#please brennan and IH cast...
froschdoesstuff · 4 months
May we receive inkblade headcanons?
Absolutely!! :D this is before the finale part 2 obvs so these might bite me in the ass by oh welll. Most of these are about Oisin.... whoops... but he's still my beloved I have faith (please please please Please)
Despite if Oisin is evil or not (not going into THAT discourse) I like to think that his crush is or at least was genuine on Adaine and was still there, but that Jace decided they could use it to their advantage in the plan (cause Porter wouldn't be able to think of that, he thinks adaine is Baelwyn ffs).
On that I think it formed in a wizardry schools 101 type class in freshman year cause a head canon I have about Oisin is that he is genuinely interested in divination but conjuration was seen as more beneficial for the rat grinders. I think it is a thing where he just saw her as so interesting and knowledgeable but didn't know how to approach her cause let's be honest, killing Doreen on the first day would be scary news to ANY other freshman too.
I think that Oisin is a little bit miffed that Adaine is very good when it comes to knowing what to summon and when, like the mephits in the Last Stand, especially with the rage crystals he currently has, because from an outside perspective things do seem to come easy to Adaine.
IF Oisin is brought back and is purified from the rage (PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE) I think he would probably apologise so much for the quip before the storm and Dragons and while Adaine will definitely a while to get over it would eventually find it funny. Like yeah, slightly deserved for making fun of a random dead lady...
I have a head canon that they have spoken before and were paired for a group research project in freshman year but Adaine was pretty focused on the mystery so she doesn't remember it. Despite having Tiberia they did get an A on their assignment (not 100% cause its Tiberia.) Oisin still has the paper they wrote saved on his laptop.
That's all I have the now they're not great cause I'm sick af but ya!!! I hold out the slightest bit of hope...
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sixthsensewulf · 3 months
I've said it once I think. . But I will say it again. .
Have the CR cast in the dome again. Bring back Matt as a DM or a Player. . have the chaos of Sam and Zac as a duo. Or throw Travis with Zac. Have Brennan DM another CR mini series. .but bring some of his IH into the world of the CR team.
Give us a CR group fight against the Bad Kids. . Please. .. .
Like come on. . If the CR fans want to complain, the IH don't care. . have the non D20 viewer that watches CR only find the joys in an Emily PC that is Paladin/Bard/Warlock. . . Or in a Zac PC that is Artificer/Barbarian. . Bonus points if Zac does some Artificer spells first then rages.
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