#please take this as an apology after my unhinged ramble post the other day on my sideblog abt why i wanted to put cleo in a shredder
liauditore · 4 months
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do you guys ever think about that time she said her backstory was that she was only partially zombiefied and was fully conscious mentally while she ate and killed her family. and that she was a princess. i do alot.
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luckstergal · 5 months
Yandere Elliott Mod is funny as hell (to me)
Disclaimer: None of this is meant to be taken seriously, this is me rambling into the void and to my friends.
I cannot believe I'm reviewing a mod, lol. Is it a review? I don't know anymore, just giving my take on it.
It's been like 2 weeks since I gave the Yandere Elliott mod a try and honestly I find it more unintentionally hilarious than off-putting in most places.
I felt that some of the moments could be interpreted as genuinely wholesome and sweet if you isolated them (but that's just how context works in a nutshell I suppose. Look, I genuinely thought the insomnia scene and the post-moonlight-jellies scene with adorable, alright?).
The fact that I have to go out of my way to play very different than I ever would have certainly modifies my overall perspective. If I played normally, the only really unsettling thing would be his unhinged letters. Well, one in particular at least. Most of the letters were campy and funny, knowing how melodramatic this character is naturally. Only 1 letter made me and 2 other people I showed it to go "Oh GOD". Everything else? Unintentionally hilarious, or wholesome if you take the obsession letters out. His stalker-schedule was funny as hell. What do I mean by that? How is the "stalker schedule" funny? The mod alters his schedule after 1 heart, so he'll periodically go spy on you on the farm. This was scary only twice for me because I didn't expect it, and there was a long gap between the first time and the second time. Once summer hit, however, it got funny. He was showing up every single day at 6:30 on the dot, except for Friday and Sunday. He was so punctual that I'd look at the clock, see he's about to show up, and prepare myself for my daily convo with him/gift giving if it's Monday and Tuesday. Man was so consistent it was hilarious.
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Even better: when he's standing there for so long, his pathfinding kinda... glitches? He'll act like there's something in front of him preventing his movement (like when a player character standing in an NPC's pathing) and suddenly just... book it across the map into the void. Practically died laughing (though I did freak out the first time it happened because I thought "WAIT THIS MOD LETS HIM CHASE YOU?" only for him to run passed and into nothingness)
It actually got a bit lonely in autumn when he stopped showing up and opted to camp outside the mines instead all day. (Elli, sweetie, Ignatius is not going there most of the time because autumn 1 is a busy season for him, come back!) The fact that I have to fully romance all the other bachelors in order to activate one of the legitimately most unhinged aspects of the mod is what throws me off. I know they're fictional characters, but I've always felt icky at multi-dating personally. Just not for me. I pick one and I stick with my decision. Reading the text in the content file is one thing, but I wanted to see the event play out for myself.
After the event, it got hilarious again completely on accident.
Cue Elli not letting Ignatius leave the farm because of his jealousy. It was winter when this happened. The Obsession Cage-Loop event is designed to where Pierre will send you 50 of a random seed packet every day to make up for the fact that you cannot leave.
Crops don't grow in winter.
The mod makes up for this fact by Pierre sending you ANCIENT FRUIT SEEDS. I had over 300 seeds by the time spring hit. Elli straight up SCAMMING Pierre during the Cage-Loop completely on accident. I'm just sitting here thinking "Dang, had I known this would have happened, I'd have activated this sooner AND kept Elli's heart-level low just to get more bang for my buck. Endless supply of Ancient Fruit Seeds just because you're jealous? Yes please!".
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After the cage-loop is over, that's pretty much it. Elli apologizes, wants to do better so you feel safe around him, is willing to just be tormented by his jealousy; etc. and things just kinda go... normal??? After that. He still has his eye-brow raising marriage lines afterwards but after everything has passed, he's not too unsettling.
He's just a weirdo who doesn't know how to handle his love.
Other than ONE letter, and the fact that I had to go OUT OF MY WAY to deliberately activate the Cage-Loop event?
This mod vanilla as fuck, lol.
And no, I didn't do the divorce event. I have a history relating to such dark thoughts and even just reading the dialogue in the content file made me uncomfortable.
Overall 10/10 good way to have spent my week between my 2.0 vtuber model work.
It also do not help at all that what makes this mod hilarious in my head is that I play as an inhuman farmer who absolutely towers over Elli in every way. Ignatius is not threatened by this obsessive weirdo in the least bit.
