#please your crown has known this person for ONE WEEK
leclercsredhelmet · 4 months
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The Alchemy ♛ Charles Leclerc
A/N: Hi! I'm back after being away for a bit but I come bearing a gift! I was so unbelievably happy after Charles's Monaco win and inspired to write about so here it is!
“Honestly who are we to fight the alchemy?” 
Monaco is known for being the playground of billionaires among many things. This is the ideal destination if you want to see multi-million dollar supercars and yachts. If you are a fan of the pinnacle of motorsport then you know that the Monaco Grand Prix has been rewarded as the crowning jewel of Formula One and for great reason.
To you, Monaco was much more than a playground for the rich or the crowning jewel of your favorite sport. Monaco was home, the principality held half of your heart. You had not intended to stay here while on a trip fresh out of grad school but by fate’s hand, you now called this place home. As a formula one fan, you always dreamed of seeing the principality and walking its streets. When the opportunity arose you decided to take a little detour to visit the principality. 
Little did you know that the detour would turn into more than one visit during the summer. You were wandering the streets when you ran into your now boyfriend Charles Leclerc. Just now after a few months of dating it still sounded crazy but it was true, your favorite driver had turned into your best friend and love of your life. 
Your camera was in hand as you marveled at Casino Square, after taking some pictures you decided to find someone who could point you in the direction of the Princess Grace Japanese Garden. Turning around you found the closest person to you, whose back happened to be facing you, and asked for directions using what little French you knew. It just happened that Charles was that person and once he turned around realization dawned on you. He looked at you and he swore he had just seen the most beautiful girl on Earth. 
He stuttered a little as he gave you directions and you were a little confused so you were just nodding along. “It seems that my French isn’t as good as I expected,” you said with a chuckle. Charles laughed, “It’s okay my English isn’t the best either which makes us even,” he said. “Considering that  I have nothing better to do and could use some peace and quiet, please let me take you,” he said kindly. 
His offer earned him a kind smile from you and a nod, smiling you decided to follow his lead. Surely he had taken you there as he offered and ended up walking through the garden with you while you chatted. “Had I known it was you I wouldn’t have disturbed you,” you said a little embarrassed. Charles looked at you and lifted an eyebrow, “It’s no trouble really, for what it’s worth I’ve had a great time, how long are you here for?” he asked. “Just today, I took a little detour from the group trip which means that I’ve got to head back soon to pack,” you said.  Charles felt his stomach drop, there was no way he was passing up a chance with a girl as beautiful as you. “Let me invite you to lunch before you leave,” he said. He looked at you and dreaded your answer but a grin spread across your face, “Consider your invitation accepted,” you said with a wink. 
He’d bought some pizza from his favorite place and invited you into his apartment where you kept chatting well into the late evening and he walked you to the train station. Unbeknownst to him you had left your number written on a napkin pinned to his bathroom mirror. 
When he found it he couldn’t help but grin and he called you, before leaving Europe you took the train and met up with him for a few hours. Weeks later you were talking and had started your early stages of dating which had to be long-distance. You decided to fly out and surprise him for the Monza Grand Prix. Once the season ended you decided to spend it with him while you waited for news of your job application to arrive. 
Charles was next to you when you found out and had been approved and you mentioned looking for a small apartment in Italy that was within distance from Monte Carlo but he asked you to move in with him instead. 
End of Flashback
“Mon amour, we have to head out!” Charles called out from somewhere in the apartment and you smiled. “Just a second! I’m almost done,” you called out as you slipped on your sandals and grabbed your bag. Meeting him by the front door he kissed you sweetly and you slung Leo’s carrier on your shoulder grabbing his leash on the other. “Who’s an excited boy!” You said as you bent down to pat Leo who was happily barking. “He represents us both,” Charles said with a smile and you grinned. “You got this chérie,” you said reassuringly, he smiled before replying, “I hope so mon amour, we can’t lose this,” he said. “And you won’t,” you added. 
You had to part ways once you left the apartment because Charles needed to get into the motorhome once he arrived. Before parting he pressed his soft lips against yours and kissed you sweetly. As he usually did he kissed your forehead making you giggle and kissed Leo’s head. 
Walking into the hospitality you were instantly greeted by Pascale, “You look gorgeous as ever darling!” Pascale gushed. “You look great as always!” You replied. Pascale kissed your cheeks diverted her attention to Leo and took him from you so you could greet Lorenzo and Charlotte. You stayed there and went down to the garages to wish Charles luck and get the headsets you were always provided with. “I love you, you got this chérie, now go bring that trophy home,” you said after you kissed him and helped him with his gloves, he squeezed your hand three times before leaving to head on track.
Arthur was going to be watching the race from the garage so the rest of you went back up to the hospitality and sat down at the table. You let out a steady breath when you saw that he had finished the formation lap and said a silent prayer as you waited for the lights to go out. Pascale automatically reached for your hand and your eyes were trained on the screen. After the accident on the first lap, the start had to be delayed while the barrier was repaired and the cars were taken out of the track.
Once the race started again you found it difficult to calm your anxieties so you talked in hushed tones with Pascale, Lorenzo, and Charlotte. The entire team he was leading and you could not wipe the grin from your face, on the last five laps you were finding it hard to contain your excitement and the cameras had panned in to show you and you smiled. On the last lap, you were fidgeting with a bracelet while looking at the screen you could feel the cameras on you but you were so focused on the screen. 
The moment he crossed the line and the checkered flag was waved you all erupted in cheers and hugged each other while wiping the tears that were starting to fall. Your thoughts drifted towards Charles and you knew how happy and proud he must be feeling. This win meant everything to him for various reasons and you knew his thoughts had undoubtedly gone towards his father. 
You all gathered under the podium next to the Ferrari mechanics who were holding flags. All of the people standing there were so proud and you had texted his friends who had gathered in the balcony to watch him win and were sharing how proud they were of him. You looked around and smiled knowing that his family, friends, and all those gathered here were so unbelievably proud of him. You clapped once Carlos and Oscar made their way to their podiums, when Charles walked out you cheered as loud as you could and saw Prince Albert crying as well.
Seeing Charles at the top step of the podium, with the flag draped around his shoulders brought you to tears, you knew how much sentimental value this win had for him and his family. Winning this had been Charles and Hervé’s wish and after the previous events in which Charles was close to winning this race and not getting it, you knew that this victory felt a million times better for him and it meant everything.
Your eyes met and you smiled and waved, Charles’s eyes crinkled as he looked down 
at you standing next to his mother and brothers. 
When the anthem started playing you were all singing and you lifted a hand to wipe your tears as you used the other to film. Pascale put her arm around your shoulders and you leaned into her a little, a proud smile spread across her face as he watched her son on the podium he so dearly loved. 
The Italian anthem was up next and you sang along with the mechanics who were waving the flags around. The city that had seen him grow was now watching him win and the pride could be felt on every single corner, chills ran up your spine as you thought about it. Clapping once the podium was over you moved to join the rest of the team who was waiting for him. 
“Where’s the trophy? He just comes running over to me” 
Charles came running towards everyone with the trophy in hand.  “You brought it home!” you exclaimed. “I brought it home!” he shouted and you laughed. Handing the trophy to Lorenzo, Charles placed both hands on your cheeks and kissed you. 
His lips tasted like champagne but they were soft as always, pulling him closer you kissed him again and pulled away to look at his sparkly eyes before pressing your foreheads together. “I’m beyond proud of you, we all are,” you whispered and he nodded and kissed your forehead. 
Lorenzo, Pascale, and Arthur hugged him and you took a picture of the family with a fond smile on your face. Charlotte congratulated him with a hug. The team celebrated the win by hugging him and patting him on the head. The mechanics were singing and you smiled at the joyous scene. 
After the round of pictures and more champagne sprays, you accompanied Charles and the team to the harbor. Everyone cheered when he pushed Fred in and dived after him, you laughed at his perfect diving form and knew he’d ask you later if he had done it right. 
His eyes sparkled every time he smiled and the smile never faltered all through the night. This type of happiness was one of your favorites and you adored to see him like this. It was the time of happiness that you would love to see every single weekend, it was worth every single aspect that came in to make sure a moment like this would happen here of all places. Nothing tasted better than a home win with a deeper meaning.
Charles had endured so many ups and downs to get to this moment and after countless hours of work, and every single amount of passion poured into it the moment was finally here and it was his to celebrate. You couldn’t have been prouder of him and never faltered in telling him the truth. 
The trophy might’ve been in the room but the real trophy had come running over to you and had been next to you all night smiling from ear to ear.
(all photo credits go to the respective owners)
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outsideratheart · 11 months
Us (Alexia Putellas x reader)
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A/N: I have no idea where this came from but it has been stuck in my head for a few weeks. I hope you guys like it!
You had been in the most important meeting of your career when you received a message.  You never turned your phone off in case there was an emergency but you did put it on do not disturb. The small vibration in your pocket told you 1 of 2 people were trying to get in touch with you. Your manager was in the meeting with you so it only left one person.
I need you, please can you come over.
As far as Alexia was aware you were in England. Your mind went to the worse case scenario because it had to be something bad if she was asking you to get on a plane and fly to Barcelona with no explanation. 
In the politest way possible you excuse yourself from the meeting and leave your future in the safe hands of your manager, who upon seeing your face backs your decision to leave without asking any questions.
A quick text is sent to your girlfriend saying that you are on your way but there’s no response. You try calling only there is no answer. By the time you get to her apartment building you are filled with worry and you waste no time in running up the stairs having no patience to wait for the elevator.
When you knock on the door you are not met by your girlfriend. 
“You’re the lion?” The resemblance was even more striking up close. You had met Alba once or you had at least been in the same room as her.
“Technically I’m a lioness” 
It makes a little more sense now. No one was aware of your relationship and in order to keep the questions at bay you didn’t save each others phone number under a name, instead it was an emoji. Yours was a lion due your national team’s nickname and your on pitch persona. Hers was a crown because she was your queen and known by the fans as La Reina.
“Alba let her in” another woman, Alexia’s mother, guides you through the apartment even though you have been here enough times to know your way around.
“You’re the girl my daughter has been seeing”  
“I am and I will happily introduce myself and answer any questions you may have after I have seen her”
“She’s in the living room. When we came she was crying and she won’t talk to any of us” one of Alexia’s best friends says.
It didn’t look good. Her mother, sister and best friend all at your girlfriends apartment yet she is refusing to talk to any of them
The three woman give you some space as you enter the living room. All of them hoped that you would have more luck at finding out what was wrong.
“Hello you” you crouch down so that you are at her level and without saying a word Alexia wraps her arms around you tightly. The speed of it almost sends you both to the ground but you steady yourself just in time.
Once on the sofa Alexia buries her face in the crook of your neck.
“How are you here?”
“That doesn’t matter. Alexia, what is wrong?”
“They won’t leave me alone. It’s like they are obsessed with my personal life. I’m happy, why isn’t that enough for them? Why do they need to get involved and keep bringing up the past?”
You were at a loss. Yes you were aware of the spotlight that was constantly on Alexia, one was on you as well but you had been dating for almost 2 years now and nobody was the wiser. 
“Who cariño?” Eli asks from the other side of the room. 
“The girls. They think that because Jenni signed for Atleti that we are going to get back together. We finally got back to a good place during the World Cup and no one seems to understand that we are just friends. We are Y/N, I promise nothing is going on” Alexia turns to look at you.
During the World Cup you saw the rumours and they spread quickly given that everyone assumes Alexia is single. At first it bothered you but the two of you talked about it and you realised that you were jealous for no reason. Alexia was your girl and only yours.
“I know” deep down you hated that she was still getting linked to another woman but it wasn’t a threat to your relationship so you let it go.
“They are going to ruin everything. They don’t even know and they are ruining—“
“Alexia, nobody is ruining anything. Let your friends talk. At the end of the day it is me and you”
The three other women in the room watched and listened as you talked Alexia through her panic. You were able to calm her and bring her peace in a moment that was very overwhelming for her.
“But Jenni is—“
“Jenni is your past and that cannot be changed. What have I told you?” You ask your girlfriend.
The woman who is still cuddled into your side mumbles something incoherent and you know she is mumbling because she doesn’t want the other women to know the words you told her during the summer.
“She’s your first love Alexia, I intend to be your last” you kiss the corner of her mouth. 
The sound of awes burst the little bubble that you had formed around you and Alexia. Clearly embarrassed, Alexia once again hides herself. 
Knowing that the two of you can’t ignore the introduction that the women are waiting for, Alexia officially introduces you to Eli, Alba and Miri as her girlfriend. 
“What happens now?” Alexia asks you “Do we tell people? I don’t want our bubble to break, everything is normal with you. We are Y/N and Alexia but when people find out we will be captains, players and rivals”
“Hey, calm down. They will change but we won’t. Do you want to be us normal or what everyone else expects us to be?”
“Us normal”
“Well then I am going to drive you back to your training facility, open the door for you like I always do, I’ll kiss you goodbye and then you’re going to go to work”
Your confidence was reassuring to all in the room.
Alexia tells you that she is going to freshen up in the bathroom which leaves you alone with three of the most important people in her life. Your media training comes in very handy as you are able to answer all of Alba’s and Miri’s questions without hesitation or breaking a sweat. However, Eli’s question catches you off guard.
“You’re the reason why Alexia didn’t come back to the room after the awards show in Dubai aren’t you?”
“Guilty but nothing happened” technically it was the truth, nothing did happen that night “We spent the night in the hotel bar talking then went to the beach to watch the sunrise”
“Can I ask you a question?” Alba says “If you were in England when you received the text would have come?”
“I would have been on the first flight out, yes”
It seemed to enough to please the younger Putellas because she simply nodded her head.
Once Alexia was ready you did as you said. The two of you drove to Joan Camper, Alexia quizzed you the entire car journey because you still hadn’t told her why you were in Barcelona. You open the door for her as expected but what Alexia didn’t expect was you to walk with her into the facility.
“I love that you care but you don’t have to do this for me, I can handle it” 
“Who says I’m doing it for you”
The two of you stop in front of the canteen. It was surrounded by glass windows and you can see the majority of the team eating their lunch.
“Us normal?” You ask Alexia and she nods her head. As you normally would whenever you visited her or she visited you, you kissed her once on the lips and then once on her hairline as she hugged you goodbye.
“Wait! Where are you going?” Alexia asks as you don’t go in the direction of the exit. 
“You asked how I’m here. Well, I have a job interview with your boss” 
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magicalbats · 4 months
Tavern Nights (Sampo x reader)
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Rating: R-18+
Word Count: 5949
Warnings: Afab!reader, gendered language, alcohol, coercion, manipulation, just generally skeevy/predatory behavior, age difference, size difference, public fondling, public nudity, implied public blowjob
A/N: My second commission from the donation's for Parm. I was once again lucky enough to get permission to post this for everyone to read and (hopefully) enjoy, and I am very glad for that. I just don't think Sampo gets enough love! Someday everyone who's been sleeping on him will regret it, I promise you that! Anyway, thank you so, so much for working with me on this @rabbbitseason I had a blast! ❤️
It's been a long, long time since he last frequented The Tavern as much as he has in just the past week alone. When he was young and still figuring out his place in this expansive universe, he’d spent countless nights here simply taking in the ambiance and the drink, with maybe even a bit of gambling on the side here or there. Maybe a bit of fucking too, when he found an interesting partner to take into one of the frequently used back rooms. And the Masked Fool’s had no shortage of interesting people. 
But now he was older, arguably wiser and not quite so easily taken in by all the revelry and merrymaking of the familiar old haunt. In truth, he hadn’t thought he’d ever visit this place again after willingly parting with his mask. Sparkle drove a hard bargain though and after spending too much time with her on Penacony it was hard to tell her ‘no’ and actually mean it. 
He’d tried. Really, he had. But he hadn’t meant it. 
She’d seen right through it, of course. 
Sparkle isn’t with him tonight, nor had she been at his side the previous time either. Just that first fateful evening, wherein she’d pretended to be the good little chaperone accompanying her charge back to where he belonged (according to her, at least) like a shepherd returning the lost sheep to its flock. She’d ditched him quickly enough after that but he was fine with it. Glad, actually, because he’d managed to find someone much more his speed than ole’ miss Sparkle who in many ways had proven herself nothing but trouble. 
“Mister Koski! I wasn’t expecting to see you again so soon!” 
His poor heart practically melts into an unrecognizable puddle right then and there as you come bouncing over to him with an excited grin on your face. He couldn’t even remember the last time someone had been so excited to see him, if ever such a person had existed at all. It does his ego a world of good, and he pins you with a dotingly indulgent smile when you come to a stop before him. 
“Now, now. I told you to drop the formalities, didn’t I kiddo’? Just call me ‘Sampo’.”
“Okay, mister Sampo! Will do!” 
Cute. He thinks it’s really quite cute in a way that doesn’t seem particularly fair to him, or any other man with a working pair of eyes and a functioning cock, but he isn’t about to tell you that. You were already fidgeting before him like you were flustered under his attention, or perhaps excited to be on the receiving end of it, and he didn’t want to break the illusion just yet. 
In terms of young rookie Fools, you were perhaps the most bright eyed and bushy tailed he’d ever met. He’d seen more than his fair share over the years, had even been one himself at some point in the far distant past, but he’d never known one quite like you. Even putting aside your obvious fascination with him (only partially owed to his usual charms, he's willing to admit) there was something about you that just screamed … naive and a little too trusting. Like ‘please take advantage of me’ was stamped across your forehead in permanent ink. 
Sampo wonders, not for the first time, how exactly you ended up here with a dainty little mask perched atop the crown of your head like a hat. A somewhat unsettling hat, albeit, but a hat nonetheless. It looks like the blank face of a doll, which he finds rather fitting for you, with a full set of luxurious lashes but no eyes and no hair. Just an adorable button nose and a tiny mouth set in a neutral pout. He probably would have found it a bit creepy had it not only added on to just how very interesting he considered you to be. 
