#playing bloodborne more tho has made me better at being more aggressive in games asjsk
varpusvaras · 5 months
I decided to actually try and beat Bloodborne. I started to farm a little so I could up level a couple of times, so I could explore more without getting too frustrated. Then I wanted to level up a couple of more times just for the sake of it. Then I needed to repair my weapon, so back to farming. Then I wanted to get better at the combat, so I practised and of course, automatically farmed while doing so. Then I wanted to upgrade my weapon. I needed blood stone shards. Okay time to go hunt them down, took me a while, so I got a lot of blood echoes while doing so. Then I wanted to get better at parrying. So I practised. A lot. And of course, I farmed while doing so. Then I just didn't want to go to Cleric Beast for a while because I didn't want to lose. So I leveled a couple of times more. Then I wanted to open all the shortcuts, so I leveled more to be able to get to them easily. Of course, while farming more echoes by doing so. Then I wanted to upgrade my weapon again. Back to hunting and farming for the shards. Then I got pretty good at the combat so I figured hey, why not go around the first area just a few more times to get a couple of more levels. Yeah. Okay, today I will try to beat the Cleric Beast, what does the guide say about what level should I be for it? Oh, I should be level 10-15 in the first area? Oh. I'm level 31. Well.
*beats Cleric Beast in a minute and Father Gascoigne on a third try which also took just a couple of minutes*
I may have been just a little bit overleveled.
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