#please pLEASE PEOPLE BOUNCE IDEAS WITH ME im going nuts
bloominglegumes · 5 months
im.hunting for secrets in the tf one trailer because i'm normal
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there are markings on this guy's chest and shoulder that seem too deliberately designed to not be some kind of writing, but comparing it to cybertronian alphabets that have been presented before, i cannot for the life of me make out what it could be
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bottom right purple text only has "MINE" visible in the shot
top middle text says "HA'LS" in gold (or at least i'm assuming it does, i'm not sure what the little dash in the middle is meant to be) and "BAR" in green
i hope they get in a bar fight. i love bar fight scenes
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just thought it was funny that "IACON 5000" is written in english,, i assume it's because this setting is more important to the story and other text is mainly easter egg purposes
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the clearest frames i could pick out showing megsy's first alt mode. just for fun
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alpha trion is some kind of mossy mystical cave unicorn creature
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alpha trion is some kind of mossy cave creature who plucks organs out of rusting bodies and shoves them into people no hesitation
note alpha trion is also huge. (comparable size to the very creature-type bodies all around this cave area?)
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this shot was deliberately chosen to highlight this dead guy for some reason
gold and blue, claws, big feathered wings ringing bells for anyone??
if they're an existing character, i don't know who it could be
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the way baby megs is kneeling, gently placing his hand on the face and talking to it seems reverent or like he's confiding in it, so like duh showing that he feels connected to it in some kind of intimate, emotional way
(dead bodies don't turn grey in this universe, judging from the winged blue+gold guy, so.is little megs hanging out with a giant head is that what's going on)
note d-16 has the decepticon insignia already on his left shoulder throughout the whole trailer, and it seems about as beat-up and grimy as the rest of him, so it has to have been there for a good while
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nanami-is-nanamean · 29 days
I like playing hsr-- as my irls say, im a bit of a grind/build player. I can attest to that, because no joke-- i spent an entire year just grinding and farming for materials for my characters. So you could say that im a bit well versed in how these characters work and run and tick. Of course, when you have two obsessions, its kind of inevitable that youd smash them together like dolls so--
Here's JJK characters typecasted as HSR characters
Please note that im more well versed in the characters as units so im gonna typecast them as such— i know jack about their plot and stories so i may or may not make a part two or more lmao
Lets go-- everything is under the cut
OH-- quick note!! Ill be doing the 06 class first because im more familiar with them, and most of my info comes from my own experience playing, and Prydwen my beloved lmao
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Gojo Satoru:
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For Gojo—as a unit, i wanna say that hes either the strongest unit currently or some kind of nuts shielder. Its an either or because duh. Bruv is Quite Literally The Strongest and Quite Literally Untouchable.
If were going with the former, aka the strongest—id say that he would be what is currently considered the meta, which is Acheron. I dont have an Acheron, but my friend does and she lent me her account so i can build her Acheron and other units and LET ME TELL YOU. HOLY SHIT. Even unbuilt, Acheron hits like a motherfucker dawg. Its genuinely crazy. Her Technique as well (heh) also lets her oneshot almost anything which is also inline with how he works. Jeez, i should probably go back to building her account...
If were going with the latter, aka nuts shielder ala Infinity, i was thinking either Fu Xuan or Aventurine—but settled on Fu Xuan as it filled out more of what Gojo could do. While she does actually take damage, as she directs damage to herself, she heals it all back which honestly?? Amazing symbolism for Gojo tbh—considering the fact that hes the most important figure in Jujutsu society, everyone would be fucking gunning for him man. And he'd just as easily bounce back and brush it all off with a quick smile and Purple. And speaking of purple—esteemed colleague, that is Just Her Ultimate.
But yeah—Gojo would be either Acheron or Fu Xuan, depending on what aspect of him were focusing on.
Geto Suguru:
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I'm gonna admit—this one was a little hard for me because who tf uses summons. And then it hit me.
Dear lord, my boy is just Topaz. Or Jing Yuan. LMAO—
Makes sense tho mechanically—Geto's technique is all about summoning curses to fight. Either for him or with him. Its just that the choice between Topaz and Jing Yuan capitalizes on what sort of fighting styles Geto wants to use. Topaz is more reliant on Numby doing damage, while Jing Yuan can do damage on his own without the help of Lightning Lord. This means then that Topaz is if Geto wants his curses to fight for him, and Jing Yuan is if he wants to fight with his curses.
Also the fact that I considered Sushang for him just because she summons a giant fucking chicken for her ult is. W o w .
Shoko Ieiri:
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Dawg. To be honest with you. I think this is gonna be the hardest one for me to typecast unit wise. Because like—Shoko is a heal bot fr fr. And like—thats literally all the Abundance characters man. I CANT JUST SAY "shes every Abundance character" AND CALL IT A DAY. I mean I CAN but I WONT because I have STANDARDS. So I suppose I'll knock off the ones she can't possibly be unit wise.
Bailu is an Instant No. If she can bring people back from the dead Bailu style, JJK would be a WHOLE DIFFERENT STORY. and YEAH YEAH the Gojo/Yuuta thing is different—Gojo was already super dead, she just transferred Yuuta to Gojos body my guy. Not Gallagher, since w've never seen her in a combat situation and we have no idea what pure RCE can do to a curse—and before you say im wrong, nuh uh dawg—youre thinking about Reverse Cursed TECHNIQUE. I'm talking energy. The two are very different. Thats like saying putting the car in reverse is the same as using diesel instead of gas. Luocha is also a no go since, if she can just cast a Simple Domain that heals everyone in range, JJK would be a completely different story. And, as much as this pains me to say it—she cant be Huohuo either, because if her healing people would also replenish their CE, JJK would be a different story—at the very least with more people alive in it lmao
And so. This leaves us with our F2P basic units. Lynx and Natasha. Which... honestly? Its weirdly fitting and cathartic in a strange sort of way. Its guaranteed they'd be there to help because you receive them as units early on in the game—just as guaranteed that Shoko would be there to help and heal any and all sorcerers who come to her. All units need healing, in any way shape and form—without em making sure our teams our alive, we quite literally cannot get thru half the content of the game. I would know, that friend DID NOT build any of their sustains. Constantly fighting for my life until I built Gallagher lmao.
But yeah—unit wise, it does fit. They both mainly are there to give healing and basic support to the units, without drastically buffing them or debuffing their opponents. Theyre just there to make sure the team is alive, and honestly? 🫡 you go babe. heres a free cigarette, on me.
Nanami Kento:
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Immediately I knew what the fuck I wanted him to be. Break effect character. Aka, current meta. So, obviously he'd be Boothill and Robin right?? Well—not exactly...
He'd deffo be Boothill thats for sure, but not so much Robin. Nanami's powerset is pretty simple—he focuses on a target and then, depending on his goal and/or amount of cursed energy, proceeds to put a weak point on them of which to hit. He can't be Robin because of how she works—she needs to transform via Ult to deal that optimal break damage and strike weak points despite whatever shes facing not having a fire element weakness. Whereas Nanami can just hit, without needing to transform into something else or needing a cursed tool or something.
For a little bit there, I considered Xueyi but ulimately said no because of her follow up and her being able to attack multiple enemies at once. While yes, I can flavor the follow up as a black flash or something (even though i really shouldn't since black flashes are based off luck and "being in the zone"), the multiple targets thing I really couldn't ignore because we've never seen him attack multiple targets at once—the closest thing we have is him being fast enough and strong enough to one shot curses back to back.
I was left with Sushang and Luka at this point, and ended up with Sushang. I was already settled with Sushang, when I remembered that Luka existed lmao—but decided to give him a shot anyways. I shouldn't have given him that shot because he doesn't fit Nanami as a unit. He's a Nihility "charge" unit—charge in the sense of, he needs to build up a certain stack to properly break and deal damage. When you relate that to Nanami, it doesn't work. Like I said, Nanami is simple and straight-forward, no muss and no fuss. There's a lot of mussing and fussing around with Luka that doesn't mesh well, along with the whole debuff thing Nihility has going—Nanami doesn't do that kind of DOT damage in the series, and doesn't deal too much of a handicap that I could consider it.
