#i have my face an inch from my screen and im still having troubles
I'm doing a week long training for camp soon, and this morning I got an email for how to prepare, and it's written in this fucking font
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I can't read this shit. I respect you wanting to be fun, but please, write it in normal text for those of us that are blind
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lifeontoast · 2 years
Can I request a scenario for Edward Cullen where reader falls asleep on his shoulder for the first time?
reader is his mate but they're not romantically involved yet-
we are just starved for Edward fluff on here 😭 I hope im not being too vague with my request. have a great day!
Sleepy Cuddles (10/1/23)
Edward Cullen x reader
A/N: Hey Nonnie! Thank you for your well wishes - I am sending you some too! Thank you for sending this request in, and I hope you like it :)
SUMMARY: reader falls asleep on Edward’s shoulder for the first time - just a bit of fluff!
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You and Edward were mates. But because he was 104 years old, and quite a traditional man in his values, you had never really done anything romantic, or even had much physical contact.
That’s why you were so excited by what had happened the other night.
You had had a tough week, and as a result you were exhausted beyond belief. However, you decided to spend some quality time with Edward, rather than going to sleep (logical - who wouldn’t?). So that’s where you found yourself. On the couch, next to Edward (a sufficient distance away, obviously) watching a gory horror movie of his choosing. Apparently, this was because he ‘wanted to see “monsters” like himself on screen’. You found this to be complete and utter rubbish, as you knew that behind the sparkling stone-cold killer exterior, he was a complete softie; though he did his best to keep this side of him hidden away (however, you’d found it).
Now, it had to be said that you weren’t the biggest fan of horror movies. Especially not the gory ones. However, you wanted to finally make a move on Edward. You used this combination of factors to formulate a plan in your head: you would try to inch closer to him on the sofa, very discreetly. This would also make a welcome distraction to the horrible scenes on the screen, and a way to keep yourself awake.
Unbeknownst to you, Edward had noticed you moving closer to him. At first, he had tried to inch away from you as you were inching towards him; but after a while, he realised that, deep inside his cold heart (that was not so cold for you), he had wanted to make a move on you for a while, so he sat still and let you move closer to him.
About halfway through the film, your arms were almost touching. You felt a little spark of excitement in your heart as you realised that you were one minute movement away from being shoulder-to shoulder with Edward. You found you weren’t bold enough to make that final move yet, however the universe had decided you were ready. The movie suddenly took a violent turn, and it made you jump, nearly into Edward’s arms. You felt him tense up a little at the unexpected contact, but he relaxed almost immediately. The two of you were finally TOUCHING! You just couldn’t believe it.
The film was about 3/4 of the way through, and as much as you tried, you just couldn’t keep your eyes open. They grew heavier and heavier until you were sure you were about to lose the fight. Finally, you did. You fell asleep; your head falling softly on Edward’s shoulder. Edward, being the good man that he was, let you stay there. As you slept on silently, Edward was having some trouble keeping his gorgeous smile off his face. If he was honest, he enjoyed the feeling of having someone trust him that much to sleep on his shoulder. Although he would never admit to that.
The movie finished, but Edward stayed sat on the sofa, not wishing to disturb you. After a little while had gone by, he took you in his arms slowly and carefully so you wouldn’t notice and wake up; your head on his shoulder all the while. He placed a gentle kiss on your head, and told himself to stop beating about the bush and give you all the love in the world. Hell, he promised he would give you the world if you wanted it. And so, there you both were. Edward Cullen cuddling you all night long, his head resting on yours. Edward found he couldn’t bear to let you go, even when morning came.
All it took for him to realise his deep, true love for you was you trusting him, and wanting to be with him, even doing something you hated.
That night, Edward promised to love you forever and always.
A/N: Thanks so much for reading. I hope you’ve enjoyed this! You guys rock!
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goodlucktai · 2 years
give me something that’ll haunt me when you’re not around
chapter three: me and you and the whole town underwater
rise of the tmnt pairing: leoichi (leonardo / usagi yuichi) word count: 3k title borrowed from dark blue by jack’s mannequin post-movie
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read on ao3
Usagi: Good morning Leonardo. Unknown: USAGI Unknown: there are so many snacks in here oh my god Unknown: what the hell 😭😭😭😭 Unknown: im heavily medicated its not fair to do nic ethings ill cry Unknown: tell ur aunt i said THANK YOU!!!!!!! and the blueberry buckle was SO GOOD😭😭 Unknown: i shared some w mikey and he wants the recipe like yesterday Unknown: we actually ate like. all of it in one sitting. raph was pissed lol
Yuichi lays in bed smiling at his phone for a while before he gets around to pulling his braincells together to form a reply.
He starts and stops typing so many times that it’s embarrassing. He’ll pretend he didn’t do that.
Usagi: Those snacks were specifically meant to aid in your recovery. Unknown: so idk how familiar u are w baby brothers but typically mike gets whatever he wants
Yuichi thinks of his youngest cousin Jomei. Tiny and soft, with huge gray eyes, and unfortunately already self-aware at four years old. If Mike—Michelangelo, Yuichi thinks he remembers the boy being called—is even half as powerful as Jomei, then Leonardo’s blueberry buckle didn’t stand a chance.
Usagi: Fair enough.
It’s a good thing he woke up early. He doesn’t get anything else done for hours. Leonardo is an enthusiastic conversation partner at all times, and his texts manage to translate that energy effortlessly.  
Typically, Yuichi lets his friends save their contact IDs in his phone however they want. Leonardo isn’t there to do it himself, but Yuichi makes the rookie mistake of giving him free reign anyway. So Leonardo insists his number go in under ⚡️⚡️NEON LEON⚡️⚡️ and Yuichi has something to roll his eyes at every time they message each other.
It also makes him feel warm. There’s an affectionate little tug in his chest at this clear proof of Leonardo in his hands.
Now that he has this unfettered access to the very same person he wants to talk to all the time, Yuichi checks his phone a lot more than he used to over the next couple days. He even keeps it in his waist apron pocket at work, which some of the other servers do, which technically isn’t against the rules because none of them have abused the privilege so far.
Yuichi will feel extremely bad and guilty if he’s the one who abuses the privilege and ruins it for everyone. But when it vibrates in his pocket while he’s going outside to dump the trash anyway, he might as well linger for an extra minute and check his messages, right? Right??
Once, Señor Hueso catches Yuichi lingering in the employee lounge after his lunch break is well over, moving at a snail’s pace back toward the dining room with his nose buried in his phone. He almost walks right into his boss’s chest, saved only by the last-minute sense of someone else’s immediate presence that Karasu-Tengu-sensei mercilessly trained into him years ago. So he freezes a few inches away instead and his eyes dart up to the skeleton yokai’s unamused expression.
Oh boy. Señor Hueso is generally a very patient person but he’s no-nonsense about work. Is Yuichi in trouble? Is he going to get fired?
“I’msosorry,” Yuichi whispers.
But instead of scolding him, Señor Hueso only gives a pointed look to the phone in Yuichi’s hands and says sternly, “You tell Pepino to give it a rest. He’s still recovering from a concussion, he doesn’t need to be staring at a screen all day, madre de dios. Please be a good influence.”
“You don’t know I was talking to Leonardo,” Yuichi says defensively. He has other friends he could be texting! Then he takes a second look at the older yokai’s face and backtracks immediately. “I mean. Uh. Yes, sir. I’ll tell him.”
“Good. Now you have tables seated in your section.”
It’s a dismissal if Usagi’s ever heard one, so he scurries into the dining room with five times his original speed, sending one last message before he shoves his phone away.
Usagi: Señor says no more screen time while you’re recovering from a concussion. ⚡️⚡️NEON LEON⚡️⚡️: what?? how even??? ⚡️⚡️NEON LEON⚡️⚡️: he doesn’t KNOW ur taking to me
Thank you, that’s exactly what Yuichi said!
He makes it a point to actually focus for the rest of his shift, but it’s a Wednesday afternoon, and things are slow. Sunita is off for the day, and Qiao is studying at the bar when they’re not actively pouring drinks, and those are the only two coworkers Yuichi is familiar enough to strike up conversation with, so he keeps to his own section and works quietly.
It’s been brought up a couple of times now, in passing—Leonardo’s condition. Apparently, even a month after the invasion, he’s still healing. Yuichi didn’t know the symptoms of a concussion could last whole weeks. He doesn’t really know much about kappa, or whatever manner of creature Leonardo and his brothers are, but for a head injury to be that severe…
Suddenly, the sight of Raphael’s damaged eye jumps to the front of Yuichi’s memory. The clean hole in the big turtle’s rock-solid carapace. What the hell could have done that? What happened to them?
His brain is coming up with nightmare fuel like that’s its job. Something horrible went down behind-the-scenes while Yuichi was completely ignorant—while Yuichi was waiting tables and getting into trouble with Kitsune and Gen and helping with the tomato harvest, Leonardo and his family were in almost certain danger. And Yuichi didn’t know.
He plops down on a stool at the bar at the tail end of his last break for the day, and Qiao wordlessly slides him a cranberry juice on the rocks.
“How do I get my friend to tell me about something that may or may not be a sensitive subject?” he blurts.
“Have you tried asking him about it?” the ram yokai replies in a tone that manages to be both over-exaggerated and monotone.
Yuichi doesn’t even know why he bothers. He taps his phone on the counter a few times, takes a big gulp of cranberry juice that he pretends is something much stronger, then goes for it.
Usagi: I need to talk to you. ⚡️⚡️NEON LEON⚡️⚡️: oooooo ominous Usagi: It’s not ominous, weirdo. I have to go now but I’m off at 7.
Any normal person would have taken that last text at face-value, but Yuichi isn’t dealing with a normal person, is he?
So maybe he should have been expecting it when he leaves the restaurant a few hours later and finds Leonardo waiting for him outside. He's leaning heavily on one of his katana, either in an attempt to look cool or because he’s having trouble staying upright.
Yuichi is not inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” he blurts. His flat tone definitely does not convey his shock, but he’s feeling too much right now to articulate any of it properly.
Leonardo laughs out loud. It’s a different sound than it used to be—hoarse and a little restrained, like he’s trying to remember he doesn’t have to be quiet. But it’s still bright, and it still makes Yuichi’s heart do backflips in his chest.
He’s wearing a hooded sweatshirt that looks way too big to belong to him, a deep maroon color, repaired with clumsy pink stitches along the shoulders. One of the sleeves is hiked up to Leonardo’s elbow, due to the unwieldy cast on his left forearm, covered in doodles and stickers. The hoodie is unzipped down the front, so Yuichi can make out the cracks in Leonardo’s plastron, spiderweb lines cutting cruelly through the armored scutes. It’s hard to imagine the kind of pressure it would have taken to crush his shell—the same kind that drilled that hole through Raphael’s? What happened to them?
The skin around Leonardo’s neck and the side of his face is still discolored from what must have been pretty nasty bruises, and there are puffy red marks where scars haven’t settled yet. He looks older than the last time Yuichi saw him.
But he’s here. And he’s smiling, a footprint of that laughter left on his face. And now he’s—oh boy, now he’s starting to list to the side.
Yuichi crosses the distance between them at a run, catching Leonardo by the arm before he can topple all the way over.
“I don’t see what’s so funny,” Yuichi says waspishly, afraid to let him go.
“You wouldn’t,” Leonardo says cheerfully. He’s leaning heavily against Yuichi’s shoulder, his hand is shaking as he sheathes his katana over his shoulder, seriously, what the fuck is he doing here? “Everyone’s cussed me out at least once since I woke up. Add you to the list.”
Flustered, Yuichi says, “I did not do that.”
“You did! You said the fuck word!”
Yuichi rolls his eyes and begins the process of dragging Leonardo toward the nearest bench, staring down anyone who drifts into their path. The tree yokai already reclining there takes one look at Yuichi’s expression, grabs her bag, and takes off without a word.
Maybe he’ll feel bad about being impolite later. He doesn’t have any room for it in his brain right now. He doesn’t even think he remembers to breathe until Leonardo is safely sitting down, slumping onto the bench seat like someone five times his age.
Yuichi crouches down in front of him, giving him a hard look. If he needs medical attention, Yuichi will kick Run of the Mill’s doors down and drag Señor Hueso out here by his tie. Who needs a part-time job anyway?
But Leonardo seems to be okay now that he’s caught his breath, and he’s still grinning, like Yuichi is the best thing he’s seen in days.
“Do you use your scary face to get what you want all the time, or is this a special occasion?” the turtle asks coyly.
“I am beginning to understand why everyone has cussed you out since you woke up this morning,” Yuichi replies, sitting back on his heels.
Something tight that’s been clenched in his chest like a closed fist has suddenly loosened, a letting go when Yuichi didn’t even know he’d been holding on.
He’s missed Leonardo. Being around him has always been easy, even when looking directly at him is like staring into the sun, even when Yuichi’s words get lost somewhere between his head and his throat and he ends up spending most of their conversations just listening and watching.
“Not since this morning,” Leonardo interjects. “Can you imagine everyone getting on my case like that all in one day? That would just be bullying. I meant since the coma.”
There it is again. Little breadcrumbs, teasing scraps of information.
Yuichi gazes up at him, and has at least a dozen questions he wants to ask. That’s why Leonardo is here, even if he doesn’t realize it. Yuichi’s curiosity inadvertently dragged his friend from the safety of his home and the safe harbor of his family to the chaotic streets of the Hidden City.
The trip itself seems to have been hard on him, when usually it’s little-to-no-effort to step through a portal between one location and the next. His forehead gleams with sweat, and he’s still breathing a little heavily, like he just ran a marathon. He’s a pale shade of the vibrant boy Yuichi first met a year ago. He looks like he regrets bringing up the coma.
But he’s still here.
Abruptly, Yuichi doesn’t want to ask any of his questions. He just wants his friend to be here.
When Leonardo says, “Sooo, what’s so serious you dragged me all the way out here?” Yuichi pushes himself to his feet and takes the seat on the bench beside him with a theatrical sigh.
“Nothing, Leonardo,” he lies. “I just wanted to talk to you. You’re the one who jumped to conclusions.”
Some tense line in Leonardo’s shoulders that Yuichi hadn’t noticed before seems to go lax, even as he rolls his eyes. “I’m a ninja, we jump, it’s a whole thing. Anyway, more importantly, did I see a stall selling dumplings down the street or nah?”
“There’s no way I can convince you to stay on this bench, is there?” Yuichi knows the answer already and he’s getting up before Leonardo has a chance to say anything, offering him his hands. When Leonardo takes them, Yuichi hauls him up onto his feet.
They stand there together for a moment, neither of them letting go. Yuichi doesn’t even feel the usual need to spring away from him before he gets too close because he’s missed this stupid guy. And his stupid face, and his stupid big hands, and the stupid way Yuichi feels around him.
Whatever happened to him, happened. Yuichi can’t change that now. And if Leonardo wants to tell him about it, he will. But Yuichi gets the feeling that what Leonardo really wants right now is to feel normal. To feel like maybe one thing in his life is the same as it’s always been.
“Dumplings,” Yuichi announces, with all the enthusiasm of his little cousins faced with the unjust trial of bedtime. “If you fall on your face, I’m leaving you there.”
“If I don’t, you’re buying,” Leonardo quips back.
Yuichi scowls, remembers he’s still holding Leonardo’s hands, and then sort of forgets how to person for long enough that Leonardo lets go and goes a few steps without him. His brain literally goes offline for a minute. That’s never happened before.
“No it’s okay,” he hears Leonardo saying to someone on the street nearby. “It’s not his fault, he’s never been the same, you know, not since the storm.”
Fur bristling, Yuichi hustles to catch up, hopefully before Leonardo has done any actual lasting damage to his reputation. He has an image to maintain around here! He’s Usagi Miyamoto’s direct descendant, and Miyamoto was never anything but cool!
“Quit making up lore about me!” he hisses.
“Quit being weird!” Leonardo replies, clearly enjoying himself. “Dumplings!”
Yuichi scowls but falls into step beside him anyway. This is the guy he missed so much?
As soon as he has that uncharitable thought, he regrets it.
He thinks about April saying he always seemed pissed off to have Leonardo around, and darts a quick look at the striped turtle ambling along beside him. Leonardo doesn’t seem put off by Yuichi’s prickly attitude, but still—it wouldn’t hurt to make sure.
Yuichi waits until they’ve paid the elderly yokai woman running the food stall for two paper plates of crispy gyoza, so he has something to do with his hands, something to focus on besides his awkward tongue, to say, “I’m glad you’re back.”
Leonardo glances sidelong at him, crunching through a dumpling unselfconsciously. His mouth is full but his expression very clearly says ‘say what now?’
“Here, I mean,” Yuichi tells his plate. “Back here. I didn’t even know you were—I’m just glad you’re better.”
They walk the length of the block before Leonardo replies.
“I wouldn’t worry about us, Usagi. Me and my brothers can take a hit. You could even say we were made for it.” That’s a strange sentiment, and something bitter comes and goes across Leonardo’s face before Yuichi can make sense of it, as swift and darting as the little minnows that flit through the creek that winds past his family’s farm. Then Leonardo adds, sounding much more like himself, “My stupid arm is all that’s slowing me down now.”
“Considering it was broken in eight places, I would take six weeks in a cast as a solid win,” someone says from directly behind them.
Yuichi doesn’t jump in shock, he freezes, rabbit-still. Leonardo doesn’t seem surprised at all—he just groans theatrically.
“Oh nooo, it’s the consequences of my actions.”
Donatello snorts. Because that’s who it is, Yuichi realizes as he turns to get a good look at him.
“You can’t just run off, Nardo,” the purple-masked turtle says. His tone implies that this is not a suggestion. “You get why that’s uncool and unfair, right? Like, I don’t have to explain that very simple, elementary-level concept to you?”
“I left a note,” Leonardo argues in his own defense.
“You sure did,” Donatello replies, so level and calm that it sets Yuichi’s whiskers on edge, because that level calmness is very much a thinly veiled promise of bodily harm. “You left a note on your door that said “Do Not Disturb, Beauty Sleep in Progress.” And then you left one on your empty bed that you just drew a winky face on.”
“I realized I didn’t need any more beauty sleep, Dontron. I decided to save some for the rest of you sad scrubs. You’re welcome.”
“How magnanimous.”
Beyond the color-coded masks and the dramatically different body shapes and skin tones, there’s another easy way to tell the Hamato siblings apart; all of them have brown eyes in varying shades. Michelangelo’s are warm, tempered honey, while Raphael’s are darker and richer, edging into red.
Leonardo and Donatello, the twins, have identical golden eyes, piercing and impossibly bright even in the semi-dark of falling dusk. Under the warm lantern light, with their defining characteristics all but overshadowed, it would probably be easy to mistake them for a perfect mirror of each other.
But Yuichi could never make that mistake. Donatello’s eyes are different, because the way he looks at Yuichi is different.
Especially now. Where Leonardo was delighted to see Yuichi for the first time since before the invasion, Donatello is looking at Yuichi like he’s a clear and present threat.
Yuichi doesn’t know what Donatello has to feel threatened about. He has a good grasp of his own abilities and he’s self-aware enough to admit that Donatello could definitely take him in a fair fight. Any of his siblings probably could, up to and including his sister, out of stubbornness and spite alone. Yuichi is the one who feels hunted, like a tiny fluffy animal that was just sighted by a bored, hungry hawk, all because of the cold, calculating gold in Donatello’s eyes.
Then Leonardo plants his good hand on the side of his twin’s face and shoves it an arm’s length away. Donatello sputters and flails, and Leonardo talks over him with the ease of years of practice.
“Thanks for the dumplings,” Leonardo tells him. “See you when I’m finally un-grounded, someday seven years from now.”
Yuichi nods, offering a little wave. He watches Leonardo unsheathe a katana and form a bright, spinning blue portal with one swift downward slice through the air. Donatello is griping at him in harsh undertones, and Leonardo is giving back as good as he gets, but it doesn’t escape Yuichi that Donatello has gravitated protectively to Leonardo’s bad side, and Leonardo is leaning his weight against his brother like he’s actually much more tired than he was willing to let on.
Leonardo needs a break. He needs fresh air. He needs to—to not disappear again, even if it probably won’t actually be for seven years.
Before he can second-guess himself, Yuichi blurts, “I’m off on Friday! You should come to the farm. One of our tokage’s nestlings just hatched so we have babies to play with and they’re really cute!”
Donatello makes an antagonistic noise under his breath and hauls Leonardo through the portal. Before he disappears, Yuichi watches Leonardo’s whole body light up, a grin splitting his face in half.
“It’s a date!” Leonardo calls cheerfully in the seconds before he’s gone.
The portal closes. Yuichi stares at the empty space where it used to exist while the word “date” bounces around in his head like a free-floating balloon filled with screaming instead of the more traditional helium.
Usagi: Important time-sensitive HYPOTHETICAL question Usagi: When you make plans with your friend and he calls it a date, how do you ask what he means by that without sounding like an insane person?? SUNA: oh my god!!!!!! ꒰☉ェ☉꒱
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They were fighting.
In the DEO.
“Moms fighting again?” Nia casually leans on the desk next to Brainy, who is currently hunched over some screen. 
“It appears so,” He answers, not really paying attention. In the distance you can hear yelling and the tell-tale woosh of a cape. 
Nia had removed her comms the moment Supergirl spotted Lena Luthor on the field. She’s pretty sure half of the agents did the same. They all knew what was coming. 
And well, if the approaching bickering were any indication... 
“I had it covered!”
“Yes, because an on-coming missile with your name on it was you having it covered, clearly.”
“I saved ten lives today, Supergirl. Jealous you only saved three?”
“It isn’t about that and you know it.”
Nia sees Alex stride in, obviously going in for an attempt to pacify Supergirl. 
And also because it was partly Alex’s idea to send Lena with the Alpha team, in her defense Lena was the only person she could trust enough not to tamper with the device.
“Come on, Supergirl, Lena is more than capable in the field and she volunteered. She saved the day, you kno—”
“Butt out of this, Alex.” Supergirl grits out, too busy staring Lena down to even spare her sister a glance. 
“Sorry?” Alex scoffs, shocked at how easy she was brushed aside. She was tempted to pull rank and use the ‘I’m the Director, here.’ card, if she was being honest.
“No, Alex is right,” Lena points out, “I did save the day. Time for you to acknowledge that the both of us are just as capable as the other. And if saving the day means getting in the line of fire, then so be it.”
“This isn’t about you being incapable-”
“Then tell me what exactly is it about?”
Supergirl licks her lips, swallows and Lena braces herself for another retort but instead she fixes her with a stare that only Supergirl reserves for the bad guys and coolly states, “You are not to go out in the field and that’s final.”
She turns to walk out but Lena’s temper just skyrocketed tenfold. 
“Wow. You did not just say that to my face.” There was something in the way that Lena Luthor’s voice dropped that made Supergirl turn around. DEO agents are openly watching on now, not even bothering at subtlety anymore. The two women fighting in front of the whole agency certainly haven’t tried subtle at all. 
“Let’s make something clear here, Supergirl,” Lena fumed,  “This is my life and I get to call the shots. You don’t get a say in what I decide to do or not to do. Who the hell do you think you are?”
“I don’t have a say? Rao, sorry my mistake! Forgive me for thinking that my sharing a last name with you means a cent to you as much as it does to me. You’re right, who the hell am I anyway? Sorry for wanting to keep you alive.”
Supergirl is breathing heavily two inches away from Lena’s face. Heat and anger rolling off the both of them in waves. They’re in a world of their own now. A world in which Lena is having trouble deciding on whether she should scream some more or pull Supergirl’s lips into her own. 
“Im sorry- Last name?” 
The voice wakes them to reality. A reality that makes both of them sober up and realize they’re in the middle of a very exposed DEO headquarters; makes them aware of the collective gasp that has just happened. 
Supergirl backs away. 
“Please, fucking tell me that I heard you wrong. Or I swear to God-”
Alex heads straight for Supergirl and Lena quickly realizes the implications of what Supergirl had just said. She essentially confirmed to the entire place that they’re— 
“Alex, I can—”
“Yes or no, are you or are you not married?”
So, this is how Alex Danvers makes criminals confess. Lena had never seen Supergirl cower before, but by the looks of it, if Lena had been the one in the hero’s boots she’d also be shaking. 
Oh, no. 
“Alex, listen,” Lena starts and Supergirl looks at her—no, not Supergirl, Kara—Kara looks at her and Lena sends her a reassuring gaze that screams, ‘I’m with you.’
In that instant it must’ve looked like a switch had been flipped. From Lena attacking Kara to Lena defending Kara in a split second. 
“Listen, we were going to tell you. It isn’t like what you think—“
“Oh, no no,” Alex quickly dismisses Lena, “I’m not going to listen to you. This is between me and you,” Alex hissed not even looking at her, directly glaring at Supergirl instead. 
“Alex, just—” Lena tries but she does the mistake of moving her shoulder in an attempt to put an arm on Alex and she cuts off with a, “Fuck.”
The Danvers sisters look up at her yelp of pain, concern flickering through their faces. Supergirl swiftly speeding to her side, and the shoulder wound she was so trying so hard to keep Kara from seeing, is now out in the open, bleeding profusely. 
“You’re hurt.”
“Fuck,” Lena says again as she tries to take in a breath, pain shooting down her entire right side. 
