is serious,” Mark said.
Chenle scoffed, “You think I don’t know that? Tell me why I’m the only person that gives a fuck as to if one of our friends is okay?”
“Are they really our friend?” Jisung asks.
“Are you seriously asking me that right now?” Chenle says with eyebrows raised.
One of Mark's hands came up to rub his face, he really was struggling to keep his frustrations at bay. “We met them a couple days ago, Chenle. And they held a knife to my neck!”
“Maybe you only met them a couple days ago. But they’re in Jisung and my homeroom, they’re my friend.”
“Friend is a stretch, don’t you think?” Jisung says, “I mean, they sat all the way in the back and barely talked to anyone.”
“They’re my friend, okay?” Chenle was clearly becoming more irritated by their line of questioning, “Just because you didn’t talk to them doesn’t mean that I never did.”
Chenle was on his own. Usually, he and Jisung would sit outside their homeroom before class started, talking about basketball or the latest anime episode they had watched. But, Jisung was sick and wouldn’t be at school today and Chenle didn’t feel like talking to anyone else. So he figured he would walk into class early that day and just wait in his seat for the day to start. He figured that he could use some peace and quiet and he hoped to spend some time alone.
Except, he wasn’t alone. When he walked into the classroom, you were already in your seat. You barely acknowledged him as he walked to his seat in front of you, but he noticed the way your lips twitched up when he greeted you. 
The two of you coexisted for a while. Chenle had even pulled out some homework to do. He was erasing something when his arm bumped into his pencil and it fell onto the floor. When he bent over to pick it up, he noticed your own paper. Instead of working on homework, you had been drawing. There were swirls and geometric shapes intricately drawn across your paper. In the center there was a jellyfish.
“I, uh, like your drawing.”
Your head snaps up, not having realized that he had turned around and was watching you. You put your pencil down and rest your hand on your desk, covering up the majority of your drawing.
“It’s nothing.” You mutter.
Chenle shakes his head, “It’s not nothing. I think it’s cool. Do you like jellyfish?”
“It’s not a jellyfish,” you say rather dryly, “It’s a man-o-war.”
His head tilts to the side, wanting to get a better look at the drawing, “A man-o-what?” He’s still trying to look at the drawing when he hears a small laugh. His eyes drift upward towards your face, and he catches a glimpse of amusement on your face before it disappears again. A small smile spread on his own face, he was starting to like talking to you, even if you thought he was sort of dumb.
“A Portuguese man-o-war. Don’t worry, I’m not good at drawing and it gets confused for jellyfish all the time.”
Renjun, Haechan, Jeno, and Jaemin are now laying side by side on the grass. They assumed that the other boys would join them when they finished having their own discussion but they had been laying there for a while. They were getting some looks from the people that would walk past them, but they don't mind. 
“Our lives are ruined, aren’t they? Renjun asks softly. The other boys don’t have an answer for his question but when he peeks at them from his spot on the ground, he can tell they’re thinking about what he said. It really did seem like their lives were over. All of their dreams and aspirations were thrown out the window. Renjun would never get to have a display of his art in a museum and his parents would never see why he was so sure about moving to Korea to work on his craft. In fact, he might not see his parents ever again. 
He blinked away tears before the boys could see them well up in his eyes.
You wake up feeling incredibly sluggish, fighting to keep your eyes from falling shut once again. You instinctively try to rub away the tiredness from your eyes but find that your wrists have been secured to the hospital-like bed that you are lying in. 
Memories start coming back to you: arriving at the camp after being attacked, being separated from the boys, and weird doctors and nurses. There is a faint beeping to the left of you, presumably some sort of machine that takes your vitals and an iv that is attached to your left arm. Your arm feels tired and sore and you begin to wonder if they have something else dripping into your bloodstream. 
Now, feeling more aware of your surroundings, you realize that you are no longer in the same room you were last in with the nurse. Although this room is similar, with the general feeling of being in a clinic or hospital, it is bigger. There is a curtain that blocks your view of half the room and you wonder if there is anyone in the room that isn’t visible to you. The room is devoid of any furniture, with the exception of your bed. There's a cabinet against the wall and a manila folder on top of it. Your fingers twitch, maybe you could figure out what these people wanted with you if you could just read that file that they had made about you. 
Your train of thought is interrupted by the sound of a door suddenly opening. The door is behind the curtain, so you aren’t able to see who has walked into the room, but you can see their feet from below the curtain. They are presumably a man wearing dress shoes, some sort of loafers. They are polished and squeak against the floor as he walks across the floor. A big hand reaches around the side of the curtain and pulls it back. You are faced with a middle aged man, wearing a white lab coat over a navy blue sweater and beige dress pants. He’s got glasses on and his hair is the only part of him that doesn’t look put together, like he’s been running his fingers through it too many times. 
He smiles when you make eye contact, an attempt to be polite, you presume, but do not give him the courtesy of smiling back or speaking with him. You stare at each other rather blankly for a second before he starts speaking. 
“I’m sure you must be very confused right now. My name is Lee Changsub, I'm the camp's main doctor.”
You continue to stare blankly at him. If he’s the main doctor, it’s likely that it’s his fault that you’re in this position to begin with. If he’s in control, there’s no use in trying to communicate with him, he’s only speaking with you because he wants something and the camp had made it very clear that they were willing to take whatever it is they wanted without consent, it was the government, of course.
He looks away for a second, wiping his palms on his coat and then awkwardly putting them into his coat pockets. How funny, a doctor made uncomfortable by a teen. 
“Do you, uh, wanna know why you’re here?” 
He fidgets as he waits for a response from you. He looks at you expectantly, but only receives a nod from you.
“Will you not speak to me? I’ve been told that you’re a bit abrasive.”
“Who told you that?” You ask sharply, “Miss Kang?”
His eyes widen a bit and his mouth opens and closes a couple times.
“Do you mean Dr. Kang?”
You roll your eyes, “Yes, Dr Kang.”
Changsub is clearly floored by your mockery, but it leaves you feeling confused. Are you the first person that they have strapped down against their will? Had he expected you to be in a good mood after what happened?
“What time is it?” you ask.
“I'm not sure,” Changsub says as he walks over to the cabinet, looking through the file. He seems to only skim the pages, glancing at you every once in a while. You revert back to silence. 
He leans a bit on the cabinet, suddenly becoming very comfortable. He puts his weight onto his arm that's on top of the counter and crosses his feet casually. You’re pretty sure you even see his lips twitch into a brief smile.
“This camp has been tasked with finding a cure to this spreading disease and you’re going to help me find it.”
tagging! @staysstrays, @caspervoid, @alyselenai, @lethephin, @leechipp, @rkiveruinz, @butterfliesinthenightsky, @olxviaaaa, @kikookii, @shley-chan, @kodzukena, @everytimeicrymytearsdonteverdry, @cocoishere
could not tag red
wanna be tagged? click here:)
a/n: hello,, thank you for reading this chapter! things are really gonna start picking up soon and im excited for you guys to read it! This chapter may feel like a lot of nothing lol, but i promise it's heading somewhere
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jenosbliss · 9 months
Can I request nct dream reactions to being on the kiss cam with reader, can be established relationship but also friends to lovers?
🍶 ⌇ nct dream ! reaction to kiss cam
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pairing. gn!reader x nctdream | genre. fluff | wc. 1.3k | warnings. none
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MARK. as your friend
You were Mark’s friend, just like how Chenle was his friend, or Jaemin or Jeno or- but for you he wasn’t just a friend because friends love each other platonically not romantically.
For you it was anything but platonic. In simpler words you had the biggest crush on Mark and always gave him hints but he was just too oblivious.
During the match Mark sat between you and Chenle, happily enjoying the game paying no attention to the kiss cam. It wasn’t until everyone around him started cheering that he noticed the cam. Laughing he commented “How could they think of us as a couple?”
Well… he said that to Chenle which made both you and Chenle facepalm yourselves. Like how could someone be this oblivious? Therefore having enough you pulled him towards you, making his eyes go wide as you kissed him deeply making his cheeks burning red. Mark would kiss you back with the same passion as you. “Dude you like me too?”
RENJUN. as your boyfriend
The moment Renjun heard the announcement about the beginning of the kiss cam he got tensed. What if you both end up on it? Would he have to kiss you in front of the whole stadium? No way, Renjun isn’t the PDA guy.
Therefore he engages you in a conversation and doesn’t let you even watch the screen of the kiss cam and let’s say he successfully dodged it the first time. Renjun didn’t even let you notice the booing of the people around you.
But the camera had other intentions. He panned the camera on you both once again and this time the audience made sure both of you noticed. Renjun this time just stood up grinning widely and kissed his glass of coke making everyone boo at him again.
“Why didn’t you kiss me?” you asked. “It’ll be awkward, you know, in front of all these people.” He knew you felt bad about his actions and Renjun somewhat regretted them too. So the next time you appeared on the kiss cam, he mustered up the courage and with rosy pink cheeks he finally leaned in to press a soft lasting kiss on your lips making you blush as well. “I love you.”
JENO. as your friend
The moment he spots himself on the kiss cam with you he’ll let out a small chuckle while crossing his arms to indicate he can’t kiss you. Boy is already going crazy at the possibility of kissing you and he wants to but the thought of making things awkward stops him.
Jaemin beside him along with the others shouts ‘kiss! kiss!’ trying to push his friend into confessing his feelings but all this only leads Jeno to place a soft kiss on your cheeks which may have unleashed a swarm of butterflies in both of your stomachs but left everyone around you booing.
“Are you for real?!” Jaemin scoffed at his friend’s gentlemanly action which even left Jeno a bit disappointed and thinking only if I had a bit more courage… Maybe the cameraman heard his silent prayer and zoomed the camera on both of you again. This time Jeno gathered himself and asked “Can I kiss you?”
The moment you nodded your head he softly brushed his lips with yours for a few seconds before breaking away to the cheers of everyone around you and ending the sweet moment with a whisper of “Let’s do it properly later.”
HAECHAN. as your boyfriend
His determination to be on the kiss cam began when you jokingly sent him a reel about one out of hundreds of reels you send him on a daily basis. Kiss cams started appearing everywhere for him, instagram, YouTube, twitter… “THEY ARE EVERYWHERE!”
So it’s better to say he’s buying basketball match tickets to be on the kiss cam with you. It’s a part of his bucket list now. Dude has been recklessly buying the tickets for every game this season and will continue to until he comes on it.
He would be restless throughout the game waiting for the kiss cam and when it started he would try anything and everything to get the attention of the cameraman, like suddenly being too touchy with you or holding hands and waving.
And the moment you both appear on the cam boy would literally pounce at you, would kiss you so passionately, moving his leg to your lap and pulling you towards him. “This would definitely land on the Best Kiss Cams Compilation.” he smirked, wiping his lips and breathless “Woah”
JAEMIN. as your boyfriend
When he noticed himself on the kiss cam with you he would just smile brightly, shaking his head a bit as he is amused by the situation.
Jaemin then would slightly nudge you in the shoulder to get your attention, it seems like you still haven’t noticed the kiss cam. But when you do you become all nervous and shy, avoiding eye contact with him.
He would notice your nervousness and hesitation and ask “Are you comfortable with me kissing you?” You knew Jaemin loves PDA and you do too, but kissing in front of all these strangers made it a little awkward. But how can you say no to him?
When you nod in a yes, he would gently place his hands on your cheeks and lean in to place an even delicate kiss on your lips. Jaemin would tilt his head in such a way that your kiss won’t be visible to everyone, so you don’t feel awkward or uncomfortable. “You know you look so cute while blushing.”
CHENLE. as your best friend
Chenle came to the basketball match with only one goal, to focus on the match and enjoy it.
But the moment his eyes fell on the kiss cam which captured you a sense of thrill and warmth filled his chest. He would have ignored the cam but who was he to miss a chance of kissing you. He just had the biggest crush on you.