Nanami being Boothill and Sushang makes sense to me too. Nanami is a relatively fast person, being able to kind of run on water, fend off dozens of curses at the same time whilst taking minimal damage, and keep up with a Mahito that transformed himself into being really fast, and hits hard—both with the boost and assistance of his technique and without it. Like—he canonically killed Haruta 6 times. Were it not for his Luck Technique, his skull would've been pulverized by the first punch.
Boothill and Sushang's entire deal is to hit hard and hit fast—or at the very least, stay ahead of their opponents in the turn order via Break—Weakness, Super, or otherwise. Boothill's mechanics are a little more complicated than Sushang's but they're relatively simple and tracks with how Nanami works—he can force element weakness (Nanami's CT), hits really good and really hard to those he's focused on/appiled weakness on (nanami's CT again), and is able to clear out multiple enemies at once/inquick succession despite being a single target focus due to how strong and fast he is (nanami's CT and fighting style in general). Sushang's mechanics are much more barebones—she hits hard and she hits fast, which is basically the essence of Nanami in battle.
Haibara Yuu:
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Motherfucker dude, this one is EASY—my boy is OBVIOUSLY Pompom. BUT NO WAIT IM BEING FR THO—we barely see him in both the manga and the anime, and I even looked up whether or not he's a playable unit in JJK Cursed Clash or JJK Phantom Parade. He's not there dawg. He's literally just the mascot—😭😭😭 UGYFHBKSFSBHVDVKFHKSD
And as much as I'd love to make assumptions abt his technique and how he works—aka theorize abt the meaning of his name, make educated guesses with the short screentime he had, I don't think I can make a good guess or assumption on how he works.
So yeah. He's Pompom, he's an NPC KHDFJHGSIDKFX—
Rip Haibara, even in death, you don't due nothing other than change the trajectory of everyone's lives via dying BUKJRNLDFJXB
Thanks for reading...??? Genuinely feel like doing a cont to this but like—them as HSR character lorewise, or turning them into actual HSR units, or doing the other characters. Its p fun!! Also let me engage with HSR in a diff way other than me logging on, grinding Robin's domain, getting a bunch of shit artifacts and ignoring the main quest LMAO—
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someone1348 · 3 years
CLINGYDUO!!! ahhhh! Okay! Okay! I'll be quiet now! I love them so much!!
Thank you @kasey-writes-stuff for helping me choose the fic and Lee! For this one! You're the best Kasey woop woop! Hehe /p /gen /pos
People in this!: Lee!Tubbo, Ler!Tommy ( a small Lani moment too!)
An Irl fic today! I can't wait!
Tw: some cursing, other than that none!
With all that being said enjoyyyy! :]
Intresting Reaction
Today was the day!!! After years of knowing each other and months of being on the Dream smp together Tommy was finally going to meet his best mate Tubbo! In real life!! He was bouncing off the walls, this last minute plan was the best decision anyone could have ever made ever!
Now the trip there wasn't too far but it was still long, So for the remainder of the time in the car Tommy filmed a bit for his video, that he was most definitely going to upload as soon as he got back! And couldn't stop his leg from bouncing up and down with excitement when the GPS stated that they were nearing his final destination. He was going to meet Tubbo and Wilbur! This was the best day ever!!
Once Tommy had arrived the two shared a quick hug and many high fives. Tommy got a tour of the Tub House! And said hello to his siblings while the parents talked, It was already alot of fun but the fun had only just begun!
The two took off to the beach once they got the go ahead. Tommy filmed their sea adventure as the blonde tried to stand up on the paddle board ultimately making the two of them fall over into the water.
"I survived guys, I'm alive" Tommy stated as he pointed the camera towards himself. The two had some great laughs and genuinely enjoyed the well needed company.
As Tubbo tried to get back on the board to sail them back to land Tommy splashed the bee boy with some of the sea water as Tubbo scolded him for it, splashing the blonde back, the two kept pushing each other off and were having a great time, once the two settled a bit Tubbo let Tommy sit on the end of the board watching the sea life beneath them as Tubbo paddled them both back to shore.
"Beautiful isn't it?" Tubbo said with a gentle smile as Tommy hummed with a smile in response watching the fish go by
"You've got a great place and area man! Im jealous!" He joked as Tubbo giggled with him
"You're welcomed here anytime big man"
Tommy's smile grew wider before the board hit the rocks, "Alrighty, off my ship!"
"Pfft!" Tommy laughed, getting off and helping Tubbo carry the board back to his place.
After getting told off in a loving and joking way for entering the house soaking wet from swimming around in the ocean the two changed into some dry clothes chilling in Tubbo's room before Tommy's big brain sparked an idea
"You wanna stream? Chat wouldn't ever suspect a thing, I'll stream from your account! Please! It'll be so cool!"
Tubbo laughed and got out of his chair for Tommy to sit and get everything ready, "sounds good to me!"
Thus started the Tommyinit tradition of streaming on everyone's account that he met up with with their set up and things!
Tommy shouted as the starting soon screen turned to Tommy's face in Tubbo's room on his account
"Sup Stream!"
The chat was going nuts! It was great!
"Im with, im with Bitch boy"
Tubbo made a face at him before they logged onto the dream smp to hang out, maybe do some pranks, it was going great!
"'This is wholesome', no its not!" Tommy said reading out some of the chat as Tubbo's character walked along prime path.
It was perfect, they were watching animatics and having a great time until Tommy got too excited and accidentally kicked Tubbo's pc which accidentally ended the stream, oops!
"Im so sorry Tubbo!"
"It's all good mate!"
It was fixed in no time but they didn't feel like starting a new stream, they both just wanted to enjoy time together so that's exactly what they did
The two went back to the beach, just to walk it this time. They walked and talked about all sorts of things from serious to silly they were really enjoying every minute!
"Look at this one Tubs!" Tommy had picked up a beautiful dusted ruby colored rock, the color was perfect faint enough and shined beautifully with the sun
"Oooo" the pair admired it before Tubbo showed the blonde a beautiful faint yellow one he found
"That ones huge! I love it!"
"Wanna throw it?"
"Hell yeah!!"
Shoving some seaglass into their pockets as well the two decided to head back before it got too late, the sun was slowly getting ready to fall with the moon patiently awaiting their performance in the sky.
"Lani?!" The blonde called out to his best friends younger sister as she walked over to the pair
"Here you go!" Tommy smiled handing her the ruby rock as she smiled and thanked him, heading to her room to put it on her desk.
"You gave it to Lani?" Tubbo giggled a bit rasing his eyebrow
"What!? I thought she'd like it! Buzz off man" Tommy giggled pushing Tubbo in the process
"Im messing with you that was lovely of you Toms" the brunette ruffled the youngers hair as Tommy grumbled before they walked back to Tubbo's room.
Tubbo was his best friend, his family was like his second family so that's why he wanted to give Lani the rock. Both boys knew that and Tubbo agreed that Tommy was family and that Tommy's parents were his second family too! And he couldn't be more happy about that fact.
So happy in fact that Tubbo gave Tommy a hug out of nowhere, his actions were of course returned by the blonde but still he questioned the brunette anyway
"Whahat was that for?"
"Felt like it"
Tubbo answered as the blonde giggled once more, the two went out to move their TV party to the living room couch when Tubbo's parents announced they were going to head out with Tubbo's siblings for a bit.
Throwing back on their favorite show the pair smiled in this shared comfortable scilence, just them and the tv, no cameras in their face or people to interact with, a bit of peace if you will,
Short-lived peace if anything. In the scilence Tubbo had shifted his head down onto Tommy's shoulder the blonde looking at him smiling with his eyebrow raised before turning his attention back to the TV.
