#player week interest check closes on the 10th so please fill it out even if you just want to enjoy the works
rueitae · 2 years
Rating: G, canon typical violence, Gen
Player has been waiting for this game convention to visit nearby since he was still in grade school. These days he’s traded in most of his games for capers, but it’d seem weird to his parents for him not to go at this point. And he has to admit, he’s still pretty excited. After Carmen gives him the go ahead, Player is spending the weekend at a video game tournament and caper free.
Or so he thinks.
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loudsuitlover · 6 years
Moving in
A/N: Hi guys! I’m so excited about this series! It’s starting right now and I have so many ideas I’m driving myself crazy with excitement! Hope you want to read more as much as I want to write it! <3 
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“I will call you, mom.” You pressed your shoulder against your ear as you waited for the elevator. “Just take care of yourself and don’t get into trouble.” 
“Oh, yeah, yeah, you’re just like your father.” She sighed. 
“Yeah, yeah.” You looked up at the door numbers. 10th floor door 11B.  “Bye, mom. Love you.” 
You wiped the sweat from your forehead before you rang the bell. You couldn’t remember a single day hotter than this one. You dropped your baggage and the cardboard box you had been carrying around on the carpet floor as you concentrated on listening to the steps nearing the door. The bus ride had been terrible and the sweat, if wiped from your forehead, was still clinging to your skin under your t-shirt. You couldn’t wait to jump in the shower. 
You were adjusting the bobby pin on your bun when a very tall, very unfamiliar man opened the door to what you hoped to be Sean’s apartment. You frowned as you thoughtlessly looked him up and down. He was wearing a black cotton t-shirt and what could be described as purple suit pants. You had never seen someone looked so good in something so weird in your entire life and you only realized you were staring when he cleared his throat. 
“Hi.” You said. “This is 53 Malborn street, apartment 11B isn’t it?” 
He pointed up at the silver numbers on top of the door which caused your eyes to check again. 11B. 
“Hhmm... How can I help you?” He was British. 
He was British and he had very bright green eyes, a big mouth with beautiful smile potential and light stubble around his pink lips. 
“Does Sean live here?” 
“Yes, he does.” He smiled. “You’re not a cute stalker, are you?” He smirked smugly as he leaned his side on the doorframe, crossing his arms against his chest and causing you to narrow your eyes at him, unamused. 
“Didn’t he tell you I was coming? I’m sorry, who are you?” 
“Hey, doll, you’re the one who knocked on my door. I think I get to ask that first.” 
“Don’t doll me, you don’t even know me.” You frowned. What a jerk. “I’m Y/N, a friend of Sean. I rented the free room?”
“Oh, right! You’re Y/N!” He then smiled, letting you see all of his white teeth. “He did mention you, yeah, but he said you’d arrive next week?” He frowned. 
“Yeah, but... He knew I was coming sooner. We talked on the phone a couple days ago.” 
“Well, he didn’t mention that last part.” He shrugged. “But, yeah, sure, yeah, come on in.” 
He didn’t help you with your luggage, not that you expected him too, so you took everything and walked through the door he had left opened as he had walked inside. 
“I’m sorry for not letting you in sooner but I thought you were a homeless person.” He chuckled as he placed a glass of orange juice in front of a blonde little girl who was sitting on the wooden table. “Lux say hi to the sweaty lady.” He smirked, making you blush hard. 
The truth was he had noticed you were sweaty only when his eyes had roamed your body up and down as you bent down to placed that shabby cardboard box you were carrying. He couldn’t have helped but stare at your ass and the way it looked in those jeans and his mind had made him think about how you would look coated in a thin layer of sweat, with no clothes on, after an orgasm. It had been so long since he had been with a woman... 
“Hi lady.” The little girl said as she kept drawing on her colouring book and the boy laughed at your blushed cheeks. 
“I’m Harry by the way.” He smirked. 
“Right.” You placed a hand on your hip, the other one on your forehead as you sighed. “I... I need a shower.”
“You think?” He smirked, covering his nose with his fingers as he gave you a disgusted grimace. 
“Very funny.” 
“I’ll take you in the shower.” He smirked. “I mean- to the shower.” 
After having left your things on the room that was going to be yours for the next few months- according to him- Harry did show you the way towards the bathroom, switching the light on as he showed you around as if you had never seen a bathroom in your life before. 