Boy was so occupied in his thoughts that he didn’t even notice that the cam zoomed in on you, him and Jisung. You were sitting between both of them, therefore they had equal opportunities to kiss you. Chenle only focused on you and didn't notice Jisung on the screen as he just shrugged his shoulders inching closer to you “Don’t worry I’ll do it.”
But the moment he saw Jisung on the screen, both of you laughing at the situation, he got nervous… What if you kissed Jisung instead? Therefore he pulled you by arm and placed his other hand behind your neck, kissing you feverishly leaving everyone laughing at his antics, Jisung shaking his head and you in disbelief. “I like you and even the thought of you and Jisung made me lose my mind… will you be my girlfriend?”
JISUNG. as your boyfriend
Your relationship was in the blooming stage when one day Jisung returned with 2 tickets for a baseball match. It’s only been a few weeks (more like two and a half weeks) and watching a baseball match was the perfect date to share sweet memories.
The moment the announcer announced the beginning of the kiss cam Jisung became nervous thinking what if you both appear on the cam? Will he have his first kiss with you in front of thousands of random strangers? Will you be comfortable? Will it make things awkward?
And when you guys did appear on the screen his panic skyrocketed through the roof. His face burning red he would ask you “Do you want to do it?” an awkward smile plastered on his lips, fidgeting his fingers, heavy breathing and when you say yes he would become even more nervous, performance pressure some might say.
Leaning awkwardly with claps and hoots all around you he would softly place his lips on yours, hands holding yours, deep red adorning his cheeks and eyes closed. But the moment he kissed you every worry and nervousness of his would vanish and all he could think about was the feeling of your soft lips on his and he drowned in this feeling, in you. “I’ll remember this forever.”
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masterlist. nct dream | nct 127 | wayv navigaation.
a/n. thank you anon for requesting this reaction and i’m really sorry for the delay in posting :(
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127luvr · 1 year
Hey, could you do (if u feel up to it) a platonic NCT Dream x male reader where he feels he doesn't fit into the group (only added in 2019)
Best Friend 𓇼 ⋆。˚ 𓆝⋆。˚ 𓇼
Nct Dream x Male Reader
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It was early 2019 when the company announced you were to be added to Nct Dream. The exact date slips your mind more than you would care to admit. Mostly due to the fact that everything seemed too rushed—from Mark’s graduation—to your sudden addition—to the release of the first album as Dream without Mark Lee.
You were never sure if the decision to add you to the group was something the company had planned beforehand or something they came up with on the spot—you were too scared to ask. Nevertheless, fans had the same questions. They were split—half saying that this scheme the company had planned to replace Mark wasn’t going to work—while the other half were defending you. Busy making sure your name wasn’t dragged through the mud just because of the shady planning behind the scenes. None of it was your fault—the graduation system was always something that was on the table for the unit.
Knowing this information and understanding it didn’t stop you from feeling guilty.
Your late addition was awkward at first—having never been in the group when Mark was in it shifted the dynamic. You didn’t have to get used to Jeno being the leader, you were introduced when he was the leader. And although they never consciously made the effort to make you feel excluded, the feeling was still there. It was clear that they were still grieving the loss of their friend in their group—and suddenly here you were. Preparing for their first album without Mark.
After the success of We Boom, you went from being Mark’s replacement to just (Y/s/n). Fans saw you as a proper member now—and while there were still some skeptics, they acknowledged you and your talents. There were no malicious intentions towards you but something still didn’t feel right.
Following Reload, you were tired. It had been over a year since you had been added to the group but the feeling of being a disposable member was still overwhelmingly present. You felt like you were watching the members from afar, as if you were still a trainee admiring them from a screen. So close but never quite close enough to reach out to. There was no point in bringing up your concerns with them—scared of how they’d react to it, considering they have been friends long before you were a part of the company. If one of the members disliked you—it was more than probable that the rest would follow.
When the news broke out that the company was abolishing the graduation system, the group was overjoyed. Of course, you were excited too. You got to experience Mark Lee in the same group that you were in. But as the time quickly came to pass, his addition back into the group made you feel worse. He was everything you envied. Perfect at dancing—at singing—at rapping—at communicating. There was nothing he couldn’t do.
Luckily this came at a time where a full album was being promoted—no one would be able to analyze your interactions with your unit if you were busy in others.
“You’ve been avoiding us.” Sooner or later—you would have had to face your members. You had hoped it would be later. Maybe never, as you would have rather spent your time watching videos on the internet on yourself—how you didn’t fit into the group as a whole—let alone your set unit. But it’s come now, in the form of leader Mark in all his glory. “I know I haven’t been back for long, (Y/n). I know that this has been our first comeback as an eight member group, but something’s off.”
It’s after a live video. The eight of you are sitting in the living room of the large dorms. Jeno, Jaemin, Mark and Jisung all share a couch while Chenle sits on the floor. You share the couch opposite to them with Haechan and Renjun, sitting as far as you could get with your ankles crossed. It’s an uncomfortable silence that follows Mark’s words, all eyes on you while you played with the frayed ends of your sweatshirt.
“(Y/n). We are all a part of this group. Regardless of how long everyone’s known each other, you are a part of this family too.”
“I’ve been waiting so long to hear that.” There are collective gasps that come from around the room. It catches you off guard when you make eye contact with an angry Jaemin. His hard eyes paired with his long eyelashes intimidate you.
“(Y/n), I know you’re entitled to how you feel and this has been such a drastic change for you, but we have been trying with you for over a year. We have gone out of our way to make sure you didn’t feel left out.” You hate how well he’s able to articulate himself even under stress, his words falling on your ears heavily as he continues. “I do want to apologize on behalf of everyone for not noticing how hard you were struggling, we should’ve pieced it together. You never came to us with problems but we also never established that you could. We’re sorry for never giving you verbal communication but you can’t say we didn’t try. We are not a group who has to really say things out loud so we understand each other but you didn’t know that.”
You let yourself inch closer to the members next to you. There was no point in trying to make yourself smaller when the attention was still centered on you. It’s an odd sensation—to think back on the interactions you’ve had with individual members.
They were always there for you—whether it was a simple affirmation from Jeno or an invite to hot pot from either Renjun and Haechan. To them it was small acts to try and ease you into the group—it was sharing water outside of the recording booth in between sessions. It was sharing jackets and pushing their leftovers towards you if they didn’t want anymore.
“Jaemin… Haechan, Renjun, Jeno, Jisung, Chenle,” you make eye contact with each member as you call out their names, trying to express how you felt through your eyes, “Mark. I was too in my own head—thinking about how you guys didn’t like me or want me here that all of the effort you put into making me feel wanted and welcome was ignored.” You couldn’t hold eye contact with Mark anymore, too embarrassed to acknowledge his nod of encouragement.
“We also should apologize.” Jeno’s voice startles you. Even if he was across the room, his voice carried so far it sounded as if he were sitting right next to you. “We should’ve done a better job of noticing that you were struggling.”
“I think if we keep going like this we’ll never stop passing the blame around.” You can’t help but smile at Jisung’s comment, mouthing a small thank you towards Jeno as he elbowedJisung’s side.
“Jisung’s right for once!”
The group erupts in laughter, the scene causing you to chuckle through teary eyes.
“Here’s to new beginnings, guys. We’re a family.” Mark’s eyes never stray from you and for the first time in over a year, you believe those words.
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dhvlee · 1 year
okay hear me out, yn and chenle are bsfs so they joke around a lot, until chenle realizes his feelings for yn and can't act normal around her cuz he gets easily flustered
hidden feelings, endless laughter ↠ chenle
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i’m not sure if that’s what you wanted but i hope you like it anyway<3
pairing: chenle x fem!reader
genre: fluff
warning: best friends to lovers
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“i really think jo and laurie are better as platonic soulmates than as romantic soulmates so i’m kinda happy she rejected him,” you said when you and chenle finished watching little women. “and you? what do you think?”
“hate to say it but i have to agree with you. laurie and amy are better in my opinion.”
chenle invited you to his home right after his promotions for nct dream’s newest album istj for today ended. you happily agreed to it because it's been a while since you saw him and you missed your best friend.
“and what about us? do you think we’re better as platonic or romantic soulmates?”
hearing your words chenle choked on the water he was drinking. “what? y/n, what are you talking about right now?”
you laughed at his reaction as chenle looked at you confused. “chill dude, i was just kidding. there’s no reason to choke on water and die because of something like that. woah, what would i say to your boyfriends?”
“my boyfriends?” he repeated, holding his hand to his throat, which now ached a little.
“yeah,” you reached for the chips that were on the table. “your members, they’d get so mad at me if you died because of me.”
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“yo chenle, focus!” mark said as chenle got the choreography steps wrong again. “you okay? even though you're here with us, it doesn't look like that.”
the truth is that for some reason chenle couldn't get your question out of his head. he kept thinking back to last night when you asked him jokingly if you two would be better as platonic or romantic soulmates.
“i’m sorry.”
“what’s on your mind?” haechan asked as he reached for his bottle of water.
“i don’t know, i’m just so confused,” he sat down, leaning against the mirror.
“why?” jisung sat next to him.
“i don’t know. i mean, i was hanging out with y/n last night and we were watching a movie and at some point she jokingly asked me if we would be better as platonic or romantic soulmates and for some reason i can’t stop thinking about it and i really don’t know why, it’s just stuck in my head.”
“oh you’re dumb,” jeno said, taking a bite of his dark chocolate.
“what? why?”
“because it’s obvious you like her but you’re too dumb to realize it,” chenle gave renjun a look as he was called stupid again. “oh don’t look at me like that. i’m hungry, let’s go eat something downstairs.”
all the boys agreed, but chenle preferred to stay in the practice room. he started to think about what renjun had told him.
he began to remember every moment he spent with you and how sometimes you made his heart beat faster. he remembered every time he'd been jealous because you and hyuck had flirted with each other for fun. he also remembered how much he loved your laugh and how sometimes he could look at the pictures you sent him for a long time. he also remembered how angry he was at your ex when he broke your heart and you cried in his arms for hours, wetting his sweatshirt with your tears.
and these thoughts made him sick.
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“now, why are you avoiding me?” you said as you were standing in the dreamies living room after you asked renjun where chenle was and why he was avoiding you.
“i’m definitely not avoiding you.”
“oh, you’re not? then why are you leaving me on seen and hang up when i call you? oh and yesterday you literally ran away when you saw me in the grocery shop! so in your opinion you’re not avoiding me?”
“yeah, i’m not,” he said, nervously avoiding eye contact with you.
“you can’t even look into my eyes, you’re avoiding eye contact with me. did i do something wrong?”
“what?” he quickly looked at you. “of course you didn’t do anything wrong, why do you think so?”
“huh? why do i think so? are you actually dumb?” you asked in disbelief. literally a few seconds ago you gave him a few reasons why you have the right to think that.
“he is dumb, you’re right!” jaemin, who was sitting on the couch playing games on his phone, looked up from the screen and looked at you and chenle. “we’ve already told him twice that he is.”
“look, i’m sorry,” chenle said after he sent jaemin a death stare. “well i can tell you what’s going on but i don’t wanna do it here when jaemin is clearly listening.”
“go to my room then, i’m not leaving that comfortable couch.”
chenle rolled his eyes and got up from his chair. he grabbed your hand and quickly led you to the older boy's room, then closed the door behind him.
you sat on jaemin's bed and waited for what your best friend would say about why he had been avoiding you for the past few days.
“look,” he sighed. “i know avoiding and ignoring you wasn't a good idea, so i’m sorry. but a few days ago I realized something and I never in my life thought something like this would happen to me so I thought if I avoided you it would make everything disappear. but-” chenle sighed again and sat down next to you. “but i was wrong, nothing disappeared and i probably disappointed you and made you feel bad, so i’m really sorry.”
