nerdsworld · 5 months
Man Sets Himself On Fire In Front Of Manhattan Courthouse|Trump Trial
Source: Twitterverse🐦
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SMS: 988
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thedovahcat · 1 year
Gorillas and Computing
Don’t remember when the last update was.
I think I mentioned I have to put off school till next year because of money reasons?
Either way, to reiterate then for my own sake, I ended up joining that CS50x class Harvard is offering for free online so I have something to study/do in the meantime until Spring 2024.
I’m realizing how good it was that I started with Java on my own back in April (I only jumped into CS50 in the middle of this month of June) because boy, coming in COLD to these sort of subjects is no easy or laughing matter. I’ve normally not submersed myself in such technical fields before, considering my artist degree background. Which, in and of itself is kind of funny because I don’t consider myself the most creative artsy person there was. Now I can legally blame the autism for having me most often side with logic and technicality and what have you, even if I don’t seem that way on the outside.
But still, rolling back a bit, immersing yourself in this totally different world is definitely not something I am used to.
The first week was making a program with Scratch, a bit difficult at first until I started to get the hang of things. Project went really well, made a cute lil’ shooty game.
Second week introduced us to programming in C. And getting used to the syntax and all its little quirks ‘ stuff.
This week we’re going over arrays, which was about where I stopped in Java so from this point on I’ll be going into it blindly.
On arrays, yes I do understand what they are and how they’re used, but I’m finding that typing out parameters and what it is I want to happen in specific loops and such- that’s proving to be the real kicker. Was really struggling with a project yesterday and ultimately gave up and had to look at the answers. Felt real bad about it, even though I’ve only been doing this for 2 months. Not a lot of time at all.
I get a bit disillusioned when I read people who are much younger than me mastering this stuff (allegedly) in like 6 months to a year, there’s just no way that’s possible. There’s SO much stuff to learn and practice, like... Unless they’re up for 14+ hours a day doing ONLY coding and not having a life (not that I am but I believe in this thing called work-life balance) then maybe I can see them being farther than me in about a year’s span or some months.
But, what they don’t have is job experience. I do. I have to remember that all this memorization and stuff I need to do for school, while yes it will help at a job, a job doesn’t give a hoot how you did something as long as it’s done correctly and well enough. Or at least it was that way at my last job, I suspect it can’t be much different in other places honestly.
Moving back to this project I felt I failed on, anyway, studied it as much as I could until I understand what exactly the code was doing, because I figured that would be much better than me copying the answer and then NOT understanding it. Fast forward to today, another project with some similar characteristics that they want.
Actually sat down and wrote out pseudocode of what I wanted the program to do which helped me organize my thoughts. I suppose it’s not unusual to kind of know what you want in your head initially. You just don’t sort out all the particulars and such until you’re actually writing the code itself. Anyway, I wrote that out, then got started implementing what I believed the program would need. Things got WAY too complicated too quickly but because I built enough to see visually for myself, I felt more comfortable googling how to do certain things, rather than look at the Discord and see what everyone else was doing.
Even then, implementing google answers doesn’t mean things are automatically going to work. So that forced me to go over the code some more and really start working on all the separate pieces one by one. Slowly things began to click into place and I understood faster what it was I was doing, or what I had left to do.
I can happily say I completed the project and got everything working as intended. Printed it out on paper and stuck it in my notebook after writing many many notes explaining what each thing does for my own sake. But, looking at it zoomed out now... The code looks so simple and short. I really didn’t need to over-complicate things in the beginning like I did (too bad I didn’t save that first iteration). That’s a habit I tend to have. I make things harder than they need to be at first because I don’t really understand something or what I’m doing. But, once I get it, then things go a lot smoother.
Everyone’s probably like that though with some things! Just a lil’ observation I had about myself is all. Thinking back to my first days as a graphic designer and how they were essentially the same. It would take me hours to do something in a very convoluted way, but only a year or two later I was zooming along. Knew all the shortcuts, knew easier ways to do things.
I can’t wait till I start having moments like that with this programming stuff. Yes I know you’re never truly finished learning, but it’ll be soooo nice when I hit that point to where I can think and translate what I want onto the page a lot faster. And it’ll be much more efficient.
That’s about it for now. June’s already over. This year is halfway over. We don’t have OFMD season 2, I have a trip to Dallas in July I’m super excited for, and I can study and exist at a mostly leisurely pace right now. I’ll enjoy it while I can :)
Already getting college nightmares and the like anyhow. Eughhh.
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absentmoon · 2 years
sobbb ive GOT to figure out streaming sometime after i get in dorms
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goobersplat · 5 months
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Playbyplay Prototype Patrick Star Purple Pajama Plush
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tidestridened · 11 months
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this Particular playbyplay eevee plush
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thedemoninmywalls · 3 months
how does arorirecain spend a normal evening (obviously i can assume some, but i want the playbyplay!)? what is one think rire will do that cain will not? what about one thing cain will do that rire will not? and what is something (that is not getting rid of them completely) that aro wishes she could do to rire and/or cain?