“I reckon Lux’s entertained” He smirked “so I can stay with you, doll.” 
“Yeah, right.” You faked a chuckle. “You wish.” 
You walked past him, pretending his words hadn’t had an effect on you, but your cheeks were blushing and your belly had chirped. Yes he was a jerk, a cocky player who probably gave a hard time to every single girl he met, but he was also the most attractive man you had ever seen and those purple pants of his... Well they looked good and he smelled deliciously too. 
“I certainly wouldn’t mind.” 
He smirked as he stared at your ass again and the way your white t-shirt was sticking to your skin as some rebel hairs had fallen from your otherwise tight bun. 
“So first you think I’m homeless and now you want to see me naked. Interesting.” 
“Well, those clothes make it hard to think otherwise.” 
You didn’t know whether he meant your clothes made him want to see you naked or if he meant they made you look like a homeless girl but either way what a proper dick so you shook your head and tried to ignore him as you placed your toiletries on the shower. You had been travelling for a little over a month now so you had already some sort of ritual, an organised way of preparing your toiletries for the shower in hostels so they wouldn’t get soaked but still were close enough for you to reach them. 
“There are fresh towels there.” 
He pointed to the top part of a blue closet on the hall with a smirk on his lips and you death glared at him as you walked past him, knowing it was too high for you to reach anyway. You still tried though, standing on your tip toes before you started jumping, trying to reach for a towel as he chuckled. 
“Enjoying the show?” You asked. 
“A lot.” He chuckled. 
“Can you please stop being obnoxious and help me get a fucking towel?”
“Oh, watch your mouth, doll. We don’t want Lux saying those things.” 
“Fine, don’t help me. Care to remind me why I’m talking to you?”
“Because I’m the only one who can show you around the house?”
“You’re not much help anyway.” 
You crossed your arms across your chest and turned your back on the closet, death glaring at him as he walked towards you, standing in front of you and easly reaching for a towel which he then held on top of both your heads, a stupid smirk on his lips as you tried to reach it once, fast enough so he wouldn’t react, but he moved it up higher and you rolled your eyes as he laughed. 
“Just joking, doll.” He smiled, handing you the towel. “Sean said to be nice to you.” 
“Did he?” You frowned as if he was kidding you. “What else did he say that you’re not going to do?” 
“Not to bother you and not to annoy you, which I guess it’s pretty much the same request.”
“Well you do bother and annoy me so you’re not making a really good job.” 
“And you’ve only known me for like what? Fifteen minutes? And I already bothered and annoyed you huh?” He smiled, leaning closer to you and trapping you against the closet. What was his deal? 
“Well I guess you have a talent.” 
“I have many talents.” He smiled, placing his hand on the closet besides your head as you rolled your eyes. 
“You’re obnoxious.” 
“You already said that.” He smiled. “You know? Sean didn’t say you were so attractive.” 
You shook your head, walking away from him and towards the shower and closing the bathroom door without looking up at him. You heard him approached the door as you were taking your clothes off though. 
“Are you sure you don’t need help showering?” You might now know this Harry guy but you knew he was smirking. 
“Fuck off.” 
With that he laughed and walked away. You let the cold water both refreshened and soothed you as the excitement at the thought of seeing Sean again nibbled on your belly. It had been almost two months. You washed your hair, thinking back at the time you met him, back in the mental home when you visited your dad. He was playing the guitar on the porch the first time you saw him and it was only a couple weeks after when you had surprised him having a nice chat with your dad on the mental home garden. Ever since then you would visit the two of them really and Sean had become a rather good friend, understanding your dad’s situation almost perfectly and supporting you when he was healthy enough to do so. So the anticipation of seeing him again, hearing how he was doing, seeing him surely better than last time... It was eating you alive.
The little girl was gone by the time you made your way to the living room and a nice scent of some spicy meat and vegetables filled your nostrils. Harry was cooking, a white tea towel over his shoulder as he moved around the kitchen singing under his breath to Africa by Toto. 
“Where’s Lux?” 
He smiled looking into your eyes as you dried your hair on the kitchen door. 
“Her mum picked her up ages ago.” He smiled. “You’ve taken so long in the shower. I thought you had died.” 
“And it doesn’t occur to you to go check.” You raised your eyebrows, walking towards the laundry room he had shown you before. 
