smiles10751 · 4 months
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stainsofgold · 3 months
is it weird to make an OC with no official race? As in, making different designs for them as like, asian or blasian, so the person can choose which one to draw?
For artfight btw
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pivo-rizky-svickova · 4 months
Takže jste našli mrtvolu v lese. Chcete si udělat nějaký ten taxidermistický hokus pokus, ale nevíte, jestli si ji můžete jen tak vzít?
Krátká odpověď: Spíš ne.
Delší odpověď:
Podle toho, co přesně jste našli byste se měli optat na patřičném místě. Takže asi takhle
1, Našli jste zvěř
Zvěř patří myslivcum,který jsou strašně lakomý. Už i sebrání parůžku je pytlactví (na papíře, ale pokud vás najde blbej nimrod muže být i pokuta). Musíte se zeptat majitele honitby, jestli by vám milostně neudělil tu nebohou, přejetou kunu.
Jak poznám, co je zvěř? Ono se to dá odhadnout celkem dobře (kanec, srny, lišky...), ale na wikipedii je seznam všech savců a ptáků co se řadí do zvěře.
2, Našli jste neohrožený druh
Například veverka, nutrie, nebo potkan. S tím musíte zajít do úřadu, který má odbor životního prostředí! Na úřadech nemaj páku, co po nich chcete, takže se musíte zeptat konkrétně na povolení o odchylce z běžného průběhu (běžný průběh je, že se ta mrtvola rozpadne). Ještě možná upravím ten název, nějak se mi nevybavuje úplný znění.
3, Našli jste chráněný/ohrožený druh
Jako třeba vydra, bobr (kurva) a plch. Tihle potvoři se řeší s ministerstvem životního prostředí. Nemá to moc cenu se snažit.
4, Našli jste kadaver v CHKO/NP
V tom případě jdete vždy do vedení konkrétního parku/oblasti.
Takže....si jako nemůžu sebrat mrtvolu v lese?? Ani prd??
Přesně tak, dle zákona se na mrtvoly nešahá. Jak vám ale určitě došlo, že co se stane v lese, zůstane v lese (tedy pokud vás nenačape myslivec). Nikomu nechybí náhodně nalezená mrtvola, takže nechť nám tu kvete supí kultura!
MDNJ (moc dlouhé, nečetl*a jsem): Legálně si nesmíte odnést v lese nalezenou mrtvolu, ale když o tom moc lidí neví, nic se neděje.
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vrabec-v-hrsti · 11 days
pamatuj si, co říkal plch
nemluv s cizími pány když jdeš na nákup a zavazuj si boty kličkou ne přes dvě ouška (hlavně před spolužáky ti by se ti smáli, že jsi dítě) ((a ty jsi ale to se za nic nesmí dozvědět ostatní děti)). pamatuj si, co říkal plch
vyčisti si zuby, když jdeš k zubaři v kostele nezívej a nevrť se myj si ruce před jídlem vždy poděkuj a stůj rovně a nepojmenovávej krávy na porážku. pamatuj si, co říkal plch
teta Králoc na tom není nejlíp (už tak třicet let) ale strejda Králoc za to nemůže a teď alespoň může mít práci. pamatuj si, co říkal plch třikrát zaklepej na dřevo jinak to přestane být pravda a nebuď pověrčivá a šetři vodou a zhasínej světla v kuchyni a když slyšíš mámin hlas jak tě volá z hvozdu nechoď za ní (není to ona).
pamatuj si, co říkal plch
miminka nosí čáp princezny zachrání princ berušky předpovídají počasí a malé holčičky končí znásilněné ve škarpě když chodí pozdě domů. — Co říkal plch, 2024
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pavolkollar · 11 months
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alenekecej · 1 year
This guy is u as a mouse.
