#please think before you choose your font 🙃
I'm doing a week long training for camp soon, and this morning I got an email for how to prepare, and it's written in this fucking font
Tumblr media
I can't read this shit. I respect you wanting to be fun, but please, write it in normal text for those of us that are blind
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i-am-beckyu · 2 years
have some questions about writing
just for you
do you prefer writing dialogue or description?
hardest character to write?
when did you start writing g/t?
did you write any type of fanfiction before you got into gt/mcyt g/t?
from the fics you've posted (and one's you're in the process of writing), which character would you like to meet? why?
what is the hardest part about writing for you?
do you write for yourself or people?
do you struggle with exposition? (ex. you have a really good scene idea but don't want to/can't write a fic to surround said scene)
what's your favorite size (in a g/t sense, not a font sense) to write? why?
i've asked before but i'll ask again, what font do you write in and what size? do you color the text?
do you like to have a set time to write or would you rather just do it when you have the time/when the time feels right?
if you do have a set time to write: when is it? do you do anything special to make the atmosphere more pleasing? is there anything that helps you get motivated to write? do you do writing exercises?
how often do you write? bi-daily, daily, weekly?
you can only write fluff or angst for the rest of your life, which do you choose?
do you worldbuild beforehand or just jump straight into writing?
okay there you are, sorry for a short list, i've got quite the list of assignments to get through for school dshgjfsdnf
answer them all, pick your favs, idm 🙃
ps. as always, take a brick. take two.
Brick I swear, as I start to think of questions to ask you; you think of questions I wanna ask you and beat me to it >:/
Many answers under the cut :D
I also didn’t forget to post this nope
Do you prefer writing dialogue or description? I like writing dialogue, but have a bad habit of just wanting to write dialogue like a movie script and force descriptions into existence lol. Hardest character to write? Honestly? Like all of them. I know some of the lore as whole but not really how all characters act and think. I find writing c!tommy and c!wilbur the easiest because I like to read crimboi centred fics. So I know what I know from what I read.
when did you start writing g/t? Literally started actually writing a decent fic when I joined Tumblr and found the prompt I’m still writing. I think I may have one or two fics I tried writing as gt buried somewhere on usb’s from when I was still at school but I’m not sure but they’d be like 4 or 5 years old now.
did you write any type of fanfiction before you got into gt/mcyt g/t? 1. I have one fan fic. Not gt. Its a miraculous ladybug fic. Set in the future and I wrote it just after the end of season 1. It’s my lil baby and on my ipad. from the fics you've posted (and one's you're in the process of writing), which character would you like to meet? why? uhhhhhhhh sheesh hard one. Um probably Tommy from the fic I haven’t posted yet. I can’t explain why without spoilers, but I love him.
what is the hardest part about writing for you? Just having an actual plot and endings. Endings so damn hard qwq do you write for yourself or people? Myself. With everything I create, its for me. I do it for fun. Sometimes, if I get really inspired, I’ll create for others because I’m a gift giver and I like giving people things. But trying to create for others feels like I box myself in and am forced to create which I just can’t handle.
do you struggle with exposition? (ex. you have a really good scene idea but don't want to/can't write a fic to surround said scene) MMmmm I used too, but then I found a thesaurus :D  That makes no sense
what's your favorite size (in a g/t sense, not a font sense) to write? why? I think writing being small. Like the feeling of something massive in front of you and the daunting feelins that come with it. Lots of fun!
i've asked before but i'll ask again, what font do you write in and what size? do you color the text? Arial, size 11 and all black. I like to highlight points that need work when editing tho.
do you like to have a set time to write or would you rather just do it when you have the time/when the time feels right? Just write whenever. As I said when it comes to writing for people, time frames feel to constricting. I just do what feels right. if you do have a set time to write: when is it? do you do anything special to make the atmosphere more pleasing? is there anything that helps you get motivated to write? do you do writing exercises? no, music I guess, not really motivation just hits and we go zooooom, nope :3
how often do you write? bi-daily, daily, weekly? Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh next question.......
you can only write fluff or angst for the rest of your life.  which do you choose? Why would you make me choose T-T Fluff. I’d be sad if I never got happy endings. 
do you worldbuild beforehand or just jump straight into writing? Jump into it.
Thanks for the questions Brick!!!!!!! Always getting my brain ticking! Have some lollipops 🍭🍭🍭
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