“Are you inviting me to check you out while you are on the shower?” He raised his voice so you would hear him. 
“To check on me, not to check me out.” You rolled your eyes. 
“Tomayto, tomahto.” He shrugged. “Sean’s not coming over for dinner but it’s burrito night.” He did a little dance, almost looking cute, except you already knew he was the jerk type. “I hope you like burritos?” He looked at you, seeming concerned and you nodded your head. 
You looked at him with a confused frown. Was he really the same guy that didn’t want to give you a towel just minutes ago? And now he was just making burritos for dinner and counting on you at that, as if it was official that you were roommates. He sure had been a jerk before but... He seemed to silently be trying to fix it? So you bit your bottom lip and thought about your mum’s words; try not to judge people and they’d surprised you more than once. 
“Has anyone ever say no to that?” You frowned, amused, trying to silently let him know that you were up for another start.  
“You’d be surprised.” He chuckled. 
“How can I help you?” 
He looked at you and smiled, pursing his lips as if he was thinking whilst September by Earth Wind and Fire came out of his phone. He hummed as if in thought. 
“You can dance around.” He suggested. “Entertain me.” He smirked. 
“I won’t do that.” You closed your eyes. There he was, the jerk again. “I mean with dinner, what can I do?”
“I don’t know if you’re a good cook or not.” He looked you up and down “And burrito night is no joke so I won’t risk ruining it... And since you don’t know where anything is... Just take a seat and tell me about you, yeah?” 
“You want me to tell you about me?” You sat down on a stool frowning confused and he chuckled. 
“You look surprised. Not many people want to know about you?” 
“No, it’s not that. What is that supposed to mean? It’s just most people don’t annoy someone to death and then ask them about their lives.” 
“Well, how excentric can I be right?” He smirked smugly. “Wanting to know about the person who’s gonna be living with me for Lord knows how long and all.” He sarcastically remarked. 
“So you live here too?” 
“No, I’m casually making dinner at somebody else’s house. I do that a lot.” 
You chuckled at that and he glanced at you with a big grin. Was that a laugh? He grabbed a glass from one of the cupboards, pointing at it and looking at you as if you were a little kid as if saying this is where the glasses are and then he poured some cold water on it, placing it in front of you before he turned and walked towards his phone and changed the music. 
“Do you like Pink Floyd?” 
“You ask very silly questions.” You smiled and he grinned as he nodded, moving back to his place so he could resume cooking. 
“So where are you from?” He asked. 
“Chicago.” You smiled. 
“Mmhmm. Beautiful.” He smiled. “And what do you do?” 
“I’m... I’m a Medical student.”
“Wow, you’re a smartass.” 
“Don’t look so surprised.” You frowned and he chuckled. 
“It’s not that.” He smiled. “I just didn’t know that. Do you want a beer?” 
“Yeah, please.” 
“A doctor who drinks beer on a school night.. It takes one to know one.” He joked and you laughed, rolling your eyes. 
And then he didn’t seem so bad after all. He was smiling, opening your beer for you and seemed to actually enjoy your company. You gave him a crooked smile. You wanted to say something, about how you hadn’t started really nice but how much you’d love, for some reason, to be friends with him but instead you licked your lips, holding the beer bottle with both hands before you brought it to your lips and then he couldn’t take his eyes off of your mouth because of course he had thought you were sexy before, but then you drank beer and there was only so much he could take... 
He looked away and coughed and he closed his eyes as he gave you his back whilst he took the chicken out of the fire. He had been talking to Gem right before you came out of the bathroom and he had promised he’d bring her those flowers she liked the next day but her voice had sounded so low and so weak he had wanted to crawl into a ball and cry. So he kept asking you about random things so he didn’t have to think about her and it surprised him that you actually managed to take his mind away from things with your voice, which for some reason sounded as if he could trust it, even though he didn’t know why he would think such a creepy thing. 
“I used to work in a Deli at home.” You confessed and he looked at you with a grin. “I know.” You shook your head and he allowed himself to laugh. 
“What about your family?” He asked. 
“Mmm... I’m an only child.” You nodded. “So my best friend Kayla is like... The closest thing to a sister I have. My parents are not together but it’s cool like we’re a cool family.”