“Alright, enough of that. I’m just stopping in for one last drink before I head out.” He tells you with a velvety drawl. “Would you care to join me?” 
At some point he was probably going to end up regretting this but for right now at least he deemed that a problem for Future Sampo to worry about. In the present, he was much more keen on having some fun with you first before any silly notions like impropriety or moral obligation managed to sink its claws into him. 
At your eager nod, he reaches out to take your shoulder in what most would likely consider a too friendly gesture but you don’t even bat an eye at it when he steers you towards the back of the establishment. Finds a nice unoccupied booth in the corner, away from all the other Fool’s who have largely gathered around the bar to have their drinks and play cards with one another, the wagers of which could have ranged from anything as mundane as simple credits to the outrageous sort he’d seen on more than one occasion here. A long lost relic from a forgotten civilization, once, or even a mutually assured self destruction button courtesy of miss Sparkle herself. It was her favorite toy, after all. 
Much to his satisfaction, you obediently sit when he nudges you into the booth, scooting over along the bench to give him some space to join you. Bending at the waist when a chorus of hoots and hollers rises up behind him, Sampo has to lean down and get close to your ear in order to ensure he’s heard over the raucous noise. 
“What can I get you to drink, sweetheart? It’s on me.” 
There you go squirming again, looking really quite pleased as you sit up a little straighter and round your shoulders for him. “Whatever you’re drinking is fine.” 
How precious. 
“Ooh, now that might turn out to be a bit dangerous if you’re not careful. I have a feeling I’m a tad more experienced than you when it comes to, uh, drinking.” 
If you find the sleazy note in his voice at all off putting you certainly don’t show it, looking up at him with the kind of bright faced confidence only someone in their youth can pull off. ‘Take advantage of me’, indeed. 
“Don’t worry, I can handle myself.” You tell him candidly. “It’ll be your mistake if you underestimate me.” 
Was that a challenge? If he didn’t know any better, he’d think you were doing this to him on purpose. 
“Pft. I bet. Okay then, just sit tight. Don’t say I didn’t warn you though. I’ll be back momentarily.” He starts to straighten up but not without sliding his hand down from where it had reached out to brace against the backrest of the booth seat just behind you. Perfectly casual about it, Sampo palms the top of your head in a quick, harmless pat that shifts the little mask and ruffles your hair just so before pulling away entirely. He doesn’t stop long enough to take in your reaction or gauge what you think about it. He doesn’t really need to. 
This was not the first time he’d touched you in such a seemingly off handed manner and he already knew you were preening under the attention. No matter how many times he’d tested the waters the reaction was always the same. You liked him. Wanted him to keep touching you like that, either knowingly or unknowingly, he couldn’t yet say for sure, but he was more than happy to give it to you regardless of the reason. Lucky you. 
He returns to the table a few minutes later with a freshly made drink in both hands, watching carefully from under the fringe of his hair when he sets yours in front of you. It’s a dark, murky looking concoction that seems to announce in no uncertain terms that it’s potent and strong with just a glance. As expected, you don’t look quite so sure of yourself anymore when you take in the thick consistency inside the stout glass. 
But you keep a brave face, which he has to give you credit for, especially when you don’t hesitate to pick it up at his nudging insistence. The first tentative sip has you choking at the taste even as you desperately try to blink away the tears that come into your eyes, and he can’t quite stop himself from laughing at your expense. 
Sampo doesn’t push it on you anymore than that though, finding it much more entertaining to watch you slowly try to drink it all down completely of your volition. He doesn’t even need to wheedle you or coerce you into it. You just do it — because you had something to prove? Or was it because you wanted so badly to impress him that you were willing to get yourself drunk just to accomplish it? He isn’t entirely sure on that front either but it doesn’t actually matter. You were doing exactly what he’d hoped you would and that pleases him a great deal. 
By the time an hour has gone by, you’re slumped against him in the booth with your head tilted back, resting along his bicep where it’s curled over the back of the seat. He’s kept you talking for the greater portion of your time spent together, alternating between one triviality or another just to ensure you don’t accidentally doze off on him. He could now name your favorite color, the school you’d attended back on your home planet and the breed of your first pet. You hadn’t struck him as the sort to be fond of Pettu Hamsters, bizarre little rodent-like beasts that laid eggs and curled themselves into tight balls for protection, but you’d assured him that you were quite fond of them. Given the no nonsense look you’d leveled on him, he believed you. 
“And you know what happened next?”
It’s obvious you’re a little too relaxed to be self conscious anymore, and he doesn’t say a word about it when you not so subtly shift closer to him on the bench. You’re practically pressed right up against his side now but, still, he doesn’t make his move yet. Sampo may have technically been working to pull one over on you but that didn’t mean he was going to be a pig about it. 
“I’d never seen a meteor shower like that before. All up close and personal, right outside my window. It was pretty cool but kind of scary at the same time.” You’re rambling about nothing in particular. Just a fond reminiscence of the long list of firsts you’d experienced upon leaving home, which Sampo listens in on as much as he needs to. There were a few other first time things he wanted to introduce you to, provided you didn’t fall asleep on top of him before then. “I thought for sure one of them was going to slam into the ship and — and vacuum us out into space! All I remember going through my head at the time was that I didn’t want to die like that. I can’t imagine it would feel great. What do you think?” 
You tip your face towards him with the sluggish, heavy lidded lethargy of someone well and truly buzzed. Sampo just chuckles as he tips his chin down, cheek braced against his propped up fist for support. 
“I think you’ve had enough to drink for one night, darling. What was that you said earlier about being able to handle yourself?” 
Unmistakable fluster creeps across your expression, distant though it may be under the hazy mask of intoxication. “I didn’t know you’d get me something so strong. Are you sure you weren’t purposely trying to get me drunk?” 
Feigning hurt, Sampo draws his brows together in an overly affected lift and places his opposite hand over his heart. “Why, I never! Such a serious accusation to lobby at a gentleman of my esteemed standing. Just ask anyone here, missy, and they’ll tell you exactly what kind of upstanding, trustworthy guy Sampo Koski is!” 
You giggle at his theatrics and reach over to weakly shove at him. Your arm seems to immediately lose all of its remaining strength though, and rather bonelessly flops down to stretch out along his thigh. He can see his moment to strike fast approaching but it still wasn’t the perfect time. Soon, very soon, just not quite yet. 
“You’re funny.” 
“We’re all a bit funny here, I’m afraid.” He murmurs, dropping his voice to a slyly suggestive drawl again. “You’ve still got some growing to do if you want to fit into that mask on your head. Want some pointers?” 
Huffing softly at the suggestion, you visibly muster up the strength to send him a weak look of warning. “I’m already grown. I wouldn’t be sitting here with you right now if I wasn’t, would I?” 
Sampo sends a slow look of appraisal down at your chest, noting the weight behind the thin material of your blouse while images of what your bare breasts might look like dance through his head. Yes, there certainly would be no denying that you were of a mature build and filled out in all the right places. 
“Mmm, if we’re talking physically then you’re right, of course. I doubt anything I say would help you get any taller.” 
“But I wasn’t talking about that,” He goes on, ignoring your interjection. “I meant your future as a Masked Fool. You haven’t drawn Aha’s gaze yet, have you sweetness?” 
“… no.” 
You look like you want to pout about that, and Sampo chuckles at the petulant tug of your mouth. Seriously too cute. 
“Oh, but fret not, little one.” He coos. “You’ve got me here to show you the ropes, don’t you? I promise I’m a good teacher.” 
You seem to think about that for a long moment, giving it the due consideration of someone who hasn’t yet picked up on the scam. Not that he could really blame you or the alcohol making your eyes look so heavy and tired. Sampo was good at the game. Always had been, even when he was younger, and his technique had only continued to improve over time. Most people assumed him far too goofy and painfully obvious to harbor any ulterior motives after he started laying it on thick enough. That was the real angle to his schemes, once you got right down to it. Hiding in plain sight was in many ways his specialty. 
“What will you teach me?” You finally ask, roving your attention up towards his face once again. The way you look at him is so unassuming and guileless that he knew he could have offered you a tropical vacation home on Jarilo-VI and you probably would have bought into it without question. Poor thing. 
The muscles along his back gradually start to tense with the building anticipation of finally making his move, of pouncing on his chosen prey to claim it for himself, and he leans down, practically engulfing you in the mass of his much larger frame. You feel as tiny sitting next to him on the bench seat as you look, far outclassed by his much taller, broader build and such a sharp contrast to your feminine stature. He could have easily overpowered you if that was how he’d wanted to go about it but, well, Sampo Koski was never one for doing things the hard way if he could help it. 
His face now hovering just over yours with precious room to spare, he slowly reaches up to brush the tips of gloved fingers under your chin. Your lashes flutter at the touch, threatening to slide shut, but an attention grabbing upward nudge prompts them wide open again. 
“There are a few things I can think of,” He purrs, secretly delighting in the way you start to squirm for him. Nervous or eager? He’d find out soon enough. “An old dog like me has his trusty bag of tricks, rest assured. I’d be happy to share some with you, if you’re interested?” 
Your mouth parts, a tiny pink tongue inching out to glance over your lips and wet them. It almost makes him crack. Almost throws all of his self control and restraint right out the window, but he forces himself to wait. To let you respond first before he goes in for the kill. It would make everything so, so much more satisfying in the long run. 
“Okay.” You finally murmur. “I’m game.” 
“Glad to hear it. Shall we seal the deal and make it official then?” 
A small sound of confusion slips out of you but then he’s leaning the rest of the way in, closing the scant distance. You don’t protest or pull away. Just watch him with wide, fascinated eyes as he tilts his mouth to slot against yours, and a dull jolt works through your body at the contact. He keeps it brief and gentle, a mere brushing of mouths, before pulling back enough to pin you with a lopsided smirk. 
“There. Now it’s a promise.”
Tentatively, you reach up to touch your bottom lip. “Is that how all the Fool’s make their promises?” 
He shrugs broad shoulders, tracing shapes along the side of your neck with blunt fingers. “Only the really fun ones.”
Extending his thumb to prod the underside of your chin, Sampo carefully nudges your face back up at him until your hand finally falls away and you comply, offering him a vaguely flustered look. 
“Another, for good luck?” 
The first real glimpse of uncertainty flashes across your face at that. You hesitate, flicking a quick glance behind him at the rest of the bar and — 
“Oh, don’t you worry your pretty little head about them.” Soothingly, he cups your cheek in what otherwise would have been a comforting gesture had it not been for the way he gives the roundest part of your face a quick, mostly harmless pinch. “They’ll mind their business so there’s no need to get shy on me now. Besides, I’ve already kissed you once haven’t I? What harm could one more do?” 
You still don’t appear to be totally convinced but you give him a brief, stilted nod anyway. He’s pretty sure it’s the unmistakable gleam of excitement he can see reflecting back at him in your gaze, unsquashable despite your obvious nerves, and Sampo feels a smoldering hot rush of victory sear through his veins when he leans into your space again. 
His mouth brushing over yours in a light, coaxing caress, you simply sit there for a long moment of indecision like a frozen, petrified statue. So still he isn’t even sure if you’re breathing. But then, thoroughly dashing that impression against the floor, you come alive under him all at once. Give a squirming shudder and press up into him, fervently kissing him back as if in outright challenge. He feels your lips trembling against his and he can’t quite keep the leer off his face when he increases the pressure to kiss you just a little bit harder, claiming you as his own. 
The discordant noise of revelry and drinking, Fool’s eternally at play, seems to highlight the poignancy of what’s happening in the booth situated in the far back while at the same time it also recedes to a far distant thrum of vague sounds. Like everyone else in The Tavern was on the other side of some great, reverberating tunnel. His attention is focused entirely on you and the way you slowly bring your hand up to tentatively brace the palm of it against his chest. Your fingers feel dainty, something small and fragile, and he quickly decides to return the favor. 
Sliding his own hand down off your cheek, over the line of your neck and past the soft jut of your clavicle, he takes a slow pass over one breast. They’re big but his hands are bigger still, and it easily cups around the full weight of it behind your blouse. You react like he’d electrocuted you, jolting in your seat as your head tips back and your lips slacken, dropping open as if to moan. But he just follows you, keeping his lips sealed over yours so he can plunge his tongue into that cute, hot little mouth and truly taste you for the first time. 
Noising an incomprehensible kitten mewl against him, you close your hand around his shirt and give it a halfhearted tug. Like you wanted to pull him in closer but you weren’t quite confident enough to follow through on that urge; like your head was spinning a shade too fast from the alcohol as much as the surge of physical responses in your body to make any sense of what was happening and act on it. 
Sampo can tell you’re enjoying it though. It doesn’t exactly take a genius to figure that out. 
The proof is as plain as if you’d spoken the words aloud. You don’t bite at his tongue when it invades your mouth to explore every little nook and cranny inside, nor do you pull away in revulsion when he leisurely fucks it towards the back of your throat in slow, suggestive motions. You also don’t attempt to slap his hand away when it comes back up to caress over the fullest part of your breast again. He can feel your nipple rapidly stiffening underneath the layers of your clothes, responding to him with a great deal of eager enthusiasm that has you shuddering and pressing your legs together. So sensitive. 
He could really exploit that if given half a chance. 
At length, he breaks apart from the kiss with a low, seedy exhale of deeply felt masculine pleasure. Peers down at you with an easy, self satisfied grin, but you look to be a bit out of it and lost in your own little world. With your head tipped back and rested against his arm where it’s still curled over the top of the booth seat, you merely blink up at him through a hazy, distant gleam in your eyes. Panting softly, as if you couldn’t quite catch your breath while he was idly fondling your tit. Hardly any wonder there, given how much you seemed to be feeling everything in stunning high definition, but he wasn’t quite done with you yet. 
“Oh my, it seems like someone is having a good time now. I wasn’t expecting you to look at me like that, kiddo’. You’re gonna’ have this old man falling in love if you’re not careful.” 
Your breath catches in obvious surprise, a vaguely startled expression creeping onto your face. Sampo doesn’t give you a chance to question him or realize that he was only teasing though, and instead tips his attention downward to regard the weight of your chest. A fresh wave of innate satisfaction washes over him when you do the same, following his line of sight to peer down at yourself as well. 
“You’re looking a little hot under the collar, y’know. Let me help you with that.” 
Fingertips tracing the path over your breast, he reaches lower and you finally seem to snap out of it. You give a quick start, fumbling to get your hands down to try and grab at him, but even with both sets of digits locked around his blocky wrist it’s easy enough for him to tug your blouse free of your cute little skirt and get it inched up enough to reveal a smooth strip of your fluttering stomach. 
“M - mister Sampo!” You squeak, halfheartedly twisting in a futile attempt to delay the inevitable. “We’re — we’re still in public, you can’t - -“
“Hush now, sweetheart. Your ol’ pal Sampo’s got you. There’s nothing to be afraid of. See?” With a taunting flick of his hand, your blouse rises up another inch or so, and with it so too do your eyes grow even wider. “No ones even paying attention to us over here so they won’t see anything. Trust me. I’ll make sure of that. After all, you’re mine now, aren’t you? Can’t have anyone else eyeballing the goods, right?” 
Numbly, your gaze roves up to regard him again. There’s an unspoken question behind your expression, a sentiment that you hesitate to give voice to, and he just hums a playful little tune under his breath while he continues to toy the hem of your top. One more nudge is all it would take to reveal what sort of bra you were wearing and he couldn’t wait to find out. His bet was on something soft and girly, with a bow or maybe even a bit of lace? But first … 
“Don’t tell me you’re really that scared, sweetness? Even with me here?” 
Your brow pinches inward, creating an adorable little crease between them to go with the almost petulant pull of your mouth. An internal war wages, bloody and violent, behind your eyes while you no doubt weigh out the multitude of options at your fingertips. The truth or a deceitful lie, which would you ultimately decide? Sampo knew which one he would pick had it been him standing under the spotlight but he’d meant it when he said you still had a lot left to learn. That part, at least, hadn’t been facetious. 
Finally making your decision another series of heartbeats later, you at last give him a mute nod. It pulls a soft, doting sound from deep within his chest and makes him feel all warm and fuzzy inside as he dips his face close again, rumbling a low sound of approval. 
“Aww, you poor thing. It’s okay though. Just trust your old friend Sampo, okay? Here, I’ll even make it better with another kiss.” 
This time you eagerly tip your face up to meet him halfway, and a soft sound of need puffs out of you when your lips meet again. He kisses you deeply now, claiming your mouth for himself and swiping his tongue inside with a possessive, demanding gesture that has you mewling faintly in response. As he’d half suspected you would, you positively melt under him like you were happy to give into the pulse pounding heat and the risk of the moment as long as he was there to guide you through it. To lead you and to teach, just as he’d promised you he would. 
Thoroughly placated now, you don’t protest or make a move to stop him while he inches your shirt the rest of the way up, but you do shudder uncontrollably at the first waft against your exposed chest. Still fervently kissing you, Sampo cracks an eye open and peers out from under the fringe of his hair to look at what he’s working with. A dull thrum of pleasure promptly races up his spine when he sees that your tits are just as juicy and tantalizing as he’d thought they’d be, and he voraciously watches them heave within the confines of your pale peach colored bra. It’s a lovely shade that complements your skin tone perfectly but he’s a bit too impatient to simply admire it or the dainty blue bow on the front for very long. 
You groan into his mouth, arching against the booth, when he casually slips a long digit under the middle center of the dainty undergarment but he just swallows the noise and tugs. Doesn’t even give you a moment to understand what he was planning to do, and your breasts spill out with a meaty jostle as the cups slide up and away. Your nipples are already stiff and aching when they hit the air, pointing up off your chest in demand of attention, and you finally tear your face from his with a threadbare, faltering gasp. 
Sampo can’t quite find the wherewithal to follow after you and lay claim to your mouth again when he was so damnably transfixed by the sight of your bare tits, round and squeezable in all their fleshy abundance. He feels suddenly faint from how violently his cock instantly springs up in his pants to shove at the inside of the zipper, only vaguely aware of you turning your head away in bashful reproach while your hands come up to crowd together over your chest. 
