#playa de San Juan
spainhomes · 9 months
Hi-Tech villa for sale in San Juan, Alicante, Spain. Property in Spain, ...
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yuyuonabeat · 4 months
Sannie darling. What you on about? 🤨🤨🤨
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12endigital · 4 months
Alicante convoca el concurso para ejecutar las obras de reurbanización de la avenida de Niza en Playa San Juan
El Ayuntamiento de Alicante agiliza el proyecto de reurbanización del último tramo de la avenida de Niza. La Junta de Gobierno Local tiene previsto aprobar mañana el concurso de licitación para ejecutar las obras en este paseo, en el tramo comprendido entre la calle Irlanda y el límite municipal con El Campello. Esta iniciativa contempla una inversión de 4.513.924 euros y un plazo de ejecución de…
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Bellos y rústicos rincones urbanos...
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Rodas, la isla más grande del Dodecaneso en Grecia, es famosa por sus centros turísticos en la playa, las ruinas antiguas y los restos de su ocupación por parte de la Orden de San Juan durante las Cruzadas. La ciudad de Rodas tiene una Ciudad Antigua con la Calle de los Caballeros medieval y el palacio del Gran Maestre, similar a un castillo. El palacio fue capturado por los otomanos y, luego, lo ocuparon los italianos; actualmente, es un museo de historia.
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mywisdomexchange · 20 days
Ride the Wave: A Global Guide to Surfing Paradises
Whether you're a seasoned pro or a curious beginner, the allure of riding the ocean's waves is undeniable. From towering barrels to gentle rollers, there's a perfect wave out there waiting for everyone. To help you plan your next surf adventure, we've compiled a list of some of the world's most iconic and lesser-known surfing destinations.
North America
Hawaii: As the birthplace of modern surfing, Hawaii offers a diverse range of surf spots for all skill levels. From the legendary waves of Oahu to the pristine beaches of Maui, Hawaii is a surfer's paradise.
California: With its iconic surf culture, California boasts numerous world-class surf spots. From the classic waves of Huntington Beach to the rugged coastline of Big Sur, there's something for everyone.
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Costa Rica: This Central American gem offers a mix of tropical rainforests, volcanic landscapes, and stunning beaches. Costa Rica is home to several surf breaks, including Playa Tamarindo and Playa Nosara.
Mexico: With its long coastline and diverse surf conditions, Mexico is a popular destination for surfers. Puerto Escondido, Sayulita, and Tulum are just a few of the many surf spots to explore.
South America
Peru: Peru's Pacific coast offers a variety of surf breaks, from beginner-friendly waves to challenging barrels. Popular surf spots include Mancora, Chicama, and Punta Rocas.
Brazil: Brazil is known for its beautiful beaches and vibrant surf culture. Rio de Janeiro, Florianópolis, and Jericoacoara are all popular surfing destinations.
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Ecuador: Ecuador's coastline offers a mix of tropical rainforests, volcanic landscapes, and stunning beaches. Popular surf spots include Montañita, San Clemente, and Canoa.
Portugal: Portugal has emerged as a popular surfing destination in recent years. Ericeira, Peniche, and Nazaré are all known for their world-class waves.
France: France's Atlantic coast offers a variety of surf spots, from beginner-friendly waves to challenging barrels. Hossegor, Biarritz, and Anglet are popular surfing destinations.
Spain: Spain's coastline offers a variety of surf spots, from beginner-friendly waves to challenging barrels. Cantabria, Asturias, and Galicia are popular surfing regions.
South Africa: South Africa's coastline offers a variety of surf spots, from beginner-friendly waves to challenging barrels. Jeffrey's Bay, Cape Town, and Durban are popular surfing destinations.
Morocco: Morocco's Atlantic coast offers a variety of surf spots, from beginner-friendly waves to challenging barrels. Taghazout, Essaouira, and Imouzzer des Idaougan are popular surfing destinations.
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Indonesia: Indonesia is a surfer's paradise with countless islands and surf breaks. Bali, Lombok, and Sumatra are all popular surfing destinations.
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Philippines: The Philippines offer a variety of surf spots, from beginner-friendly waves to challenging barrels. Siargao, San Juan, and Baler are popular surfing destinations.