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dorothleah · 5 months
Y'all I am so passionate about this I got my COMPUTER in the middle of doing laundry to sign onto tumblr.com and share this deranged parallel in my mind ok ok SO KASTLE RIGHT? I'm obsessed, thanks a lot to my friend megan (ily megan). So I was in the shower and I was humming Ivy by Taylor Swift, as you do. And it hit me like a brick WALL that this is THEIR. SONG. absolutely 1000% and let me demonstrate (this will be a long post please forgive my ramblings I am SO excited) How's one to know? I'd meet you where the spirit meets the bones In a faith-forgotten land In from the snow Your touch brought forth an incandescent glow Tarnished but so grand I'm gonna start with the fact that Hell's Kitchen is easily a faith forgotten land. This song is, in my head, from Karen Page's POV where canonically in the comics, she marries Matt, or in the Netflix universe, at least dates him. She meets Frank, his touch TARNISHED but SO GRAND. And the old widow goes to the stone every day But I don't, I just sit here and wait Grieving for the living Karen KNOWS what it's like to kill someone. To lose them. She, just like Frank, GRIEVE for the living. Oh, I can't My pain fits in the palm of your freezing hand Taking mine, but it's been promised to another Oh, I can't Stop you putting roots in my dreamland My house of stone, your ivy grows And now I'm covered in you
Okay this is what started it for me. Karen being this protective person who yearns to be understood and loved for who SHE IS. HER PAIN fitting in the palm of rough, calloused Frank Castle's hand, but her hand is promised to Matt. But she still goes to him, as she now cares so deeply for his wellbeing, that it causes his "ivy to grow" and cover her. I wish to know The fatal flaw that makes you long to be Magnificently cursed He's in the room Your opal eyes are all I wish to see He wants what's only yours
The second verse hits hard, with that fatal flaw of Frank's, his idea that he cannot be happy, in love. That isn't in the cards for him anymore. Like he's cursed. Clover blooms in the fields Spring breaks loose, the time is near What would he do if he found us out? Crescent moon, coast is clear Spring breaks loose, but so does fear He's gonna burn this house to the ground How's one to know? I'd live and die for moments that we stole On begged and borrowed time So tell me to run Or dare to sit and watch what we'll become And drink my husband's wine This is where I stopped my laundry and just sat. What would he do if he found us out?? If Matthew Murdock found out Karen loved a man who kills others? We know Matt does not like the way Frank does things. The beauty of this secret deep rooted love is reminicent of spring, of renewal after loss for them both. LIVE AND DIE FOR MOMENTS THAT WE STOLE. ON BEGGED AND BORROWED TIME. That's it that's them. Because Frank will tell her to run, or just sit and watch her and Matt happily, because he believes he cannot give her what she deserves. Lastly: So yeah, it's a fire It's a violent blaze in the dark And you started it You started it So yeah, it's a war It's the fiercest fight of my life And you started it You started it Do I even have to say it? Frank is the absolute violent blaze. But I can see Frank saying SHE is the fiercest fight of his life and she started it, flipping the script. This part goes for them both. I am done. I apologize for my unhinged behavior, and I hope someone enjoyed this ridiculous ramble. <3
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illimitablespaces · 3 years
A little indulgence, if you will
Dear Reader, please forgive the lack of clarity for what follows. I apologize in advance but I must state that often, writing out my woes and complaints then deleting the post soon after is quite a relief from whatever petty or insignificant thing might be ailing me. As such, what follows is not really of any interest but perhaps from a “been there, done that” kind of view or maybe a “give it time, you will get over it” perspective.
As of late, I have not been feeling quite myself. This feeling has been slowly tingeing my days, day by day, and it has now reached a point where my very actions seem a stranger to me. I have become quick to anger, which is not new but the way I hold on to my anger, almost bursting at the seams, is very troubling. It frightens me because I have acted on this impulse a handful of times the past two years and it has been met with devastating results. I have destroyed things within my own home and have said some very hurtful words to my partner, all in a fit of rage. After, when I have calmed (more like “settled”) it is most shameful and disgusting to me to confront what I have done. Sometimes I can’t recall the things I’ve said or how I’ve broken something or hurt myself. It is these instances that remind me of how much I am terrified by my own feelings of anger, and how for many years I sought to suppress and sublimate those feelings into something else. Now I feel as though I am unhinged and many small things irritate me to the point of wanting to do regretful actions. I fight these impulses but there are times when it is overwhelming. And I suppose that is how I can sum up the majority of my days at present--overwhelming. Feelings are felt too strongly, yet nothing totally in the vicinity of joy. Very rarely now does that emotion well within me.
On the other side of the spectrum is a preponderant sadness or depression. This is the feeling that seems to be at the reigns most of the time. I do not use the metaphor lightly, as very little feels to be under my control. I emphasize this to note that I am fully aware I do have control of my feelings, yet it is these unwanted--almost “non-negotiable”--feelings which have been the source of much frustration for me. In any case, I wonder again if I should see someone about this, as my sense of self has deteriorated to the point that I do not really recognize myself in the mirror or in my actions. My daily activities seem to be played out by someone other than myself and the things which brought such pleasure and delight to me in the past are not truly a part of my life at present. This I believe is a major factor in why I am in the state that I am--the things with which I used to occupy my recreational time are no longer in my daily routine:  playing piano, sauntering through the forest, composing music and poetry, tending to the garden... none of these have really been with me for about six years. My worry is that I am only now experiencing the effects of their loss, to very upsetting results. The slight wisp of sadness (or homesickness) harbored for these six years is finally being realized in an unsustainable and dangerous way.