“Take her to the Med Bay,” Alex orders, eyes briefly tracing Lena’s shoulder before turning to Supergirl again, “If you think this discussion is over, you’re sorely mistaken. You and I have a lot to talk about. And I fucking mean it.”
Lena watches as Supergirl swallows in fear at the sight of the DEO director walking out. 
“Everybody, back to work! Show’s over, morons!”
As if somebody had hit the play button, a buzz resumes almost exaggeratedly; DEO agents immediately flailing to get back to work, embarrassed at being called out so blatantly. 
Lena tunes back in to Kara, “C’mon, hold on to me,” she mumbles, quickly bending down to put an arm around Lena’s knees and pulls her to a bridal carry. 
She doesn’t point out that it’s her shoulder that was injured, not her legs; doesn’t point out that she can walk absolutely fine. Lena can clearly see how Supergirl needs to be as close to her as possible right now. 
So, she clings tightly and presses harder back against her chest.
Lena’s mind is running a mile a minute right now, she needs to know what’s going in her wife’s mind and she needs a plan on how the both of them are going to do damage control. 
Kara lays her down softly on a Med bed and without a word Lena strips herself off. 
Both of them silent as Kara gets supplies on a nearby table. She sits behind Lena and cleans the wound wordlessly. She’s patched Nia up in secret, way too many times, to know how many stitches Lena needs.
“I’m still mad at you.”
Are the first words that Kara utters.
“Good. I’m still mad at you too.”
She hears Kara sigh and she doesn’t need to turn around to know that Kara’s face is scrunched up in a pout and a crinkle. 
“But...that doesn’t mean I won’t protect you against Alex.”
“I don’t need protection from Alex.”
“Okay, fine she scared me a bit.”
Before Lena can reply she hisses in pain and Kara brings her lips near the wound and “Sorry,” she whispers. 
“We have to talk about this don’t we?” Kara sighs out, finally addressing the elephant in the room.
“Yes, darling, we do.”
“We also have to reach a compromise about this, don’t we?”
“Yeah, Kara, yeah we do.”
Lena hears another sigh and she can guess what Kara would say next.
“Just so you know, I hate this. I hate this very much. If I could have my way, we’re not having this discussion and you’re staying put and staying safe and not running off to danger. Hell if I can have it my way you won’t even be stepping inside the DEO. But...I can’t have my way can’t I?”
“No, darling, I’m sorry.”
Kara sounds so helpless and Lena just wants to make all the complications in their relationship go away. But that’s not how real life relationships work. Relationships are hard and messy and work. God, they are so much work, but being with Kara is worth all the work in the world. They’ve come a long, long way for this. 
If this had happened two years ago, the both of them would not even think about compromise. Kara would just push through with what she believes is the best way to keep Lena safe and would have insisted on keeping Lena locked in a safe house somewhere. And she guesses past Lena wouldn’t even consider the merits of communication with Kara, either.
“I just want you safe.”
“I know.”
“Never want to see you hurt.”
“I know, baby. But Kara you can’t always keep me safe, do you understand that?” Lena says carefully, she wishes she could turn around right now and cup Kara’s face.
“I know it’s hard for you, but this is what the both of us signed up for. Do you think I’m happy whenever you fly off to God knows where, when I see getting shot at in the news, when you leave in the middle of the night? I’m just as scared as you are, Kara.”
But that’s the price the both of them have to pay for falling in love when one is a super hero and the other is a world saving genius.
Kara bandages her neatly and Lena turns around to face her, moving a bit up in the bed and pulls gently at Kara’s wrist to join her.
“I know,” Kara breathes into Lena’s hair as she positions herself,  “I’m sorry. For fighting, for yelling, for...accidentally telling everyone that we’re married.”
Lena tries not to laugh at how Kara pouts at the last one. 
“Forgiven already. I’m sorry too.”
“I love you, you know that?”
She feels more that hears as she fits herself underneath Kara’s chin, tucked tight beside her. 
“I love you too, so, so much. So much that I agreed to a secret wedding,” Lena tells her, “And as much as I would love to continue our little heart to heart, I really think you should go to your sister now.”
“Nooo, Lena noo,” Kara groans out, “Come on, we can just stay here and cuddle and I can kiss your shoulder better and maybe you can give me a kiss too and I don’t have to talk to Alex.”
“Oh, but you do.”
“Have I mentioned I also hate when you’re right?”
“Once or twice.”
“Mmph. Fine. But half an hour of cuddles first and then I go talk to Alex, deal?” 
Lena agrees, greedy for Kara’s warmth and also thinking that Alex certainly needs more than half an hour to cool off. Kara certainly needs more than that to think about the words she’s going to tell her sister. She’ll probably die by the end of their conversation but at least she died knowing that the whole world knows Lena Luthor is her wife, right?
“Alex, I know you’re mad-”
“Oh, I’m not mad, I’m livid, Kara. Livid.”
Maybe it was a bad idea to talk to Alex in an empty DEO training room where her sister could easily turn on red sunlamps and deck her for keeping things secret.
“What, did it not occur to that, oh I don’t know? ‘Oh I’m having a wedding maybe I should text my sister an update? Leave her a note maybe? Dear Alex I’m getting married today!’” Alex roars and Kara flinches. Rao how could she be this stupid?
“Anything would have been fucking nice, than to hear about it in the middle of a heated fight. Tell me, if you didn’t slip up just now were you even going to tell me?” Alex tries to coat the words in anger but she doesn’t miss the way it wavers on fear and insecurity.
“Rao, yes of course I was going to Alex! I- we-” Kara tries.
“Save it.”
“Alex please,” She begs her to listen as she steps in front of her and reaches to hold Alex’s hands.
“When?” Alex snarls and Kara gulps because her sister definitely would not like the answer.
“Remember that time that Lena and I broke up? Then we ran to each other in the rain, made up? And then two weeks later she got assassinated by those CADMUS wanna-be’s and we had to use the Fortress’s tech to track her down?”
Alex remembers that one so clearly. It was funny at the time, how Jess had caught them making out in the middle of an ‘interview’. How Kara was so happy that she won Lena back.
“Yes and?” Alex quips, eager to know the answer.
“And well, remember how I asked to have some time alone with Lena once we rescued her? And made all of you guys leave?” Kara croaks out, fear apparent and Alex just stares at her clearly impatient at how Kara rambles.
“Well, I uh-kinda suggested we get married on the spot because I didn’t want to spend another day not being married to her when people want to kill both of us, every day.”
Alex lets out a heavy, shakes her head and pinches the bridge of her nose. 
“You know this is the part where I say, ‘Not even surprised.’” She states dryly, “Of fucking course you’re the kind of people who would pull this kind of shit.”
 Kara tries to get a word in but, “You fucking owe me a wedding and Mom and J’onn and Alura-”
“Oh my god! Kara! Your Mom deserves to see the daughter she whisked off to another planet, get married! You fucking owe Clark a wedding-”
“Actually…” Kara starts off sheepishly, knowing full well Alex will explode from what she’s about to say.
“Oh for fuck’s sake! Clark knows doesn’t he?!”
Kara flinches again. Good thing her superhearing is dampened here. 
“Well, uh,” Kara wrings her fingers when she realizes there are no glasses to fiddle with.
“Lena said she wanted a Kryptonian wedding so we had Kelex call Kal and uhm he officiated…”
Alex doesn’t say anything to that, just clenches and unclenches fists at her side. 
“I’m sorry!! Okay! I was going to tell you immediately but we kinda got carried away sneaking around and then it just completely slipped my mind because you guys keep pointing out how we’re an old married couple anyway! And and and—“ Kara is grasping for words, anything just to make this all better. 
“Damn it, I messed up haven’t I?” She whispers, realizing  now that the only thing to make this better would be them admitting their mistake and going for amends. 
“Yeah, you did, Kara.”
Kara feels shame course through her.
“I am so mad at you right now for denying me the privilege of seeing you walk down the aisle.  You know I don’t even want that, I just wanted to see you have your dreams come true and see you have what I have with Kelly, god damn it Kara, I love you and I wanted to be there.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I hate your pout. I hate your stupid pouty face. Your billionaire wife better pay for a grand wedding for all of us.”
“Does that mean I’m forgiven?”
“Mom’s not going to let you down easy though.”
Her sister doesn’t really need to point out the obvious.
“I know. Could you maybe be the-”
“Nuh-uh. No. You tell her yourself or have Lena tell her. I’m not doing that shit for you.”
Kara will take what she can get. 
“I love you, Alex.” She breathes in relief when she sees Alex affectionately roll her eyes at her.
“I love you too, you stupid alien.”
“It’s official then? We guys get to call you Moms now?”
Lena never really expected that to be the first words Nia says to her when she enters the Med Bay.
“Yes, Nia. And also, yes, you’re a bridesmaid,” She answers immediately knowing that Nia was going to ask.
Nia lights up and Lena shakes her head at how similar she and Kara beams. 
Yeah, ‘Moms’ really is a fitting term.
“Alex making you do another wedding huh?”
“Yes, she is.”
Nia snorts, “You say that as if you don’t want the world to know Kara Danvers is wholly and solely yours.”
Well, she isn’t wrong, not that Lena is ever going to admit that though.
“Can I please plan your wedding? I have prophetic dreams. I can totally tell you what would look perfect on that day oh, oh, oh! I can even tell you if it’s going to rain, if you want an outdoor wedding that is. Oooh, maybe I could even see who’d catch your bouquet— “
“Nia, slow down,” Lena mutters before Nia plans out the whole wedding then and there.
“Kara and I will talk about it, but I think she’ll agree, you don’t really need to convince us.”
“Yes-yeah uh right sorry, you should definitely do that. Sorry it’s just I’ve been shipping you and oh my this is so exciting!” 
Trust Nia to say ship is now endgame in regards to their marriage.
Nia jabbers on as Kara walks in and gives the both of them a big grin, Alex trailing behind her. 
“I guess, congratulations are in order, Danvers.” Alex rolls her eyes and it takes Lena a moment to realize that she was referring to her.
She tries to calm down the happy flutter in her heart and the emotions bubbling out of her as she utters a weak, “Th-thank you, Alex.”
“Actually, Luthor-Danvers, we hyphenated,” Kara clarifies, which really doesn’t help the happy flutter at all, just adds to it. 
Alex just sighs and mumbles an ‘Of course you did.’
Before walking towards the bed and surprising Lena with a tight embrace.
“You do know, now you have two Danvers worrying for you every time you walk out in the field now, right?”
 And Lena just laughs. Because for the first time in forever she’s got people genuinely wanting her to exist. To the point that they’d do anything to keep her safe. 
She’s got family now and if it means overprotective Kryptonians and fierce blaster wielding older sisters, she really wouldn’t have it any other way. 
They’re fighting. 
In the DEO.
“Moms fighting again?” Nia doesn’t really know why she keeps asking, this is like a daily occurrence now. Agents don’t even bat an eye when bickering echoes off the halls, nowadays. Apparently, this is what happens in the CatCo bullpen and L-Corp offices too. 
Alex appears next to her. 
“You know you really should stop calling them that, especially since—“
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elysianslove · 4 years
hi :) i see that ur requests are open, if it isnt too much trouble.. could u write something w/ itadori please? like, something i always imagine with him is sort of sprawling out on my bed and he’s next to me, and we’re looking at our phones. just enjoying the company without needing to talk or fill out the quiet that has been made. and like.. just subconsciously u both come closer to each other, ending up lowkey cuddling and u both kinda shut off ur phones n like. just look at each other yknow. small smiles. soft kisses. and u take a nap. of course itadori is a wacko but i feel like hed enjoy the quiet moments too. thank you, love ur work!<3
if this is boring u dont have to do it im just very simple and personally i love my quiet time n feel like itd be extra cosy with itadori
hi hi hi i founddd it <333 i adore this concept and i agree that yuuji would just be really appreciative to simply be around you and in your company like he wouldn’t need to be constantly active; he’d love to just,,, exist with you. anyways, i hope you like this <3
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━━  surrounded in the warm, dim lamplight, your sigh dissolves into a quiet yawn, and you shift, nuzzling deeper into the hoodie that rests on your body. it smells like him, you realize, and it does distinctly so, but it might be for the fact that he’d just stripped himself of it minutes — a single glance at the time on the top left of your screen corrects you: an hour and a half — ago. 
your unoccupied hand rests aimlessly on the bed between you and yuuji, his own lingering inches by yours. his body is in the same position as yours, only on his opposite side to allow him to face you, and he wears a simple black shirt as opposed to the warm hoodie you wear, but you have no room for complaints, not when his biceps bulge unprovoked with how he lays, not with how the hem of the shirt rides up ever the slightest to reveal his skin. although majority of your attention is on the endless social media feed on your phone screen, you are only human after all, and you spare a glance or two every once in a while, and remind yourself that really, he is all yours. 
you shift again, getting more comfortable, scrolling through your phone, an occasional giggle or laugh let out at a ridiculous video. mindlessly, your other hand twitches, brushing against yuuji’s. 
just like you, majorly, he remains occupied with the device in his hands, but otherwise, he can’t help but trail his gaze to you every so often. he likes being like this with you, doing this with you. the way you’re as comfortable as you are, laying by his side, able to do the least, even absolutely nothing, and still enjoy it. the way there’s no constant need to be brimming with excitement and adrenaline and to be always doing and on the go. he revels in the small smiles that he sees when you spot a post that’s somewhat funny, or when you come across one that makes you laugh out loud, loud enough that you move your phone and face it towards him, wanting to share your laughter with him. it’s so simple, and there’s nothing to it. you could do this with friends, or with family, or you could even sit alone, but you still invited him to be with you. nothing more, nothing less; just to be. and yuuji adores it, drinks it up, appreciates every little part of it. he can never get enough of you, can never get enough of everything with you. 
when he feels your fingers brush against his, even if accidentally, he moves his pinky finger, interlocking it with yours. without sparing him a glance, you lock your pinky back with his, strongly, and he sighs, relaxes, smiles. it’s such a small touch — your pinkies are interlocked; this has to be the most childish thing he’s ever gotten excited over — but he nonetheless appreciates it. he hears you shift again, and you move closer to him, subtly. his phone’s still in his hand, but at this point, you’ve gained his full attention. you’re still fully entranced with your own device, so he opts to watch you, watch the way your eyes scan the screen, the way you bite at your lips, the way you sigh deeply for no reason, the way you smile and the way that it gets cut off with the way the pillow is pressed into your cheek, the way you’re nuzzled so deep against it. 
you move again, bringing your legs closer to his, and he shifts laying more on his back, unlocking your fingers, but allowing you to comfortably toss your leg above his lap, between his thighs. the hand that had been locking pinkies with you finds its way to your thigh, to your knee, to your calf, soothingly rubbing. his phone’s screen has long since turned off due to lack of inactivity, and he lets it, tossing it behind you onto the bed. at the sound of his phone falling against the mattress, you look up, throwing a look over your shoulder to signify you heard the noise. 
“what was that?” you question, but he doesn’t reply. 
instead, his hands come up to cup your cheeks, and he leans forward, pressing a deep, gentle kiss on your lips. the hand clutching the phone is lowered instinctively, until it drops from your grasp, allowing you to rest your hands above his. the deeper he kisses you, the closer he pulls you towards him, till you’re, against all odds, pulling back, breathless, but with a dazzled smile on your lips. 
“what was that for?” you wonder.
yuuji shrugs, smiling softly, his thumb stroking your cheek, lowering to poke lightly at your lips. “just wanted to,” he admits. “’cause i can.” 
you laugh lightly at his words, and at the cheeky smile that follows. your hands, now free and empty to roam his body, travel up his chest, the ridges of muscle evident through the thin shirt beneath your palms, until you wrap your arms around him, right underneath his arms. you’re so close to him now, one leg between his, arms around him, his hands cupping your cheek, body completely and absolutely entangled with him. but you wouldn’t have it any other way. 
“well then do it again,” you encourage, and he hums, leaning slightly forward, brushing his lips against yours, chuckling to himself as your lips part expectantly, but really, who is he to deny you? he captures your lips in his finally, hands cupping your jaw, traveling to the nape of your neck, tangling in your hair, kissing you as deeply as he can, as passionately as he can, bordering on harsh. it’s always been as it is with yuuji — the way he kisses you, that is. like he’s never been capable of truly understanding that you’re his, and that you chose him, and that you’ll choose him a hundred times over, and that you’re the one he wants to kiss for the rest of his life and that you feel the same. so he kisses you, pressing his lips as softly as he can against yours, but open mouthed, and he promises to do so for every night of the rest of his life, so long as you shall have him. 
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end note; hi my loves! i really hope this was what the requester wanted, and that everyone including them enjoyed <3333
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sunshinecrashed · 4 years
mmm how about drunk!amane with a shy reader? I’ve had this idea for a while hhHHH
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drunk!amane yugi x reader
summary: mom come pick me up im scared
word count: ~1.2k
warnings: alcohol usage (obviously aged up), a couple cuss words lol
a/n: BAHAGHAJHAHAH college au vibes 
• ﹒•  °  ˚ ° ⋆ ✧ ✧ ✧ ⋆ ° ˚  ° •﹒ •
You couldn’t have been more content than you were right now. 
Fuzzy socks on your feet, brownies in the oven, and your favorite TV series playing on your laptop while you were curled up on the couch. Yup, that’s right.
Nothing could disturb your peaceful evening‒
[amane 🤡]: Hiyaa 🥰
[amane 🤡]: 👁👄👁
[amane 🤡]: Hey hey
[amane 🤡]: Hi
You glanced over at your rapidly chiming phone, very, very confused.
 Amane was in one of your college classes, and you both bonded over the span of a semester when you were paired together for a group project. He was the kind of... friend that you just clicked with naturally during school. You definitely annoyed your classmates with the amount of laughter that often came from you two. But out of school, you guys never really talked.. 
It’s not like you didn’t want to hang out with him outside of school, it’s just that your schedules got in the way, or you had some studying to do...
Or so you told yourself. 
In reality, you were just nervous as fuck and didn’t want to ruin the dynamic you both had with your shyness. 
As your screen cast a slight glow onto your face, you realized that Amane was now calling you. A call from him... at this hour?
Your heart sped up a little bit, and you answered him with a hesitant, “Hey?”
“‒shut up, she’s not my girlfriend‒ OH HI, [Name]! I didn’t think you would actually pick up!” 
Your tension eased a little bit, and you said, “H-hey, Amane. Is everything all right?” 
On the other end of the line, you could hear some muffled voices and some faint music. 
“Hahah, um. About that.” 
Even through the phone, the sound of his laughter still gave you butterflies. “Uhh.. I actually need to ask you a favor?”  
Pausing for a second, you questioned, “... Depends on the favor?”
“Well, hhaha, long story short; I’m at Yako’s house for her birthday party, and Tsuchigomori-sensei told me that I was a light-weight, so I took a couple shots to prove him wrong, y’know‒“
“Ahh! I know, I know‒ But it’s not as bad as it sounds!! Anyways,” He took a deep breath and hiccuped. “I was wondering if you could give me a ride, and if I could actually.. crash at your apartment..?” 
By the tone of his voice, he was definitely preparing for some backlash from you. 
He hesitated, before continuing, “...My brother locked me out, and he probably won’t let me back in until morning.. And I understand i-if you don’t want to!” 
“It’s no problem, Amane. I.. know how he gets sometimes. Text me the address and I’ll bet right over, ‘kay?” 
“R-Really?? Holy shit, you are a godsend!” You could tell he was smiling through the phone. Rolling your eyes, you said, “Yeah, yeah. I’ll see you soon!” 
And right as you were about to hang up, he purred, 
“I can’t wait to see you..”
Your cheeks heated up faster than the speed of light.
-- -- --
It was only a ten minute drive over to Yako’s house, and when you knocked on her door, she promptly gave you a big hug (despite not knowing you very well), and told you to “hold tight” while she went and fetched Amane. 
Getting him into the car was simple enough... but now that you were both out of the car, he really wasn’t giving you an easy time. 
You had Amane’s arm slung over your shoulder so that he could lean on you.
There were the angry-drunks, the emotional-drunks... 
And you quickly concluded that Amane was the affectionate-drunk. 
He hiccuped while he leaned a little closer to you. “[Name]-chan, you have no idea how much I missed you..!”
You shuffled forward, a pink hue already blossoming over your face. “C-C’mon, Amane. We still need to get you inside‒”
“...mmh.. Why do you smell so good..?”
You froze in your tracks while Amane nestled into the crook of your neck.
“L-LET’S get you back inside t-the apartment‒!” 
As you fumbled with the keys to your door, Amane just smiled in content, blissfully unaware of how fast your heart was pounding.
Finally, you kicked your door open with your foot, seeing that your arms were currently full, and you led the touchy-Amane to your couch. 
“Stay right there. I don’t want to see you moving a single inch from that couch, Amane!” You pointed at him menacingly, making him snap to attention. “ I’ll go get you some water and a blanket.” 
He gave you a cheeky salute and stretched out over the cushions, definitely making himself at home. 
By the time you came back to him, he was already fast asleep, a light snore coming from him. You raised a brow and chuckled to yourself. It didn’t take much to roll him onto his side, prop up a pillow behind him, and cover him with your softest blanket. 
Amane was out like a light. 
“Sleep well.” 
Giving him the tiniest kiss on the top of his head, you padded over to the arm chair opposite from him and built your own little pillow-and-blanket set up. 
Night came and went with a flash, and before either of you knew it, it was morning.
First came a sleepy yawn. And then a shift of the blankets. 
And when Amane’s amber eyes finally blinked open, he gasped and shot up so fast that he fell off of the damn couch. 
“Amane?” You soft-as-a-feather voice questioned him from the hallway. 
His gaze trailed down your form, as he realized that you had just gotten out of the shower. You were still wearing your lounge-wear as you dried your hair with a towel. 
A blush spread over his face as he collected his memories of the night before.
“Oh my god. I am so so so sorry for all of the trouble I caused, fuck‒ I can leave now if you want‒” 
You made your way around your furniture as you reached your hand out to him. 
“Dork. You can stay here as long as you like, Amane.” 
He hesitantly took your hand, which he mentally noted was a lot smaller than his. “Wait, so you’re.. not mad at me?” came his puzzled question.
You gave him a dead-pan look. 
“Does it look like I’m mad at you?”
A small smirk grew onto his face. There was the playful Amane that you knew and loved. “Well, you’re certainly not pushing me away.
” He titled his head at you with a smile. 
“I can stay here as long as I like, huh?” 
You quickly let go of his hand (which you now realized you had been holding for quite a bit), and refuse to meet his triumphant eyes. 
“I now revoke your privileges for staying over.” 
“W-Wait no! Please, I’ll do anything!!” He whined, despite the grin on his face.
The corners of your lips quirked up and you both smiled at each other fondly. 
Amane pursed his lips, furrowing his brows for a moment, before he carefully asked, 
“Actually.. Can I take you out for lunch today?” He looked away, fidgeting before he continued, “Y’know.. Either as a date, or to repay you for letting me stay here..” He trailed off. 
Glancing at your expression, he was pleasantly surprise to see you beaming at him. 
“A date would be lovely..!” 
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bl--ankhaeji · 4 years
Pairing - Jisung x chubby*Reader
Genre - Fluff
Warning - Suggestive content, insecurities 
A/N - Soo this is a Jisung timestamp but this is done differently than how most do their timestamps also the Jisung in this is different than “usual” Jisung just to let y’all know. He’s getting older so I feel as if the content in here is not that bad and if any of you have problems with Jisung being a regular teenage boy with hormones then oh fucking well. If you want to keep seeing him as a child then this is not for you.  
W. Count - I don’t really know I didn’t look this time but ik it’s longer than I intended
As you laid sideways across your bed trying to find the perfect position. You heard your mom in the kitchen cooking what you hope is dinner. Your stomach wailing as soon as the thought crosses your mind. ‘Ah I found it’ you think as the immediate comfort of the perfect laying spot begins to set deep within your body.
 You take a look at your phone and start back reading your story that was shining on the screen. It was starting to escalate as the currently featured side gay couple finally stopped lying to themselves and admittedly jumped each others bones. You feel the little tingle start in the pit of your stomach, it was just getting good when a message came through.
Jisungpwark 💚💚😗🤤🥰🤪:
Come play mario kart with me 
But I just found the perfect laying spot 
And my mom’s cooking dinner 
Tell me why I should get up and come over? what’s in it for me 
Jisungpwark 💚💚😗🤤🥰🤪:
Maybe because you love me and dont wanna see me
 suffer from boredom 
Do I really love you that much though?
That’s the question of the hour
Jisungpwark 💚💚😗🤤🥰🤪:
First off that hurt 
Second of course you love me or else you wouldnt be 
dating me for 7 years now 
You forget about that time we broke up in fifth
Jisungpwark 💚💚😗🤤🥰🤪:
That was for ONE DAY ok 
If you come over I promise to let you win at mario kart
     “What the hell?” you exclaimed slightly outraged at the bullshit he just sent to your phone. Sitting up you feel the competitiveness start to spike. “Did he really just challenge me like that?”
     You get out of bed and start to put your shoes on, “He knows damn well that I can beat his ass without him ‘letting me win.’” 
Stop fucking lying whore you know damn well I can 
beat your ass I mario kart 
See now I have to come over and whoop you at your
own video game
I’ll be over in 10
     Part of you knows Jisung said that on purpose but that didn’t stop you from taking the bait still.
     Walking out of your room you go into the kitchen and see your mother almost done with dinner, the sweet aroma of the food has your mouth watering, stopping for a second you ponder if you should really go play mario kart. 
