#please re-read taylors letter to apple
iwanthermidnightz · 3 years
A former Spotify boss who is credited with helping to create the Swedish music-streaming platform said Spotify was never built to pay artists." Spotify was created to solve a problem," said Jim Anderson, who also co-founded About.com, at a 2019 music-industry conference in New York, according to a newly released recording of the event. "The problem was this: piracy and music distribution. The problem was to get artists' music out there. The problem was not to pay people money."
Anderson's comments were recorded by the singer-songwriter Ashley Jana, who didn't share the recording until this week in fear of retribution from the music industry, according to Digital Music News.
The comments now made public follow a growing push for music-streaming platforms to raise royalties, or the amount artists are paid per stream. "Artists are really broke," Jana told Anderson at the 2019 event. "We're not making any money off of the streams." Anderson used Taylor Swift, a longtime advocate for new musicians, as an example, saying she "doesn't need" an increase in streaming royalties. Swift has advocated for change in the music-streaming industry since 2014 when she published an essay for The Wall Street Journal arguing that "music should not be free."
The same year, Swift pulled her "1989" album from Spotify. In response to recent pressure, the Spotify founder and CEO Daniel Ek launched the company initiative Loud and Clear to "shed light on the complicated economics of music streaming."
In April, Apple Music said its streaming royalties pay double what Spotify pays, though the rate is calculated on a stream-share basis, not a per-stream basis, making the two rates difficult to accurately compare. Ek wrote that one of Spotify's goals is to help artists make a living by creating opportunities for more musicians to reach more listeners, saying fans ultimately determine the financial fate of musicians. The Union of Musicians and Allied Workers organized international protests against Spotify in March. The company did not meet the union's demands, such as the penny-per-stream royalty rate. "The company consistently deflects blame onto others for systems it has itself built, and from which it has created its nearly $70 billion valuation," UMAW said on Twitter.
In an interview with The Verge, Ek said the future of Spotify depends on multiple streams of revenue, which will allow creators to best decide how to monetize their fan base.
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shes-a-badbad-girl · 5 years
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Hey, I know no one would ever try to read or listen to what I'm about to say. I'm just a nobody who spits out his comments about what is happening around. I just want every one to know, Taylor Swift signed her deal with Big Machine when she was fifteen and eventually wanted to go out of the contract because she knew that Scott would sell the label. And then, when she finally got out, Big Machine promised Taylor that she can own one master of an album at a time. And then suddenly, before she even released the first album after Big Machine, Scooter Braun, the man who bullied her during her lowest points, bought the masters of her albums, like what the fuck?
Taylor Swift wrote every single song on each album with all her heart out and all the long nights and all the broken hearts and suddenly, someone who has no contribution to those songs would buy its masters like what?
Since 2014, Taylor fought for the rights and proper compensations of young artists, songwriters and etc who work their asses off all night long. She even pulled out her entire catalogue on Spotify because it doesn't pay proper amount of rights to the artists/songwriters/producers. Taylor wrote a letter to Apple Music to change their ways in paying the artists. Apple Music changed the new direction of Streaming services by properly compensating the artist and songwriters. In 2017, Spotify changed their game in the streaming world by also properly compensating the artists, Spotify earned Taylor's catalogue again.
I'm nobody to anyone. I don't have a thousand followers or what. Taylor inspired me to express what you feel not just through talking, but also through songwriting, Taylor taught me to not be afraid because I can do anything if I just believed in myself. Taylor taught me to say what I feel in the moment, so that there are no "I wish I said" or "what ifs". Taylor taught me to be brave and think positively even when you're going through something. Taylor taught me that NO ONE'S OPINION MATTERS IF YOU KNOW THE TRUTH, TAYLOR TAUGHT ME THAT YOU ARE NOT THE OPINION OF SOMEBODY WHO DOESN'T KNOW YOU. Taylor taught me that even when everyone thinks bad about you, there will always be a light from someone who knows you and will believe in you. Taylor taught me to Love myself even more than anyone. Taylor has done nothing but love and support to everyone.