This post shall conclude soon as I fear I have been too indiscreet about my personal goings-on but I feel compelled to relate another incident to you, Dear Reader. Last autumn, during a particularly stupid day, I had decided in a moment to take a handful of anti-anxiety pills in the hopes that I would be rid of myself and my troubles. Soon after, everything began to slow and I hardly recall the twenty-four hours or so following that very impulsive and stupid gesture:  the ambulance ride to the hospital, the time in the hospital (save for a very dream-like and hazy recollection of trying to convince the staff that I was not suicidal and that I had simply confused the benzodiazepines with low-dose aspirin), as well as returning home only to wake very groggy a couple days later. None of these things can I recall. Never before have I done anything like that, so unfortunate and immature, and I don’t intend to do it again. I see myself--my true self--as someone happy, calm and collected, with the humility to accept I have flaws which need be corrected yet do not negate my more admirable characteristics. I see myself as one who is perhaps a bit naive, something of a Romantic, with a love for Creation and an ardent love for my Creator. My submission to Islam has been a blessing truly, and I do not know where I would be without the knowledge I have gained and the friends I have made in pursuit of that knowledge. These friends of which I speak have been many and varied:  poets and physicians, composers and lovers of knowledge (true “philosophers”), scholars of all sorts. And all across the span of centuries and places the world over:  some contemporary, some long-departed; some quite near, some very far.
The verdure of this new-found path beneath my feet becomes ever more green and I am humbled by the thought of what is yet in store for me. I realize now in writing this rather rambling post, I have brought myself back to a state of relative calm, reminding myself of what is truly important for my well-being.
I will take my leave of you, Dear Reader, and I hope wherever you might be in this world, you are well and taking good care.
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silver-kitsuneneko · 4 years
How to Deal with Cyberbullying as an Adult
I’m writing this because sadly, I hadn’t seen any posts or guides to help people with being bullied online, which is a shame because it’s a very important thing to know, especially when it’s no longer in the realm of teenagers but when adults are being cyberbullied. This guide is for those who are eighteen and over. Cyberbullying has become a growing problem over the years and with the whole cancel culture movement it’s gotten even worst. People are going after creators who did something someone didn’t like twenty years ago, someone was accused of something without proper evidence and of course that can’t fly and more often than not, someone disagreeing with someone over a show/media/fandom etc. and will of course make that person’s life a living hell just because. As someone was on the receiving end of cyberbullying for three years, I think I can give some insight on what to do and not do as a final chapter of this horrible incident and I can finally move on.
 Rule One: DO NOT RETALIATE. I know this is HARD like very hard but it’ll only make things worse. Seriously, don’t take this as an “I’m not going to back down!” or “How dare they?! I’m going to give them a piece of my mind!” moment, just Ignore, delete and BLOCK. Seriously, if not, you’re going to get a lot more than you bargained for:
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 So yeah, just IGNORE.
 Rule Two: DeviantART is NEVER going to help you. Many of you use DA as your place to post art, especially teenagers. If you think DA is going to magically help you by banning them because let’s face it, DA is good for banning and suspending accounts but they really don’t care about the personal safety of their users. They don’t care if someone steals art, they don’t care if someone is harassing you, they don’t care if you’re being threatened. Their only “solution” is to block the person, knowing that people make multiple accounts just to harass a user. But as long as they get their money from their core users, they don’t care. However, this doesn’t mean that all sites are like this: Tumblr, Wattpad, FF.net, and a few others have excellent and better ways to deal with Cyberbullies and harassment, though with the user being anon things can be tricky.
 Rule three: Document everything! And I do mean everything! every single message geared towards you, anything that you know for a fact is suppose to be about you, anything that harassment and does not make you feel safe, DOCUMENT IT. Make sure you get the time and date stamp and make sure you get the website they posted it on. If you don’t know how to screen shot via desktop, there’s a Snipping tool that will do the dirty work for you better! Here are some examples on what I did. Please note that the following is very disturbing.
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  As you can see, these edgelord postings are in fact a death threat and needed to be reported. I’m glad I got it and sent it through proper channels. Which brings me to my next point.
 Rule Four: Local law enforcement cannot help you, especially if your cyberbully is in another country. You can’t contact their police equivalent either because it’s a cybercrime not a “domestic” crime. They can’t do anything to help you.
 Rule Five: Contact the FBI cyber unit. Yes, there’s a FBI unit for cybercrimes. Harassment, death threats, cyberstalking, and cyberbullying are crimes. Get as much information as you can on your harasser. This could mean usernames, locations, and if you can, names. My cyberstalker posted her real name and location because she was an artist so things like her name, location, and email were posted everywhere and it was just easy to get what I needed to file a report. Don’t be ashamed and don’t be scared to do so. The form is simple and you can use that evidence you collected to show that you are indeed being harassed. The website can be found here: https://www.ic3.gov/default.aspx
 Rule Six: Don’t post your plight to your fans, on your page, or anything like that. As much as you want to vent to your Readers and Fans online, don’t. This will give your cyberbully exactly what they want, a reaction out of you. Also, many of your fans may take it upon themselves to defend you, which is honorable and an awesome thing but at the same time it’ll give them a “Reason” to send their own personal hate army after your or in my cyberbully’s case, even after I apologized, still sent her batshit crazy friends after me for days at a time. If that’s the case then shut down your page temporarily. I know it seems like you’re running but damage control at this point is the best thing you can do especially since they’re making new accounts faster than you can block and delete. If you do what to vent to your readers, use a secret language or something like that to keep everything hushed and secret so only you and your fans would know or set things to private.