Sri Lanka: Sri Lanka's southern coast offers a variety of surf spots, from beginner-friendly waves to challenging barrels. Arugam Bay, Mirissa, and Weligama are popular surfing destinations.
Gold Coast: The Gold Coast is one of Australia's most popular surfing destinations, with numerous world-class breaks. Snapper Rocks, Kirra, and Burleigh Heads are all iconic surf spots.
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Western Australia: Western Australia offers a variety of surf spots, from beginner-friendly waves to challenging barrels. Margaret River, Rottnest Island, and Trigg Beach are popular surfing destinations.
Tasmania: Tasmania's rugged coastline offers a variety of surf spots, from beginner-friendly waves to challenging barrels. Hobart, Strahan, and Bicheno are popular surfing destinations.
New Zealand: New Zealand's coastline offers a variety of surf spots, from beginner-friendly waves to challenging barrels. Raglan, Piha, and Mount Maunganui are popular surfing destinations.
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Fiji: Fiji is known for its crystal-clear waters and world-class surf breaks. Cloudbreak, Teahupoo, and Tavarua are iconic surf spots.
Tips for Your Next Surf Adventure
Research your destination: Learn about the local surf conditions, etiquette, and culture.
Choose the right time to visit: Consider the peak surfing season and weather patterns.
Pack appropriately: Bring your essential surfing gear, including a wetsuit, board, and leash.
Be mindful of the environment: Respect the local marine life and avoid polluting the beaches.
Consider a surf camp: Surf camps offer a great way to learn from experienced surfers and meet other travelers.
Have fun! Surfing is a great way to relax, connect with nature, and challenge yourself.
Remember, the best surfing destination for you will depend on your skill level, preferences, and budget. With so many incredible places to choose from, there's no shortage of opportunities to ride the waves and experience the thrill of surfing.
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caracolcondiarrea · 23 days
Spain should have more representation in the media
And no, Spanish culture isn’t only Flamenco, bulls, paella and tortilla de patatas
Spanish has the 3rd best food in the world
Spain has traditions that most Americans WILL find offensive but are OLDER than the USA (semana santa)
not all Spanish culture is Andalusia, yes, it’s extremely rich in culture but the rest of Spain has also A LOT of culture. For instance, in Toledo (Castilla La Mancha) had for a long time 3 religions living together peacefully. Just Toledo has so much culture thanks to the 3 religions.
Not everything here is flamenco and bulls, in fact a lot of people are against bullfighting (I don’t have a really strong opinion on this bc they will be killed no matter what so we can eat them)
In Spain we don’t speak only one language, depending on where you are, the people speak Spanish and another language ex: in País vasco they speak Spanish and Euskera, which is older than the arrival of the Roman civilization
And some fun facts about Spain which I will be putting here whenever I think of one
In Almeria there is a rumor that Walt Disney himself was from here. There has been tons of books written about it and if you ask someone from Almeria they will probably tell you “that guy is from here”
The only desert in Europe is here in Spain, specifically in Almeria, Andalusia (there is another one but it doesn’t have the required things to be officially called a dessert
The first expedition that went around the world was Spanish
This should probably go unsaid but the American continent was discovered thanks to Spain bc Colombus wanted to go to India but needed the money and no king wanted to spend they’re money on him, but the catholic queen gave him the money and the rest is history (literally)
the Spanish anthem has no lyrics, but if you ask someone young they’ll probably sing you “Franco, Franco que tiene el culo blanco por que su mujer se lo Lava con Ariel” translation: “Franco, Franc that has the butt white bc his wife washes it with Ariel” (yes this is a real thing that probably Every Spanish person after the dictatorship has sang or at least heard once in their life)
there is a song called “aquí no hay playa” translation: “there is no beach here” that it’s about how our capital thinks they are the best in everything, that they are the capital of the world but when summer comes around, my, my, there is no beach here” and it’s the best thing to tell to someone from Madrid (but if you ask my mother who unfortunately is from Madrid she will tell you “Madrid has a beach called San Juan and it’s in Alicante”)
the oldest restaurant in the world is in Spain
You’ve probably heard about the tooth fairy, but here, we have the “ratoncito perez” which is the same as the tooth fairy except he’s a mouse.
there is a church called “la sagrada Familia” and it’s famous bc it isn’t finished yet, it started construction in 1882 and it isn’t finished bc Gaudi didn’t wrote or said how he wanted the cathedral to be, he had it in his head all. It’s said to be finished in 2026
Spain is such a wonderful country and It should have more representation
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paisvasco30 · 11 months
¡Hola! Aquí os presento... País Vasco.