“okay, i still don’t know what the hell you’re talking about but i promise you that you didn’t disappoint me. yeah, i didn’t feel great when you avoided me but that’s okay. but please, tell me what you’re talking about because i’m really confused,” you looked into his eyes and saw him biting his lip. he was clearly nervous.
“i- well, do you remember when we watched little women?” you nodded so he continued. “okay so after it ended you asked me jokingly if we’d be better as platonic or romantic soulmates and i really kept thinking about it the next day and i couldn’t understand why. so i told the boys about it and they told me something. and then i remembered some things and that made me realized one thing and these thoughts really made me feel sick.”
“so, what did you realize? i’m sorry, i’m really trying to understand you but i’m confused.” you said feeling a little bad because you could see that chenle had trouble expressing his feelings at that moment.
“you don’t need to apologize. well, the thing i realized… i’m genuinely so sorry if because of that you wouldn’t want to be my friend but i also understand it. but the thing i realized was that i fell in love with you. i know that it’s stupid and i understand if you don’t feel the same so i’m so-” you silenced him with a kiss, which definitely surprised him as he didn't move for a few seconds. however, he quickly pulled himself together and returned your kiss, placing his hand on your cheek.
after a few moments, you pulled away from each other and you both laughed as you saw the blush on each other's faces.
“chenle, i also like you,” he smiled softly and this time he leaned in to kiss you.
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requests are open!! if you want to make one, you can check the rules !!
Angst: ☁️ | Fluff: 🌸 | Smut: 🔥 | Suggestive: ❤️
How would dating Jungwoo be like? 🌸
Melodies of the stars (Jeno x idol!male!reader) 🌸
Enchanted Encounter (Jaemin x male!reader) 🌸
A Whole New World (Aladdin!Lucas x Jasmine!male!reader feat. Genie!Jackson) 🌸
Sweet Redemption (Jaemin x m!reader) ☁️🌸
Only You and Me (Jaehyun x m!reader, non!idol au) 🌸
Shadows Of The Heart (Haechan x m!reader) ☁️🌸
Whisper in the Shadows (Chenle x m!reader) 🌸
Shared Love (mark x johnny x m!reader) (poly) 🌸
How would dating Mingi be like? 🌸
Guiding Light (Hongjoong) ☁️🌸
How would dating Jongho be like? 🌸
Echoes of Regret (Gyuvin x f!reader, non!idol au) ☁️
Shattered Dreams (Jiwoong x m!reader) ☁️
A chance encounter in Mossdeep City pt. 1 (Steven Stone) 🌸
Recording a Sextape (Raihan x m!reader) 🔥
Dating Clavell, Hassel, Brassius and Larry headcannons (separated, gn!reader) 🌸
Enchanted Reunion (N x gn!reader) 🌸
Stitches of Love (Gladion x m!reader) 🌸
How would they react to you thinking they’re too big (Kuroo, Daichi) ❤️
Unlikely Bond (Tsukishima x m!reader) 🌸
Bokuto’s Subtle Conffesion (Bokuto x m!reader) 🌸
Clumsy Confession (Lev x gn!reader) 🌸
Obey Me!
How would the brothers flirt with MC (pt. 1) 🌸
How would they flirt with MC (pt. 2) (Simeon, Solomon, Barbatos, Diavolo) 🌸
Beel, Mammon and Lucifer with a transmasc reader 🌸
Starlit Night (Diavolo) 🌸
Ink and Despair (Lucifer) 🌸
Jujutsu Kaisen
How would they react to (unintentional) suggestive actions (Gojo, Toji) ❤️
You’re safe, that’s all that matters (Gojo) ☁️🌸
My Hero Academia
Dating Midoriya, Bakugo and Todoroki headcannons 🌸
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure
Bruno and Giorno with hijabi friend headcannons (platonic) 🌸
Shadows of the Past (Giorno x gn!reader) 🌸
Morning routine with Giorno and Abbacchio (poly x gn!reader) 🌸
Arcana Twilight
Cozy Moments: Alpheratz and Sirius 🌸
Love & Deepspace
Birthday Celebration for his S/O (Wayne, Xavier and Rafayel x gn!reader) 🌸
Pillow Fight with Rafayel (x gn!reader) 🌸
Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler
Prince Soma x reader headcannons (gn!reader) 🌸
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vkooksupremacy · 1 year
Never Say Goodbye
NCT Dream x Male Reader Platonic
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NCT Dream were absolutely crushed when their maknae, Y/N, decided he was leaving due to his mother's death. Yet one day, they hoped for his return.
Almost all the members of NCT Dream had graduated. Only Jisung was left, and new members who were Jisung's age and joined after Y/N's exit.
It was time for the other members of Dream to graduate. Except the original seven Dream members had a surprise. So did one more person.
After Dreams graduation concert, a video began to play. "Graduation" also began to play, the audience tearing up when they saw all the original Dream members show up on screen.
"Hey, NCTzen." Mark started, waving to the camera. "Before Dream graduates, we wanted to give you a surprise."
"As you know, we graduated in 2018 and 2019." Renjun continued. "We have truly enjoyed watching Jisung and the rest of Dream grow."
"However, we have something to say." Jeno added. "Remember 7Dream?"
The crowd burst into cheers as Haechan appeared on screen.
"We're coming back."
"We will be a fixed unit now, NCT Dream." Jaemin said.
"There's an even bigger surprise." Chenle was unable to keep in his giggles.
"As most of you guys know, our maknae left sometime on 2019." Jisung said, making the audience cheer even louder. "Y/N was one of our most popular members. We loved him wholeheartedly, and still do."
"Hey guys." The audience quietened down. Y/N's face appeared. He'd grown up. His face had matured, but he still had that child like demeanor. "I'm back. Permanently, returning to 8Dream."
The audience went ballistic, chanting Y/N's name as eight blocks rose from below the stage to greet the original Dream members.
"We're coming back with our new album, Hello Future, this May." Mark announced. "The return of NCT Dream."
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daemour · 1 year
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Welcome to the official post of the 2023 Ghib li collab! This year is much smaller but no fear! All the stories are just as good. :)
And without further ado, here is the masterlist ^^
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-Title: Above the clouds
-Genre: Romance, S2L
-Pairing: Boo Seungkwan x Reader
-Fandom: Seventeen
-Movie: The wind rises
-Warnings: tbd but definitely including an earthquake
Summary: Ever since he was a little boy Seungkwan loved the sky. After being encouraged by his late teacher, he moves to the big city hoping to become a pilot one day. Though after getting hurt during an earthquake when he saved you his dream vanishes into thin air. Ready to give up and move back home, Seungkwan didn't expect to meet you again - and he didn't expect for you to be the reason he didn't give up on his dream.
-Title: TBA
-Genre: romance, forest fantasy au, werewolf au (kinda), mid smut
-Pairing: jaebeom x reader
-Fandom: Got7
-Movie: Princess Mononoke
-Warnings: mentions of blood, mentions of gunshots, animal hunting, sexual themes
-Summary: After much consideration, Jaebeom decides he is ready to welcome you into his den.
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-Title: Flower blossoms and Spilt Coffee
-Genre: fluff, one sided e2l, light angst
-Pairing: Lee Know x Reader
-Fandom: Stray Kids
-Movie: Kiki's Delivery Service
-Warnings: none
-Summary: A witch has moved into town, and you don't know how to feel about it. He's exceedingly nice, but he's opened a plant store and sells all manner of them, even flowers. Your own little flower shop will soon go out of business, especially since he's somehow situated right across from you.
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- Title: Love will find you when you're not looking
- Genre: romance, angst, smut, love triangle
- Pairing: San x Nari (OC) x Seonghwa
- Fandom: Ateez
- Movie: My Neighbor Totoro
- Warnings: mentions of illness, heartbreak, cheating!
- Summary: moving into the countryside had two purposes: one, to put Seonghwa in a state-of-the-art facility to see if there's a chance he might survive this illness, and two, so that you could enjoy your life while being without Seonghwa. What you never pegged was how magical the forest was surrounding your new home and finding comfort within it.
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-Title: Very (Very) Far From Home
-Genre: romance, fake dating, angst, drama, fantasy
--Pairing: Chenle x Lucy (OC), Chenle x Jisung (platonic)
-Fandom: NCT
-Movie: Howl's Moving Castle
-Warnings: none
-Summary: When an unfortunate encounter transports Lucy to a foreign country, she discovers that she has suddenly been embued with magic that she has absolutely no control over. Searching for a way to rid herself of her new powers, Lucy finds herself at the mercy of a mischievous and wealthy noble by the name of Zhong Chenle and his talented yet clumsy wizard friend Park Jisung. In return for their assistance in getting rid of her powers AND getting back home, Chenle approaches her with a question...
"Lucy Marshall, would you go out with me?"
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whatsa-bi-as · 3 years
"ZHONG CHENLE GET BACK HERE" was not what you were expecting to say when you saw your best friend for the first time in two months but you weren't exactly surprised.
What did surprise you was the bucket of water thrown at you before you could even take your shoes off by your idiotic best friend and his (hesitant) partner in crime.
It was that partner in crime that switched sides to help you get revenge against the sharp witted Chinese boy. With a slight betrayal from Jisung you had managed to corner Chenle and shower him in damp affection for a suitable revenge.
Unfortunately, that left you in a cold, wet hoodie which no longer let you torment the idiot you decided to be friends with. However you had seen Chenle's practise bag at the door which you know has at least one spare hoodie for you to steal.
So that is how you spent the rest of the day cuddling with your best friends while eating lots of unhealthy food and making jokes about bad acting. Revenge and betrayal aside the three of you need each other more than any of you would ever admit and you wouldn't have it any other way.
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anothershorthuman · 1 year
Stay Alive Pt. 7
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pairings: nct dream x platonic!reader, afab!reader (you wear a skirt, but they/them pronouns are used), ??? x reader x ???
genre: zombie apocalypse au, high school au, angst, fluff, humor, not really horror but it's zombies ya'know
word count: 6.25k
series warnings: blood, injuries & fighting, suicide, character death, swearing, again... zombies.
chpt warnings: sexual assault, swearing, grief, dead parents, mentions sex and periods, guns and violence
summary: nobody was ready for a zombie apocalypse. you were definitely not ready for a zombie apocalypse. while contemplating just giving up and accepting your fate, you meet a group of boys. life may seem pointless now, but at the very least, you now have a reason to stay alive.
previous: masterlist: next
Your shift with Jaemin ends when the sun rises; he wakes you up first before waking the other boys by banging two pots together. They complain at the idea of getting up while the sun is still rising but comply once Jaemin promises them breakfast before they go back to walking. 
The boy's eagerness to eat is overwhelming for you, so you stand near the doorway to the kitchen, watching all of them stuff their faces with bacon and eggs as if they hadn’t eaten for days. You're watching Chenle and Jisung fight over a piece of bacon, eyebrows scrunching in disgust, when you feel someone nudging you with their elbow. You nod at Jeno in acknowledgement but say nothing as he hands you a plate with breakfast.  
“You should eat.” You nod in what Jeno assumes is appreciation, before he walks away. He watches from afar as you ignore the utensils he left you and eat the scrambled eggs with your hand. His eyes smile when he sees you immediately go for a second bite.
The seven of you walked in silence for maybe 20 minutes before Haechan had started complaining about how bored he was. You’re a little surprised when he decides to focus on annoying you rather than any of the boys. He had been trying to hold your hand for a while now, but you were slapping it away. Eventually he gives up on holding your hand but hooks his arm with yours, and is pleased when you don’t shove him away. Despite your weariness, the physical affection isn’t awful, and it reminds you of Jungwoo a little.
“There’s the corner store!” Haechan exclaims before running over, pulling you with him. 
Haechans fast pace doesn’t give you enough time to look at your surroundings and Haechan is too excited with the idea of seeing his family that he doesn’t notice the worried glances between Mark, Jeno, and Renjun.
