#please pretend this isnt even art actually. just imagine i took this photo of sun out in the wild
pillowspace · 1 year
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he has got to stop doing that to the railings
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commander-yinello · 7 years
The Day before Christmas
Tis the season to be late with Christmas falalalalala~ This took a little longer than we anticipated. xD I got the massive honor to team up with the talented @cheebsrtd​ to create a fic with 5 gorgeous pieces of art! ♥‿♥ You will find them in between the story, to see them separately check out @cheebsrtd​ blog! This chatroom has juzen in it (duh) but also a whole bunch of other ships ;) All under the cut because this fic is really long. We hope you enjoy! Merry late Christmas and happy holidays <3333
10:04 - Yoosung★, ZEN, 707, Jaehee Kang, MC, Jumin Han, Saeran, Mary Vanderwood
Jumin Han: Hmm, V is late. Assistant Kang, you were certain he was on his way? Jaehee Kang: You asked me 5 minutes ago Mr. Han ;;; ZEN: Lay off jerkwad! (ಠ_ಠ) ZEN: Can’t believe you’re making her work on Christmas day -.- Jumin Han: That is why I pay her, Zen, you would understand if you weren’t so dramatic. Yoosung★: Aren’t we all working today actually? Mary Vanderwood: If a party can be called work. Yoosung★: It definitely can Jaehee Kang: Agreed... MC: Remember, it’s for a good cause ;;;; 707: Ah a bickering family, it’s truly like Christmas <3 Right Saeran? Saeran: I thought you said you wanted to stay at home buried under Honey Buddha Chips 707: Don’t reveal my secret after-party plans!
- V has entered the chatroom -
ZEN: See, there he is! V: Sorry for being late - had to figure out how to use our own RFA cloud storage V: As requested, I sent everyone a copy of all the pictures I made yesterday. ZEN: Opening my inbox as I type ~_^ V: Thanks for helping me sort them out. Jumin Han: Of course V, we know you’re just as busy as we are. Yoosung★: Wow there are a lot of pictures of the same thing V: Yes, I wanted to capture just the right moment. Jumin Han: Every moment would have been perfect if Elizabeth the 3rd had been there. ZEN: Urgh!!! Not the fleaball! Jumin Han: Elizabeth, get it right. MC: I hope we can find a few good ones to put on the site! Jaehee Kang: I would like to remind everyone the RFA has an image to uphold so nothing odd please. Looking at you Seven. (¬_¬) 707: What in the world do you meannnnnnnnnn Saeran: I’ll keep an eye on him, don’t worry Yoosung★: There are a lot of interesting ones! Yoosung★: I’m at the part where Vanderwood and Zen brought in the tree! ZEN: Man, that thing was heavy af. My beautiful nose nearly fell off from the cold while carrying it T_T Jaehee Kang: I’m still impressed you two managed to bring it in ZEN: Thanks Jaehee! No thanks to trust fund jerk Jumin Han: You never asked my help. ZEN: You could have offered! -.- Yoosung★: Oh, Vanderwood is in this picture! V: Haha, I asked him to pose because we have no photos of our newest member. Mary Vanderwood: Ah, that was embarrassing 707: Eyyyyyyy Mary looking good!~!~!*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: * Mary Vanderwood: Please stop ;;; Yoosung★: Oh right, this will be your first RFA party! Saeran: Don’t worry, you will never get used to the weirdness Mary Vanderwood: Didn’t expect to 707: WAIT HOLD THE PHONE MC: ?
