#platydad ferb
lyllaotterofhalfworld 2 years
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galaxina-the-pyro 2 years
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Triangle Bois eating Triangle Foods 馃崟 馃嵃 馃
(There are no cheesecake or chip emojis, what the actual heck is up with that?)
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themurphyzone 5 years
PnF Season 1 Part 1: A Brief Summary
Rollercoaster: Thrill-seeking brothers ignore OSHA regulations while James Bond platypus beats up a pharmacist.聽
Lawn Gnome Beach Party of Terror: Gnome-related trauma for all!
Flop Starz: Music industry attempts to exploit kids but kids stick it to the man
The Fast and the Phineas: Nobody checks drivers licenses and IDs in Danville
Lights, Candace, Action!: Teen learns harsh lessons in enforced method acting
Raging Bully: Bully challenges triangle to WWE match
Candace Loses Her Head: Boys deface national monument for sister鈥檚 birthday
I, Brobot: AI will always stage an uprising against their creators
Run Away Runaway: Fashion trends are weird; one moment you鈥檙e in a T-shirt and the next everyone is rushing for a Grey鈥檚 Anatomy cosplay
The Magnificent Few: Kids wrangle up some beef patties
S鈥橶inter: How to motivate children to go outside in the summer heat
Jerk De Soleil: A much better circus than the Dumbo reboot
Are You My Mummy?: Necromancy is fun!
Ready For the Bettys: Take Your Children to Work Day stresses out platypus
I Scream, You Scream: Ferb is attracted to punk girls聽
Toy to the World: Boys deal with capitalism in toy industry
Get That Bigfoot Outa My Face: Woman more interested in pet than guy on first date
It鈥檚 a Mud, Mud, Mud, Mud World: Parallel parking is a bitch
Mom鈥檚 Birthday: That awkward moment when your birthday gift would be completely fine under normal circumstances but you happen to have two child prodigies for brothers
Journey to the Center of Candace: Grilled cheese sandwiches may contain shrunken submarines and people, please check contents before you eat one.聽
It鈥檚 About Time!: Kids time traveled before it was cool and pharmacist calls off affair with panda on Dr. Oz
Dude, We鈥檙e Getting the Band Back Together: Siblings mend 80s band poly relationship for parent鈥檚 anniversary while evil dad and platydad set up b-day party for daughter
Tree to Get Ready: Parental favoritism has lifelong consequences聽
The Ballad of Badbeard: Orange moss results in acid trips
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lyllaotterofhalfworld 2 years
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Boy got a crush?
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galaxina-the-pyro 2 years
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Phiniverse Halloween~! 馃巸 馃懟
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galaxina-the-pyro 2 years
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Made for an art trade with @lyllaotterofhalfworld 馃グ馃グ馃グ
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lyllaotterofhalfworld 2 months
Your platy dad au is very interesting and I kinda want to know the lore, how Perry adopted Phineas and Ferb. Why Linda and Lawrence aren't in the picture? What caused such a dramatic personality shift in the main cast? etc.
You don't have to answer this I'm just sending this so you know that I'm interested.
It's been such a a long time since I've shared any kind of lore for anything, so I'm a bit rusty, I even kinda suck at doing these, and I'm really sorry if it looks/is rushed but I really wanna answer 馃槶
Linda and Lawrence suddenly disappeared one day while on a date (but I will say they're not dead), the kids were home when it happened. And all of a sudden they were going be taken away- but it was also suspicious on how fast these "authorities" came, so Perry, having to give up his cover, took it upon himself to take the kids under his wing and adopt them so they wouldn't be separated and thanks to Doof (he's a good guy who still does inators for fun) for providing evidence that he can take care of the kids, and that Doof himself was raised by ocelots
It's Danville, no one really questions stuff much, so they just let him lmaoo
So the kids (including the gang, cuz they also know too much now) goes into a "OWCA protection" program, much to the dismay of Perry, but the kids needed some training cuz something fishy was going on, and were given assigned agents. Peter The Panda and Perry were off teaching the Flynn-Fletcher kids while the other agents dealt with the others- everything's turning alright. And it goes on after weeks of them all getting to know each other
Turns out Peter had been a snitch the entire time and has doing some shady things for someone in tri-state area, and that knowing and even finding out about this fact greatly upsets Phineas cuz he thought they were all friends and he gets his tooth busted by Peter so he can make a quick getaway and burning down bridges he made
This causes a total shift in Phineas' outgoing personality and snaps. With his parents disappearance and someone he thought was a friend betraying them and him being hurt- everything echoes and weight just piles down upon his shoulders
(The others like Isabella, Buford and Baljeet, weren't at all like the originals in the first place, they molded into their own thing- Buford and Baljeet kinda staying the same in a way??
With Candace and Ferb, they kinda also molded into their own thing, something opposite of their og, but I kinda based Platydad!Phineas on the original, snarky Phineas from the beginning and also gave some of that snark to Ferb as well xD)
I haven't thought about all this AU in forever, I've been meaning to get back to it but other fandoms have me in a chokehold and I haven't found the motivation yet ;v;
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lyllaotterofhalfworld 3 years
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It's Ferb, Ferb and Ferbie :D
Might do one with all the Isabellas next
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lyllaotterofhalfworld 3 years
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Ferb's having the time of his life
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lyllaotterofhalfworld 3 years
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Okay now I'll stop spamming art for a bit lol
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lyllaotterofhalfworld 3 years
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Platydad AU but Phin accidentally gets turned into an animal
Oh boy
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lyllaotterofhalfworld 3 years
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Platyteens on their way
I guess September/October is months of the Platydad :U
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lyllaotterofhalfworld 3 years
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Ah yes being in the Principal's office- so FUN
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lyllaotterofhalfworld 3 years
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Don't mind him, he's a platypus man fixing his tie
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galaxina-the-pyro 2 years
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Some Bufbella for an art trade with my very good/incredibly talented friend @lyllaotterofhalfworld 馃挄馃挄馃挄
The Platydad AU (second pic) belongs to @lyllaotterofhalfworld (obviously, lol 馃槀)
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lyllaotterofhalfworld 3 years
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I was trying to do flat colors only with no shading at first but.....you see how that went xD
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