Oh, that wouldn’t do. That wouldn’t do at all. 
“Come on, don’t be like that.” He coos at you, the usually soft inflection of his voice noticeably absent now. It seems to have been replaced by a deeper, gravelly edge that makes his customary sing-song fall short. 
You don’t seem to mind though, much too preoccupied with softly whimpering when he takes one of your hands by the wrist and gently pries it away, curling it up and back so he can juggle it over to his opposite hand. Half restrained now, you can’t do much else but anxiously squirm in place when he reaches back down to lightly tweak the exposed tip of your breast between thumb and forefinger. 
“Mmm, these are awfully tender, aren’t they?” 
He doesn’t really expect a response, which is good, because you can’t seem to catch your breath long enough to actually speak. All that comes out of your mouth are short, tender little gasps and the softest moans his old ears have ever heard. It sounds like the sweetest music and he makes an effort to file it all away for later, when he was back in Belobog and lonely in the middle of the cold, frozen eternity that had yet to see any noticeable improvements since the Stellaron Disaster there was neutralized. Maybe someday it would, hopefully even soon, but he wasn’t expecting to return from this trip to find lush fields of green stretching as far as the eye could see. 
This night spent with you here in The Tavern was going to keep him comfortably warm for many more to come though, and he eagerly folds himself over you so he can bend down and seal his mouth around that pert, straining bud. You give a tiny little cry, a sensitive yelp that you quickly try to stifle, but not fast enough. 
Releasing his hold on your wrist, Sampo snakes his arm around the back of your head and covers your mouth with his broad palm. You let out a muffled protest behind his glove and try to turn your head away but it’s no use. He’s so much bigger and stronger than you that he can easily hold you in place no matter how you squirm or weakly shove at his forearm. Still sucking on your sore little teat, his mouth working the fleshy nub to a tight coil, he rolls his eyes upward to look at you from this angle. 
If he’d thought you were pretty before, now you were downright gorgeous. That hazy, flustered look of begrudging pleasure really suited you. Especially when it was because of what he was doing to you. 
He isn’t sure how much more of the anticipation he can stand when his cock was already aching, practically throbbing inside his pants, and he at least disengages from your breast with a noted hint of regret some moments later. In the wake of his attentions your stiff little teat is left flushed a noticeable shade darker than when he’d started and glistening with a fine sheen of sticky, fast cooling spit. The sight alone makes him groan, low and gravelly, as he looks upon it with longing. 
Oh, how he would’ve loved nothing more than to simply suckle at both of them for an hour or two but this was hardly the right place or time for him to indulge like that. Even what he had in mind for you had the potential to backfire with spectacularly disastrous (yet still amusing) results. It was time to get on with it before anyone’s attention was drawn towards the far back corner and curious interlopers came creeping over to check what was happening. 
“You seem to be quite sensitive, darling. Even moreso than I initially thought, and somethiiiiing tells me you’re going to be a screamer so we’ll have to play it a bit safe.” He murmurs, teasing you with a quick wink as he straightens up and allows his free hand to slide down lower to pinch at the hem of your skirt. 
Already askew from all of your fidgeting, it doesn’t take much for him to pull it up enough to reveal your panties moulded to the puffy outline of your cunt. Even just a quick glance assures him you’re wet and sticky given the way the matching peachy material sticks to you and he gives his tongue a soft click as if in reproach. 
“Really now, are you sure the possibility of getting caught isn’t exciting you? Well, you’re a hundred years too early to try and pull one over on Sampo Koski, I promise you that.” 
He shifts back into his seat to settle in next to you again before releasing his hold on your mouth. You promptly suck in a much needed lungful of fresh air, swaying somewhat unsteadily on the bench, but the reprieve is short lived. Grabbing you around the middle, Sampo effortlessly manhandles you around so he can pull you half into his lap, partially sprawled out across the seat and perfectly positioned over the tent in his trousers. Your little mask has been almost completely dislodged from its perch atop your head in all the shuffling, and he reaches up to pull it the rest of the way off while his other hand busily works on his zipper. 
“How about this,” He starts, using his most effective and well practiced salesman pitch, feeling much too hot and reckless to reconsider the wisdom in this move. If you finally decided you’d had enough of him and all his pawing it wouldn’t be hard for you to put him out of commission for the foreseeable future in this particular position. But, well, he didn’t really think he needed to worry about that too much. “Let’s keep that mouth of yours busy for right now and I’ll make it up to you later, huh? Whaddya’ say? I promise it’ll be worth your while.”
Panting and flushed, you slowly lift your face to regard him. A bright, sparkling gleam flashes through your eyes and you grin, looking like you were seconds away from bursting out into uncontrollable, wild laughter. You looked like a kid on Christmas morning being handed the one present she’d wanted more than anything else in the whole wide world and that youthful, beaming enthusiasm just makes his balls draw up achingly tight in heady anticipation. He couldn’t wait to sink himself into you. Any part of you. It didn’t really matter which, when you had him so painfully stiff in his pants and more worked up than he could recall being in a very long time. 
“You’ve got yourself a deal, Mister Sampo.” 
He almost laughs too, feeling the familiar bubbling sensation gleefully rising in his chest, but it’s swallowed up and doused by a shaky groan of relief when he finally manages to fish his cock out. It was starting to make more sense to him, why you were here rather than anywhere else in the vast cosmos, but he didn’t care enough to dig for any real answers. 
All that mattered was that you were interesting and you were fun, and as long as the two of you were having fun together then everything else was irrelevant to him.
Crossposted: here
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moviestarmartini · 7 months
dumbass. — brahim diaz x reader
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summary: brahim is a huge dumbass who refuses to admit how in love he is.
wc: 1.0k
warnings: basic sentences in spanish/light spanish, brief nsfw scene (18+), suggested unprotected sex (!!! DON’T PLEASE), brahim is a lil dense but we love him anyway, fede, jude and arda giving him shit because of that, happy ending and domestic bliss because i love !! people !! in !! love !!!!
A/N: lol this was supposed to be a really short blurb as i get back to writing + requests but my boy deserves a full thingy !! and the theme song for this one shot has me OBSESSED for the past week. enjoy mis amores xx
now playing . . . enamorado tuyo by el cuarteto de nos
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Brahim was in deep shit.
It was obvious to everyone but him the type of relationship he withheld with you. One that didn’t know any actual labels or agreements, but still had you living at his place full-time ever since he moved back to Madrid leading to your reconnection.
He’d fallen right in again in a matter of days; you still had the bright eyes he’d known for years, the same ability to tease him about the inch he spared from your height, the way you melted as he placed his hand on the crown of your head and brushed the hair flat as if he was almost petting you.
“No jodas. She’s not your girlfriend?” Fede joined in the conversation between him and Jude. “No, no. You’re kidding.”
Brahim’s frown only deepened. Why was everyone surprised by that statement? Jude had been giving him shit for the last hour, Arda gave him the most disappointing side eye he’d ever seen from anyone ever two days ago. He even refused to let him elaborate further.
“That’s why I’m saying! If you could only see the way she looks at you—“ Jude stopped himself, hands up to the sides of his head in frustration, taking a second to gain back his composure. “She looks at you as if you’re the only person on this earth ever. Like you created the length and depth of the sea or something fabulous like… warm water.”
“Now you’re the one joking.” Brahim yawned, shaking his head.
“No. And you’re even worse! Your wallpaper is her. You call her during every break, you never shut up about whatever she’s doing. Vos estás enamorado— no, enamoradísimo.” Fede insisted, flicking his finger in the back of the shorter man’s head.
Brahim swore up and down he wasn’t, having the purpose of putting some distance in between the two of you before clarifying things. He carried a deep frown as he walked up to the BMW driven by you picking him up from training. But at the sight of you smiling from behind the semi-tinted window melted his heart and made him almost skip towards the passenger seat, leaning in to kiss your cheek obnoxiously as soon as the door was shut. His resolve didn’t even last two microseconds by the time he reached your side.
The realization took a few hours to settle and it hit him like a moving truck, buried deep inside you as his slow thrusts squeezed the sweetest moans out of you. And this time, he couldn’t escape it. He couldn’t convince himself when he was drunk in the ecstasy you both found yourselves in.
Brahim could read you and your body like an open book, “I know baby, I know.” He cooed at the moans getting stuck at the back of your throat, unsticking the sweaty strands away from your face. “Just give me one more…” Granting his request you’d pulled him down for a kiss, reaching yet another release, your chest heaving against his as he picked up the pace. Your tongue intertwined with his, and he suddenly felt he was going mad.
Everything about you was perfect; from the way your legs wrapped around his waist to the way you moaned and cried out his name. Your nails marking up his muscular back were enough to push him over the edge, his nose brushing against yours before your lips sloppily linked once he collapsed onto your bare chest. In no less than a five minutes he fell asleep, your heartbeat lulled him to sleep.
But his dreams were plagued with you; most importantly, what he’d experienced earlier that day replaying over and over. He woke up earlier than usual, deciding to bask in the warmth your basal temperature for a little longer. His mind decided to take over, an extensive debate of his feelings over you– characterized by a substantial sense of dread– before the alarm filled up the stale silence. “Buen día,” Your voice was raspy, but carried that sweet essence it always did.
“Buen día mi princesa.” Every doubt he ever had evaporated once more, pulling you closer and pressing a kiss to your forehead. “How did you sleep? What are we having for breakfast?” A deep laugh resonated in the four walls as he threw himself over you, peppering your face with short kisses. The way your childish giggles filled the room made his heart swell, blood flow increasing. Your happiness was more than enough motivation to get him up and going for the day.
But the second he tore himself away from you, the thoughts of uncertainty flooded the gray matter once more. You brushed your teeth at the sink, and he’d already started the shower, the whole bathroom filled up with steam.
“Are you in love with me?” Brahim wondered out loud. But you responded with silence, long enough for him to peak his head from behind the protective glass. You met him with a shocked expression, mouth agape and eyes empty from any thoughts. And even with toothpaste around your lips, he found you to be stunning. He felt his stomach dip to the floor; the irrational fear of your reaction being negative suddenly invaded him, and he felt his chest grow heavier.
“Of course I am, are you not?” Then the pressure only grew heavier at how your expression dropped, bottom lip puckering slightly. You had your doubts, even when people spoke of his infatuation towards you.
Then, Brahim Diaz realized he wasn’t in deep shit nor in any kind of trouble. He was in love.
Fully, completely, irrevocably in love with you. If not, your reaction wouldn’t have pained him so much. He wouldn’t have turned off the faucet, reaching for a towel before exiting the cabin. “No, no. That’s not it.” He breathed out, a bitter taste swirling around the back of his throat. Any denial he’d ever presented to the relentless teasing, every scrunch of his nose at the idea of being in love now made him sick, disappointed in himself for ever refusing the obvious.
“I–” He opened his mouth to say, his rosy lips parted as he thought what to say next. You loved the way his teeth showed slightly, like an American Girl doll. “Everyone kept telling me I’m in love with you. And I kept denying it because I’m an idiot but I’m just an idiot in love.” He admitted, reaching to draw you in; closer, intimately. “Te amo, te adoro— tanto que me vuelvo loco— me vuelves loco.”
Your silence yet again alarmed him, but when his eyes met your face, he found you with an expression full of bliss. Brahim just left out a soft chuckle reaching back to massage your scalp once more. “Yo también te amo pero… mami is already asking where’s the ring.”
Now, it was his turn to laugh loudly. You smiled to yourself; it was the best sound in the entire world, at least to you. “It’s coming soon, I promise! Por ti, eso y más, princesa.”
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daryascurse · 1 year
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧 | 𝐒𝐚𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐞 𝐔𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐡𝐚 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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“And I thought you were so hospitable,” Sasuke says.
“You don’t like a little teasing?”
You sit up again, over him, shifting in your state of half-dress. His stare burns, cold moonlight reflected in a prism.
“Who’s really getting strung out?” Sasuke says. His hand closes slowly, hard on the skin, and ending with fabric pinched between his fingers. “You’re wet through your pants, aren’t you?”
It wasn't a question, but the words hang in the air as if expecting an answer. His hand drops to squeeze your thigh, and a moan escapes your throat. He squeezes again. His hand rocks hard and hot through the fabric.
“Take them off.”
ɴꜱꜰᴡ | ᴍɪɴᴏʀꜱ ᴅɴɪ ✧ pov : second person, AFAB reader, nongendered pronouns ✧ tags: time skip, smut, angst, one night stand, teasing, oraI / bj, fingering, love bites, spanking ✧ word count: ~5.5k ✧ ao3 link ✧ recommended mood playlist: almond cake
I have a very strict adult-only interaction policy. Ageless, blank, and clearly minor-run blogs that interact will be blocked. If you have questions about what that means, please read the byf in my pinned post.
Author's note: an old fic reposted on ao3 a while ago and I thought - might as well repost here for BIRTHDAY! This piece takes place between Shippuden and Boruto; towards the end of Sasuke’s world travels, and obviously before Sakura joins him... using Reader as a sort of stand-in somewhere on that journey. And obviously, at a point that he's an adult in this pre-Boruto time. And I like the idea that while of course he would be known to those who fought in the war, his story has been kept from the spotlight of “common people” so to speak – and he’s happy with it that way.
You spoke to him three times, and it was enough to fall.
The first was but a brief interaction as he crossed into your village. “I’d like to help,” he’d said by means of introduction. And before the elders and leaders had fallen over their own feet in gratitude and lists of chores, you’d sincerely thanked him. In this slowly-healing world, and especially in this small nameless town, everyone needs all the help they can get.
The second was when he stopped you in the street and asked directions to the bakery, clutching a bag of flour so large you worried it would slip from the one-handed grasp to balance it to his chest. In fact, it was so tall it covered his face, leaving only wisps of black hair spiking around the back when he carefully turned down the street you instructed. You’d watched him go with half amusement and half concern, even though he’d proven himself more than capable in the past few days. Watching him pass it to the old baker was when you realized that you’d fallen for him the way you knew, just achingly knew, that girls in his hometown must have.
The third, he almost smiled when you’d brought him a bowl of noodles out by the gardens and apologized for the dull life of this slow village. “Odd jobs don’t offer much glory,” you’d said looking at the row of freshly planted crops, and he shook his head, the soft turn of his lips twisting wryly. Your heart almost burned out of your chest.
“Trust me. I’m not asking for glory.”
The rumor spreads quickly that he’ll leave at the end of the week. So today all the talk is that the elders are planning a banquet, and something in the way he squares his shoulders tells you - no, he’ll slip out tonight, before he can be crowned with any laurels of glory and gratitude. He had refused offers of lodging in favor of setting up a makeshift camp just outside the village. When night falls it’s where you find your feet wandering.
Of course you don’t startle him, he’s far too perceptive. But he lets you approach with only a slight slide glance towards you as he kneels, rustling with a pack in the grass.
“You are leaving,” you say.
“I was just here to help,” he says, giving those same simple words.
“You’ve done so much for a small town. We really are grateful for all you’ve done.”
He makes a sound that would be a laugh, though it seems somewhat out of practice. “It’s not much,” he says.
“But it means a lot to us. I know you don’t want glory or praises, but you have to accept our thanks. My thanks.”
He turns his head away. You wonder if he’s just barely biting back a rude response, but you continue impulsively, speaking to the back of that black hair melting into the darkness.
“You don’t need to stay for the banquet, I understand that. Let me at least offer you a proper bed for one night,” you say. You shift your feet, glancing back at the village. “Please – it would make me feel better, to give just something back for everything you’ve done.”
You’re prepared for your words to be useless. When you turn back to him, you half-expect him to have disappeared into the forests, but he stands with his pack slung over a shoulder. He regards you with a heavy guarded gaze. It gives the courage to press your lips together and try once more.
“Don’t you have – somewhere – people who care about you, people who’d want you looked after, a roof over your head? Just for tonight?”
His mouth twists again, that same sad smile. You wait for his curt refusal, for him to walk into the woods, but his next step is closer to you. He doesn’t say anything. In fact, neither of you say anything as you turn, heart hammering, to lead him back to your humble quarters.
Inside, he lets his pack fall, slipping his sandals from his feet in easy kicks as you flick on the light. You do the same, feeling a gawky lack of grace in comparison to his fluid motions, even in your own home. He reaches with his long slender fingers to unbutton his cloak as you duck your head and walk around him to the sink. The floor barely shakes below your feet as he goes to the bed.
“Here, have some water,” you say.
You sit slowly on the edge of the bed when you cross back. He only nods in thanks. “How long have you been traveling?” you ask.
He doesn’t respond. Drinks deeply.
You look at the floor, then back to him. “By the way, what’s your name?”
He puts the glass down at the side of the table, and after a moment, his eye flits to you, hair falling before his sharp profile. “Sasuke,” he says at last.
Sasuke. Somehow the name sounds almost familiar.
He doesn’t ask you your name. He might not care if you offered it or not. Sasuke’s gaze is still on you – though distracted, as if looking through you. Or seeing something else. Someone else.
You don’t know what possesses you to do, but with that increasingly ghostly stare on you, you lean forward, and kiss him.
Sasuke doesn’t kiss you back at first. His lips are lightly chapped, dry against your skin when you tilt your head away. He blinks, that gaze sliding back into focus. You meet it. When he doesn’t jolt back, doesn’t stand up, you lean forward and kiss his lips again.
This time, his lips move under yours. Your hands come down towards him on the bed, almost crawling closer, and kiss back harder, more fervent. Your heart drums in your ears. Sasuke lets you deepen the kiss, opening his mouth slightly. You turn your head away hesitantly, and he leans with you. When he presses his mouth back to yours his tongue runs along the inside of your lower lip, and you shiver into him.