707: ZOOM IN 707: ENHANCE Saeran: Can you not 707: BOOM
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Jaehee Kang: Oh MC: OH Saeran: Huh V: Heh ZEN: SHIT Yoosung★: AH I THOUGHT I SAW THAT YESTERDAY Saeran: You did? Why didn’t you tell us? Yoosung★: I thought I was imagining it ;; 707: Awww you guys are so kyuuuuute~ (◕‿◕✿) ZEN: IT ISNT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE ASSHOLE Jaehee Kang: So this isn’t Mr. Han giving you a kiss on the nose? ZEN: HE ZEN: WAS JUST ZEN: ... Jumin Han: Zen was complaining about his face burning from the winter chill. Jumin Han: So I was helping him warm up. Mary Vanderwood: With your face? Jumin Han: Well Jumin Han: … ZEN: Oh FML Yoosung★: lol and no reply followed for 2 minutes Saeran: For an actor and a CEO, you both are terrible at lying Saeran: In a chatroom of all places 707: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) V: Come now Zen, we all pretty much knew about you two already. Yoosung★: We did? MC: You did? Jumin Han: V, how did you…? V: I know you two longer than today. ZEN: Seriously? Jaehee Kang: I suspected from the increasing office visits. One can only claim to work for a commercial so many times when there’s no contract on my desk. Jaehee Kang: I respect your privacy Zen, but you are going to need to work on subtlety. You have a public reputation to uphold. Saeran: Yeah I give them two weeks tops before all of Seoul knows MC: Aww have a bit more faith Saeran ;;; Mary Vanderwood: Tbh I’m not shocked. ZEN: What?! At least pretend to be!! Jumin Han: Hm. ZEN: Damn it Jumin, doesn’t it bother you a little bit?! ZEN: All this time acting like I hate you for nothing -.- Jumin Han: Isn’t this better Zen? Everyone is allowed to see that I love you. ZEN: Gah!! MC: Awww!! Jaehee Kang: Mr. Han, calm down!! Yoosung★: Ewww get a room ZEN: I’m blushing and that jerk knows it Jumin Han: (ᵔᴥᵔ) 707: Only blushing? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ZEN: Fuck off into the sun Saeyoung! Saeran: ...let’s go back to the photos 707: But this is fun!!! ZEN: Oh, is it now? ZEN: Because I’ve been scrolling ahead and I found something much more fun~ V: ?? MC: Uh oh MC: Zen, wait ZEN: See, it would be a crime to deprive the world of my beauty ZEN: But someone needs to be taught a lesson in humility Saeran: Is he talking about a selfie?
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Jumin Han: Zen, I did not realize my actions would cause you to mess up a photo like this ZEN: No you weirdo, I cropped it on purpose (as much as it hurt to do so). Look at the side! Jaehee Kang: Wait, is that Saeyoung? Saeran: Pfffff Yoosung★: ?? wasn’t there a picture just now? 707: HA 707: NOTHING TO SEE HERE FOLKS 707: GOOD JOKE ZEN Saeran: You know there’s no point in deleting the photo right? Saeran: And I know you - don’t go hacking into everyone’s phone to erase every copy 707: Saeran nooooooooooooo why do you betray me like this T____T Saeran: I’m just being realistic V: You do realize I have back ups on the camera itself. Mary Vanderwood: Did… you get yourself entangled in lights? 707: DAMN IT MARY I CAN HEAR YOU LAUGHING 707: GO BACK TO YOUR MOP Yoosung★: Ahahaha OMG Saeyoung V: Saeyoung, MC, what happened? MC: Ah ;;;; MC: Well, somehow he got trapped and I cut him free 707: MC is my savior! <3 Jumin Han: You mean he wanted to prank someone, failed, and asked you to cut him down quick so no one would notice 707: That’s grossly wrong and mean of you to assume! Mary Vanderwood: Something tells me Jumin’s right. ZEN: Too bad for you I’m fantastic with the camera and picking up on your shit 707: Aaargh, go back to hating each other! 707: All versus one is not fair!! MC: Sorry Saeyoung, I wasn’t fast enough x.x Mary Vanderwood: Payback is an inappropriate 5-letter word Yoosung★: Get rekt bro 707: ;__; Yoosung★: Who was the prank for anyway? V: Whoever would fall for it I guess. Saeran: in other words, Yoosung Yoosung★: Me????? (!!˚☐˚) Saeran: Saeyoung, this wouldn’t have happened if I helped 707: Good point! Next one we can do together! Saeran: ^_^ ZEN: wait what next one Saeran: Just not Yoosung, he deserves a break Yoosung★: Saeran T_T <3 thank youuuuu ZEN: what next one???? Jaehee Kang: Can we please get back to the normal photos =.= Jumin Han: Yoosung, you do often fall for his obvious pranks Yoosung★: Oh come onnnnn Yoosung★: Lately I’ve been doing better Jumin Han: Lately Saeyoung’s been pranking you less Yoosung★: ;_; You guys are mean V: For what it’s worth, I believe you Yoosung Jaehee Kang: And really Saeyoung, you’re too old to keep doing this 707: Don’t tell me what to do mom! Jaehee Kang: M-mom?? Mary Vanderwood: Does that mean V is dad? Yoosung★: Wait, what??? (!!!!˚☐˚) Jaehee Kang: Excuse me?? ZEN: Vanderwood, what...