"what happened to not being good with physical affection big man?” Tommy stated, his eyes still glued to the tv as Tubbo audibly growled jokingly, his peace disrupted by this question,
"Comfy" Tubbo said with a jokingly annoyed tone making Tommy giggle
"Im comfy?"
"Good to know, but this isn't all man, you've been extra touchy and Clingy today, I thought that stuff bothered you?" Tommy was still being lighthearted but it was a genuine question, he didn't want to make Tubbo uncomfortable is all, that's why he asked too
Tubbo pushed and practically headbutted his head further into Tommy's shoulder as the blonde giggled a bit louder
"Ahahalright I'll drop it" Both smiling wide things were going good, except soon Half-way through this one episode Tommy needed to move but he didn't want to disturb Tubbo so he bounced his leg until he stated to the brunette
"Tubs I love ya pal and I love this platonic affection that's going on but I gotta move so either you get your head off my shoulder or you get removed by force" he half jokingly stated giggling a bit as Tubbo smirked and shook his head 'no'
"You can't evict me from my house Tommy, your shoulder is my house now and I'm not leaving weather you like it or not!" The brunette joined in the fun giggling a bit too before Tommy smiled
"Suit yourself" the taller of the two had begun to push at the smaller's head but alas he wouldn't budge! That's when he decided to move down and push his side to get him off.
The noise Tubbo made shocked not only Tommy but himself as well
"Tubbooo~ what was thatt?~"
"Nothing!" He was quick to respond scrambling away from his former "house" as he moved down the couch, Tommy followed with a smirk until he his back hit the end of the couch
"T-tommy! Let's talk about this!"
His smirk only grew as he lowly chuckled at his right hand man "Excellent! We will talk about it! Answer me this then since you really want to talk about it, Are you Ticklish Tubbo?~"
"Whaaaat! ME! Never! How dare you suspect such a thing!"
Tommy laughed a little while wiggling his fingers teasingly at the other "oh yeah? You're not ticklish? Mind if we test that theory out mate?"
"N-noho need! Bossman heheh!" Tubbo was practically in a ball at this point at the end of the couch as he watched Tommy's wiggling fingers got closer and closer to him getting ready to attack at any moment!
"What's wrong Tubs? You seem nervous, afraid that my wiggly fingers are gonna tickle tickle tickle all over your tickle spots? I thought you didn't have any? Tubbo! Don't tell me you lied to me now?~"
A hue of crimson circled Tubbo's face before he blurted out his hands in front of him for protection
"Wahait! Tohohoms! I didn't mean to-"
"Do you know what happens to people that lie to me Tubbo?"
"They get,,,,Tickled!!" And with that Tommy's quick hand wiggled all ten tickly fingers into the smaller's sides as Tubbo kicked his legs out rolling from side to side to try and escape Tommy's tickly wrath.
"Yes Tubbo? That's my name!" He quickly skittered over the exposed skin on his sides that was created from all of the rolling,
"EEE! NOHohOHoT FaHaHaiR!" Tubbo continued to giggle away grabbing at Tommy's hands in the process to try and push them away, nothing worked but honestly he wasn't complaining.
"Oh I think this is plenty fair Tubso seeing as you lied to me" he continued this bit he was doing, smiling brightly as he skittered up Tubbo's ribs, towards his underarms.
"Tickletickletickletickletickle!" Tommy giggled saying the word tickle on repeat in a baby voice as he skittered up and down and back up Tubbo's ribs making sure to get the in between areas of his ribcage as well leaving no spot untickled
"TOHOhoOHMMY!!!" Tubbo's legs softly pounded the couch behind the pair as Tommy evilly giggled "IhIhiHiM SOHOhohorryy!! HEHE!"
Tommy smirked "good! Im glad you have admitted to your mistakes now laugh for me bee boy!" He giggled wiggling his fingers into Tubbo's underarms as they shot down to his sides with ease and speed.
"HAHAhahaha!!" Tubbo wiggled a bit before letting his body fall fate to the tickles
Tommy sat smiling wider, seeing his best friend happy was all he ever needed.
"You've trapped my hands Tubbo! What am I supposed to do now!" He stopped wiggling them for a minute while Tubbo got his breathy giggles out,
"Gehehet them ouhuHAHA-OUT! THOHOHOMMYY!! HEHE!" Wiggling his fingers once again Tommy laughed along with him
"You've gotta release my hands Tubs!"
"TOhHoMmY! PLEheAse!"
"Okay okahay!" Tommy got his hands out from Tubbo's underarms rasing them up to quickly move them only inches away from the brunettes stomach.
"T-Thohohommy! Please don't!"
"Don't what Tubbo?"
"Tihickle me! WAIT!-"
"Tickle you? I'd be happy too! Tickletickletickletickle I gotcha now Tubbo!"
"Hey Tubs do you like raspberries? Because I think they're delicious!" He took a deep breath in before blowing the biggest raspberry ever on the center of Tubbo's stomach shaking his golden locks around with it to make it tickle more.
"Hahaha ahahalright! Im all done big man!" He rubbed away the ghost tickles before helping him sit back up, the tv still going with a show that's now long forgotten by the pair as Tubbo continued giggling with his breath and placing himself right back on to Tommy's shoulder.
"Im glad you liked it Tubs"
"It was obvious but don't worry I won't tell or say anything to anyone, and between you and me I don't mind it either but that's for another day"
"Pfft, lee!"
"I am not! If anything you're the lee here bee boy! More like lee boy!"
The two joked before Tubbo poked Tommy's face "shush, sleep time"
"Sounds good king, sleep well my friend!"
"You too Tommy you too"
It wasn't long before Tommy did eventually fall asleep along with him, Tubbo's parents putting a blanket over them letting them sleep in peace, they deserved it, it was so great to see the pair finally meet in person, it was a day and night they would never forget!
I hope you all enjoyedd! I added a small headcannon in of my own for this one but I had so much fun writing it! There is more to come but feel free to send in a prompt in the asks for me to write! I would love to write them! Treat yourselves, drink water, take care of yourselves and have a great day my friends! :]
-K <3
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i-writeandread-blog · 5 years
Halloween (originally a one shot) Chapter 1
This was published as a one shot through @echelonlab but I needed to make an edit to the characters name (as it was originally Cat, and we can’t have that, now can we? Lol) I will change the title once I can come up with something clever. I’m open to suggestions. Anyway, here’s the new updated version. Enjoy!
"Delilah, you have to come.  It's Jared Leto's party. You love him.  Just say yes.  I know it's last minute, but you can't turn down this once in a lifetime opportunity."  Angie pleaded with me.
My friend Angie had just moved to LA and somehow managed to get invited to Jared's Halloween party.  I couldn't figure out if she was just lucky or if somehow she stalked the right people.  She didn't care about Jared or his band, but she knows this is a dream come true for me.
"I can't figure out how you did it, Ang.  Of all the people, you get invited to my absolute favorite humans place.  But as much as I want to come, how could I? Flights are expensive when they're last minute and in case you didn't know, I'm not loaded with cash."  I proffered.
"Delilah, you get on a plane and you come and you meet your idol, I don't want to hear anymore excuses. Do you understand?" She isn't going to let me decline, if I don't show up she'll be mad enough to go months without talking to me. I have no choice. Scared as I am, I am going to LA and I can only hope I can be in the same room with Jared and not fangirl, faint, or make a complete fool of myself.
Three days later I found myself exiting LAX airport and into the most welcoming of weather and arms.  LA from what I could tell was going to be amazing at every vantage point.  Except maybe the few sketchy areas we drove past.  I was glad Angie's apartment was nowhere near those places.  My eyes were wide and I felt child-like taking it all in.
Angie had been an extra at the film studios back home and when she decided to take a chance and try for bigger things in LA, everyone, myself included, thought she was nuts.  But in the 5 months since she arrived she had already been cast in a tv pilot.  It was anyone's guess as to if it'd actually be picked up by a network, but she seemed to think it would.