Donde veréis sitios impresionantes para visitar.
Empezamos en Bilbao:
😁Bilbao es una ciudad muy grande, tiene 340.455 habitantes y tiene de terreno 40,6km cuadrados.
Hay un museo que es precioso, su nombre es el Guggenheim. Tiene un perro hecho de flores llamado Puppy, en el cual podrás descubrir nuevas alergias😉, también tiene una escultura de una araña...
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Recomiendo llevar un móvil o cámara para hacer fotos e inmortalizar momentos inolvidables.
También llevar dinero porque si quieres comprar souvenirs, pero ¡ojo! con los precios.
😁Otro sitio para visitar en Bilbao es Bermeo que esta en Vizcaya.
En este pueblo no nos podemos olvidar de visitar San Juan Gaztelugatxe, es un islote, esta unido al continente por un puente de dos arcos.
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Es un sitio impresionante para ver y visitar. Desde la parte de arriba hay muy buenas vistas para tomar magníficas fotos.
Recomiendo ir en mayo o abril, ya que notarás menos el calor, por el viento que hace que da la sensación de fresquito. Muy muy recomendable no llevar gorra porque saldrá volando y por último no tirar basura al mar, ya que es un espacio protegido, y debemos cuidarlo.
😁Ahora veremos San Sebastián/Donosti, que tiene 188.743 habitantes y de superficie tiene 60,89 km cuadrados.
Empezamos por el...
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Aquarium de San Sebastián.
Es un sitio genial para ver distintas especies marinas. Sé que soy un poco pesada, pero no olvidéis llevar una cámara de fotos o móvil y dinero, para esos peluchitos tan monos. 😏🤭
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A continuación veremos, Monte Igueldo, es un barrio de San Sebastián, un pequeño casco urbano de carácter rural.
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Es un sitio bello para echar fotos y divertirse, porque hay un montón de atracciones, como montañas rusas, coches de choques y tiovivos. También hay tiendas para comprar chuches o souvenirs.
Y ahora..😍
Con todos vosotros... ¡¡¡La playa de la Concha!!!
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Es una playa deslumbrante de arena fina y muy muy suave, aunque la arena se pega a los pies, y es un poco difícil de quitar.🤨
😁Y por último veremos su capital... Vitoria la llaman la "Green capital", porque tiene muchos árboles, tiene 256.743 habitantes y de superficie tiene 276,08km cuadrados.
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En Vitoria visitaremos la catedral, conocida como Catedral de Santa María. Es una catedral muy antigua que esta inacabada y continua en obras . Advertencia en las cuevas y la catedral en general hace bastante frío así que llevaros una chaqueta.😜
Se que faltan detalles pero os la dejo para que lo descubráis.
Y esto es todo espero que os allá gustado😊😘😛🤩.
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ignacionovo · 5 months
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¡Hola, buenos días, humanidad! 🌍 ¡Feliz viernes! 💪🌟🚀🏆🌈📈🌱🌞🎯🌺 Hoy os traigo la foto de Rodas, la isla más grande del Dodecaneso griego, que te atrapa con sus playas paradisíacas, sus ruinas antiguas y el legado de la Orden de San Juan en las Cruzadas. Su ciudad medieval, con la Calle de los Caballeros y el Palacio del Gran Maestre, te transporta a otra época. Se pueden explorar las huellas de los otomanos y los italianos en este museo de historia viviente. Rodas es sol, playa e historia, pero también mucho más. Podrás recorrer el casco antiguo, Patrimonio de la Humanidad, conquistar el Monte Attavyros, navegar a Symi o Chalki, saborear la moussaka o los dolmades, buscar souvenirs en el mercado local o relajarte en la playa. En Rodas hay para todos.