“Did you just say you’re a cool family?” He teased. 
“I mean like they don’t fight or anything. They’re like friends. Kind of.” You laughed.
“You have a beautiful laughter.” He noted. “Should probably use it more.” 
“You should be funnier then.” You smiled sheepishly. 
“Touche.” He sat down opposite you, placing your plate in front of you, as he granted you with a smile. “If it’s not delicious, don’t say anything. I’m a very sensitive cook. You’d hurt my feelings.” He smirked and you laughed again. 
“Thank you.” 
“No problem.” 
“You actually aren’t as much of a dick as I thought you were.” 
He laughed as you had a bite of your burrito. 
“Why? Because I haven’t teased you in like two minutes?” He watched you eat with a big grin on his face as you devoured half the burrito in a second. “Someone’s hungry.” 
“I haven’t had a homemade meal in a month.” You said through a full mouth which he found adorable. “And I’m absolutely not as good of a cook as you are. This is delicious.” 
“We take burritos seriously in this house.” 
“Noted.” You smiled. “What about you? I feel like I’ve been talking so much about me and I know nothing about you.” 
You looked into his eyes and he gave you a small smile before he looked down at his plate. You hadn’t studied Medical Psycology for nothing and putting it to good use, you realized he didn’t want to talk about it and as much as you now wanted to know why, you also didn’t want to make him feel uncomfortable. You were actually enjoying hanging out with him and you didn’t want him to turn into the cocky dick he had been before, even though he might have turned you on a little, but just a little and he annoyed you a lot more. 
He had a sip of his glass of water, still debating whether to tell you or not. He could easily say he didn’t want to talk about it, he could closed off as always and never let you in but he was afraid if he did that, then you would close off to him as well and for some reason he wanted to know more about you. He liked your stories. 
“My parents split when I was 7-” 
“You don’t have to tell me.” You cut him off as you noticed how tense he had become. “I wouldn’t want you to feel uncomfortable.” 
He smiled, like genuinely smiled, and he felt his cheeks tinging pink for he had never met a girl who respected his privacy like that. It wasn’t as if you didn’t care- nor like you cared either, you had just met him after all- but he felt as if you would listen if he wanted to tell you or talk about something else if he didn’t feel like talking about it and that had made him want to cook burritos for you for as long as you’d want to. 
“Thank you.” He smiled and so did you, before eating again. 
Both of you kept chuckling every time your eyes would meet for your mouths were fulled and your bellies were getting fulled too and somehow it felt as if you knew each other even if it wasn’t true. You had been a mess. You had made a proper mess of your burrito and you had sauce all over your lips and had used at least three napkins, which he found cute and funny at the same time. 
“Geez” You laughed “at least now I know I shall never eat burritos on a date.” 
“A date?” He smirked. “I hadn’t realized we were on a date.” 
“We’re not.” You frowned, blushing. 
“Then why are you blushing?” 
“Because you’re an idiot.” You smirked causing him to laugh as you started clearing the table. 
You started working on a weird silence and it was weird because if was comfortable and you didn’t know each other at all, he only knew your parents were not together and that you were an only child and you only knew that his parents had split when he was 7-
“Wanna watch a movie?” 
He didn’t want you to go to bed yet or rather he didn’t want to be left alone yet for the thought of being alone terrified him. He would start thinking about her. He would start crying and he would cry for a week. 
“Sure.” You shrugged. 
His eyes lingered on you for a couple of seconds before he shook his head and walked towards the living room, getting Netflix on as you took a seat on the green armchair nobody ever sat on. He kept stealing glances at you from the corner of his eye and biting back a smirk, scrolling through Netflix and trying to catch some reaction of yours which indicated some sort of interest in the movie and he pressed ok the moment he saw your eyebrows raised. 
“Are we watching Lilo and Stitch?” You grinned. 
What? Did you raise your brows to Lilo and Stich? But then you had smiled and your face had light up so yeah, he guessed you’d be watching Lilo. 
“Unless you don’t want to?” He teased with a smirk.
“Oh, yeah, I do! I love it! I just didn’t think of you as the guy who’d watch Lilo and Stitch on a Sunday night.” 
“And why’s that?” 