Her apartment was the size of a shoebox, but it was in West Hollywood where she assured me was the "place to be."  We didn't stay there but to sleep, so it wasn't that cramped. The next two days we shopped for my Halloween costume and I finally found pieces that would make the perfect one, much to Angie's dismay.
"Today's the day! Are you excited?" Angie bounces on the bed.  "Go away. It's too early!" I begin throwing pillows at her head.  "Not a chance sweetheart, I didn't barter with the devil only to miss out on my favorite girl meeting her celebrity crush. Get. out. of. bed. now!" She is tenacious as ever.
I am nervous and anxious. Time feels like it will stand still, but I know it is just my imagination.
'What will I say to him if given the chance? How will I keep my cool? Will he even notice me?' A million questions and thoughts start running through my head.
"Oh for Heavens sake, get out of your head! Drink your coffee and start getting dressed. It's already 1 in the afternoon, thanks to your laziness. If I didn't know any better I would think you're trying to get out of going." Angie screamed. "I am not! I'm just scared. Look you go get ready and I will do the same." I say even though a part of what she said is right.
I lay out the tights, shorts, and vest of my costume on the couch as Angie showers. As soon as she is done, it's my turn. I work out all the kinks in my neck and let the water massage my tense muscles. I get out and begin the process of making myself into the silliest of characters.
"I don't get your costume.  It's so weird.  I don't think anyone will know what or who you are."  Angie says as she puts on her slutty Little Red Riding Hood outfit.  "Yes, but HE will know. That's all that matters.  Sorry I couldn't be cliché like you!" I joke. I put on my hat to finish the look and we leave.
We still have several hours before the party but she insists we go out already dressed.  We go to eat at a diner and then since we are in Hollywood I request some light sightseeing on Hollywood Blvd.  Some people stop and give me a puzzling look. I smile and offer no explanations. To my right I hear a child say "look mommy it's Robin Hood."  I have to laugh because I can see where they would think that's what I am.
Time rushes by and it's now 8'o clock so we make our way up into the winding streets of Hollywood Hills and to the Wonderland compound.  I get out of the car, blowing out a breath I am holding, grab my props and repeat a mantra in my head, 'I am here. This will change your life, let's do this!'
"Cmon. Let's go have some fun and meet some crazy rich celebrities!"  Angie grabs my arm and pulls. "Wait! I'm not ready!" The words rush out past my lips.
Angie is trying to get me moving by saying, "It's go time, the time is nigh, now or never."
"Do or die." I whisper.
"Huh? Yeah whatever. Let's just go in. If it becomes too much for you, just squeeze my arm and we will leave, okay?" I begin squeezing her arm. "Not now dork! Give it at least 20 minutes."
The music is louder the closer we get to the door, people are arriving in droves, but I don't recognize anyone yet. We walk in and follow everyone else towards what I think is where Jared recently did a private concert for radio winners.
I notice Jared instantly. He's standing in the shadows apparently aware of everyone around him, his eyes darting around, but he's talking with Jamie and Jordan and laughing. I look away feeling a pang of guilt for staring in the first place. I can't help but think he looks gorgeous in his Jon Snow getup.
Almost immediately I find myself separated from Angie. Panic starts to rise up and I try to calm myself with breathing in and out. I don't know anyone here aside from her. I turn toward the entrance we walked in from, then back to the other garage-like door which opens out to the pool. There's people everywhere. I look back to where Jared was, but he's not there anymore.
"Oh no no no." I blurt out. Then directly behind me I hear, "I'm the only Bart Cubbins in this house." It's Jared's unmistakable voice. I gulp.
I turn to find myself face to face with Jared. My breathing hitches in my throat.  He gives me a sly smile and licks his lips.  I'm fairly certain I am going to pass out.  He stands back and gives me a once over look.  "This is perfection! I don't know why I didn't think of this."
I curtsy and almost immediately regret it. "It was the only thing I could think of to wear once I found these hats at a costume shop.  But I could never try to be the real Bart Cubbins." I explain to him. "Oh I don't know about that! Looks pretty spot on to me.  I'm Jared." He offers his hand.
Of course he has to know that I'm aware of who he is, after-all it is his party, but even if there were questions as to whether or not I knew it was his party and in fact him, the mere fact that I am dressed as his favorite Dr. Seuss character should be a good indicator.
"I'm Delilah. It's nice to meet you Jared." I shake his hand.  "Delilah, how did you come to be at my party? I don't recognize you?"  I begin to freak out. 'Am I not meant to be here? I'm gonna kill Angie!' The look of panic must be evident on my face because Jared laughs and says, "don't worry, I'm not kicking you out or anything, just didn't know why I've never had the pleasure of meeting you before."
"Im umm..." My throat is dry and I look around to see where the drinks in people's hands are coming from.  Jared notices.  "How about I get you a drink and we go sit somewhere quieter where we can talk?"  As much as I'd like to take him up on his offer I wouldn't dare dream on acting upon it.  "No, I don't want to take you away from your party and your friends."  He shakes his head, not letting me say no.
He leans in close.  "I'll tell you a secret, half the people here I don't like.  The other half are either friends or employees who won't even miss me if I leave."  I can't believe what he is saying.  Under different circumstances I would miss him if he left the room.  "Come.  I'll give you the grand tour."  He takes my hand and leads me into the house.  I notice several eyes on me as we make our exit.  He really has no idea how wrong he is about being missed.  Or I'm wrong and the people staring are looking for gossip fodder.
We enter the kitchen and he asks if I would like something to eat.  I shake my head no.  I'd throw up instantly from all the bundled up nerves inside of me going crazy.  He hands me a glass and asks what I would like to drink.  I tell him water to which he replies, "you're at a party, live a little." I think about it for a second.  "You don't drink, and you're at a party."  He steps back closing the fridge. "Touché. But I think you need some lubrication, you're too stiff."  He emphasizes the words lubrication and stiff.  It almost makes it sound sexual.  "Okay, I'll have whatever you think I should have, you're the boss."  He quickly makes up a gin and tonic and hands it to me.  I swallow it down quickly.  The corners of his lips curl up.  "I'll have another please, less tonic though."  He makes the 2nd one and then guides me to the next room of the complex.
There are a few people scattered around but as if they know something I don't, they scurry off as soon as we walk into each room.  He points out the living room, some office space, and a bathroom.  Then we go back to the stairs and I follow him up watching his ass the entire time.
"I feel your eyes on me little girl, do you like what you see?"  I blush.  "Yeah, it's quite the view." I reply.  The alcohol has opened up my self confidence, otherwise I'd have never said that aloud.
He turns around quickly and looks me over once again, almost as if he's seeing me for the first time. Or maybe he is undressing me with his eyes. I can't handle it so I keep walking past him.
"Mmm, now I have a nice view." He states matter of fact once I'm in front of him. As soon as we both reach the top of the stairs he pushes me against the wall. He's much stronger than I think anyone gives him credit for. "What's going on inside of your head?" He asks while tilting his head this way and that. "You're quiet now, what happened to the bold little girl from 30 seconds ago?" I giggle. "Oh for fucks sake, it's just a number." But I'm still giggling. He releases me and opens a door to the right of us.
"This is a guest room." I peek in and see a bed and some artwork.  He closes the door and steps across the hallway. "This is my moms room when she comes." He points to a door but doesn't open it. And then he walks a few steps and opens another door and shows me the upstairs guest bathroom. Directly across from the bathroom door is another room and down the hall at the end is one more door. He opens the door next to the guest room and walks in.
"This is my bedroom. Come in, I'll show you the view." I walk in and see his bed made up in white linen. There's a door on one side of his bed leading to a closet which he opens. I see flashes of color everywhere I look and can tell most of it is designer, and almost all is Gucci.
"What's the other door down the hall lead to?" I ask since this appears to be our last stop. "Ohh that's just storage." I let it go because he clearly didn't want me to know what it could be, but I couldn't help but wonder why there was a light on in there. It was hardly visible through the crack in the door, maybe a lamp was on.
