#please dont revoke my shipping card
sky-kiss · 8 months
hello <3 I’ve been lurking around the raphael tag little niche and I see that a fairly popular concept is tav/durge duchess (love the concept love the energy, very big fan of it in your fic as well) and I was wondering, since raphael struggles with sort of minimising how much his mortal side is perceived in favour of appearing as much as possible as a devil with a capital D (see his celebratory paintings being all about his devil form), whether that by itself would be a peculiar choice to take a mortal as a consort. or if you think he sort of did the math and went well tav/durge is a very effective asset he can keep close and its sort of worth it take the loss of sort exposing himself to other archdevils being judgemental over it (especially since the hells seem very much like a only devils can sit at the grown up table lmao)
/Stares at you. Sighs. Sips scotch/
So, I see. You're finally here to kill me, anon.
Alright. Let's get into it. If we're being entirely honest, I do not believe that Raphael would offer Tav/Durge a place as his consort. I genuinely don't. Especially not directly after they've given him the Crown. I've done it a few times recently, mostly because it's the only place to conveniently put it. And it works for short-form posts.
But if we are talking about genuine Raphael, it's my opinion that he would not offer. He may be fond of you, but his version of fondness would translate more to like...how fond you are of a good dog, or a subcontractor who put in great work. You aren't equals. "Friends," but not equals. Raphael's interest in Tav/Durge stems from what they can provide him. Once he has the Crown, he sees himself as having succeeded. You might meet for drinks like he's promised, but he has no reason to continue the relationship.
However, there is something to be said for an adventurer's soul. And Tav/Durge would be a massive catch further down the line. By the endgame, the TadFools are a bunch of freaks if we're power scaling. They're only level 12, but the games mechanics and the psycho gear they acquire allows them to punch well above their weight class. With their stat blocks, their party of four could probably fight Zariel. And on that note, because of game mechanics, Raphael could probably take Zariel (based on her 5E statblock) in a cage match, even without the Crown. He'd at least make it close. That's how powerful the crew is by the end. So, they would be a crazy powerful asset to acquire.
To the point of offering them the role of consort: no. I don't think he'd do it. Not right after the Crown, at least. And it's something I wish I'd made clearer in my long fic. I'd clarify it in a rewrite. Raphael never actually offers Joi/Durge the role of consort. Haarlep moves for her to be in that role. Haarlep informs Mephistopheles that she's his new consort. Meph is the first one to actually state it and does this in front of Dispater to discredit his son. Raphael then plays along with it in order to build his influence with the succubi/incubi. It's self-preservation, power, and arrogance that motivates the decision, not affection.
So uh...yeah. Sorry. I don't....I don't think he'd take Tav/Durge as his consort. Maybe after he's had his assbeat for a while? And they crusade and prove themselves to be incredibly useful?
But we lie to ourselves for fiction. Sorry for the longpost.
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etherealkawai · 4 years
Here’s a rant now. So...... please, I’ll start going off about s**ouma/(a,i) o**asai. (u,m). I will NOT hold back on it. And I’ll just basically scream and etc. on this post because just fuck it at this point.
S**ouma was the main cause of my traumatic experience considering so many people hated me for two things, not liking their basic toxic ship and thinking a fictional character is bisexual. It’s probably the main reason on why I’m problematic and lowkey mean, because I try my hardest to be nice but sometimes if you revoke me I will not hold back, so I just. 😐. Don’t act suprised and defenseless when I’m talking about what I dislike and it crosses to your interests. I don’t even care if your a nice s**ouma shipper, you SCARE ME. I don’t want to hear it, it’s for my mentality because it’s ON MY BLOG. My blog shouldn’t be open to people I don’t want on it. I’m trying to be happier by opening this fucking blog but if you s**ouma reposters keep coming on this fucking blog I will deactivate it. I can see every single reblog and like and all that stuff, your not an exclusion. One last time, any people who even think s**ouma is an okay thing to let slide DONT INTERACT.
Actually, since I’m getting even, I’m gonna tell you why I don’t like s**ouma and why it scares me sooo badly because Kokichi’s with “someone who doesn’t even want shit to do with him” or because I’m “being defensive.”
To be TRUTHFULLY HONEST with you the entire dynamic they have going on (subdued and neutral protag x wild card antag with a huge personality) is my least favorite in the world. It simply puts me to sleep bc i feel like every time they talk it’s kokichi saying some wild funny shit and shuichi just going “um o-ok” or *uncomfortable silence* instead of engaging with him in any entertaining or meaningful way. Shuichi is shown to be enamored with people that act like kokichi’s total opposite and kichi’s interest in him feels so unnatural and empty to me.. nor did he even have much of an interest in him, bro. And it’s handled so.. erratically. His “affection” lasts from chapter 4 - chapter 4 trial, disappears, and then you find his whiteboard calling shuichi tricky/untrustworthy?? It’s weird. and It’s not a result of spending time with shuichi and like, bonding with him as a person. It’s just that he’s the only semi-intelligent person left in the school. (Minus maki, Theres an ER trip waiting to happen.) Which would make kokichi a “sapiosexual” and I just can’t-
It’s VERY easy to say that the “Pathetic? Look at yourself, Kokichi. Kaito always has us by his side, see? But no one wants to be around you. You're alone, Kokichi. And you always will be." didn't show no "I love you kokichi and I will forever please stay with me." Type of thing. It was more of a "You are a monster from hell and I hate you because of it." Type of thing. And honestly? I fucking love it. IT LITERALLY STATES THAT SHUICHI IS AFRAID OF OUMA.
Now for Kokichi’s sexuality.... for those fujoshis out there who think short boys = gay, (not saying short males can’t be gay) I’m gonna have to tell you to shut the fresh quivering fuck up. Like.. you missed me with that bullshit. I can assume Kokichi is bisexual because it never confirmed he was gay now huh? 🙃 kodaka never stated it, and it’s freedom of expression for me to state he’s bisexual. Saying “he’s half gay still!!” Is bisexual erasure and once again, I’m gonna have to tell you to shut the absolute fuck up because you’ll make me want to take you rights away as soon as the words utter out of your mouth! 😁 btw, this was written by a bisexual girl herself so...... I guess I’m half lesbian now.
In a summary: don’t bring up s**ouma, don’t come to me if your a s**ouma account, support the ship in general, it’s a trigger. My kindness is only a mask because I swear I will literally rip you limb by limb if you say something uncalled for. I’m nice because I chose to be and I can easily just switch off. 😇
Now that I’ve got that all of my chest, does anyone wanna chat? ^^
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