Vida consciente 🌟
Espero que aprendas a dejar atrás la idea de que es demasiado tarde. Nunca es tarde para cambiar tu vida. Nunca es tarde para convertirte en la persona que siempre esperaste ser, o para amar de la manera que siempre quisiste amar. A menudo olvidamos que no estamos atados a nuestro pasado. No tenemos que ser quienes éramos hace un año, no tenemos que cometer los mismos errores que cometimos cuando éramos más jóvenes; podemos querer cosas diferentes, podemos crecer. Tenemos que creer que nunca somos demasiado mayores, nunca demasiado hastiados y nunca demasiado rotos para dar nuestros primeros pasos hacia el cambio. Nos despertamos todos los días para empezar de nuevo -nunca es tarde para aprovechar eso. Nunca es demasiado tarde.
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kuramirocket · 1 year
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Huatulco National Park in Oaxaca. Photo courtesy of Conanp.
MEXICO CITY — Officials this week announced the creation of 13 new protected areas across six states in Mexico, putting the country’s list of total federally protected areas at 200.
Mexico introduced six new national parks and seven “flora and fauna protection areas” covering 17,918 hectares (44,276 acres) to be overseen by the National Commission of Protected Natural Areas (Conanp). The commission said it expects to declare three additional protected areas by the end of the month.
“It gives us much pleasure that in this administration…we can leave behind such a grand legacy for the Mexican people,” said secretary of the environment and natural resources María Luisa Albores González at a press conference.
The 85-hectare (210-acre) San Quintin National Park was created in Baja California. The 2,076- hectare (5,129-acre) Nopoló National Park and 6,217-hectare (15,362-acre) Loreto II National Park were created in Baja California Sur.
The 4-hectare (9.8-acre) Playa Delfines Flora and Fauna Protection Area, 16-hectare (39-acre) Jacinto Pat Flora and Fauna Protection Area, 37-hectare (91-acre) San Buenaventura Flora and Fauna Protection Area and 10-hectare (24-acre) Cenote Aerolito Flora and Fauna Protection Area were all created in Quintana Roo.
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La Sierra de Guerrero in Guerrero, Mexico. Photo courtesy of Conanp.
The 2,489-hectare (6,150-acre) Juan M. Banderas Flora and Fauna Protection Area was created in Sinaloa.
The 723-hectare (1,786-acre) Vicente Guerrero National Park and 282-hectare (697-acre) Hermenegildo Galeana Flora and Fauna Protection Area were created in Guerrero.
In the state of Oaxaca, three protected areas were created: the 1,923-hectare (4,751-acre) Bajos de Coyula Flora and Fauna Protection Area, the 2,237-hectare (5,527-acre) Huatulco II National Park and 1,812-hectare (4,477-acre) Ricardo Flores Magón National Park.
The wave of new of protected areas came in response to a mandate from President Andrés Manuel López Obrador to establish a conservation status in areas with “high environmental value.” Since taking office in 2018, López Obrador’s administration has protected over 4 million hectares (9.8 million acres) of land and water.
“I want to go down in history as the president with the second-most protected reserves created,” López Obrador said earlier this year. “…Lázaro Cárdenas has the first spot. I want to aspire to that.”
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mpardo-couture · 1 year
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Tolkien's elves are my shameless inspiration for many of my pieces. They're the perfect symbiosis between love for nature and the living things and the nostalgia for time passing. They cherish the stars.
It had to be an elven circlet with stars when I made my collab with fantastic Queen Astraea. I made this design for her and did she become a true Galadriel wearing it!
Find more about it here.