"Well, I'm impressed Jared. It's very nice. But why am I getting to see all of this?" I can't help but wonder how I became so lucky.
"You wear a costume to a party I am hosting-that only I would know what you are dressed as, and you didn't think my curiosity would be peaked?"
"I wore this yes because it was your party, but also because I didn't want to be like everyone else. I'm not made for wearing sexy nurse costumes." He starts laughing at my revelation. "Oh Delilah, you are most definitely made for sexy nurse or sexy anything costumes. You don't even realize how sexy you are. Even dressed this ridiculously." He reaches towards my head and takes the hat and wig off. He takes off the cape he is wearing and sits down on the bed.
"Sit down with me. I want to know more about you. Who is Delilah?" He slides back towards the headboard and pats the empty space next to him. I sit down but just on the edge, not sure how comfortable I should get, but he grabs me by the waist and guides me back. "So?"
"Well I lead a fairly boring existence, I don't want to disappoint you. Let's talk about something else." I can tell this wasn't the right answer so I continue, "okay well let's see. I am 32, I started an online store about two years ago selling homemade candles, incense, and soaps. Umm, I have a dog named Sorcia- you know from the movie Willow..." he nods. "I just bought a condo in Myrtle Beach, SC. Nothing special." Then I mumble almost inaudibly, "oh I also have a twin who I killed. Anyways, what about you."
Jared shakes his head and laughs. My face however remains deadpanned. "Wait that last bit... it's true?"
"Yeah, so anyway your turn." I try to change the subject.  I don't even know why I felt comfortable opening up and telling him that.
"Oh no, you don't get off that lightly.  What the fuck do you mean you killed your twin sister?"  He stands up and walks towards the window which overlooks the pool.  "Should I be worried, should I kick you out?"
"No, Jared. I'm not a psychopath, I'm not crazy, I don't even know why I told you."  I stand up and walk towards the door, but somehow even though he was further away he catches me and stops me.  His eyes are glaring at me and daring me to tell him more.  "Okay, I'll tell you the whole story.  You're gonna want to sit for this." He sits back down at the foot of the bed as I begin my story, pacing back and forth.
"Three years ago my twin Penelope was in an accident.  Somehow she survived but she was changed.  Like a switch in her brain had been triggered.  She became depressed and angry.  Then that turned into doing really odd things.  She'd offer people things, like for instance, my aunt had come over and she asked if she wanted ice cream... after she ate it my sister laughed and said she had poisoned it.  Or she'd bring people a book but the pages would be torn out.  Just really weird and vile things.  She just wasn't the same.  After months of doctors not knowing what was wrong and being tormented by her we thought it best to send her away.  Before we could she attacked me."  I show him the scar on my stomach where she had stabbed me.  His eyes go wide.  "She said I would never put her away, never separate us.  She intended I think to kill me and then herself.  I don't know how I overpowered her, but I did.  I got the knife and stabbed her several times.  I couldn't believe what I had done and I was so scared.  I had an anxiety attack and blacked out.  When I woke up there was so much blood.  Her body wasn't there, but when the cops came they said no one would survive that amount of blood loss.  They searched the woods and followed a trail of blood.  It ended at one point or another, but they never found her body.  They figured an animal must have found her and dragged her body away.  They thought maybe a bear.  Oh God, this is the worst thing I have ever done and no one here in LA apart from my friend downstairs knows this.  I'm so sorry Jared.  I'll leave now."  Jared rubs his hands up and down his thighs and shakes his head no.
"No, I don't want you to leave.  You're so brave.  Thanks for telling me.  We all have hidden skeletons in our closets.  You weren't charged with a crime, were you?"
"No, the police said it was in self defense."  I explained.
"You're hardly a murderer, Delilah.  You're a survivor and to me that is the hottest thing about you."  He stands up and closes the distance between us.  He stares into my eyes asking for permission and then crashes his lips on mine.  The room instantly goes from ice cold to boiling.  His hands are wrapped in my hair and he stops only long enough to take a breath, until we hear a noise.
It's coming from the room he said was just storage.  It sounded like something fell, maybe a box.  He laughs nervously and then leans forward to attack my lips again with his, but then there's another noise and it sounds like footsteps.  Annoyed he steps back and says, "hold on, someone from the party must have come upstairs.  Let me go tell them to fuck off and leave, okay?"  I agree and sit down on the bed.
He walks out.  I try to catch my breath.  I bring my fingers up to my lips and smile.  It was everything I'd have ever hoped and imagined.  My thoughts were broken when I heard a scream followed by Jared saying "what the hell is this? Who the hell are you?" And then another scream, a scuffle, and footsteps running towards his bedroom door.  The last thing I hear before the door opens is Jared yelling, "Delilah , run!"
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kramlabs · 6 years
six norms that may be making your family less healthy
via Shane Trotter
What is normal is not normal. The human biology expects sunlight, constant movement, physical novelty, whole, natural foods, close relationships built upon shared purposeful efforts for survival, and a generally slow life pace.
Today it is normal to eat exclusively processed, convenience foods, to remain indoors all day except for trips in our temperature controlled cars, to feel pulled and prodded by constant message alerts, and to sit all day, predominantly with our face in a screen while being passively entertained. Normal is a relative term.
Very few forces are as powerful as the human need to belong. Consequently, we naturally tend towards herd mentality, behaving as the masses do, regardless of personal benefit. In fact, we’ll adopt odd “normal” behaviors without even realizing they directly contradict our desires, or that we could choose not to.
The standard model of life that we’ve been handed has created a devastating global health picture and all signs point to this trend worsening in our youngest generation. Now, more than ever, we must be willing to question what is normal and carve a different path.
Freedom is not just having the ability to behave as we wish, but knowing why we choose those behaviors. Through reflection and education, we truly become free and are then able to craft an environment that pulls our family to health and vitality.
If wondering where to start, I recommend exploring these six norms that may be making your family less healthy.
1. Having “Kid Food” Around
There is a widespread belief that there should be a distinction between kid’s foods and adult foods. I’ll never forget a client telling me how she ate well for most meals, but often found herself snacking on her kid's chips or popping a soda. When I suggested she stop keeping these foods in the house, she responded angrily, “I’m not going to not have chips and sodas for my kids.”
I’ve even seen this in healthy parents who make separate meals for their children so the young ones aren’t subjected to nutritious eating, as if this was a torturous experience. They’ll have roasted chicken, brown rice, and mixed vegetables while making chicken nuggets, mac and cheese, or frozen pizza for the young ones.
We’ve been sold the belief that kids can only eat chicken in nugget form, fish in fried stick form, and that the rest of their diet should come from packaged junk. While it is true that palates have to develop, children have always eaten natural, whole foods.
Fruits, vegetables, meat, seeds, and nuts have been the only available foods for almost all of human history. Roasted vegetables, sweet potatoes, and fish are actually childhood favorites when children aren’t engulfed in a world of Pop Tarts and pudding that only further serves to warp their palate. Without a diet predominantly consisting of whole foods, children are virtually ensured of future struggles with health and eating.
Make it simple. Make meals from foods that could have existed 10,000 years ago and have your children eat what you do. Ice cream and other desserts are wonderful occasional treats, but they should require a special trip, not be an always available temptation.
2. Driving As Your Only Mode of Transportation
For most of human history, human muscle moved us wherever we went. Today locomotion outside of our sanitized home or office environment is typically outsourced to the automobile. We even drive across the work campus or endlessly circle in search of a closer parking spot.
Most people struggle to find time for fitness while neglecting to incorporate normal activity into their everyday life. Why is there a need to drive your kids to school if it is less than a mile away? Why must you drive to work if it is just across town? My daily trip to work only went from 10 to 20 beautiful minutes when I switched to a bike commuting lifestyle.
According to the CDC, 71.6% of Americans over age 20 are overweight. Healthcare costs are unsustainable, and yet we drive when it would be almost as easy to use human muscle.