     “Hey sweets, dinner is almost ready.” your mother turns to you and smiles, taking in your jacket and shoes and she looks at you questiongly.
     Walking around to your mom you give her a hug and a kiss on the cheek as you grab your car keys that sit behind her. “Hey I came to let you know that I was gonna head over to Jisung’s for a little to beat him at mario kart. He threatened me so I have to show him what’s up.”  Hearing your statement, one that she has heard before, your mother laughs and gives you an ok before she recommends just staying the night, knowing that you won’t be back anytime soon. 
     Thinking about it you go and pack a bag. Going towards the front door you’re about to step out when your mom calls you back in the kitchen to which you see her sitting at the table with a plate of food as she slides a container with enough for both you and Jisung. “Thank you mama.” you say smiling so wide that it almost hurt, feeling happy that you get to eat some of f/f(favorite food).
     “You’re welcome sweets. Oh and before I forget, be safe.”
     You left out a huff of air telling your mother that you will be careful driving so she has nothing to worry about.
     In a sing-song voice she goes,“That’s not what I meant.” As you open your mouth to ask what she meant she cuts you off by sliding something across the table. 
     “Mom...what is that. ‘Please don’t let it be what I think it is.’ But as you read the box your fears are confirmed. It is condoms. “Mom what the- EW mom no it’s not, we’re not-” she cuts you off with a raised hand. 
     “Sweetie you’re not in trouble. I know you and Jisung have been together for a very long time, and I trust and love you both. But you’re of the age where you do things like that and you may not feel comfortable telling me, but love safe sex is nothing to be ashame-”
     Never having been this flustered in your life you frantically tried to get her to stop,“MOM. I…” Fidgeting with your hands you start to awkwardly look around the kitchen as if it was the first time you had ever seen it. “...We don’t do those types of things.” 
     “Ok darling, but you never know what might happen.” She states with the smuggest look on her face, winking as she hands you four condoms. “I’m not endorsing it but I know that if you want to do it then there’s nothing I could do to stop you so take these. Also you might want to go ahead and get to his house, your phone has been buzzing for a while now.” She states whilst she started to eat the food that was on her plate. 
     You couldn’t get out of that house quick enough, seeing as how you almost fell walking out of the door. Settling down in the car you release the biggest cringe you’ve ever had in your life. “AHHH ew what the fuck was that!” you exclaim feeling the condoms that burned in your pockets, as if they were trying to set your pants on fire so that they could get put to good use. 
     Finally calming down your phone buzzes with another message from Jisung. You see that he’s left various messages questioning where you are or what's taking so long. Some stating that you must be dead. You shake your head at your silly boyfriend as you reply to his many messages. With a light sigh you put the key in the ignition and back out of your driveway.  
     It was then that you started to look back at you and Jisung’s relationship. You guys started dating in fifth grade when you both got dared to spend seven minutes in heaven at you guys long time friend, Jeongin’s, birthday party. He still holds the fact that the only reason you too got together was because of him, but ever since then you and Jisung have been going strong. 
     Except for that one day in fifth grade when you guys broke up a week after you had gotten together because Mina Jameson had convinced you that Jisung would never want a ‘bludder whale’ like you. Ha jokes on her she’s had five STD’s this year alone and at least two pregnancy scares and she didn’t even know how to say blubber so who’s on top now. 
     Ever since you were a child you’ve always been bigger than most girls and it did make you feel insecure for a very long time, but if it wasn’t for Jisung who reassured you and showered you with as much love as he could every time you slipped you don’t know what life would be like. 
     You loved him with everything you had. 
     You and Jisung had never gone past small makeouts. They barely even involved tongue, there’s no way that things would just escalate tonight out of basically nowhere. Right?
     Yea. Anyways Jisung is too shy for that even though sometimes he could be a cheeky asshole and I don’t know if I’m ready.  
     Seeing that you’ve made it to Jisung’s house you take a look at the time and see that it had been almost two hours as it was 6:45. Damn, well at least I brought food. 
     You greeted your soft looking boyfriend clad in a hoodie that is slightly big on him and Nike joggers, he almost tackled you to the ground when he saw the food in your hands. When he asked what took so long you just told him it was the food. You guys ate the food that your mom gave you and started playing mario kart.
     After about 15 rematches most of which you won Jisung’s mom called him into the living room. She had an emergency at work and she wanted him to know that she wouldn’t be back till tomorrow.
     “So babe, what are we gonna do now? We could watch a movie or...” Jisung whispered, trailing off as he got in bed next to you and started to survey every inch of your face. It felt as if he was looking into your soul. You felt like he could see every single flaw on your face and you did not like it. As soon as he started leaning in moving his hand to your pillowy waist your mind flashed to the conversation you had with your mother. 
     ‘Is this it? Does he want to do it?’ Overwhelming thoughts started to cloud your mind and pretty soon you found yourself jerking back once you felt the tip of his nose touch yours. The sound of the sheets moving filled the room as you stood up off of the bed. 
     “Uhh it’s getting late, A movie sounds nice I think I’m just gonna go shower right quick and we can watch the movie when I get out, ok?” You state as you quickly gather your shorts that you brought and a hoodie out of Jisung’s closet, and rush into his en suite bathroom almost slamming the door behind you.   
     Turning on the shower to make sure he didn’t hear you, you immediately start to whisper shout, “Ah! What the fuck was that, who the fuck was that and what did he do with my boyfriend. Jisung has never been like that before.” Tying your hair up you hop in the shower feeling the water pelt your skin as you decided to forget about it, but you couldn’t deny the twinge you felt in your stomach every time you thought about how he looked when he stared at you like that. 
     The movie was boring so you guys decided to play games again. Only for Jisung to see that he was about to lose against you in Mortal Kombat and in an effort to be a little bitch he tackled you. Now wrestling you yell at him in mock anger for ruining the game before you could kick his head off. As you flipped the both of you over so that you were on top you started to pettily slap his arm. 
     “Ahh Park Jisung you dick! I almost won why’d you do tha-” You had gotten too comfortable and loosed up your legs that were caging him in and he was able to flip you mid sentence. It was then you noticed what a compromising position you both were in, it looked somewhat akin to the basic missionary. 
     Letting out quickened breaths you started to heat up as Jisung stayed in between your legs. You could see the slight perspiration sort of dampen his hair. The game made a sound that surprised you a little causing you to sort of jerk your body. At that Jisung let out a groan that sounded like it was painful. 
     Your body alerts and you start to question him,“Jisung I’m sorry are you ok? What happened?” A ferocious blush starts to race across his cheeks. He avoids your eyes and tells you that it was nothing and that he’s fine.
     “Jisung stop lying and would you let me up now, you’ve been laying on me for a while an-” Cool slightly wet lips touch yours. A little startled at first you tense up but then his lips start to move against yours and the tension in your body slowly unwinds till nothing is left but pure bliss. His lips slowly caress yours and this feels like nothing you’ve ever felt in your life. The passion and the want that he puts into kissing you has you going crazy. 
     Once a steady rhythm is set you move your lower body in an effort to get comfortable and Jisung groans again, and you immediately feel something against your leg and you get flustered because now you know why he groaned and you feel like an idiot for not figuring it out sooner. 
     Jisung wants more, more of you, more of this. The high that this is putting him on is euphoric and for now he doesn’t want to stop. He didn’t say anything but when you came out of his bathroom in his hoodie that fit just like a dress because of the height difference and the illusion that you had nothing on under got him so riled up that he almost couldn’t breathe. It was always like that when it came to you. He loved you so much that it was at most times suffocating. He slips his tongue out of his mouth and just barely grazes it against your bottom lip as if he was testing out the water temp in a pool. 
     You feel something wet against your lips realizing that it was Jisung’s tongue and you quickly almost embarrassingly so open your mouth to let him in. His tongue ventures farther into your mouth and for a little bit there you both are, in the middle of the floor in his room exploring each other, tasting each other, and it is as if there is no one or nothing in the world except for you two. 
     Soon enough without realizing Jisung starts to slowly grind his semi-erection right on to your heated core. The feeling was heavenly and neither of you wanted to stop. 
     He lifts off of your lips so that you both could breath but he soon started to kiss all over your neck, and you throw your head back and release a moan that sounded like heaven to his ears. Grabbing your soft plushy sides he starts to feel anywhere that he can and you tense up out of slight fear at what could be his reaction. He runs one hand down to your thigh, lifting it so that it’s placed on his hip softly squeezing while the other starts to make its way to the hem of your hoodie pulling it up slightly, and that’s when the thoughts came. 
     You quickly pushed Jisung off of you and sat up trying to pull the hoodie as far down your body that it could reach. You looked toward Jisung to see that he had a blush the color of a strawberry and his lips were swollen to look even more soft and inviting than normal. Standing up you rush to his bathroom and close the door leaving a severely confused and turned on Jisung on the floor.  
     Looking toward the mirror, multiple hickies are splattered across your neck and when you lift your hand to rub against them you jolt a little at how tender they were. You could also see where it looked as if you had taken a shot at the kylie jenner lip challenge. But that wasn’t where your mind was at, you were focused on what just happened out there. Thoughts of Jisung possibly seeing your chubby stomach riddled with stretch marks made immediate panic course through your veins. 
     You normally were so good with not thinking about things like that Jisung having helped you be able to get here, but now when he was on the precipice of Jisung seeing your body you couldn’t think about anything but the possible disgust at what you really looked like. 
     It’s not like you didn’t trust him or anything but when insecurity strikes it strikes hard. You consider telling Jisung about these feelings considering you always have in the past, but what if he feels as if you’re doubting his love for you and he gets mad.
     You realize that you’ve probably been in the bathroom for a long time and you didn’t want Jisung to worry so you muster up the courage and with a determined release of air you open the door. Only to see that Jisung is not where you left him. 
     “I wonder where he’s at?” You speak into the air until you wonder what time it is and see that it’s 10:15. ‘WTF we were making out for that long’
     Thirty minutes have passed and Jisung is still not back. As soon as you get up to go look for him he walks into the room. 
     “Where were you? You’ve been gone for a little over half an hour.” 
     Jisung looks at you and when he sees your truly confused face he shyly thwarts his eyes and lifts his hand to rub his neck at the realization that he’ll actually have to explain. But before he can you see his shy gaze and it clicks in your mind what he could’ve been doing regarding what you felt earlier. Biting the inside of your lip you tell him nevermind stating that you already know. He apologizes and says he had to do something because he didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable.      
     The last fifteen minutes have been filled with an agonisingly awkward aura in the air. You and Jisung have been sitting up against the headboard of his bed staring at some movie on tv but you knew that neither of you were actually paying attention. Jisung’s warm hand slides toward yours and upon contact you jump up and away. 
     “Babe what’s wrong? You’ve been jumpy ever since what happened a while ago. Is everything ok? Did I do something wrong?” Jisung asks with slight guilt in his voice thinking he was the problem. You told him no but he didn’t believe and you kept trying to deny his accusations saying that you were just tired but he wouldn’t take that for an answer.
     He grabbed your chin and sort of gently forced you to look at him and when you saw his warm eyes filled with nothing but love you had no choice but to break down and tell him. 
     Hot salty tears ran down your face and he took his thumb and used it to wipe your tears as you described what happened when he tried to go under the hoodie. You had to continuously reassure him that it was not his fault, but your own. 
     “I promise Jisung you did nothing wrong. I love you so much we’ve been through everything together. It’s my fault for feeling this way even when you constantly shower me with love. I just sometimes, I feel like you shouldn’t like me and when you tried to reach under my hoodie it’s just like I didn’t want my fears to come true once you see my body.” 
     “...Babe I- I don’t know how to approach this like I want you to know how much I truly love you. I honestly love your body so much but I don’t want you to think that's all though.” Jisung stated nervously mildly irritated at himself for not being able to properly express his feelings for you. Starting to think you honestly couldn’t believe why you didn’t trust him. He was your mouse, your tall boi, your marshmallow, your love, and possibly even your life.
     “C’mere” Jisung stated in his deep soothing voice as he pulled you into his lap in a straddle position. 
     What Jisung didn’t know was that you loved whenever you got to sit in his lap, it made you feel giddy inside. 
     Jisung totally knew that you loved to sit in his lap.
     “It’s ok, we don’t have to rush. If you don’t feel comfortable showing your body too me yet then that’s ok...One request though.” He states with a small smile and a single finger held in the air. “Can we at least keep making out like this because I’ve been holding myself back and after tonight I don’t think I can do that anymore.” He promptly flashes a slightly cocky smirk to which you answer with a smack on the arm earning a laugh from him. 
     Wondering why you even date him you give him a lingering kiss on the lips and snuggle into his chest. 
     “Y/n, I noticed that earlier when you were talking about what happened you called this hoodie yours. I just wanted you to- ACK stop choking me- AKKK.” 
Although he was currently being choked he was happy, because he knew that you were ok.
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ciggylungz · 4 years
Summer bummer pt.2
y/n x harry pairing
summary- y/n and Harry are part of a cast of a reality show called ‘summer bummer’ that’s a uk version of the jersey shore and things are chaotic
pnot proofread, not sure if its any good pt.2
_3.9k words
 Waking up smooshed between a warm body and a hard wooden wall was what Y/n was currently experiencing, but soon the pounding headache and nausea took the front seat in her brain as she let out a low groan shifting in the hold of the man beside her as she sat up rubbing her eyes, mascara from the night before flaking onto her fist getting another irritated groan to bubble in her throat.
“quiet, try’n sleep here” Harry mumbled and turned over as she climbed out of his bed yawning and stumbling to the bathroom, peeing and taking off her messy makeup from the night before, taking a quick shower and going back upstairs to her shared room to change into some comfy shorts and a big sweatshirt pulling the hood over her damp hair to help block the brightness that’s making her head pound like a drum.
Y/n made her way into the confessional room, sitting on the couch in front of the green screen and turning on the camera the producers had there for them to do their periodic self interviews.
“so it’s like noon, I just woke up and I realized ‘holy shit, im in bed with Harry’…” she made a point to tilt her head and widen her eyes at the camera showing her bit of shock at the situation. “I was blackout wasted last night, the last thing I remember was dancing and making out with him so I’m gonna wait till he’s up to ask if we did the deed or not because I don’t remember, god first day in the house and I’m already blacking out.” She paused to laugh at herself a little before continuing, “ugh, we’ll see. My moms gonna kill me when she see this episode_- fuck_”
She sighed as she turned off the camera and went back out into the living room where some of her roommates were, all of them sleepy and hungover chatting to themselves but Y/n raised an eyebrow when she noticed Tommy give her a side eye and stop talking when she walked into the room, the camera men that were in the house filming panning their cameras between the two young adults.
“what? Why are you looking at me like that?” she didn’t waste any time in brining attention to his behavior, not in the mood for the pricks little attitude problem getting a scoff and a snarky little turn of his lips as he waved her off like a dog, and Y/n was having none of it. She stood up straighter, squaring her shoulders and pointing at the man. “Obviously you have a fucking problem so say it, fuck are you acting like a little bitch for? Thought you were a fucking tough guy.” She wasn’t scared of that guy In the slightest, he had the most punch worthy face she’s ever seen and god was he making the urge more prominent with every move of his ugly face.
“shut the fuck up bitch, you talk too fucking much. You talked shit about me at the club last night, probably just mad because I was making out with other girls and not giving your ugly ass any fucking attention you stupid bitch.” He glared at her giving her a disrespectful little smile and every other person in the room was now staring at the pair, engaged and waiting on the edge of their seats for what was gonna happen next.
Y/n couldn’t stop the laugh that came from her mouth, looking at Tommy like he was the stupidest person on the planet, because right now he sure did fit the description. “You’re joking right? I was saying how I felt sorry for those girls because you’re such a piece of shit wanker. You hit on me from the moment I walked in this house and pouty like a fucking baby when I told you to fuck off after dinner, it was on camera you prick. I’m perfectly content having you and your non existent lips far away from me.”
She was annoyed, but also amused. This guy had no fucking clue how much everyone already hated him and she loved it. He stayed silent for a minute and she took the chance to get closer to him pointing her finger right in his face, making eye contact with him, “watch who the fuck you call a bitch around here Tommy because I’ll punch you right in your smug fucking mouth, lets see how much of a tough guy you are when you get your teeth knocked in by a fucking girl.”
At this point Ryan was up off the couch and making his way between the two when he saw both of them getting even more agitated, Tom standing up and Y/n refusing to back down as he tried to intimidate her.
“alright guys, chill out. Drop it, it’s not a big deal don’t fight over stupid shit like this.” Ryan stuck his arm between them Tommy trying to push it away while Y/n started to tie up her hair yelling back and fourth with him as Ryan tried to keep them apart. “what you gonna fucking hit me Tom? Huh? You gonna hit a girl? Makes sense, you’re a pussy and act so tough till you’re throwing a tantrum when you don’t get your way. Gonna go cry to mommy because I didn’t want anything to do with you or your 2 inch dick?”
This comment of course got the reaction she was hoping, his face grew red and his body tensed just making her smirk more. “the fuck did you just say to me?” he was pissed, and Y/n was loving how she got him so mad over her comment, that’s how she knew she struck a nerve because it was definitely true. She even got some laughs from the roommates who were sitting around watching the show. Ryan turned so his left arm and part of his body was between them, looking at Tommy raising an eyebrow at him. “Watch it mate, you’re on thin ice. Lay a hand on a female in this house and you’ll never get to walk this earth again.”
Tommy clenched his jaw flickering his eyes between Ryan and Y/n like an angry child who didn’t get their way, and god was Y/n loving how he’s embarrassing himself and he doesn’t even realize it.
The pair continued to argue back and fourth, him trying to insult her and her pushing his buttons – (because lets face it, he was too damn easy)- and in the midst of it Harry decided to emerge from his room, hair a mess and all sleepy. His tattoos were on full display as his shirtless body started advancing towards the arguing duo. Y/n gasped when Harry pushed her back a bit to get right in Toms face using his large body to completely cover Y/n’s as he looked down at Tommy with stone cold eyes.
“Mate I suggest you fucking keep it moving because I’m not gonna put up with you being disrespectful to anyone in this house, let alone a younger girl who didn’t do anything to you. I won’t let her fight you, but I sure as hell have no problem pounding your face in. Step off before I make you, I promise you that you don’t want that.”
Harry’s tone was serious, his muscles were taunt and flexed as he towered over the other man. Tommy of course tried to play it off and muttered a ‘whatever asshole’ as he sulked off to his room, but everyone in there knew he was almost shitting his pants from how afraid he was of Harry.
Everyone took a second to take everything in before they really spoke. Ryan gave Harry a pat on the back, “Thanks mate, dudes a proper prick. And Y/n, you’re a bad ass fuckin’ girl, that was crazy!” he chuckled and shook his head, plopping down on the couch again as Harry turned to the girl raising and eyebrow as he looked down at her. “try to not get yourself involved in any more trouble, at least until I’ve had some fucking coffee. Was sleeping love, bit rude to wake me up for a brawl.”
Y/n laughed a little and pushed his chest, “Hey! I didn’t wake you up, I could have taken him I didn’t need you to jump in.” she put her hands on her hips and gave him a sassy little face, the man laughing in return. “ ‘m sure you could have, babbled last night about how you’re brothers taught you boxing growing up, but if that kid was to try to fight you I’d go down for a murder charge. Me mum taught me to respect women and women beaters aren’t in my good graces. Now you, miss thang need to keep your ass out of problems.”
Harry gave her the stern bossy eyes and she caved, nodding her head and pouting a little as he went into the kitchen and grabbed himself a Gatorade and some crackers nodding his head to the deck door,           “ ‘cmere rocky, need to talk to you.” Harry teased her with the name, getting laughs from everyone including her as she walked out on the deck with him sitting down on one of the couches as he fed himself.
“need to talk to you about last night.” He mumbled through a mouthful of sports drink getting a nod from Y/n as she tried her best to ignore the camera getting a little too close for comfort. “Wanted to ask you about it too, was waiting till you got up..i’m just gonna ask, did we bang?” she twisted her stray hairs around her pointer finger as she asked, slightly nervous for the answer.
Harry shook his head laughing a little bit to himself. “Nope, told you I wasn’t gonna do anything when you were drunk unless I talked to sober you about it first. Plus, love if we would have fucked you would still feel me. wouldn’t have to ask because your trouble walking would answer that question for you sweetheart.” Harry wore a slight smirk on his lips as he said it, watching the younger girl roll her eyes and lick over her lips. “god you’re such a boy.”
“No, sweetheart. I’m a man, a gentlemen actually. Not like the little boys where you’re from, I’m a grown man love and I’m cocky because I know I have the skills to back it up. Maybe you’ll get lucky to experience that yourself sometimes little girl.”
Y/n was a bit in shock. She was turned on, overwhelmed and a little bit offended by his attitude but god if she wasn’t turned on. “Oh my god. I can’t, guys are too much for me right now. I might have to take up Selena’s offer and become a lesbian over summer because you guys are stressing me out!”
Y/n smacked his arm playfully and Harry grabbed her wrist, pulling her hand to his mouth and kissing her knuckled. “Yea, let’s see how long that lasts since last night you were almost In tears any time I broke the kiss to open the damn door. You’ll be knocking at my door by the end of the week guarantee it.”
“Ok mister confidence, shut up.” Y/n covered her face with her hands to hide her smile and growing blush, both of them just talking about the night before until the camera crew left for a while before they were going to go out that night.
“hey Harry?” Y/n stood in his doorway, calling out his name as he rummaged through his suitcase to find whatever he was looking for. “Whatsup love?” he peered at her for a second to let her know he was listening before going back to what he was doing “about what you said, sober me says if neither of us come home with someone we can fool around a bit, you have my permission. Just know I fully plan on bringing someone home tonight and I already called the spare room. I wanna start my summer off with good booze and an orgasm.”
Harry let out a little snort, pulling the brush he was looking for out of his bag and turning to Y/n, “I’ll keep that in mind, good luck with your plans tonight, I hope you get your wish and don’t end up with some dude who doesn’t know where the clit is.”
Y/n rolled her eyes, “Don’t speak that into existence asshole, if he fails me I’ll just do it the old fashion way.” This got the mans attention and his eyes to meet hers, “Old fashion way?” he rubbed his stubbly chin a bit, moving the brush between his right and left hand, “yea, just masturbate in the shower or whatever. I brought some tools that could lend a helping hand in that. I’ll make do.”
Harry had to stop himself from groaning. His mind flashed with images of her in the shower using toys on herself, biting a wash cloth to keep quiet since everyone’s here. He was able to collect himself after a few seconds and give her a playful smile nodding “sounds like a plan love, now get out of here it’s time to get ready.”
The music was blaring and the booze running through Y/n’s system made it ten times better, she was dancing- not caring about anything as she danced on this nice looking guy she met and who she decided she was gonna bring back that night and occupy the spare room she’d already called. He was tall, dark hair, tan just a typical good looking guy and the vodka helped make him look more attractive. She just hoped that he could give her what she so desperately needed. A good fucking.
“ ‘cmon, lets go now so we have extra time before my roommates get back, I wanna play.”
Little else was said between the two as they darted out of the club and back to the shared house, clothes coming off quickly as they got up the steps and now she’s panting, groping her tits while the stranger who she can’t remember the name of is tongue deep in her cunt. He’s average at giving head, but she’s desperate and so horny she doesn’t care.
Her hips rock against his mouth as he brings her right to the edge before stopping, Y/n let out a loud protest at this feeling the coil that was forming in her stomach and about to come undone fade.
“what the hell?!” she was pissed, and between her legs was aching at this point from needing attention. “I’m sorry, mouth got tired and I wanna fuck you now..” the man slipped his shirt off while Y/n laid under him, irritated but hopeful his cock can give her the relief she really needs.
But just her luck, it doesn’t. He lasts 5 minutes before he’s cumming into the condom and panting leaving Y/n angry and horribly deprived, and so she wasted no time in kicking him out and storming into her room, grabbing her black vibrator she had brought and marching to the bathroom turning the shower on getting it nice and arm before she stepped in.
Y/n had her head resting against the tile as she sat on the shower floor, legs spread and vibrator rubbing up and down her needy slit while her free hand was plunging 2 fingers in and out of herself. She always loved being fingered, but she wishes her fingers were just a bit longer as she worked herself letting herself be loud since no one else was in the house, but she just couldn’t reach the spot she needed to. It was so close yet so far, and she was so upset she was almost close to tears.
She was in the middle of a fit of cursing everyone in existence when a knock on the bathroom door made her jump, her heart almost burst from surprise and now she was wondering how long she’s been in here since her roommates weren’t coming back till at least 6 am.
“Can I come in? it gotta pee” the voice on the other side of the door asked loudly so she could hear them over the water, and when she realized it was Harry she yelled out an agreement, as soon as he opened the door she peaked her head around from behind the curtain to look at him while still shielding her body.
Harry chuckled a little bit and gave her a funny look, “Can I take a leak in private please?”. Y/n groaned and stomped her foot on the shower floor like a child. “Fine! Please pee and then get in the shower with me, I’m so horny it literally hurts and that guy lasted 5 minutes and I swear to god if I don’t get to cum I’m going to cry please!”
Harry stared at her for a moment, letting her words sink in pushing his hair off his face and shrugging. “what do you want me to do love?” he could see just how desperate she was, eyes close to tears, lip stuck between her teeth and he felt both bad for her but also so fucking turned on.