📷 Eli Ndaw
👑👗 M Pardo Couture
🧝‍♀️ Marta Pardo
📍 Playa de San Juan, Asturias (Spain)
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bracuta · 2 years
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Water #fmsphotoaday #fms_water #fmspad #january #enero #2023 #beach #playa #sea #mar #marcaribe #caribbeansea #caribe #caribbean #ShotoniPhone #shotoniphone13promax #iphone13promax #iphoneography #iphonephotography #iphoneonly #iphonephoto #iphonepic #iphonography #nocaptionneeded (at Juan Dolio, San Pedro De Macoris, Dominican Republic) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnyGA98LlZV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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12endigital · 1 year
Alicante organiza un amplio dispositivo de seguridad la noche de San Juan con vigilancia de Policía Local en todas las playas
Alicante ha preparado para la noche de San Juan, del 23 al 24 de junio, un amplio dispositivo de Seguridad en el que van a participar Policías Locales y voluntarios de la Agrupación de Protección Civil, para vigilar todas las playas y calas en sus accesos y no se podrá acceder como en pasados años con maderas, envases de vidrio o elementos metálicos, así como se evitarán los botellones. Los…
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mishimasworld · 1 year
(Yo te amaba de tal forma) que el día en que me besaste la boca, las piedras del suelo parecían estrellas. ¿Es eso? Comparación ridícula. Los paralelepípedos eran estrellas azules. Miraba hacia ti, mi amor, tú eras mi amor. Te parecías a un artista de televisión. Tenías un velo de luz alrededor de tu rostro. Parecías Marlon Brando y después me acuerdo bien… tenías detrás de ti el mar. El mar tomó vida, parecía que iba a derramarse en la playa. Había aquella luz rosa que venía del cartel de la heladería. Y me tapaste los ojos así. Y me diste un beso en la boca. Y cuando sacaste la mano… y abrí mis ojos, el mundo había cambiado. Estaba todo diferente. Después de aquella luz rosa que entraba por la ventana del hotel… no eres mujer. No sabes… lo que es para una mujer abrir las piernas por primera vez para un hombre. Sabiendo que vas… que estás enamorada. Abrí las piernas para ti, me acuerdo exactamente y cuando tu miembro entró. Cuando tu miembro entró pensé: Mi Dios, es Navidad, es Carnaval, es el día de San Juan…
- Sé que te voy amar (Eu sei que vou te amar) (Arnaldo Jabor, Brasil 1986)
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etarragof · 1 year
"Tal vez la que sobra en este mundo soy YO"
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11 julio 2023
Una bloguera a la que sigo hoy ha copiado en su blog un preocupante anuncio:
"He llegado a una conclusión:
 Si todo el mundo está encantado con el cambio climático, las vacunas, el Papa, las identidades sexuales cambiantes, el aborto, la eutanasia, el empleo precario, la inmigración ilegal, la cultura de la cancelación, la desmemoria histórica, el expolio del campo, el desastre de la educación...  tal vez la que sobra en este mundo soy YO Por algo me dicen que soy una aguafiestas"
Fotografía de Playa San Juan - Alicante - Hoy.
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hits1000 · 2 years
Songs in Spanish in Spain of the 80s
Songs in Spanish in Spain of the 80s Songs in Spanish in Spain of the 80s including: Antonio Flores - No Dudaria, Camilo Sesto - Perdóname, Los Secretos - Déjame, Miguel Ríos - Santa Lucía, Nacha Pop - Chica de Ayer, Pedro Marín - Aire, Radio Futura - Enamorado de La Moda Juvenil, Tequila - Dime Que Me Quieres and many more!!! Subscribe to our channel to see more of our content! 1. 1980 Antonio Flores - No Dudaria 2. 1980 Camilo Sesto - Perdóname 3. 1980 Juan Pardo - No me hables 4. 1980 La Orquesta Mondragón - Viaje con Nosotros 5. 1980 Los Secretos - Déjame 6. 1980 Miguel Ríos - Santa Lucía 7. 