- @freakkisser
Ah Sol you and your delightful questions <3
Arorire have a basic routine: when Aro gets home from work, she or Rire makes dinner, they watch TV or do another activity together, and go to bed. When Cain pops in, no one knows how the night is gonna go lol. He might want to just watch TV and cuddle, or he might want a romantic date night or perhaps an elaborate torture session
There are very very few levels of depravity that Cain and Rire will not sink to. They give each other ideas and challenge each other to find ever more horrible ways of tormenting Aro. If one insists he can make her cum more, the other says he can make her scream louder, and they always make good on their promises~
Secretly, Aro desperately wishes she can make Rire shut up. The physical torture is one thing, but listening to his verbal abuse and gaslighting and constant bullying slowly wears down her self esteem and will to fight back. He's also a narcissist and loves hearing himself talk; it'd be so satisfying to make him quiet for once
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magxit · 11 months
This breakdown of his moves is so on point https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMjCokoom/
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necronatural · 1 year
this ended up being a live playbyplay. whoops
Iñaki Godoy fascinating experience of the most charismatic bad actor ive ever seen in my life. perfectly captured. unquestionably likable. whiffs on every single necessary inflection
shanks can get it
the camera needs to stop with the extreme closeups. i know its to convey koby is like a skittish horse but its cheap and weakened by the closeups of other characters for other reasons
koby is sooooooo darling and perfectly casted i heard the casting director wields a dark power and so true
30 minute mark and do far it's…. fun? and good? 🥺
ok first problem im really annoyed with the riceball situation happening in the bar because the thing with zoro eating shit off the ground is that he was starving and the little girl was risking her life to feed him. And he ate that dirt encrusted objectively foul-tasting riceball because he's starving and it isn't safe for her to keep coming back. If it starts in the bar Zoro is just being kind of a weird[Zoro says "now you eat one"] nvm this whips ass
netflix: what if zoro was 😍 was a bad boy 😍 what if he was a snarky little bad boy who doesnt play nice 😍😍😍
nami segments are adding sooooo much to the intrigue, it really feels like she was supposed to be here this whole time and was poorly served by being introduced later
im really digging the way it sets zoro up as Rejecter Of Recruitment Offers so its more satisfying when luffy eventually gets to him. smart writing
watching this very particularly stylized brightness just makes me think like. remember when shows and movies had colour in them.
seeing in live action that zoro's third sword is meant to kill an enemy on their knees. kind of a slay
garp can get it
the IMMEDIATE magnetism of this buggy performance. god yes. cant wait to watch this tomorrow
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xbuster · 1 month
I appreciate the sprinkling of fate stay night playbyplay you're giving across my dash
Just sharing my favorite parts of Hollow Ataraxia since that’s easy to do without spoiling everything. I haven’t really talked about the real plot of the game (especially near the end of it) since that would ruin the experience for everyone else, but since it’s mostly slice of life stuff, I thought it'd be fun to bring attention to the aspects of each character i like and how they shine in this game :)
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ring-of-galactic · 5 months
> assumes everyone will be upset with him
> runs away on his own accord to a man who hates him
> people who love him get reasonably upset
> "wHy ArE pEoPlE sO mEaN"
You're proving how much of a child you are, Saturn.
I get it. i dont need the playbyplay.
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evermoredeluxe · 11 months
The past 24 hours have been so hard to keep up with, I've seen a couple of clips of them walking but what's the stomach touch? dhjashdja
here. this tiktok not only shows the stomach touch but explains it in a funny way
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bluepoodle7 · 2 years
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#Robochi #Poochi #PoochiKeychain #Plushies #PlushPals
These items are the PlayByPlay Blue Silver Poo-chi Plush with mini Poo-chi Keychains I sold a long time ago.
The string on the foot of the Big Poo-chi plush is loose.
This plush was pretty soft and super rare since I didn't know Poo-chi was popular enough to get a plush unlike Furby which got a few plushies.
The keychains were pretty rare and only the feet moves if you move them with your hands.
The eyes don't glow and the eye window was just on the keychains.
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arcanepactguile · 26 days
what’s the best thing about writing smut for you? do you have a pet peeve when it comes to anything regarding smut? what’s the first NSFW thread you played?
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what’s the best thing about writing smut for you?
Destroying my partner's mind, bonus points if they made the mistake reading it at work ( Chaos you KNOW you love me)
It's character development, mostly. Both parties (or plus a third) are at their most vulnerable, intimacy. Things don't always go to plan. It can end or progress awkwardly, embarrassment, horribly, or fail spectacularly. It can swing and be a pivotal good arc in the characters’ growing, too. It's a give and take, characters' aren't always in their right frame of mind or sensual mood.
