#playdoughtiny writes ! 🚧
playdoughtiny · 5 months
Caregiver!Luis Serra / Regressor!User headcanons
Since there's a lack of agere content with my don quixote I decided to take matters by myself! He's become my cg figure since the end of 2023, so it's obvious I would eventually write him hcs! Anyway, enjoy it!
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Luis has a big sense of responsibility on his own, so even if he lets his playful side show up, he would keep you close and shelter his little one away from danger.
Loves playing doctor and being your patient! 🚑
Luis is not a big fan of setting rules (he thinks it's unfair to ground you), but he would gladly set a few if you insist, like bedtime, water/hygiene reminders, screen control, etc.
Really patient with tantrums. Luis would never get mad at you for feeling fuzzy or being stubborn. Instead he tries to light up the mood with jokes and tickles on your sides.
"Why, I thought you were sad?!" He jokes while you giggle under his touch.
When you're feeling too little, he'd ask to lift you in his arms. He loves it, and so do you. Luis likes dancing around while having you in his arms, singing his favorite tunes he used to hear as a child. 🎼
Best lullaby singer ever! 💯
He tries being the-though-dad, keeping everything under control but... who in the world can resist your cute little pout and glowing eyes?
He would never admit that but Luis loves when you're grumpy.
When you say no he says yes. That's how it goes. No matter how much you try to fight it, when it's nini time you're going to bed, whether you like it or not! 🛏️
"Nu-uh!" "Ah sí!"
Luis' heart melts when you call him "Papá". He feels proud and happy.
He knows you have a hard time eating by yourself. Even when you can't say it, he'll help you and spoon feed you. "Come here, Papá got you." 🥄
He sets up a babysitter cam in your room to hear if you need help.
No matter how long it takes, Luis will do everything in his power to calm you down from a nightmare. He understands you need to feel safe in order to sleep, and he's there for you.
Hush his baby in his arms, running circles on your back, kissing your head. Luis bounces you in his arms and rocks you to sleep.
"Shh, shhh... Mi amor, mi bebé. Yo te amo tanto. There's no need to cry."
Luis' voice is so smooth, so soothing. You fall asleep in his arms in seconds. And he holds you for a little longer, just to watch your relaxed and serene slumber with a soft smile.
"Dulces sueños mi angelito."
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playdoughtiny · 4 months
ᨳ ada wong as your big sister !
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loves watching you play with your toys! she asks questions along your playtime but makes sure she's not interrupting.
makes you feel cherished and loved, never misses a compliment.
ada hates seeing you sad when she leaves for a mission. she always keeps you updated so you don't get too worried about her!
once you drew a picture of two stick figures of you and ada holding hands and gave it to her. she loved it so much that she kept the drawing in a frame in her bedroom.
always keep an extra bandage in her pocket, all of them being very childish and colorful, of course!
you see ada as a role model:
"when I grow up, I'm gonna be just like you, ada!"
"sure you'll do kiddo."
stays up with you in her arms after you wake up having a nightmare
"Hush, is okay little one. I'm here..."
ada loves to hear about your special interests and will ask more about them in the future.
returns from missions with little gifts for you!
likes to send pictures of wonderful places she visited, whenever from her job or during her free time.
ada loves sending and receiving letters. she puts sticky notes with her pretty hand writing!
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divider: dollywons
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playdoughtiny · 4 months
Could you do a cg Luis with a little reader who also got kidnapped by the villagers in re4. How would be react and keep us safe. How would Leon and Ashley feel?
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⧣ Hello! Sorry for taking so long to write this, but here's some short concepts I have in mind, I hope you enjoy it!
being trapped in a village causes an extremely overwhelming sense of vulnerability. its like you lost all your senses, your words... and heaven knows what's about to happen to you.
luis is your guardian here, he sticks at your side and doesn't let go of you, always keeping a protective arm around you.
even if ashley is as frightened as you are, she's constantly reassuring you that everything is going to turn out fine in the end.
leon leads the way through the horrors of that despicable place. he makes sure you're safe and sound, as well as the other members of his team. however, since you encounter yourself in a fragile state, he keeps an extra watch on you.
during mission breaks, ashley settles down for a playtime. games like "i spy" and "simon says" are some of a few activities you two share!
but let's be honest, if there's someone who absolutely adores seeing you regressed, this person is luis. your number one funcle! he loves carrying you through the village, explaining the history behind Valdelobos, sharing stories from his hometown until you snooze down.
