#platonic oikuro but youre free to interpret it the way u like
qitwrites · 7 years
happy birthday dearest @ryugazakkis ♥. here’s a small textfic from your precious oikuro college!au. Hope you have an amazing day ⌒°(❛ᴗ❛)°⌒
Kuroo: we’re out of eggs
Oikawa: and?
Kuroo: buy some
Kuroo: youre out loafing anyway
Oikawa: first of all, fuck u
Oikawa: secondly, im not loafing, im buying our face packs for this weeknd
Kuroo: ok, understandably important business
Kuroo: but Bo is craving my omu rice
Kuroo: and theres no eggs in the fridge
Oikawa: fyn. u both owe me.
Oikawa: i need to walk an extra 468m to reach the grocery place
Kuroo: do i want to knw y u have such an accurate measurement of the distance?
Oikawa: ……
Oikawa: i get bored easily
Kuroo: u need new hobbies
Oikawa: once again, fuc k you
Oikawa: <link attached>
Oikawa: <link attached>
Oikawa: <link attached>
Oikawa: <link attached>
Kuroo: wtf is this
Oikawa: proof
Kuroo: of wat?
Oikawa: the existence of aliens you imbecille
Kuroo: im sorry, but im still not a believer tofu
Oikawa: traitor
Oikawa: y r we frnds?
Kuroo: because u love meeeeee
Oikawa: -.-
Kuroo: tooru
Oikawa: hmm?
Kuroo: i miss home
Oikawa: we get a break in two weeks
Oikawa: hang in there
Oikawa: im out rn
Oikawa: ill bring the ice cream
Kuroo: youre the best
Oikawa: i know
Kuroo: asshole
Oikawa: theres my tetsu-chan
Kuroo: <3
Oikawa: it’s fascinating, really
Kuroo: wat is
Oikawa: the way my face twists when someone says ushiwaka within 100 feet of me
Oikawa: bo snapped a pic
Oikawa: <image>
Kuroo: meme worthy
Kuroo: truly
Oikawa: honestly
Oikawa: the man manages to make beauty lyk mine look stale
Kuroo: that’s to say
Kuroo: u have any beauty at all
Oikawa: pfff
Oikawa: tetsu-chan please
Oikawa: ur a lot of things
Oikawa: and i mean A LOT
Oikawa: but blind is not one of them
Kuroo: ass
Oikawa: i don’t see u disagreeing
Kuroo: …….
Oikawa:  (✿´ ꒳ ` )
Kuroo: wat do u wanna watch 2night
Oikawa: well
Oikawa: im kinda in the mood for horror
Kuroo: i was thinking the sameee
Kuroo: saw 2?
Oikawa: yaaasss
Kuroo: also pizza
Kuroo: hawaiian or pepperoni
Oikawa: pepperoni pleasee
Kuroo: done done
Oikawa: thanks :*
Kuroo: oikawa
Kuroo: oikawa come on
Kuroo: tooru
Oikawa: i don’t wanna talk rn
Kuroo: i know it sucks to be fighting with iwa
Kuroo: bt just calm down and think abt it from his perspective
Kuroo: and dnt ever forget
Kuroo: he loves u
Oikawa: ……
Oikawa: i know
Oikawa: i just need time
Kuroo: i know
Oikawa: dnt forget
Oikawa: we’re running tomorrow @ 5:30
Kuroo: i hate u
Kuroo: every single cell in my body
Kuroo: prays fr your untimely demise
Kuroo: is the sun even up that early
Oikawa: .______.
Oikawa: tat’s the point u idiot
Kuroo: i hate u
Oikawa: im aware
Oikawa: ill knock on ur door til u wake up
Oikawa: just saying
Kuroo: ur existence is sevearly regretted @ the moment
Oikawa: dnt be late darling
Oikawa: u can thank me later
Kuroo: go to hell
Kuroo: preferably before 5:30 in the morning
Kuroo: yes dear?
Oikawa: will u
Oikawa: fr the love of all that is good and pure
Oikawa: stop changing my bg’s
Oikawa: to posivitely atrocious selfies of urself????
Oikawa: i had to show my prof something on my cell
Oikawa: and that picture just blares up at us
Oikawa: and ive never felt so horrifyingly embarrassed
Oikawa: his eyes Kuroo
Oikawa: he looked so betrayed
Oikawa: his hatred for me in that moment
Oikawa: could prob burn a hole through wood
Kuroo: brb
Kuroo: crying so har d rn
Kuroo: ur prof saw?
Kuroo: omggg
Kuroo: ◝( ′ㅂ`)و ̑̑
Oikawa: rot in the depths of tartarus
Kuroo: just as long as u wont be there
Oikawa: 🖕
Oikawa: kuroo
Kuroo: yeah
Oikawa: correct me if im wrong
Oikawa: bt did u just walk into class in your kitty pajama bottoms?
Kuroo: yeah
Oikawa: wit ur hair unbrushed
Kuroo: yeah
Oikawa: without shaving or even remotely grooming
Kuroo: yeah
Oikawa: zombie mode activated?
Kuroo: yeah
Oikawa: alrighty the n
Oikawa: ill get u coffee wen your class is done
Kuroo: blessed
Oikawa: monosyllabic bastard
Kuroo: u doing anything for the upcoming long weeknd?
Oikawa: i wanted to go home
Oikawa: bt my parents already planned a trip
Oikawa: so no
Kuroo: ok then youre coming
Oikawa: where
Kuroo: bo and i have planned a road trip
Kuroo: call iwa too
Oikawa: that sounds like fuuuun
Oikawa: o(≧∇≦o)
Kuroo: i know 
Kuroo: ρ( ̄ヘ ̄ メ)
Oikawa: iwa says yessss
Kuroo: awesome!