 Rule Seven: Don’t post anything too personal about yourself. To many, their page or accounts are their safe places. No I don’t mean this is a SJW, special snowflake, PC culture thing but your personal spot where you can share your thoughts and feelings and post your creations. Sometimes you forget that someone with ill intentions may be using your page to get cannon fodder for later or something of that nature. My bully decided to use my relationship with my parents as a way to bash me and things of that nature and found a post several years before the fact where I told a Reader/ Fan that I didn’t like my name and went by my initials (K.C.) that I realized that she was stalking my page. She even made a journal stating that I was going after her husband, the reason why she didn’t have a job, and that if she killed herself it was my fault because I “drove her to it”. The link to that is here.
As you can see, most of it is a very unhinged rambling of someone who really need some help. This is why you should NEVER engage a cyberbully. You don’t know if they’re right in the head or not. 
 Rule Eight: take all the time you need to take care of your mental health. When you’re being harassed at the level I was, it’s weighs on your self-worth, self esteem, mental health, and even your physical health. I felt alone in this fight, I felt like no one was listening to me, and I felt like she was never going to stop. Thanks to @pizzapupperroni, @ mischief-soul-lover, and @incubeebirb, I slowly got through it. In fact, PizzaPupper got me on One Piece as an attempt to do something new and it really helped me. I can’t thank her enough for that. Do things that’ll take your mind off of things, play your favorite video game series, take a break from your page for a little while, engage in a new hobby, block and made sure your bully cannot contact you again if you can. Meditate, take a hot bath/ shower, and just take a few days to yourself before going back to business as usual. Remember your mental health and self worth is more important than your page. Your followers will understand.
Rule Nine: If all else fails, start over. I know this is VERY hard for those who’ve been on platforms for five plus years and built you following or things like that but if the harassment continues, you may have to switch platforms and start over. This is usually a last resort. Usually by the cyber crime report happens, everything is okay again. But sometimes that may not be the case. Think of this as a last resort if this person is really bothering to the point that you can’t take it.
Whew, I was finally able to get all of this off my chest. Hopefully my experience with this cyberbully incident will help many of you approach it better with more and better resources than I did. No one deserves this type of torture and that’s exactly what it is, torture. It’s something that will weigh on your body mind until you feel like there’s nothing left for you to do and it overall makes you feel just unsafe and shitty. Please be safe out there, use you best judgment and learn to not engage. 
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boydgearloose · 4 years
Hey, you! As a fic writer I’m terribly interested in your fowl sitcom idea. I think it’s got a lot of potential. You wouldn’t be up to sharing details about it would you?
anon you have no idea how thrilled i was when i saw this ask LOL i’ve literally been talking about fowl and how i see their dynamic in my head for AGES! i could fill several pages with thoughts i’ve had involving the group and how they interact with each other, both humorous and serious. but this seems to be asking for the more funny lighthearted approach so allow me to put it into words to my best ability. here’s a rundown of how i see each character:
bradford: the boss who’s done with everyone’s shit. i don’t think about him that much but he’s definitely the most competent, that’s basically canon. idk anything about the other two buzzards though...iirc only one of them has a name so far? lmao
black heron: total mad scientist. i honestly wish this part of her character was utilized more in fan content because it’s so INTERESTING. she canonically did surgery on steelbeak i mean. come on. anyway, she is probably the most competent after bradford and the oldest (minus rockerduck) by quite a bit. sometimes she feels like she has to babysit the other agents. she isn’t entirely wrong to feel that way
steelbeak: there’s not much i can say here that double o duck didn’t already show but he’s definitely the butt of a lot of jokes within the dynamic, a wild card who’s extremely unhinged and impulsive. he definitely likes to do really dumb shit to impress the other agents and almost gets himself killed every time. he does get along begrudgingly well with gandra and possibly others but going into that dynamic is a whole other story that i’ll hopefully tell one day. and we all know how he is with black heron, that’s a fun one
gandra: she’s the youngest ofc. her and steelbeak aren’t too far apart (maybe 4 or 5 years) but he thought she was 13 when they first met and it took him a few months to realize how old she really was. despite this, she's very capable and one of the smartest members. i think she’s a pretty high-ranking agent despite her age and it’s definitely well-deserved. a lot of fowl’s plans would fall apart without gandra...which is funny because she’s definitely not gonna stay there
phantom blot: ok. here we go. so yes i know that we know absolutely nothing about this guy other than he’s funso and whatever frank hinted (yes i do know it all off the top of my head, no i won’t go into it because the fact that i have MEMORIZED this shit is embarrassing) but i have found myself preemptively attached and very much so. i’ve managed to temporarily fill in the blanks by coming up with some pretty sweet lore based on my own thoughts and older blot content that i want to drop in fic-form sometimes before it’s squashed by canon and have absolutely fallen in love with this character while doing so. despite this, i’ll keep my answer here on the shorter side. i don’t think many people in fowl know much about blot? he likes to keep to himself, finding comfort in the air of mystery he puts on to throw everyone off. most of the agents are intimidated by him and rightfully so, for he is rather terrifying and prides himself on it. other than that, he actually doesn’t really HATE his job as funso. despite everything, he’s not bad with kids. plus, he’s probably the only person in the universe who genuinely enjoys funso’s pizza. there’s a lot more i could say here but then it’ll turn into a “saturn’s self-indulgent phantom blot lore” post and not a fowl dynamic post so i’ll end it by saying that i REALLY love the idea of him slowly becoming closer to some of his co-workers :”) i think he’s a really overdramatic and almost silly guy deep down inside (but in an evil and fucked up way) and if he got to know someone, that side of him would really shine!