Every night of the reputation stadium tour, Taylor sang the song "dress" in the middle of the show. She's honoring LOIE FULLER, an LGBT artist who fought for their own rights. Please let Taylor own her masters by re-recording her past 6 albums just like what other artists (JoJo, etc.) did. Sign this petition: http://chng.it/rRB9k9vb
I stand with Taylor, #WeStandWithTaylor,
- j s x x
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snapadoodlez · 7 years
12th Doctor series playlists: series 8 & ‘Last Christmas’
Here is the final playlist I’ve made in my Twelfth Doctor series playlist collection (until the 2017 Christmas Special, that is). This one is for Peter’s very first season as Twelve: Series 8 and ‘Last Christmas’.  Similar to my other playlists, it’s organized so that the listener can (more-or-less) relive the story by listening to it from beginning to end.  
The Spotify link can be found here:  https://open.spotify.com/user/sirenssongs/playlist/3edfNpeuti7HQDR1xcrYCt
As in Series 8, the emotional arcs here are Clara & Twelves’s new dynamic, Clara & Danny’s relationship, Twelve’s self-discovery, and the new Twissy chapter in the on-going doctor/master saga. Fair warning: this is the most heavily“Broadway” out of the Twelve Series playlists, but I think it works for re-telling the story.
I’ve included the full track-list and guide below the “Keep Reading” line. I know I’m going to miss Peter dreadfully, so hopefully this’ll be a nice easy way relive his incredible run as The Doctor. I’ll probably do an embedded version later and a master-post with all the ‘Twelve’ playlists soon:  In the meantime, enjoy!
*Note:  I realize the last song, “When You’re Home”, also starts out the s9 playlist: I thought it bridged the gap between the two really well, and I couldn’t decide where to put it. So both playlists it is! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
1. Sparks - The Who
“Any moment now, he’s a coming… but times change, and so must I.” “I think it’s going to be a whopper.”
2. Why Can’t the English? - My Fair Lady 
“Have you regenerated? I remember you. You're Handles. You used to be a little robot head, and now...you've really let yourself go.”
“Why do you keep talking like that? What's gone wrong with your accent? You sound the same. It's spreading. You all sound all English. Now you've all developed a fault.”
“Oh no, that's good... I'm Scottish… I can complain about things, I can really complain about things.” 
3. Just You Wait - My Fair Lady
“No. Don't. Don't smile. I will smile first and then you know it's safe to smile.” “Are you cross with me?” “I am not cross. But if I was cross it would be your fault and. Yes, I am cross.”
“Nothing is more important than my egomania.”
4. Poor Baby – Company
“Well, if neither of us placed that ad, who placed that ad?”
Missy plays matchmaker. * 
*In my head for this song, she’s droning on and on about the Doctor’s loneliness to Seb. Oh Seb... you sassy Interface... how I miss you.
5. I Don’t Know His Name - She Loves Me
“The Doctor regenerated in your presence. The young man disappeared, the veil lifted. He trusted you. Are you judging him?” “I am not sure who you think you're talking to right now, Madam Vastra, but I have never had the slightest interest in pretty young men... Just because my pretty face has turned your head, do not assume that I am so easily distracted.”
“When did you stop wearing your veil?” “When you stopped seeing it.”
6. Nobody Knows You (When You’re Down and Out) - Leslie Odom Jr.
“You look at me, and you can't see me. Have you any idea what that's like? Please, just see me.”
7. Something There - Beauty and the Beast
“Thank you.” “For what?” “Phoning.”
“I..I don't think that I'm a hugging person now.” “I'm not sure you get a vote.”
8. Roll Away Your Stone - Mumford & Sons
“Clara, be my pal and tell me... am I a good man?”
9. Mix Tape - Avenue Q
“Er… are you going to the leaving thing tonight for Cathy?” 
“Um……No, I'm not.” 
“Oh, okay, never mind.” 
“Good night.” 
“Change your mind…I'm going… I'll give you a lift. Why not?” 
10. Tonight At Eight - She Loves Me
“Are you going to look that terrified when you take me out for a drink?” “I… I absolutely promise I won't.” “Play your cards right and you might.”
11. Tango Tragique - She Loves Me
“I am trying to have a date. A real life, inter-human actual date! It's a normal nice, everyday, meeting-up sort of thing. And I would just like to know, is there any other way you can make this any more surreal than it already is?”
“I made a joke.” “A not-funny joke.” “Yeah, well, do you know what I'm making now?” “A fuss?” “An exit.” 
12. Ice Cream (Reprise) - She Loves Me
“Hello. I'm Clara Oswald. I'm a bit tricky, sometimes a bit up myself, but I think that's basically everything you need to worry about.”