Help your kids break free of this pattern. What a model it would be to make it standard practice to bike when round trips are 10-miles or less, or to walk to pick your kids up from school until they are old enough to walk home themselves.
Despite modern helicopter norms, this is the goal of parenting: to create self-sufficient people capable of creating a purpose and contributing to something bigger than themselves. As much as it scares us we should want them to have this desire for independence and exploration. It sure beats smartphone addiction.
3. Letting Kids Have a TV in the Bedroom
Our environment is powerful. If cookies are always on a plate in the kitchen, we’ll probably make it a norm to grab one while walking by. Replace that norm with a bowl of fruit or ants on a log (peanut butter and raisins on celery), and our snacking norms change.
Screens are an especially pervasive temptation in the modern world. They bring an infinite number of messages. Nowadays, televisions are the focal point of our homes, constantly beckoning us to sit down and stop conversations. But at least we share the programs. They can provide talking points, mutual laughter, and a communal experience not too much different from the primal experience of fireside stories.
Yet, in a kid’s bedroom, the TV brings no positives and many negatives. It is a constant source of distraction from study, reading, getting out to play, or trying any creative endeavor. It is a pull towards more time in isolation and more ability to avoid dealing with potential family conflicts. Most destructively, it is a recipe for poor sleep.
Adolescents and teens need 8 1/2 to 10 hours of sleep per night but tend to average 7 or less. Absent of this they will be foggy, moody, lacking concentration, and at increased risk for the poor decisions that characterize this age.
Their natural body rhythms pull them towards later hours, but school start times rarely honor that reality. Add extra-curriculars and socializing and it can be very difficult for teens to adopt a healthy sleep schedule. These struggles magnify tenfold when they have a TV in their bedroom, which they’ll inevitably watch from bed.
Dr. Craig Canapari, director of the Yale Pediatric Sleep Center, says that the number one thing you can do to help your kids avoid sleep problems now and into adulthood is, never put a television in their bedroom.
The only rationale I can see for putting a TV in bed is to appease your children, despite their own well-being. You are the parent. Be the parent.
4. Giving Kids Smartphones Without Boundaries
Nothing poses a greater risk to your children than that screen they can walk around with every hour of the day. The phone allows millions of messages to shape unhealthy beliefs and values, it prompts poor posture and sitting, it precludes face-to-face communication and overcoming social fears, and it wraps the mind in a vortex of anxiety and a compulsive need for distraction.
At least with the TV you sit and share a single program with other people. The smartphone isolates and constantly prompts you to search for the next best thing after only a brief superficial scan. Take everything wrong with having a television in the bedroom and multiply that by a trillion with the smartphone.
There is no culprit more responsible for the terrifying state of American physical, mental, and emotional health, particularly in childhood than smartphone ubiquity.
But, what are you gonna do, right? It is the world we live in, right?
Please, parents, piss your children off. Tell them no, not until 8th grade and not without tons of boundaries. Why open Pandora's box too early? I’m sure I sound extreme, but this technology is extreme. While working in schools I’ve watched the lobotomization it renders on a generation and, it isn’t just them.
Parents line the park benches scanning furiously. Grandparents and babysitters take their children to bounce houses at odd hours so they can sit and scan their phones uninterrupted. We’ve all seen tech addiction and we’re all subject to the allure. Unchecked smartphone use is the path to a Wall-E type dystopia.
You can’t pretend smartphones don’t exist and you can’t hide them forever, but you can for a while. I highly recommend checking out the screen use recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatricians and using their Create Your Family Media Plan tool. It is very easy and will prompt you through ideas and nuances you may not have considered.
5. Not Managing Smartphone Alerts
As usual, we should start with our own model. Strong parents make strong kids. More often than not we are constantly pulled away from the moment by email dings, texts, and quick scans that turn into a 10-minute mental mindless scroll. This is only made worse by the Apple watch that now supersedes any phone away boundary to shove messages back in your face. Take that dinner time!
Simple recommendations that can help you take back control of your time and be more present for your family:
Anything urgent should require a call. Go to your settings and silence all texts and email messaging. People will learn this about you and it will recalibrate their sense of what is urgent.
Plan the times you will batch all messaging response.
Plan the times you will use social media, apps, etc. For example, maybe you can batch this to two 30-minute blocks within your day. This takes the negative out and makes the tool work for you.
While doing complex work, turn the phone on airplane mode and focus. You’ll get more done.
After work or as you come to dinner, put the phone on a charger, away from you and your bedroom.
Get an alarm clock. A single function device.
Silence all calls and notifications a couple hours before bed. You can make exceptions for people you mark as favorites. This is quite easy to do actually.
6. Buying Into a Modern Youth Sports Culture
After the smartphone, this is truly the toughest insane norm to tread in the modern world. For most of you reading, youth sports were an amazing, integral part of your upbringing. Here we learned essential social skills, how to work on behalf of a team, and how to practice to improve. We played every sport, building a broad array of physical skills that nurtured a love of moving and play. It’s probably where you first fell in love with training.
Today, these foundational experiences have been completely perverted by conmen looking for easy money and a culture of over the top bulldozer parents, willing to pay any price to convince their child they are the center of the universe. Second graders have “signing days” when their parents pay for them to join the “elite” soccer team.
Third-grade football teams put the kids' name on the back of the jersey and have a “pep-rally” every Friday night before Saturday games. Most disturbingly, at earlier and earlier ages, coaches try to convince players they are falling way behind without ridiculous travel, specialization, and expensive skills coaches.
Elementary school kids will have multiple evening practices per week, late games, and long Saturday tournaments. Family time evaporates under the guise that this is what you have to do. By middle school baseball and volleyball parents have conceded their wallets and their summer to travel ball. The family no longer has the option to vacation other than 1,000-mile trips to play athletes just like the ones in their own city.
Clearly, this is an article unto itself. The biggest take-home message is:
This is not the best way to build athletes. Athletic participation is way down, meaning our talent pool is smaller and more kids miss out on these vital experiences. Furthermore, as detailed in the Long Term Athletic Development model, optimal athleticism follows age-appropriate, balanced exposure to sports.
Youth sports should not be expensive and should not be all-encompassing. All the kids want to do is play the game with their friends. Remember that? We’d just go play sports with our friends without coaches or parents and we grew up doing it. Or, we’d go outside and play catch with mom and dad.
Resist the urge to follow the masses into this crazy debt trap. Youth sports can be an amazing experience, but they shouldn’t be the only experiences. How you spend your time matters. Family dinner matters. Family vacation matters.
“It’s no sign of health to be well adjusted to a sick society.”
As usual, any broad rambling list will be full of prescriptions that don’t accommodate or appreciate your unique constraints and needs. There are major exceptions to nearly every point I’ve made, but I will stand by the underlying principles. Our standard model is a cultural conveyor belt towards poor health and dissatisfaction.
The best thing we can do is have the courage to buck the norms and live authentically, pursuing a path we earnestly believe in. This will take strength and require you to be counter-cultural. Your efforts matter. Strong parents make strong kids.
This Week’s Mission
Apply any of the suggestions from these six unhealthy norms. If you are unsure where to start, create a family media use plan. Having boundaries tends to offer a great deal of freedom. Without them, we are constantly pulled and prodded, controlled by a constant flood of habit-inducing notifications.
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Ice cold
Summary: you meet a bright but peculiar boy who seems to have a talent for making everything but you feel cold.
Requested: no I got this idea when someone mentioned that Felix looked like Elsa (from Frozen)’s brother and I couldn’t resist
Pairing: Felix x reader
Genre: fluff, supernatural au
Format: bulletpoint because idek what I’m doing I just want this to be something quick and lighthearted
A/N: SOOOOOO FELIX HAS PLATINUM BLOND HAIR. Yup I’m quite dead. And because he looks so GODLY with that hair I just had to write a supernatural au
I hope you enjoy this! I really enjoyed writing it lol
Ahhh winter
The wonderful season of snowball fights, hot chocolate and cuddling by a fire
And freezing your ass off
Which is what you were doing, standing there in the middle of the street
You tried to warm your hands up by rubbing them together or blowing on them with a quick breath
Ye that didn’t work
Why were you dying of frostbite? You had no other possibility to get home except for waiting for a stupid bus that only passed every hour-and-a-half
You checked your watch again. Still 21 minutes to go.