You chuckled and shook your head, causing him to grin as he rested his back on the couch, snuggling on the pillows to watch the movie. He’d never admit it, but he actually enjoyed it, especially the end so when the movie ended, and the catchy song from the credits was playing, he turned around and found you peacefully asleep so he shook his head with a smile. 
“She makes me watch Lilo and Stich and falls asleep...” He muttered under his breath as he walked towards you. “Hey, doll.” He gently shook your arm. 
You woke up with a frown and a pout and he grinned, his dimples out, for he had never really seen something so adorable in a grown woman and then he waved his hand in front of you, whispering a low hi. 
“Hi.” You groaned back with a raspy voice and a frown. 
“Come on you, sleepy head, get to bed.” 
“I haven’t made the bed.” You whispered, stretching and giving him your back. He chuckled. 
“What? It’s made, Y/N.” He laughed. “Do I have to carry you or what?” 
“No.” You frowned, getting up and clumsily climbing the stairs, faintly hearing his laughter behind you. 
He stayed downstairs for a little longer finishing up cleaning the kitchen and he didn’t notice but he couldn’t stop smiling. Up in your room, you had brushed your teeth and were now getting to bed, but you were not as sleepy anymore as every time you moved from the couch to your bed when you had fallen asleep watching TV. That fact annoyed you deeply, it had happened since you were a child and it had kept you awake sometimes for hours when your mom was already snoring. Downstairs, the main door opened slowly and in came a very tired looking Sean, carrying his guitar. He spotted the light on the kitchen and smiled when he found his school friend keeping glasses on the cupboards at 12 am. 
“Hey” He whispered “what’s with the smile?” He teased, grinning himself. 
Harry only shook his head. 
“I take it the gig was good?” He whispered back. “Coming home at his ungodly hour...” He teased, but really he couldn’t be happier his friend was seeming to get back on his feet. 
“Yeah, it was really good but I couldn’t wait to be back since you texted me she was here already.” He grinned as they both walked up the stairs and you smiled when you heard Sean’s low voice pretty close to your door. “How is she? Was it okay? You didn’t annoy her did you?” 
“She’s great, yeah.” Your heart started beating faster when you heard Harry’s words about you. “We had dinner and then watch Lilo and Stitch.” He grinned, amused. 
“What?” Sean laughed. 
“Yeah.” Harry nodded. “Oh, she said tomorrow you were taking her to Uni so she would know her way around it?” 
“Oh, fuck. I had forgotten about that.” Sean ran his hand through his hair. “I have this meeting with Stuart I-”
“It’s okay, mate.” Harry said, placing his hand on his shoulder. He didn’t know if he’d be able to react properly if his friend got his anxiety back. “I’ll take her, yeah? Don’t worry about it.” 
“You will?” 
“Yeah.” He nodded. 
“But... Are you sure you... I mean you’d be back there.” He whispered. 
“That’s okay.” Harry reassured him. 
“Okay, thank you, man. Means a lot.” 
He smiled and walked towards the end of the hall where his room was as Sean started walking towards the other end and you, right there in the room in the middle, looked up at the ceiling with a frown and tries to decipher what they were talking about. Something must have happened to Harry at Uni. And who the hell was Stuart? 
“Just Harry” Sean called “I know I don’t need to say this but.. We both know how it is so... Needless to say try not to have her falling for you.” 
“You say that as if I was some sort of women collector.” You could hear Harry’s harsh words, as if he was annoyed. “You know I don’t have the time or the energy for that right now so... Plus, I’d never do that to you.” 
Sean nodded, but that part you couldn’t see, and then he just turned around and closed the door of his room behind him. Harry did the same, after a few seconds staring at your ajar door. She is asleep, she hadn’t heard. And then he closed the door of his room behind him and rested his head on the wood. If everything he had said was true- and he didn’t have the time nor the energy, and he would never do that to Sean- why couldn’t he stop thinking about the way you had laughed when he had suggested he would watch Lilo and Stitch by choice? 
Man, he was fucked. 
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Fasting and Meditation Retreat, Dec 10-15th
All-Inclusive Week of Wellness in the Jungle of Maui at Hale Akua Eco Retreat Center
Retreat Event Overview
Aloha and welcome to the 2019 Maui Fasting and Meditation Retreat, taught by holistic health and fitness coach and yoga teacher, John Kempf. This event spans from Tuesday, December 10th to Sunday, December 15th.