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Which is funny because this is a *dor*mouse which is a species of rodent but they stand away from a normal mouse species for their furred tails! Look em up you’ll like it
we call these "plch"
I love it thank you for your wisdom
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mccarthymolly · 2 years
Ok either, hm, empty seem,
Replicating tv not feeling or benefiting from ambience maybej,kk,,
Paranoid amyebj,,j
Dk hm ww,uh,,maye uh dnki,
Hw cd do uni after internet hm uh nk . Hm he cd,. Freak. N syh,uh,hm,uh,n,o,uj,,h,wt uh
Js sign dot. Not good for being tough or macho, stop trying intervening, u ruin ur relationship past n future by trying others. Stop man
Hm no uh,m,k
Hm weather can come back, saddest, understand or exp inness,hj,,,hm,uh, mythey, maybe,songey,ww,dk,uh,j,,h,, j ww,o,j,,i,j,
Movies doable bc expensive n themes hard ,ww,jk,not much not mainstreameys?
Ww same mistakes agn
Ik we were kids b too pnfl, ww,k,,
Air ww y df ,dk,uh plch,j,uh,hm,hm,say littl j,
Hair rlf ww, nk
Ltl knwldg,ok,um,dk,uh,o,j
Kmybe inflnch,
Soapbox isnt teaching or xplng cntxts,
Distracting social pain at uni h o,o ,dk
Mybe i cd be prof. Wwhj ,i,,k,mybe,to each other h,
Lf hm uh yh,jm ,i
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wumpmucket · 5 years
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Thanks to our wonderful audience who attended the Cincinnati premiere of "Space is the Place" at the Mount Washington Branch Library. @cincylibrary #WumpMucketPuppets #plch #CincinnatiLibrary #MtWashington #SpaceisthePlace #puppetshow #summerreadingprogram #STEM #Summer2019 #libraryevent #puppets #Puppeteer #puppetry #touringpuppeteer #DiY #artist #ArtistsOnTour #librarylife #Cincinnati #Ohio #shareJOY #makebelieveinyourself #Space #puppetsROCK (at Mt. Washington Library) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByZ6_Ejg9dI/?igshid=1oj288yyknuri
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secretsinajewel · 6 years
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My high stepping babies! #PLCHS Others might run, but we gon Step!! 💜❤️💜❤️
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ehlnofay · 2 years
a cat is poking my knee (and going ppprhrpphphrhrppprrpp plch)
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mcatmemoranda · 2 years
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The first image is algorithm 2.
Diffuse parenchymal lung diseases consist of disorders of known causes (rheumatic disease, environmental or drug related) as well as disorders of unknown cause. The latter include idiopathic interstitial pneumonias, granulomatous lung disorders (eg, sarcoidosis), and other forms of interstitial lung disease including lymphangioleiomyomatosis, pulmonary Langerhans cell histiocytosis/histiocytosis X, and eosinophilic pneumonia. The interstitial pneumonias are further categorized as chronic fibrosing, acute or subacute fibrosing, or smoking related. Lymphoid interstitial pneumonia is typically associated with other disease processes, such as rheumatic disease or immunosuppression; idiopathic lymphoid interstitial pneumonia is rare.
DPLD: diffuse parenchymal lung disease; IIP: idiopathic interstitial pneumonia; LAM: lymphangioleiomyomatosis; PLCH: pulmonary Langerhans cell histiocytosis/histiocytosis X.
Introduction – Cryptogenic organizing pneumonia (COP) is one of the idiopathic interstitial pneumonias (algorithm 2). When organizing pneumonia is seen in association with other processes, such as connective tissue diseases, a variety of drugs, malignancy, or other interstitial pneumonias, it is called secondary organizing pneumonia.
●Clinical presentation – Disease onset is typically in the fifth or sixth decades of life with males and females affected equally. Most patients are symptomatic for less than two months and have a clinical presentation that mimics community-acquired pneumonia (eg, cough, dyspnea with exertion, weight loss). Approximately half of cases are heralded by a flu-like illness.
●Evaluation – The most common chest imaging features of COP are multiple ground-glass or consolidative opacities that tend to be at the lung periphery (image 4 and image 6 and image 8). Pulmonary function tests (PFTs) usually show a restrictive pattern with an associated gas transfer defect.
●Bronchoscopy – Frequently, flexible bronchoscopy is performed to obtain bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) samples to evaluate for infection, hemorrhage, and malignancy. A transbronchial biopsy is sometimes performed during the procedure to obtain tissue for histopathologic and microbiologic studies. However, a surgical lung biopsy (thoracoscopic or open) is generally preferred over transbronchial biopsy to make a definitive diagnosis of COP.