“Anything, please finger me? play with me? please I need it my fingers aren’t long enough and you said you’d play with me, I’m not even that drunk please Harry.”
Y/n didn’t care about the cameras in the hall that were probably picking up the audio, or how desperate and crazy she sounded, she needed his touch.
“Okay..Okay doll relax, let me do what I need to do and then I’ll join you alright?”
Y/n nodded and moved back behind the curtain, she took her original place sitting on the cool tile floor of spacious shower as he went to the bathroom before stripping down to his boxers and pulling the curtain back seeing the younger girl naked, legs spread a bit giving him a glimpse of how swollen and flushed between her legs was letting him know she was probably a bit too rough on herself when she got frustrated, which only made her problem worse.
Her tits sat perky on her chest, her nipples pebbled with water droplets running down over them before dripping off onto her thighs. Harry let out a low groan at the sight, “Have m’ boxers on just because I’m not gonna fuck ya’ , honestly don’t think I even can because I got whiskey dick right now. Need to lay off the booze so I can take care of you properly next time. Cmon, stand up sweetheart.”
Harry held his hand out to the girl who took it, standing on wobbly legs as he stepped in the shower with her, skin tight black boxers covering his goods which disappointed her a bit but she couldn’t care too much since there was so much else going on.
His big hands ran up and down her back, thumbs digging into the dimples right at the base of her spine as he pulled her closer to him, kissing down her neck, mumbling into her skin about how pretty she is, and promising he’s going to make her feel better.
“Pussy is all swollen doll, gotta be careful. Don’t want you to hurt yourself just ‘cause you get frustrated, that’s no fun…” His voice was deep, slow and made her stomach tense from how it vibrated through her getting a whimper and tug on his wet matted locks.
“Talk to me darling..tell me what you want, tell me what you need baby” his fingers were trailing downward, squeezing her ass and brushing his finger tips on the backs on her thighs. “need you to touch me, please put your fingers in me I need it”
Her voice was pathetic and she knew it, she was needy to the highest capacity and almost let a ‘daddy’ slip through her lips but she managed to bite her tongue just in time. Harry hummed as he brough his right hand around her front, moving it between her thighs and coaxing them open wider while he brushed two digits up and down her slit, mouthing at her neck while he gets a feel for her exterior, taking the vibrator from her hand and setting it down on the rack holding their shampoos and soaps while he tapped the pad of his middle finger against her entrance before sinking it in.
Her reaction was immediate. She dropped her head onto his shoulder, a long relieved moan falling from her plush lips as he slipped a second one in with ease from how eager her body was. “Got t’ give me a minute to find tha’ special spot love, deep breaths don’t need ya’ passing out on me.” Harry was on a mission to find that spongey spot inside her that would have her cumming in no time, and Y/n was practically riding his fingers as she stood in his grip, her body going rigid when he pressed against the spot she needed the most attention on, mumbling a low “found it” as he pressed on it again, rubbing over it as he fucked his fingers in and out of the younger girl who was holding onto him for dear life as he massaged her G-spot with vigor.
“There you go, that’s a good girl Y/n you’re doin’ so good love, know you’re close can cum whenever you feel it. Know you need it baby, let go.”
Y/n could barely hear him as her body started to tingle, everything was muffled and her mind was hyper focused on the pleasure pulsing through her core. She was gearing up for a strong one, she hasn’t had one quite this big since the winter when she had a 4 week dry spell and finally got some action the day after Christmas, she soaked through the poor dudes sheets that night.
Her moans and gasps picked up, frequent bursts of pleasured moans passed her lips as she started to pant her nails digging into his tattooed shoulders while her held her to him so she didn’t fall.
“Doing so well, almost there huh? Almost there…” his fingers moved with purpose and unfaltering speed as he massaged her special spot faster, her legs becoming jelly as she started to cum. She couldn’t help the loud moan that shot out of her throat, Harry quickly grabbing the wash cloth and stuffing it in her mouth since he knew Ryan was here. He cooed in the girls ear, talking to her the entire time she was cumming feeling her cunt squeezing his digits while her own juices dribbled down his wrist.
She was dizzy, tired, spent and completely drained. She finally got what she needed and was now dead weight clinging to Harry who peppered her face with kisses as he withdrew his hand from her cunt rinsing her off down there and kissing her lips a few times.
“That was fucking amazing… god Harry you’re gonna make me fall in love with you with fingers like those…”
He only chuckled at her dazed comment before shutting the water off, wrapping the girl in a towel and sitting her down on the counter
“Lucky for you, you have all summer to do so, I might just be up for it too.”
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oh-for-fic-sake · 5 years
Trophy chapter three
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Finally decided where im going with this been mulling it over for a few days toying with a few ideas. Trying to define Henry's character has been a bit difficult for me as i wasnt sure what angle i wanted to highlight more but from here out i think iv settled on Yandere/Daddy Dom/Care Giver so the relationship has taken a more ddlg turn its not going to dive in to ageplay (im not confident enough yet maybe one day) but the reader is slightly childish. I cant stress enough that as this is a yandere themed story its not going to be for everyone all my chapters will have appropriate warnings. If you have read it and think i have missed one out please let me know so i can apologize and correct it. Not much else to say other than i hope you like it
Warning:Adult themes, Dubcon,Controlling Behaviour, Swearing
You find out who it was who handed you over to Henry
Chapter one ,Chapter two Chapter four Chapter five
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Trophy chapter three
Waking up the next morning was slow, absolutely exhausted you laid under the soft covers relaxing with your eyes closed ignorant to the world. Turning over trying to get comfy enough to fall asleep again.Frowning as your ears picked up an irritating tapping that moved back and forth. Groggily you identified it as a dog excitedly pacing on a wooden floor.Something that you hadn't heard since your childhood ,with out a thought -still not fully awake- you poked your hand out of the covers and over the side of the mattress to placate the animal,immediately being nudged into stroking a fluffy face and lathered with dog kisses.
"Amy ,stop, go lie down" Your eyes snapped open as the words left your mouth Amy -your German Shepherd from childhood- has been long gone and you haven't had a dog since. You snatched your hand back sitting up groaning as the pain in your ass forced you to flop face first back onto your side. There was a large snout in front of you, literally inches from your nose as the dog has rested its chin on the mattress in front of you letting out an impatient whine.You slowly inched back apprehensive of the large dog.
"H-hey there erm where did you come from boy? girl?" You spoke quietly the dog snorted in response then in one swoop jumped up onto the bed over you landing on the other side. Rolling on your back ignoring the ache in your ass more concerned with the very large canine beside you. Your not scared of dogs not in the slightest, but you didn't know this one.It laid down on the other side of the bed tail thumping away as it looked at you expectantly. Sitting up slowly you pulled yourself to the head board resting against it.Only now really recollecting yesterdays events and just where you were. The dog huffed again and slumping to lie on its side pawing at you.Pet me. The dog didn't seem aggressive actually the opposite, smiling lightly you began giving a belly rub.Male. You looked up as the bathroom door opened revealing a towel clad Henry fresh from the shower rubbing a smaller hand towel on his hair before letting the damp cloth drape around his neck. He smiled knowingly as your eyes trailed down from the towel at his neck drinking in his toned chest that had a complementarity dusting of dark curls across it.You sucked in a deep breath. It really wasn't fair, he knew very well how attractive he was, under different circemstances you might have flirted with him a little after drinking a few glasses of liquid courage. Not that you'd have thought you would have a chance. 
'To bad he's a nut job' you though wistfully. Just your luck that the only man to look your way was a fucking psychopath. You directed you attention to the fingers that were still absentmindedly scratching through the dogs thick fur. Henry approached the bed nodding his head at the dog.
"See you've met Kal" The dog twitched his ears at his name enjoying his belly rub to much to move.
"Kal. It suites him Akita right?" He grinned nodding as he sat on the edge of the bed patting the dogs barreled chest.
"Yep my boy, yours to now" You paused then pulled your hand off kal (to his disappointment) tucking them in your lap as it clicked who you were speaking to. Henry continued looking at you lovingly for a few seconds then his face fell sighing as he watched you pull back into yourself then looked towards the bathroom.
"Go get cleaned up, I have a visitor to take care of after breakfast shouldnt take long then we can spend the day together" He finished his sentence leaning in with a kiss on your cheek before lifting himself up to get ready for the day. You got up holding the bed momentarily to stabilize yourself before taking slow steps towards the bathroom wincing as you movements aggravated your sore backside.
"Theres some comfry cream on the sink bring that out when your finished" For some reason You could hear his grin swallowing Uneasy you nodded before shutting the Bathroom door behind you unsure why you heard him laugh through the heavy wood. Shuffling forward you relished in the warmth of the steam filled room. His bathroom was stylish and sleek, the type of room you'd expect in a five star hotel not that you'd ever stayed in one .Expensive looking black gold veined marble steps leading to a large sunken tub at the far end of the room, before that matching marble splash back on the 'his and hers' sink with a mirror hung above them. The large shower to your left was glass on one side it was big enough to fit four or five people comfortably and had a built in bench seat. The shelves either side of the mirror were fully stocked one side obviously had been pre-prepared for you with hair and make up products all in your preferred brands and colours.
'That cannot be a coincidence' you summarized as you pulled the foundation down inspecting the seal.Brand new as suspected.So he must have planned for your arrival. You shook the thoughts out of your head not wanting to think of how he knew so much about you. After using the loo and brushing your teeth with the new pink toothbrush that'd graciously been provided for you.The power shower was welcome easing your muscles your tension melted away under the powerful spray and also giving you time to think of where you went from here.
'Don't think he's gonna give me a chance to run anytime soon. Gotta find out why he's taken me .Its lot of trouble to go through for no reason, unless he's done it before. Maybe i could be nice to him, play along until his guard drops then scarper. Question was, what then?' If what they say is true it'd be useless going to the police you'd be back here in no time dread to think what he'd do to you then. If you left you'd have to leave town asap. Wouldn't be able to go home and pack a bag it'd be to obvious-or maybe soo obvious they wouldn't even look.' The door opened pulling you from your musings, it was only open enough for kal to slip in who dutifully sat by the shower door Henry didn't follow calling from behind it.
"Are you ok? you've been in here a while" You hadn't realized but he was right as you looked at your pruned fingers.
"Im fine" you heard a sigh of relief as you answered him 
"Good when you didn't answer my calls i was worried that you'd tried something very stupid" He paused contemplating his next words
"Time to get out now i think" You faltered at that stepping from under the spray towards the shower door. 
"But i haven't washed yet"
"Well who's fault is that little one? Besides the amount of time you've been in there the waters probably taken care of any dirt.Next time don't waste so much time." He scolded half hartedly
"Sorry i wasn't aware you were on a water meter" you snapped back at him in temper.
"Excuse me? would you like to try again?" His tone was so ominous you took a step back curseing silently.
"Sorry. I'll be right out"
"Sorry Who?" you didn't reply immediately
"...Sorry daddy" 
"Good don't let it happen again" Calling kal out of the room he shut the door.Defeated you hang your head deciding to try and pacify him at least until you could come up with a plan of action.Twisting off the water and exiting the shower wrapping a large bath sheet around your body uesing a smaller one to wring out your wet hair. Scurrying out of the bathroom finding him sitting up on the bed laptop in hand Kal was nowhere to be seen. Your captor was dressed in a caramel two piece suit with white shirt. He looked over the screen at you.
"Your clothes are here. Did you grab the cream?"
"I forgot, give me a sec." You quickly grabbed the small pot of cream handing it to him then preceded around the bed unfolding the clothes left out for you.
"Y/n come here" He said closing his laptop stopping sliding it off his lap peeking over at him you blinked holding up the sweater that was left out for you. 
"Cant i get dressed first?" A pleading look not trusting his expression or him in general really.
"Not until this has soaked in"
"What?" Nervously twiddling the soft knit fabric already dreading what ever he had in store for you now.Chuckling he waved the pot in the air.
"This is to ease your cute little bottom now come over here" Opening the pot and paced it within reach on the beside table. Fully expecting you to do as your told you covered your back side with one hand.
"M-my bottom is fine really i don't need it"
"Now you and i both know that if i turned you over my knee right now id find a sore red little bottom. Im going to take care of you now could you please come here."
"Please i can do it myself" Ignoring you he dipped his fingers into the thick balm smoothing it between his palms. You took a deep breath deciding that your best option was to grin and bear it. Dragging your feet until you stood in front of the amused man.
"Theres no need to sulk." Lifting you effortlessly to lie on the bed tugging the towel from around you he whistled low 
" Thats a well punished bottom if iv ever seen one" he anounced before running his lathered hands across it massaging in the pain reliefe thoughrly in smooth circles, you tensed under his hands, they felt cool in comparison to your heated flesh.
"Dosnt look like youll bruise which is good.Allmost done now"
You fhuffed letting him get on with it trying to imagine you were anywhere but here as his palms moved lower to graze over your thighs and back up again leaving behind a trail of tingles then he pulled away.
"Just lie there and let it work its magic ,you've been a very good girl." You hated feeling a twinge of pride at his praise quickly beating it down .He left you there for five mineuts or so then signaled to get dressed. Once down stairs you were greeted with an enthusiastic kal whilst being served a light breakfast of toast and juice. Not long after that you found yourself beside him watching the news on a sofa kal chilling out at your feet with an indestructible looking chew A large man clad in all black strolled in stating
"Got a visitor boss said he called last night?" Henry left instructing you to stay put. You strained your ears as you heard his foot steps stopping a few feet behind the door. Hearing a familiar voice from the other side. Getting up you tip toed across the room pressing your ear against it listening to the conversation.
"-Caught on cctv, thats evidence that could implicate me. What am i supposed to tell them? The others were already asking questions last night i told them it was a rota mistake not sure how long i can keep them quiet its out of character,  You said it would be subtle." It was henry who spoke next his voice was deep authoritative and menacing.
"Calm down I have it all taken care of, not my first rodeo.Trust me no one is going to go looking to deep, the paper trails already sorted out  application ,travel, accommodation the lot. All you have to do is keep your mouth shut and we're squared up.As agreed"
"I dont know how i feel about it now? I think i made a mistake" The other male frantically replied.
" Your mistake was not keeping up your end I told you to keep an eye on him. I told you what would happen if you cocked it up.Now I have to be the bad guy. You think I wanted to do it this way? Besides its already done you cant go back on your word now. If your having second thoughts thats tough fucking luck I dont do refunds. Now get the fuck out of my house and you best keep that mouth shut cos I can make you dissapear just as easy as her. Lads show Mr Fletcher out" You gasped stepping back quickly mind racing as you sat back down where you were originally. You sat in shock as you realized who it was Henry had been talking to and why theyd sounded familiar. Kyle fletcher owner of the small cafe you worked in your boss of four years.Putting two and two together ,that chat was about you. You felt sick it was kyle who'd asked you close later than usual to deep clean the coffee machine and recount the float , causing you to close up in the dark which was where youd been taken. For some reason he knew what was going to happen he'd been in on it a overcome by a wave of anger you decided come hell or high water you were going to find out exactly what your exboss had done.
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mischiefandi · 4 years
A Shitty Love Song (Part 3) - Stiles Stilinski
No Shame
A/N: hi everyone, here is part 3, im sorry i couldn’t post it yesterday. part 4 will be out next saturday! ty for reading, hope you enjoy it
Summary: Y/N is a 17 year old girl who struggles in an epic battle against herself. Whether it is amor’s icy grasp or life’s unexpected course that forces her to finally open up, only one thing is certain. The truth cannot be long hidden.
Warnings: mentions of underage drinking, swearing, mentions of anxiety and panic attacks (if this triggers you in any way, please be careful)
Word Count: 5k
Pairing: Stiles Stilinski x Reader (Y/N)
Series Masterlist
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(picture is not mine -> credits to @ sanjeevgrover on unsplash)
“I need you. I need you.”
Stiles’ cries had not escaped Y/N’s mind in the past two and a half weeks. On a loop, they played back, the words looming behind every action, every conversation, every thought. Never before had she heard pleas quite like the ones stuck in her head. It had been a real shock seeing her friend in such a state of panic and terror. Being Stiles’ friend, you couldn’t help but notice his anxious quirks and habits, but he had never lost control like that. At least, never in front of other people.
So as the weeks rolled into winter exams, Y/N found herself struggling to stay focused on her studies, her mind often wandering off in unwanted directions. She thought of Stiles, and of his distress, and she thought of those troubling words that still lingered in her mind. But most of all, she thought about how she still had no idea what happened. She had asked, multiple times, but Stiles had shut her down, providing fleeting excuses that she just wasn’t gullible enough to believe.
“Maybe he’s embarrassed.” She had thought to herself. And perhaps this was true. But if that was the case, did it mean he didn’t trust her? Was he uncomfortable around her? Did he regret showing that side of him and if so, what did that say about their friendship?  As always, Y/N’s mind overflowed with questions and hypotheses, and there was nothing she could do about it.
As the moonlight shone through her bedroom window, Y/N stood from her chair, her fingers furiously drumming against her chin as she focused, her brow furrowed in concentration.
“New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, uh…New York…” she recited, another overwhelming wave of stress hitting her for the third time that evening.
“Fuck!” she exclaimed, throwing her head back in frustration.
She was nervous. Tomorrow was the last day of exams, and she couldn’t mess it up. She generally had good grades in History, but the past few weeks had been exhausting and she truly was reaching her breaking point, making it more and more difficult to study even the simplest dates and events.
Y/N walked over to her art corner, her gleaming eyes glazing over the patterns of black and grey carefully applied to the canvas of her latest painting. She sighed, burying her face in her hands.
This abstract piece had been started at the beginning of winter exams, but she still hadn’t finished it. It wasn’t really that she didn’t have the time, it was something else. She couldn’t quite pinpoint what it was, but something was stopping her from completing the painting.
Whenever she stood in front of the canvas, unsure hands hovering above her color palette, her fingers retracted. It was a frustrating predicament, constantly coming back to the same issue and not knowing how to get out of it.
Y/N was so tired with it all. She was tired of the studying and the overwhelming waves of anxiety, and she was tired of not hearing from Stiles. She was tired of not finding a way out of her artistic rut and she was goddamn tired of feeling trapped.
Without warning, her eyes filled with water and for a split second, time stood still, before the tears overflowed, chaos crashing into her. Her breathing accelerated and she bit down on the inside of her mouth, pain erupting through her cheek.
“No, no, come on. Stop it,” she whimpered, the tears rolling down her flushed cheeks.
She had reached her breaking point. Slowly, she lowered herself down onto the floor, her back pressed against the foot of her bed. Her toes curled as she gripped the carpet beneath her, the soft fabric a small comfort. Y/N shut her eyes and winced, chaos burning inside of her stomach, and she forced herself to raise her finger up to her nostril, pressing the tip against her humid skin.
“1…2…3…” she gasped as she shakily breathed in the cool night air seeping through her bedroom window.
“1…2…3…” She exhaled loudly but slowly, forcing every last drop of air out of her lungs then back in as she started anew.
Slowly but surely, she felt her muscles start to relax, her weary toes uncurling. The chaos had thankfully subsided.
“This one barely even lasted a few minutes.” Y/N thought to herself, resting her head against her bed. She soothingly wrapped her arms around herself and continued to breathe, the exaggerated inhalations helping tremendously.
A few minutes of silence had passed when suddenly, the familiar buzzing of her phone made Y/N’s quiet bubble pop. Grimly, she made her way over to her phone sitting on the wooden surface of her desk and her red-rimmed eyes glazed over Allison’s name flashing through the bright screen. She answered instantaneously.
“Hi, Y/N! How horrible is studying going?”
Y/N rolled her eyes, letting out a sharp laugh.
“Decently horrible. How’s it going for you?”
“Well…it could be going better,” Allison chuckled, her warm voice lighting up the room.
“We’re just so tired! Who the hell came up with the idea of making us sit through two whole weeks of exams?” huffed Y/N.
“It’s not that bad. I don’t know about you but my dad’s been acting like my butler.”
“Wow, well, if your new butler wants to start working for me as well, I don’t mind,” Y/N teased, Allison’s laugh echoing through her phone.
“So hey, I was talking with Isaac earlier today and we were thinking, why not hang out by the Hale House tomorrow after exams are done. We could have a bonfire and just celebrate the end of the trimester?”
“Oh my god, that sounds so fun,” Y/N gasped, her heart doing a backflip inside of her chest. She needed to see her friends.
“Yeah! I’ve missed our hangouts,” said Allison.
“I know, I have too. Hanging out and just chilling with everyone by a fire sounds perfect.”
“God knows we deserve a break.”
“What time were you and Isaac thinking?”
“I’m not sure, maybe around 7?”
“Yeah, no problem. What do you need me to bring?” asked Y/N, one hand resting on her hip.
“Um, maybe just a couple of blankets, I’ll text you if I think of anything else. Lydia’s bringing some drinks and the boys are handling food.”
“Okay, great. I can’t wait.”
“Me neither. Good luck with History tomorrow!” Allison exclaimed.
“You too. Goodnight, Ali,” replied Y/N before terminating the phone call.
She slumped into her desk chair and sighed slowly before straightening her back and passing a shaky hand through her hair. She was going to study and nail this exam. And then, she was going to have a blast at the bonfire.
The excruciatingly demanding day had come to an end and Y/N felt like a huge weight had been lifted from her weary shoulders as she inhaled the cool evening air. The sun had gone down, all that was left was her shadow, following closely behind as she rode to the woods. Her History exam had gone really well considering how difficult it had been to study its content. Exams were over and done with, and the highly anticipated winter holidays were finally here, much to Y/N’s relief. Everyone needed this well-deserved break.
Y/N turned a sharp right onto the gravel trail leading up to the core of the forest, her heart beating with excitement. The chilly air whipped her face as she rode faster, her bike disappearing in a blur of dark trees and thick bushes as she inched closer and closer to the Hale House. Briefly tilting her head up, Y/N’s eyes caught a glimpse of a shooting star zooming through the night sky and disappearing into its dark backdrop in a flash.
After what seemed like an eternal bike ride later, she could finally hear the sounds of laughter and happy chatter echoing around her, and she grinned, entering the large clearing and jumping off of her seat. Her bike crashed onto the ground as she leapt in Lydia’s arms, breathing in the smell of fresh strawberries in their warm embrace.
“Finally! I was starting to think you’d never get here,” exclaimed the redhead. “You don’t pack lightly,” she added, gesturing at the large duffel bag hanging from Y/N’s shoulder.
“Yeah, Ali asked me to bring blankets,” Y/N replied, chuckling.
“Hmm, well our Mom thinks of everything,” joked Lydia.
“What did you just call me?” inquired a soft voice, and Y/N turned, her eyes falling onto Allison’s smirk.
“Oh come on, you know it’s true. You’re basically our mom.”
Allison giggled and put her arms around her friends’ shoulders, leading the pair towards the bonfire a few feet away.
“Well, I gladly accept the title,” she said, her voice light as the sun.
As Y/N got close to the fire, warmth fanned over the few inches of her skin not covered by her clothes.
“Y/N, you’re here!” said Scott, smiling widely, his eyes gleaming through the thick flames of the bonfire.
“Let’s get this party started,” Isaac whooped, his hand reaching for a can of cheap beer, knocking it back in mere seconds.
Y/N grinned at the group. Kira was seated between Scott’s legs, a bottle of coke in her grasp. Isaac pulled Allison down next to him, planting a sweet kiss on her cheek. Y/N’s kind eyes finally settled on Stiles. He was sitting next to Scott, his back pressed against a log, legs spread freely in front of the fire. Their eyes met and he smiled softly, her heart swelling with affection. She calmly sat herself down between Lydia and him, and conversation soon lit up the clearing, the group’s voices bright and excited.
“Can you believe it’s already winter break?”
“Seriously, I feel like we should still be in October,” replied Y/N as she handed Lydia some blankets to pass around.
“How did your exams go?” asked Scott, his eyes flicking from one person to another.
“Decently,” shrugged Isaac, Stiles scoffing at his words.
“You called me up at 2 in the morning asking me if it was true our next exam was Geography and not Econ,” he mocked and Allison laughed out loud, her head thrown back.
“I see I’m not the only one he wakes up in the middle of the night,” she teased, resting her head on her boyfriend’s shoulder, their fingers intertwining.
“Okay, there were some organizational issues, but we fixed them and agreed not to mention them. Ever again,” he replied, shooting a deadly glare at Stiles.
“How do you feel about your exams, Scott?” asked Y/N, swiftly moving the focus away from the guilty blabbermouth seated next to her.
Scott nodded, his bottom lip tucked back in his mouth.
“Honestly, I think I did pretty well. Biology went much better than I thought it would so that’s great. Thank you again, Lyds, you saved me,” he added, sending a grateful look at the redhead who smiled in response.
“You did the work, Scott. It was all you,” she replied.
“I’m actually pretty sure I flunked Biology but the rest was fine,” Allison said. “How did History go, Y/N?”
Y/N grinned widely before bowing before the bonfire, Lydia scoffing at the gesture.
“Yours truly is officially the queen of History.”
“Hey, congrats! Who’s your History teacher?” Kira asked.
“Uh, Mr Hebowitz. You’re lucky you don’t have him, he friggin sucks.”
“Well, I’d take him over my dad any day. Seriously, if I have to hear one more embarrassing childhood story brought up in class, I’m gonna burst.”
“Yeah, that sounds bad,” Y/N winced.