You draw your feet up, kneeling toward Sasuke. The mattress dips as his legs shift along the bed. His knee knocks into your hand fisted against the bedsheets. You lift it, coming down in a new hold on his thigh. Your bodies push into each other as you begin to follow him down, elbow bent and shoulders hunching when he lies. His hand comes to the small of your back, your knee slides between his. Sasuke bites your lip, and you moan into his mouth. There’s a fire in the kisses now, something unforgiving and rougher coming to the surface.
“Oh,” you breathe sharply when his teeth come around your lip again and he bites harder.
“Sorry,” Sasuke says after a moment, remembering to apologize.
You sit up, blinking, head reeling to take inventory of this new atmosphere. Yes, he’s on his back on the bed. You’re straddling him now as he lies between your legs. And looking down at Sasuke feels somehow strange, vertigo yawning into an abyss of his whirlpool gaze, the light harsh on his face and casting a sickly shade.
You blink again. Your hands press against his chest, and you watch more than feel them move up across draping fabric to the opening. A sliver of pale skin across his chest trembles with the heavy beats of his heart.
“Light,” Sasuke says. The word rasps out, air fluttering in the hollow of his throat.
“Oh,” you say. You shift your weight from one knee to the other. “Yeah, I’ll – I’ll turn it off.”
Your breath slips from between your lips as your fingers tense, pushing yourself off Sasuke to climb off the bed. Those steps to the switch feel far. The darkness sweeps harsh before you when you turn to make your way back, some shaking fear within you that he’ll have really disappeared into the night this time.
“I’m here,” Sasuke says as your feet slide slowly across the floor, as if he knows.
Though your room, your bed, is so familiar to you even in swimming darkness, it feels that this space is no longer your own when you stretch your fingers blindly forward to climb back up. Sasuke’s ankle rolls, knocks into your hand, and the mattress shifts beneath your knees as he sits up to meet you. His hand is bracing at the small of your back. It guides you up over his lap, and his thumb spreads up to stroke against your rib and forward. He’s warm to the touch, but you still shiver, hips dropping and knees pressing into the bed to straddle him once more.
Sasuke kisses your mouth again, tongue pressing your bottom lip to beg for access faster this time. His hand skates up, rubbing back and forth across your waist in insistent embrace. When your hips twist closer to him, it moves up, fingers spread across your ribcage and searching up in a flat, firm palm. Your own fingers flex in response. One hand anchored against the bed, pressing fingertips into the sheets, your other fumbles forward blindly for his clothes.
It’s almost hard to think of what to do once you’ve pulled them off, his body silently acquiescing. This was unplanned, getting this far in the first place. You break the kiss with a slight shake of your head. His last breath gasps into the room. The darkness is beginning to take form as your eyes adjust. Moonlight slots through the window, casting a pale shadow across Sasuke’s face. He watches you. As your own hands still, wrists turned over the smooth expanse of abdomen down to the waistband of his pants, his hand stops as well in a gentle cup of your breast right under your thundering heart.
“Is…” you swallow, unsure of what to ask. “Is it okay? Can I touch you?”
Sasuke cranes his neck forward just enough to press his cheek next to yours, and the pulse in his throat is warm against the side of your neck. “I want you to touch me,” he says, but something in the words – again – goes past you.
Not I want you to touch me.
But his muscles tense, coiled and lean below your hands, as he lowers himself again. Your hands follow automatically to grip the waistband, sliding your knees further along his body as you pull. Sasuke’s fingers are pressing against you as if he never stopped, fingers closing around your nipple as he finds and just barely pinches. You go cold right where his touch pauses, pinches once more, arching your back and sighing aloud.
“Touch me,” Sasuke breathes in repetition.
His hand opens again, thumb gliding down to cup you in one more gentle squeeze. He turns, grabbing at the fabric of your own shirt, and you pause to help slide it away in sequence. Your limbs shake as you move faster. Returning to his pants, you tug them down and off with panting breath.
Adjusting your knees brings you back up on either side of his porcelain thighs, shattered pottery with battle-torn scars. Sasuke’s hand comes back to your waist, but this time his stroking, circular motions go up your back as you bend down.
His breath comes short, the guiding motion of his hand coming faster up to your neck. Between your legs, he shifts his own, coming higher and higher as he knocks into your thigh. And your breath is impatiently quick too, anxious to snatch this moment.
Sasuke cants his hips, sliding his leg higher up. You roll against it as you lean forward. He presses back, your muscles tensing when he lowers the leg back to the bed. You rock your hips down into him, forgetting yourself for the moment to grind against him.
“Come on,” he whispers, and the thick grating of his voice makes you want to tighten your muscles, clenching desperately over nothing.
But you bend all the way down and part your lips, your hand opening around the base of his half-hard cock. Your tongue meets the head in a flat, pressing circle, and he jerks up – again, come on, come on. Obediently, you slide your tongue faster around him, dipping down at the vein already coming harder at the underside. You stroke with the side of your thumb, tracing down lightly to soft skin, gripping the sheets with an anchoring second hand just as Sasuke’s hold tightens at the back of your head.
You can’t take him in slowly. He doesn’t allow for it, with his hips curving higher, hand keeping you above him, and your throat tightens. Your lips close around the growing swell of his cock. He’s heady in your mouth, salty enough to coax saliva. Your cheeks hollow and the next slurping breath is a lewd smacking sound.
Sasuke’s hips shift in restless agitation, coming higher, and your tongue reaches further down along him. Your fingers dance lightly, down to stroke against his balls, heavy and rolling in your palm. Back up to that base your throat can’t quite swallow enough of. You press the underside with your tongue and feel for that hardening line again. It makes your mouth water even more.
You keep your lips together this time; no sharp pop, no burst of wet gasping, just his cock filling your mouth. Heavy on your tongue. Its twisting and lapping grows fainter as the bobbing motions of your head take precedent action. Up and down, up and down, with Sasuke’s fingertips pressing at you. He exhales again, reminding you of your own need to breathe.
Air catches in the back of your throat, thick from your already-running nose. The slick of your own saliva and Sasuke’s precum rises against your curled fingers, and it lets you slide over him more, no longer whispering touches. His hand tenses, and he groans. The fingers press into the back of your head and fall with the insistent scrape of a fingernail running cold as ice down the top of your spine.
Eyes straining and weeping with unbidden tears, you roll your eyes up to him. He’s blue in the night, the moon catching some strands of colour in his hair and ghosting down across his face. His brow is knit, his eyes screwed tight, the shadow of his nose melting into his twitching jaw as his lips part. Sounds die in his throat, his lower lip just barely moving, mouthing words unseen to you.
You moan, the sound husky and muffled over his cock, and more saliva glides from your aching, drooling lips when you pull your head away again.
It’s sharply audible. Between your legs, he quivers.
His hand slides further, down your back, and you wash your tongue over him again. Your jaws are spread as wide as you can as the motion slows. With the next upward move, you let him go in a breaking gasp. It’s hard not to heave for air as you release your fist from the anchored hold of the sheets. Fingers trembling, you wipe the back of your mouth and hide a desperate breath.
The sensation of your still partly dressed state comes to you with the acute sensation of your pants, uncomfortably thick, hot, heavy. You roll your hips down against Sasuke’s leg, taking another moment to catch your breath. You stroke his cock. Still wet against your fingers, his hips buck up in shuddering human instinct.
“And I thought you were so hospitable,” Sasuke says above, his voice strained.
“You don’t like a little teasing?”
You sit up again, over him, shifting in your state of half-dress with his cock in your hand, still slowly stroking. His stare burns, cold moonlight reflected in a prism.
“Who’s really getting strung out?” Sasuke says. The bead of sweat running below his jaw betrays the haughty tone, but he grabs your thigh. His hand closes slowly, hard on the skin, and ending with fabric pinched between his fingers. “You’re wet through your pants, aren’t you.”
It wasn't a question, but the words hang in the air as if expecting an answer. His hand drops to squeeze your thigh, and a moan escapes your throat. He squeezes again. His hand rocks hard and hot through the fabric.
“Take them off.”
Even sliding off the bed is enough to make your legs shake, that yearning heat between your legs burning as your thigh muscles tense. The clothes practically peel from your skin. The cool air doesn’t help calm. Neither does Sasuke’s gaze, so glassy as you raise a knee to straddle his thighs once again.
Sasuke doesn’t sit up to meet you this time, but he grabs at you, demanding against your back to pull you over him. He kisses you without caring for his taste on your tongue, and he kisses desperately. It’s sloppy now, with his own saliva wetting the corners of his lips. When you lift your head and blink to readjust over him, his eyes are still closed.
“No,” he says, opening his eyes just as you wrap your fingers around his cock again to bring him to you.
“And you were so eager a minute ago,” you say, still on your knees on either side of his hips. You pump your hand up, down slowly, and Sasuke’s stomach rises with a conspicuous breath.
“And you’re so eager now. Your turn to wait.”
He’s at your leg, and the open-palmed squeeze is so much sharper against your bare thigh. Your hand falls open, away from him. It almost brings you down with a whimper as the side of his fingernail grooves along your skin again, and he moves higher, higher. You let out another short gasping whine, feet flexing into the sheets as Sasuke traces your inner thigh right where skin turns to velvet. Your hips shake, forward to meet him, and he draws back, tracing endless circles and invisible sketches.
You open your mouth to protest, and instead judder out a shaking “oh” when his finger skips up and returns in multitudes to stroke you. Reaching backward, you grab your calf, your ankle, in frantic balance as Sasuke caresses your cunt, gathering slick on his fingers and smearing it against you with each movement.
“I knew it,” he says.
All you can force is a sigh that becomes a vocal moan as that scooping, fondling hold moves further back, and one finger slips inside you. Easily.
“Easy,” Sasuke says.
The first pump is slow, relaxing, teasing, a far cry from his eager motions. Your back is arched into his hand, eyes hazily fixed on the shadows of moonlight on the ceiling, but you swallow, finding the roof of your mouth dry when you look down at him again. Sasuke’s face is placid, lips parted with the puff of his breath, but his neck muscles are strained taunt. Black shadows enunciate the pulse shuddering in his throat, the cut of his jaw. His eyes are beyond you, but at your next moan, he comes back. He slides a second finger inside and spreads you.
“Oh,” comes again in a whine. You let go of your leg to stroke against your own skin, touching your lower belly with delicate fingertips, as he begins to push some electric sensation higher inside you with each curl and pump. He moves no faster, but your hips rock even more urgently, eagerly. “Sasuke…”
He closes his eyes for a moment, breathing deep with your call of his name, and opens.
Your own chest is heaving hard as his curls come stronger, reaching deep inside you. Your fingers drop lower, finding with natural ease the tense tender nub of your clit. Rubbing yourself feeds some of that desperate, slow agony Sasuke is teasing from you with those strong, slender fingers. When you fix your eyes to him, his own are direct on you, with his chest rising and falling in barely controlled breath.
“Fuck me,” you whisper hoarsely, as you press your hand against your clit in hard circles.
Sasuke curls his fingers into you before withdrawing, cutting your word off in a sharp inhale as the emptiness strikes you. Without his fingers, your hips roll back, knees hard on his thighs, hand falling away. But the next sensation is so promising that your feet shift, toes pointed and pressed hard into the sheets, when the head of his cock slides right against your teased and sore folds. You rock forward to help him guide himself to your entrance.
The moans from both of your lungs hang resonant in the air when you meet, your own body sliding down against his cock just as Sasuke jerks his hip upward. His hand comes to your thigh again and pulls at the back of your leg, squeezing at the muscle to urge you closer, closer.
You can’t move beyond his commanding motions as you clench around him, so tight, so full inside you, even better when you roll circles to grind him against you right at that angle that makes that core at the bottom of your belly go hot.
Sasuke’s head tilts out of view, but his jaw slacks as his lips part in another groan. His hips rock back, pulling almost completely out of you. When he thrusts up, he’s slick with your own arousal, cold on your skin from the air. His breath is heavy, and your hands climb up across his lean chest for a steady support against pale pectoral muscles.
And he’s deep, he’s fucking you deep as hard and fast as you fuck him right back. You roll your eyes at the sensation, pure pleasure dancing through you and leaving your very skin electric. Your gaze goes up, down at him, and down further, to the flush of his stomach as his own boiling blood rocks new life through him. And lower, to the tremble of his hips twitching off the sheets, to where your cunt is spread swollen over his cock.
“Fuck,” you whimper, the word rising high and jagged out of you as your voice shakes with the movements. His hips roll up, even deeper. Your head snaps back up, and your sigh is a soaring cry.
You ride him with fervent, kneeling muscles, just as much as he lifts to meet you. Each thrust is deep, so fucking deep, that your elbows go weak and you lower yourself to Sasuke’s chest. Rocking back and forth like this – yes, “yes, like this, right there, fuck,” – is that perfect angle. The shivers shooting down your thighs are enough to keep your hips shaking right where he grinds up into you. His hand squeezes, moves up hard against your hip.
His fingers flex, pushing into your skin, grabbing you and letting you go before returning in one sharp, open-palmed slap. Your sigh breaks into a yelp, the breath catching at the back of your throat. He does it again, and the sting radiates from every finger into your skin. You’re completely against his body now, head pressed into the pillow behind him, whimpering as his cock just barely whispers in and out at this angle, clenching your muscles where you feel him.
“Sasuke, Sasuke, Sasuke,” you moan again and again, the most delicious name on your lips as your mouth rubs on his skin. His shoulder is muscular, the sweat beading from him earthy whiskey against your tongue. You open your mouth with just a little more purpose and close your lips around him, hollowing your cheeks to suck here anew, a ferocious bite.
He gasps, some sound, some word you couldn’t make out getting cut off, and he lifts his hand from your ass to slap you again. You moan into his clavicle.
“Wait,” Sasuke groans, and his heart shudders below you. “Wait, wait – ”
You lower your hips, feeling him swell and throb inside you just as you clench. You whimper into him, gathering strength as he swallows and his skin dips below your lips. He seems on the verge of saying something else –
But he doesn’t know your name, now.
“S…Side,” he whispers. “Turn.. on your side.”
His cock is so heavy, so hard, resting inside you, and you roll in soft circles, not wanting to pull away. Sasuke’s hand rubs right over the smarting skin of your ass and slaps you once more.
“Do it,” he says, his voice tense.
So you do so with a groan, nonverbally voicing the displeasure and discomfort at feeling him slide from you again. You push yourself onto the bed as gracefully as you can, curling your legs up and away. You turn your head up, about to ask, but Sasuke’s knee between your thighs forces your leg straight as he shifts behind you. He presses his chest to your back, a layer of slick sweat keeping your body from sinking into the comforting cuddle of this position.
“Keep your legs apart,” Sasuke says, and his chest breaks away from your body as he rocks onto his shoulder. You curve your hips back, feeling him, resisting the urge to slide your leg down to him and grind over his thigh. He slants forward to meet you, something more teasing than satisfying as you tremble, empty.
“Sasuke!” Your voice breaks as his hand rubs over your ass, the beating, hot skin where he’d spanked you burning under his touch, and even worse when he comes to your overstimulated and sore cunt. He rubs against your slit to find your entrance, leaning fully away.
His cock is hard and wet with you, and he easily slides back inside you with one smooth thrust. Your legs splay, the nudge of his knee keeping your thighs from squeezing together, and the press of his body into yours restricting the motion of your fervently rolling hips. You rut into the mattress and back against him, with a ragged moan coming louder than you expected it to.
In response, Sasuke’s lips find your throat, down into the curve of your shoulder, and scrapes his teeth in a mirroring bite of your own. His tongue runs over your skin so lightly that you shudder. You buck into his body. His hand comes to your waist, pressing you down.
“Fuck,” the breath comes, and it’s him this time, the word hot into your neck.
You groan, letting out another whimper when his tongue brushes over your shoulder again. He tilts his head forward and parts his lips just a little more, enough to make your head writhe and turn back into the pillow when he begins to suck a love bite.
These thrusts are shorter, faster, but as the two of you desperately fuck, it’s perfect, just perfect. The burning flashes of hunger in your kissing and touching and sucking comes to a head here.
Your elbow bends back to let your fingers knot into his hair and tug him closer to you still. Sasuke’s lips move from your throat to your jaw and to your cheek, coaxing your own to meet him in ravenous, loud kisses. His groans mix with yours, and his hand rides down your body with the motion of his thrusts. He rests down, lower on your belly, right where the muscles below your core flutter with each clench and responding stroke of his cock.
“Oh!” You break from his lips, from the twists of his black hair, to moan and clutch at the pillow once more.
And when your agitated shifts against his hand grow too erratic, he pauses, sliding his hips higher up to you as his chest presses hot and sweaty. His cock slams in at a new angle, just as quick and sloppy as his kisses had been. His hand sinks lower still, and while it takes a second to find your clit, his finger presses and rubs with such precision it’s the final push that hotness behind your stomach needed.
“Sasuke - ” you whine again.
“Fuck,” he groans, and as your face presses into the pillow, his lips come right behind your ear, kissing and whispering nonsense as he pushes frantically into you. You reach down to grab at his wrist, and you moan as everything begins to go static.
“I’m – oh – fuck! Coming!”
You come, clenching and weak over his cunt, hips rocking haphazardly into whatever pressure from any angle as you ride the orgasm out. It hits so hard that you feel your pulse behind your eyes, even as you squeeze them shut. Your body shakes with the force of it as everything cramps and releases. Your thighs lose all strength. It rushes, beating slick and throbbing over his cock as Sasuke continues, chasing his own climax down.
His senseless, jagged moans begin to break through your haze, his insistent hand on your clit beginning to feel more painful than pleasurable.
“Sorry.. I’m sorry… I love… I love you.. I’m… so…sorry.”
You tighten your hand on his wrist, about to pull him off, but with a harsh, gasping cry of his own that rocks through your back, Sasuke comes. He lifts his hand and grabs at the sheets, your fingers skating down to close over his fist. His hips crash into yours as he comes, so hard that he almost pushes you onto your stomach. Your ribs contract, the air trapped right in your lungs as he rocks forward, sliding his knee into the back of yours. It beats hot through you, and you automatically feel yourself flutter and tighten around it, weak though the motions are. He sighs, breath hot on your shoulder, the last word of his rambles breaking into something totally unintelligible.