You want to scold Haechan after you stumble into the store but become speechless after finally getting a good look at the inside of the store. The products of the store were completely scattered, on the floor and on the counter. The glass from the door and the freezers was shattered, with drinks and food scattered on the floor. The cash register was broken, as was the stool that was typically behind it. 
Haechan disconnects from you and begins to wander the store. He calls out for his mom, and then his sister, not being able to control the growing waver in his voice. 
You too are wandering the store when the rest of the boys finally enter the store. Walking past an aisle, you freeze. There’s a puddle of blood coming from behind a door, presumably a break room for the workers. You peak your head over an aisle, checking where the boys are. Haechan is the closest, but Renjun and Chenle are quickly approaching him and you hope they’ll keep him away from the blood, at least until you can figure out who it belongs to. You glance at Jeno and Mark who are standing by the cash register and consider grabbing one of them just in case things go wrong. 
You step around the blood and reach with a shaking hand to grip the door handle. The sounds of the boys around you fade for a second as you gather your courage to open the door. You whip it open with a surprising amount of strength and scramble to catch it before it hits the wall, not wanting to alert the others of what you're doing. Once you are confident the door won't give you away, you take a look around the room. If not for the stream of blood leading to the back of the room, behind another tall shelf, you might have been pleased to see there was more supplies that would be useful for your group, like toilet paper and hand sanitizer. But alas, the sight of that much blood would spook anyone. 
Peering around the corner of the bookshelf, you take a few deep breaths only to gag when you realize that you're standing in a pungent stench. There's a body behind the bookshelf. You cover your nose and mouth with your hand. The body is face down, but it’s a middle aged woman with long black hair. You had been preparing to see a dead body, it was inevitable given the circumstances, but the possibility of your first being someone Haechan might know, might be his mother, makes this moment a lot harder to cope with than you anticipated. You look around the room, looking for something to cover the body with. You use an abandoned sweater before quickly leaving the room. 
All of the boys are gathered around the door, seemingly processing the same shock you felt when you first spotted the blood. You can’t help but to look into Haechans watery eyes, even though he instantly looks away from you.
“There’s a body in there,” you say, “a woman, not sure what happened, not sure I want to find out.”
Nobody replies for a second, knowing that there is a possibility of it being Haechans mother.
“I can check.” Renjun offers.
Haechan shakes his head strongly, “If it’s my mom then it should be me.”
“They’re faced down, so we would need to flip them over first.” 
Jeno steps forward with Haechan and reassures him that he’ll help him with that much. You watch as the two go inside and stand quietly with the rest. The six of you hear Jeno count them down to presumably flip the body over. And then you hear Haechan start to wail. 
Deciding to give him some space, you start to walk toward the entrance of the store, the rest of the boys following. It’s only until you all settle outside that you realize some of the other boys are crying too. Renjun has tears quietly streaming down his face and Jisung is straight up crying. 
Jaemin tells you about how all of the sophomores would meet up at Haechans house to play games together. They would often stay for dinner, his mom made the best kimchi. She was kind, going to Jeno’s games when his parents were busy or gifting Renjun paint or packing an extra lunch for Haechan to give to Jaemin when she found out he would never eat at school.
And then he tells you that Jisung was just an empath, he had never met her.
While you had never met the woman or felt particularly close to your own mother, feeling helpless was not a foreign concept for you and you can’t help but pity Haechan. You sit outside for maybe 20 minutes before Mark is standing up and dusting off his pants. He says you should leave soon and that he was going to go get Haechan and Jeno. The three of them walk out and you all start to walk away without a destination in mind.
You didn’t mind walking aimlessly, but due to the literal zombie apocalypse, you think that it probably wouldn’t be wise to wander around for the entire day. Your entire group is clearly not in the right headspace. Anytime you hear a noise that could be other people or a zombie, they get spooked and switch directions. You had yet to run into other people.
You had been walking for an hour before Jisung started whining about wanting to take a break. Jaemin suggests breaking into another house but Renjun disagrees, saying that it feels oddly intimate being in a stranger's house without them in it. Mark offers his house, but quickly backtracks when he realizes that he has no idea how to get there, they are lost. 
This of course causes all of them to focus on what's happening, trying to identify where they are. Chenle is trying to retrace their steps when you speak up, “I, uh, I think I know where we are.”
Their necks snap in your direction and they swarm you. And suddenly they’re bombarding you with questions. Their faces feel too close, you can feel their hot breaths on your skin and the way it makes the hair on your arms stand. 
“I live near here!” You blurt out. Your sudden outburst has them backing away. “It’s a really small place, but we’re tired and there’s food there. We can spend the night there and figure out our next move.”
Jisung still has no idea where they are. He lived on the other side of school and even looking at the map on his phone, he didn’t really know how to get anywhere. So, he really was relieved when you said you recognized the area. 
Part of him is confused, this is a pretty run down part of town, even before the apocalypse, he can recall his parents telling him to avoid this area. You lead them down a steep street and he finally seems to notice how eerily quiet everything is. All he can hear is the huffing coming from the boys breathing and their shoes scraping against the concrete.
They enter an apartment complex with flickering lights at its entrance. Jisung finds himself instinctively shuffling closer to Chenle as they go up three flights of stairs. The hallway smells of smoke and the yellowish tint of the walls prove that smokers lived here. He wonders if you smoke. 
You open the door and he peeks over everybody's heads into the apartment. It's a studio, with a lofted bed and the eight of you struggle to fit into the… living room? Kitchen? Whatever you called it. Mark, Renjun, and Chenle squish themselves onto the couch and Jisung finds himself standing awkwardly next to them. 
You scratch your neck uncomfortably, “It’s usually just me in here, so I forget how small it is. Sorry. We can look for someplace else if you guys want.”
Jisung watches Haechan walk in, make a beeline for the ladder that leads him up to your bed before promptly face planting on it. 
Jaemin is the only one still standing near the entrance with you and Jisung can't help but be annoyed by him, leaning over you, a hand placed on the wall next to you. 
“I like your place.” He says, “small, but cozy.”
You snort in amusement. When did you two get so friendly? Jisung thinks to himself.
“So, this is where you live?” Jungwoo looks around the small studio apartment. You can’t help but feel a bit self conscious and you cave into yourself, your arms crossing and shoulders hunched a little. 
“Uh, no! Not like that,” Jungwoo tries to reassure you, “I guess part of me didn’t believe it when you said you lived by yourself.” He plops down on the small couch (which takes up a majority of the apartment. 
“It’s okay.” You say. “...you're the first person I've brought over.” 
You nod.
Jungwoo opens his backpack and starts going through his stuff. He pulls out a white polaroid camera and pulls you over by your sleeve so that you’re sitting next to each other. “We should take a photo then! This is a pretty big deal.”
He snaps the picture of you two and shakes it so that it’ll develop faster. He grins as he looks at the picture before handing it to you.
“Thanks for letting me come over.”
“It’s not like the place is impressive or anything”
“It doesn’t have to be impressive. I’m just glad you were comfortable enough hanging out outside of school.”
“...Yea, I am kind of sick of you.” You snicker as he lets out a gasp and hits you. “That was rude!” You say.
“That’s it, I'm leaving.”
You peer up into Jaemin’s eyes as he continues to loom over you. He’s still talking, but you stopped paying attention to him a while ago. You’re not sure if he hasn’t realized that you're not listening or if he just doesn’t care. Your eyes flicker around the room, up to Haechan, who is now sleeping in your bed. 
Jaemin follows your gaze, “Don’t worry about him.”
Your eyes snap back to him, a bit dumbfounded, “What?”
“I mean don’t worry about him too much.”
“How can I not?” you ask him pointedly, “His mom died, Jaemin”
He moves so that he’s leaning against the wall next to you rather than standing in front of you.
“I think we all know that anyone could die in a zombie apocalypse.”
You sigh, “I know, but this makes it feel more real, ya’know? How am I suddenly the sympathetic one? Aren’t you guys friends?”
Jaemin picks at the skin around his fingernails. His movement makes you uncomfortable but you can’t bring yourself to stop him. “Of course I am. But I know Haechan, he doesn’t like being coddled, even though he could probably use the support right now. He doesn’t want it from me.”
“And I thought you were the bad boy.”
He shakes his head, “I might have the image, but he definitely has the emotional constipation that goes with it.” 
You're silent for a little while before he leaves to join the guys. You sit on the floor, a little further from the group but close enough to listen to their antics. You catch Jisung and Renjun glancing at you every once in a while, but they don't ask you to come closer and you don’t bother to move. 
The rest of the day goes by smoothly, being in your apartment makes it easy to ignore how the world is ending outside. Except for Haechan, of course, who has not left the comfort of your bed.
You make them some ramen and you all watch cartoon reruns on your shitty tv, changing the channel everytime some sort of news starts. You watch them grow tired and fall asleep, one by one. Eventually, you get up from your spot on the floor and climb the ladder up to your bed. 
Haechan shifts when you settle next to him. The bed is big enough that you aren’t pressed against each other, but if one of you were to roll over you’d end up laying on top of the other person. 
Jaemin might know Haechan well enough to leave him alone for a while, but you don’t. Hesitantly, you lift your hand and place it on his arm. You can feel him tense under your touch and you retract your hand, worried that Jaemin had been right and you shouldn’t have overstepped. You even think about leaving the bed so that he can continue to have a little bit of privacy, but he’s turning around to face you. His movement is slow and calculated, you can tell that he’s trying to not crush you. When he stops moving, the first thing you notice are his eyes. You might not have known this boy for very long, but the warmth and liveliness that was in them when you first met was gone, now bloodshot and sunken from all the crying he’s been doing. The darkness of the room makes the contours of his face look darker and he resembles the characters of a Tim Burton movie.
Haechan is avoiding your gaze and you wait for him to say something. When he does, it’s in a whisper, “Will you hold me?”
You nod at him and slip an arm under his head. He shoved his face into the crook between your neck and shoulder. You don’t say anything when you feel his tears hit your skin and you don't say anything when he tightens his grip around you. 
Haechans breath eventually evens out and you realize that he’s asleep. You aren't used to having anyone pressed up against you, and despite the way you squirm, it isn’t uncomfortable. You’re about to fall asleep when you hear someone climbing up the ladder. You quickly close your eyes and pretend to be asleep until the person goes down the steps. You peek an eye open just to see the top of Jeno’s head disappear. Was he just checking in on Haechan? You think about possibly asking him, but you’re much too tired to even try to get up. 
It’s the best night's sleep you’ve gotten in months.
Everyone is surprised when Haechan is the one suggesting you all get moving the next morning, but no one fights him on this. Instead, they pack their bags before deciding to walk further north. Renjun had woken up early and watched the news without any sound while everyone else was still asleep. Apparently, there were some camps set up across the country in order to help people, maybe some of their families ended up there.
Nobody says anything when Haechan holds your hand when you start walking. You can tell that they’re surprised that you’re letting him, except for Jaemin, who sends you an annoying wink when your gaze meets. 
Despite being the one to suggest leaving your apartment, Haechan is barely trailing after you. At times, it feels like you’re dragging him behind you. Yet, he never complains about the continuous walking or comment on the looks he receives when he wipes tears from his eyes.
You spend several hours walking. At one point, you came across a couple of bikes and rode them (two to a bike) until one of the tires popped, leaving Chenle with a nasty scrape on his knee after Jisung landed on top of him. You ditched the bikes after that. All the phones you guys had ran out of battery and you spent the night in an abandoned building. 
Without your phones, the eight of you were truly lost. Time and distance feel insignificant even when zombies appear. Your group had developed a routine, with Jeno, Mark, and Jaemin as the first lines of defense, all swinging bats at any zombie that got too close. With no other weapons, you are the second line of defense, clutching the knife that Mark returned to you. Looking back, you were stupid not to take more knives from your apartment, but everyone was too frazzled to think about potentially fighting zombies. 