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Mary Vanderwood: I’m talking about this. Yoosung★: Hey that’s me! Yoosung★: I remember this -.- Jaehee and V wouldn’t leave me alone because I spilled some mustard ZEN: Oh so that’s what Vanderwood meant ZEN: For a moment I thought he had gone mad ZEN: Wait. Did Vanderwood just make a joke? Mary Vanderwood: I do have a sense of humor, even if Saeyoung denies it. Saeran: Well you are kinda my brother’s mom sometimes Mary Vanderwood: Hey! Jaehee Kang: Am… Am I a mom? V: I was only trying to help. I’m sorry if that upset you, Yoosung. Yoosung★: To be honest, it didn’t upset me *that* much Yoosung★: I just don’t like the insinuation that I’m a kid >.< V: Of course not V: And Jaehee - you’re more a friend to all in the RFA. MC: V speaks the truth! You truly are the best Jaehee! <3 Jaehee Kang: Ah, that’s kinds of you V,  and MC, th-thank you (〃∀〃)ゞ 707: What are you all talking about? All I see is an adorable brother who got wrongfully cut off! <3 Saeran: … Saeyoung, stop… MC: So cute ZEN: No guesses who took the photo Jumin Han: V, please warn me if you plan to marry my assistant or future intern so I can plan ahead. Jaehee Kang: what V: what ZEN: OMG Jumin what. the. Hell. Yoosung★: WHAT?! Intenr!?? ZEN: Oi, typos Saeran: Really, that’s the thing that bothers you more? 707: BWAHAHAHA 707: I’m cackling Jumin out-trolled everyone Mary Vanderwood: And now things just got too weird Mary Vanderwood: I have regrets Jaehee Kang: You’ll never get used to it. ZEN: Jumin, I told you, your humor is too weird 707: Admit it Zen, you laughed 707: Jumin, did Zen laugh? ZEN: What makes you think I’m with him right now? Jumin Han: Why does everyone think I’m joking? Jumin Han: And he did ZEN: Jumin!!! V: Haha Jaehee Kang: Saeyoung, at this rate Zen is going to try to find more embarrassing photos of you to take revenge 707: Too bad, I’ve become immune now! 707: Bring on the embarrassing photos! Wanna see me in a virgin killing sweater? MC: OMG YES ♥‿♥ Yoosung★: Aaaah not here! Mary Vanderwood: See this is why no one takes you seriously. Saeran: Bro no please ಠ╭╮ಠ 707: ~(˘▾˘~) ZEN: Riiiiight, I’m going to ignore that and carry on Yoosung★: Also I don’t have time to be an intern, I’m studying to be a vet! Hmpf! 707: Study hard Yoosungie, you’ll escape Jumin’s clutches for sure!! Yoosung★: Thank you Saeyoung… I think Jumin Han: It’s an opportunity, not a requirement. ZEN: What Jumin means is that Yoosung can choose to take it, but he doesn't have to MC: This is the first time you’ve defended Jumin, Zen ZEN: It’s weird, I admit 707: Aaaand I’ve seen them all! Good job V and co~ V: Already? 707: I can easily multitask /╲/\╭( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )╮/\╱\ ZEN: V, it’s so hard to choose - I want all of them with my beautiful visage in it! Jumin Han: Same. Jaehee Kang: Mr. Han, we really need to have a meeting to discuss subtlety… Yoosung★: I’ve always been bad in multiple choice Mary Vanderwood: I’m not really sure how valuable my opinion is seeing I don’t know what image the RFA seeks to put up V: You used to be a professional bodyguard, right? I’m sure you know what feels right. Mary Vanderwood: Bodyguard? V: That’s what Saeran and Saeyoung told me? Mary Vanderwood: Oh, right. Yes. Yes, I used to be. Saeran: And now he’s a security guard. Jumin Han: That’s an odd response, Vanderwood. 707: Of course 707: he wasn’t a bodyguard 707: He was my maid (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: * lololololol Mary Vanderwood: The worst part is I can’t even deny it. Jaehee Kang: I can relate Yoosung★: Oh I accidentally made a photo as well Yoosung★: V, remember when you asked me to switch off your camera just before we all left to go home? V: Yes?