Kuroo: don’t forget sunscreen this time
Oikawa: it happened ONE TIME TETSU
Oikawa: let it go
Kuroo: u were pink for a week and half
Kuroo: im neve r letting that go
Oikawa: go fuck a trumpet
Kuroo: tempting
Kuroo: bt no thanks
Oikawa: y haven’t I blocked u yet jezuz
Kuroo: u keep asking urself that
Kuroo: <voice note>
Oikawa: from all that screaming and yelping
Oikawa: im assuming bo wants curry?
Kuroo: yas
Kuroo: me 2 actually
Oikawa: do we have any ingredients/
Kuroo: uhhh
Kuroo: i think a moth just flew outta the cupboard
Oikawa: ……
Kuroo: yeah ill go shopping
Oikawa: good idea
Oikawa: and take that hyper active eternally hungry puppy wid u
Kuroo: his name is bo
Oikawa: just goo
Oikawa: shooo
Kuroo: going going
Kuroo: sometimes i wish
Kuroo: the aliens had taken u
Kuroo: wen we offered u to them
Oikawa: same kuroo
Oikawa: same
Oikawa: (。•́︿•̀。)
Kuroo: wanna try again ?? ???
Oikawa: we’re too sober
Kuroo: not if i can help it
Oikawa: ill bring the tequila
Kuroo: i approve
Kuroo: Tooru
Kuroo: it’s not your fault
Kuroo: no matter what you or anyone else says or thinks
Kuroo: it’s not your fault
Oikawa: i am weak
Oikawa: so pathetically weak
Oikawa: coach should fucking bench me
Kuroo: open the door
Kuroo: I have wine, chocolates and bubblewrap
Oikawa: …..
Oikawa: I love you.
Kuroo: I love you too.
Kuroo: youre good enough
Kuroo: dont doubt that
Kuroo: daisho’s resemblance to reptiles
Kuroo: makes me truly believe in the existent of mutants
Oikawa: well, he’s certainly
Oikawa: whats the wor d
Oikawa: slimy
Kuroo: bo wants to strangle him for touching kei-chan
Oikawa: ill join him
Oikawa: my poor iwa-chan is suffering wid him 2
Kuroo: ugh
Kuroo: i hate him
Oikawa: i know
Kuroo: bleh
Oikawa: Netflix and cuddle?
Kuroo: Netflix and cuddle
Kuroo: <missed call>
Kuroo: <missed call>
Kuroo: <missed call>
Oikawa: wt actua l FUCK
Oikawa: its 3 AM
Oikawa: y u do this
Kuroo: i want tacos
Oikawa: ok just to put this in context
Oikawa: u have woken me at ass oclock in the morning
Oikawa: 2 get fucking tacos
Oikawa: hve i forgotten anything?
Kuroo: and churros!!!
Kuroo: im craving something sweeeet
Oikawa: im gonna kill u
Kuroo: yeah yeah no prob
Kuroo: see u in 5
Oikawa: …….
Oikawa: i want chocolate filled ones
Kuroo: attaboy
Oikawa: i think the four extra months ive spent on this planet
Oikawa: has given me this undeniably invaluable insight of the world
Oikawa: im sorry u cant ever experience this kurooo
Kuroo: that’s alright
Kuroo: i see things in a way diff from u
Oikawa: how so????
Kuroo: i mean
Kuroo: i am 3.4 entire cms taller
Kuroo: the view is simply breathtaking
Oikawa: ……
Oikawa: fuck u
Kuroo: ✧٩(•́⌄•́๑)
Oikawa: hey
Oikawa: wen u free?
Kuroo: i got tomorrow evening off
Kuroo: what’s up?
Oikawa: i wanna work on that spike wid u
Oikawa: also blocking practice with bo
Kuroo: im game
Oikawa: good
Oikawa: we need cooler hand signs too
Kuroo: tots agree
Kuroo: we’ll brainstorm alright?
Oikawa: sounds like a plan
Oikawa: ೕ(•̀ᴗ•́)
Kuroo: code ET
Kuroo: i repeat
Kuroo: CODE ET
Kuroo: which means i am VERY sad
Oikawa: got it got it
Oikawa: ill meet u at the regular spot in 10
Oikawa: and ill bring bo
Kuroo: and my hoodie
Oikawa: and your hoodie
Kuroo: cookies and cream?
Oikawa: ye s plis
Oikawa: bo will have mint choco
Kuroo: got it
Kuroo: come fastly
Oikawa: almost there
Oikawa: just for 10 mins
Oikawa: ill only practice serves
Oikawa: i swea r
Kuroo: for the last time
Kuroo: NO
Kuroo: you are going to rest your knee till its better
Kuroo: even bo is mad this time
Kuroo: he wont let u on this court either
Oikawa: can i watch?
Kuroo: nope
Kuroo: focus on healin g
Kuroo: idiot
Oikawa: ……
Oikawa: im sorry
Kuroo: don’t be
Kuroo: we miss u too
Oikawa: i may not say this all the time
Oikawa: but your existence is appreciated Kuroo
Oikawa: thank u for coming into my life all those many years ago
Oikawa: and dealing with my stream of bullshit
Kuroo: likewise
Kuroo: <voice note>
Oikawa: pfff
Oikawa: tell bo I love him too
Kuroo: will do
Kuroo: oh bt w
Kuroo: Tooru?
Oikawa: yeah ?
Kuroo: i still don’t believe in aliens
Oikawa: F UCK YOU
Kuroo: I love you too
Kuroo: ♥♥
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