Rarely do zombies get past the boys with bats, but there have been a few close calls when Haechan just doesn’t react to a zombie lunging at him and you end up shoving him out of the way. Jisungs instinct is always to run away and sometimes that means leaving the rest of you behind. Chenle will chase after him if he sees him run away, but once, when his knee injury was recent, his knee gave out trying to run and Jisung had gotten lost. Yelling would only attract more zombies, so you ended up going in circles in the area for maybe an hour, looking for him. You find him hiding behind a car, having a panic attack. 
After four days of walking, Mark and Renjun are talking about finding a place to shower in. You’re currently taking a break from walking, all of the boys are munching on protein bars and you’re taking a nap, head on Haechans lap. 
He isn’t talking much, but the two of you have become a clingy duo. Mark thought that you were just tolerating Haechan because you felt bad for him, but now, it seems like you reach out for him just as much as he reaches for you. Some of the other boys have taken it as a sign to be more comfortable with you too. Jaemin will often have an arm over your shoulder if you’re sitting next to each other. There's a look of longing in your eyes when you look at him that Mark just can’t figure out where it’s coming from, but he’s not that surprised that you like Jaemin, if anyone at all. Chenle and you have a habit of teasing Jisung, often about girls and his lack of knowledge about them.
The only one of the boys that still keeps his distance from you is Jeno. Mark hasn’t seen Jeno be so cold to anyone before. Sure, your first time meeting the boys was pretty rocky, but Jeno is supposed to be the nice one of the second years. Regardless, he keeps his distance and deals with you since the rest of the boys seem to like you. 
When he asks Jeno why he hasn’t grown to like you, Jeno only shrugs and says, “they’re your guys’ friend, not mine.”
“They let us into their apartment and they take care of Haechan.” 
“I don’t have to like everyone, Mark.”
Except Mark knows that that's bullshit and Jeno does like everyone… or at least everyone that the boys are friends with. There has to be something else, and Mark swears he’ll get to the bottom of it.
A day later, the eight of you stood on the side of a street. This street was elevated and overlooked a good part of the city. If you looked closely enough, you could see a zombie or two wandering. It turns out that zombies are mostly solitary beings, you don’t usually run into more than three of them at a time unless a loud noise attracts them. The view would be a lot nicer if you had seen it at sunset and Renjun suggests staying there until you get to see it. He found some color pencils in the house you all showered in the day before and took them with him. He had been sketching and drawing the entire day. Nobody disagrees with his idea to sit there for a while and let him draw. 
The sun is only starting to set and he pulls out his warmer colored pencils. He notices a dark spot of red that he tries to smudge, but it doesn’t budge.
“What the-” he mutters, gaining the attention of Jeno, who is sat beside him. The dot seems to be a light, similar to one of those cat laser pointers. The two boys follow where it comes from, just down the road.
Jeno, quicker than Renjun at realizing what it is, yells “Fuck!” and throws himself at Renjun, getting them both out of the way quick enough before a bullet is now where Renjun was sitting.
The noise makes all of you jump, and for Jisung and Chenle to wake up. Jisungs flight instinct kicks in and he moves to get up, although a bit sluggish compared to his usual reflexes.
“No!” Jeno yells, flinging himself to grab onto Jisungs ankle to keep him from running directly into open fire. Jisung falls on his face instead. 
Everyone is quiet for a second, trying to process that the first group of humans you’ll have to interact with since the apocalypse started just shot at you. Next thing you know, you're being swarmed.
Their lights are blinding and you all squint. You're all being yelled at to lay face down on the floor and you do. You're outnumbered, not that it matters considering they're all holding M4’s to all of your heads. The soldiers surrounding you haven’t stopped yelling and the whole situation makes you dizzy, your hands won’t stop shaking. 
From your spot on the ground, it’s hard to see the boys. There seems to be a soldier standing next to each of you, except for Jeno, who’s got three of them standing next to him, but that’s about as much as you can figure out by looking at a bunch of shoes. They’re spilling the contents from your backpacks on the floor and one of them confiscates the knife that you had left on the floor next to you. 
You yell out in alarm when the soldier next to you presses their knee to your back and pulls your arms behind you. The boys protest at your distress but shut up when Mark gets kicked in the gut. Your hands are tied behind your back with a zip tie and you think about how it might break open your skin with how tight the zip tie is. 
“This one had a knife,” he announced to the rest of the soldiers. The soldier that you assume is in charge is eying the bats that are sitting a little further from you guys, covered in blood and dirt. He yells at the soldiers to sit us all up.
“I am Sergeant Park. Congratulations on having survived this long,” he gestures to the bats, “I see you have found ways to stay alive. Now, you will all be taken to a survivors camp close to this location. Cooperate, and we will get you there in no time.” He turns to a soldier, “Search them, start with their fighter and end with the one with the knife.”
The soldiers surrounding Jeno drag him into a standing position, his hands are also tied with zip ties. There's a soldier holding onto each of his arms and he is roughly patted down. The rest of the boys' pat downs go by smoothly for the most part. Jisung flinches everytime the soldier places their hands on him and the soldier seems to have fun with this. Mark doubles over in pain when the soldier puts pressure on his abdomen where he was kicked.
Finally, you’re stood up and are getting patted down. There's a man behind you, holding your arms despite you already being restrained. You try your best to keep still and not say anything, even when the soldier unnecessarily squeezes your breasts. The soldier smiles sleazily at you and watches your face for discomfort as he moves on to your next breast. You don’t protest until his hands go more south, lifting up your skirt. You cross your legs in defense and try to move away only to cry out at the way that the soldier holding your arms twists them and the ziptie cuts open the skin on your wrist. 
“Get the fuck off them, man” you hear Jaemin protest. The soldier only laughs at him, “Little darling had a knife, kid. Gotta make sure they aren’t hiding anything else on them.”
Jeno struggles in their hold as well but is kicked onto his knees. 
Jaemin’s frustration only grows, “I said get the fuck off of them!” He’s able to shove off the soldier that was only loosely holding him and punch the soldier that had touched you before he’s jumped by another two soldiers and put on his back and also ziptied. They kick him a couple of times before you protest, “Okay! Finish your pat down or whatever. Just leave him alone.”
The soldier smiles smugly at Jaemin before standing in front of you again. You can’t help trying to squirm away when he lifts up your skirt again and you look away from the shitty man in front of you.
Later, when you get to talk about this moment, Chenle tells you that all of the boys looked away. It had been a traumatizing moment for you and perhaps selfishly, the boys didn’t want to watch that.
The soldier grabs your crotch tightly and he leans in close to you before whispering, “See, it isn’t so bad.” He leaves after that. 
The boys are allowed to stand up. Renjun helps Mark up. Jeno and Jaemin are being held by soldiers. Jaemin is visibly the most banged up by the encounter, but he holds himself well after having been in many fights. 
A truck driven by more soldiers approaches and the soldiers holding all of you push you in their direction. One of them orders Jisung to pick up your bats and he scrambles to do so. Renjun returns all of your dumped items into the backpack, only for it to be snatched from him. When the truck stops in front of you, the soldiers shove the boys on first before climbing in themselves. With no space left for you to sit, one of the soldiers beckons for you to sit on their lap. You don’t protest. 
The truck continues to go down the road, silently. It’s night now, so you can hear crickets and the crunching of the tire. Your group becomes alarmed when the truck takes a sudden turn, you would have fallen off the truck if not for the soldier's stiff grip. You’re now being driven away from the city, down a dirt path. The road is bumpy and you're sure the soldier under you is sporting a boner. You try to focus on controlling your breathing, closing your eyes so you can ignore the burning gaze of everyone on the truck. A hand falls on your thigh, radiating warmth as it presses against your skin. For a moment, you think you’re going to throw up. You feel a kick at your shoe and you open your eyes to see Chenle across from you. He smiles and winks at you and you can’t help but chuckle at his stupidity. 
The truck abruptly stops and the eight of you are pulled out of the truck and ushered into the camp. A clearing has been made for the camp, that much is clear with how its in the middle of the forest, with trees surrounding it in every direction except for the small dirt road you came in from. The camp is surrounded by two sets of tall wired gates. From what you can see, there is only one entrance and it is heavily guarded, even if there are military personnel throughout the entire perimeter.You pass through the first gate quickly after the sergeant gives the order to let you in, but the second gate is a bit trickier. There's a table with two medical professionals, fully covered head to toe. Here, they do simple check-ups on each of you, using lights to look into your eyes, ears, and mouth. Chenle gets his scraped knee disinfected and bandaged, but when they hand you all identification cards with your names on them, his comes with an extra symbol. From here, there are three entrances to the camp, a small gate opening behind the table where military and medical staff come in and out of, and two identical buildings on either side of the building. You are informed that the one on the right is for men and the one on the left is for women. Soon, you’re being pulled away from the boys, you follow the staff without much of a fight when you see the soldiers watching you intently. Once inside, you give the staff the card they hand just given you as you are led down the hall and into an office. 
You look around, trying to discern what sort of place this is. There are no windows and the walls are made of concrete. You can’t help feeling like you’re in jail. Despite this, the office is decently sized and well decorated, with a fancy looking desk and pc. You are directed to sit down and wait for the doctor before the staff closes the door. You sit in silence for a moment, listening to their footsteps fade away before you are out of your seat and trying to open the door; it’s locked. Defeated, you make your way back to your seat and look around the office. There's a plaque that reads Dr. Kang. You wonder if the boys are going through the same thing, locked into an office with an unpresent doctor. Your thoughts are interrupted when the door swings open and a woman walks in. She is young, maybe in her early thirties, with long dark hair and sharp eyes. She is wearing a sleek navy suit that accentuates the length of her legs. Her appearance would lead you to believe that nothing out of the ordinary was occurring and you can’t help but wonder how she has managed to find the time to keep her manicure looking nice. 
She doesn’t say anything when she walks in or sits down on the other side of the desk from you. Her eyes flicker to you for a second before returning to her computer screen, not wasting a second in acknowledging her. Still, you keep your eyes on her, not wanting her to think that she has the upperhand in making you uncomfortable. A couple of minutes go by of her clicking on her mouse and keyboard and you staring at her. Finally she seems to stop and look up to you. A smile graces her features and she makes eye contact with you, “I am Dr. Kang, nice to meet you. What’s your name?”
Her smile makes you uncomfortable rather than feeling reassured and you decide at this moment not to trust her. “I’m sure you already know that. I arrived here with seven boys, when will I be able to see them?”
She laughs at this, “I do know your name, but it is respectful to introduce yourself when meeting someone new. Nonetheless, I can see those boys mean a great deal to you, so let's try to do this quickly and get you back to them.” She watches you with the same cold smile until you nod in agreement. She asks you questions about your family, if you've contacted them and the sorts. You give her vague answers which she types quickly into her files. The questionnaire is quite boring, similar to what your physician may ask you at your yearly check up. She asks you about where you were when the outbreak happened and if you had lost anyone, if you were with the boys when it happened. You think about lying, telling her that yes, you had been with the boys the entire time, they had been your school friends that were together when misfortune struck, but you worry about being caught lying. Would it even matter? Still, you keep most of the truth to yourself, skipping over the part with Jungwoo and tell her that you met up with the boys a couple of days after the outbreak first happened. You hope they say the same thing. 
“When was your last period? Are you sexually active?” You know what she’s insinuating, of course. Her smug smile makes the question more telling as well. Although, you're not sure what reason she would have to feel smugly about knowing that you’re potentially having sex with one or multiple of the boys you were found with. 
Still you smile at her rather sarcastically, “Celibate, actually.” Your smile grows when you see her fake smile falter slightly.
“And your period?”
“Haven’t gotten it in a couple months.”
She hums, “Well, if you're sure you're not pregnant, then you were probably under a lot of stress, or something else could be potentially wrong. We’ll check in with you about that occasionally.”
You give her a curt nod. She types away at her computer for a while longer. She talks to you without lifting her gaze from her screen, “We’re done here. You’ll be getting your blood tested to make sure there aren’t any mutations in your DNA or are in the middle of turning.”