“I gotta say it’s pretty entertaining though. I didn’t know you were so big on martial arts,” said Stiles.
“Yeah, I read this book about a femme fatale superhero with a katana and I just thought that was so cool. So I begged my parents to let me take martial arts lessons and I loved it!”
“Woah, that’s so awesome. So you’re basically a super ninja?” Isaac inquired, his expression serious and unphased.
Lydia laughed, her head shaking repeatedly.
“More like a samouraï but close enough,” she said.
“Yeah, sorry. And before you ask, no- I don’t know the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles,” teased Kira.
“Isaac isn’t really familiar with anything so cultural, isn’t that right, Isaac?” Stiles piled on, grinning sarcastically.
“Isn’t that right, Isaac,” the sandy-haired boy childishly mimicked, “Shut up, Bilinski.”
“I will have you know, I am proud of that name. It got me on the lacrosse field.”
“And which of your numerous exploits can you recall from said lacrosse field?” said Y/N, intently watching his face with an amused expression etched on hers.
Stiles met her gaze for a split second, lips pursed, then shot back to Isaac.
“The point is lacrosse is great,” he cried out.
Laughter erupted in the clearing as the fire crackled, smoke rising up into the frigid night air. The group passed along bottles and cans of beer, discussing the previous weeks with excitement. It had finally sunk in that the holidays were here.
“Okay, as much as I love reliving our painful school experiences, I propose we play a drinking game instead,” suggested Isaac, mischief painted across his face, his eyes glinting brightly.
“I’m down, it’s been a while!”
“Let’s do this,” Y/N cheered, clapping her hands together in excitement.
“Never Have I Ever?”
“Yeah, why not?” said Stiles with a nod.
“Okay, never have I ever had a girlfriend?” asked Y/N.
“Evil genius,” growled Isaac, as the boys all put a finger down. Y/N gulped at the sight of Stiles’ thumb going down, ignoring the discomfort she felt as quickly as it had come.
“Never have I ever…blacked out at a party?” Isaac inquired, shooting a glance at Y/N.
“Ali!” she scolded.
“I’m sorry! I didn’t think you’d mind! I mean, everyone saw you…” the brunette replied, guilt spread across her face.
“Yeah, yeah. I’ll get my revenge.”
“For what it’s worth, it happens to the best of us,” Scott joked, sending Y/N a friendly smile.
“Come on, next question!”
“Okay, okay. I got this one,” said Stiles, his amber eyes contemplating the individuals seated around him through the bright flames of the bonfire. “Never have I ever…gone skinny dipping.”
Kira suddenly choked on her coke, harsh coughs escaping her throat as the group laughed, colour flooding in Scott’s cheeks. He looked down at the ground in embarrassment, his lips curled into a nervous smile.
“Wow, I did not see that coming!” exclaimed Y/N, giggling at the couple.
“Okay…next question,” Scott replied, anxious to move onto someone else’s embarrassing stories.
“No no, this is a fun topic. Any other fun places you guys have hooked up in that you want to tell us about?” insisted Isaac, grinning widely, evidently proud of his drinking game skills.
“It’s no Hale House hookup,” declared Lydia as she took a sip of her beer, her eyes widening in shock when Allison sent her an aggravated look, shaking her head repeatedly.
“What now?”
“You did it in the Hale House?” Y/N shrieked.  
“Isaac, I had no idea you were such a freak in the sheets,” Stiles mocked, his mischievous grin sending the group into a fit of laughter.
“I can’t believe you just said that, Lyds.”
“Well to be fair, you did expose Y/N.”
“Yeah see, Ali, karmically, it evens out.”
“Fine, I forgive you.”
“I still can’t believe you two hooked up in those ruins. Weren’t you afraid of- I don’t know…dying?” asked Stiles.
“We all do crazy things when we’re in the moment.”
“Okay, but come on, creepy house sex?”
“Guys, leave them alone,” Kira said, giggling at the sight of Allison’s reddening cheeks.
“I don’t know, I’m finding this pretty entertaining,” Y/N happily replied, beaming as she watched her friend squirm.
“Oh yeah? Well what about you Y/N? Anything you want to tell us?” asked Isaac, grinning slyly from ear to ear.
Y/N’s heart stopped mid-beat, a knot tying in her stomach as everyone’s eyes turned to her. Suddenly the air around her seemed cooler than before, and she couldn’t help but feel trapped under her friends’ curious gazes, waiting for her to answer the not-so innocent question.
“I, uh, don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said timidly, tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear.
“So, you didn’t hook up with someone at Danny’s party?”
“What?” exclaimed Scott, almost spitting out his drink. “At the rave?”
“Ali, what the hell?” Y/N hissed, her brows furrowed in confusion and disappointment.
“I didn’t say anything! Honestly. How did you know that?” the brunette demanded, turning her head in Isaac’s direction.
“I saw the hickeys at school on Monday, so I assumed. Was I wrong?” the boy replied, sending Y/N a look.
“It wasn’t a hook up! And anyway, it didn’t mean anything. It was just some random guy and I was drunk. End of story,” Y/N gruffly declared before downing the rest of her beer with a noisy gulp.
She sent Stiles a glance, hoping to see some kind of reaction. Whether he seemed shocked or embarrassed, it didn’t actually matter. All she wanted was something, anything to finally piece together that eventful but blurry Halloween and leave it be. Only, her heart sank when her eyes rested on an impassive face, Stiles’ expression utterly unreadable, blank as a white sheet of paper. Either it truly had not been him, or he didn’t care, and for some unknown reason, both possibilities were painful to think about.
“Still, it’s pretty adventurous, especially coming from you!”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Y/N asked, eyes wide with shock.
“Well, it was your first kiss wasn’t it?” Lydia inquired gently.
Y/N eyes glazed over the curious faces watching her closely, and she felt her throat close, the air suddenly thick and difficult to breathe in. She looked down at the frozen ground beneath her as she clutched the blanket wrapped around her body, and she spoke again, her voice timid and unstable.
“I guess so. But, like I said, it’s really not that big a deal.”
A few seconds of silence passed before Allison finally broke the uncomfortable void, clapping her hands together, snapping everyone out of their daze.
“Well, I don’t know about you, but I’m starving!”
Y/N sent her a grateful glance and smiled widely, the emptiness in her stomach swiftly grabbing her attention.
“Yes! Let’s eat.”
The group laughed and talked, their voices echoing throughout the clearing in the night, their shadows dancing playfully in the deep hues of orange and red emitted from the flames before them. Chocolate marks leftover from smores were licked off of fingers and light beer and coke was swallowed effortlessly. Soon the evening quieted down and groups formed, peaceful conversations spoken in soft voices overlapping and mixing with the warm crackles of the fire, alive and breathing.
Y/N laughed with Lydia as she sipped on her drink, her eyes occasionally crossing Stiles’ gaze. He seemed tired but still he grinned at Scott, their chuckles as warm as the bonfire. Slowly, she shifted closer to him, her fingers turning blue from the cold hidden away in the front pocket of her big hoodie. The boy smiled softly at her before letting his eyes revert back to the ground, his hands fidgeting with a twig. She watched his movements in silence as she thought about what to say.
Scott had his back turned to Stiles now, whispering sweet nothings in Kira’s ears, making her giggle sweetly whilst Isaac, Allison, and Lydia talked about past parties and marvelous memories. For a moment, it seemed like the only people there were Stiles and herself, comfortably sitting next to each other without speaking, yet at peace.
Finally, she spoke.
“We don’t have to talk about it, if you don’t want to,” she began, her eyes gazing deep into the flames before her. “But I want you to know I would never judge you for something like that. I don’t- I don’t know what you think went through my head back there but, it was nothing…bad.”
Her words were met with silence and she bit her lip, wondering if he was ever going to answer.
He wasn’t.
She nodded to herself and took a deep breath, the combined scent of earthy woods and fire filling her nostrils.
“I don’t judge you because I have them too,” she murmured, her voice cracking slightly.
She saw him turn to her out of the corner of her eye, but refused to meet his gaze, keeping her own cautiously fixated on the bonfire.
“My family moves around a lot, so…meeting new people, having to start fresh in new schools all the time, it was just really hard. I’d get very anxious and I started having panic attacks. They’d happen in class, at home, in bed, anywhere really. I tried to hide them from my parents but eventually my teacher called my dad one day and told him I’d been skipping class- which I wasn’t. It was just that every time I’d get to school, my heart would start beating so fast and I’d have trouble breathing so I’d hide out in the girl’s bathroom and wait ‘till it calmed down.”
Y/N kept talking, feeling the weight she had carried for so long slowly lift itself from her weary shoulders, relief spreading across her body.
“So…my parents confronted me and I told them about it all, the panic attacks and how anxious I felt, and the missed classes. All of it. It was a good thing cause they knew, so I didn’t have to hide it anymore, but- they didn’t know how to help and eventually the panic attacks got worse. We moved to another town for my mom’s job and that’s when it got really bad. I wasn’t able to sleep or eat, I felt numb and tired and I didn’t even know why.
“I was just constantly struggling and it felt like I was never gonna feel normal ever again. And then…we moved to Beacon Hills and I met you guys, and I don’t know why it was so different but I don’t feel as anxious when I’m with you. I feel good. And I haven’t felt that way in a long time,” she finally said, her heart beating at a hundred miles an hour.
For the first time in her life, she had willingly told a friend about that darker side of her, the one she was so ashamed of, the one she had always taught herself to hide away from anyone else. It was terrifying beyond belief, but it was so alleviating.
Again, Y/N waited patiently for a response, for anything but the cold silence she had gotten used to expecting from him. And finally, after what seemed like a terrifying eternity, it came.
“My mom died from something called frontotemporal dementia when I was 9. It’s a brain disease that has no cure,” Stiles muttered, his hands still fidgeting with the twig, his long fingers shaking slightly, though Y/N couldn’t tell if it was from the cold or something else.
“I had no idea.”
“Yeah, I don’t really talk about it, not even with Scott. Everyone knows about it, I just- yeah.”
Y/N finally met his gaze, sending him a gentle smile of encouragement and his amber eyes bore into hers, as if searching for something in her beautiful irises.
“As a kid, I’d get really bad nightmares because of it. Night terrors, stuff like that. And then I started getting panic attacks too. When I wasn’t sleeping, I was a mess and when I finally did sleep, it was more of the same,” he continued, his voice wavering with emotion as he tried to keep his cool.
“That’s intense.”
“Yeah,” he laughed dryly, “intense is one way to describe it.”
“Why didn’t you tell me before?” she asked, her voice a soft murmur.
“Probably for the same reason as you,” he replied with a lopsided smile.
“Touché.” Y/N chuckled softly and Stiles did too.
He then paused, looking down at his dirty sneakers covered In dirt and dark ash.
“It’s not something I’m proud of- and on some level, I wish you hadn’t seen me like that.”
Y/N frowned, her brows furrowing deeply as she pursed her lips, perplexed.
“Why though?”
Stiles looked up at her, his expression serious and unphased, his gaze so intense the world around her faded with his answer.
“I didn’t want you to think that I’m weak,” he said in earnest, his voice steady with candor.
Y/N’s heart tore a little, his words revealing yet another part of him she hadn’t seen before. He was insecure. And she had had no idea.
You think you know someone, but you won’t truly know that person until they bring down their walls and reveal themselves fully to you. This is precisely why amor works so steadily, slowly creeping up your body and wrapping itself around you, inch by inch. It grows with every facet you uncover, it matures with every conversation, every laugh, every secret. Amor isn’t sudden and superficial. It is the most tantalizing and intrusive thing that will ever enter your life, and it will hijack your entire system, turning you into a slave unaware of his or her condition.
Right then, amor grew a little more.
“Stiles, I could never think that. Hey,” she said, placing her hand on his knee, the boy’s world magically shattering at the sudden and unpredictable gesture.
“You are strong and you’re resilient and I will never judge you- because I care about you,” Y/N declared steadily, her eyes piercing through his. He watched her closely, as though he was trying to catch her in a lie, but she wasn’t lying. She meant every word and this fact sent him into a whirlwind of emotions that he couldn’t even begin to describe, not even if he tried.
“I care about you,” he replied earnestly, his gaze never leaving hers.
“Obviously,” Y/N teased, removing her hand from her friend’s knee and curling it into a ball before shoving it back under her blanket, the cold air meeting her skin in a harsh embrace.
“Yeah, yeah, don’t let that get to your head.”
Finally, late in the night, the pack members got up and packed their things, shoving the blankets and rubbish back in their bags before throwing water onto the firepit they had created for themselves. The group slowly walked out of the clearing, following the path back towards the road, chatter still illuminating the late night air. Scott and Isaac playfully howled together in unison, walking ahead of the group, as Kira, Lydia, and Allison followed, discussing the evening and the beautiful memories they had created together.
Behind them strolled Stiles, with his hands in his pocket, and Y/N, slowly walking alongside her bicycle, the pair chatting peacefully as the night came to an end.
“Hey, before we go home, I just want to say this,” Stiles said, stopping in his tracks, turning around to face Y/N. She looked at him curiously, wondering what was so urgent for him to tell her.
“I’m all ears,” she replied, grinning at him.
“I didn’t say it before, and I should’ve. Thank you for helping me that day. I’m sorry I didn’t thank you sooner, and I’m sorry I didn’t reach out.”
“Sti, you don’t have to apo-“
“-But I do. You didn’t deserve it,” he said decisively, cutting her off.
Y/N’s eyes bore into his, the grin etched on her lips turning into a tender smile.
“I appreciate you saying that. But Stiles, I meant what I said. I will always be looking out for you. So, if it happens again, or if you ever need to talk, please, remember that I’m here,” she insisted.
Stiles’ expression softened at her words.
“I know you have those moments too, and I want you to know- I…”
“-Guys! You coming or what?” Their friends’ loud voices knocked both Y/N and Stiles out of the moment, the pair snapping their heads towards the pack already many feet away.
“We should probably catch up with them,” Y/N said, slightly disappointed Stiles hadn’t been able to finish his sentence, her mind racing with intrusive thoughts she desperately tried to ignore as he nodded at her, his lips pursing.
At the end of the path, when they had finally found the road, the friends exchanged tight hugs and last goodbyes, their smiles wide and their hearts swollen with affection. The evening had been wonderful, and the memories they had created would never leave their minds, too exciting and remarkable to ever be put to rest.
Stiles walked over to Y/N and wrapped his long arms around her, his nose breathing in her peach-scented shampoo as she rested her head on his shoulder.
Y/N felt his heart thunder against her chest and for a split second, time stopped again. She closed her eyes, enjoying the warmth of his body and the smell of leather mixed with firewood, inhaling deeply against him. Eventually, they left each other’s embrace with a soft smile and the group parted ways, each member heading home in the cool winter air.
As Y/N was about to start riding, she felt her pocket vibrate against her stomach, her hand reaching for her phone instantaneously. Her eyes focused on the bright blue light of her phone screen and she felt her heart leap in her chest at the sight of the captivating words she had just received.
Stiles: what I was gonna say was
Stiles: I will always be there for you
Stiles: get home safe
She smiled widely, colour flooding her cheeks as she reread the texts, her mind unable to focus on anything other than Stiles. Amor had won again.
A/N: i worked very hard on this series, so if you enjoyed reading it, please reblog it, even if you dont have a large following, it would really help me out a lot <3 thank you for reading ! love u guys
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wackapedia · 5 years
Le Éclatant
Four/Billy x Reader
a/n: im back at my bullshit writing for Ben Hardy!
Warnings: Canon-typical violence and swearing
You were in one of your father's lavish parties. Actually, the country club throws parties almost every week. You walk through the crowd of boomers, sipping your drink, hoping it was a little stronger. One of the country club wives complement your dress. She says the exact same thing everytime you meet at a party. It's all so fake and exhausting.
Tonight's event was even more lavish than usual. The President of some other rich bitch club is here to celebrate an anniversary of some sorts. That means there's twice the drinks, twice the crowd, twice the fakery. You were tying your hair into a simple ponytail when three knocks rattle your solid mahogany door. Your father enters, carrying a box. "I want you to wear this." You take the box and open it to reveal a thick diamond-studded collar necklace. The Éclatant. Valued at over a hundred million, the Éclatant was originally commissioned for a Maharajah during the late 1800s. It came to your family's possession years ago when your French great great grandfather traveled to the east. Some uncles say he became good friends with a gallant rajah, others say he murdered one. This necklace was just one of your family's private collection of art. And tonight, you get to wear it. "Why?" You ask, carefully picking up the heavy necklace, testing how the pendant fits your neckline. "Mister Bradford is coming to the party.. " he begins. "Lions squad president, I know.. " you interject. "Lions club." He pointedly looks at you before continuing, "his son, Oliver is coming." He takes the necklace from your hands before opening the clasp and putting it around your neck. "I want you to look nice and pretty for him. We're looking into a company merger." The clasp clicks at the back of your neck. "What? Why do we need to merge companies?  We're more than comfortable having too much money!" You stare daggers at your father through the mirror. "Nothing is ever enough. You will understand this when you're older, and you'll thank me for it." He raises his voice, ending the discussion. You prepare to walk into the venue of the party, waiting outside the grand doors. It was an event hall that was still part of your family's estate. You note several bodyguards scattered at almost every French window of the hall. With big shits present, security was insane. Additional cameras were even installed just for this event. The doors to the event hall finally open for you. The sounds of your heels are muffled by the carpet. The crowd gasps at your lavish necklace. They applaud. You think it's ridiculous. Your father walks in soon, still getting applauded. Mister Bradford arrives with his son, gets applauded as well. The party begins after a short opening statement. You stand away from the crowd. You could not hold a conversation with such shallow minds. You sip your champagne, staring outside through the French windows, enjoying the view of the dark estate. You notice a trail of shadows moving quickly in the distance. You were snapped out by a hand tapping at the other side of the window's glass. You look down to see a handsome stranger dressed in all casual black, crouching at the floor, looking up at you. He motions for you to open the window. You put your champagne down to unhinge the window's lock and push it open. As soon as you do, he grabs your hand and pulls you out, shutting the window closed. Your eyes dart through the patio to see all security personnel on the ground, heads burst, bleeding all over. You were about to scream when the green-eyed stranger covers your mouth. "Hey hey shhh it's fine it's okay I'm here to save you." His face, mere inches from yours and his British accent bring you a sense of calm. He pulls you away from the dead security personnel before letting go of your mouth, but still holding your arm, pressing you between him and a wall. "What do you want?" You shakily ask the handsome stranger. "Me? Nothing, love, I'm trying to save you-" "Bullshit. You have a gun in your belt. How much do you want?!" You were starting to get hysterical. "Or I'm just happy to see you?" He teases, a delicious smirk decorating his face. Just after he speaks, a series of gunshots and screams erupt from the hall. You try to push him out of your way but he pushes you back into the wall. "Those were just warning shots. We're only taking Bradford." He explains, looking you in the eye, no hint of dishonesty in them despite being a stranger. "Winston?" You guess. That old man surely has some nasty business going on. "No. Oliver. The kid runs an underground cartel that sells children as slaves." The blonde reveals. "What?! That son of a bitch has enough money from the company! Why would he do that?" You raise your voice out of surprise. "Yeah. The cartel is based in Natumbe, in Africa. We're teaching him a lesson." He pulls away from you, noticing the team already wrapping up from inside. "Well, he deserves it." You slide your hand through your hair. "Fuck the rich." You mutter. The man smiles. "I'd love to, sweetheart, but we gotta go." He winks at you. "But i'll hold you to it!" He starts to leave the patio, facing the moist grass of the estate, towards a black getaway van. Before he steps off however, he faces you again and places his hand on the side of your neck. Before you know it, his soft cold lips are on yours, kissing you. You find yourself kissing back, feeling his cheeky smile spread before he pulls away and jogs toward the van. A man carrying who you presume to be Oliver in a sack was yelling profanities at the man you just kissed. He called him 'four' if you heard correctly? As the car drives away, you look up to see a surveillance camera pointed directly at you. "Ah shit I thought they were professionals." You sake your head, pulling out your phone and infiltrate the estate's security network. You deleted all footages from tonight, downloading the clips into your phone. You walk back to the almost empty hall, most guests leaving as soon as they can. People rushing to the exit, bumping against you counterflowing. Soon enough you spot your father, whose eyes widen at the sight of you. "Wh-where is the necklace?!" He screams. Your hands fly to your neck, finding it devoid of the precious jewelry. That sneaky bastard. "I'm fine dad." You sarcastically answer, heading outside to the parking lot. Your father continues to nag about the necklace, not even bothering to ask about you. Fortunately, you knew the necklace had a tracker. Using the estate's security network, the necklace's whereabouts are mapped within a radius as wide as the state of Alabama. You had no trouble picking up it's distant frequency signal as well as the IP address of any device near it. ---------- The underground team was driving away from the estate, trying to keep Oliver Bradford silent as he cried out for his mum. "Mate, are you fucking serious?" Four cocks a gun to Oliver's sack-clad head. He wails even louder. "Just fucking knock him out!" One yells from the front seat, Seven getting the job done smacking the back of his head. "Thank you!" One sighs. A ridiculous song from a Disney channel show suddenly starts playing. Everyone groans except for Three who starts singing along. Two fishes the ringing phone from Oliver Bradford's suit pocket and prepares to throw it out the car before One stops her. He looks at the screen to find an Unknown Number calling. One answers and puts it on speaker mode. "Hello?" ---------- "Hey.. "You recognize the voice on the other line as the man who yelled at 'four' as he was leaving. Your phone was on speaker mode, laying against the leather upholstery of the front seat of your car. You floored the accelerator through the empty road, still hoping to catch up with them. "I'm looking for a guy you called as 'Four'?" There was a long silence at the other end. ---------- "Four, what the fuck is this?" One faces Four from the front seat after putting the phone on mute. "I don't know what you're talking about!" Four yells as the rest of the crew complain. One unmutes the phone and asks: “Miss, if you're looking to get Bradford back-" "Oh no I don't give two shits about Bradford. What I am most concerned is that your buddy, Four, stole not only a kiss, but also a multi-million dollar necklace from me..." One's jaw drops, shaking his head while looking at Four. "And you dipshits probably didn't know about the tracking device in it.." you continue. One raises his gun to Four who was laughing hysterically as he recalled the kiss. "Plus you guys are just really dumb to forget about the security camera footage... " The phone dings, receiving the video footage you just sent. "Alright, do you want your necklace back?" One answers through gritted teeth, gripping the phone dangerously tight. "... Nah. I want in." One's eyebrows shoot to his hairline. "E-excuse me?" "I don't know exactly what vigilante club you guys are running but you are in desperate need of a hacker." You confidently explain while driving, their black van now visible. You blow the horn of your Cadillac twice. "That's me" you speak. One contemplates for a while before going "Alright, pull over. We'll talk."
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solynaceawrites · 4 years
Tumblr media
Fandom: Devil May Cry Characters: Dante, Lirael Thorne (OC) Rating: Explicit A/N: The one-shot is set sometime during my upcoming fic, Memory of the Waters, and features my OC, Lirael Thorne, who some of you might recognize from the AU story Promise Me Forever. @lickitysplitfic​ and I were talking about how she tries to get under Dante's skin and knows that he's got a thing for messy blowjobs featuring smeared lipstick, and this one-shot was born. It's 6k words of pure smut with just enough plot to justify it, and we hope you have as much fun reading it as we did writing it!
»»————- ⚜ ————-««
Lir knows exactly what she's doing when she takes a photograph of herself with artfully smeared lipstick and sends it to Dante.
Two weeks ago, and at Nico's urging, she'd bought her second ever tube of lipstick, a dark, sinful red named Lust, and she'd worn it while going to help Dante at his branch of the Devil May Cry. He'd gotten a strange look on his face when he'd seen her, and it hadn't taken much prodding on her part for him to say that he really, really wanted her to give him a blowjob while wearing it because the idea of making a mess of her mouth was incredibly hot.
Of course, she hadn't agreed right away. While Dante is, perhaps, the most considerate lover she's had in terms of her always having the reins, so to speak, she'd never seen him that desperate, and aren't all good things worth waiting for? So, she'd continued to wear the lipstick around him, and sent him selfies of her wearing it and not much else, and, given the fact that she hasn't really seen him in a week due to the sudden influx of jobs on both ends, she knows that what she's done is just adding fuel to the fire.
Doesn't stop her from grinning as she carefully wipes the smudge away and reapplies, though.
Behind her, Nero taps his foot impatiently. "You ready or what?"
"You driving?" she asks, stowing the tube in her shoulder bag.
"Yeah. Let's go."
They head to the job site with little conversation. The portals around Fortuna had been getting little rips despite having been sealed four years ago, probably someone messing around with some unaccounted-for Order stuff. That's why Lir had been sticking around the city and helping Nero out rather than working with Dante: until they figured out why the rips kept happening, it was way safer.
Her phone buzzes and she swipes the screen, adjusting the brightness now that the sun had gone down. Lir snorts when she reads: Where are u?
Working, she replies.
A moment later: Are you coming here tonight?
No, don't know when we'll be done. Fortuna’s still crazy.
Lir smiles to herself knowing why he is asking. Truthfully, she's itching to get her hands on him too, it being days since she got her fill of Dante. What had started out as a bit of fun had turned into a full addiction, but one she didn't mind too much.
I need to see u babe!
"What are you laughing at?" Nero asks from the driver's seat.
