#please the shippers and the no-homo anime bros
Sometimes I feel like a silly weirdo for shipping Satosugu so hard, but then I hear a clip of “my heart and my soul know otherwise” and I remember that I am not at fault here.
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rizz-penguin · 1 year
intro bc one of my mutuals unintentionally reminded me to do this
Rayna, Riley, or Otto
-they/mightbegiants (/j it's actually they/them lmao)
-asexual spectrum
-aromantic spectrum
-autism and ADHD
Please use tone tags for possibly offensive jokes!
-if you like one of my art posts (usually tagged with art and if remember, my art tag) please reblog!! :)
Music: They Might be Giants, AJJ, AJR, cavetown, Hank Williams, Ramones
Games: Mirror's Edge: Catalyst, Minecraft
Books: Prosper Redding, Warriors, Blood on the River, Wild Rescuers, The Graveyard Book, Touching Spirit Bear
Movies: 9, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Apollo 13, The Secret of NIMH, Where the Red Fern Grows
Animes: Attack on Titan, Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun
Cartoons: Amphibia, The Owl House, Steven Universe
Drawing, writing, the occasional animation
DNI if:
You are homo/transphobic
You are abelist or racist
You ship real people (who aren't comfortable with being shipped)
You're a pedo/zoo/incestual
You're a proshipper
You are an "art fixer"
You are an AI bro
You are anti-men, anti-man, etc
You are pro-life
You are a TERF (trans-exclusionary radical feminist)
You're an NSFW blog please I'm sorrym no offense but I'm a minor
#ryebread rambles - text / paragraph post tag
#arty art arts - art posts, I forget
I have 12 cats, 4 dogs, and idek how many spiders I have
I make stupid jokes and laugh at them
Ricky Montgomery has such a pretty voice
I like penguins. They're cute
Self shippers are okay, y'all are cool :3
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krkmbk-blog · 5 years
BakuKiriKami week 2019 announcement! (22-28 July)
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A quick thank you to those who participated in the polls for prompts! We are excited to announce a BakuKiriKami week dedicated to the relationship of Bakugou, Kirishima and Kaminari! Brought to you by, and organised with the help of, the KiriKamiBaku Server Discord. An event channel will be made so feel free to join and interact with other fellow participants and shippers <3
The week will be held during the dates of July 22nd to July 28th in 2019.
Prompts: Day 1 (22/7): Soulmate AU, Domestic*, First date, “I'm sorry I'm like this”
Day 2 (23/7): Villain AU*, Proheroes*, Sick/Injured, "I miss us"
Day 3 (24/7): Fantasy AU*, Space*, Confessions, "Three isn't a lucky number"
Day 4 (25/7): Behind the scenes AU*, Pranks, Road trip, "Hey we're on the news”
Day 5 (26/7): Band AU, Summer, Childhood*, "Bro all the homo”
Day 6 (27/7): Business AU*, Flowers, Anniversary, "Don't do that ever again"
Day 7 (28/7): ABO AU, Animals, Reunion, Free day Here are some explanations for the * prompts. Feel free to send in questions if there’s any confusion. Domestic: Can be anything sweet and fluffy. Home lifestyle, shopping for groceries, family, children, etc. Villain Au: anything can happen if you want one, two or all three boys to be villains. You can also do traitor au! Pro Heroes: have the boys graduating and now adults living their dreams as pro heroes! Fantasy AU: it doesn't just have to be about the normal fantasy au we all know (and love) the boy can be in any fantasy world you want (mermaids, dragons, princes, demons and angels and etc.) Space: this could either mean the boy's go on a space adventure or they could/have/need space between them. You decide Confessions: could be anything, from admitting their feels or something they have done Behind the scenes: this AU is if the characters of the show were actually actors for a show called ''my hero academia' Childhood: You can do an AU where the boys knew each other growing up or just reliving their childhood memories. Business AU: any of the boys can own or be in any sort of business such as being a CEO, owning a coffee shop or even being a model. Free day: did you have your own prompt in mind? Well here's your chance to use your own idea! Rules: - This week is about the boys (Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou and Kaminari Denki) having a happy and healthy polyamorous relationship. So please No Love Triangles unless the endgame is all three of them together.
-This is a Hate-Free event, so no ship or character hate will be tolerated.
- Content that includes widely offensive or triggering themes isn’t allowed either (example: racist content, sexism, adult/minor, etc.) Please tag all your sensitive content accordingly. If you want to explore a dark subject, and are concerned about potential triggers (and how to tag them), you can message any of the organisers and we’ll help you out.
- NSFW content is allowed as long as it’s properly tagged and under a read-more, or behind a link, so those that do not wish to see NSFW don’t have to. Also make sure everyone is properly aged up for this kind of content (18+).
Prompts Guidelines: - All kinds of creations are accepted as long as you make them yourself. NO REPOSTS. Original works can include: Fanfics, Drabbles, Fanart, Edits, Gifsets, Videos, Cosplay, and anything else you come up with!
- You don’t have to sign up for this, or participate all 7 days of the week.- The prompts there are meant to guide you and inspire you, you do not need to follow them strictly. Go wherever your imagination takes you!
- Late entries are accepted and will be reblogged for two weeks after the last day.
How to participate
-It’s quite easy and doesn’t require any sign-up!
-Post your work on tumblr, tag it with #bakukirikamiweek (between the first 5 spots), and we’ll make sure to reblog it. You can @ the tumblr to make sure we see your post. If you post your work anywhere else, please make sure to submit the link to our tumblr so we can share it too.
