#please excuse my shabby cropping skills
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DB. Kirara and Vicky are both lesbians and in a romantic relationship!
req. by @benchitheidiot ! (ur a mod 🐉 )
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maknaes-and-hyungs · 6 years
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Pairing: Yixing x Contestant Reader
Group: Exo/ Idol Producer
Genre:Fluff, Slow Burn, Perhaps angst in the future
Chapter: <<Prev 1 next>>
Note: OMG I’ve had this for like a month or two and I’m sorry it took me so long to get to it. The second week of May was finals and now I’m on break and I wanted to rest before writing again so that’s why I’ve been gone. However I’m back and really missed writing. So I decided to make this more then one part, because you wanted the falling in love to take time. I’m not great at slow burnish stuff, but I will do my best!~Rin
P.S. I forget how I format my post so I always have to open up my blog and look at my previous posts. I am hopeless.
Request: Hi👋🏻 Can you write me a Yixing x reader (kinda an AU) where Yixing hosts idol producer girl ver. and the reader is a contestant there and they fall in love? (You don’t have to rush the falling in Love part haha) It’d be awesome if you could write one xD Thanks in advance xx
“Shhhhh-” One look from your leader and you stopped mid swear. You were being recorded for the second season of Idol Producer after all. Of course everyone claimed it wasn’t lady like, but you would say fuck that bullshit.
“Please behave yourself Y/N. We are representing Yuehua after all and we wouldn’t want to besmirch the legacy that the boys gained us last season.” Eyes rolled, you followed after her and walked to the middle of the floor as the other trainees gazed on the eight of you. Whispers of wonderment drifted through the air, but you were only focused on finding a place to sit.
All of the groups had sat together, but you honestly weren’t too fond of your label mates or the idea that you had to be a team against all others;Here you became individuals all fighting for a spot meaning that label loyalty would do you nothing. So, as your “teammates” walked to the left and up the stairs you stood in place which prompted more sinister whispers to crop up.
“Y/N now isn’t the time to space out silly.” The maknae of your group turned to you with a sweet smile that hid the hatred you faced everyday in practice. The fakeness was sickening and so you gave an unamused look and turned to the right set of stairs. To prevent them from turning around and pretending that this was some game you all played you chose a single seat at the end of the row next to another company.
The other trainees looked back and forth between you guys until the other seven Yuehua trainees huffed and strutted up near the top. You smiled smugly and leaned back into your seat ready to be named as the mean girl of the season. Of course you would turn people on their heels when you started making friends with everyone.You might come off as prickly at first, but somehow making friends came easily to you.
“I’m Y/N.” You put your hand out to the girl beside you and she shook it apprehensively, “You’re Feng Mian right?”
“Uh...yeah how did you know?”
“I saw that cover you did of Pristin’s Wee Woo. You’re super talented plus you fit the meaning of your name and its a great meaning at that.”
“Oh? And what is that meaning?”
“’ Falling asleep in the woods as the breeze swishes through ‘. You really have a calming and peaceful look about you.” Feng Mian looked surprised before she covered her mouth and giggled at how you described her.
“I thought you were rude, but in fact you’re quite friendly. I look forward to hanging out and performing with you. I’m surprised your name isn’t shu.(Meaning “kind” or “warm hearted”)” It was your turn to laugh, but before you could reply the next group was coming out and you both decided to focus you attention back to the front.
Group after group filed in, bowed, and searched for a place to sit while the rest of you whispered about them. The already seated girls commented on the trainees they recognized due to their skills or the outfits that made themselves seem shabby in comparison. It went on like this into the early morning hours and by then most girls were just fighting to stay awake leaving the judging for the mentors who were to come. It was in a lull after the final trainee came out that the mentors finally revealed themselves.
Zhou Jieqiong, Cheng Xiao, Jackson, MC Jin and Li Ronghao all came out exclaiming their greetings into their mics and waking us up. Then the man we had all been anticipating came out, Zhang Yixing, and without any prompting we all became alert and greeted the people before us.
“I know you are all tired, but the show is about to really start now! I am the nation’s producer Zhang Yixing and these are the mentors that will help in fostering the talent in all of you. Before you fall asleep let’s get right into the performances with Yuehua Entertainment.”
Finally you could perform and get these nerves you had been feeling out of your system. The rest of your group had sat lower then you so they arrived on the floor before you. The judges assumed that what they saw was the entirety of Yuehua and began their spiel.
“Sorry, but I’m also in Yuehua.” You cut off Yixing and bowed apologetically as you joined your “team mates” in front. The mentors gave curious looks and turned around to search for the empty seats.
“Why were you off by yourself?” Yixing gave you a strong look that implied he wasn’t happy with this new information he had gained.
“Because I felt it would be better to get to know other trainees since I already know everything I can about my seven label mates.”
“Yes well there will be time for that later. Anyhow let’s see your performance.” Yixing didn’t seem satisfied with you, but you ignored him and got into position. You could feel an impending disaster with the performance that you had felt ever since the day it had been thought up. As the only rapper of the eight of you, you had been given a lot more to do and you weren’t sure you could do it. Your label mates had no desire to support you and cover for the areas you lacked in. You weren’t going to let that get to you though and you set out to do the best you could despite this.
One song later you all were slightly out of breath and slick with sweat. Some had tears in their eyes due to little slip ups they had here and there. You stood up from your crouched position and moved back to your spot at the end of the line and awaited the harsh comments.
“Y/N-”You bowed and stepped forward to hear what Jackson had to say, “you are the only rapper here and I feel disappointed in you a bit. Your skills weren’t lacking, but it seems that you tried to take over the stage since you are the only one with your skill set.”
“I apologize if that was how it seemed. However, I didn’t have a hand in planning out this routine as I was hospitalized. I do know that this doesn’t excuse me though, since I should’ve put in my two sense when I could and I maybe should’ve tried to train on of my fellow label mates so they could rap some of my parts if restructuring was not possible.” I bowed my head before continuing, “This is my fault and I take full responsibility.”
“Yet that isn’t enough.” I stood up from my bow surprised to see Yixing with an annoyed look on his face. “You are a team and yet you sit by yourself and won’t rely on them for anything so they can’t rely on you. I am disappointed in your team work.”
“I won’t make excuses for myself, but that isn’t fair because you have things backwards. They have never let me in and have shunned all my efforts to help them so I can’t rely on them as you have said. I don’t believe I did anything to warrant the treatment I have gotten, but maybe I have and-”
“I’ve heard enough.” Yixing waved a hand at you and the other judges looked at him in slight disapproval. “We will now discuss ranking.”
You waited in silence with anger beneath your skin that only grew as rankings were announced. Your label mates all got a’s and b’s while you got an f. You felt this unfair as the rest of the mentors seemed shocked at Yixing’s announcement like they had all felt differently.
“Y/N you let us down and I hope you change in the future. Next up-”
“I can’t change and improve if an unfair bias is set upon me from the start.” Yixing stopped mid sentence and looked at you in shock,”However, I won’t let that or your unfounded malice stop me. Thank you for your work.” You bowed and walked back to your seat leaving everyone stunned.
This was going to be a rougher ride then you had thought. Yixing was after you for no reason from the start and you had been put at the bottom. You would fight though and make it to where you were meant to be.
Disclaimer: I love my bias, my boi, my sheep, yixing with my heart. I swear he wont be like this always but ummm I need a villain so it has to be him.~rin
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