1980 Nacha Pop - Chica de Ayer 8. 1980 Orquesta Mondragón - Caperucita feroz 9. 1980 Pedro Marín - Aire 10. 1980 Radio Futura - Enamorado de La Moda Juvenil 11. 1980 Tequila - Dime Que Me Quieres 12. 1981 Bacchelli - Y solo tú 13. 1981 Bertín Osborne ‎- Amor Mediterráneo 14. 1981 Bertín Osborne - Tú Sólo Tú 15. 1981 Coz - Las Chicas Son Guerreras 16. 1981 Maria Jesús Y Su Acordeón - El Baile De Los Pajaritos 17. 1981 Obús - Va a Estallar el Obús 18. 1981 Paloma San Basilio - Juntos 19. 1981 Tequila - Salta!! 20. 1982 Alaska Y Los Pegamoides - Bailando 21. 1982 Antonio Flores - Pongamos que Hablo de Madrid 22. 1982 Azul Y Negro - Me Estoy Volviendo Loco 23. 1982 Bertin Osborne - Como un vagabundo 24. 1982 José Luis Perales - Y ¿Cómo Es Él? 25. 1982 Mecano - Me Colé En Una Fiesta 26. 1982 Miguel Ríos - Bienvenidos 27. 1982 Pedro Marín - Dos Enamorados 28. 1983 Alaska y Dinarama - Perlas Ensangrentadas 29. 1983 Barón Rojo - Casi Me Mato 30. 1983 Barón Rojo - Tierra de Vándalos 31. 1983 Gonzalo - Quién Piensa En Ti 32. 1983 Juan Pardo - Caballo de Batalla 33. 1983 Massiel - Más fuerte 34. 1983 Mecano - Barco A Venus 35. 1983 Miguel Bosé - Fuego 36. 1983 Miguel Rios - Rock de una noche de verano 37. 1983 Olé Olé - No Controles 38. 1983 Pistones - El Pistolero 39. 1983 Righeira - No tengo dinero 40. 1983 Righeira - Vamos A La Playa 41. 1983 Tino Casal – Embrujada 42. 1983 Vídeo - La Noche No Es Para Mí 43. 1983 Yuri - Solos 44. 1984 Alaska y Dinarama - Como Pudiste Hacerme Esto A Mí 45. 1984 Bravo - Lady Lady 46. 1984 Gabinete Caligari - Cuatro Rosas 47. 1984 Iván - Fotonovela 48. 1984 La Unión - Lobo Hombre en París 49. 1984 La Unión - Sildavia 50. 1984 Miguel Bosé - Amante Bandido 51. 1984 Miguel Bosé - Sevilla 52. 1984 Objetivo Birmania - Desidia 53. 1984 Olé Olé - Voy a Mil 54. 1984 Radio Futura - Escuela de Calor 55. 1985 Alaska Y Dinarama - Ni Tú Ni Nadie 56. 1985 Barón Rojo - Cuerdas de Acero 57. 1985 Hombres G - Devuélveme A Mi Chica 58. 1985 Hombres G - Venezia 59. 1985 Iván - Baila 60. 1985 Luz Casal - Rufino 61. 1985 Mecano - Hawaii-Bombay 62. 1985 Rosendo - Agradecido 63. 1985 Siniestro Total - Bailaré sobre tu tumba 64. 1986 Alaska y Dinarama - ¿A Quién Le Importa? 65. 1986 Ana Belén y Víctor Manuel - La Puerta de Alcalá 66. 1986 Duncan Dhu - Cien gaviotas 67. 1986 El Ultimo de la Fila - Insurrección 68. 1986 Gabinete CaliGari - Al Calor Del Amor En Un Bar 69. 1986 Hombres G - Marta Tiene Un Marcapasos 70. 1986 Miguel Bosé - Nena 71. 1986 Olé Olé - Lili Marlen 72. 1987 Cantores de Híspalis - A Bailar y A Bailar 73. 1987 Duncan Dhu - En Algún Lugar 74. 1987 Duncan Dhu - Esos Ojos Negros 75. 1987 Duncan Dhu - Jardín de Rosas 76. 1987 Duncan Dhu – Una Calle De Paris 77. 1987 Gipsy Kings - Bamboleo 78. 1987 Héroes Del Silencio - Héroe De Leyenda 79. 1987 Los Lobos - La Bamba 80. 1987 Mecano - Hijo de la Luna 81. 1987 Orquesta Mondragón - Corazón De Neón 82. 1987 Orquesta Mondragón – Ellos Las Prefieren Gordas 83. 1988 Alex y Christina - Chas! Y Aparezco A Tu Lado 84. 1988 Danza invisible - A este lado de la carretera 85. 1988 Danza Invisible - Sabor de amor 86. 1988 El Norte - Entre Tú y Yo 87. 1988 La Guardia - El Mundo Tras El Cristal 88. 1988 La Guardia - Mil calles llevan hacia ti 89. 1988 La Unión - Más y Más 90. 1988 Los Rebeldes - Bajo la Luz de la Luna 91. 1988 Los Rebeldes - Mediterráneo 92. 1988 Tino Casal - Eloise 93. 1989 Dinamita pa los pollos - Pandilleros 94. 1989 Hombres G – Voy A Pasármelo Bien 95. 1989 La Frontera - El Limite 96. 1989 La Unión - Maracaibo 97. 1989 Loquillo Y Los Trogloditas - Cadillac Solitario 98. 1989 Presuntos Implicados - Alma De Blues 99. 1989 Tennessee - Te ví correr 100. 