You’re taken from that room into another with medical equipment. A younger nurse approaches you and explains how she’s going to draw some blood from your arm. Her attitude is just as unsettling as Dr. Kang’s due to how preppy she is, but it seems more authentic and you haven’t decided if that's more or less concerning.
You flinch when the needle is inserted into your arm and she makes a comment about not liking needles. You watch her flip through a file that you assume belongs to you. There's a page that she spends significantly longer looking through and you can’t help but wonder what is written on it.
“You arrived here with other people?” You nod. 
“Are you all close?”
“We’re friends. Does it matter?” 
She laughs at your stiffness, “Just trying to make conversation. Usually the women's evaluation process takes longer than the men’s, so they’re probably about done, they could be entering the camp now.”
You can imagine them looking for you, walking through all of the bunk beds filled with people. Chenle and Jaemin might even be yelling for you, with Jisung following behind them, covering his face in embarrassment. She takes your fingerprint and a strand of your hair while tests are being run on your blood. You want to ask her why they need them but refrain from asking questions you know you won’t be given answers to. The machine she’s standing by dings when your tests are done and she scrolls through them. Her smile seems to die and is replaced by a frown. 
Your worry grows as she walks toward you and you sit up. She stops you with a hand on your shoulder. 
“What’s wrong?” you ask, watching her pull open a drawer next to you. 
“I hope those boys care about you” she says before sticking a needle into your chest. 
You want to scream but realize you don’t have the energy to. You try lifting your hand to remove the syringe but your arm flops over before you can get a proper grip on it.  The nurse is laying you down as you struggle to keep your eyes open. 
What– what did she do to me?
You’re unconscious before you can come up with an answer.
tagging! @staysstrays, @caspervoid, @alyselenai, @lethephin, @leechipp, @kodzukena, @kikookii, @rkiveruinz, @shley-chan, @butterfliesinthenightsky, @olxviaaaa
wanna be tagged? click here:)
a/n: hi! sorry for being gone for so long. I can't promise consistency, but I had a lot of fun working on this chapter and already have a decent part of the next one written. This chapter is pretty long too! Enjoy :3
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neo-cu1ture · 4 years
"stop moving!" renjun hissed at you.
"oh i'm sorry, is your hair being pulled in 7 different direction?" you fired back.
renjun muttered something under his breath that you didn't quite catch, but you moved on quickly when jisung let out a yelp.
"my hands are red!" the boy yelled.
"no shit, you're handling red dye," haechan quipped.
in response, jisung dropped his section of your hair and reached towards haechan. however, he missed slightly, his sticky red hands brushing jeno's hair in the process.
"jisung!" jeno groaned. "we're not supposed to die my hair yet."
"poop hands indeed," chenle stated.
"jisung, leave haechan alone. jeno, it'll be fine, we'll fix it later," mark scolded.
the boys continued to chatter as they painted your hair, teasing each other about all sorts of things.
"shit," jaemin said suddenly.
"what?" you questioned.
"um. we're out of dye," he explained.
"no we're not! we still have some pink from when jisung did his a month ago," chenle said cheerfully.
you were silent for a moment, while the boys all watched you, wauting for your decision. "fine," you sighed. "i guess pink and red hair isn't too bad."
"woohoo!" chenle cheered as he ran off to get the other dye.
"why did i agree to this," you moaned to yourself.
"i don't know," renjun said. "but you probably shouldn't have."
jeno smacked him in the arm, sending little droplets of dye everywhere. everyone gave a small shriek, as chenle came running back into the room with the pink dye.
mark took the box from him quickly, claiming, "i'm the oldest and you all can't be trusted to mix this right."
a series of "but i did the red one!" and "i wanted to try!" followed, but mark waved them off.
mark mixed the dye quickly, and when it was done, jaemin was the first to scoop some into his hand and mush it into your hair.
"at least try and make it look decent!" you cried.
"no promises," haechan responded.
you huffed, crossing your arms, but let them continue nonetheless.
45 minutes later, they boys were trying to help you wash out the dye. in reality, jisung and chenle were flicking water everywhere, jeno and jaemin were cleaning up the mess, and haechan was explaining why he should become a hairstylist, so it was really just mark and renjun helping to rinse your hair.
"jeno, you'd let me cut your hair, right?" haechan questioned the slightly older boy.
"not a chance," he called back.
"but-" "anyway," mark interrupted, "we're done!"
the youngests halted in their water war, and they all gathered around as you finished drying your hair.
once you moved the towel, they all gasped.
"it looks amazing!" renjun exclaimed.
"of course it does, i helped," haechan stated.
"shut up," jisung muttered. haechan was quick to turn on the boy, who darted quickly out of his reach, laughing.
"oh my goodness," jaemin gushed."i didn't think you could look even more stunning, but here you are." he wiped away an imaginary tear. "my baby is growing up." he sniffled.
"oh hush," jeno groaned. jaemin pouted.
"can we do mine tomorrow?" chenle asked.
"the only other dye we have is neon green," renjun said, giving him a look.
"ooh, let's do that!" jisung said, rubbing his hands mischievously.
"nevermind!" chenle shrieked, bolting out of the bathroom.
"i think we might have food coloring somewhere," jeno teased.
there was another scream from somewhere in the house.
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envirae · 3 years
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IN WHICH: 7dream each find their own stories of love in this tale of anger, affection, sadness, and passion.
an nct dream oneshot series
please fill out this taglist form OR send in an ask if you would like to be tagged in any of the fics!
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SUMMARY: when an innocent agreement to become his wingwoman turns into having to pretend like you’re his girlfriend, Mark suddenly starts to see you in a new light. he tells himself it’s nothing big, but are the two of you really just faking?
PAIRING(S): mark lee x fem!reader, platonic!kim jungwoo x reader
GENRE: fluff, angst, college au, fake dating au
WARNINGS: swearing, jealousy, kissing, alcohol usage, mark and reader are kinda dumb
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SUMMARY: After harboring your feelings for your brother's best friend for over a decade, you’ve officially admitted defeat. But when you decide to date around in an effort to get over him, you’ve suddenly piqued his interest.
PAIRING(S): huang renjun x fem!reader, brother!kim doyoung x reader
GENRE: brother’s best friend, fluff, angst, high school au,
WARNINGS: swearing, jealousy
WORD COUNT: 5k? (subject to change)
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SUMMARY: When your best friend suddenly gets a girlfriend, there’s a clear shift in the air. It doesn’t go unnoticed, either. After toeing the line between friends and more, Jeno’s determined to find out your secret. Even if it means destroying your close bond.
PAIRING(S): lee jeno x fem!reader
GENRE: best friends to lovers fluff, angst, high school au,
WARNINGS: swearing, jealousy
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SUMMARY: Lee Dong Hyuck is a side character. He observes people as they go by, living vicariously through them. But when a messy haired, bright eyed girl suddenly walks into the cafe where he works, Dong Hyuck wonders if he can have his own story.
PAIRING(S): lee dong hyuck x fem!reader
GENRE: strangers to lovers, fluff, angst, high school au,
WARNINGS: swearing, jealousy
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SUMMARY: When the most popular boy in school starts getting love notes, smart but quiet y/n seems like the last possible subject. That is, until, Na Jaemin sees a small girl slipping a small pink envelope into his locker.
PAIRING(S): na jaemin x fem!reader
GENRE: secret admirer, fluff, angst, high school au,
WARNINGS: swearing, jealousy
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SUMMARY: Academic rivals Zhong Chenle and L/N Y/N have never once seen eye to eye. There's no lengths they won't go to in order to beat each other, even if that means some foul play.
PAIRING(S): zhong chenle x fem!reader
GENRE: rivals to lovers, fluff, angst, high school au,
WARNINGS: swearing, jealousy
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SUMMARY: in desperate efforts to try to fit in, young and cash strapped Park Jisung takes a bet to date the quiet social reject, and stay with her for at least three months. Sure it's a little dirty but, all's fair in love and war.
PAIRING(S): park jisung x fem!reader
GENRE: fluff, angst, high school au,
WARNINGS: swearing, jealousy
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CURRENT TAGLIST: @youreverydayzebra @rae-blogging @so-jays @icywhatim @sseyk @iuwon @yeoforce @bluhr @heebabyy @athena103 @tyongolden @yjwfav @baekhyunstruly @enhacolor @eternallyhyucks @definitely-not-kyuzu @tyongishs @missyouraccent @aliceu @ryu-naa @aishiohs @mora134340 @cutecutepsycho @cookydream @bhebeleng @alymii @eggoyu @ellie-idk-anymore @tbhidkwhatimdoing @deryderydery @chitaphrrrr @frickyratz @huangberryyy @navoeur @d1nne @t-toodumbtocare @arishaechan
925 notes · View notes
heyyaaa, a scenario where secret bf!chenle and you are dating for like a year or smth and none of the dreamies knew about it.. until.. you and lele were hanging out in his house and the dreamies went to visit daegal chenle without informing him first (which is not usual 'coz they always inform him.. n e waysss) and were vvv shocked (they eyes do be lookin' like saucers tho) when they saw a random ass person in chenle's house (they thought u was a thief at first and was about to call the cops on u lmao)
dang im sorry this is very detailed and my eng is very questionable,, thanksssss
YES This sounds adorable! Also it's cool I'm fine with details and what not! That and I fucking eat up the secret dating trope GAHHHH okay okay, let's start! Also your English is amazing! No worries <3
Heart Thief
TW: Language
Pairing: Secret BF!Chenle x Reader; Platonic!NCT Dream x Reader
Y/N Pronouns: Not Specified
Genre: Fluff
[Main Masterlist] | [Request Info]
Word Count: 1.4K
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"Hey, do you guys want to go visit Chenle?" Mark asks out of the blue. Chenle had apparently caught a really bad cold and asked the managers to allow him to stay home for the weekend and, luckily, the company wasn't keen on taking chances of his condition worsening so they approved it. That being said, the Dreamies were naturally worried, yet every text and call they made ended with the same response.
"What for? He's just going to tell us to stay away so we don't get sick like usual," Jaemin shrugs.
"Okay, but when has he actually cared about our well-being when he was sick," Renjun asks, recalling the times that Chenle would arrive at practice sneezing every two minutes or getting chills the entire time. "Maybe there's something else going on? We should check on him," Renjun supports Mark.
"I mean... I can't say that I haven't been a little curious," Jisung mutters. "It's not like him to just... not work, you know? Even when he's sick he at least shows up."
"It must be really bad then!" Jeno gasps. "What if... what if he's bedridden and no one's home to help him?!"
"He lives with his mom," Haechan scoffs.
"Well his mom works too, you know! I agree, let's go visit him!" Jeno says.
"Well, that's four. Me, Renjun, Jeno, and Jisung, are you two really not coming?" Mark asks. Haechan sighs and Jaemin rolls his eyes.
"Of course we're coming," Jaemin shoves Haechan forward.
"Yeah, what he said," Haechan juts his thumb toward Jaemin.
"Good! Jeno will drive!" Mark tosses him his keys and Jeno's shoulders slumped.
"I hate being the only responsible driver in this group..." he mumbles.
"I can drive!" Haechan volunteers.
"No!" Everyone else cut him off, causing Haechan to break into laughter.
"No!" Mark half-whispers while he holds Haechan's hand down.
"Did you guys hear that?" Jeno asks quietly.
"Shh!" Renjun shushes him, trying to listen around him.
The six boys stood in a close circle in the middle of Chenle's living room, Haechan having long known where the spare key was and letting everyone in, until they heard shuffling around the house. They saw that Mrs. Zhong's car was out of the driveway, so it couldn't be her, and if it was Chenle then they didn't want to ruin the surprise.
Until they saw the rough outline of whoever it was in the kitchen, and, needless to say, they did not match Chenle's silhouette at all.