It takes him a moment to relax, for his fingers to flex under the ginger blanket of your own hand. He rolls away, lips just barely wisping off your neck in a motion almost like a kiss, but without the follow through. You raise your hand to the spot, feeling the remnant, tacky stick of his saliva, and trace your fingers down to where the love bite will rise navy blue tomorrow morning.
Sasuke is silent. You turn on your stomach, feeling something drip and dry down to your inner thighs. He’s fallen onto his back, that glazed, half-open stare stuck to the ceiling. You breathe, heavier than you wanted, but he doesn’t shift his gaze to you.
“Um.” You clear your throat, and sit up, stroking gently along his calf as you scoot to the edge of the bed. “Do you want another drink?”
“More water would be a good idea,” Sasuke says after a moment. The “yes, thank you” following feels forced, remembered too late. He’s settling into that distant nature with ease, as the aloof traveler you met and fell in love with only days before.
Your legs shake as you walk to the sink. The only sound is the rustle of the sheets as Sasuke slides them down, making room for the two of you to properly sleep. In the moonlight your body casts a long shadow swallowed by the darkness beyond the window’s frame. The bed and Sasuke are just as hidden, but his pale hand extends for a sip of the glass, a beacon as bright as the moon itself.
Tucked once more into the curve of his body, this time the touch of his chest at your back is soft, gently coming to and against your skin with each settling breath. “When’s the last time you slept in a bed?” you ask drowsily, not expecting an answer. Sasuke doesn’t offer one.
He shifts, arm coming up around you to pull the blanket higher. It slithers over your skin. His fingers drop and drum softly against your arm. Exhaustion begins to melt you into the bed, and you reach, groping in the darkness to find his hand and entwine your fingers in his. You’re overwhelmed with a sudden desire to cry, a pain in your throat dropping to your heart. You close your eyes, turning into the bed, bidding the tears to go, not to spoil these last moments.
“Have a safe journey tomorrow,” you whisper into the silence. You wonder if he’s already asleep, but his fingers flex in your hold, slanting lightly, squeezing you in turn.
“Thank you.”
Sleep comes now, in a spinning hold pressed into you as warm and comforting as his embrace.
When you wake to streaming sunlight, the bed is empty, and Sasuke is gone.
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genshinfanboy · 1 year
His treasure
|Hello everyone who sees this. The reader will be older than Cyno by a few years. This is an au with some Canon references. This is a one-shot so expect it to be long. As always please feel free to change the pronouns to fit your own. Enjoy and have a lovely day or night.
Scenario: Cyno became the king at a young age. As he became an adult there was pressure to marry. Though his gaze only fell upon the one person who was always there for him, who was always by his side for as long as he remembered. The issue was the person was a servant.
King Cyno x Servant Male reader.
Warnings: Mentions of assassinations, minor injuries, spoliers of Cyno's stories, and super long. |
Cyno had been crowned King for several years now. The desert could be considered harsh and there was the constant feuds with the forest neighboring the boarders. There was constant pressure for him to wed and produce an heir incase his fate alligns with his parents. He detested the notion he had to marry a suitor. He didn't want any of them. His gaze only fell on one person. He was amazing in Cyno's eyes. They both had similar morals and stuck to their core principles. The older male had his full trust. He had also been by the young king for so long. Cyno knew he shouldn't have fallen for his attendant but he couldn't help it. His duties are something he can't compromise on. He needed to be hard to keep the throne from corruption and the people safe.
Cyno knew that the other cared about him. Even after he had offered his body as a vessel for a powerful spirit. The older male was there every second tending to the young kings needs. At first Cyno thought it may have been to gain favor from the new king. It was a very common thing among the palace after all. The servant had just been put into the position right before his parents death so he wanted to be safe than sorry. Though the older male did something that very few did after his ascension to the throne he comforted Cyno.
The young king would often wake up from nightmares as the spirt inhabiting his body and his parents death took a toll on him. The servant had become aware of this one night after a really bad dream. Cyno had woken up with a small yelp of fear and panic. The guards didn't hear but his attendant did. It surprised the young king but he later found out the other had a good sense of hearing. From that night on if cyno woken from a nightmare he'd find his loyal attendant by his side and ensuring the young king got back to sleep. Cyno is still certain there's some witch craft at play because his attendant was able to get him to sleep with ease every time a feat his parents couldn't even manage.
Cyno didn't prefer calling those who work for the palace that had been there for awhile servants. He had gained their respect and they gained his. An older one named Cyrus was like a father figure to him. The servants of the palace were good to him. They just had a different fate from the start. After all he was just lucky to be born into royalty. If push came to shove he'd be judged the same as everyone else if he committed a sin. The scales spare no one and that's what he loved about them. They were fair and just no matter position or bloodline. He devoted himself to that line of principles.
Cyno had trained a lot and became one of the strongest fighters to be known. He has to credit some of his strength to an ancient spirit he offered his body too. He was currently in a meeting to discuss and deal with matters. Though none of the information was new. The older advisors had been beating around the bush for a week. They were too stuck on minor issues and wouldn't let him get much of a word in other wise. He started thinking of a joke that may make his attendant laugh finally.
He tuned out most of it as the thought of his beloved filled his mind. Then his thoughts started to become consumed with thoughts of the other. The advisors switched topics to a matter he was already working on. He had consulted Cyrus about the matters earlier that day. He was still paying half attention to what was being said. Though he thought their motives were becoming self servant and he'd have to do an investigation on them soon to determine motives.
Cyno gave a sigh and started to reminisced about (Name). The older male had become his attendant so long ago. He seemed like a more trustworthy advisor than all those at the current meeting. He was also trained to be able to protect the king with both his mind and body. As were most attendants that served the throne before him. The training to become a royal attendant wasn't easy. The young king admired the other's dedication.
(Name) was ready to sacrifice his life for his king. Though Cyno would prefer though the older male would trust his life in the young king's hands. It left a bitter feeling in Cyno as he'd be upset for the other risking his life. His feelings may have clouded his judgement a bit on that thought process. However it was because the other had stolen his heart.
Cyno was constantly talking about the other. So much to the point his mentor who was from another nation as well as his closet friend enjoyed teasing him about it. She was like an older sister to him as Cyrus also treated her like his own child. Lisa would also mention how diligent (Name) was when he was sent to library by Cyno. He'd make sure to get the books and scrolls asked as well as asking her for additional materials that may prove useful.
The advisors had started another argument with each other. He quickly put an end to as they all seemed to be intimidated by him when raising his voice. They went back to talking in a civil manner. He thought a great joke and remember when (Name) first became his attendant he'd live to hear the other's wonderful laughter fill the room from his jokes. It made Cyno prideful to hear genuine laughter rather than the standard forced laughs. That was when he was younger so the laughs could've been amusement rather finding him funny but Cyno would take it. He hadn't heard the laugh for a bit. He'll have to pull out his best jokes to he it again.
If he ever had a problem he knew he could lean on the other. He fell hard when he was in his early teens. That was because the other stood up for the young king. He was lost with very little guidance as several older advisors wished to gain more power in their favor. (Name) made sure they remembered who was the king. There was also that assassination attempt on his life involving his food.
A cook was paid a hefty sum to get rid of the king so one of the advisors could take the throne. (Name) declared to the staff that to ensure their king's safety he'd prepare every meal. His mother had been a royal chef for years and so the attendant learned a lot. The young king greatly loved all of the meals prepared. That had made Cyno fall for the other even more. After all very few would manage to remain firm with that choice.
Cyno was still figuring out how he could wed the older male without any issues. He remembered when he first started falling for the other. He was constantly in the library for his studies. He had to learn a lot in a very short time. He was pushing himself hard after all he was the desert's king now. He had gotten very little sleep. (Name) found him late in the evening with a few light sources and a large stack of books by him.
(Name) frowned seeing his king. He knew the young king hadn't slept for a few nights now and was worried about his health. He walked over determined to coax the light haired male to rest. He grabbed the book from Cyno's hands and marked the page with his bookmark. It was a mourning flower pressed on a small sheet he made himself. "My bookmark will keep your page and I'll put the book on your nightstand so you'll be able to pick up where you left off tomorrow. Tell me what stack you've read and I'll put them away while you rest. Then set aside those that you haven't." He stated keeping the book away from the young king.
Cyno tried reaching for it but his height proved to be an obstacle. "(Name) give that back now this is an order. I have no time to rest. The forest and Akademiya are both becoming pressing matters. I still need to learn about our other political ties and....." He started to argue and was cut off with a finger to his mouth. His eyes widened after his brain caught up with the action. Since he'd become king everyone had just put his thoughts first.
"You're no use to anyone if you deprive yourself of sleep and press yourself until you can't anymore. Your health may not be your priority but it is mine. So we can do this the easy way or I am going to pick you up take you to your room and sort through your piles of books myself. I will help you get ready for bed and everything but I refuse to allow you to continue on this destructive path." (Name) stated with a sigh. He gave a stern look to his king showing there was no room for debate.
For some reason Cyno's heart began speeding up. He saw his attendant in a different light. The older male made his stomach feel like there was a swarm of butterflies in it. His cheeks dusted a light pink and he started wondering if there was something wrong with him. That was the day he learned of a different kind of love. He stood up from his seat and resigned to listening to his attendant.
Cyno quickly pointed to which stacks he had read and which ones he still needed to review. He got a nod and soft smile. He had no clue what feelings had begun forming at the time. He felt his exhaustion catching up to him and start swaying. His attendant was quick to pick up on it. Cyno put his hand on a nearby book self not thinking about the weight he'd put on it.
The case shook a bit and the next thing he knew was there was several books falling. His reaction time was significantly dulled from his lack of sleep and he froze in place. He didn't feel pain though. It took him a second to realize (Name) pulled him into his warm embrace and took the force of the books that fell. "Are you ok my King?" Cyno was shaken much like the book shelf originally. He didn't typically like being called "my king" but coming from the older male made his heart stutter.
The meeting was starting to drag on and on. The advisors talking themselves in circles. He wondered how his parents dealt with any of their round about ways of talking. He gave a small sigh to himself. He turned his full attention to the advisors wanting the meeting to be nearing its end.
"King Cyno we need you to pick a spouse soon." One of his advisors said finally addressing the King. "May I suggest my daughter? She is exceptional and would perhaps suit your tastes." Cyno had to refrain from rolling his eyes. "There is nothing to gain for anyone except for you if I marry your daughter." He stated matter of factly. He could tell that angered the advisor. While the others agreed with him.
"A political marriage between him and the princess of flowers Nilou would be a better choice." Another advisor piped up. Cyno crossed his arms this meeting had turned pointless. "If that's all you have left to discuss this meeting is over. I don't want to hear another word about it." He said firmly the conference room was silent after his statement. He stood up. "Alright then this meeting is over and I'll be going to attend to my other duties."
Cyno left the room without another word. He was a bit irritated to say the least. He went to some of the matra that worked under him to look into his current advisors. The power of the throne had all be transferred to him. He can finally start weeding out the corruption for the betterment of the people. He was also planning on meeting some diplomats from the forest to start working on peace with them. He felt a bit at peace knowing their God will be at the meeting.
He pinched the bridge of his nose for a second before walking to his room. He heard a confrontation going on in the hallway approaching his room. He sighed before making his way to the voices. "I am not trying to poison the king. Now move out of my way." Cyno started walking faster to confirm if the person talking was indeed his loyal attendant. When he turned the corner his suspicion was true. The older male didn't notice him. She had grabbed on to him very harshly. "Please let go you're going to make me drop the king's food and you're starting to hurt my wrist."
"King Cyno! Thank goodness you're here. This servant here put something in your food. It was a powdery substance that he mixed in at the end it looked nothing like seasonings. I'm positive he's trying to poison you." Cyno looked at the girl. She was the daughter of the advisor that spoke earlier. He looked between the two. "Considering he's the only one allowed to touch my food I highly doubt it. Also go to a guard next time don't be a fool. Your father probably told you to get on my good side however assaulting my most trusted attendant isn't the way to do it." Cyno's tone was definitely a bit irritated.
"Also dealing with an attempted assassination by yourself is foolish and a way to get yourself killed. Next time talk to a guard. Come on (Name)." Cyno stated watching her quickly let go of the other and back up. She looked like a fish out of water watching the two walk away as though one of them had just slapped her.
The two made it to Cyno's room and (Name) set down the tray on the table in the room. He grabbed the older Male's hand and inspected his wrist. "Good she didn't seem to have left a bruise or a mark. Now (Name) care to tell me what extra ingredient you put into my food?" He said. He absolutely surprised the other. Though cyno knows he puts seasonings in as he cooks to infuse the flavors. I've watched you enough times to know." Cyno said staring deeply into the other's eyes scanning for any hint of a lie.
(Name) sighed. He gave a small smile knowing he couldn't lie. "You said you were feeling under the weather so I contacted your doctor penpal from the forest. I've also noticed your nightmares have returned. So I had made what he recommended after consulting some of the palaces doctors. You're stubborn when it comes to your health my king so I was planning on sneaking it into your food. I made sure nothing would do you harm." He answered. He had a look of surprise when Cyno stepped closer invading his personal space a bit
"I see. Would you mind getting me the book I was reading earlier? I left it in my study. Its the same one I asked you for earlier. I want to sit down for a bit and enjoy the food you prepared." Cyno responded stepping away. He walked towards the couch. "Of course my king." He said once the words left his mouth the young king once again felt the butterflies. His cheeks dusted pink as the other left.
(Name) walked into the study and picked up the book. After he grabbed it he noticed a bookmark that looked familiar. He picked it up and inspected it. After picking it up he came to the realization that it was his bookmark. He always wondered what happened to it but then remembered that night in the library. It seemed Cyno had kept it after he placed it in his book.
He made his way back to his king's room. He knocked before getting permission to enter. "It seems I have to mark you as a thief my king." He said walking over and handing cyno and the book making. He made sure to put emphasis on the word mark. He saw the king's eyes lighten a bit. "That joke was bad. All these years and you have no sense of humor. You left it in my book after taking it away from me. Consider it compensation." Cyno responded.
He felt his heart racing when he heard (Name) give a small giggle. He looked over and saw the other with a smile. He felt now or never was the time to admit his feelings. "I should put you under arrest for stealing." He stated making the older male confused. "After all one's heart can be considered their greatest treasure." He said with a blank expression. They'd have a lot to navigate but the bookmark was his greatest treasure as it came from the one he loved. They'd have to work around stuff and he was planning on just adopting a child to raise as his heir. He wanted to be with (Name) and end the discussions him getting married. As to him there was only one person who could own his heart. His most valuable treasure belongs to (Name) alone.
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tare-anime · 1 year
Royal Guard AU (wip)
There's a Royal AU for TwiYor week @twiyorbase, and I've had this wip for quite some time now, and I don't know when I'll finish it.
So, please accept this humble 'will be chapter 1 of someday will be finished fic'
Inspired by the amazing @mochidoodle Royal Guard AU art. (not at all part of their AU).
Prince Loid Forger of Westalis loves to go undercover and blend with his people to gain information. To ensure his safety during his late-night shenanigans, Westalis' General of Royal Knights assigns him a personal bodyguard. Unbeknownst to them, this personal bodyguard also has her own personal mission.
"Your Highness. This is Ms. Yor Roseate. She is to be assigned as your personal bodyguard starting today." 
Prince Loid Forger raises his brows as he looks up from the thick tomes in front of him. "And why do you think I need a personal bodyguard, Ms. Sherwood?" 
The red-haired General of the Royal Knights' brow furrows. "I think you know full well of the reason." 
Loid looks directly at her eyes. "I'm afraid I do not. Please enlighten me?" 
Instead of backing down, the older woman hardens her looks. "Do you really want me to spell it to you?" 
He sighs in defeat. 
He should've known better than to challenge their Royal Knights General, who is also his personal trainer and has been with him since they were young. 
Of course, the woman would know his nighttime shenanigans. And even though he had tried his best to cover his most recent injury (he was so sure he had done it secretly), those things do not escape Sylvia's observation. 
"You won't tell Father, will you?" 
The red-haired woman smirks. "Are you questioning my diplomatic ability?"
He chuckles, "No. Of course not." And then he mutters, "I still value my life after all." 
"What was that?"
"Nothing!!" He stands up and comes closer. "So, any special reason for assigning Ms. Roseate as my personal bodyguard? Why don't you yourself be one?" 
He saw the general gesture at the stiff woman beside her. "She might be the newest recruit, but she happens to be the strongest and most talented."
"Newest recruit?" 
"Mhmm. But I highly suggest you not underestimate her, lest you want to taste her wrath." 
Loid doesn't like the smug face of his martial arts mentor. 
There must be a hidden agenda that Sylvia is scheming. 
He plans to uncover that along the way. 
The man then focuses on the dark-haired woman that stand in perfect stance ever since she is introduced. 
Dark long hair, red eyes, and a lean figure. 
What interests him most is her unique lean rapier-like swords that rest at her hip. 
Double swords? Interesting….
"Well then. It's a pleasure meeting you, Ms. Roseate."
"The honor is mine, Your Highness." He sees her bow. 
Mmm… very polite. Let's see how long until she asks to be replaced.
"And I trust you'll be on your best behavior, Your Highness? Please do not underestimate the 'recent' rumors."
Darn it! Loid is sure that he has suppressed the smirk.
"Of course, Ms. Sherwood. You can count on me for that."
The look that Sylvia gives him tells that she doesn't believe every single word that he says. 
Loid just smiles politely. 
She knows me too well. 
It is the first day that Yor is officially on duty as crowned Prince Loid Forger Henderson's personal bodyguard. 
And she feels nervous. 
No, she doesn't think that her skills are under-standard. 
She has passed General Sherwood's tests with flying colors. 
It's the responsibility that unnerves her. 
If something bad happens to His Highness, then aside from that her head will be on the line, it will soil her reputation. 
And her mission.