“Hello.  I’m...I’m sorry.”
 “Also, I mouth off when I'm nervous and I've got a mouth on me. Seriously, it's got a mind of its own. I’m really worried it wants to go solo.”
“I don’t know what to say.”
“Don’t say anything.  Or say something nice.”
13. Valley Forge (Demo) - Lin-Manuel Miranda (The Hamilton Mixtape)
"You loved the army.” "Yep. And then one day I didn't.” 
“When did you get to become so wise?” “Same way as anyone else. I had a really bad day.”
Danny has memories he’d rather forget.
14. An Open Letter (feat. Shockwave) - Watsky (The Hamilton Mixtape)
“Look, take him away. Shut him up, shut him down. Up or down, it doesn't matter to me. I've got a lot of work to do. Again. “ “Will you be okay?” "Why wouldn't I be okay? I was fine till you two blundered in.”
"How stupid do you think I am?” 
"I'm willing to put a number on it.” 
“Well, is there anything I can do?” 
“Yes. Yes, and this is very, very important. Leave us alone!”
“When this is all over, you can finish the job.”  “How do you mean?”  “Well, you've explained me to him. You haven't explained him to me.”
15. Enough - In The Heights
“Now, Time Lords, do you salute those?” “Definitely not...And you can get out of my Tardis!” “Immediately, sir.” “Doctor, this is stupid, this is unfair!”
“Do you love him?”
“Really had enough with the lies.”
“Not in that way.”
“If he ever pushes you too far, I want you to tell me, because I know what that's like. You'll tell me if that happens, yeah?” “Yeah, it's a deal.” “No. It's a promise.” “Okay. I promise.” 
Clara is soooo over it.  And so is Danny.
16. Sunrise - In The Heights
“I am so…” 
“I know.” 
“And I just get nervous.” 
“Me too.” 
“I don't even know what I'm nervous of…”
“I'll show you. So, listen. If you listen to nothing else, listen to this...” 
17. Ain’t It Fun – Paramore
“There are moments in every civilization's history in which the whole path of that civilization is decided... Whatever future humanity might have depends upon the choice that is made right here and right now... Kill it. Or let it live. I can't make this decision for you.”
18. Get Gone - Fiona Apple
Don't you dare lump me in with the rest of all the little humans that you think are so tiny and silly and predictable. You walk our Earth, Doctor, you breathe our air. And you can damn well help us when we need it. 
Go on. You can clear off. Get back in your lonely, your lonely bloody Tardis and you don't come back. 
19. There’s a Fine, Fine Line - Avenue Q
“I'm done, I'm done. I am finished with it...It's over. I'm finished with him, and I told him that. What is that face for? Why don't you believe me?” “Because you're still angry. You can never finish with anyone while they can still make you angry.” 
20. A Hymn To Him - My Fair Lady
“No, that was me allowing you to make a choice about your own future. That was me respecting you.” “Oh, my God, really? Was it? Yeah, well, respected is not how I feel.” “Right... Okay...”
“Human emotions are confusing.” - Twelve (probably)*
*Note: for the purposes of this playlist, you can just replace “woman” with “human” and “man” with “timelord” for this song (Henry Higgins’  many issues in My Fair Lady is a discussion for another day);  For all it’s faults,  I can’t think of another song that exemplifies the whole “emotions confuse me” vibe as well as this one ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
21. The Party’s Over - Leslie Odom Jr.
“I just thought this would be a good one to...” 
“To end it. Yeah. It is. It's a good choice. A good one to end on.”
22. Don’t Wait Too Long - Tony Bennett
“To our last hurrah.” “Our last, yeah. I mean, it's not like I'm never going to see you again.” “Isn't it?” “Is it?” “I thought that's what you wanted.”
23. Style - Taylor Swift
“Was that Danny? What did he want?” “He's fine with it.” “Sorry..?” “Danny. He's fine with the idea of me and you knocking about... Oh, to hell with the last hurrah. Let's keep going...I've had a wobble. It's a big wobble, but it's fine... Now, shut up and give me some planets.”
“You can't really tell if something's an addiction till you try and give it up.”
24. You’ll Be Back – Hamilton
“Now, that was surprising. And I love surprises.”
Missy anticipates her return.
25. I Think I’m In Love With You - Jessica Simpson
“Okay, before all of that. Before all of the stuff That I did wrong… I love you.” 