## divider
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playdoughtiny · 5 months
Nap time, Leon 💤
caregiver!Luis Serra & little!Leon Kennedy
Rate: Teen up audiences
Characters: Luis Serra Navarro & Leon Kennedy (Resident Evil 4 Remake - 2023)
Warnings: PTSD (?), Anxiety, Light Swearing.
Tags: Fluff, Hurrt/Comfort, Coping, Leon Kennedy has PTSD, Protective Luis Serra, AU — Canon Divergence, Babytalk, Pacifiers, Cuddling, Sleeping.
Reblogs are appreciated!
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Finger fidgets on the ocean blue blanket, pinching at it's soft fabric. A dim soft light stand is the only source of light in the room. The digital alarm flashes red with pairs of numbers, separated by just a colon.
Agonized with so much fatigue, Leon lies on his stomach, huffing and mumbling incomprehensible murmurs into his pillow. How many nights would he need to stay awake before he could finally sleep? The hours passed torturously slowly, the minutes lasted months. Leon stared into the darkness of the room, his eyes filled with slumber.
His wrist rests upon his forehead, voice low like a whisper. "What I've done to deserve this..."
That was the question that tormented him. What had he done to be... Like this? How many lives could he have saved, how many people would have been spared if Leon just did the right thing?
Did he actually did what was the best option? Or he's just selfish? His heart pumped in his chest faster. Could he be so egoistic to let people die just to stand by his reasons? Fingers twitched and spammed.
"Damnit!" He hiss under his hands that covers his face. Nobody sees Leon crying. Not even close ones. No, he doesn't give them the luxury of seeing his "weaker" side. It's just a passing thing, bullshit. Why does someone need to see someone sobbing? That's futile. At least, in his mind, that's how the world goes.
Knees draw into your belly, elbows above them. Why was he crying so much? Come on, Leon was a man! He's been through absurd and chaotic things, and come out of them with just a few cuts or scratches! Now's he's crying like a damn child!
His thumb nail slips to his front teeth, wearing away the surface. Eyebrows wrinkle. He feels his eyes burning. Are those... Tears?
"Please make this stop!"
He rocks himself back and forth, failing miserably to sooth himself.
A thic accent voice surprises Leon. "Cabron?"
Luis. Oh yes, he forgot he was here. After the events in Spain, Leon opens the doors of his home for him. He basically saved his life so it's some sort of repay.
Leon gasps stupidly loud for a grown man. He turns his back at the spaniard, considering that he already knows he's awake. The blonde plays dumb and closes his eyes.
Luis chuckles at the sight of Leon, shaking his head and making his way into the bedroom. "Ay no need to play dead mi amigo." He sits at the edge of the bed, hands laced, voice incredibly calm. "What's wrong cowboy?"
Leon hasn't gained too much intimacy. He considered Luis as a... Colleague. A roomate. He was a nice person, weird most of the time and annoying, but nice. Luis is the type of person that you can trust just by looking in his eyes. Like a random stranger that you suddenly meet in your life and feels that you can trust your darkest secrets to him.
"Can't sleep. That's all." He says. Technically true, but that's not all.
"Shouldn't be up this time." Luis convenently sighs.
"But you're too." True.
"Unforeseen. I had to use the bathroom." He chuckles. Leon mirrors his smile.
"Y'know," Leon sighs, sits up straight, hand in his hair. "M'just... Tired of all of this... Can't remember the last time I slept well."
Luis observers the soldier, like an owl. Baggy eyes, fuzzy blonde hair. Leon looks lost and hopeless. He has see this look before. The same when he dismissed Ada. The same when he thought that Luis was dead. The same when the Illuminados captured Ashley. He knows what Leon has been through. He feels it.
"It must be very difficult for you Leon," Luis looks down for a second and immediately turns his eyes back on the agent. "But that's all over. You, me, we are all safe now."
Blue eyes flush with realization. Safe. He repeats that out loud. Luis affirms. Leon is safe. There were times that he thought he wouldn't last, he would let his companions down, fail his purpose. But no. He did it. He's safe now.
"Leon." He calls.
Luis tucks the golden hair behind his ear. How did he got so close to Leon? Not that it was bothering him, quite the opposite. Leon looked back at Luis, as if he had all the answers in the world. Luis was kind. A shelter for all the cruelty and horrors of the world. He opens a smile. What a beautiful smile, Leon thinks. There is no malice, no playfulness here. Luis actually seems to be worried about the state of Leon.
"If there's anything you want to tell me, or if you just want a friendly shoulder to cry on, I'm here." He cups the side of his face. "I'm here for you Leon."
Lips quiver. There's no turning back now. Leon throws his arms around the spaniard, who welcomes him in his arms. He breathes in and sobs. Sobs loudly. Muffling against his chest. Luis pats his back, a calming hand runs on his hair, lips giving him small kiss on top of his head.