She simply cannot allow that to happen.
So, she makes sure to stay close to His Highness and observe her surroundings thoroughly.
The day's tasks are part of Prince Loid's daily routines as crowned prince. He goes around villages, listening to the farmers' problems and giving advice to solve them and also taking notes for things the palace has to intervene to make sure they have a good harvest in upcoming months. 
In other places, he monitors the progress of their new harbor, designed to make sure their fish products can be packed and distributed to wider areas, one of the most promising export commodities of Westalis. 
On the way, he always returns the greetings of his subjects. 
Yor often hear about the humbleness of the Prince of Westalis. But to witness said act by her very own eyes is certainly a different experience. 
Seeing how the people of Westalia clearly love the Prince, and how he reciprocates each one of greetings is a bit overwhelming for her. 
There's a certain pang of alien emotion bubbling in her chest. 
When was the last time I felt envious of other people?
She squashes the feeling by refocusing on her task. 
The amount of people gathering so close to him can mean danger.
What if someone with bad intentions was among these people and was waiting for a chance to harm the Prince? 
So she better do her job properly and observe every small movement of the people, the environment, and every possible place for any surprise attack. 
Thankfully, no incident occurred that day until they returned to the palace.
Arriving back at the palace, Loid then sits in his room and starts to read, and sign paperwork. 
All the time, his newly assigned personal bodyguard sticks to his side, like what a usual bodyguard does. 
However, Loid's keen observation noticed how Ms. Roseate many times look tense and glaring at his surroundings. 
And she is still doing it now. He muses. 
"Are you always this stiff, Ms. Roseate?" 
He raises his brow when he sees her start. 
She immediately bows "Apologies, Your Highness." 
Loid chuckles and waves his hand. "Relax, will you? This is the last of my tasks for the day by the way. You are dismissed."
Yor blinks and answers, "I am sorry Your Highness. Ms. Sherwood assigned me to be at your side 24/7."
Loid's eyebrows arch, "24/7? Must you stay by my side even when I'm doing my business at the loo?"
Face immediately flushes, he hears Yor stammers, "O-Of course I'll be waiting outside, Sir…. I mean, Your Highness."
Loid guffaws. "That would be unnecessary. Sylvia can be too paranoid sometimes. But rest assured. Nothing bad will happen inside the palace. You may rest." 
He gives her his best reassuring smile which always manages to convince everyone. 
It looks like she is included.
He sees her fidgeting for a moment before finally Yor bows and retreats from his room. 
Loid smirks triumphantly. 
It is time to leave this confined palace and continue his nighttime routine. 
After applying the fake mustache and goatee, clad in his cloak, Loid, or now known as Twilight, sneaks out of the palace through a secret passage. 
The first place he always visits is The Frizz Tavern. 
The place may be reeking of tobacco smells and alcohol, but people always gather there and so are information and rumors. 
Today is no different. 
He comes in and takes his seat at the corner of the bar. Right beside a curly-haired man, who once again is seen trying to woo the waiter and failing. 
Slapping his shoulder, Twilight greets him. "Yo, Frankie. Still trying?" 
The shorter man grumbles, "Shut it! If only you would share one or two of your persona with me, you stingy bastard!" 
"It's not right to pursue women through deception, Frankie."
"You're one to talk!" Frankie grumbles, "Who is she?" 
Twilight raises one eyebrow, "Who's what?"
Frankie places his chin in his palm and points past Twilight, "Her of course, who else?" 
Puzzled, Twilight twirls on his chair and almost jumps from it in surprise. 
"Good evening." The calm and soft voice of Yor Roseate greets him.
Thankfully she is wearing a massive cloak that covers her from head to toe, hiding her royal guard uniform, and a mask that hides half of her face. 
But that doesn't answer his question, so he whispers, "What are you doing, here?!" 
"I'm following my order from Ms. She-...." 
Twilight immediately clamps her mouth and whispers, "No no no! Not here!"
Frankie peeks from his shoulder and says, " So you do know her. Is she another of your-..."
Twilight doesn't let him finish as he abruptly grabs Yor's wrist and briskly walks out from the tavern's back door. 
After making sure that they are alone, Twilight starts his questions, "How do you know where to find me?" 
"I'm following Your Highness."
Following him? From the palace? But he didn't feel anyone's presence.
He presses on, "Nobody should know I left the palace."
"I've been following you since you left the room."
Twilight blinks, "But I went through…." He abruptly stops himself lest he blurts his secret. 
"That passage is indeed very cleverly built, as expected from Your Highness. But as Ms. Sherwood said it is-...."
He lifts his hand to stop her, "Wait wait….. Sylvia knows about that??!!" 
The woman in front of him shrugs, "It's not that hard to find." 
Twilight faces faults. 
And suddenly Sylvia's warning rings in his mind: do not underestimate her.
Several weeks prior
  “You are to go on a solo mission in a faraway place. I wish you to keep up your impeccable performance and not put shame on our country.” 
Yor bows her head deeply. “Yes, Your Majesty.”
“Go. And make our country proud.” 
Once again Yor bows her head and turns to leave the majestic throne room.
“Oh, and Yor…”
She stops and turns to face the King of Ostania. 
She notices how His Majesty’s face softens a fraction as he whispers, “Please be careful.”
Yor smiles. “I will… Father.”
She then continues to pack her belongings and immediately departs to the kingdom of the West. 
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lgcmanager · 11 months
Tumblr media
a reminder on side-events; they are non-mandatory occasional events that your muse can choose to participate in or not.
while missing an event might mean missing out on points, be aware that choosing to take part in it could have positive or negative consequences for your muse. there is also no telling which part of the event will have consequences either since they will be tailored to make it difficult to guess what could impact your muse. while the final consequences are decided at the same time as the event is created, we will only reveal them after the deadline. so choose wisely: are you willing to make a gamble with your muse?
( important note: EVERY MUSE in the company will take part in the event canon wise, whether or not a mun writes for it. )
** we are aware that HALLOWEEN can be a sensitive time for some. while making your threads and posts, please make sure to properly identify possible triggers at the top of your post. also, please refrain from posting an image that could be considered as a trigger straight on dash! you may link to it or put it under a read more if you desire, once again with all triggers tagged **
HALLOWEEK definitely feels different without DBSD around; indeed, since legacy's very own princes of mischief are compeleting their military service, there's NO HELL WEEK this year. one might still be surprised by a fake skeleton hanging behind a closed door, or by a fake ghost hidden in a bathroom stall - gracious pranks from the staff - but nothing on the scale of what the boys have put the company through in the previous years. 
LEGACY ENTERTAINMENT HALLOWEEN PARTY even if the atmosphere within the walls of the company are different this year, on the week of OCTOBER 16, every trainee and artist of the company still receive an invitation to LEGACY ENTERTAINMENT’S YEARLY COSTUMED HALLOWEEN PARTY. since halloween falls on a tuesday, the event will be hosted on OCTOBER 28. everyone’s schedule, besides FABULA, will be clear from 12PM to leave time for preparations.
the festivities will begin around 8pm and end at 3am. servers will be passing through the venue during the entire evening with finger foods and non-alcoholic drinks. a dj will be in charge of music, while a host will hold different events during the night ( examples include a dance contest, noraebang battle, and more ) and will crown the person with the best costume!
every year, legacy is known to host the biggest marketing event on that one day. brands compete ferociously to be the one that the company chooses! this year, it’s none other than PASSION 5 that won the bid. since the press, lgc staff and higher ups and passion 5 representatives will also be present on the scene, trainees, actors, models, and idols alike are reminded to have fun but still keep it professional !
additionally, on the day of the party, every attendee will be invited to walk the SUGAR GLAZE CARPET to enter the venue and visit the GINGERBREAD VILLAGE for some fun!
following last year's new addition of a red carpet, PASSION 5 has decided to put their own spin to it! just like the previous year professional photographers and 200 lucky legacy fans will get to see the trainees and artists arrivals in person ! once at the venue, another surprise awaits everybody; to gain access to the party room, legacy's roster will have to find 3 edible decorations in the CANDY HALL. the audience, who will be not allowed inside, will get to see their guesses and reactions through a large HD screen set up right outside the venue !
( tw: food ) the entrance hall of the venue's decoration will be inspired by hansel and gretel's candyhouse, with predominantly orange colors with some touch of brown and black. there will be a distinct path to roam through the room. each individual will have to pick 3 items they think are edible and then head to the door to the next room where they will be asked to bite in their items to figure out if they are edible or just decoration! until they have found 3 edible items, they cannot enter the party.
( important note: only up to TWO people can arrive at the same time. pairs can be idols in the same permanent group; models and actors of the same gender; trainees from the same project (lgs girls and lgc spring boys); and trainees of the same gender. )
upon entering the room where the actual party is held, attendees will notice right away a large podium set up right in the middle. on it, set up on a large table, is a GINGERBREAD VILLAGE. upon closer inspection, its clear that only the fondations of the village are there (and for those who dare trying, said foundations aren't actually gingerbread and not edible). it will be up to the attendees to decorate the village and make it splendid ! a variety of (fake) candies, glazing and more will be available for them to use. mini cameras set up around and inside the village for footage to be used on passion 5’s social media accounts !
the village will then be on display in various passion 5 shops until january 2024.
( important note: up to TWO people can pair up for this activity, without gender or occupation restriction, however, make sure to keep it professional! it’s up to you if the two muses got assigned randomly or decided to do the task together )
SUGAR GLAZE CARPET: OPTION 1 - make an edit of your muse’s halloween costume and aesthetics. OPTION 2 - write a 300+ solo or 4 replies (minimum 8 lines) thread, respecting the pairing restrictions, about going through the candy hall. completing either option  will grant you +8 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE and +4 NOTORIETY !
GINGERBREAD VILLAGE: write a 300+ word solo or 4 replies (minimum 8 lines) thread about decorating a part of the gingerbread house for +8 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE and +6 NOTORIETY !
make sure to tag all your threads with lgc:halloween2k23. to validate your skill points and collect your notoriety points, please submit the following form ONCE on the points blog before DECEMBER 2, 11:59PM EDT.
TITLE: MUSE NAME ∙ HALLOWEEN 2K23 - SUGAR GLAZE CARPET: +8 ( skill points distribution ), + 4 notoriety [ LINK ] - GINGERBREAD VILLAGE: +8 ( skill points distribution ), + 6 notoriety [ LINK ]
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iwaoixreaderangst · 1 year
Chapter one - The New Hashira
The day was lovely and pure as you were up and ready at 5am your mother was already awake and everything as she heard you coming downstairs in your Hashira uniform that hugged your body tightly and firm.
Your mother had a smile on her face that said 'I'm so proud of you' that was one of those smiles you knew that your mother always placed on her lips everytime.
As she walked to you and gave you a tight hug before whispering something important to you in Latin as you laughed a bit and headed out with all the things you needed by yourside, your father was on a long trip with the guards and some of the other kings for business in the towns and cities where all the kingdoms took place.
When you arrived at the mansion it's name said it clearly the 'Butterfly Mansion' where all the Hashiras lived and slept inside with their girlfriend or wife that would check up on their partner, you however told the main guy who lives here not to say to anyone else that your a princess who's working as a Hashira as well at the same time.
When you saw the main owner's wife with her kids you smiled as you greeted her in English which she smiled and let you through to see that Kayaga was busy with a meeting with the others, he spotted you immediately and told you to wait as he mouthed it to you he then let his Hashiras know that a special and new person has come to the Butterfly mansion.
"My children today we have someone new who's been a Hashira for more than 8 years, they're the most caring and kind person some of you might know them. Come on in my child."
As you walked in like the steps your mother took when she became Queen you were still 4 months old when she was being crowned as Queen.
Then he told you to introduce yourself which you spoke in Latin.
"Salve, nomen meum Emiko Rosemary ita fui in Hashira plus quam octo annos meus tertius decimus annus est sicut Hashira septendecim. Scio te hic admodum paucos cum amicis amicis et amicissimis meis sis. Tibi gratias ago quod me hic excipias apud Butterfly mansionem Dcemonis Slayer Corps. Mirum est me hic habere iucundissimum."
You told them all with a bright smile then both Kanae and Shinobu looked up at you realizing who was speaking in Latin.
They both smiled while Giyuu looked at you and mouthed to you 'welcome back' and you almost blushed from embarrassment.
"It's a pleasure to see you again Emiko-chan!"
"Shinobu, Kanae! I missed you both in my town. When will you both come visit again?"
"Sometime next week. We also have someone to meet you later tonight."
Both Kocho sisters were looking at you while smirking a bit but they all knew what was going to happen tonight you were meeting some old friends of yours, also known as the upper and lower moons that you're friends with that you'll see them again tonight.
Though as the moon was out there in the sky shining brightly under the evening breeze then you sat outside with Kanae and Shinobu talking, that was until they all arrived within five minutes they all stood in front of you three girls.
You saw how some of them their expressions turned to smiles or you saw tears starting to form in the corner of their eyes.
You saw that Katsumi went towards you both Muzan and Kokushibo was observing it just in-case she might attack you in some way, which she didn't as she bowed in front of your presence and said something in Latin to you which you smiled at.
You looked at them all and noticed something that made your heart drop and almost crumble into pieces Muzan had a wedding ring on his finger.
Soon enough questions started going through your mind you aren't ready to see that he has a wife that he's got someone he's spending his life with.
"Emiko? Is that truly you? Speak Latin please?"
Akaza asked you with a smile on his face as he gave you that look and it was towards your crush on Muzan.
You sometimes hated when your friends get like this but that's just how they all are trying to get you and Muzan together as a couple, but when all of them heard the biggest news that he got married and turned her into a demon they knew how upsetting it would make you feel.
"Modo amas me audientem loqui Latine omnibus nunc videsne Akaza?"
You asked him which he laughed at it after he responded you back on that simple question though Muzan had to distract himself from not hearing your beautiful Latino voice.
"Hmm maybe it is all to see his reaction for you to realize how much you love him."
"Akaza she doesn't want you to say that!"
Daki told him strictly.
"Fine whatever. How was Tokyo?"
Akaza asked you with a stern look but a smile on his face.
"Rei erat, amoena itinere fruebam, sed gratias ago tibi quod usquam me rogabat."
You told them all with a smile on your face as you said that in Latin.
Though something seemed off in this tension you saw a little girl next to Muzan as he stood there making sure none of the others were going to let this girl wonder off.
When you looked at the three or four year old girl tugging on Muzan's sleeve jacket then she got a smile from him which you blushed at it.
"Dada! Dada! Up up up!!"
"Hmm does my little princess want up?"
"Dada dada!!!"
"Okay okay my little princess, dada will pick you up. Love you sweetheart and your mother loves you more than anything else."
"Dada mama!!!"
You were still a bit shocked to know that he's married and having a second child with his wife that he turned her into a demon, that was until one of the Hashiras came outside to see you and told you that the royal guards are looking for you.
When you smiled at your friends and waved goodbye to them as you left with Giyuu to let him say goodbye to you before you have to leave, as you got to your royal guards and they were so happy to see you again here with them then they opened the carriage door for you to climb inside and sit down.
Then you gave Giyuu that look which said 'I'll check when my next mission is' as he nodded and waved goodbye to you.
When your carriage left the place then you changed into your princess gown at the back which the gaurds had to cover making sure that no one sees you changing or them seeing you change.
As your carriage went through the big golden gates of your kingdom and your small town then your carriage took a turn to the right and stopped there, as one of the other guards came to help you out of your carriage and took your things from your hands as you entered in your home.
No one else knew you were both a Hashira and a Latino princess but your family and friends knew you are both in one.
Which is why when the palace doors opened widely just for you to see your mother the Queen letting the guards go back to their rooms.
You were now happy to see your mother after a long day for the introduction and all the training with the slayers it was beginner training for them, the real and actual training will start from tomorrow onwards but your demon friends might come say hi to you at the palace.
Timeskip to you in bed!!!!!???
The only HUGE problem is that you haven't told them to tell Muzan you're a princess and a Hashira so no one really told him that you are both in one.
Warning!!!⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ !!!! ⚠️⚠️⚠️ !!?!!!!?⚠️⚠️
While you were in bed then you heard a knock on your window the knock then went to your balcony doors and a very soft but hard knock as you opened both balcony doors to see Nakime standing there with a smile on her face.
Though it seemed like it was serious knowing you saw only her here on your balcony you don't know what's going on as you let her inside.
"Naki, quid agitur? Nonne Muzan aliquid factum est? Quid est? Potesne me dicere?"
You asked your cousin with worry in your voice as she closed the balcony doors and the curtains as you both sat on your bed to talk.
"No no no, nothing like that happened! It's just um Douma spilled it out.. he revealed to Muzan that your a Latino princess. We were all supposed to keep that secret away from him. Your mother told us."
"gemens... id est douma tibi."
You said to her with a deep sigh out in frustration and whispered something under your breath.
Nakime knew that secret was to be kept away safely from Muzan without him knowing you are a princess and a hashira but guess that secret failed out.
How will this turn out? Will Muzan kill you for being a princess? You doubt that might happen but you have a slight feeling he might send Akaza to you and considering that, now here you see Akaza standing on your balcony with a slight annoyed smile on his face as you let him inside your room.
"Me coniicere.. Muzan te ad me misit? Instanit et non vult me videre quod uxor praegnans aliquid de ea dicat? Douma in tribulatione mea revelans secretum meum? Mayumi cum eo est?"
"Yeah that's all correct."
"Hmm igitur video, quid hoc est? Estne de divortio quod habebunt cum Mayumi paulo maior et idem cum infantem fratrem suum?"
"That's only happening at exactly like what you said when their kids are both a bit older then it might happen soon. It's just us here he won't come to find you."
"Ughh fine, you know how hard it is for me to speak in Japanese and in English!! It's very difficult for me."
"That I know Emiko.. Muzan almost asked where you are currently.."
"F*ck it. He'll soon find out about my kingdom of where I live.."
"That's what we came to let you know."
