#please just go support art that isn’t owned by the mouse im just begging people to consume more things
thiagodasilva · 2 years
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can we talk about this?
how long have audiences been complaining that Hollywood has only been churning out sequels, remakes, adaptations, biopics, and/or Disney helmed projects? Don’t get me wrong, that is not to say that great cinema can’t come out of such projects, but we all know the fatigue is starting to hit and audiences crave more.
If you’re so tired of these things, I am asking you to go out and support original filmmaking. Go support indie filmmakers, international filmmakers and their projects when and where you are able to. When you see something you enjoy and think is worth the time, talk about it, share something about it. There are artists out here making things and putting it out for the world, and by making the small effort to watch and share their work, we can finally say that yes, we do want to see more original art from artists of all backgrounds, experiences and skill sets. We do want to see new work from new people and expand what we know the art of storytelling to be. Because I know that I want that, but I need more people to want that too.
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