This retreat will teach you how to use yoga, fasting, meditation, breath work, movement, reflective writing, and mindfulness to improve your health and your quality of life.
The beautiful jungles, beaches, valleys, rivers, mountains, and waterfalls you will be traveling to while on this tropical island excursion makes this retreat an ideal opportunity to unplug from the monkey mind and connect to nature, good company, and your authentic self.
You will feel re-charged, re-focused, and re-inspired to go back into the world equipped with the vision and the tools to create your ultimate reality of health, wealth, and happiness.
Tuesday will be dedicated to checking in and giving facility tours, and then we will open that evening with a group dinner of organic, raw foods (fruits, vegetables, fresh juices, nuts, seeds) while we casually meet n greet.
Then, four days of water fasting will follow with the option to dry fast (full details provided during registration).
The last day will be an informal vipassana, a day of total silence, followed by a water ceremony Saturday night where everyone can share their experiences from the week.
Sunday morning you will break your fast with organic, raw foods (fruits, vegetables, fresh juices, nuts, seeds), and then a closing ceremony will follow. The rest of the day is allotted to checking out of the Hale Akua Retreat Center.
Retreat Center Information
Everyone will be staying at the Hale Akua (translation: Home of the Divine) Organic Garden Farm and Eco-Friendly Retreat Center located on 7 and a half acres of jungle paradise in Maui, Hawaii, overlooking a 150 foot waterfall AND the Pacific Ocean.
If you are looking for a true immersion into nature that will help you completely unplug while still feeling well accommodated (okay, slightly pampered), then this is your place.
The facility has a salt water pool, an infrared sauna, outdoor showers, hot tubs, a bodywork / massage room, a giant yoga studio, free Wi-Fi, a villa where we will be performing daily activities and having our meals, a garden farm, statues, ponds, and plenty of little pathways for nature walks on the grounds.
You can choose to stay off-site, but on-site is recommended for convenience and optimal restoration. Transportation during the retreat will be provided via an 11-passenger tall top shuttle van. A shared shuttle to and from the airport is also provided, free of charge, if scheduled in advance.
Use the following link to view the Hale Akua Website.
There are both private and shared room options available which are indicated in the total price (full details provided during registration). The available room options are currently "Shared Room - The Villa" and "Private Room - Sunrise Room" - use the following link to view the Hale Akua Gallery.
Arrival and check-in: After 1pm on Tuesday, December 10th, 2019
Departure and check-out: Before 1pm on Sunday, December 15th, 2019
*You will be flying into and out of the Kahului Airport*
*Free shared shuttle provided to and from the airport if scheduled in advance*
Hale Akua Organic Garden Farm and Eco Retreat Center
Haiku, HI 96708
Each morning and night, you will begin and end the day with different yoga and meditation practices that John personally uses and teaches to his clients. You will also learn how to integrate specific breathing techniques and mobilizations into your movement practice and into your day that are designed to optimize the physiology and biochemistry of your human organism.
You will move with more ease, you will think more clearly, and you will feel better by regularly implementing these methods into your life.
John will be presenting educational workshops each day on the science and application of fasting, nutrition, yoga, movement, meditation, and mindful living. John will also be taking you to some of the best beaches, waterfalls, and sacred sites on the island.
You will get to play in the rivers of Iao Valley (translation: Cloud Supreme), and you will also be taking the famous 'Road to Hana' tour around the world's largest dormant volcano, Hale Akala (translation: House of the Rising Sun).
There will be plenty of techniques, practices, workshops, materials, and notes for you to take back home with you, but this is still a retreat in the sense that there will also be plenty of time to rest, relax, integrate, and interact with each other every day, and all of the activities are optional. You can choose to stay at the retreat center and chill in the hot tub or pool all day, or you can go explore the island at your leisure.
Everything is optional and everyone is welcome. If you begin to feel unwell during the fast or wish to discontinue to protocol, there will be fresh food and cold water available at any time to accommodate you.
This experience is perfect for you if you are interested in learning more about the science, philosophy, and practice of fasting, yoga, and meditation with the intention of improving your health, performance, and overall well-being while engaging with mother nature and like minded souls.