rockerduck: he expects a lot more respect than he’s gonna get from this crew, i'll just say that. jeeves is really the only one who listens to him and everyone else kind of views him as a small angry old man who they spent hours unthawing from a block of ice. also, he’s hilariously gullible from culture shock and gandra takes advantage of this the most. she kinda has it out for him because he’s a rich bastard and she doesn’t vibe with that. he gets along with jeeves and...not really anyone else. sorry rockerduck. he’s kind of the group loser :(
jeeves: i’ve admittedly thought about him the least. he kinda just interacts with rockerduck i think? he can’t talk or anything so not many of the other fowl agents want to get to know him. but he has a softer side, as we saw at the end of outlaw scrooge mcduck. i do wonder if that might come back into play sometimes in canon. also it’s fun to imagine him doing shit like knitting sweaters with that awful look on his face that he probably can’t even wipe off
and...that’s about it! this got REALLY long and rambly so i apologize for that but hopefully it gave you what you need and if you have any questions, please ask because i cannot describe how much i love talking about these guys!!!
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forkanna · 7 years
NOTE: So this is the last chapter before the epilogue! Some of you will be sad about that, some will just be glad this loooong fanfic is finally at its close. But yeah, stay tuned for the epilogue, and I hope you all find it satisfying and/or entertaining!
ALSO, this is going to be the first of 8 solid days of Hanukkah updates! How, you may ask? Well, I had another fic I've been tinkering with that is 6 chapters long. Adding this chapter, and a chapter of Precious Little Knives, that's 8 little Hanukkah presents for everyone! Later this month, I'll also be posting something on the first day of Yule and also on Christmas. This is my favourite time of year, after all!
The final goodbye speech and prayer were at noon at next day. With how little sleep she and Elsa got, Anna was practically a zombie, zoning in and out while Father Frollo's monotone voice rambled on about community building and God and how happy he was to to have seen another group of faces come to the camp to grow. Despite the cold and severe look on his face when he spoke. The ceremony went on for a good hour and it was only thanks to the occasional sharp jab to the ribs from Elsa's elbow that Anna even kept awake through it.
The exhaustion only helped the feeling of sadness dampen her mood. Despite everything, she had a great time and it was horrible that she had to leave not only her sister, but also her new friends behind, as well.
"Oh, don't be so glum," Elsa tried to tell her as they made their way slowly back to the cabins, even though she herself didn't look entirely happy. But at least she was smiling, unlike Anna. "Now we will share a lifetime of the fondest memories."
Anna regarded her sister briefly before humoring her with a small smile back. "You're right." She bumped Elsa playfully with her hip. "So many very fond memories. I'm just a little sad that it has to end…"
"I know. But… well, think of it another way. This is the beginning of everything else." Her eyes held a million secrets, and they were all meant for her sister alone. Anna couldn't keep the grin from making its way onto her face before she placed a chaste kiss on Elsa's cheek.
"Yes, it is. And hopefully, you and I will be together again in a few months, and then I'm never leaving your side ever again." She laughed softly. "Does that make me sound clingy?"
Elsa made sure to kiss Anna's cheek back before she whispered, "Yes." They both shared a laugh this time. "But it's alright. I think after being completely separated for five years, you have the right to cling for a bit."
"Good." Anna reached out to loop their arms together and pressed close to her older sister's side. "Because I don't ever intend to leave this spot!" She gave a resolute nod before giving Elsa a coy smirk and a raised brow. "Want to try for a quickie before we go? As a parting gift?"
There was a low rumble from Elsa that definitely sounded like it would lead to another "Yes". However, all she had time to do was nuzzle Anna's neck and hum before they heard a knock at the door. So instead, she called out, "Who is it?"
"Me!" said Rapunzel as she creaked the door open. Though Anna and Elsa broke apart, it had been very obvious what they were doing just before they did, and their friend's reaction showed. She swallowed hard and ducked her head down between her shoulders. "O-oh, I- sorry, I thought- I didn't m-mean…"
"It's fine, Punzie!" Anna rushed to say before her friend ran off completely. If this was her last chance to see her friend, she was determined to take the bull by the horns. "Come on in, what's up? Can we get you anything? Juice, water… money?"
Her head shook, and she looked like she wanted to say more but didn't. After a moment, Elsa prompted her, "Would you like to come in so we aren't overheard? It might be less… uncomfortable for you." She did, pressing back against the door to shut it. "There. Now, what's… wrong? Or is nothing wrong?"
"Not really, but, I… well, I thought I'd come see you off."
Anna smiled and sat down on her bed, gesturing to the only chair in the room for Rapunzel to sit. "Thanks, Punzie," she said sincerely. "How are you getting home? Someone coming to get you?"
"Uh-huh. My mom. B-but before I left…" She took a deep breath in, letting it out very slowly. "I wanted to say I'm sorry."
The sisters exchanged an uncertain glance. "Um… okay," Elsa eventually said. "Sorry for what?"