Now, with a stapler in hand, Haechan was ready to take matters into his own hands until Mark stopped him.
"What if it's a sasaeng?" Haechan asks.
"It's not! If they were then they wouldn't be out here, no would they?" Jaemin fires back. "Plus, Chenle's security is too good for a sasaeng to get in."
"That's true, but even then they could be a thief!" Haechan defends. "Jisung would agree with me, right, Jisung?" Haechan turns to his left and notices that Jisung was anywhere but next to him. "Oh my god the thief killed Jisung!" Haechan laments, clutching onto Jeno. "They're going to pick us off one by one so they got poor unsuspecting Jisung!"
Meanwhile, the poor unsuspecting Jisung was rather busy.
"You'll fit, it's okay!" Jisung locks his fingers together to make you a makeshift step stool.
"Jisung... you've lost it, buddy, I can't fit on the top shelf!" You look over your shoulder, still hearing the other Dreamies argue amongst themselves. Jisung takes a deep breath.
"There is nowhere else for you to hide!" He half whispers. Chenle groans from his spot in bed.
"It's fine, (Y/N), just hide under the bed," Chenle points under him while he stays bundled in his covers to try to reach a warm enough temperature to pass off as sick. Daegal, meanwhile, watched you and Jisung in entertained silence while situating herself on Chenle's lap.
"Chenle, baby, I can't do that, there's too much crap under there!" You tried to keep your voice down. "Okay, here goes nothing," you braced yourself and stepped onto Jisung's locked hands while he boosted you up. You just barely were able to fit in the compartment when-
"Chenle are you alive?!" Haechan barges into the room with the other Dreamies, stapler brandished in his hand and various other weaponized household objects in the other members' hands. Jisung had just repositioned himself under you to help push you up, Chenle was sitting up, blanket pooled around him, about to direct Jisung how to help you, and you, poor you, were struggling to push yourself into the closet. With your arms shaking, you lost grip and collapsed on top of Jisung, earning a full laugh from Chenle.
"Oh my god, Jisung, are you okay?!" You scrambled off of him, lifting his limp body into your arms. "Jisung stay with us!" You shook him harshly to wake him up, something he takes his time with, one eye opening before the other. He stares at Haechan and gasps, effectively shoving you into the closet anyway and slamming the door.
"Hyung doesn't have a secret partner what are you talking about?!" Jisung blurts. Chenle groans, slapping his palm to his forehead.
"Yes, I'm alive," Chenle says, getting out of bed and walking over to the closet. He opens it slowly. "Are you alright, babe?" He asks.
"Yeah... just hit my hip a little too hard," you answered, slowly peeking your head out of the closet. Mark turns a light on and gasps.
"(Y/N)?!" Mark's eyes were as wide as saucers and you chuckled nervously.
"Hey... bro... what's up? Funny running into you here," you laughed awkwardly.
"Yeah, funny," Mark drops the bat in his hand and turns to Chenle. Daegal, meanwhile, hopped up to you and attempted to climb your leg, prompting you to bend down and pick her up. You cleared your throat while Daegal licked your face.
"I... uh..." you tried to break the tense silence.
"We can explain," Chenle fills in for you.
"Yeah, I'd like for you two to do that," Mark's eyes move between you and Chenle.
"Oh my god I almost killed Mark's sibling!" Haechan's shoulders slump down as he approached you, shaking your shoulder lightly. "I never knew you and Chenle were this close! Look at you, being a nice friend and all checking in on him," Haechan praises you.
"Yeah! Yes, that's definitely what this was," you nodded your head almost too enthusiastically. "Yes! Jisung was actually helping me grab another blanket from the top shelf there because Chenle was so... cold," your words were shaky, but you hoped the boys would buy it.
"Good on you, (Y/N)," Renjun smiles. "Mark, you raised (Y/N) well," Renjun teases.
"He did, right? Anyway, I just dropped by because Chenle said he wanted some chicken noodle," you pointed to the bowl on the table, something you had just finished making for him by the time you heard the front door open, luckily. "So... I'm gonna go now," you pointed out the room. "Bye, Lele!" You waved at him with a smile and he waved back.
"Thanks for the soup," he says.
"Anytime!" You speed walk out of the room, but you weren't fast enough. In no time at all, Jeno is dragging you back into the room and you're seated back on the bed.
"Now, with that out of the way, how long have you two been dating?" Haechan asks with a devious glance.
"And how could you tell Jisung before us?!" Mark gestures to Jisung, who was still seated on the floor.
"Ugh... busted," a disappointed sigh left your mouth and Chenle leans forward to press a sloppy kiss against your cheek. "Ew! Not in front of my brother, Chenle!" You groaned.
"Ew! Not in front of me!" Mark said almost simultaneously, covering his eyes.
"This is going to be a long story," you said, your voice muffled by your hands.
"Wait, so is Chenle not actually sick?" Jeno asks.
"No, I just wanted the weekend off with (Y/N)," Chenle grins.
"And it was going so well too," you sighed.
"I'll make popcorn!" Haechan says. "Jaemin, bring some chairs in, we're going to listen to (Y/N) and Chenle's romance story!"
"Ew," you groaned again. "Don't call it that!"
"Why not? It's cute enough to be its own webtoon!" Chenle teases you with puckered lips and this time it was Mark to shove a pillow between you and Chenle, causing the both of you to laugh together much to Mark's dismay.
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General Tag List: @stopeatread @bat-shark-repellant @raeincitizen @umbralhelwolf @macarosieandcheese
NCT Tag List: @cherrylovr @eggoyu
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sungbeam · 2 years
𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚
▷ nct dream ot7 x reader (platonic)
▷ 1k words, absolute crack
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You snickered to yourself as you hugged the roll of precious Hello Kitty wrapping paper to your chest and tiptoed into the hallway. After you had picked up your gift from the store, you had rushed over to the Dreamies' dorm to snatch some of Jaemin's stash of wrapping paper. He kept a tub of wrapping paper for all occasions in the corner of his closet, something everyone found out about when this whole event was organized. 
Well… organized was generous. It was more like a spontaneous sort of thing. Secret Santa in the middle of May? Yes, very spontaneous. 
As soon as you deemed that the coast was clear, you dropped to your knees in the hallway outside the dorm and unrolled the wrapping paper. You swiftly measured out an adequate amount of paper to wrap your gift, sliding the blade of your scissors through the thin paper. 
"Ten minutes until we exchange presents~!" You heard Jaemin's teasing in a singsong tone from inside the dorm. 
You had just barely covered your gift from sight when the front door bursted open and revealed a wide-eyed and crazed Haechan. The man spotted the tube of Hello Kitty wrapping paper and glared at you. "YOU!"
He huffed, diving for it and snatching it up. He waved the tube at you threateningly, narrowing his eyes. "You'll pay for this."
"You snooze, you lose!" You called after him, cackling, as he disappeared back into the dorm to do his last minute wrapping. Literally. Jaemin had just called for the five minute mark. 
Speaking of Mark—
"Yo, Yn, what're you doing out here?" Mark walked toward you with an amused smile on his face. He had his skateboard tucked under one arm and a red and white polka dot-wrapped box under the other. 
"Wrapping my present," you told him. Your hands carefully pressed the last pieces of tape into their proper places to finish off your wrapping job. Perfect.
Mark fished his keys from his pocket, leaning against the wall next to you. "Oh, I just had the people at the mall wrap it for me."
You furrowed your brows. "They still do that? It's not even December."
He laughed sheepishly, cupping the back of his neck. "Uh, haha, yeah. I go to them whenever I run out of gift bags."
"You couldn't just—you know, buy a gift bag?"
He stammered. "S-shut up! They looked bored, okay? And Target was all the way across the mall."
Your eyes narrowed, a sly smile forming on your face. "Okay, whatever you say, Markus."
"What'd I say about the name Markus—"
The door to the dorm room exploded open once again, but instead of a furious Haechan, it was a furious Jaemin. He scowled at the both of you, hand beckoning them inside. "Come on, you two! I've been calling time for the past two minutes."
You and Mark exchanged looks before you both followed Jaemin back into the dorm. Everyone else had already gathered in the living room, surrounding a pile of presents like a cult and its human sacrifices. Once the final presents were placed into the center, Jaemin announced that you all would be opening presents based on age before they would guess their Secret Santa. 
"Wait, wait, wait!" Chenle cut in, holding his hands up. "We already know which presents Mark and Yn brought. There's no point in guessing."
"Oh, yeah," Jeno agreed with an indulging nod. 
Jaemin halted with a twitch of his nose. You hid your snicker from behind your hand, hoping he hadn't caught that. Jaemin pressed a hand to his forehead. "Okay. So whoever Mark and Yn got won't get to guess."
"But I want to guess," Jisung piped in innocently. "What if Mark or Yn got me?"
"Yeah, what if?" This was Haechan with a feigned gasp of concern. 
You swore Jaemin was going to bust a blood vessel. From across the circle, you motioned to Renjun to cut in or for Mark to at least say something. They were the oldest, after all. 
Renjun, thankfully, came to the rescue and figured out a solution. "We just don't guess and we just open presents." He raised his eyebrows as if to ask for anybody stupid enough to challenge him. He would win, obviously, but he also knew that this was the most reasonable solution. 
Jaemin rubbed his temples. "Yes, sure, fine. Thank you, Renjun." He gestured to the pile of presents. "Well, go ham, you animals."
It was a mad dash—
"OH MY GOD WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?" Haechan screeched as he unwrapped a sun headband from his package. His mouth created a brilliant "O" as he donned the crown and became the visual representation of his nickname. It was adorable. "I am the sun. Bow, plebeians."
Chenle giggled at the sight. "Ah, you look so cute, Haechan-ah." Chenle himself was hugging a dolphin plush in his arms, the perfect size for hugging and cuddling. You noticed it was actually the size of Daegal. It'd be funny to see his pup play with it later. 
Jisung, bewildered and curious, pulled out a two-pack of ZuZu pets. Him and Mark immediately escaped into the kitchen to find batteries that worked to put into the toys, while Mark tested out his color changing Justin Bieber mug. (You swore Mark would marry him if he could.)
You received a pair of bunny cabochon earrings, and you knew exactly who had gotten you these. You waved them around in the air before setting them at your ears. "Nana, how do they look?"
Jaemin glanced up from his little tin case of polaroids. He spotted the earrings with a grin of delight. "They're so cute on you, Yn-ie!"
"I guess Yn has a theme of jewelry," said Renjun, as he waved around the woven friendship bracelet on his wrist. He smiled widely at you. "It's very nice, Yn. Thank you."
"We're matching, Jun!" You said, revealing the matching friendship bracelet beneath your sleeve that you had also made for yourself. 
Jeno pulled out a pack of… were those AP Biology flashcards? He deadpanned. "Okay, which one of you—"
"Not me!" Haechan immediately squealed, jumping up out of his spot and running out of the room. 
Jeno pounced after him. "Haechan, get back here!"
"Get good at Bio, Jeno! No hard feelings—OH MY GOD DON'T HURT ME PLEASE."
The remaining people in the cult circle exchanged knowing looks with one another. "Deserved," you all chorused.  
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nct m.list
permanent taglist: @tayunji @im-a-big-mess @johlee @justanotherkpopstanlol @frickyratz @liamsholygrail @staysstrays @w3bqrl @y3jiishot
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allyreactions · 3 years
NCT Dream Headcanon | Unrequited Love { Huang Renjun }
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MASTERLIST // requests : open
! please read my guidelines before requesting !
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A/N : I'm so pumped for Dream's newest comeback. Glitch Mode is gonna hit, I just know it. they always deliver.
