#ple ask questions cuz I’m very hyper fixated lmao
12bleupwhat12 · 1 year
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Kaneko Rie (金児利恵)
“My name is Kaneko Rie, 18 years old. I’m currently doing my entrance exams… well… was.”
Character Description
An odd and respectful prisoner, to a certain extent. Rie has a warm and friendly demeanour, like an open book in a different language, however often unconsciously getting on people’s nerves with her intellect. Her knowledge on certain subjects like math and medicine are far beyond her age, unsettlingly so. When interacting with her seniors or those in a higher position, she will talk respectfully and use formal honourifics. While with those younger than her, she takes a much more laidback approach, falling into an older sister role. This habit however complicates her language with the guard, shall she be formal? Or treat Es their age?
Name: Kaneko Rie (金児利恵)
Name meaning: Kane (金) golden/metal. Ko (児) child. Ri (利) value. E (恵) blessing.
Age: 18
Birthday: October 15th
Height: 163 cm
Blood type: AB
Text colour: Fern green (#85A834)
Occupation: Highschool student
T1 song title: Optimised Design
T1 voice lines
“Murderer, huh? Well you say ‘tomato’ I say ‘tomato.’ You’ll soon understand right?”
“Quite the place you got here! Hey, you’re not gonna be strict about tidiness, yeah? Oh… yeah of course, we’re in a prison.”
“You sure have a nice job going for you, must be making your folks proud.”
“Feel bad about what I did? Well I never thought about it… I don’t know…”
“D—‘t worry, y—‘ll be safe s—on”
T1 relationships (Template by @clover0101 :D)
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Oh em gee, Bloop made a MILGRAM oc :0 Tbh, I’ve wanted to make a oc for this fandom for a lonnnggggg time, but now I finally got my lazy ass to make one. Anyway, I’ve slotted her in as the 11th prisoner in canon MILGRAM because I’m too lazy to make 9 more and 1 guard (it’d be fun but naux), so I’m keeping her here or if anyone wants to adopt her into their ocgram, ofc 🤭🤭🤭. Anyway, feel free to ask questions, I am prepared >:). Alsooooo, what she doing at the bottom? what’s that glitch line? Smth to do with her sin perhaps???
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