"Being upset, and weird about this. Like… okay, I still don't think it's right, but I also see how much you two love each other. And that's so important! And the Bible tells us not to judge, to leave that up to Him, right? S-so I really shouldn't be… mad, or scared, or whatever it was I was feeling!" She took a couple more breaths, fingers fidgeting in front of her stomach. "Anyway, sorry for being so weird. What you two do alone is n-none of my business."
Anna bit her lip, unsure exactly what to say. While her heart soared at Rapunzel's apology and the sting of her initial rejection eased, it was clear by Rapunzel's demeanor and the way she flinched and her voice wavered that she still wasn't comfortable around the sisters anymore. She wanted to hug the brunette, because Rapunzel really had become such a dear friend to her over the past few weeks, but that probably wouldn't go over very well.
"Thank you so much for the apology, Punzie… I- I appreciate it and…" She paused her and closed her eyes. "I- I know that… you probably don't really want it, but I'd like to give you my phone number. So we can keep in touch if you want? Because I really care about you and I would love to talk to you and hear you ramble about Flynn and your life and-" She knew she was spinning out of control, but she found herself unable to stop. A few tears spilled over. "And I th-think you're an amazing person and I would still love to be your friend and-"
She stuttered to a halt when a gentle hand rested on her shoulder. "Anna," Elsa whispered, squeezing gently. Then she turned to the other girl. "She'd like to keep in contact. You could get her number and then later decide what to do with it."
A little squeaked "oh!" popped out of her mouth before she smiled. "S-sure! I'm just surprised you'd want to after…" Shrugging off her own nerves, she reached into her pocket for her phone. "Well, hey, this has probably been a really eye-opening camp for all of us! Guess we should just let go and let God, right?"
The redhead grinned weakly as she took Rapunzel's phone, typing in her number before handing it back and pulling Rapunzel into a tight hug. "I'm so glad you're not mad!" After a brief moment, she hugged back with a huge sigh of relief. They stayed like that for nearly a minute before Anna finally pulled away.
"We're okay then?" she asked hopefully.
"Yeah. I mean, it's still gonna be pretty crazy for me to think about… y'know, you two, but I'm done letting that stop me from being friends with you. Because I know in my soul that you're a blessing, Anna. Really." Then she turned to Elsa and awkwardly added, "A-and you, too! Of course!"
"It's fine," she chuckled, waving her hand back and forth. "I'm aware that you forged a bond with her first and we haven't spoken much."
Anna giggled, "I'm not so sure about your bond with Punzie being any weaker than mine though, Mommy." She chanced a playful tease before slinging her arms around both girls. Anna was over the moon with warmth and delight and her smile reflected that with how widely it was spread. Of course, Punz ducked her head and let out a long, mortified groan, collapsing against the two of them.
"Please don't tell anybody? Geeze Louise, I don't even know why I said that…"
"Maybe Mommy will have you massage her feet again soon," Elsa teased, prompting a deeper groan. Anna giggled and squeezed both women.
"We should all have a Skype night or something, play some Uno or poker again. You can even invite Flynn!" the redhead suggested. "I'd love to meet him."
That got her to smile again, even though her cheeks were still glowing with embarrassment. "Okay! I've never done that online, but it sounds neat!" Anna quickly pulled away from the two so she could rummage about for a scrap of paper and a pen. It took her a few minutes but it wasn't long before she was handing off her email address and her phone number to the brunette. She also put Elsa's number on there for good measure.
"Okay, so if you find someone on Skype named Feisty Pants- Lover of Sandwiches, that's me. My friend Kristoff changed it on me and I never got around to changing it back."
"Um, cool," she half-laughed, looking down at it. "And… thanks for like, giving me time to kind of separate 'sin from sinner', as we keep saying around here. This just wasn't anything I expected to, y'know… have to process while at camp. Or at all. But that's on me, not you two."
Anna pulled her into another hug. "Thank you for understanding, Rapunzel," she murmured. "I know it must have been hard but I'm so happy that you can look past the 'we're terrible people who are sinning' bit and just… understand that me and Elsa are in love."
"Well, I mean… if you're going to be like that, I guess at least you're not just doing it for kicks!" Her laughter was a little unhinged but at least she was laughing. Elsa patted her shoulder as they hugged, hoping to add to the warmth of the moment. When she did pull back, she sighed and said, "Well… I guess we better get going. Camp's over! Again…"
Anna slumped and gave her older sister a pout, but she eventually pulled away from her friend and stepped back to stand at Elsa's side. "Are you all packed up and ready to go?" she asked Rapunzel.
"Yep! Tried to make sure I was before I came here." Then she hugged her new friends. Again. "Talk to you soon?"
"Of course," Elsa promised, embracing her back.
"If you want, call me sometime next week," Anna offered. "Let me know what's up."
"That'd be super awesome!" Skipping back out the door, she called over shoulder, "Bye, Anna, bye, Elsa!"
After waving to her retreating form, Elsa shook her head and chuckled. "At least she didn't call me 'mommy' again while shouting it that way."
"I think you would have secretly loved it if she did," Anna teased her sister, leaning in and planting a few soft kisses in Elsa's neck. "Or maybe I should say that next time we're doing the naughties together." she gave Elsa a flirtatious grin. "What do you think, mommy?"