♡ pairings ; Renjun x gender neutral reader
♡ genre ; unrequited love, some fluff, angst
♡ warnings ; none, but it gets really sad towards the end
♡ word count ; 0.7k+
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"⇢ when Renjun likes someone, everything else goes out the window
⇢ all he can see is you
⇢ which is probably why he never picked up on the fact that you were interested in someone else
⇢ he might have a hunch here and there
⇢ just doubting whether or not you're into him in the same way he's interested in you
⇢ the two of you had been friends for years
⇢ and while things mostly stayed platonic, that didn't stop any playful banter
⇢ "Y/N, what do you think of my new hairstyle for our comeback?" Renjun asked
⇢ "I think it really suits you! It's super hot! No wonder you've got tons of girls swooning all over you." you'd respond
⇢ the two of you were some comfortable around each other
⇢ at lunch, you would never flinch when he wipes the ketchup from the corner of your mouth
⇢ "Y/N, that ketchup could have gotten all over your clothes." Renjun groaned
⇢ 'what would I do without you?" you laughed, still chewing on your burger
⇢ and Renjun would never cringe when you plucked the stray eyelash off his cheek
⇢ "hold still for me. this has been bothering me all afternoon" you'd say
⇢ all of these signs made him believe that you might have feelings for him
⇢ even though he thought he hid his attraction to you well, the other members would tease him about it
⇢ "hey Jeno! did you see the way Renjun was looking at Y/N at lunch?" Jaemin teased
⇢ "haha yeah! boy's got it down bad!" Jeno laughed
⇢ but one day, he finally mustered up enough courage to confess his feelings to you
⇢ he had it all planned out
⇢ he had to plan it out
⇢ confessing to your best friend could either go really bad, or really good
⇢ on one hand, you could end up happily ever after (Renjun's ideal scenario)
⇢ or your friendship could be damaged forever (Renjun's worst nightmare)
⇢ so he devised a plan to casually bring it up while the two of you went on a walk through the park
⇢ and he still had some doubts about your feelings, so he didn't want to completely fall on his face if you didn't feel the same
⇢ so he felt that casually bringing it up would make him feel a little better, because he can subtly change the subject if things go wrong
⇢ "Y/N, has Jisung told you about his new girlfriend?"
⇢ "yeah! I spoke with Chenle about it. she seems really sweet. I'm happy for him" you replied, kicking the stones on the sidewalk
⇢ "what about you? are you interested in anyone?" Renjun asked softly, avoiding eye contact out of nervousness
⇢ "I don't know ... I've sorta got a crush on someone, but I'm don't think it'll go anywhere else." you said casually
⇢ Renjun coulda sworn his heart skipped a beat
⇢ "if you don't mind me asking who is it? do I know them?" he asked almost too quickly
⇢ "why do you wanna know?"
⇢ "just curious I guess .. and we always tell each other everything." Renjun answered
⇢ "promise you won't tell anyone? pinky promise?" you said, extending your pinky finger
⇢ "promise." he said as he wrapped his pinky finger around yours
⇢ "it's Mark ... I know I know ... it's dumb. but it's just a crush, it's not important. it'll never go further than that." you confessed
⇢ Renjun's heart shattered into a million pieces
⇢ he was so sure, so hopeful you were about to admit your feelings for him
⇢ and even though he felt like crumbling into a ball and hiding from the world .. he pretended like nothing happened
⇢ he masked his pain and continued the conversation
⇢ "well, he'd be a lucky guy to have you. I know I would be." Renjun's words were heartfelt and all too honest
⇢ he would love for you to be his
⇢ but in a way, you kind of already are
⇢ you're his best friend, and he feels lucky enough to even know you, to even be around you
⇢ this is enough for him
⇢ it has to be enough, because otherwise he would lose you
⇢ "what about you? you got your eyes set on someone special?" you teased, bumping his arm
⇢ "not really.. " he lied
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marklilies · 3 years
# nct dream + that one tiktok trend from 2020 (ghost photoshoot challenge)
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pairings: platonic!nct dream x gn!reader || wc: 0.65k || warnings: light swearing, mentions of food
“are we absolutely sure about this?” chenle raises his eyebrows at the stack of sheets that jeno just piled in front of you.
“well, if we do this, we’ll officially be going down in history as the stupidest idiots around, so yes, we are absolutely sure about this,” you quip, pulling the topmost white cloth over your head. through the thin veil, you see the rest doing the same.
“didn’t this challenge trend ages ago? like, last year or something?” donghyuck asks skeptically, also struggling with his sheet.
“shut up and wear it, dumbass,” jeno yanks the sheet over donghyuck’s head, messing up his hair in the process. everyone snickers when donghyuck blows a raspberry at jeno.
you let your eyes wander around, wearing the sunglasses that mark brought. everything is tinted a dark gray, and you can barely make out the others’ faces. the absence of cars on the street makes you feel small, the lampposts illuminating the empty road. is this what it feels like to have the world to yourselves?
a deep voice snaps you out of your reverie. “uhh… guys? is it supposed to be this short, or…” jisung tugs at the layer of cotton he is hidden under, shifting uncomfortably as he notices everyone else’s sheets at least cover their knees. jisung stands awkwardly with his black oversized pants almost completely exposed, the sheet barely covering his thighs.
you take one look at him and burst out laughing. taking off your sunglasses, you use your sheet to wipe your tears. “damn, you remind me of a beanpole-” you are cut off by chenle’s raucous laughter as he, too, catches sight of jisung. the whole group starts heaving and doubling over, and jisung crosses his arms a little self-consciously, huffing at everybody to shut up.
“okay, am i supposed to feel this stupid?” renjun adjusts the sunglasses that sit atop his nose.
“you look as stupid as you feel,” hyuck sniggers before renjun smacks his arm really hard and he cries out in pain.
“say that again, lee donghyuck,” renjun says calmly, but you can hear the strain in his voice as he resists the temptation to string donghyuck up and have him swinging from the flagpole in his underwear.
“don’t worry, renjun, as long as hyuck’s here, we’ll look like geniuses,” mark chuckles, and gives donghyuck a ‘you-know-that-i’m-right’ look when the latter pouts at him.
“wow. lookin’ so sexy, yeah!” jaemin, your designated photographer for today, raises his camera and takes a candid shot of everybody getting ready. you take a running jump and leap onto jeno’s back, latching onto his shoulders. jeno yelps and instinctively wraps his arms around your legs to prevent you from falling off. you stick a peace sign up in the air playfully, the corners of your eyes crinkled in a smile. jaemin gets a picture of that, too.
----------- time skip -----------
after the photoshoot, everyone is having too much fun to stop. renjun chases haechan around the area, while jisung and chenle discover a trail of ants on the floor, jaemin taking close-ups of mark’s eyeballs and jeno’s nostrils. you’re seated in the centre of it all, tired but happy and satisfied. watching your best friends run around without a care in the world, a sort of warmth fills your heart.
just as you’re diving deep into your thoughts, mark taps your shoulder, the rest chattering behind him. “come on, y/n, it’s late. we’re gonna get pizza and have a sleepover at chenle’s, you coming?”
you stare at his outstretched hand, thinking about how you are the luckiest person in the world to have the seven of them as your friends. you grin and take mark’s hand, pulling yourself up. “yeah, let’s watch ‘silence of the lambs’ again. i wanna see hyuck crap his pants.”
mark cracks up and sighs contentedly, slinging an arm around your shoulder as you follow your friends into the moonlit twilight.
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© marklilies, 2021. all rights reserved.
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scented-morker · 3 years
The Chenji Sugar Fiasco
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chenji x reader (platonic), wc: 982, mostly humor, came from this request, I’m not sure where in the depths of my goblin brain this came from but here we are
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You should have known baking with your two best friends was a bad idea.
You, Chenle, and Jisung couldn't even be in the same room together for more than five minutes before someone was screaming and there was something all over the floor.
But they had been so excited when you said you were baking Christmas cookies, and with both of them giving you those big puppy eyes, how could you ever say no?
“Oh shoot the butter was supposed to be softened already but I forgot to get it out!”
You pouted down at the sheet in front of you but Chenle just smiled.
You pouted down at the sheet in front of you but Chenle just smiled.
“Don’t worry bestie I got you,” he spoke as he grabbed the stick of butter and shoved it down his apron.
“What are you doing?” You laughed at the rectangle sticking out of his chest, “you look like an idiot.”
“I’m just being a good sous chef and you’re insulting me, this is the last time I help you,” he fires back.
Jisung rejoins the two of you at the table after setting down the ingredients he had grabbed from the pantry.
He took in the sight of Chenle and tried to keep in a laugh, failing miserably much to his best friends dismay.
“I’m BEING HELPFUL, jeez why is everyone so ungrateful today?!”
“I’m sorry Lele, your service is appreciated, you just look silly doing it.” You apologize and it seems to satisfy him.
“We could measure the other stuff while we wait, so you want to pack the brown sugar?”
“Pack it? It’s brown sugar, what does it need packed? Where is it going?”
You can’t tell if Jisung is joking or not, and you give him an unsure smile as you explain just in case.
“No like push it down into the measuring cup to make sure it’s full, it’s what makes it hold the shape of the measuring cup when you dump it.”
“What if the cup was dog shaped? Would I have dog shaped brown sugar?”
“Well yeah, but I don’t think they make dog shaped measuring cups.”
“They actually probably do!” Chenle interjects from his spot next to you.
“Okay well I don’t have any so it’ll just be normal cup shaped.”
“We should make it Chenle shaped!”
Jisung agrees with his friends statement before bringing the bag to his friends face.
“Wait how do you pack brown sugar?”
You should have seen it coming. You should have known what was going to happen if you told them, but you were blind and told them anyway.
“You just press the sugar into the thing.”
And with that, Jisung shoved the bag of brown sugar into Chenle’s face.
“I- what are you doing,” you whine out, knowing fully well that you were not going to get anything done with these two around.
“Making Chenle shaped brown sugar.”
You watch ad Jisung holds the bag up for a little longer before going, “wait my arms are gonna get tired, here.”
He guided Chenle to the counter, setting the bag down with his friends face still in it.
“This is gonna be so cool!” Jisung cheers, and Chenle pumps his fist in the air to show agreement.
“I kinda want to make one too!!”
Jisung scans the counter for something to make a him mold with, and his eyes land on the regular sugar.
It’s in a paper bag so he can’t go through the layer like Chenle can, and you can see the gears turning in his head.
You don’t know what you were expecting, but it wasn’t for Jisung to open the bag of sugar and shove his face directly into the granules.
The young boy lifts his head from the bag, sputtering and shedding sugar from his face.
Chenle had removed his face from the brown sugar just in time to witness the whole scene, and his loud laughter echoed throughout the kitchen.
“WHY DIDNT YOU WARN ME YN” Jisung yells out, blowing sugar out of his nostrils, and you and Chenle are both laughing so hard you’re about to fall over.
“I tried,” you managed to get the words out between your giggles, “I thought you had at least one brain cell, but apparently I was wrong.”
Jisung whined again and Chenle joined in.
“Dude what did you expect to happen?”
By now there’s sugar all over the floor, the bag of brown sugar is holding the shape of Chenle’s face, and the room is so loud with laughing and screaming that you can’t even understand the words anymore.
Jisung looks down and noticed the sugar all over his clothes, launching into another string of complaints against his two best friends, and you remind him that it wouldn’t have happened if he wore the apron you offered him (or just didn’t shove his face in sugar).
“I’m not wearing that apron it’s ugly!!”
“What do you mean Sung, it’s so cute!!”
He holds up the article of clothing, the front reading “Mr Good Lookin is Cookin”, as stares at it in disgust.
Chenle looks down at the pink “kiss the cook” apron he had on over his Gucci jacket.
“I mean we can trade if you want.”
“Absolutely not!”
The three of you spend the rest of the night yelling and joking with each other, and the cookies never do get made.
But on Christmas morning you wake up to a set of dog shaped measuring spoons and your very own ugly apron, complete with a shirtless and tatted up Santa and the words “there’s some ho’s in this house” scrawled across the front.
Your best friends were a disaster, that’s for sure, but they were your disasters.
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