-If you are posting your story on ‘Archive of our own’ (ao3), make sure to add it to our collection “BakuKiriKami Week 2019”. (Warning: Ao3 requires you to have an account and it usually has a waitlist until you’re able to join, please plan this on time.) If you still have any questions regarding your participation or the rules, please make sure to contact any of the mods (Suga or Mack) and we’ll do our best to assist you.
We’re looking forward to all the content you guys will be making!
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It is getting harder day be day to keep our wits together for being a Misha/Cas stan and wanting what is best for the actor and character. Jensen's acting to Cas dying was clearly one where he is trying to be removed from the scene so fans don't read into it and scream Destiel. His face is so animated when Sam is dying or Bobby is dying, but Cas - hell no. I think Destiel fans have ruined Cas and Jensen's acting when he is around Misha. I blame them for Jensen wanting less scenes with Misha. UGH
Hi anon! Fair warning this is going to be really long. Under the cut it goes.
I agree with you that it´s really hard being a Cas/Misha only stan. Sometimes I feel like we are 5 or something around that number. Almost all of the blogs that love Cas, are also hard destiel shippers. And there´s nothing wrong with that in my opinion. We have different points of view. Look, maybe mmm 4 years ago? I would be jumping and celebrating like them (believe me I would be a happier person), but after all this time of being taunted, seeing my ship erased by the writers and some actors, seeing Cas suffering and left behind and a million other horrible things, I became ultra bitter. I can´t stand how they treat Misha and Cas. I see them first, I will defend them first. I don´t care about a fucking ship. I can´t see Cas hurt and jump because he said I love you. All I see is my angel hurt again and again. And I can´t be happy about that.
Destiel has become a touchy topic for a lot of people. Years ago we didn´t have this rabid obsession. But well, what can we expect? The subtext WAS there, everything was there. We were not delusional. As critic as I am of the deancas interaction nowadays, they made destiel seemed a possibility with a lot of baiting. A LOT. There are tons of posts in the early stages of destiel, analyzing the light, the way the scenes were filmed, the looks between the actors, under a romantic construction. And ALL of them were right. They knew it, they played with it, they played with us, and when it became a huge topic of discussion and incredible popular, they dropped it, they erased it, they shamed us. To be clear when I say “they” I´m talking about producers, writers, the network and, to an extent, a certain actor. 
After that, they tried to “fix it”, they kept Cas and Dean apart, the interaction was minimal, the relationship became less than a friendship. When this happened the destiel fandom broke into groups, there are people who hate it with all their hearts now, there are people (like me) who don´t hate it but don´t see it anymore and we hold on to the vintage destiel through fanfic, and there are people, the majority I think, that want destiel so much that they are fine with every little interaction they get between Cas and Dean. Some of them reach too much and this is what bothers a lot of people. I give you an example: Misha tweeted about the syrian refugees and the first response that he got was someone shouting destiel is real! I kid you not. THAT kind of behaviour is getting really tiresome and disrespectful. 
Which brings me to Jensen. I think he is a great actor. Really. He can show 5 emotions with only one look. And the chemistry he has with Misha is undeniable. Was he aware of his acting choices when destiel was developing? I doubt it. Although Misha seemed to know that the writers and directors were pointing at something, he had said this. But Jensen is another story completely, he really is no homo with Dean, he has constructed this character on this basis, Dean is Jensen sometimes, Jensen is Dean sometimes too. And he interprets Dean as straight. And that´s ok, too, because it´s the way he reads it. It´s the way he sees it. Nobody knows Dean more than Jensen. But that gives him no right to treat fans with disrespect when they have another reading. Because again, maybe he didn´t see destiel, but it was there. And people have a right to see things different, all forms of art are seeing from different points of view. And what he does, getting mad, answering with contempt and disrespect, erases a great part of the fandom. Although some destiel shippers are extreme, not all of us are or were like that. We don´t deserve that lack of respect, nobody deserves that for asking about a queer ship. And for that I blame Jensen and Jensen only. I´m not afraid to say it. He can talk about hetero ships but when a question about destiel is asked he gets mad? No, no and no. Something is wrong there.
Is his acting reflecting how uncomfortable he is with this? Yeah,for me, it is. Can he erase years and years of destiel subtext? Hell no. But it´s not only him: the writing and the direction have changed. All in all, there is a whole group of people trying to erase destiel, with our homophobic friend Robert Singer at the helm. And in this is when we find how blind destiel shippers can be today. Tptb don´t want it, Jensen doesn´t want it, a whole bunch of their homophobic audience don´t want it. It is NOT going to happen. Spn is a dude-bro-no-homo-everythin-is-white show. That´s the reality. That is what they want to transmit to people. Nobody is going to change that. No matter how much some deancas fans tweet to the producers/writers/actors, no matter how much they shout it at conventions, no matter how many questions they make. They can have whatever interpretation, but as I said that is not going to change reality. 
(Ugh anon sorry this became so so long. At this point you must be sleeping. But I wanted to vent about this and you gave me an out.)
So I can´t blame destiel fans for Jensen´s change in his acting. He is the one who chose that, because no homo! He is the one responsible for his acting choices. As a professional he shouldn´t change the way he plays Dean because of the interpretation of the fans. Imagine every actor in the world doing that. Impossible.
What I don´t like about destiel shippers is when Cas is only important because of a ship. When Cas is being tortured/destroyed/dying/bleeding and all they see is how Jensen turned his head and “destiel happened”. Cas is such an interesting character, with so many layers, that he is iconic by himself at this point. I think that we can´t see his actions only through destiel shipper eyes. Imho It´s a disservice to Misha´s wonderful acting. 
Again sorry for this long mess, I hope I didn´t bore you to death. And please forgive the mistakes and typos, english is not my first language. Take care anon!
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