1989 The Refrescos - Aquí no hay playa Related Searches: hits of 1980 to 1990,hits of 1980s in music,hits of 1980 songs,hits of the 1980s spain,pop hits of the 1980s,hits of 1980 and 1981,music hits of 1980,hits of the 1980s youtube,miga19,sweet memories 80s 90s,1980s music,1980s music hits,1980s songs,1980s songs hits,1980s,hits spain,música de los 80 en español,música en español,éxitos en español,ochenteras,canciones de los 80,decada de los 80,grandes canciones de los 80 Related Hashtags #hitsof1980sspain #cancionesdelos80 #hitsof1980s #hitsof1980songs #hitsof1980uk #hitsof1980spain #hitsofthe1980sand1990s #hitsof1979and1980 #tophitsofthe1980s #pophitsofthe1980s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ct9yrLrZF14
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villamontana · 2 years
The 5 Best Things To Do In Isabela, Puerto Rico
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If you’re heading to the heavenly island of Costa Rica for a Caribbean getaway then you are pretty spoiled for choice. The island is full of incredible things to see and do; it is a place of rich culture, wonderful towns and truly incredible beaches.
San Juan is the island’s capital, but if you are based in the Northwest of the island and don’t fancy the drive then don’t worry; you won’t miss out on any culture or excitement!
There are several world class Puerto Rico Hotels on the beach in the area, like the luxurious Villa Montana. From here you can easily see the best of the island and not really have to drive anywhere.
So let’s take a look at the very best of the glorious Isabela.
Beachfront Boardwalk
Everybody loves a boardwalk so where better to start the list?
Stretching from Middles Beach to Jobos Beach is a fabulous boardwalk that allows you to take in the true coastal beauty of Puerto Rico. Enjoy the sand and crystal clear blue waters as you stroll to your heart's content. You can even hire bikes!
Playa El Pastillo
This stunning beach with rich, golden sands is the perfect place for a long walk. It stretches along the coastline just outside of Isabela and makes for a great adventure.
The waves are often rough so only strong swimmers should attempt to swim, and for the more adventurous amongst you there is the Cuevas de las Golondrinas- a massive cathedral-like cave that is only accessible during certain tidal patterns.
Isabela Town Centre  
Isabela town centre is the perfect example of a Puerto Rican town; plenty of excellent food, coffee, shops and historic sights.
You can visit a church from the 1730s, though to be one of the first structures built after Spanish settlers arrived. There are many other historic buildings as well as festivals, parties and amazing bars to visit!  
Pozo de Jacinto
Otherwise known as ‘Jacinto’s Well’ this incredible, natural structure is a blowhole. It’s a fantastic spot and the legend based around the blow hole is just as good.
Jacinto was a local farmer tending to hear one day when the sea dragged a cow through the rock arch. Jacinto tried to save the cow and was dragged away too. Legend has it if you shout ‘Jacinto, give me the cow!’ in Spanish, you will be splashed by the blowhole!  
Shacks Beach
If you're a snorkelling fanatic, then this is the beach for you. Known by the locals as ‘The Blue Hole’ there is plenty to see at this beach.
Swim with the local turtles as they rest in the warm shallow waters. Explore the underwater reefs rich with species of fish and marine life. There are even underwater caves you can explore, with the help of a diving guide of course.
Located just minutes from your room in the Villa Montana Hotel you can spend the day exploring, then head home to eat at the glorious Eclipse Restaurant.
Puerto Rico Rules
So there you have 5 of the very best bits of Isabela, Puerto Rico. If you are planning a Puerto Rico Wedding, or just a holiday with friends, you won't find a more memorable and stunning place to spend some time.
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