#please don't flood my mentions with garbage for this
cyberpunkboytoy · 4 months
Hey y'all, I might be taking out my ass here, but the timing of this new data-selling AI business is either an extremely unfortunate coincidence or a calculated attempt to draw attention away from Tumblr's transphobia problem.
Like, if they were hoping to use bad press to distract from The Thing They Have Lawsuits Over, a pretty safe move would be to shift focus onto something that by Tumblr's own admission has very few existing laws. Just a thought.
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tmbgaresuck · 7 months
Listen. I am SECRETLY a super TMBG hater, disguised as a TMBGhead...your posts are so true to me!
Real stories that are so horrifying that people think they aren't true!
I just don't know how people get past this! It's like there's
Zillions of terrible things...
Zero things the johns could ever do right!
Please, your word should be spread!
Extraordinary how these things could go under so many noses!
Noses...big, fat, oblivious noses.
Great that you are willing to spread the word of such terrible stories.
Unless...people won't listen. Words are never spread ...but ignored.
I truly believe you should be believed! The Johns literally came to my house last night and stole my turtleneck collection!
Not even to mention what they've done to the poor they/thems of the world...
Spread your word, Tmbgaresuck. You have my full support.
its honestly so disturbing how much TMBG fans are willing to let the johns get away with. They both say evil and fucked up things all the time, and sing about fucked up things (i think hideaway folk family was a warning to the world). TMBG will turn a blind eye to ANYTHING (such as the song when will you die???) and their songs don't make much sense either (what does hoobalicious mean again??). TMBG fans will go to violent ends to protect their music, such as teasing, taunting, and throwing your bookbag in the garbage. They love TMBG so much they can't even realize that it sucks and they should listen to Ween.
I will try my best to spread the word before my inevitable death *cough cough marty beller the hit man cough cough*
As with your turtlenecks, I'm sorry but I don't know if you'll ever get those back. They don't even wear the turtlenecks they steal half of the time, they just steal them to make your life more miserable and bad. Its like a prank thought up by teenage boys but they aren't teenage boys, they are 80 year old men. They should be playing shuffleboard, not Flood! Your police department might do nothing, I know mine doesn't! I make biweekly calls about TMBG and they have started calling social workers on me.
My heart goes out to all the they/thems of the world. I'm sorry your pronouns are being used by john FAILSBURGH and john BIG L. I bet when they introduce themself to a TMBGhead, the tmbghead is all like "they? Iike might be giants?"
signing off,
Tumblr media
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gyubby99 · 1 year
Tumblr media
Julia pls
Tw: mentions of R*pe, a guy named Jason.
Also, they're not together in this. Just mere acquaintances.
"Aponi, dear, are you in there?"
She was. He knew she was.
She was in the room, but she'd dare not to speak for it could bring her walls down.
Even if her intentions in this hotel is pure and this was some sort of "therapy sessions but you get a free room" type of program, she still had trouble telling everyone about it.
The mark on her neck.
"Hmm.." a radio static was heard from the other side of the door. "You know, I'll be the first to down that jambalaya if you don't come out!" The radio demon exclaimed, trying to bribe her into coming out. His voice switching from static to normal for a brief moment.
She so often would fall for it, but not this time.
"Aponi?" He called out once more.
No. She couldn't. She just couldn't. For once in her life she just wanted to be alone.
Memories flooded her mind of what had happened moments after she died almost 50 years ago.
Ghosts of his lips biting hers, his hands pulling her hair as he tells her she was the fairest of all.
If she was so fair, how come he threw her away like garbage?
"You're so beautiful, princess"
Aponi slammed her hand over her mouth, clutching her eyes close as she sat on the floor, shaking.
Even in the afterlife his ghost had managed to get a hold of her.
She never should have looked in that mirror.
"Alrighty, then! I guess I'll save some for you!" Alastor stated before he walked away, footsteps fading as he steps away further from her room.
She couldn't care less about anyone at the moment.
"My friend, I've decided to bring you some jambalaya instead! Let me just put it here," Alastor suddenly bursted into her room with a small tray in hand, putting it on her table.
Aponi let out a shriek of horror as she realized that he had the keys to each room. Therefore having the access to get in whenever he pleased, as much as he respects her privacy.
"As a devoted hotel staff, I assure that the guests have great services! err.." he stopped himself, looking down on Aponi.
A static noise as he tilted his head.
Shattered mirror glass. And the latest patient on the floor breaking down.
He cleared his throat. "Forgive my intrusion on your despair, but shall I call Charlotte to help with your specific situation?"
Aponi shook her head as she buried her head onto her knees, her arms wrapped around it.
"No.. just.. just leave me alone, please." Aponi cried weakly.
Alastor stayed silent, his eyes still on Aponi.
Then he caught a glimpse of something she was trying to hide.
Her neck.
But why?
Then he recalled the first time he saw her when he first arrived at the hotel.
There was a mark around her neck, that he thought was a unique birth mark, then again, why would she have a birthmark specifically in that area?
He put the pieces together.
She hung herself.
The shattered mirror, the turtlenecks, always making sure her hair covers her nape..
"If it is solitude you're asking for, my friend. Blow off some steam, I sometimes personally prefer to work on my grand schemes alone." Alastor tried to make her feel better, but he never knew how to.
He was apathetic to most of things.
Aponi chuckled. "Ofcourse."
Alastor bid farewell, before shutting her door close.
Aponi climbed to her bed and wrapped herself in a thick blanket, one that Niffty handmade.
"Stay still, you bitch!"
"Fuck.. you're a good kisser, Lilly."
Aponi sobbed onto her pillow, her mind acting on its own flashing memories upon itself. She'd gone out of control, like a broken radio that's full of static noises when you press play.
"Relax, princess. No one's gonna know!"
"This remains a secret between us."
"Make it stop, please.." she cried to no one.
"Make it stop.."
Aponi grumbled as she woke up, her eyes fluttering open and slowly she got a glimpse of the side of her bed.
Nothing special. Just a nightlamp, cup of water, the small thing she won from loo loo land with beginner's luck the first try..
And a box? A red box.
Aponi got up, still dizzy from passing out.
She needed that good cry.
She picked up the small box, examining it before finding a note.
It said, "Alastor" in red and next to it was a poorly drawn face of him smiling.
Aponi raised an eyebrow, wondering what possessed the demon to be concerned of her, let alone leave her a present in her sleep?
He could be Santa Claus next christmas.
She untied the red ribbon and opened the box albeit a little hastily.
Her eyes widened in surprise. How did he..
It was a choker in the colors of the butterfly wings on her back.
She tried it on and got up to look at herself in a piece of the shattered mirror.
Aponi smiled, a little amazed that the radio demon paid attention to the details of her wings, and was intelligent enough to know about what she had been breaking down about hours ago.
"I see you've been up," a familiar radio voice boomed, and her hotel room door was once again opened.
"Not too long, I just woke up." Aponi responded.
Alastor hummed. "Very well, then! What do you think?" He asks, gesturing to the choker she now wore.
"It's.. beautiful. Thank you, radio demon." Aponi thanked politely.
Alastor laughed. "You know my name, dear! Use it!" He exclaimed. "My mother came up with a better name for me than those loathesome sinners! Though I must admit, I like the title."
Sounds of laughter filled the room.
Aponi laughed as well as the sound he broadcasted. "Thanks, Alastor."
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