“Danny, I love you. And you are the last person who's ever going to hear me say that.”
26. Without You – Rent
“It's a terrible thing. Just a terrible, terrible thing.” “It wasn't terrible...It was boring.” “Boring?” “It was ordinary. People just kept walking with their iPods and their shopping bags. He was alive, and then he was dead and it was nothing. Like stepping off a bus.” “He deserved better. And so did you.” “I don't deserve anything. Nobody deserves anything. But I am owed better. I am owed.”
27. No Good Deed – Wicked
“Danny Pink. Is dead.” “And?” “And fix it. Change it. Change what happened. Save him. Bring him back.”
“One last chance. And I don't care about the rules, I don't give a damn about paradoxes. Save Danny. Bring him back or I swear you will never step inside your TARDIS again.” 
28. Blank Space - Taylor Swift
“Hello. I hope you're well. How may I assist you with your death?”
“Who are you?” “You know who I am. I told you. You felt it. Surely you did.” “Two hearts.” “And both of them yours.”
“Oh, you know who I am. I'm Missy.” “Who's Missy?” “Please, try to keep up. Short for Mistress. Well, I couldn't very well keep calling myself the Master, now could I?”
29. Coin-Operated Boy - The Dresden Dolls
 “You see, Doctor? The power to slaughter whole worlds at a time, then make them do a safety briefing. Everyone who ever lived, man, woman and child, is now at my command. An indestructible army to rage across the universe. The more they kill, the more they recruit. Happy birthday.”
“All of this. All of it, just to give me an army?” “Well, I don't need one, do I? Armies are for people who think they're right. And nobody thinks they're righter than you. Give a good man firepower, and he'll never run out of people to kill.”
“Why are you doing this?” “I need you to know we're not so different. I need my friend back.” 
30. Who Am I? - Les Misérables
“I really didn't know. I wasn't sure. You lose sight sometimes. Thank you! I am not a good man! I am not a bad man. I am not a hero. And I'm definitely not a president. And no, I'm not an officer. Do you know what I am? I am an idiot, with a box and a screwdriver. Just passing through, helping out, learning. I don't need an army. I never have, because I've got them. Always them. Because love, it's not an emotion. Love is a promise.  And he will never hurt her.” 
31. History Has Its Eyes On You – Hamilton
“This is not a good day. This is Earth's darkest hour. And look at you miserable lot. We are the Fallen. But today, we shall rise. The army of the dead will save the land of the living. This is not the order of a general, nor the whim of a lunatic. This is a promise. The promise of a soldier!”
32. Unworthy of Your Love – Assassins
“Ten zero eleven, zero zero by zero two” “What did you say?” “The current coordinates of Gallifrey. It's returned to it's original location. Didn't you ever think to look?” “You are lying!” “We can, we can go together, just you and me. Just like the old days.” “You'd be clapped in irons.” “If you like.”
“Seriously. Oh, Doctor. To save her soul? But who, my dear, will save yours? Say something nice. Please?” “You win.” “I know.”
33. For Good – Wicked
“Me and Danny, we are going to be fine. Don't you worry. You go home. Go home. Go be a king or something.” “Yeah, I might do that.” “Or queen, you know. Whatever.” “Yeah, queen, that would be good too.”
“Doctor? Travelling with you made me feel really special. Thank you for that. Thank you for making me feel special.” “Thank you for exactly the same.”
Last Christmas
34. Little Saint Nick – The Beach Boys
“Hello? Doctor? You know it can't end like that. What do you want for Christmas?”
Here comes Santa Claus.
35. One Last Time – Hamilton
“Five minutes. You can miss me for five minutes a day. And you'd better do it properly. You'd better be sad. I expect my five. But all the rest of the time, Clara, all the rest of the time, every single second, you just get the hell on with it. Clear?”
“...When I wake up, you won't be there.” 
“Do you know why people get together at Christmas? Because every time they do, it might be the last time. Every Christmas is last Christmas, and this is ours... But now it's time to wake up.” 
36. When You’re Home – In The Heights
“No one ever matched up to Danny, eh?” “There was one other man, but that would never have worked out.” “Why not?” “He was impossible.” 
“The TARDIS is outside.” “So?” “So, all of time and all of space is sitting out there. A big blue box. Please, don't even argue.” 
“Merry Christmas, Doctor.” “Merry Christmas, Clara Oswald.”
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