"sigh... okay thanks Akaza and thanks so much Naki, you guys are the best for telling me this.."
That didn't confuse Akaza and Nakime at all they knew that divorce will happen when the kids are either tweens or teenagers.
That was until the three of you heard the maid outside of your bedroom door saying something near the door like this 'Muzan Kibutsuji has arrived princess' which made all three of you stare in shock.
Then you said something to your maid in Latin as she understood and left to show him where your room is so that you both could talk things out, while Nakime and Akaza hid in your walk-in closest which they enjoyed staying there until Muzan entered your room.
"Muzan? What are you doing here? I told you not to come here."
Both Nakime and Akaza were shocked to hear that from your mouth and out of your lips.
"Let's just talk, come sit with me."
" groans & sighs... your impossible to deal with and you know that yourself Muzan!"
"Your just jealous that I'm married and have kids."
".... don't go there."
You told him with no smile on your face which he noticed within seconds.
"Did I go to far?"
He asked you suddenly.
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writingsofwesteros · 1 year
Now let’s say it’s not Varys who goes to him but reader…he might thing she’s there to free him but no! Dungeon Sex!
@dorkybimbo dayum!!!! so much ANGST!!!!

It's been three days since the Hand of the King, Lord Eddard Stark of Winterfell, has been accused of treason and thrown into the dungeons under the Red Keep. Y/N misses him, predictably, and curses herself for her stupidity. She KNEW he was beyond saving, and yet she's made enough place for him in her heart to let herself be wounded by his downfall, and that's being fucking weak. And she hates that.
Since Lord Stark is gone, she's lost her most generous patron, and so Baelish has been using her as his personal cumdump of the week. One time, when she's sucking his dick, he's feeling talkative.
"You know the poor idiot tried to pay your debt? He wanted to buy your freedom, he though I'd let you go if he just asked nicely".
Y/N chokes on his cock. Lord Stark did WHAT?
"Yes," Baelish snorts, misinterpreting her reaction. "I thought that was funny too," he muses. "I only regret that I didn't get to fuck you in the ass with him as our audience. Maybe I'd even invite him to join us, if I was feeling cruel enough."
The only things Ned's had for the past five days were moldy bread and water from a puddle in his cell. But the worst of the worst are the constant thoughts of his daughters. Are they safe? Is Catelyn, and everyone in at Winterfell safe? And... What became of Y/N? Was she named his conspirator? Will she suffer too, more than she already has?
One of his questions, at least, is promptly answered, when the lock on the iron door ratles, and next thing Ned knows is no other than Y/N herself that enters his cell. She looks good, no worse for the wear, and that lessens his burden some.
"I doubt Littlefinger's courtesy extends to this prison cell," Ned says bitterly, "so tell me, on whose behalf are you here?"
"The Queen's," her answer comes. "She means to offer you mercy if you bend the knee and don black," she pauses and sighs before continuing, "and I, for one, think you should agree."
"Why?" asks Ned. "What good will it do? It'll only perpetuate her lies and strenghten her position."
"But you'd live," she says quietly, and Ned feels something warm in his chest at the thought that she cares whether he lives or dies. He can no longer hold back from spilling his thoughts. "Tell me, what of my daughters? Are they safe?" he asks quietly.
"They're wards of the crown now, and Sansa is still betrothed to Joffrey," Ned scowls, hearing that. "They're safe as can be, given the circumstances, but that may yet change. Which is why you should take the deal."
"Promise me you'll get them out," he pleads, past caring for any dignity of his. "Please, grant me this one thing. They should not suffer for my choices."
She doesn't even hesitate that long bofore aqueiscing, and that's another surprise for Ned. He's not known her to be self-sacrificing. "I'll try," she simply says, and takes a tentative step in his direction. "Ned," she says, and he thinks his name sounds lovely on her lips. She's never called him simply Ned before, but then, much has changed since he's las seen her. "Did you try to settle my debt with Baelish?"
It pains Ned that she sounds so surprised and disbelieving. She had so little faith in him, and still he managed to let her down. He's disgusted with himself.
"I'm sorry, Y/N. I have failed you," he drops his head to hide his shame. "I... my assets have been seized, but Ser Jory still has some of my coin. Go to him, he knows that a part of it was meant for you. It's not that much, but maybe it..." he stops only when he feels her graceful finger touch his mouth.
"Shhh," she soothes him, cradling his head in her arms. When has she gotten so close?
He shies away from her first kiss. He's had only rats for companions for some nights and he's... not his best self at the moment. Even so, she starts unlacing his shift, undeterred. He covers his embarrassment with sarcasm.
"And on who's bidding you're acting now? Who do I thank? Baelish? The Queen? Is this some new torture of their design?" Ned did not mean to sound so bitter, but he's at his wits' end. He knows he's going to die soon, and that she's in the employ of his enemies, and that for Catelyn's sake alone he should refuse her. But he's only a man, and he's wanted her for so long, and her touch... it feels heavenly.
She kisses him on the mouth, then. And he just can't help himself.
"No, Ned," she says softly against his lips, as she snakes her hand into his breeches. "This one's for me. For us."
listen I'm sorry for being horny in your asks for the past few days I just caught the hots for the wolf man its a condition pray for me ya'll. that and your blog feels like a safe space to fantasise <3
I adore everything you bring to me; it's amazing and you write so well and just perfection!!! So glad you come over here <3
Since Lord Stark is gone, she's lost her most generous patron, and so Baelish has been using her as his personal cumdump of the week. One time, when she's sucking his dick, he's feeling talkative. Oh we can be so dark here..and i love it more than i should.
Poor ned! Bless his little heart..he gets one last treat before he goes
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ffxvficrec · 1 year
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You can also check out the collection here: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/ignoctgiftexchange2023
We’ve listed additional pairings, archive warnings, and ratings, but please remember to mind the tags!
whirlpool by DestiniDestati
Explicit Rating
No Archive Warnings Apply
Maybe it was a little unconventional, how much Ignis loved his dear friend. Maybe he was a little too obsessed with marine biology (Noct's) and linguistics (Mers'), but it ended up getting him a good dicking, so.
Return to Sender by DistractedDream
Explicit Rating
No Archive Warnings Apply
Ignis finds a package addressed to a stranger at his door. Delivering it to Noctis himself is only the polite thing to do. But when he finds out what's in the box, it might lead to so much more.
For Your Eyes Only by kikowithcatears
Teen Rating
No Archive Warnings Apply
Ignis fixes Noctis' phone and accidentally discovers love letters the prince had written him. Not knowing if Noctis still feels this way for him, Ignis has to decide whether to pretend he never saw them or to face his fears and reveal the truth to him - that he's utterly, madly in love with his fishing obsessed best friend.
Coming to Your Aid by memoriesofrain
Teen Rating
No Archive Warnings Apply
Finding themselves attacked by Magitek soldiers isn't out of the ordinary, but that doesn't make it any better after a long day of hunting. When Ignis gets hurt, Noctis let's it be known not to touch what's his.
Could There Be An...Us? by nychus
General Rating
No Archive Warnings Apply
Having to accept his dynamic during the night was tough, but Ignis managed it the best he could while searching for a way to keep Noctis alive. But when Noctis returns, a barrier is suddenly between them and Ignis feels a whole new pain in learning he may not be a friend or guardian Noctis wants anymore.
Reality Can Wait by kickcows 
Explicit Rating
No Archive Warnings Apply
Ignis enters into a complicated relationship with the crowned Prince of Lucis, Noctis Lucis Caelum.
and after all i've promised you so faithfully by dustkeeper
Teen Rating
No Archive Warnings Apply
Ignis may be more interested in the lead singer of Regalia, Noctis Caelum, than he should be. Namely because as their band manager it was unprofessional. But when Noctis breaks his leg during rehearsal a week before one of their biggest shows yet, Ignis's duties and their relationship become even blurrier.
Galaxies by ScarlettArbuckle
General Rating
No Archive Warnings Apply
Ignis was eight years old when he received his soul mark. Soul marks. Well... not every person had a soul mark; some had soul songs, soul scents, soul eyes - some bond or tie to another person. Some had none, some had many, but most had at least one, marking where the astrals linked your souls to one another. Ignis considered the revelation, blinking as he looked down at his hand, which was discolored as if he'd broken a pen and the ink had fully soaked in, dull blue-gray into the skin. He thought of Noctis' bruised hands and felt his heart sink. What sort of bond looked like stains and bruises?
Taking Chances by Nikolita
General Rating
No Archive Warnings Apply
They both cared about each other, but one was too afraid to do something about it and the other didn't know how to express his feelings. After many years of misunderstandings and dancing around each other, Noctis and Ignis both decide to finally take a chance on the other.
domi adsum by autumnstwilight (sewohayami)
General Rating
No Archive Warnings Apply
Noctis moves back into his old bedroom. (30's Ignoct, domestic fluff)
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astererer · 2 years
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Aster has a slightly updated design and some extra details available :))
info below the cut bc lmao it’s a bit lengthy xx
Voiceclaim: Harriet Wheeler (lead singer of The Sundays)
Born into a family of flying taxi cabbies, like there’s at least one person every generation who grows up to be one — family has a tradition of each child receiving a Rookidee as their first pokemon when they’re around 5 years old, part so if they too join the family line of work they have a partner they trust and know inside and out, but mostly to ensure the kids in the family are used to being around pokemon and learn to treat them with respect from a young age. The gifted Rookidee is also the offspring of the parent’s Corviknight — Aster’s family values their ties and connections to one another and having your first pokemon being connected to your parent’s first pokemon? It’s a nice sentiment.
Used to be almost painfully shy as a child — while very talkative around family and more than comfortable hanging out with pokemon, whether her own or wild ones, Aster struggled with interacting with other people to the point that she dropped out of her initial gym challenge attempt at age 12, after winning a single gym badge. Not wanting to give up entirely, she spent a few years working on her confidence and tried again when she was 14, still riddled with anxieties but more mentally prepared and armed with coping strategies for if she started to feel overwhelmed. Was known for avoiding and running away from post match interviews.
Mostly took part in the gym challenge because she wanted the cash prize that comes with each victory, but as things progressed she found she really enjoyed battling for the sake of it. Originally had absolutely zero intention of reaching the finals and facing Leon, just to get all 8 gym badges then drop out and use the money gained to go travelling. Once she got her 8th badge, however, Aster did want to see just how far she could go within the league and somehow ended up facing Leon. And won. It was close, like virtually a draw, but a victory is a victory so she got crowned champion of Galar.
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(Aster at 14 years old)
Then within 2 weeks she quit. Up and left. Packed her bags and ran away to travel (which was her original plan anyway). No notice to the league itself, Aster simply went home, informed her family that she couldn’t handle being in a role she didn’t really want in the first place, and disappeared off to Kalos. Turns out there’s a lot of pressure that comes with being a reigning champion, both in a business sense and due to everyone in the region knowing who you are, making it impossible to go anywhere without being hounded by strangers, and aster was like “I cannot fucking deal with this. Bye.”
Her disappearance resulted in a bit of a media frenzy for a few weeks, and when it became clear that Aster was not returning, Leon got his position as champion reinstated. Chairman Rose worked very hard to sweep everything under the rug to minimise any scandals/tabloid gossip, and decided it would be better to release a statement that she had voluntarily relinquished the title due to poor health, rather than the truth that she had simply ran away. Aster’s family weren’t too pleased with this, while grateful Rose ensured they would no longer be hounded by journalists, they now had to deal with total strangers approaching them to ask about their sick child who was not sick at all, and was in fact busy running around a foreign country getting up to god knows what. This died down on its own after a couple of months, and Aster was for the most part, none the wiser.
Spent the next few years exploring different regions before deciding to settle in Unova, at first in Nacrene city, where she crashed on a friend’s couch for a while in exchange for doing some odd jobs for her, but moved to Nimbasa after a year — the art scene in Nacrene is cool and all, but Nimbasa has so many things to do for fun and is also just a more central location. Despite having a more permanent home, though, she’s still prone to go on adventures — just doesn’t region hop as often anymore and limits her trips to a month or two at most. Still has not returned to Galar since her abdication, though she keeps in regular contact with her family. Her older brother even goes out of his way to visit her a couple times a year.
Her personality has changed significantly over the 10 years since she left Galar. Her constant travelling forced her to interact with total strangers far more frequently than if she stayed in Galar, and caused her to open up gradually and become more comfortable with socialising. She still prefers the company of pokemon to people, but is far more relaxed and deals better with crowded environments. Developed a bit of an “I’ll try anything once” kind of attitude. Her battling style has also loosened up considerably, which garnered a considerable amount of attention for her the first time she entered the PWT in Driftveil, where she spent each match running, jumping and throwing herself around her side of the pitch between commands, and almost got hit by a few wayward attacks in the process.
Technically unemployed. Currently makes most of her income by visiting Black City every few days to battle other trainers in the tower, and helps out an artist friend back in Nacrene City as her assistant and occasional courier, should larger works need to be transported outside the city for an exhibition being held further afield. Aster prefers this lifestyle to a traditional 9-5, as it allows her to more or less do whatever she likes, whenever she likes. Also she’s never had a “normal” job before and things having one sounds incredibly boring, and what’s the point in doing anything that could be boring.
Miscellaneous info :))
Natural brunette — started dying her hair after quitting the league in the hopes it would make it harder for people to recognise her. Overtime she just started to enjoy trying different styles and colour combos out.
Loves movies. Like outside of pokemon, Films are one of her favourite things in the world. Since moving to Nimbasa City, Aster has been building up a collection of blu rays and dvds, to the point that she has entire shelves full of them, floor to ceiling. Any genre is good in her eyes, she’ll watch anything whether it’s a corny romcom or a surrealist horror. Has also started investing in better sound systems and a projector, and is currently in the process of turning her apartment’s living room into a home cinema sort of deal.
While she adores cat-like pokemon of all varieties, she just cannot get behind Alolan and Kantonian Meowths and Persians. She jokes that they’re supporters of classism while her Perrserker bestie is the people’s cat. There really isn’t a deep reason for her dislike other than Persians aren’t Perrserkers and neither they nor their pre-evolutions are as fluffy or scruffy as the Galarian equivalents. It’s a personal bias.
Her team only has 3 permanent members; Mango, Muffin and Goji. The other 3 pokemon are switched out with a different combination every other week, so that Aster can try out different battling strategies and also just so she can spend time with all her creatures. They all have nicknames.
Dislikes social media but that doesn’t mean she never uses it — usually it’s just to announce that she’ll be participating in an upcoming tournament then radio silence for months. She likes to keep her private life private when it comes to the online world.
Maternal grandpa was a painter, and he passed an interest in the arts down to her mother, who passed it on to her. While neither Aster nor her mother are artists in their own rights, a lot of Aster’s childhood memories involve being taken to galleries and exhibitions. Both have decent knowledge of art history and some very Strong Opinions about specific artists and movements. Their weekly phone calls are almost always lengthy discussions about a specific painting, a film one of them saw recently, music, or what kind of clothes are currently making a comeback in the trend cycle.
Assisting her friend in Nacrene City has encouraged Aster to try creating her own works, though she’s yet to take the actual plunge. She doesn’t have the space in her Nimbasa apartment for a studio, nor has she purchased any of the materials she thinks she needs. One day she’ll take some ideas from her sketchbook to canvas. One day.
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pearldentalpc1 · 2 months
Top Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures Offered in Farmington Hills
Cosmetic Dentist in Farmington Hills has become an integral part of modern dental care, helping individuals achieve their dream smiles and improve their overall appearance. In Farmington Hills, a range of advanced cosmetic procedures is available to enhance the aesthetics of your teeth and smile. This article explores the top cosmetic dentistry procedures offered in the area, highlighting their benefits and how they contribute to a radiant smile.
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Teeth Whitening
One of the most sought-after cosmetic dental procedures is teeth whitening. Over time, teeth can become discolored or stained due to factors such as coffee, tea, smoking, and aging. Teeth whitening treatments are designed to remove these stains and restore the natural whiteness of your teeth.
In Farmington Hills, professional teeth whitening procedures can be performed either in-office or at home. In-office treatments typically use a high-concentration whitening gel activated by a special light, providing immediate results. At-home treatments involve custom-fitted trays and a milder whitening gel, which are used over several weeks to achieve gradual but noticeable improvements.
Dental Veneers
Dental veneers are thin, custom-made shells designed to cover the front surface of teeth, correcting imperfections such as chips, cracks, gaps, or discoloration. Veneers are made from porcelain or composite resin and are bonded to the teeth to provide a natural and aesthetically pleasing appearance.
The process of getting veneers involves removing a small amount of enamel from the teeth to ensure a proper fit. Once the veneers are crafted and fitted, they can dramatically enhance the look of your smile, providing a solution for multiple cosmetic issues with minimal discomfort.
Dental Implants
Dental implants are a popular option for replacing missing teeth. They consist of a titanium post that is surgically placed into the jawbone, serving as a stable foundation for a replacement tooth or dental crown. Implants offer a long-term solution that closely resembles natural teeth in both function and appearance.
In Farmington Hills, dental implant procedures typically involve a multi-step process. First, the implant is placed and allowed to integrate with the jawbone over several months. After successful integration, a crown is attached to the implant, completing the restoration. Dental implants can improve chewing function, prevent bone loss, and enhance the overall aesthetics of your smile.
Invisalign is an innovative orthodontic treatment that uses a series of clear, removable aligners to straighten teeth without the need for traditional metal braces. This procedure is ideal for individuals seeking a discreet and comfortable way to correct misalignment, overcrowding, or gaps in their teeth.
In Farmington Hills, Invisalign treatment begins with a comprehensive consultation and digital imaging to create a personalized treatment plan. Patients receive a series of aligners to be worn in a specific sequence, gradually shifting teeth into their desired positions. The aligners are removable, allowing for easier maintenance of oral hygiene and the flexibility to eat and drink without restrictions.