"There there," Luis coos. He can feels his nose on his scalp. "Cálmate, está bien. Estás bien." His voice as relaxing as a lullaby.
Leon finally composes himself, backing away from his chest as he wipes away his tears. Never does anyone look as serene as he's right now. "Thanks." He nods.
Luis smiles, as if he has nothing to be thankful for. "Feeling better?"
Leon hums a "Mm-hm."
Both remained in a comfortable silence, just the sound of his breaths hanging in the air.
"Do you think you can sleep now?" Luis asks.
"Mmm..." Leon bites his nail, shrugging while responding "Dunno" behind his teeth.
"Do you want me to stay here? I can... Tuck you in." He grins.
Leon spots him suspiciously, a light pink shade forming on his cheeks. "Tuck me in?" He scoffs. "What you think I am, five?"
"That's not what I said." Luis answers teasingly. "But you expect me to leave you awake? At this time?"
"I'm fine Luis..." Leon shakes his head. "Nonsense!" Luis spits. He extends his arms, fingers calling him. "C'mon." Leon raises his brow.
He whistles in, tapping one of his thighs. "Come here!" Leon never looked so confused. Why is he— did he actually just whistled?
"Absolutely not." Luis smirks with a cocky look. "Look you gotta sleep now, so you either sit here or I'll drag you myself."
At this point he got it. Leon felt himself slipping. It wasn't the first time he felt like this either. Something in his past made him feel this way. Sometimes he felt small. As if his clothes were too big for him. He didn't want to work or act like an adult. He wanted to hide under the covers and read a book. She wanted to take her teddy bears that she got as a gift and play with them. But it's okay because everyone wants to be child again!
"C'mon Leon. Let Tío Luis put you to sleep." He calls him one more time, in a husky voice.
Leon curl up in his shoulders, knees navigating to the man's lap. He clungs on him like a koala. "Muyyy bien..." He whispers. Leg bounces Leon, while he melts in Luis' arms. He doesn't want to admit this is actually working. He can't slip. He's not a child! Eyes widened with this thought. This should end.
"Are you sure this is-"
"Shh..." Luis get back to run his hands on his blonde hair. "Quiet. Close your eyes."
Leon is in no space to complain. He would but- well he's too exhausted. He will talk to him in the morning.
He clears his throat. "Luis..."
"What now, mi vida."
"Can you uh..." Nails dig into the man's shirt. He feels his face warming, so he tries to hide in his chest. "Take... My paci?"
He chuckles. "Your what? Your paci?" Luis stares at Leon amusedly. The blonde snorts, turning his eyes away. The other man laughs and forgives himself. "Aww I'm sorry mi amor! Sure I'll get your binky!" Leon gets surprised at how easily he accepted.
Carefully holding the boy in his arms, Luis pulls the drawer of his nightstand and finds a adult pacifier, blue shield with a paw print on the middle. Leon lightly parted his lips so that the plastic nipple could enter his mouth. Luis smiles proudly at how adorable Leon looked.
"There we go. Feeling good buddy?" He asks. Leon nods.
Luis gently wraps his arm under the boy's shoulder, other holds his knees while slowly rocking the already sleepy baby in his chest. "Good boy."
His head rests on top of his clavicle, secure chest keeps his torso close to him. Luis adjuts himself against the pillows, his back resting on them. He rocks the baby in his arms, slowly. He looks down at the boy. So calm in his sleep. Chest rising and falling with each breath, paci pecked in his lips bouncing. Eyelashes kissing his cheeks. What could possibly Luis ask more than this. He couldn't be more grateful.
Finally, comfort. All the solution for his problems were right here. Luis would look after Leon, like he always did. Keeping him safe in his arms scaring away all the bad stuff in the world. His eyes fluster until there was no left strength, and they eventually close. Luis smiles proudly of his boy. His sweet and lovely boy.
Luis brushes a strand of hair from his face, leaning down to leave one last kiss on his crown.
"Sweet dreams mi angelito."
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playdoughtiny · 4 months
since you asked so nicely 🤭
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"Safe and Sound" — cg!Carlos Oliveira/reg!Jill Valentine
divider: animatedglittergraphics-n-more | gif: Pinterest
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playdoughtiny · 4 months
I want to write baby Jill and papa Carlos but idk if anyone would like it (?) I mean they're sooo cg/l coded
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playdoughtiny · 2 months
#EnchantedBeasts #HEU short au agere
Prince Charmont/Gellert Grindewald
"Charmont's tea party" 🫖
strictly SFW
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