You were going to be an icicle by the time the bus came, you were screwed.
“Hey, why so grumpy-lookin”, came a happy voice from behind you, making you jump.
There in front of you stood a young boy, who must have walked up in complete silence, staring at you with large and curious eyes
“I— umm—“ you stared at him speechless. He’s really cute
What stood out the most about the boy, that you couldn’t wrap your head around, was his silver-white hair, which seemed to mimic the whiteness of the world around you.
He smiled cheekily. “You look rather cold. Do you want something to warm you up?”
Your brain didn’t even register and compute what he said immediately. You were so slow from the cold. “Oh! Umm yeah, that would be great, thank you!” Any chance at not freezing to death was a chance you would take
You suddenly flinched and yelled as he flung himself at you, wrapping his arms around you. “What are you doing,” you yelped.
“I’m giving you a hug! Isn’t that obvious?” He sniggered. “Hugs always make people feel warmer”.
You were about to protest and push him off, ready to yell for help, when you suddenly started feeling warmth in your hands. Then your arms, upper chest and the rest of your body.
What the hell??
Soon you felt your temperature coming to a normal and near-comfortable level. You felt the boy chuckle
“So why are you out here,” he asked. “Are you trying to lose some limbs?”
“Of course not,” you snapped. “Im waiting for a damn bus to get home...”
“How far is ‘home’?” This kid is really curious
“About an hour by bus,” you huffed. “Where are you headed, mister...?”
“I’m Felix,” he giggled. “And I’m not really going anywhere! I’ll go where the wind wants to take me”. That’s it, he’s a total nut job
“Right”, you mutter, now realizing how closed the two of you still were. You pushed him off you gently, but as soon as his arms weren’t around your shoulders, you felt your body temperature drop like a stone.
You hugged yourself tightly, already feeling your teeth chatter. “What the hell?! What’s going on?”
Felix tilted his head to the side, like a puppy who was trying to understand an unknown command. What’s with him? “I told you, hugs always make people feel warmer!” He started thinking. “What if I got you home right now, in under 10 minutes?”
“Say what?” That wasn’t possible. It took an hour to drive home, so how could someone get you there in 10 minutes tops? What’s he smoking?
He seemed to read your mind. “Are you willing to trust me?” He looked at you with innocent eyes.
You sighed. He seemed to be trustworthy, but that wasn’t the case whenever he opened his mouth to talk. You could accept his suspicious offer and take the risk, or risk dying in the cold.
Eh what the hell, you had nothing to lose at this point.
“Alright, I’ll trust you”, you give up. “What do you propose?”
He smiled like a happy child. “Let me hug you, so that you won’t fall”.
You let him wrap his arms around your waist, and you snaked your arms behind his neck. You immediately felt your temperature rise again and Felix gave you a cheeky grin. Maybe this isn’t a good idea?
Too late
Before you could even take a breath to scream, you felt the ground disappear from under your feet as you both shot up into the sky. You held onto Felix tightly, the only anchor you had that reassured you that you weren’t dreaming. We’re going to die! We’re going to die!
Then you stopped in confusing. Felix was... laughing?
How could he be laughing when you were over 100 feet in the air?!
“Hey, Wind!! Calm down! This is a friend!! This is— uhh”. He looked at you. “What’s your name?”
“Y—y/n”, you stutter. “I’m heading to (your adress)”
Felix beamed. “There! You heard, Wind! Take us to (your adress) please!!!”
You screamed as a gust of powerful air pushed you in the direction of your home. How is this possible? You couldn’t believe what was happening.
You slammed your eyes shut, too scared to look at what was happening around you. You were close to whimpering, you didn’t enjoy being thrown around at a height that, if you fell, could break every bone in your body
“Hey... hey it’s okay”, Felix told you gently. “I got you. You can look if you want, the view is amazing...”
You slowly forced open one eye, then the other. You took a deep breath before turning around in Felix’s grip to look at what was before you.
You were stunned into total silence.
You could see your home, the whole area where you lived, stretching out in every direction beneath you. You could see everywhere you went from the superstore to your friend’s house. In the distance, past the dark grey clouds that plagued your home, you thought you saw the sun, setting and creating an assortment of warm colors, as the day came to an end
You let out a terrified but wonderous laugh. The view really is beautiful
Felix chuckled. “I can make this a hundred times more fun, watch this!” Before you could protest, you felt your stomach jump into your throat as you both plummeted to the ground
You were too terrified to scream. This is it, this is how I die...
“ICE RINK”, yelled Felix giddily. You looked under your feet to see a thick layer of ice between you and the deserted road.
You turned further around to see where the ice was coming from. WHAT THE HELL?
The ice was appearing out of nowhere in front of the two of you, as you both shot along the pavement.
Felix was laughing like an idiot the whole time. “How about a slalom?” The ice path suddenly curved from one side of the road to the other, then back again, before rising into the air and falling back to a normal level. He cackled with delight.
You started smiling too, feeling less horrified of what was happening. You kept a firm grip on Felix, trusting only him to keep you safe.
He noticed you relaxing a bit and instantly took the advantage. The ice over the road suddenly expanded until it covered every inch of the surface.
Felix started skating in random patterns (without skates) and pulling you along with him. “Look at us! We could be Olympic figure skaters!!” He laughed as you gritted your teeth, fighting the urge to yell in panic.
Just keep looking at him. You can keep your balance if you look at him, you thought
You locked your gaze with Felix’s, only trusting the kind look his deep eyes had as he stared back at you
You both stayed there, you don’t know how long. It felt like forever, the world seemed to spin in slow motion around you. Your heart beat loudly against your ribs, but it wasn’t from fear anymore.
Felix suddenly broke eye contact and yelped, before swerving out of the way of a lamppost. “Maybe that’s enough fun for one day”, he admitted.
You finally arrived in front of your home, your hair all messed up, eyes wide and legs shaking.
You kept your gaze glued on Felix as he looked your home up and down. “Nice place... you can let go, now”.
You had to mentally forced your fingers to loosen their grip and to step away from the silver-haired boy. “Th—thank you”, you say unsteadily. You don’t trust yourself to be able to talk properly for a while. “...Felix”
His eyes lit up when you said his name. He smiled charmingly at you. “It’s not a problem, y/n. Maybe I’ll see you wandering around in the freezing cold weather again soon?”
You nodded slowly, stepping away from him. The cold seeped back into your bones as the distance between you became larger. “You’re not a normal person, are you?”
He laughed. “What made you think that?” He shook his head. “I’m an ice bender. I can create, melt, and shape ice how I want to. I’m friends with the Wind, who helps me to travel. And I can control temperature levels within a certain distance of my body”.
You nodded. “That’s why I felt so warm while hugging you...”
He grinned. “Once again, hugs always make people feel warmer”.
You smiled back at him. “Maybe I’ll see you around then, Felix. I need a personal walking radiator for cold days”.
“I’m not a walking radiator”, he pouted. “I’m can control ice”.
“You’re like Jack Frost”
“Sort of, but way cooler”
You laughed. “Alright, then Felix Frost. I’ll see you around”
“See you, y/n”, he replied quietly as you walked through your front door, looking back for only a second before closing it with a bright blush on your cheeks
But Felix saw it, and it made him giggle as he bounced through the air, wherever the wind took him.