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Yoosung★: I can’t believe Saeyoung missed this hehe Jaehee Kang: Vanderwood? Jumin Han: Saeran? 707: OMG Mary Vanderwood: What? It isn’t what it looks like! ZEN: Isn’t that literally what I said earlier? 707: WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME YOU TWO WERE DATINGGGG Mary Vanderwood: ajkdjkhkjs we’re not!! MC: Then what were you doing? Mary Vanderwood: He was only wearing a skimpy jacket! If he were to walk out into the snowfall, he’d catch a horrible cold. Mary Vanderwood: So I gave him my scarf. V: I thought it was odd he had a leopard-printed scarf out of nowhere ZEN: That *is* rather romantic, Vandy Mary Vanderwood: It is? Jumin Han: Even I knew this. Saeran: I simply forgot my winter coat. But I liked it, it was warm Saeran: I’ll give it back to you at the party Vanderwood Mary Vanderwood: You… can keep it if you want. Saeran: Ah… thanks MC: This is so adorable I’m dying 707: Hehehe I know Mary’s blushing like crazy 707: You two have my blessing (◕‿◕✿) Yoosung★: And mine too! (⌒▽⌒) Mary Vanderwood: >.< The fact that I’m communicating here instead of real life because the twins are up to God knows what is bad enough Mary Vanderwood: I’m not Zen, stop prying into my private affairs. ZEN: Hey! But touché Jaehee Kang: This is a mess, we haven’t even selected our favorites yet. ZEN: If it wasn’t for Saeyoung, we would have - damn trickster! 707: The camera was the one who caught it all, someone else would have pointed it out anyway~! Jumin Han: Some people have the decency to do that discreet. Yoosung★: Well I don’t blame Saeyoung or the camera, you all are easily riled up Saeran: Yoosung, so are you! MC: Is it really that bad though? Who cares if we know of current and/or upcoming relationships MC: Let’s all focus now V: I’m sorry for causing such chaos, but I did find one picture that I thought was the best.
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Jaehee Kang: Oh yes, the group picture! ♥‿♥ MC: Aaaah look at all of us! ZEN: Ah I’m radiant as always~ Mary Vanderwood: Posing twice for a photo in a day, what is this life Saeran: Welcome to the RFA. Yoosung★: We hope you will enjoy your stay! 707: And if you are in trouble you can call us night and day! ~_^ Jaehee Kang: Rhyming? V: Heh, they have impeccable timing. MC: Pfff you guys. This is definitely one to put on the site ZEN: Agreed! And if you think that was good, wait till you hear me sing! Yoosung★: How often have you sung for Jumin already? Jumin Han: Plenty. ZEN: Why are you so dreadfully honest?! Jaehee Kang: I give up. Saeran: Two weeks was too generous MC: Knowing you Saeran, you wouldn’t even hide two minutes Saeran: Of course not, I’ve wasted too much time to hide now Jumin Han: I’ll be off, time to get ready for tonight’s party. 707: Tonight will definitely be interesting Mary Vanderwood: Why does that worry me when you say that? V: ^_^ With you guys, it will be awesome. Jaehee Kang: Until tonight!
- V has left the chatroom - - Jaehee Kang has left the chatroom - - ZEN has left the chatroom - - Jumin Han has left the chatroom - - 707 has left the chatroom - - Yoosung★ has left the chatroom - - MC has left the chatroom -
Saeran: Wait, I wanted to say Saeran: … Saeran: Ah well, it doesn’t matter, we’ll see each other soon Saeran: ...Thank you all for your support <3 Saeran: Merry Christmas!
- Saeran has left the chatroom -
Mary Vanderwood: And if you don’t celebrate Christmas, happy holidays~
This conversation will be archived in the RFA records.
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