"Dante's whining about the workload," she replies, and he snorts and drapes an arm out of the open window.
"Tell 'im he shouldn't have let a bunch of wackos open gates, then," he says, but there's no real bite to his tone. "Speaking of, can you ask him if he's plannin' on comin' out anytime soon? I wanted to ask him about this new demon we've been seeing."
"Sure." Unlocking her phone, she types: Nero wants to see you about a demon. After a moment's debate, she adds: Do you think it'll dye your skin if I go down on you?
His response is immediate. Don't care, that mouth is going around my cock.
"He said he'll swing by when he can."
Nero nods, then jerks his chin towards the radio. "See if that thing's workin', will ya? I want some music before we kill these fuckers."
She sends off a kiss emoji before stashing her phone, deciding if he answers she should leave him on read. Lir is glad they are headed for a fight, because her heart is racing now at his last text, and she is definitely going to need to work out some of this adrenaline.
The demons are easy enough, not powerful at all but so many that it keeps them busy enough. Nero gets more kills than she does, which kind of bothers Lir, even though she was busy finding the tear and sealing it up. Her knack for opening doors that was unlocked during the Order incident has extended to closing things up as well, so once she figures out where they are slipping in it's easy work.
Once the demons are gone and the hole plugged up, they are sweaty and dirty and trudge back to the van. It's coming up on 11 already, and as Lir flips down the visor to look at her smudged hair and the smeared red on her lips, Nero asks, "Want to get a drink?"
"No, I want a shower," she sighs. "Drop me home?"
"Sure." They pass the rest of the ride in their usual post-fight silence, which is comfortable and much needed for the both of them. It's not until the van is idling outside of the garage she shares with Nico that he says, "Kyrie's making meatloaf tomorrow and wants you to come."
"Tell her if she puts that special sauce of hers in, I'll eat the whole thing."
"Not if I eat it first," he fires back.
With a grin, she leans over to punch him lightly on the shoulder. "See ya tomorrow, loverboy. Give Kyrie some kisses from me."
He waves her off, though he's smiling too, and she climbs the steps to the second floor, fumbling for her keys. To her surprise, the door is open a crack; with a frown, she carefully draws her revolver from it's holster and clicks the safety off, gently nudging the door open with her shoulder. The sight of Dante sitting at her small kitchen table is almost comical since he's so damn large next to it, but the humor dies when she catches sight of the positively ravenous expression he's wearing.
"Good way to get yourself shot," she greets as she flicks on the light and leans White Queen next to the door. "What are you doing here, anyway?"
"Came to see you." He nods to the revolver in her hand. "You had any trouble?"
"Nope." Lir slips the gun into its spot before unhooking the holster and hanging it up.
"Good. Where's Nico?"
Lir chuckles to herself. "She's gone until Thursday. Went to see a vendor about some material."
"Good." There is movement behind her, and when Lir whips around Dante is right there. She sucks in a breath as he crowds her, stepping forward until she steps back and presses on the door. "You ready?"
"Ready for what?" she asks innocently, smiling up at him.
"For me to fuck that pretty little mouth of yours."
She blinks, then stifles a chuckle. "Sorry to disappoint, but you're gonna have to wait. I'm sweaty and covered in demon blood, so I'm gonna shower. You can sit on your hands if you're worried about keeping them to yourself."
"Nope." He leans down, one arm braced on the wall beside her head while he cups her chin with the other hand. "You can shower after. You know I can't stand being teased."
Lir grins and gives him a little shove, not at all surprised when he doesn't move an inch. "Poor thing. Leftie not cutting it for you anymore?"
"Leftie and rightie have retired," he murmurs. This is his thing: flirting, jokes, a sweet bit of self-deprecation . . . but tonight it's different. It's like there's no humor in his tone, and when Lir swallows, his eyes go to her throat.
"Like I said, I need to shower," she replies, her mouth dry.
"Ain't got nothing to do with your mouth, babe." His thumb smooths over her bottom lip, dragging hard across her flesh. Then he holds up his hand and glances at the light red streak on the pad of his thumb. "You still got that lipstick?"
She nods, fishing the tube out of her pocket, and he studies it for a second, his lips curling up in something that's not quite a smile. "Put it on."
Without hesitation, she pops the top off and runs the cream over her lips, rubbing them together to make sure it's applied as evenly as it can be without using a mirror, and then she closes it and deposits it back in her pocket. "You're a fiend," she tells him, only partially teasing.
Dante doesn't reply to that. Nor does he step back. His hands settle firmly on her shoulders, and Lir lets him guide her to her knees, her heart thrumming in her chest at this new display of dominance from him. Can't handle being teased, sure, but that usually ends with him beneath her, growling her name as she rides him. It's never caused this sort of reaction, and she'd rub her thighs together if she weren't kneeling with them apart, because there's an ache that's quicker and fiercer than the ones she's had before.
She runs her hands up his thighs, looking up as he unbuckles his belt. "I haven't stopped thinking about you," he growls as he yanks his jeans open.
Lir smiles and scratches the denim. "Must have been hard."
Dante laughs as he pulls out his cock. It is fully erect, and he pumps his hand a few times as he adjusts the waistband around his hips. "It's hard alright."
He aims the length towards her, and Lir opens her mouth and runs her tongue over her lips. Then she carefully licks the tip, playing with it gently, softly pressing kisses to the head. She slurps a bit around the opening, playing up her lips around his flesh, her eyes steady on his. He tastes like sex, plain and simple, and her body clenches when he rubs his thumb to the tip and reveals that it is already dripping.
Dante winds a chunk of her hair around his fist, using the strands to pull her forward, his cock sliding slowly over her tongue until it nudges the back of her throat. There's already a strain from his girth, and having his eyes focused on her mouth makes her feel a bit awkward, and the tug on her roots is just shy of painful, but all of that is worth it when he rumbles deep in his chest before drawing back. The first few passes are almost gentle, and she appreciates the fact that he's trying to let her adjust. After his behavior, though, the sweetness is almost a letdown, so she reaches behind him and digs her fingers into his backside through his jeans.
Dante huffs a laugh as he cups both sides of her face, his fingers curling under her chin. Then he begins to move in earnest, fucking into her mouth, the sharp jerks of his hips giving her just enough time to draw in short breaths. It's hot as hell, and already she can feel arousal slipping from her to soak her underwear.
He fills her mouth until it almost chokes her, the head pressing into her throat. Lir swallows around him, taking a deep breath as best as she can, tears pricking at her eyes. "Feels so good," Dante groans, his thrusts shallow enough to keep him buried.
This isn't what she normally likes; Lir likes to be on top, in control, but Dante is still somehow as gentle as he is demanding, and it makes her want to please him all the more. She had started out wanting to drive him wild enough to fuck her, but now she only wants to make him come. Lir closes her eyes and sucks his length repeatedly, shivering when he lets go another deep groan.
She drops her hands to brace them on his thighs, trying to ground herself in the solid feel of the muscles beneath his jeans. The sensation of his thumb swiping a line of spit and fluid from her chin makes her moan, the sound muffled to a whine around his flesh, and he curses as he pauses with his cock buried in her throat. "Should've put you on my face," he groans. "Nearly forgot how good it feels when ya do that."
Lir's breath stutters, and she tries to pull back to speak, but the hand in her hair tenses. "Nuh uh, babe. You gonna finish what you started."
Her eyes flash when they meet his, and she moves on her own, her head bobbing up and down with renewed effort. Lir adds a hand, grabbing the base and moving with her mouth, twisting a bit as she works him. 
Needing a quick rest, she slowly pulls her mouth off. Dante frowns, but she smiles at him flirtatiously, dragging her tongue along the underside. "You have something on your cock," she says; Lir tries to sound sexy, but her voice is as raw as her throat.
Dante grins. He tugs her hand away and grabs his length, stroking himself quickly. The other hand in her hair tilts her head back, and he presses the head to her lips. "Open up," he says, his tone a clear order. "I want to give you something."
She parts her lips obediently, and the warm rush of his seed coating her tongue has her insides clenching deliciously, as does the guttural moan that tears from him. Lir does her best to swallow every drop, but with her mouth open and how much of it there is, some of it spills over her chin, dripping along her throat. His knuckles brush her face as he milks his cock; by the time he's done, she's certain of two things: one, she probably looks utterly debauched.
Two, if he doesn't fuck her soon, she's gonna wind up begging for it.
Dante strokes her face with one hand, continuing to pump his cock with the other and, while he's moving leisurely, she's startled by the fact that he's still hard. They've gone more than one round before, but there's also been a bit of rest period between, and her mouth waters as he pulls her to her feet. "That's one," he says, his eyes alight with a dark mirth. "Now, when I'm all riled up, I've usually got about six shots in the chamber, so to speak, and I think you've earned some payback for winding me up like this."
He gathers some of his come from her chin, pressing his fingers between her lips until she sucks them clean. "So, what we're gonna do is get in the shower, and I'm gonna fuck you there. Then I'm gonna eat your cunt until you forget everything but my name before fuckin' you until you can't walk straight."
His words are crude and his voice is rough, and Lir can't stand the effect he has on her. Her mouth hangs open as he tugs her to stand, but before she can move to obey he presses her back against the door and kisses her. She grabs his shirt but he pulls her hands away, trapping her wrists over her head against the wood with one hand; the other drags down her front, massaging one breast, then the other, as his tongue fills her mouth.
Lir's jaw is aching still from taking his cock, but she responds when he tilts his head to force the kiss deeper. Their lips slide together as she whimpers, completely under his spell. Where was her sweet, funny Dante? He really is a demon tonight, she thinks, and when he finally lets her go she is panting and looking at him in a daze.
Dante smirks at her, and she sees the lipstick now smeared around his own mouth. She licks her lips, making his eyes narrow. He jerks his chin towards the bathroom, and Lir leads the way, feeling his presence behind her like a great cat on the prowl.
The click of the latch as he closes the door behind them has her swallowing thickly, and she doesn't have to turn to see the way he's watching her; she can feel it, as absurd as that is, as heavy on her skin as his hands had been moments ago. She leans into the stall to turn on the water, setting it scalding like she prefers, then begins to undress, keeping her back to him. There's a low, satisfied hum from Dante when she pulls her shirt over her head, before she hears rustling that means he's taking his own clothes off.
He comes up behind her, his chest pressed to her back as he herds her into the shower, and she's barely got time to say anything before he has her pinned to the wall, the cool tile sending goosebumps up her arms. "I want to actually bathe," she complains, and he laughs as he kisses just below her ear.
"Don't worry, I'll get ya nice and clean," he teases.
Lir bites her lip, loving and hating how much he's affecting her now, and the faint pop of a bottle being opened nearly makes her jump. The scent of her body wash fills the air as his soapy hands land on her shoulders, massaging the knots out. She relaxes with a moan, and he answers with a chuckle as he shifts to cup her breasts, his palms and fingers slippery and wonderful.
"You always feel so good," he murmurs. She feels his cock nudging her backside, the soap that streams down her body now making it slick as he grinds against her. Lir presses her palms flat on the tile to keep herself steady, her eyes closing as his cock pushes against her seam as his hand drags through the hair on her pubis.
Lir gasps when his touch presses to her hood. Her body is soaked in more ways than one and the glide of his fingertips against the sensitive bud as her legs shaking. "Yeah," he groans, thrusting up against her, and Lir gives a choking cry when his cock pumps against her hole.
Dante laughs and turns her around, pushing her back against the wall. "Maybe I'll take you there later," he murmurs, his voice dark and dangerous as he covers her. "Right now I need to be inside your pussy, so open up babe."
She spreads her legs and he grabs the backs of her thighs, hoisting her up with ease and pulling her down to impale her on his cock, smothering her cry with a kiss. They've barely gotten started, and already there's the familiar tightening in her core that leaves her breathless; when he grinds against her, her head spins, her fingers scrabbling against his shoulders for something to grip onto. Has it ever been this quick, this raw? She can't remember and, as he starts to thrust in earnest, she doesn't care.
"Baby, you're so tight," Dante pants. 
She turns her head to capture his mouth, groaning around the kiss as his cock batters in and out of her. The orgasm builds faster than she can keep up, and after another minute she pulls back with a gasp, gripping his shoulders and dropping her head back.
Her mouth drops open as the pulsing starts, sharp and intense. "You coming already?" he growls.
He leans in as if to bite her neck, his teeth gripping her skin but not closing. Then he sweeps his tongue across her skin, sending another shudder through her, the contractions continuing on. "Dante!" Lir yelps, yanking on his hair.
He groans in answer, his hands sliding up to knead her backside. "God, I love it when you say my name like that."
His hips slow, and she moans helplessly as he rubs leisurely over her walls; because he doesn't stop, neither does her orgasm, and soon the overstimulation draws a whine from her throat every time he thrusts into her. It's tender, and sweet, and entirely too much, a pleasant sort of torture that drags on and on and on until, with a hoarse whisper of her name, the first waves of his release turn the friction of his cock silky.
Lir is trembling when he finally slips out of her body and sets her down. Her grip on him stays tight to keep herself standing, and Dante presses his forehead to hers, leaving dotted kisses on her lips. "Fuck you are so hot."
She smiles and huffs a laugh, dragging her palms down his chest. "You got me dirty again."
"Easy fix." He eases back, the spray of the water aiming between them. Through lidded eyes she watches him soap her sponge and then gently he washes her body. It's almost charming as he lifts one arm, then the other, then draws large circles around her breasts, before finally dragging the sponge in a long stripe from her chest downwards.
"Don't forget your dick," Lir jokes as he washes her thighs.
Dante looks up with a wink. "If I wash that lipstick off you're gonna have to replace it."
"Don't tempt me," she warns. "Now that I know you've got a fetish, I'm gonna wear it every day."
He grins, a little sharp. "I'm not gonna complain about fuckin' you every day."
Lir snorts and relaxes as he continues to scrub her before turning the sponge to himself. As he soaps up, she sets about washing her hair, sighing as the grime rinses down the drain, her scalp feeling much lighter once she's done. Dante nudges her, and she lets him rinse off, wondering if he's planning to stay. Threats about fucking her until she can't walk are all well and good, but she knows they'll either just go to bed or, if he's got somewhere to be in the morning, he'll head home, and she's almost sad to think about it.
Which is ridiculous.
He turns off the water and steps out, looking around for a moment before he spies the shelf with the towels. He grabs one and she leans against the tile to enjoy the sight of him drying off, his muscles covered in droplets of water that flex as he works. "You like something, sweetheart?" he jokes, peeking through his bangs.
"Fuck yes." Dante tosses a towel to her, then holds out a hand to help her from the shower. They crowd together on the bathmat, and after a quick sweep over her body, Lir winds the towel on her head to squeeze the water from her hair.
"Sexy," he teases, tugging at the end of the towel, and she swats at him with a laugh. "Hope you enjoy the break, darlin', 'cause there's a lot more to come."
She peers up at him. "Thought you were just talking big."
"Now, you know I never make a promise to a lady I can't keep." His arm snakes around her waist to pull her flush to his body, and he grins at her as he carefully pulls the towel from her hair and runs his fingers through the damp strands. "You got somewhere to be tomorrow?"
"Dinner with Kyrie."
"Guess I better get started, then."The kiss this time is more playful, but just as forceful. It does give Lir's head time to clear a bit, though, and by the time he is walking her back to the bedroom, his hands roam her body and his lips and teeth tease her mouth. This is a Dante that is more familiar, and she reaches around to squeeze his backside before snaking her hand over his hip. "Let's get you ready."
"Not yet," he replies.
Lir frowns, but he lifts her easily, half-carrying and half-dragging her to the bed. He flops on top, pulling her easily and lifting her by the hips until she is over his face. Lir leans forward to brace herself on his stomach as she feels his lips graze her slit. In the corner of her eye his cock twitches, and she gasps when his tongue nudges her clit.
Normally, he takes his time, making sure to kiss every inch of her sex until she's a writhing mess. This time, his attention stays focused on her clit, his tongue rubbing over it firmly, and she scratches over his stomach when her hands curl into fists, her head dropped as she pants raggedly. He's relentless, his thumbs keeping her folds parted to expose her pearl that throbs; it's not until his own hips roll the tiniest bit that she realizes that his cock is stiff and weeping, and Lir leans forward to lap at the fluid dripping from the tip.
Dante gives a deep groan. She feels his lips slide along her sex and then his tongue enters her, pressing deep inside. Lir pants as she rocks her hips, her movements restricted by his grip on her waist, but she manages to ride his tongue slightly, forcing the tip to press against the front wall.
She mouths at his cock, not taking it into her mouth, but tracing her lips with the tip and flickering her tongue on the opening. Too distracted by the thrust of his tongue inside her body, Lir opens her mouth to let the head sit on her tongue. Dante pumps his hips to fuck in and out of her mouth as he laps at her until his lips return to her hood and wrap around her swollen clit.
Her back bows with a keen that's choked by his length as her orgasm snaps along her spine, sharp enough that her toes curl. Dante yanks her back so she's seated firmly on his face, his tongue flicking harshly over her clit, keeping her pinned by his hands and his hips so that all she can do is endure, even when the pleasure gains a thin edge of pain.
Finally, he stops, and she slumps against the blankets when he carefully slides her off of him. "Damn," he sighs. His hands smooth over her backside, his fingers teasing along the seam of her body. "You got a choice now, doll, though it ain't much of one."
She turns her head to stare at him. "What?"
"Where I'm gonna fuck you." Dante nudges her legs apart and settles between them, leaning over her. "See, I figure I've had your mouth and I've had your cunt, but this?" He squeezes her rear. "Haven't fucked this yet. But I know it ain't really your favorite, so it's your call."
Lir peeks over her shoulder. "How do you know what is my favorite?"
He laughs and presses a kiss to her shoulder. "I can't stand how goddamn sexy you are."
His mouth moves across her back, pressing kisses against her shoulder blades before trailing down her spine. She sighs and settles into the mattress, her limbs heavy and her body relaxed from the orgasm. When Dante reaches the small of her back, he squeezes her backside again, and pushes so her hips tilt up. She feels him shift on the bed as he nibbles over her flesh until reaching the back of her thigh.
Lir gasps when she feels his tongue at her sex again. Dante pushes her up on her knees, her ass in the air as he licks her slowly. She grips the bedsheet with a groan, unable to help herself as she tilts back to open herself for more. "Greedy girl," he admonishes.
"You can't keep your hands off, and I'm the greedy one?" she mutters. He bites her thigh, drawing a yelp, before returning to her slit, where he laps at her lazily. "You're an ass."
She feels him shrug before he says, "Might wanna choose before I do it for ya."
Her lips press into a thin line as she presses her face to the quilt, thinking. Or trying to between the little jolts every time his tongue nudges beneath her hood or dips playfully into her opening; if she uses his metaphor from earlier, she's got about three rounds, and two have been used, leaving her with one to his three. She's already sensitive enough as it is, so, with a huff, she mumbles, "Next time."
"Next time?"
He moves again, and Lir feels him tug on her arms until she is kneeling, his broad chest against her back. His hands grip her hips and maneuver her to sink down on his cock, her body so wet now he glides inside with ease. Lir sighs and rolls her head back to his shoulder, and when her backside goes flush with his thighs he holds her there for a long moment.
One hand moves to her neck, cradling her chin so her head stays tilted back on his shoulder. The other moves between her legs and strokes her clit, but gentle, feather-light touches that barely register. Dante teases her as he starts to fuck her deeply, his lips dancing on her exposed neck and pressing to the juncture of her shoulder. "Next time? You realize I'm going to fill you again and again tonight?"
"Dante . . ." she groans.
He uses two fingers to open her lips, exposing her clit as his cock drags in and out of her. Then another finger begins to tease it, flicking and pressing in unguessable patterns that have her jolting. "No coming then, Lir," he warns. "I'm nowhere near done with you."
That's easier said than done. At this angle, his cock hits all the right spots, and the haphazard little shocks from her clit every time he touches it already have her in knots. But she can't find her voice, or enough of it, to do more than moan every time he fills her, so she can't warn him. His mouth trails over her shoulder, his teeth scraping lightly over her skin, and she gasps when they go sharp for a second. "Next time," he rumbles, "we'll see if you can handle all of me."
Her mouth is dry as she tries to speak, but in truth Lir can't do anything. Her body is one roll of pleasure after another, his cock pushing her closer and closer to her end, so that when she feels it becoming inevitable she lets go a whine. "Dante, please!" she gasps breathlessly.
He lets her go and she slumps forward, but his hands go immediately to her hips and yank her up and back. Dante begins to pound into her, drilling his cock inside her at a hard, fast pace so that moments later she explodes around him. She presses her face to the bed to cover her screams, her body quickly going oversensitive.
When she is sure she can't take anymore, she whimpers, and Dante pulls out. She catches sight of him looming over her as her eyes close, and then a hand covers her sex, massaging her lightly. "I'm not done with you yet," he says again. Lir feels something nudge at her lips, and when she immediately opens his cock slides into her mouth, burying into her throat.
She's too tired to do much, but that doesn't seem to bother him. He pumps his hips, the tip of his cock never leaving her mouth, as his hands roam her body; one stays over her sex, stroking lightly over her slit, while the other cups her breast and rolls her nipple between his fingers. The pleasure now is dull, soothing, and if it weren't for his touch, she'd doze. Just as she starts to, he slips a finger within her core, and her eyes fly open to find him watching her with a grin that's damn near predatory.
"Need to tap out?" he asks, the taunt clear, and she reaches up to grip the back of his thigh, urging him to keep going. He laughs, rolling her breast with his palm. "Didn't think so."
Lir shakes the haze from her mind as she purposefully begins to suck on his length. Her hand slides around his thigh to reach under for the flesh hanging there, and as she stretches to deep throat his length she strokes him gently. "Goddamn," he curses, his finger teasing her opening, and a second later he pushes his cock deep in her throat as he starts to come.
She swallows the seed as best she can, and when he pulls out there is still plenty in her mouth that she gulps down. Her head rolls to the side as she catches her breath as he lowers himself on top of her, settling between her thighs. Dante nuzzles her chest, biting along the curves of her breasts and flicking his tongue against her nipples as she sags limply under him. 
Lir watches as he tastes the pink buds, swallowing thickly when he looks at her again, his expression and his voice back to the predator he has been all night. "I want you again," he growls.
She should tap out. Probably. At least, that's what Nico would say, along with a litany of curses for her being so damn stubborn, but, fuck, he'd challenged her, and she's not going to take that lying down. Or, well, she is, but she's not gonna give in and give him the impression that she can't handle it. "What the hell are you waiting for, then?"
The moment the words leave her lips, he surges forward, and she can't even cry out when he sheathes his cock within her because it knocks the air from her lungs. They've played around with overstimulation before, plenty of times, but it was always playful, while this is rough and, if she didn't know him better, dangerous. His hands clamp around her hips to cant them off the bed, and she sucks in a breath when draws back, only for it to leave her with a groan as he thrusts back in, the pace he sets near brutal.
Lir reaches up and grips the bedsheet, biting her lip as he fucks her. Her toes curl and her knees fall back and open, holding in a scream of pain and pleasure. He is simply so powerful, and it is both frightening and exhilarating to have this man, this demon, holding her and taking her like this. Never once has Lir wanted to be toyed with, to be submissive, to give up control. But with Dante she feels as though she can, she should, and so she arches her back and wraps her legs around his waist.
He groans her name, a hand on her breast, the other on her thigh. Lir is drowning in pleasure, her sex too sensitive for this, feeling every inch that pounds in and out. Dante leans forward to brace one palm on the bed and the new angle scrapes against her clit, swollen and exposed and aching. It is an exquisite sort of torture, being so desired to the point where she may not survive.
Then he drapes over her, his mouth hot and hungry as it seeks her. "Come on my cock," he orders as he kisses her, and Lir knows she has to obey. The new angle puts additional pressure on her mound, his pelvis grinding against her clit, so when her orgasm hits she barely registers except to feel the intensity of the pleasurable contractions sharpen as a fresh wave of arousal covers them both.
Through the haze, she's dimly aware of his grip on her going bruisingly tight and the warmth that fills her, so much of it that it slips out and onto the sheets. Dante pants as he kisses her, his tongue thrusting into her mouth as he fills her, and she forces herself to drape an arm over his shoulders and hold him close until he begins to slow. Even when it's over, he doesn't pull out, instead blanketing her with his body, his cock twitching within her. "Goddamn," he sighs.
Lir makes a noncommittal noise and blinks up at the ceiling. His tone and posture mean he's done, at least for now, and she's got some new things to mull over, namely how insanely fucking hot it was to be dominated by him so completely. Despite the ache already blooming between her thighs, she's thinking over different things to try to get this reaction from again: lingerie, maybe, or, hell, just sprawling naked on his bed with the lipstick on? Him kissing her shoulder draws her back to the present, and she tilts her head to peer at him.
"Where'd you go?" he jokes.
"I'm here," she says weakly.
Dante smiles and moves up, his cock sliding out of her body. Lir stifles a moan as she tries to stretch her limbs, everything feeling sore and overused, like she had spent the whole day climbing. Her eyes open and close as she hears his footsteps on the carpet, and a minute later he returns with a glass of water, nudging her to sit up.
Lir gulps it down gratefully, the water cooling her sore throat. She grabs the bottle of aspirin next to her bed and pops a few before finishing off the water and handing him the glass. "Thanks," she sighs, wiping her mouth with her hand.
Dante studies her face, his brow drawn down. "You want me to go?" he asks.