But the way Elsa's lip curled made it clear that was not something she was interested in. However, she was diplomatic enough to say, "Well… if you want to, I suppose it would be alright. Just don't start asking for me to change your diaper or anything."
Anna chuckled softly and kissed Elsa's lips lightly. "Never change, Sis," she hummed cheerfully. "I love you so much and I never want you to change." Filled with warmth and mirth towards the woman in her arms, Anna couldn't resist the urge to kiss her again… and again. And Elsa didn't try to resist, either.
Not long afterward, they were packed and ready to go. Instead of immediately sweeping off to the other campers, they spent a moment or two on the bed, simply lying in each other's arms. The kisses and heat, exploring bodies, had become less important than pure closeness in these final moments.
"I wish we didn't have to part ways at all," Elsa finally whispered, voice tight. Anna snuggled closer and sighed, closing her eyes and taking in Elsa's everything. Her scent filled the redhead with a sense of calmness that soothed the dark cloud of their inevitable separation looming over their heads.
"Me either," she murmured. "But it won't be forever and we'll still be able to call and Skype." Even as she said it, she gripped Elsa a little tighter, and she hugged back with equal enthusiasm. This wasn't going to be easy, but they could survive it.
Then it was time to meet their parents. The dreaded moment.
It was Anna who reluctantly pulled away first, giving Elsa a kiss on the cheek before getting up. "Papa said he'll be here around three… We should get going." A quick glance at her watch confirmed that she had fifteen minutes to get her and her belongings to the parking lot.
"Yeah." That was all Elsa said; there wasn't much more to say. But once they got to the door, she laid her hand upon Anna's to delay her. "Sister?"
"Yeah?" Anna rested her own hand gently over top of Elsa's and turned her head towards her. The blonde fidgeted for a moment, then shrugged and leaned over to kiss her nose.
"Just wanted one more moment with you. To kiss you goodbye before we can't." Anna beamed.
"One more proper kiss then?" she asked. "For the road?"
Elsa didn't seem to have any qualms. Her hands immediately lifted to cup either side of Anna's face, taking her lips with reckless abandon. Anna kissed back just as eagerly, letting out a little moan before slipping her tongue into Elsa's mouth. Anna never wanted it to end. And neither did Elsa, if the echoing moan was any indication. But eventually, she did draw back, breathless as she sniffled to stem the tears that had begun to fall somewhere during their moment.
"It's alright. We… we'll be fine. And I'll come visit you soon!"
Anna bit her lip, her own tears falling as she reached up to gently wipe her older sister's away. She reached out and pulled her into another hug. "We'll be fine," she echoed, choking up. Elsa patted her on the back as they embraced, nuzzling into her neck. Anna laughed softly through the tears. "We're never going to leave at this rate," she pointed out, hugging Elsa tighter. "Can't you just...come with us?" Despite knowing the answer, Anna couldn't keep the tiny sliver of hope from creeping into her voice.
"Afraid not," she told her gently. "I… have to go home and face the music. But depending on how that goes, you may see me before the summer has truly ended."
"Mom wouldn't disown you," Anna pointed out. "She gave up on me because I've been living with Dad. She'll be mad about you lying about me and probably be in denial and try to convince you that it's just my bad influence rubbing off on you." Immediately, a huge sigh came from Elsa's mouth, and she looked away. Then she turned back and cupped Anna's cheek.
"She won't fool me twice, Anna. Don't worry."
"I know." Anna gripped the hand on her cheek and caressed it with her thumb, smiling at Elsa. "We're together forever now." She turned her head to plant a soft kiss on Elsa's palm before pulling away again. "Come on, we really have to go now. At this point, I'm pretty sure we'll just stay here forever if we don't leave now."
"Would that really be so bad?" But before Anna could answer, she turned their hands so they both opened the door together.
It didn't take terribly long for them to trek across the campgrounds to the parking lot, even with their luggage in tow. A few late-leaving campers waved, as well as some of the counselors. Even Belle, whom had seemed standoffish at the best of times. Anna waved back at all of them, swinging her and Elsa's connected hands gently with every step they took. Despite being the one to push them into leaving the cabin, Anna still wasn't in much of a rush to part ways.
"Miss Anna! Miss Elsa!" Olaf bounced up and down excitedly, waving his arm from where he was standing next to Mark and who Anna presumed were their parents. The father especially looked exactly like the two boys but the mother was the one who was giving them Olaf's signature earnest, near-goofy grin. "Thank you so much for the great summer!"
"Of course," Elsa chuckled gently immediately, waving animatedly from where they stood. "See you next year!"
"See you next year! Make good choices!" Olaf answered back happily before he and Mark were led away by their suddenly sheepish father.
The parting sentiment made Anna burst into giggles. "I'm going to miss that kid."
"Yeah, he is… truly unique." Then she turned to look around again, and frozen in her tracks. "Oh."
There was their father. Clearly, Elsa had not been mentally prepared to run into him, despite how long she had to get used to the idea. He looked much the same, despite all the years apart. Anna forgot all about their connected hands as she excitedly dashed forward, dragging Elsa behind her.
"Papa!" she cheered, "I missed you!"
"There's my Anna Banana!" he said first, sweeping her into a hug. Though his eyes were mostly pointed at Elsa. That was understandable; the prodigal daughter was definitely the uncommon sight. "And you brought a friend! Who might this tall, pretty blonde be?"
