#please avoid the history section if you still see the post and don't want spoilers
phantomoftheorpheum · 8 months
can i ask you to ramble about the artful dodger please?? your gifset is sooo pretty so im curious what its about!
Oh my God, have you come to the right place. There is nothing I would love to do more rn. Okay, so-
The Artful Dodger is basically (pretentious film & tv people are gonna absolutely despise this description) a post-canon/slightly canon divergent fanfiction set in the world of Dickens' Oliver Twist, following Jack Dawkins (The Artful Dodger) 15 years after the events of Oliver Twist.
So, quick recap of Oliver Twist (spoilers, obviously) for anyone who isn't familiar with that story- Oliver is this little orphan kid in England in the 18(30/40s?) << I don't believe the exact date is stated, but it was seemingly contemporary to when Dickens wrote it, which was 1837-1839. Oliver runs away from an orphanage to London and ends up meeting Jack (The Artful Dodger, AKA "Dodger" or "Dodge"), a street kid in London who takes him in. Jack is known as The Artful Dodger because he is particularly talented at pickpocketing/thieving, which is what he and the other kids he lives with do to survive. They are all "looked after" by a character called Fagin, who is basically using this child gang to support himself and his greed (listen, we can talk about Fagin's character in the show vs the books at some point if you want, but I want to keep this section brief), and Jack is the favorite because he is the best. Anyway, stuff happens, Oliver ends up having a long lost inheritance and gets to live a life of wealth, Jack is caught pickpocketing and sent to Australia (at that time a penal colony), Fagin is arrested and hanged.
*This post is relatively spoiler free for the show, but not 100%, since it's impossible to talk about without discussing character's actions, personalities, relationships, etc. However I'm doing my best to avoid any major spoiler plot points.
This show, The Artful Dodger (Hulu/Disney+) picks up 15 years later, with a few small alterations to the Oliver Twist ending. In the canon of this show, Jack was arrested for pickpocketing, but escaped prison, joined the navy, and was taught to be a surgeon. After his time in the navy, he now lives in Australia and is a doctor in a town called Port Victory, but seeing as he is also an escaped convict, he would be hanged if his past were discovered. Fagin (who dies in the original version of Oliver Twist) was spared by Oliver, and has now been sent to Port Victory as a convict. Obviously this will be a problem for Jack, who is hiding his past.
SO, with that out of the way, the premise of the show is basically this-
Jack is now a surgeon trying to live a lawful life, which is disrupted when Fagin arrives in Port Victory and threatens to expose his past and attempts to draw him back into a life of crime. Simultaneously, Jack meets Belle (totally OC for this show), the governor's daughter, who wants to be a surgeon and is willing to go to extreme lengths to get there. Unsurprisingly, Jack and Belle (who are both pretty stubborn and sassy personalities) clash in many ways, but also share common passion & interests, and thus the stage is set for the show.
So you've got two key dynamics to the show- Jack & Fagin, who have a long history (Fagin often tries to claim to be a father figure in Jack's life, which Jack rejects, as Fagin abandoned Jack when he was arrested in order to save himself) and different priorities/agendas, and Jack & Belle, who have just met, and are still trying to figure each other out. They are of very different pasts, class, mindsets/life philosophies, and this dynamic provides a lot of tension/humor/emotion (if your ask is talking about the gifset that I think, then you already know a bit about where this leads).
The show has elements of comedy, adventure, crime, romance, medical drama, etc. There are additional side plots/characters, but Belle, Jack, and Fagin are at the center of it. It's a lot of fun and only 8 eps, so I definitely recommend it to anyone who is interested! TW: blood/surgery shown on screen quite often.
Anyway, on a personal note, this show feels like it was made for me. I had this absolute obsession with The Artful Dodger character as a child; he's one of the first characters I was ever super emotionally attached to, and led to me wanting to write. For this reason, I paid to have an Artful Dodger tattoo designed while I was in college (though I have not gotten it yet, as it's part of a bigger piece that I'm still mentally workshopping) like as a reminder of why I love telling stories. So I was incredibly nervous for this show, since it was touching a character who has been fundamental to my own creative passions, so I am happy to report that it exceeded my expectations. It probably helps that I've been part of the fanfic community for a long time, so seeing "alternate" versions of characters I'm familiar with doesn't faze me too much, and I think all the actors did a great job with their performances/characters.
So if you're still here at the end of my ramblings and you think that the show sounds like a fun time, definitely check it out! I'd be willing to do a more spoilery version of one of these at some point, but I didn't want to get into heavy spoilers in a introductory post.
Thanks for asking!! <33
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thepinkproof · 2 years
The Operator: Explained
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If you have finished you probably have alot of questions, this post will answer majority but feel free to comment or use the ask question box and I will answer them all! Thank you for making it this far in the book. We are about half way through.