12/10 - Tuesday: Arrival and Check In, Facility Tour, Group Dinner, Meet n Greet and Retreat Itinerary, Bed Time Meditation
12/11 - Wednesday: Yoga Drill, Yoga Philosophy, Free Time, Twin Falls Tour, Free Time, Workshop, Bed Time Meditation
12/12 - Thursday: Yoga Drill, Yoga Philosophy, Free Time, Iao Valley Tour, Free Time, Workshop, Bed Time Meditation
12/13 - Friday: Yoga Drill, Yoga Philosophy, Free Time, Road to Hana Tour, Free Time, Workshop, Bed Time Meditation
12/14 - Saturday: Yoga Drill, Yoga Philosophy, Day of Silence, Personal Well-Being Session, Evening Water Ceremony and Group Discussion, Bed Time Meditation
12/15 - Sunday: Yoga Drill, Group Break-Fast, Closing Ceremony and Check Out, Departure
Lodging and full access to the retreat center's amenities
Transportation during the retreat and shared shuttle to and from the airport (must schedule with John in advance)
Organic, raw, nutrient-dense, whole foods (fruits, vegetables, juices, nuts, seeds) and filtered water
Eco-friendly cork yoga mat with bag and strap included
32 oz stainless steel Hydroflask
Cotton drawstring
Sleeping face mask and ear plugs
Hardcover journal and ballpoint pen
Presentation binder, worksheets, lecture notes
Single Bed Shared Room - The Villa: $1,095
King Bed Private Room - Sunrise Room: $1,695
Off-Site: $850
The available room options are currently "The Villa" and "Sunrise Room" - use the following link to view the Hale Akua Gallery.
The initial down deposit to RSVP is $400. If you need financial assistance with the remaining owed, we are happy to work with you in making payments depending on what room option you choose. We recommend you purchase travel insurance in case of any emergency cancellations.
This retreat includes a lot of pre-paid items that need to be ordered individually in advance, and it is very hard to fill beds in the final weeks, so cancellations come out of pocket. If your spot fills, you will receive a full refund, but if it does not and you registered on or after November 1st, you will not receive any refund. If your spot does not fill and you registered prior to November 1st, you will receive a refund on any payments made after the initial, non-refundable $400. Once the retreat begins, there will be no refunds, regardless of the circumstances.
Limited space is available. Registration will close when the event is full and you will be added to a wait list. If any cancellations occur, you will be promptly notified. If you have any questions, please email [email protected]
John Kempf is a functional strength and mobility coach, dietary specialist, yoga instructor, podcaster, and founder of Kempf Fitness Professional, a holistic training platform designed to bring you valuable coaching and education to improve your health, fitness, and overall life quality. He integrates a scientific approach to exercise, nutrition, and mindfulness that focuses on balanced self-development to optimize all areas of performance for his clients.
John's degree is in Kinesiology and Exercise Science and he has five additional certifications as a ACE personal trainer, a USAW sport performance and Olympic weight lifting coach, an FRC mobility specialist, and a mindset performance specialist. He is also a former natural bodybuilder and semi-pro football player, and a best-selling author of two popular fitness books available on Amazon.
John has been working with clients for over 10 years and has the real-life testimonials to prove it. Kempf Fitness Professional is backed by a 5 star rating on Google from nearly 100 personal reviews. John provides in-studio and online holistic health and fitness coaching for all populations, he has a variety of programs, workshops, and retreats, and he actively creates educational content via social media. His dream is to create positive change in the world using movement, food, yoga, meditation, and kindness, and to inspire people everywhere to live healthier, happier lives.
He has been passionately practicing and teaching yoga and meditation since 2013. He blends a variety of Yoga philosophy and practice with his functional mobility background to teach clients how to breathe, move, and flow more efficiently while connecting their mind and body to the present moment. Yoga and meditation have become essential tools in John's daily life, and he has made it part of his mission to share these powerful practices with others to bring more inner strength, awareness, and harmony into the world.
Once you submit your down deposit of $400, you will receive an email titled "[Maui Retreat] Pre-Screen Form" from the email address [email protected] (make sure to save this email to your contacts so you don't miss future emails regarding the retreat).
You must follow the link within that email, fill out the form, and sign the attached e-waiver to receive your next email titled "[Maui Retreat] Scheduling". Use the link provided to schedule your appointment with John where you will be given further instructions regarding registration.
If you have any questions at all, use the above email address to contact John directly. Aloha and Namaste.
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