She considers it. "Nah," she says, after a moment. "Might as well stay. You've still got a toothbrush stashed in the cabinet, right?"
He has the decency to look sheepish. "You know about that?"
"Yeah. And the duffel bag kicked to the back of my closet." With a yawn, she lays back, wrinkling her nose at the wet spot on top of her quilt. "Nico's not due back for a few days, and Nero doesn't come over unannounced. Though if you stay, I'm dragging you to dinner tomorrow."
Dante grins and stands again, heading into the bathroom. Lir takes the moment to admire his backside before he disappears behind the door, and then she stares at the ceiling again, wondering what the hell she is doing. Sleeping with him is one thing; but these overnights are ridiculous. They are gonna get caught, and every time they sleep together Lir promises herself its the last time. It's important to keep the sex just sex before it becomes not just sex.
He returns a few minutes later, turning off the lights before climbing onto the bed. Dante flops in a now-familiar way, using her like a pillow with his head on her stomach. Lir laughs to herself, too tired to protest as her eyes start to close. His fingers trace nonsense patterns on her thigh that lull her into sleep, his strong body solid and sinking against hers.
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Bark At The Moon part 11
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A/N: My taglist for this is open (but there’s only a few parts left) as well as my forever tags. However I warn you guys I’m currently working on an original book (the second in the series), but I will still answer and take requests on this blog and my side blog @im-weak-for-jaskier
Pairing: werewolf!Sam x OC
Warnings: this is for the story over all and not any specific chapter. Language, violence, attempted rape, torture, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it) marking (not ABO even though Sam is an Alpha) but I’ll will tag the chapters appropriately.
Word Count: 1037
Nola’s anxiety had steadily grown since her talk with Gordon. She knew he was a hunter, knew that he had intentions of finding out more about her mate and the pack; they could all be in serious danger. And it was all because Donny had called the cops over her. If only she had managed to sound less distressed when calling to tell him she was taking a vacation. Maybe this wouldn’t have happened.
There was no way of knowing that now, but she couldn’t keep her thoughts from swirling. She was worried about her family and had no idea what to do. She grabbed her phone and texted Sam.
There’s a hunter in town. Donny called the cops worried about me and now this Gordon guy is here asking questions. I played everything off and lied, but I still think he knows. Be careful.
Nola sat her phone on the counter and ran a hand through her hair. Her anxiety was making itself clear to anyone who looked at her for more than a second. Donny grabbed her shoulder gently. It was meant to be a comforting gesture, but she jumped like she had seen a ghost.
“Easy Nola. It’s just me. You need a minute. Come on.” He led her into the small manager’s office and had her sit. “What has you so on edge?”
She put her head in her hands, sighing. “That FBI agent showed up. He was questioning me and I didn’t like what he was insinuating,” she mumbled. She couldn’t tell Donny the truth, but a good portion of it would do the trick.
“What did he say exactly?” He knelt in front of her and moved her hands.
“He suggested that Sam was to blame for that creep showing up, but he wasn’t. He had nothing to do with it.” She refused to believe that he did. Just because Sam was a werewolf didn’t mean it was his fault the other pack had come for her. In fact it was her scent in the woods-that she left behind before Sam found her-that had caught their attention.
Donny frowned. “I know Sam isn’t to blame. I promise if that agent shows back up, I’ll make him leave. You just came back. You don’t need all this stress.” He gently hugged her. “Don’t worry. You’re safe and that agent won’t give you anymore trouble.
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Gordon smirked as he looked down at the stolen cellphone in his hand and then to the woman he had tied up in a chair. Everything was going exactly as he had hoped it would. The text on the screen told him that much. He would have no trouble luring his prey into a trap. He believed that come nightfall Sam and his pack would be dead.
Nola avoid the hunter at all cost. I’m not sure how far he’ll be willing to go to get me and the pack.
The hunter laughed. He would be willing to go to great lengths to kill a bunch of mongrels.
Too late wolf boy. I have your little mate. And unless you come to me alone and tell me everything about your pack I will kill her. One little wolf lover won’t be missed.
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Sam’s heart stopped as he read over the text. At first he didn’t want to believe it, but then he tracked Nola’s phone and it wasn’t at the hotel. It was in some rundown part of the city in one of the unused houses. She wouldn’t go there willingly.
He growled and threw his phone against the wall of the cabin, shattering it. The noise was loud enough to gain the attention of the other wolves in house. One look at their Alpha told them he was on edge.
Dean was the only one brave enough to approach his brother. “What’s going on Sam?”
“That hunter has Nola,” Sam growled.
“What’s the plan?”
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Nola glared at Gordon as she worked to get free of her bonds. “You’re an asshole. Did you know that?”
“I’ve been told once or twice, but it’s not like you don’t deserve this.”
“Deserve this?! What is wrong with you?” She couldn’t fathom how someone could even think like that.
Gordon turned his cold gaze on her. His eyes held no compassion. “You’re mated with a wolf. A filthy, nasty beast. You brought this on yourself. Your mate and all his kind deserve death.”
She frowned. “I’ll admit that not all wolves are good. I’ve had to deal with some doozies, but Sam and his pack are good.”
He snorted. “No wolf is good. You might think they are, but you’re wrong. I will kill them. I’ll kill all his pack.”
“Why don’t you leave them alone and go after Lucifer and his pack?”
“Don’t worry. I plan to after I deal with your pack.” He smirked.
Nola heard the back door open with a loud creak. With the house being old and mostly falling away Sam had no chance of sneaking in.
“Nola?” Sam said softly, stepping into the light.
“Watch out!” She shouted, but it was too late. Gordon pounced like a mountain lion that had caught up to its prey.
Nola fought and squirmed, trying to break free of her bonds. She watched the fight, saw as Gordon cut Sam’s cheek. Blood was pouring from the bigger man’s face and his shoulder, but he wrenched the pistol from the hunter’s hand and sent it flying.
Once she was finally free Nola rushed for the gun. She picked it up and turned back to the fight. Gordon had somehow overpowered Sam and had him pinned to the ground; a silver blade inching closer to the wolf’s heart. Without a second thought she aimed and pulled the trigger three times. Gordon fell to the side with a thud just as the rest of the pack came in.
Dean rushed to check on Sam, Benny shoved Gordon’s body with his foot, Cas stared at the body curiously.
Sam pushed past Dean and rushed over to Nola. He took her into his arms, but her eyes stayed on Gordon’s body. She was tense, wide-eyed, shaky, and not responsive.
“I killed someone,” she whispered.
Likes don’t spread my work! Please reblog and leave a comment if you enjoyed this! I love hearing from you guys and knowing what you think and hope to see!
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— Escape Route —
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Pairing: Chanyeol x Reader x Sehun
Genre: Syndicate!au | Angst
Word Count: 4.7 K
Warnings: Smut, use of drugs, murder, swearing?
A/N: I’m so sorry that it took me so long to get this one out guys!
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
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The sounds of pained coughing could be heard echoing down the alleyway, a job left undone was your downfall with this one. The unknown man rolled over, a strained groan escaped him as he lay on his back, trying to gain the energy to reach into his pocket; he could feel the bullet rubbing deeply in his muscle, the pain was blinding, the pounding of his head blocked out the dial tone on the other side of the phone until the ringing stopped, “Did you get her?”
“Not quite…” He grunted, attempting to ignore the pain, “She shot me… an inch higher and she would’ve ended me…”
“You’re telling me that you let her go? Do you understand what’s at stake if we don’t get her, Doyoung?” The voice on the other side growled it’s annoyance sent shivers down his spine.
“She’ll destroy us—but there was nothing in the file about—”
“I don’t care, just get her and bring her to me!” The sudden deadline filled his ear, he had no other choice than to do what’s being asked of him.
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“So, they’re really after Y/N?” Your father’s face fell as Sehun told him the news, the Lee Clan was after you and none of you had any idea why.
“Multiples of them chased us through downtown Shanghai, we need to get her out of China and into a safer city.” He couldn’t meet Sehun’s eyes, the ones that cared for his daughter more than he could ever fathom, “You dragged her into this mess,” He slammed his hands onto the desk, making the older man in front of him jump, “I need you to help me get her out before I don’t have her anymore.”
“Sehun… there’s something I need to tell you, it’s about the Lee Clan and—” The opening of his office door made his words vanish into thin air as his eyes landed on you walking into the room with a washcloth in hand. You noticed the thick air swirling around you, but didn’t know what to say; there was a moment of silence before your father cleared his throat, “Y/N, for the time being, I’m sending you and Sehun to Spain, the Granada branch to be exact.”
“The Granada branch?” You walked to the desk and stood next to Sehun, “We haven’t been there since before you hired the boys.” Glancing up at Sehun, the slightly bleeding gash on his face was odd since he usually wasn't the one caught with injuries, Chanyeol was. You handed him the washcloth and he lifted it up to his cheek to place it over the gash.
“I know, but I can’t have you being a target of another clan… You won’t be there forever, just until the coast is clear and everything has died down here.” Sehun looked down at you, your face slack as you turned your attention back on your father, “That means that you’re not to get into any trouble, you’re not to be involved with Sehun’s jobs whatsoever.”
“What?” You hissed, “I’m capable of doing it with him!” Standing your ground, you were determined to make him see your side, “I have to learn how to—” The slam of hands against the desk cut you off as your father stood from his chair.
“No, Y/N and that’s final!” A knock at the door had the tension between them standing still, unwavering, as they kept eye contact, “Come in.” The office door swung open to reveal your brother and Chanyeol, your heart fell into your stomach as your eyes met his; Chanyeol’s eyes fell dark behind Kris, they stayed glued to you while they took their spots next to you and Sehun.
“We’re here to give you Mr. Im’s payment.” Kris’s voice flowed smoothly as he laid a suitcase on the desk, your father’s face relaxed upon seeing the case that was full of money.
“No issues this time?”
“He handed it over with ease.” Kris continued, his eyes bounced between you and Sehun to Chanyeol, whose face was taut, anger swarming behind his eyes.
“Chanyeol, you’ll be partnering up with Kris to continue the jobs here in Shanghai until they’re finished.” He pulled the case from the desk, heavily eyeing the darkness Chanyeol was exuding.
“What about Sehun? He’s my partner.” He rasped, flicking his gaze to the older man in front of him.
“Sehun and Y/N are being moved to the Granada branch in Spain for the remainder of our stay here in China. It’s no longer safe to keep Y/N here.” You swallowed hard hearing yours and Sehun’s name being put together in front of Chanyeol, knowing exactly how he was going to react when you were out of your fathers view, “Now, if there is nothing else to be discussed, I need to talk to Kris in private so, Chanyeol, Sehun, Y/N, you may excuse yourselves.” All three of you bowed before taking your leave to the hall, with the click of the door, Chanyeol was on it.
“How cute, daddy is sending his beloved daughter and her new toy to Spain.” He laughed watching you ignore him, “C’mon baby, I’m just playing.” He reached for you and to his surprise, you brushed his hand away.
“Don’t talk to me.” Chanyeol scoffed at your ‘command’ and reached for you again, this time he gripped your shirt and yanked you to him, “Hey—”
“Don’t be like that, Y/N. You shouldn’t talk to your boyfriend like this.” Sehun grabbed his wrist and held onto your shoulder as he pulled him off of you.
“Don’t put hands on her, or you’ll have me to deal with.” Chanyeol scoffed again, his anger becoming apparent as he pulled his wrist from Sehun’s grip.
“Deal with you? You think that since she’s done with me that she’ll finally give your ass a chance?” Sehun stood next to you, with a flat expression, trying to hold back his own annoyance.
“Enough, Chanyeol.” You pushed him out of your space and away from Sehun, it’s not like he needed saving, but you needed space before you acted out.
“What’re you on about, Y/N? Am I wrong? Are you two actually a thing now? It hasn’t even been 24 hours yet and you’ve already spread your legs for him? I’ve always known you were a slut—” Before Chanyeol finished his sentence, Sehun landed a closed fist to his cheek, Chanyeol’s body stumbling as it took the blow.
“Sehun—” You grabbed his arm, pulling him away from Chanyeol before going to see if he drew blood, upon first look his face seemed okay; reaching out to him, he smacked away your hand.
“Man, you’re really something you know that? Always living in my shadow, pining after things that are mine—if it weren’t for my family, then you wouldn’t even be here right now!” His fists were balled, ready to attack Sehun, but you knew that he wasn’t much of a fighter, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t start a fight.
“That’s enough!” You stood between them, blocking Chanyeol from Sehun, his eyes were swirling vortexes of inky darkness as they glared daggers into Sehun, “Sehun, go home.” He glanced down at the back of your head, surprised by your command.
“No buts, go home and pack. I’ll be there soon.” He reluctantly took his leave, leaving you in the hall with Chanyeol. His blood was boiling by the time he got to the car, he wanted to put him in his place, but not with you there.
“God… why am I so stupid…” He looked up at the window he knew that was the one leading to you and Chanyeol, growling a sigh of anger before getting onto the motorcycle.
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The moon sat high in the sky as he drove down the small roads, his eyes periodically switching from the road to the navigation screen to make sure he wasn’t missing any turns. He was thoroughly exhausted, 19 hours stuck on a plane ride to Granada from Shanghai wouldn’t have been too bad except you didn’t talk. Even when you landed in Granada, you didn’t speak to him; he had no clue what Chanyeol had said to you, but he knew it had to be something he said, you were never this quiet.
“We’re here…” Sehun hummed inside the car as he pulled into the garage of the little house that stood in between others that looked similar to it. You stepped out of the car and walked around to the back of it to open the trunk and pull your suitcase out before walking to the door that led to the inside of the house. He sat in silence as he tried to gain the energy to get out of the car and go inside when his phone dinged from his pocket; he pulled it out to see a message from an unknown number.
“This is Suho from the Granada Branch, the CEO gave me your number to contact you. Welcome to Spain, we will be meeting up ten days from now. I will contact you again soon.” His eyes read over the message once more as he got out of the car, he ignored his luggage that was sitting in the trunk, and then closed the garage door as he walked into the house. He couldn’t wait to make it into bed, he turned off every light that was on while making his way to the bedroom; he stripped out of his clothes until he was in nothing but his boxers and crawled into bed, he was too tired to even notice that you were lying on the other side until you whispered his name.
“She speaks.” He rasped, closing his eyes to the sound of your voice, he waited for you to respond, but when you didn’t, he rolled over to face you, “What’s wrong…?” You shuffled over to his side, his arms reflexively wrapping around you. Your body in his arms was such a new feeling that it made his heart race; it pounded so loudly in his ears, it became the only thing he could hear, it was so loud that he worried you could hear it banging on his chest.
“Teach me how to fight…” He barely heard you over the freight train in his ears, but he knew exactly what you asked.
“No. Your father forbid me from getting you involved in any sort of—”
“I don’t care. The only kid he cares about is Kris because he’s his blood, I’m not even his, so why would he care if I died?” Your voice harshly cut your father into pieces, denying the years of love he poured into you.
“Is this what you've been thinking about since your conversation with Chanyeol?” He could feel you tense up in his hold at the mention of his name, it had to be, just had to, because you’ve never questioned his authority before and now all of a sudden you’re worried about your father's actions?
“Sehun please… it would give me peace of mind that I know how to defend myself if it ever came to it and I could help you with the jobs you get…” Your voice fell and became muffled in his chest, he let the idea roll around his brain, trying to outweigh the negatives with positives and the more he thought about it, the more apparent his answer became.
“Only if you promise to listen to everything I tell you…” He couldn’t say no to you, if anything that just meant that he could watch you all hours of the day and make sure you were okay.
“I promise.”
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The sound of a gun firing echoed through the makeshift shooting range Sehun set up. With ten days of training, your aim was almost as good as his, if not better, “How many points?” He asked, pushing off the wall to walk up next to you. You lowered the gun and tried to eyeball the holes in the body target.
“228, body and headshots counted… I think… ”
“You think?” Walking up the target, he knew exactly how many points you made, he counted with each shot, but he just wanted you to learn how to count your shots, “You were off by two points, 230 is how many you hit. With how many rounds you set off, that’s a great number.” He pulled down the bullet hole-riddled target and made his way back to you when his phone dinged from his pocket. Shoving the target under his arm, he pulled out his phone to see a text from an unknown number.
“This is Kai from Granada Branch, we have a job tonight. Please come to HQ at 21:00.”
“Who’s that?” He looked up from his phone at the sound of your voice to see you standing in front of him.
“I have to meet the Granada Branch leaders in less than six hours…” He shoved his phone into his pocket and walked past you, ignoring the lingering question in your eyes.
“I don’t think you’re ready to come with me.” Even agreeing to teach you was hard enough for him, but actually taking you into the line of fire was another agreement he wasn’t ready to settle on.
“C’mon…” You whined, keeping on his heels, “You know my aim is spot on, and you already said I could help you on the jobs—”
“Hold on.” He turned around to face you, your bodies colliding as he continued his train of thought, “I said I would help you learn self-defense techniques, and right now you need to be more worried about the sparring match we’re going to have.” Your plush lips began to frown with your bottom lip jutting out a bit to form a pout. Sehun’s heart fluttered seeing such an innocent expression on your face, he was never the one to be on the receiving end of your pout, and he now understood why, “How about this… if you can take me down in our match, I’ll let you tag along?” Your beautiful eyes smiled with the upturn of your lips.
“I think that’s a good deal.”
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“Do you know what the job is?” You asked, looking up at him.
“No.” He was short with you, not for any particular reason besides the fact he was in work mode.
“Are you still upset that I kicked your ass in our match?” He glanced down at you, his eyes catching the small smile that played on your lips.
“I’m not upset. I’m just focused is all—”
“Sehun?” The calling of his name made him turn his gaze onto the man standing in the doorway of a once closed door. Green hair messily fell from its middle part, dark eyes looked him up and down, sizing him up; he held an air of arrogance, an air that meshed with Sehun’s laid back attitude.
“Kai?!” Your scream startled Sehun as he watched you run up to this unknown man who accepted you with open arms, “Holy hell, how have you been?” The arrogance he showed faltered when he held your body close to his.
“We’ve been good, Y/N.” Another voice appeared behind Kai, a man with dark cherry hair emerged beside him, as well as another with obsidian locks.
“I’m assuming you guys know each other.” Sehun huffed, the man let go of you for you to turn around to face him, your face glowed with such happiness that he’s never seen before.
“Yes! Kai, Suho, Lay, and I practically grew up together when I was living in Granada.” You walked back over to Sehun to grab his hand and tug him closer to the guys, “This is Sehun, originally from the Seoul Branch, but we’ve been spending the past month in China.”
“With your father, correct?” The red-haired man asked and you nodded your head.
“He sent me here because of some trouble in Shanghai that he thought wouldn’t find me here—” You gasped and then quickly regained your composure, “I’m sorry, Sehun, let me introduce you. This is Kai.” The man with green hair nodded his head, “Suho.” Sehun looked at the man with the red hair who slightly bowed his head to him, “Last, but surely not least, Lay.”
“Always putting your big brother last, huh?” Lay laughed a bit, nudging Suho who was rolling his eyes.
“So…” You hummed, “What’s this job?” Sehun looked down at your hand that was clutching his own. Why were you still holding onto him?
“Wouldn’t you like to know, I thought your dad was keeping you out of this line of business.” Kai crossed his arms, pretending to be giving you ‘a talking to.’
“He is, but since Sehun is here alone, I’m helping with the jobs… Do not tell dad. He’ll kill Sehun before even coming after me.” You was right, the one thing he asked of Sehun was to keep you out of trouble or harm's way, but here he was sending you into the battlefield with little training.
“Alright, follow me.” Lay began to lead the way with everyone following him, “Tonight’s job is just to sell firearms to the north side of the city.”
“You mean, smuggle firearms into a different district.” Sehun stated and Lay laughed.
“Your father really knows how to pick them, doesn’t he, Y/N?” You looked up at Sehun whose eyes were focused on Lay, but you could see the slight blush come up to his cheeks from being teased.
“He’s good at his job, that’s for sure.” He felt you lean into him as you walked, the heat from your body didn’t help the blush that was already growing darker at the feeling of your touch.
“Please continue with the details, Lay. We have to be at the drop off spot in 30.” Kai hissed and Lay sighed.
“Fine.” He walked through the doorway of the automatic doors that lead to the parking garage, “Three guys from the district will be meeting up with us in the abandoned parking garage of the old mall.” Approaching the black van, Lay opened the back doors to reveal large carbon fiber trunks, “They’re just paying for the trunks and then we’ll be out of there, easy peasy.”
“Sounds like it!” Your grip on Sehun’s hand tightened with the slam of the van doors. Were you scared?
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You were quiet the whole car ride to the drop spot, which only confirmed Sehun’s suspicions—you were scared, “Hey, Sehun.” Kai appeared beside him, his voice pulling Sehun out of his thoughts.
“Yeah, what’s up?”
“Are you sure that it’s a good idea to bring her along? If the CEO—”
“He won’t as long as everything goes as planned… I have no doubt about her being ready to start doing this kind of work.” Sehun kept his gaze on you as you talked with Suho and Lay, acting like everything was normal and this is where you wanted to be and not where you needed to be. The roar of an engine entered the parking garage and he could already feel the hair on the back of his neck stand on end as he watched a black van pull up next to theirs. The engine turned off and three men jumped out of it, the closer they walked to the back of the van, it became apparent that they were young, but they held themselves well. He returned his gaze back to you, your eyes were wide and alert as you stared at the unknown men who were standing rather close to you, Suho and Lay, “Kai… go take her spot and send her my way.”
“You got it.” Kai made his way over to you and whispered something into your ear, you looked at Sehun who motioned you to come over to him. You began to walk over to him and he noticed one of the guys watching you.
“You okay?” He asked and you inhaled deeply.
“Not really…” You whispered, “They have bands around their wrists…”
“It’s okay, you can stand here with me.” Wrapping his arm around your back, he rested his hand on the gun that was resting just behind your hip, “You know you’re always safe with me.” Your weight relaxed into him and your head fell back onto his chest, normally he would be nervous, but right now his eyes were trained to the man who was keeping his eye on you. With every switching of your stance, he watched you like he was trying to learn your movements before they were even made. Sehun kept you close until every trunk was put into the back of the other van and the guys were in the car and gone.
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“What are you talking about, Y/N?” Suho asked, falling down into the couch, “You think the Lee Clan is after you? Here? In Granada?”
“I saw their wrists, they had the same tattooed bands that Yuta had as well as the other guy who hunted us down and cornered us into an alley.”
“I think you’re just being over-reactive here, Y/N. You really think they would set foot out of Asia into a completely different country just to get you?” Lay laughed as he pulled open the fridge to pull out a beer, his normal teasing not helping your emotions.
“You think I would just automatically jump to conclusions if something just didn’t seem right? I’m telling you, those three guys are with the Lee Clan.”
“And I still think you’re overreacting.” Lay took the spot on the couch next to Suho, twisting the cap of the beer of the bottle with his shirt. You rolled your eyes and started to leave when Sehun walked into the room with Kai in tow.
“Woah, where are you headed?” He asked and you put your hand out.
“Home, can I have the keys, please?” You avoided his stare as you asked for the car keys, you didn’t need to go worrying Sehun if you were really just overreacting.
“Do you want me to come with you?” He put the keys into your hand and you began to answer when another voice rumbled from behind you.
“She’s a big girl, Sehun. Stay and hang with us for a while, hanging out with her can get boring after a while.” Lay teased once more, you turned around on your heels and pointed at him with the keys gripped in the same hand.
“Fuck you and your tiny dick, Lay.” The room filled with yells and laughter of the others as you walked out, your anger already starting to boil over.
“Y/N, wait.” Sehun called out to you and you stopped in your tracks to turn towards him, “Make sure that you call me if anything happens, okay?” You hummed in response and continued on your way down to the car. You rode home in complete silence beside the rumble of the engine, you needed to collect your thoughts, calm down, and think about the transaction again. Was it all of them or just the one or two? Did they seem like they would come after you?
You were too wrapped up in your thoughts to turn on the lights in the house, you threw your phone onto the coffee table and made your way to the bathroom. You thought a shower may help bring you back down to earth and calm you down from your night, standing in the hot water always seemed to bring you back to your normal self. Stepping into the shower, your toes flinched at the chilled tiled floor; you turned the dial, the head released thousands of lukewarm drops onto your skin. Within moments, the bathroom was filled with steam from the scalding water, you didn’t quite think to wash, you just wanted to stand in the water, letting it beat down against your back until your mind was free.
You stepped out of the shower and wrapped yourself in a towel to go into the bathroom and throw on anything that was in reach which so happened to be a pair of your sweats and Sehun’s shirt that smelled of him. The closing of the front door reached your ears, spooking you a bit, “Sehun?” You called out, with no response you made your way out into the dark living room, the only thing casting a glow into the room was the street light outside. Glancing at the door to the garage, the deadbolt on it was flipped to locked; your eyes panned through the living room when a shadow in the kitchen sent chills down your spine, “Who’s there?!” You yelled, trying to keep your nerves under control.
“You finally noticed me?” His voice was as smooth as cream but as cold as ice, “It only took you a minute, I expected more from the heir to the clan.”
“What are you talking—”
“Heir? That’s hilarious. She’s nothing but a terrified child.” You flicked your glare to the patio where another voice radiated from. The growing fight or flight bubbled inside of you to the point where you needed to make a decision—and fast.