●Histopathology – Histopathologic lesions characteristic of COP include excessive proliferation or "plugs" of granulation tissue within alveolar ducts and alveoli, associated with chronic inflammation in the surrounding alveoli (table 2).
●Diagnosis – The diagnosis of COP requires histopathologic identification of a predominant pattern of organizing pneumonia and the exclusion of any possible cause, which may be relatively evident or may require a laborious search (table 1). In addition, several diseases are in the differential diagnosis of COP and need to be excluded.
●Initial therapy – The decision to initiate therapy and the choice of initial therapy for COP depend on the severity of symptoms and degree of pulmonary function impairment at presentation, the radiographic extent of disease, and the rapidity of progression.
•For patients with COP who are minimally symptomatic and have absent or only mild abnormalities on pulmonary function tests, it is reasonable to monitor without therapy pending any worsening of symptoms or pulmonary function. Patients are reassessed at 8 to 12 week intervals regarding any increase in symptoms, worsening of pulmonary function, or progression of the radiographic opacities.
•For symptomatic patients with moderate or more severe respiratory impairment due to COP, we recommend initiation of systemic glucocorticoid therapy (Grade 1B). The usual dose is the equivalent of prednisone 0.75 to 1 mg/kg per day (using ideal body weight) to a maximum of 100 mg/day given as a single oral dose in the morning; most patients respond to a dose of 60 mg per day.
•For patients with rapidly progressive disease or actual/impending respiratory failure, we suggest initial high-dose glucocorticoid therapy with methylprednisolone 500 to 1000 mg intravenously each day for three to five days rather than a lower oral dose (Grade 2C). We often add a second immunosuppressive agent, such as cyclophosphamide, in such patients.
●Good response to glucocorticoids – Glucocorticoid therapy usually induces clinical improvement and clearing of the opacities on chest imaging of several days to a few weeks. Oral glucocorticoid therapy is gradually tapered as tolerated over 6 to 12 months. Relapses are common upon stopping or reduction of glucocorticoids, often leading to prolonged treatment.
●Inability to taper glucocorticoids – For patients who are unable to taper glucocorticoids to a level that does not cause intolerable adverse effects, we suggest adding a second immunosuppressive agent (Grade 2C); azathioprine is a reasonable choice, although data are limited.
●Mitigating adverse effects of therapy – Glucocorticoid treatment is associated with a variety of side effects. Steps to minimize the adverse effects (eg, infection, osteoporosis, myopathy, adrenal suppression) of systemic glucocorticoids are discussed separately.
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francehockey · 5 years
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Hockey - Les cinq choses à savoir sur la première phase du championnat de D2 par @thonyPerchat via Vosges Matin La première partie de la saison de D2, où le Epinal Hockey Club entend avoir son mot à dire, qui s'ouvre ce samedi va durer jusqu'au 8 février 2020.
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upgradeovertheyear · 3 years
Меня иногда умиляет словацкий.
Сегодня наткнулась на слово plch. Думаю, ну что можно назвать плх?? А это, оказывается, лесная соня. Божечки, посмотрите на эту милоту.
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Мне также понравились слова veľryba (вельриба) - кит, pažerák (пажерак) - пищевод, uterák (утерак) - полотенце. Очень логично, знаете ли.
А еще у них есть одна очень интересная скороговорка, состоящая только из согласных (она на чешском так же звучит):
strč prst skrz krk - стрч пр��т скрз крк
Означает она "просунь палец сквозь горло". Тут смысл не в переводе, а в отсутствии гласных, конечно же :)
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lobster-child · 3 years
hi :3
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*materializes beside you*
*puts this in your hand*
(it scuttles rapidly up your arm with a plch plch plch type sound, leaving a trail of slimy footprints)
them!! oh them! I hold them dear and will feed them cucumber slices and tuck them in at night
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que terrible es la educación online ctmmmmmm, extraño las salas con el desmadre absoluto de lxs estudiantes plch
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cicutta · 3 years
me vengo a quejar de q nadie me invita a salir ctm y no considero ser tan fea o pesada plch
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