You can explore facets kept hidden or unattainable in other circumstances. Their threshold for pain and pleasure, release, stress, romance, sexual chemistry, manipulation, subservience, toxicity, coping mechanisms, growth, inability to trust, breaking boundaries, comforts and catharsis.
Second - smut is entertainment, plotty or pure fluff. It doesn't always need to be deep and meaningful, it can just be feel-good-fuzzy snoo snoo.
do you have a pet peeve when it comes to anything regarding smut?
I have a couple, broadly speaking… Mostly the typical golden rules’ breaking, please don't do it.
Godmodding. More than usual is expected & allowed for certain smutty scenarios, because Realism > Turn Based Combat, but some Muns can be too controlling and essentially powerplay/force everything.
Hard pass. It ruins the thread. I don't want my partner to decide what my Alastor's kinks or turn offs are for me, or write Alastor's actions playbyplay like I'm not even here.
Second Peeve — Cringe 50sog rubbish.
Both the euphemisms found in bad writing and the incorrect portrayal of D/s, SA, etc. Cvm isn't baby batter, and I rather have repeated words than invent flowery prose that's giving everybody second hand embarrassment like it's a wolfspeak RP.
Our characters are screwing, not planting G-d’s miracle in lush heavenly lands through the joining of a sword piercing a clam. Yes that was an amalgamation of horrors in another fandom
what’s the first NSFW thread you played?
No idea. I've been writing since 1997. I'd hazard a guess, as Final Fantasy VII's Sephiroth and Reno, since that was my first RP foray.
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elpistolettero · 10 months
Voetbal International debat liveblog
Zitten jullie klaar jongens? #tk2023 #matchday #voetbalinsidedebat Playbyplay kan ik niet beloven maar kan wel wat zingers sturen Genee presenteert. De kiezers hebben er zin in. Luid applaus. Een blonde vrouw tapt een biertje Het bier staat nog niet op tafel of Geert Wilders probeert al onder Dilan's rokje te komen We gaan over tot het onderdeel wonen: eerste vraag is waarom krijgen die buitenlanders alle woningen? Genee probeert iemand te laten uitpraten challenge 🤐💀(onmogelijk) Dilan noemt Amsterdam als voorbeeld van goede bouwregels Iedereen begint door door elkaar te schreeuwen. Het publiek gaat los Na 15 minuten gaan we het nu echt over migratie hebben Wilders noemt Timmermans dik. Applaus Een vertegenwoordiger van de Budel zwarthemden vraagt zich af waarom die buitenlanders niet ergens anders heen kunnen We gaan naar de reclame. Het volgende onderwerp: migratie Dat soort mensen stemmen altijd voor hun 'team'. Alsof het een voetbalwedstrijd is De tweede helft is begonnen, geen wissels aan tafel Omtzigt komt sterk uit de blokken en begint voor de derde keer over de toeslagenaffaire Geert Wilders quote Jan Schaefer ( in gelul kun je niet wonen) Iemand uit de zaal vraagt waarom Dilan toch zo'n toffe meid is Er wordt zowaar tien minuten inhoudelijk gedebatteerd 🥱 Nieuw onderwerp: migratie zorg De deelnemers kijken wie er het meeste gehuchten bij naam kent Genee stelt de vraag die wij allemaal denken hardop: waarom zendt de campingzender een verkiezingsdebat uit? Inmiddels is er een teller in het scherm met een countdown tot de nabespreking in Voetbal Inside Waar is just stop oil als je ze nodig hebt? Genee is niet van de cijfers, het gaat om de gevoelens Omtzigt geeft een vurig betoog voor een planeconomie Toch nog een linkse politicus aanwezig? We eindigen zoals we beginnen: iedereen die door elkaar heen schreeuwt Dilan verwijt Omtzigt op de valreep dat hij een Cda'er is geweest Tot zover dit liveblog, bedankt voor het lezen. En denk eraan, stem niet denk zelf.
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scontomio · 10 months
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💣 Peluche Angel Stitch Disney Soft Suono 30 cm 🤑 a soli 12,99€ ➡️ https://www.scontomio.com/coupon/peluche-angel-stitch-disney-soft-suono-30-cm/?feed_id=188266&_unique_id=65672bc84fd64&utm_source=Tumblr&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=Poster&utm_term=Peluche%20Angel%20Stitch%20Disney%20Soft%20Suono%2030%20cm Il peluche Angel Stitch Disney Soft Suono 30 cm è un adorabile giocattolo realizzato da Play by Play. Con il suo design rosa e il morbido tessuto in peluche, questo peluche è perfetto per i fan di Disney. Il marchio Play by Play è noto per la qualità dei suoi prodotti, garantendo un'esperienza di gioco sicura e divertente. Segui sempre le indicazioni del produttore per un uso corretto e sicuro. Aggiungi un tocco di magia Disney alla tua collezione con questo dolce peluche di Stitch. #coupon #playbyplay #peluche #offerteamazon #scontomio
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erikajeankruger · 1 year
Sub to my patreon for the playbyplay
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