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rogue-rook · 7 years
some highlights from Story and Song from an all-caught-up-now TAZ listener (spoilers abound)
hot damn yall
i gotta feeling everybody’s coming back for this finale
oh god taako just realized he found his sister’s fucking SKELETAL REMAINS
griffin: “taako and merle, make a dexterity saving throw" justin: “hell yeah, dungeons and dragons is back!” griffin: “we’re back and we’re rolling dice that have 20 sides on them. it’s got 20 sides and 20 numbers, its great”
griffin: “the third figure is a fucking rhinoceros” magnus: “DIBS!”
the fact that angus is an 11 year old child and totally DOWN TO FIGHT just reinforces that i was right to make him my favorite npc
hell yeah we’re back to DND fights! they like rolled for initiative and everything
justin, after talking about taako’s leveling up: “should i talk slower so everybody who’s been complaining about us not playing dnd has time to nut. how’s everyone enjoying this GREAT COMPELLING AUDIO”
griffin: “this hand is gonna attack you, taako, cuz you just set it on fire”
magnus: “i jump on the back of the rhinoceros” griffin: “of COURSE you do”
taako: "hey magnus that was the coolest thing ive ever seen…HANDS DOWN!“ get it cuz they found a giant magical hand…GETIT?!
ango used the umbra staff to cast a fireball way above what ango should be able to do and im like hot damn i love this fucking umbrella
taako: “i snap the umbra staff over my knee” HOLY SHIT YALL!! ITS HAPPENING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“lup grits her teeth and says ‘I’m going to fucking kill you now’“ MY GIRL!!!!! THATS MY GIRL!!!”
lup: “why didn’t you let me out sooner, dingus?” taako: “i didn’t remember you existed, goofus” THEY’RE SO ADORABLE
taako: “don’t worry, I’ve got MAGIC POWERS” magnus: “is that supposed to be a big reveal?”
the love between magnus and fisher is one of my favorite bonds of this whole show
everyone banding together to fight the big bad is one of my favorite tropes ever (what’s up pacific rim) so that everyone is doing that here is INCREDIBLE
magnus: “i use my levitation magic” griffin: “oh im sorry, did you say you take the elevator? the skype call broke up for a second there”
griffin: “magnus, something falls from the sky” magnus: “i catch it” griffin: “no you don’t, it’s pretty big”
i’m so glad that griffin is committed to calling killian, carey fangbattle, and noelle “Team Sweet Flipz”
lup: “here’s my idea, are you ready for it? it’s a banger”
griffin: “you remember that, taako, because your memory’s so good!”
griffin: “its upsy, your lifting friend” wait what. im sorry, what?????????
oh its lucas okay, cool. that moment got wayyyy too much Gravitas for it just to be the worst brand mascot EVER
YOOOOOO istus’s gift to taako, the item he could retrieve when he needed it most, has RETURNED TO THE STORY AND IM SO EXCITED BY THAT!!!
griffin has really genuinely lost track of the correct timeline of the events of this story and im like shit my dude, you and me both. ive only got most of it down
this john motherfucker is like almost tugging at my heartstrings but also im the embodiment of “cool motive still murder” bc im pretty sure this dude’s to blame
clint doesn’t remember jack shit about merle’s kids right now and in context, its like merle doesn’t even know how old his kids are. that’s BAD
griffin: “although this bear is in like Furious Nonsensical Monster Mode, you see, just faintly, you see it retract its claws as if to say ‘alright motherfucker, lets wrestle’”
magnus: “they’re not strong enough, I have to be” damn, talk about a Magnus Burnsides Thesis Statement
the fact that magnus is refusing to kill this monster mode Power Bear even though it’s being controlled by an eldritch nightmare is like. proof that magnus has a goddamn heart of gold. what a hero
magnus finds it in him to ask for help and avi comes crashing through the walls like “sup dude, need some help from Captain Handsome Hero?”
“no dogs on the moon!” AAHHHHHH IM SO EXCITED ABOUT THAT
taako: “i don’t know what tacos are. I’ve gotten hints, if you wanna call them taco prophecies. that’s a crazy thing to say out loud, but I just said it, so here we are, I guess, I’m talking at you through a frying pan, try to keep up Joaquin”
taako: “I’ll take one taco, extra destiny”
taako: “yeah, like I’m going to let myself be seen being taught how to cook anything, nice try”
taako: “so, a toast” joaquin: “no, its a taco….just a little food joke” taako: “very little”
istus: “huh, didn’t see that one coming” griffin: “across two universes, two food trucks explode” damn griffin
griffin: “kneeling at the center of town, is kravitz” OH GOOD! NOW WE’RE COOKING! NOW WE’VE GOT THE GOOD SHIT GOING!
i just gotta mention here that I love eldritch nightmares and cthulu-esque monsters, so this story’s eldritch nightmare that consumes everything in its path contrasted with a slowly-more-corrupted human avatar is MY JAM
merle: “i cast zone of truth!” travis: “TO WHAT END??”
griffin: “it is the most powerful holy spell you have ever cast” THAT’S A GOOD FINALE CALLBACK!!!!
griffin: “she turns back to lucas’s lab and she says ‘hero time’” NOELLE!!!!! NOELLE THAT WAS SO GOOD!!!
kravitz: “i wanna warm up my face so it’s not weird” AWWWWW
lup: “what’s up ghost rider?” kravitz: “you know we’re going to have to talk about the fact that your sister’s a lich, right?” taako: “yeah…i assumed”
lup: “taako just summoned all the energy in our reality to come help us fight” magnus: “mmhmm. I fought a bear…when I say it like that, it doesn’t sound as good, does it?”
davenport: “lup did you find the starblaster?” lup: “oh i sorta… forgot we were supposed to be doing that”
taako: “we have basically been trolling it for 100 years..[..]..and i don’t know about you, but TAAKO’S GOOD OUT HERE”
lup: “lucretia, dear, I’ve already forgotten about the whole thing. OH! OH! bad choice of words!” lup you adorable asshole
lup: “please don’t die” taako: “i’d say the same but that ship done sailed, hasn’t it?”
taako: “i walk over to angus and say ‘hey cool knife, you know he’s got a sword that’s on fire, right? he did just give you a KNIFE’”
lup: “hear that, babe? we’re legends”
“there’s magic in a bard’s song” OH SHIT! OH SHIT! OH SHIT!!!!!!!!!!
magnus: “this is it? it’s just a guy!” taako: “yeah it’s one guy, shouldn’t be a problem”
clint: “you heal up to 700 hit points!” griffin: “BULLSHIT! WHAT???” clint: “divided evenly” justin: “okay well but you don’t have any 9th level spell slots…” clint: “then I will use Mathias the Living Grimoire!” awesome I’m so glad clint learned how to actually properly play dnd on this LAST EP
griffin: “I will say, you’re on a ship, there’s probably a mast or something for you to swing down from” wait what this is an actual ship??? i was picturing like the entreprise or something
griffin: “we’re playing a little calvinball with the design of the starblaster” oh okay cool yeah its like a spaceship, not a fucking 17th century pirate ship
my dudes you never leave your weapons buried in the dying bodies of your enemies bc if they bounce back, they got your weapon now
griffin: “john is up first” justin: “fuck” clint: “he’s still just john? he’s not Demi-john????” travis: “final john” more cross-mcelroy-product jokes!!!!
the grubby heroes healed by godly love, i bet some people are feeling some Stuff right now
taako: “hey i want everyone to meet a new friend of mine, this is Joaquin” griffin: “OH FUCK! YES YES YES YES!!!”
joaquin: “thanks for the wizard powers, I’ve killed like a hundred of these things!”
griffin: “oh fuck I thought you were going to summon ME!!!”
hot damn clint REMEMBERED his gift from istus and fucking used it!!!!!!!!!
taako used the immovable rod!!!!! im so proud of them for remembering AND using all their items!!!!
taako: “i gotta be with lup” oh that’s so fucking sweet
angus: “hey everybody, johann was right! WE WON!” cool im crying a little bit, no big deal
griffin: “how does magnus die?” hey fuck off griffy i don’t want this
magnus being reunited with julia is making me cry significantly now
they got their happy endings, everybody got their happy endings, and I’m so happy
I am SO glad and grateful I got caught up in time for this fucking heartwrenching sweet finale
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