“Why don’t we just save Mark the trouble and kill her now?” A voice whispered behind you, you jumped at the curl of fingers around your shoulder—you made your decision.
Tossing your head back, you connected with the face of the man behind you, his hands slipped from your body and you tried to rush to the table where your phone was when you were cut off by the man in the kitchen, “Looks like she’s got some fight.” You threw a kick to his chest for him to grab your leg and pull you to him; you slid and hit the floor hard with a groan as your head bounced off the hardwood, “C’mon, Y/N!” He growled, wrapping his hands around your throat.
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“I’m sorry I pissed off Y/N, Sehun. I didn’t think she would get so upset.” Lay apologized from behind the wheel of the car. He sighed a bit while pulling out his phone and dialing your number.
“It’s okay. Ever since she’s been a target, upsetting her has become too easy.” The phone rang and rang, but you didn’t answer, “That’s weird…”
“What is?” Suho asked from the backseat.
“She didn’t answer…”
“Maybe she’s asleep already.” Kai answered this time, but he knew that wasn’t the case, you couldn’t sleep alone. He dialed the number again and put it on speaker phone to see if you would answer this time; he watched as the ‘dialing’ text turned into a timer, meaning you answered the call, “Y/N? We’re on our way to the house—” He was cut off by the sound of your screaming and yelling mixed with the grunting and groaning of a man on the other side of the phone, “Y/N?!” He yelled while looking over at Lay, “She’s in trouble…”
“Fuck!” Lay stepped on the gas, speeding through the tiny streets as fast as he could to get the house. All Sehun could do was listen to your pained screaming on the other end of the phone until the line went dead.
“Y/N?!” He yelled just as Lay turned onto his street. Sehun couldn’t wait until the car came to a full stop before jumping out of the car and running up to the front door with Suho and Kai behind him. Smashing the password into the keypad, the door unlocked for the sound of a gun firing to come from behind it. Sehun pushed it opened for a body to fall in front of it, his eyes scanned the floor to see two bodies with kitchen knives buried in the face of one and in the chest of another as well as the one in front of the door with a bullet between the eyes.
“Holy fuck…” Suho whispered.
“Where is she?” Lay asked for you to emerge from behind the door, gun in hand. Sehun’s eyes flicked up to you, your body covered in blood and gashes, your face easily matching one that had been through war.
“Still think I’m overreacting, Lay?”
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Bad Idea: Part 3
Summary: When pop star Trixie can’t get her act together, her team makes a deal with the NHL…one that she can’t turn down. When NHL player Tyler Seguin can’t seem to get himself under control his team decides to thrust a certain Pop star into his life. Can the two play nice?
Warnings: Cussing.
Note: Part three, I hope you guys enjoy. Feedback is appreciated. Please let me know if you want me to continue or if this is just horrible! The lyrics are Halsey’s Walls could talk. Pic credit not mine. 
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“And we both hope there's something But we both keep fronting And it's a closed discussion And I'm thinking "Damn, if these walls could talk" 
Trixie sat at the small table outside of a cute little coffee shop in the middle of Dallas. She took a sip of her iced coffee and looked down at her phone. The time on her phone screamed 1:13pm in white letters making her let out a sigh. Tyler was late which didn’t surprised her. After the way he treated her at the club she didn’t expect much from him, neither of them had talked after the two had stepped outside on the patio taking pictures here and there with some people and even going as far as posting on their instagram stories.
The two had laughed at each other’s jokes, held hand even but as soon as the two stepped back into the club Tyler had let her go and walked completely in the opposite direction of Trixie without even saying bye.
Apparently that wasn’t enough for management, they had called an emergency meeting the day after saying how the two looked forced and both looked like they would rather be anywhere but in each other’s company. Which is how Trixie found herself waiting for Tyler…to sit down and get to know him.
Hearing footsteps and a stern ‘no’ Tirxie looked up from the space on the table she had been fixated on and saw Tyler standing there, wearing probably the world’s tightest black shirt. Tattoos on display and a black snapback on his head covering up the messy waves. Trixie sent him a small smile but unfortunately he didn’t return it. Not saying a word he just put his phone on the table and sighed.
It wasn’t his attitude that took the girl by surprise, it was the white lad he had next to him on  a leash who was wagging his tail back and forth happily. Without saying anything Trixie pushed her chair back and got to her knees ignoring the fact that she was probably ruining her jeans.
She smiled and cooed at the lab as he happily licked her face and tried to sit on her lap making her giggle. Tyler stared at the two and grunted, He pulled out his chair and sat down still holding the leash.
“Hey. Gerry, down.” The dog immediately sat down next to Tyler’s feet still staring at Trixie happily. Trixie stood back up and sat back down in her chair.
“This is Gerry. He’s my youngest child.”
“He’s precious.” She glanced at Tyler who was sitting there tapping his finger against the table.
“Surprising that a high maintenance girl like you likes dogs.” Trixie glared at the hockey player.
“I actually really like animals. I just don’t have any because I don’t think it’s fair that I’m away months on end and can’t give them the attention they deserve.” He didn’t say anything else as he took of sip of water that she had ordered for him.
“Your clothing and everything else says otherwise.” Trixie glanced down at her outfit for the day, it was literally jeans and a white tank top. She was thoroughly confused as to where he got this princess notion of her, yes she liked nice things but being dressed up was literally her job especially when she was on tour. Tyler could tell she was racking her brain as to what was wrong with her outfit today so he decided to save her the trouble.
“It’s the giant ass sunglasses and the million of rings, the heels, the Prada purse.” Rolling her eyes, the pop star struck back. How dare he?
“Wow Tyler, so it’s only Okay for the girls you date and sleep with to look like this.” He grimaced, she had no idea the kind of girls he liked.
“They aren’t you.” Trixie rolled her eyes.
“No they aren’t because no one can be me. Now can we please get to know each other like our management wants us to.” He didn’t say anything, instead he looked down at Gerry who was now asleep on the floor.
“Fine, what do we have to do?” Trixie sighed and shook her head. She felt like she back in middle school. She had pulled up her email and was scrolling through it, mumbling random details.
“It says, sit talk, get to know each other pretend you guys like each other...” Glancing up again at Tyler, she rolled her eyes as she saw him scrolling through his phone. Trixie was really trying here.
“Alright well I guess I’ll go first, what’s your favorite food?” 
“Pizza” that was all she got. He didn’t even glance up from his phone.
“Favorite color?” He let out a grunt.
“Really?” She glared at him.
“You’re not really making this easy at all. Fine how many dogs do you have?”
“3. Gerry, Marshall and cash.” Trixie smiled now they were getting somewhere.
“Are you a mommas boy or a dads son?” He laughed and shook his head. His laugh wasn’t bad to hear.
“I’m a mommas boy when my two sisters aren’t hogging her.” She nodded, two sisters, got it.
“You’re close with your family.” It wasn’t a question.  He nodded and glanced up at her, finally.
“Are you not?” Trixie shook her head and took a drink of her coffee.
“My parents didn’t want me to be famous, they wanted me to be like my sister and be a therapist or a doctor.” She was cut off by his phone ringing, he glanced down at the screen which means naturally so did Trixie.
On the screen was a picture of a brunette making a kissy face but also smiling, on the top it read Ali. He hit the ignore button and glanced back up making Trixie glance down at her own phone again.
“Next question?” Trixie nodded and hummed while she thought of another question.
“Favorite time of day?” He scrunched up his nose and gave her a weird look. 
“What?” The popstar shrugged.
“Favorite time of the day?” She nodded and started tracing the pattern on the table something she did when she was nervous, which confused her because why was she nervous.
“Yeah mines the witching hours or from 12-1 when you’re stirring in bed and you’re awake but everything else is silent there’s nothing else going on and for once you feel a sort of peacefulness.” Trixie took a glance at him and saw him staring back, heavily confused.
“I don’t think it’s that deep.” She huffed and shook her head, she was back to square one.
“Fine, Favorite food you can make.” He went back to scrolling on his phone.
“A mean grilled cheese.” Why was she not surprised? His phone started ringing again, startling her. She cocked her head to the side as she saw him hit the ignore button. She had had enough. Grabbing her phone and shoving it into her purse she stood up.
“Hey what are you-“ He glared up at Trixie who was now glaring down at him.  The sound of her chair must’ve startled Gerry because he was now up and wagging his tail. “You clearly have other places to be, you don’t seem at all interested in atleast trying to make this work and I’m done wasting my breath.” She watched as he let out a sarcastic laugh, shaking his head.
“I’m sorry if you feel like I’m wasting your time, but your time isn’t that precious princess. I do have somewhere else to be Incase you had to know but here I am stuck here with you, trying to make this fucking contract work.” Trixie didn’t care to listen to him anymore but apparently he didn’t care. He was now standing up blocking her way and glaring right back at her.  
“You wanna know why I don’t want to try making this work? It’s bad for both of us but I know about you trixie. I know about the men you take home, the way you spend money, the attitude you hold. I saw you at a couple games. How you were so interested in your phone rather then the hockey game. You dated Crosby and Anderson and I’m pretty sure both were under contracts. Because that’s all you are. A pretty face tied to a piece of paper to make money off of.” Trixie could feel her chest tighten and the anger slip through every inch of her. She did the only think she could think of and grabbed his cup of water and threw it on him, he let out a yell and took a step back from the table. Gerry was now barking, concerned at the tension.
 “You know what Tyler Seguin, fuck you. I tried I tried to make this work for the hopes of both of us being able to clear our names. But I guess you have no intention of growing up. I’m sorry if you had other plans, I’m sorry if im keeping you from being balls deep in whatever girl is calling you right now. We both know it won’t matter considering you’ll have another one next week because that’s who you are. Tyler Seguin the boy who got traded to Dallas because he couldn’t grow up in Boston.” I know I hit him where it hurt, he was pissed. His face was red, he was gripping the table and the vein on his neck was starting to be more prominent. 
“The next time you think I know nothing about you or hockey, remember that I know enough.” Trixie  walked away from the table ignoring him and Gerry barking. 
 “Oh and don’t worry, I’ll tell them to breach the contract. Anderson and Crosby weren’t this hard to work with.” With that she got into her car and drove away down the road. It wasn’t until she was far enough that she pulled to the side and parked the car. Trixie let out a giant sigh and for some reason a couple tears sprung to her eyes. She immediately wiped them and sent a message to her manager telling him how it wasn’t going to work, it didn’t have to be this hard but for some reason with Tyler it was.  
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midnight-lightning · 5 years
Piece of gold I Part 4
Loki x reader
Part 1   Part 2   Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6
A/N: Sorry, i’m a little late, but for a make up it’s a little bit longer :)
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Summary: You live your dream as a worker in the royal library of Asgard, everything would have been normal if there wasn't a certain prince between the bookshelf's who's passion also included books. Of course destiny has decided it was time to bring you two together...
"Okay Y/N, would you please be so kind to explain to me why in Odin's name there's a tumult going on in front of our rooms?"
Surprised you looked up from your desk on which you managed and planed for the library.
"I don't know, did something happen?"
"This Im asking you, my dear!"
You focused again on your work, writing down all the numbers in your head you needed. But Mealla put both her hands on your papers, blocking your view.
"Because it's you they all are asking for."
"What? -Oh god." Immediately you rose from your seat, closing and putting your things away before you hurried out of the library, Mealla following you. How could you forget it?
"What 'oh god'? Y/N?" She grabbed your arm and pulled you back, facing you with a serious expression. "Would you just answer me, child! Is there something you didn't tell me?"
You hesitated. Would she be mad if you tell her? After all she'd figure it out this evening anyway.
"Well...," you started, biting your lips.
Mealla rose her eyebrow. "Well what?"
"It might or might not be that Loki has invited me to accomplish him to the ball this evening..."
"You- what?!" She exclaimed, taking a step back. "So that's why you refused to go with my cousin!"
Like seriously. Have you ever met that man? He's a little too creepy...
Mealla looked from your head to your feet, very suspicious.
"Soo...Are you disappointed?" you asked with caution.
She remained quietly a few more moments before she said: "You know it's kind of funny how you were at the edge of tears the first time you met Loki in the library and now, several weeks later you're going ... to the ball with him? See, you were afraid of him-"
"Respect. I had just respect-"
"Yeah, whatever. My point is, I don't believe you."
"What? At what?"
"Whatever Loki did to you to convince you I will not-"
"No no no no. No, Mealla." You lifted both of you hands in front of you, trying somehow to show her that everything is fine. "He asked me, actually. Right after the dinner with the queen."
"And you haven't told me?!"
"I... I somehow forget..."
"That a prince asked you to accomplish him to the star ball? Prince Loki!?"
"And I knew what you think about him."
Mealla fell silent. And you took a deep breath.
"Listen, I know you're my friend and you are worried about me, but I'm old enough to watch out for myself, you see.
Besides I really don't know how long you've known Loki, and of course I could be wrong, but there's something about him that... I can't quite describe. But what I know is that all this talk, all this gossip and rumours about him don't include the person I've seen in him."
"What do you mean?"
"When the soldier hit me, he was immediately there and helped and asked for my condition. He didn't have to came though, Thor was there with his guards, but he came to stop the man nevertheless. Then this other side of him, his vulnerable side he showed that day we saw the queen.
His past and his story, all the time we've talked and laughed or just sit together proved to me... there's more in him than people see."
A moment of silence came up, where you blankly started in the floor whereas Mealla watched you thoughtfully.
"Whatever you might just told me, I will not let neither of you out of my sight this evening, understand me? And now come, we shouldn't let the others wait any longer."
You looked up surprised. "So you do think he's not that bad?"
"I do think nothing that bad could came from an angel like queen Frigga..."
"What ever there's going on between you two now-"
"We're friends, Mealla. Let's stop there alright?"
"Is that now what it's called? Friends? Well, my dear, just don't get in trouble."
Five young woman in maiden's uniform stood indeed before our workers rooms, their eyes brightening up when they noticed you both coming.
"Lady Y/N, prince Loki has sent us," one explained. "Would you lead us into your room?"
A little bit of concerned crossed your mind. "I beg your pardon, but Loki just said he'd deliver me simply information about this evening, I'm sure it's not necessary-"
"Oh no, my Lady, he told us explicit we should prepare you for the ball tonight."
"But it's only morning, the library-"
"That's none of your business anymore. Today is the star-festive. No one should work today and the visitors will get along one day without us," Mealla stepped in. "Besides, it's also time for me to prepare myself for today. Be brave, my dear and don't you dare enter the ball without me!"
She winked, smiled and went away, letting you standing in between a uncertain future. Alright, let's see it less dramatic...
You opened the door that lead to your room, letting the maiden walk in first before you followed.
Inside you hurried to your wardrobe and searched for the dress, you kept for special occasions, even if it might be a little to simple for tonight... After all you'd be together with the prince of this kingdom, which reputation is important.
But no, it'll be enough, you hoped.
Turning around you showed the women your dress. "What do you think about- Oi."
They were very fast. The time you had spent searching for your clothes they had built up a folding screen, and opened their suitcases.
"Step behind it, my lady, we have to hurry!"
"But, I can't. I- I have my own dress there's no need for that much of effort, really. Please."
But apparently the leader of the group shook sternly her head. "This dress is a present of prince Loki. Even when your own dress is beautiful as well, you need to wear today this one, as a representation of the royalty."
"The royalty?" you croaked and in one big wave it hit you what it really meant to accomplish Loki to the ball.
It meant wearing a fancy dress, that might look truly amazing but would grind you with tightness and a style that isn't yours, it meant walking in a big hall of thousand of people and being forced to dance in front of them, it meant representing the royal family and every single mistake of you would be an embarrassment for them. It meant coming out of your lonely little world into the middle of attention.
Suddenly a tight feeling in your through caused you to plump down on your bed, staring down with glassy eyes.
"I can't do that," you whispered, but no one seemed to hear you.
"My dear, are you not feeling well? You look quite pale."
"Can't she attend the ball anymore?"
"Oy hush you!"
And how on Asgard could you focus on your dance steps, when Loki's face was only a few inches away from yours? How, when his hands will be around yours, and how, when his scent will be the only thing you're breathing? How, when his deep green eyes will met yours?
What if you really don't go?
It be so much better...
Loki... he'd find someone other, easily.
But did you really want him to dance with someone other when you could be the one spending time with him, talking, laughing and dancing?
What did he say again?
"This Year it might be less lonely."
Y/N, your such a coward!
"Lady Y/N, should we get a healer?"
Suddenly you looked up into a pair of concerned blue eyes.
No, it's time for you to follow your heart not your fears.
"No, I'm sorry, I'm - im alright," you said and smiled, standing up again. "And please, it's just Y/N. I'm not a real lady. Oh, im so sorry, what are your names? And you really don't need to help me, I can do-"
"My name is Zafire and you-" she let out a small laugh. "Should relax and take a big breath. Stop worrying about us, it's our job and now shush!" Zafire wagged her hands, leading you behind the folding screen where the other four already waited, preparing you for the big night.
"All stars ABOVE ME!"
The second you heard the scream you knew Mealla must've arrived. You turned around seeing your friend stopping in front of you with a expression of pure shock. She looked wonderful in her graceful, red dress and her hair was a dream! Even her husband beside her, who was told to be far more than just handsome didn't have a chance next to her.
"You look beautiful, Mealla!"
"Y/N, have you seen yourself in the mirror? I mean look at you!"
You looked down at your dress, touching it in awe. Yes, the first time you've seen your dress you were in shock. And it was even convenient to wear! Also your hair style was not too much, as your accessories. It was perfectly your own style.
"Where's Loki?" Mealla asked looking around as if expecting him sneaking around here.
"Zafire, one of the amazing maiden informed me, I should enter alongside the others and he will find me. Oh Odin, im so nervous!"
"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's enter!" Mealla exclaimed, and you were amazed seeing her in such a exited state.
She grabbed the arm of her husband, whom you had shared a polite nod already with, before she took your hand. And alongside your best friend you entered the big hall.
The ball room was filled with millions of people, laughing, chattering or just sitting at the tables.
Wonderful music fulfilled the hall, just making the atmosphere perfect in here.
But the best thing of all were still the magical stars shining inside the hall, and as the walls were round arches you could also see the real stars outside on the dark sky.
Suddenly you felt a bump.
"Y/N...," Mealla whispered. You followed her gaze to the end of the hall, where the King, alongside his queen stood up, preparing for their traditional speak.
You bent your head. "Seems like we're perfectly in time."
"Of course, afterwords you came with me. I'm never late."
The guests fell silent as soon as King Odin lifted both of his hand.
"Welcome! Welcome to our annual star-festival, may their light shine forever upon us!"
In this moment you shifted your gaze on the curtains behind the thrones, when they opened and the blond hair of prince Thor were visible. He entered, with a big grin on his face due to several cries from women in the front.
Then, right behind him, followed Loki, with his usual straight face.
Your eyes went wide.
Loki looked just stunning. No, amazing.
The handsome green-yellow suit he was wearing made his green eyes shine brighter than ever and with his own certain aura he seemed unapproachable.
As if he'd felt your gaze, Loki's eyes connected with yours and for seconds you forget how to breath.
To your huge astonishment a smile appeared on his face and you hardly managed to returned it, before you were interrupted by a loud applause.
Apparently Odin's speak was already finished, as he took Frigga arm with a gentle smile and led her to the dance area in the middle of the hall.
The music started and the queen alongside her king vanished in another world. One after one the other couples followed and also Mealla passed you with a last big smile, hand in hand with her husband.
"Have fun!"
"Don't fall, Mealla!" You laughed slightly, before you decided to grab a drink first or something, against the slight panic inside of you.
But your plans were crossed when you turned around, shrieking slightly as you nearly crushed in the figure who appeared in front of you.
Loki's eyes twinkled with amusement, before offered you his hand, bowing slightly.
"May I have this dance, my Lady?"
Still stunned and with a raging heart you put your hand in his own, trying not to shake too much.
"Of course."
On the dance floor he put his arm around your waist and you your own on his shoulder.
And then you followed the music.
Step for step and step for step.
Don't look into his eyes.
Step for step and right and left.
Not his eyes.
Forwards and backwards.
Oh look there's Mealla.
Don't focus on his cold hand around your waist, and really don't focus on your hand inside his.
And for Odin's sake and especially your own, don't look him in his eyes.
Left and right and step and step.
"May I notice that you look very lovely tonight," Loki begun, with this certain voice that made you want to scream internally.
No wait, it was already happening.
"I knew this dress would suit you."
Well, gone was your plan to avoid his eyes. Now you were forced to meet his intensive gaze, and his face that was way too near to his face.
"Thank you," you get out, before you cleared your throat in bashfulness.
"You don't look that bad either," you stated, punching you internally.
Why did you say that?
Why did you have to say that!
Loki chuckled. "Not bad? I'd say this suit looks quite good on me. Especially this ... thing." He looked on the fabric on his chest, forming a stretched rhombus.
"My brother Thor brought this from Midgard, now we're all forced to wear this because he wanted it so."
You let out a small laugh. "Well, it doesn't look that bad, does it?"
He rolled his eyes, but still looked down at you with an amused smile. "No, but it's from my brother. A point enough for me not to wear it."
"And still you do. Are you still mad at him?"
"Mad? Because of what?"
Ay, don't know if it was a good idea to mention it at this ball.
"Because you couldn't get to the mission alongside him and your father..."
His amusement turned now into a look of surprise. "Well, I shouldn't be surprised you figured it out."
Loki glanced sidewards where his mother and his father danced, laughing about something he just said.
"They are breaking up this evening, in search for our new enemies in the south. And because of a reason nobody explained I was cancelled out. My brother tried to reason with me, but his intentions were quite clear...," he said with bitterness in his voice.
Then out of all sudden he whirled you around, two times before you landed again before him.
You gulped. "I am sure your father thought it would be the best to have the kingdom in good hands as long as he's away."
Loki shook his head. "I don't think my father is like the way you imagine him. But let's not talk further about his topic."
You nod. "Alright, let's talk about the fact that I couldn't thank you enough for giving me your books," you said and a big grin appeared on your face.
"Yesterday I've finished the last one and I cried."
"I thought it was the happy ending you wanted?"
"It was, it was so much more than that. Sad and full of love and happiness and even the cheesy parts I've loved with my whole heart. And now I can live in peace."
Once again your eyes fall upon his and both of you just looked at each other with a gentle smile, without any kind of bitterness, anger, panic or nervousness.
Really, Mealla was right, it was absolutely unbelievable that you're really here, in this big hall full of stars and people, music and laughter and are really dancing with Loki. Like the real prince Loki you couldn't really talk let alone look at him several weeks ago.
And now you're here.
His hand in yours. Your arm on his shoulder.
And this evening you both spent together with lots of laughters about stories, people or your selves and you talked and talked and danced and talked and danced.
Before it was finally time for the farewell of King Odin and Thor.
Both of them were heading to the big entrance on the other side, followed by all of the guests who attended this festive.
Outside stood a huge spaceship already, waiting for them to get on board.
A soft touch on your arm caused you to look away, directly towards Loki.
"My dear Y/N, I fear I have to leave you for now, as I need to see my father off. But I will find again", he explained and when you nodded he made his way forwards through the crowd.
You sighted, you still couldn't believe today was real... a real dream.
Even when you now stood alone in the middle of people you didn't know and the cold wind gave you goosebumps, you smiled.
But in fact you weren't left alone that long...
"May I join you, my dear?" Asked a voice behind you.
You turned around and your eyes widened in shock when you recognised the queen standing before you.
"Oh-Of course, your highness," you answered in a hurry and managed a clumsy bow.
But queen Frigga put a hand on your arm and said with a gentle smile: "Please, no need for that." She took a step beside you, turning toward the spaceship, where her husband had already vanished inside.
Now it was only Thor who stood there, embracing a young woman.
Yes, it must be Jane, the midgardian. You had also noticed them together at the ball.
"I'm an happy that both of my sons could find somebody who makes them happy", the queen said quiet, still focusing on the scene.
Quite shocked you turned to her.
A smile appeared on her face when she noticed out of the corner of her eyes your gaze upon her.
"My dear, I haven't seen Loki laugh and look this happy in a very long time. And I want to thank you for that. For being certainly someone special..."
"Your majesty I... I don't-"
You noticed Thor leaving his beloved, entering the space ship. Seconds later it raised up slowly, before it flew away into the dark sky, followed by loud cheering.
Finally The queen turned fully around and faced you now with a serious expression. "Please don't hurt him. That's all I'm asking you for. I see it in your eyes, you're a good person with a good heart, you two connect in a way I couldn't give him as a mother."
You fell silenced. It was probably unnecessary to say that this situation was a little bit awkward, even if you felt honoured to be seen as a good person by the queen.
In the distance you noticed Mealla, who waved you enthusiastically and seemed to make a way towards you and the queen.
On her side you saw to your own surprise Loki standing.
And the moment your eyes connected,
a loud explosion tore you all apart.
Suddenly you wasn't standing anymore but flying across the air before you crashed your head painfully against something hard.
Your head burned with a fire inside, your ears ringed and your vision became blurred.
You barely noticed the queen laying on the floor next to you, her eyes closed.
You couldn't hear anymore, nor feel your body in any way. All you could do was keeping your gaze on the sky, while around you Asgard was drowning in high flames.
And your helpless body in the middle of the disaster.
And slowly- even if you didn't want to, even if you tried to fight, you fall into that darkness that seemed to be so gentle and easy...
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