ALSO, after request i’ve decided to do a tag list please comment if you want to be added
Character Orgins/Terms
What is a Pukka on Earth?
Most Pukkas on Earth attends Greenwood University. Pukkas are innocent people who don't participate in serious crimes. They simply live their lives and attend college. They do not have powers and are human.
What are Pukkas on the Planet Bangtan?
Pukkas on the planet Bangtan are citizens who are good hearted. They have a longer lifespan, and basic powers because Jungkook gave them the green matter.
What about Ringstar?
It's the same concept, good people who have no plans for evil. Except Ringstar citizens have powers.
Who are Pukkas?
Rosé (Ringstar)
Lily (Ringstar)
What is an Abom?
Abom is short for abominable. Majority are people who have committed serious crimes (assault, murder etc). Aboms are also people who have bad intentions and are selfish.
Who are Aboms?
Taehyung (murder, assault)
Lance (bad intentions)
Elaine (bad intentions, set girls up to get raped)
Yoongi (bad intentions)
Sana (murder, assault)
Andre (assault)
Abby (assault)
Woah, what about Jungkook and Jimin? Are they Aboms or Pukkas?
Royals in this book don't really use the classification because they believe they are above it. The Aboms/Pukkas classification was made by Jungkook so he is neither.
If the royals used the classification for themselves Jimin would be a Pukka, Queen Shay would be a Pukka, King Ash would be an Abom. But this is useless information because they are above the classification.
Can a Pukka turn into an Abom, vice versa?
Yes! If you remember Sana use to be a Pukka but turned into an Abom! Also, Jungkook's intentions is to turn Aboms into Pukkas, which is why many of them turned on Bangtan.
I'm confused about the differences of Ringstar and Bangtan.....
Bangtan is the homeplanet of Jungkook and Jimin. The people there used to have a shorter lifespan. A rock fell to Bangtan giving Jungkook's royal line powers.
People from Bangtan:
Their Grandparents
Ringstar is a high tech planet where everyone has BASIC POWERS. The rock that fell on Bangtan was originally from Ringstar. All powers originate from Ringstar.
People from Ringstar:
Queen Shay
King Ash
What are Basic Powers and Who have what powers?
When I say basic powers it means:
Super Senses, Super Speed, Super Strength and Healing
*some powers have not been discovered yet and will not be named to avoid spoilers
Jungkook's Powers: Basic Powers, Brainwashing, Telekensis (moving things with your mind), seeing darkest desires, immortality (unable to die), healing
Jimin: Basic powers, limited Brainwashing, seeing people's happiest desires, healing
King Ash: Basic Powers, telekinesis, formerly had immortality, mindreading
Queen Shay: immorality, basic powers
Rosé: Basic Powers
Lily: Basic Powers, strong warrior (combat)
Hold on, Why is Jungkook so powerful?
Jungkook father is KING ASH and his family has the green matter in their blood. He is more powerful than anyone because he come from two strong bloodlines.
Why is Jimin powerful?
Because as the line of Jungkook's family go down (the more children they have) the more powerful they become.
What Planet is everyone most powerful on?
Everyone is most powerful on Ringstar but all characters still have powers when they are on other planets.
What is Storm's race?
She has an alien Korean mother and a human black father. She identify as black and does not yet know of her alien history.
Storm's race was not a personal choice to satisfy myself, but it is important to the storyline. It is not for no reason
Is Storm and Taehyung related for real?
No! They are siblings by adoption. They aren't biologically related?
Birth Name: Cho Nari
Name after Adoption: Kim Nari
*Kim was given by her and Taehyung's non- korean adoptive parents to keep their original names hidden without erasing their culture.
Nickname: Storm (given by Taehyung)
Most commonly used name: Kim Storm
Who is Storm's mom?
Lillian (Lily) is Storm's mother. More will be explained soon.
Rosé and Storm are cousins?
Yes they are.
How does Ringstar people look like?
Pink eyes, glowy skin and hair
and Bangtan?
Green eyes and glowy skin and hair
Who is dead so far in the story?
Elaine (by Jungkook)
Lily (by Taehyung)
Sana (by Jungkook)
Andre (by Jungkook)
Abby (by Jungkook)
King Ash (by Jungkook)
Jungkook’s and Jimin mother (by herself)
anyone in Jungkook’s and Jimin family like thats not Jimin father is dead. Grandparents killed by Jungkook, others died of old age.
Characters WTF Behavior???
If Ford is a Pukka, why live with Jungkook?
Jungkook offered it to him and he actually respects Jungkook. He just doesn't want to be involved with everything.
Is Taehyung romantically or in love with Storm?
No, he isn't in love with her nor is he a yandere. He is just protective.
Why is Taehyung kind of crazy…?
This is a Jungkook book but I plan on doing a Taehyung oneshot explaining why he acts like that after the story ends
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