Anna pulled away from him and gently nudged Elsa forward, grinning at the two of them. "I'd like to reintroduce you to your tall, pretty daughter!"
Elsa looked rather shy about it, glancing between the two of them. Edgar looked briefly stunned before he grinned broadly, his eyes misting over. "You've gotten so big, my little Snow Princess. And so beautiful, too; I hardly recognized you." There was a brief moment of hesitation before the tall man opened his arms for Elsa. "I may be old and crazy, but… mind giving your old man a hug?"
That request was more than enough. Eyes already watering, she rushed forward and threw her arms around his middle, squeezing tightly and shivering with the effort of suppressing her sobs. One of his hands reached up to cradle her head close against his shoulder, rocking her very slightly and whispering gentle words of comfort. A few campers and counselors glanced their way, but most of them seemed not to pay much mind to the tearful reunion. Anna watched the pair, feeling warmth at seeing her sister and father finally reunited after so many years.
"I can't believe it's really been so long," Elsa whispered so softly that it almost couldn't be heard. "Dad…"
"I missed you, Elsa." Edgar held her a little tighter and rubbed her back soothingly. "Gosh, it's so good to see you. How have you been, Princess? Keeping out of trouble?"
"Mostly," she conceded. Her eyes flicked very briefly over toward her sister, but didn't linger there. "I'm… very happy that I got to see Anna again. That we could talk; I'm so glad I'm not left guessing why I never heard from her anymore."
Edgar frowned deeply. "I'm so sorry. Had I known what your mother was doing, I would've intervened. She has no right keeping you two away from one another." He gave Elsa a tight squeeze and sighed heavily. "I thought she was better than that."
"So did I," she whispered back, relaxing into the embrace at last. "Seriously, I would never have expected… a-and I didn't believe Anna at first, and now I feel so guilty about that. And angry with Mama, but I don't want to be angry with her!"
Edgar ran his fingers through his elder daughter's hair, as though hoping the action would help soothe Elsa's anger. He stayed quiet for a few minutes and contemplated what to say next. "You have every right to be angry," he murmured finally, laying a kiss on her forehead, "so long as you know to let go of that anger and forgive your mother when you are ready to do so. Isn't that what I taught you true Christianity is about? Love and forgiveness?"
Anna fidgeted herself when she heard her father's advice. It was the same thing he told her when Hans first broke her heart all those years ago and while the pain their mother had caused was worse in comparison to that, the redhead knew deep down that she should do the same for her.
"Alright," her sister promised him readily, nodding against his shoulder. Finally, she sniffled and stood back, wiping at her eyes. "I'll try. And… I'm going to work on it on my drive home. Might call you two to keep me company; I have a car charger and a Bluetooth earpiece, I could probably talk all the way home…"
Edgar grinned. "There you go, that's a wonderful idea. I'm sure you both have loads of stories to share with me and nothing would make this old man happier than to hear them while driving a long six hours." He spared a playful nod at his other daughter. "You can help keep this one busy while I drive, too. She's a bit of a backseat driver and it gets a little irritating."
"You drive worse than I do," Anna commented with a roll of her eyes. "If i didn't, you'd have rolled us ages ago."
"Hey! I got here safely all on my own and only started drifting twice!" their father said, sounding mockingly appalled. Elsa chuckled, but it was the self-conscious chuckle of someone who was not quite sure of whether or not they were allowed to laugh on that occasion.
"We should be going," Anna pointed out as she stepped towards her father and her sister, smiling affectionately as she pulled them both into a crushing group hug. "Otherwise, I think the administers are going to force us to stay and help with the closing cleanup." Despite Edgar's grunt of agreement, none of the family parted. Anna placed a soft kiss on Elsa's cheek, lingering there just long enough to edge on being more than sisterly, before pulling away. "See you later, okay, Snowflake?"
"Of course," she breathed, voice full of emotion. She hugged Anna again, but kept it far shorter than the hugs that they had enjoyed within the cabin. Then she tore herself away, backing toward her own car. "Very soon. And I'll call you!"
Anna found herself struggling to keep herself from dashing towards Elsa's car after her as a lump in her throat made it hard for her to breathe and tears sprang into her eyes. Instead, she reached for her father's hand and gave it a hard squeeze to keep herself still. "Y-you better!" she managed to say, thankfully without too much difficulty. "I-I love you, sis!"
And she was out of there. Once, before pulling out of the parking lot entirely, Elsa stopped and waved out the window to both of them, tears clearly visible along her cheeks. Then she was gone.
"Alright, Anna Banana," her father sighed, clapping her on the shoulder. His eyes were clearly a bit misty, as well. "What do you say we, uh… we find a McD's or something on the way home, eh? Get a sundae or something to celebrate heading home."
Anna nodded and gave her father one more hug. "I'm going to miss her, Papa," she mumbled into his shirt.
"I know, honey. I know." Strong arm still around her, he guided his daughter toward the car.
It wasn't until they were a little further down the road, sitting in the car with their ice cream, that she began a long conversation with "Dad, I have something to tell you…" And it was not an easy one, but Edgar Saunders was patient, and listened as best he could. It was all she could hope for.
                                                   To Be Concluded…
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