Dental bonding is a versatile procedure used to correct minor imperfections in the teeth, such as chips, cracks, or gaps. During the bonding process, a tooth-colored resin is applied to the affected area and then hardened with a special light. The result is a seamless repair that blends with the natural tooth structure.
Bonding is often used as a quick and cost-effective solution for cosmetic improvements. It can be completed in a single visit and typically requires minimal preparation. Bonding can enhance the appearance of the teeth, improve symmetry, and restore functionality.
Gum Contouring
Gum contouring, also known as gum reshaping, is a procedure designed to improve the appearance of the gums and achieve a more balanced smile. This treatment is particularly beneficial for individuals with a "gummy" smile, where excessive gum tissue overshadows the teeth.
In Farmington Hills, gum contouring can be performed using various techniques, including laser technology, which offers precision and minimal discomfort. The procedure involves removing excess gum tissue and reshaping the gum line to enhance the overall aesthetics of the smile. Gum contouring can also be combined with other cosmetic treatments for a comprehensive smile makeover.
Porcelain Crowns
Porcelain crowns are used to restore damaged or weakened teeth by covering them with a durable, tooth-colored cap. They are an excellent option for teeth that have been extensively restored or are significantly damaged due to decay or injury.
The process of getting a porcelain crown involves preparing the tooth, taking impressions, and placing a temporary crown until the permanent one is ready. Once the final crown is fitted, it provides strength, protection, and a natural appearance that blends seamlessly with the surrounding teeth.
Smile Makeover
A smile makeover is a comprehensive approach to enhancing the overall appearance of your smile through a combination of cosmetic dental procedures. It is tailored to each individual's needs and goals, addressing various aspects such as teeth color, alignment, shape, and gum appearance.
In Farmington Hills, a smile makeover may include treatments such as teeth whitening, veneers, bonding, and gum contouring, among others. The process begins with a thorough consultation and evaluation to develop a customized plan that addresses all the desired changes. A smile makeover can significantly boost self-confidence and improve the overall harmony of your smile.
Cosmetic dentistry offers a wide range of procedures to enhance the appearance of your smile and address various aesthetic concerns. In Farmington Hills, patients have access to advanced treatments such as teeth whitening, dental veneers, dental implants, Invisalign, bonding, gum contouring, porcelain crowns, and smile makeovers. Each procedure is designed to improve different aspects of your smile, providing personalized solutions to achieve the best possible results.
By choosing the right cosmetic dental treatments, you can transform your smile, boost your confidence, and enjoy a more radiant and attractive appearance. Whether you are looking for a simple enhancement or a comprehensive smile makeover, consulting with a skilled cosmetic dentist in Farmington Hills can help you explore the best options to achieve your desired results.
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dentalcareonline · 2 months
Invisalign Braces Treatment in Delhi
Dental Braces help straighten the crooked & misaligned teeth, guiding the teeth to a correct position. This treatment includes placing brackets, wires, & bands which enables the correction of jaws and irregular teeth positioning & improve the smile aesthetics. These wire-based appliances, called braces, are used by orthodontists to re-shape the crowded or misaligned teeth & jaw. The aim of dental braces is to suitably align the teeth & jaws so that one has an ideal occlusion & an endearing smile.
Do I need Braces?
You would possibly develop characteristics like teeth crowding & misalignment in your growing years. If unnoticed it can lead to detrimental effect on your personality as you will not have a pleasing smile. There will be chewing problems leading to dental cavities or gum issues.
When can I get Braces Treatment started?
Children between 6 to 12 years should be scheduled for regular dental check up to anticipate malocclusion or crowding. This formulates interceptive approach in treating malocclusion through various removable appliances or habit breakers.
The ideal treatment age for braces is 14-15 years. The growth potential at this age is utilised along with braces treatment.
Can I get braces treatment at the age above 18 years?
Due to recent advances in treatment modalities, nowadays adult orthodontics is also attempted with predictable results. The dentists at our dental clinic in Delhi, Crown & Roots believe in a team work and our core team headed by Dr Kartik Datta, Orthodontist and Pedodontist evaluate each and every case in detail and formulate treatment plan accordingly.
What are the different type of Braces?
Nowadays orthodontists primarily offer three kind of braces. At Crown & Roots we offfer these special types of braces in South Delhi.
Metal braces – Among the most prevalent corrective options, metal braces work well for all age groups & are usually affordable. In this treatment option, metal brackets are put on the teeth for a few months in order to re-shape the teeth & jaws of the individuals.
Ceramic braces – Accounting to be among the latest treatments, ceramic braces are tooth-colored or clear brackets that blend in with the teeth. Relatively more aesthetic & convenient, these brackets are less noticeable than the metallic ones.
Lingual Braces – Lingual braces are almost the same as the traditional metal braces, except for the way they are fitted is relatively better. Lingual brackets and wires are placed on the inside of the teeth & so they aren’t much noticeable.
Invisible braces – Also known as Invisalign, this treatment comprises the formation of 18 to 30 custom-made clear plastic aligners. These clear mouth guard-like plastic aligners are removable & are fairly aesthetic and supreme. These invisible braces need to be replaced in every two weeks.
What is the process to get braces treatment started?
Many dentists offer basic alignment treatments but our multi-specialty clinic, Crown & Roots, provides the specialized treatments and braces in South Delhi. Our smile experts might ask questions about your health, conduct clinical exams, take impressions of your teeth, & order X-rays of the mouth, to provide you with the choicest treatments and braces in Delhi. One usually needs to gather precise knowledge before getting the treatments done & our dentists at Crown & Roots are always available to help. Visit us at our dental clinic in Delhi for more information!
How much time does it take for the braces treatment to be over?
Generally simple cases are completed in 6-month period. Treatment time may vary from 6 months to 2 years depending upon the severity of malocclusion. In certain treatment plan, extraction of permanent teeth is required to gain spaces and correct crowding. Such cases take more time.
Does Braces treatment damage the teeth?
It is one of the common misconceptions that braces treatment hamper good health of our teeth. If the treatment is properly planned and done within physiological limits, results are very good for overall oral health. The misconception that teeth will become loose is factually incorrect.
Do I have to wear retainers after the braces treatment?
After the treatment is done, to maintain the position of teeth and gums retainers are provided for a period of six months to two years.
What is the cost of Braces treatment?
The cost of braces treatment in Delhi  may vary depending upon the braces type chosen and duration of treatment. Metal braces charges usually start from Rs. 80000. The cost of ceramic braces start from Rs. 100000. Aligner treatments start from Rs. 125000. The final estimate can only be evaluated after proper consultation.
0 notes
ruiniel · 6 months
Fandom: Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba
Pairing: Kokushibō x fem!Reader/Kokushibō’s wife
Count: 1.8K
Rating: 🔞
Chapter Tags & Warnings: Blood, Injury, POV Second Person, Sengoku period, Flashbacks, POV Kokushibo
Part I - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part VI - Part VII - Part VIII - Part IX
On AO3
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A stronger wind sways the branches of the weeping willow. Below it, a lone figure.
Seated on the wooden bench, you’re weaving a small basket, focused on the task with a tense expression, a crease between your brows. Your hair is in disarray, strands like silk whipping against your stony features. 
Nearby, Michikatsu stands by the still mirror of the pond, gazing up at the sky. There will be heavy rains this season. The idle thought melts away as he turns, his attention drawn by the movement of your hands. The silence continues for a long while. 
“Their lives weigh down upon me.” His men. All of them dead in the events two weeks prior. He still feels the thick slime of their blood smeared over his clothes when he awakens. He failed them. 
Your hands pause, then resume their nimble movements. Somewhere in the distance, you both hear Genji’s laughter, caught in his play. Michikatsu feels ill at the thought of leaving that laughter behind, but what gnaws at him is stronger: a beast with teeth of iron that once bit at his heart, asleep for many years, so deeply he thought it had died. But recent events on an ill-fated night had all but revived the sickness within, and now it suffocates him. He must do this, whatever it takes. 
“Hisami, do you believe me?”
You swallow emptily but keep your peace.
“Akai’s fever has abated,” you say then. Your daughter has been passed to the nursemaid for the time being, and after the initial fright, her state has been steadily improving.
“I know,” he says, and since he knows you, he also knows what you’re doing. It will not change his resolve, though a side of him wishes it could. Michikatsu walks over and slowly sinks to his knees, facing you. “I must do this for them. They are gone, their families grieve, and I am to blame. Do you see? Others fight the creatures, Hisami. They have been doing so since ancient times.”
“And… now you think your place is among them.” Your words are bland, void of inflection. Your eyes stay on your work, never on him.
“For a while.”
His hand grasps your knee; your fingers cease their frantic work, and you finally raise your gaze to his. “Please… tell me why.”
“I… do not understand.”
“We’ve known each other for a lifetime, and yet…” your hands are fisted in your lap. You take a deep breath. “I never faulted your honesty, and I always had your trust. Why? Why must you leave? Ever since you’ve returned, you barely eat, and you stare at the children as though they were strangers—”
“That is not true and you know it.”
“Your body is here…” you go on, unabated, “but your mind is nowhere near.” 
He rises, turning away from you. A sigh leaves him. “If I fail again, one day we might be in line as prey. Is that preferable?”
“Michikatsu, please…” your voice breaks, the words torn at the stem. You fall silent again. 
The wind whistles through the tree’s flowing crown. “I want to be prepared,” he speaks after a while. “Joining my brother is the best course to follow.” 
He knows you understand. He knows you hurt. But he knows he cannot stay or else the beast within will eat at him until nothing is left. “I will find you later.” With that, he makes to leave the garden.
“We are a family... are you not happy? Are you not content?”
Your voice is small in his wake, and Michikatsu pauses, his back still turned.
No, no he is not. His peace was shattered the moment a red blade cut through his impending death that same night, when the flash of familiar eyes and inhuman reflexes reminded him how his goal was another, and how his life had been empty of it. 
“It is only for a while, Hisami.” Your name is bitter on his tongue as he leaves the garden.
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Your eyelids shiver from a teasing ray of light. A lingering ache intensifies as you move your head, one hand instinctively placed at the source—your neck. Images disperse as you free yourself from the weaving of yet another dream, this one more vivid than the last. You can still see the pond before you and remember the chill of the wind tugging at your hair, accompanied by the sounds of a child’s laughter. And someone... How odd. The haze lifts from your eyes as your fingers come upon … bandaging? Focus skewed, you rise like one who’s had a cup of sake too many. You haven’t felt as weak in a long time, as though a sudden illness has taken over your body and dulls your movement. Dizziness makes your head spin so you take your time, breathing deeply for a while before standing.
And then, you gain a reminiscence of the previous night. Not an illness, but blood loss: that’s the culprit. “Ngh…” You bring a hand to your face, rubbing at your temples. 
You’d offered this, but in hindsight, perhaps it was indeed stupidity, or either way a lapse of reason, that moved you to it. The sight of him had been so strange. He looked so weak, swallowing emptily while fisting his hands to hide a tremble, his gaze so intense it stripped you of reason; there was yearning, but not for you as much as something within you.
“Blood, is it?” you wonder aloud. 
More fool you, thinking such a being whose nature is foreign to you might be gentle, and concerning such an act no less. You should’ve known better, of course, but then you’d always had a cursed sense of curiosity. Your fingers trace the bandage at your neck as you catch sight of yourself in the mirror: his doing, presumably. Made a tidy work of it, too. Despite the damage he’s done, he took the time to tend to the wound. What a peculiar fiend. Why bother? 
And what if he returns specifically for more of this?
As you unwrap the cloth you see the area around two punctures has turned a mottled crimson, widening towards your collarbone, like crushed red spider lilies on your skin. But another aspect unsettles more than this sight: it began as one of the worst sensations you’d ever experienced, but then, slowly, weavings of pleasure wracked your body even as you asked him to slow, to give you a reprieve, the pain confusing your senses when laced with the heat and pressure of him at your veins. 
“Again, what the hell is happening to me…”
His explanations beforehand had made little sense, in hindsight. All that talk of demons, creatures who roam the night. His appearance you thought might be a sort of disguise, but who’s to say whether you simply have a madman on your hands? And yet. 
The priest. You recall his warning concerning the Paradise Faith leader, but why should you believe anything he says, after what happened? He’s not even given you his name, has he? He did say they may only roam at night. 
“Very well,” you take a piece of cloth and dip it in clean water, wincing as you dab at the abused area. “Then, I will go during the day.”
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“Have you gotten any further insight?”
“No, Muzan-sama.”
He’d traveled far and wide, he’d changed form and infiltrated human society in the most remote areas, and yet there is no such notion of what his master has been seeking for centuries now. The blue spider lily, if it ever existed, has perished as a strain or is hidden in faraway lands. But, of course, he sees no reason to expose these thoughts to one who will never renounce this search. 
This chamber of the castle with its furnishings reminds him of the Edo era. Nakime likes to keep things diverse in her domain, it seems. 
“Is that all you have to say?” Muzan is staring at a table laden with a Go board, the black and white stones trembling against the wood from vibration. 
Throughout the years, Upper Rank One has learned many a thing, not least when the mood is foul, and now is one of those times. “I will continue my search in the territories to the South.”
“Searching, searching, searching…” The Go stones tremble again. “Always searching with no result… damn this world.” Muzan speaks in his mind as he usually does, and Upper Rank One always welcomes him. Their history together is built on aligned interests. 
“You know, you’ve always had my trust,” his maker goes on, “more than anyone.”
“Yes. I know.”
Muzan picks up a black Go stone, staring ponderously at it. “And yet, recently, when I sought for you, you were not there. It was as though… you were blocking me. Perhaps you of all people have been... distracted lately?”
“Distracted?” What is this, now? The most he’s done was to… Your taste still lingers on his tongue, he realizes: sweet and coppery, the flavor faded but the effect still strong. But surely that is not even worth counting as something to impede him. “I have nothing to hide.”
“Be that as it may, Upper Rank One. I need your continued aid, just as you needed mine many, many years ago.” Muzan places the Go stone down on the board.
Kokushibo breathes once—and his master is there within reach, so close he can smell the heavy incense of black lotus on his current disguise. 
“Do you remember?” The voice is soft, nearly seductive. A hand is placed on his shoulder. 
There is a sudden, swift graze along his throat, no more than the touch of a rose thorn. 
He fails to understand, his hand shooting to stave the sudden blood spray from a deep wound. None is faster or stronger among demons than he; none but the one who now stands close behind him.
Muzan rounds him. Long, pale fingers take him gently by the chin, raising his blurring sight to eyes of a hematic luminescence. The slit pupils regard him coolly, burrowing into his own as the ruby flow seeps and stains his kimono a darker pattern. “Who helped you? Who mended you when you nearly lost your head to your brother that blood moon night?”
The gash burns his flesh, and though he keeps regenerating, it will not close; crimson drips like a shallow spring down his chest; he wavers in his stance. “You did…”
“That’s right. I did,” Muzan says aloud. “And do you know why? Because you, are my most valuable ally.”
His master releases him and the demon falls to his knees, both hands at his throat, attempting to seal the wound—but his flesh will not listen to him, and will not heal. Not when someone stronger than him has dealt the blow. He lowers his head, struggling with his breaths like a drowning man. 
“Whatever it is that keeps you from your duties... Get rid of it. Do you understand?”
Upper Rank One nods once, gasping and choking, a hand pressed to the floor, the other to his throat. He does not even notice when his master is gone. He focuses all his abilities on regeneration, performs it over and over. The blood continues to pour.
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Part VI
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3wrongsmixtape · 10 months
Side One, Song Fourteen "If I was Invisible..."
If hearts were unbreakable
I could tell you where I stand
I would be the smartest man
If I was invisible... wait, I already am.
During the summer of 2002, a singing competition television show erupted like wildfire amongst my household, much like yours if you were a teenager around this time. In July 2002, American Idol debuted... and just a few months later, Kelly Clarkson was crowned the first American Idol. Her life has undoubtedly changed because of it.
Well, by now, you know that my dream at this point was for a pair of boobs, a boyfriend, and a recording contact to become an international pop star, headset & pigtails included. I was too young for American Idol, so I lived vicariously through the contestants.
Season two debuted January of 2003. There was not much to do in my little town. Since I was forever grounded and stuck in a walking boot for much of my ninth grade year, television was my escape. And American Idol became my hyperfixation.
I had just been diagnosed with ADHD and little was known about the disorder. Now, there are so many subgroups and terminology used, I often get confused within myself. That is very on brand. One thing neurospicy (if you don't know what that term means, you can google it at any time, just please, earmark this page or remember your place. this story gets really good.) Wait, what was I saying? OH YEAH.
One thing my brain actively does is hyperfixate. I get stuck and cannot focus on ANYTHING ELSE until I figure out exactly how and why something works. I take things apart, set them up so I can figure out their function, and prepare myself to provide a doctorate PHD level dissertation on my newly researched topic at the drop of a hat.
In 2003, whenever the show was mentioned, my ears perked up. I inserted myself into any conversation to talk about which singer sang what on which week and who the guest judges were on that episodes. I made charts to connect contestants in certain states to which songs they picked or could overlap. I tallied how I thought America would vote week to week. If you've gotten to this point and you haven't watched American Idol specifically from the early 2000s, let me explain it. You might be confused and, well, I consider myself some what of an expert. I may not be an expert of thing that make a LOT of money but I can tell you about American Pop Culture and television.
American Idol was a American singing competition series created by Simon Fuller. He created the original version of the show, Pop Idol, based in the UK. Believe it or not, this singing competition show produced many of the best musicians and artists and was a smash hit. They went to five or six cities to audition HUNDREDS of people to give out the golden ticket to Hollywood. (I assumed it was Hollywood as I had never been... but it really was Hollywood adjacent.) During Hollywood week, the judges, Simon Cowell, Paula Abdul, and Randy Jackson, would put the singers through series of tests to narrow down the hundred or so competitors to a top 24. There, the semi finals starts... and live television. America was encouraged to vote using their cellphones to TEXT or call the toll free number on which singer they wanted to continue into the next round.
Texting was expensive... and I didn't have my own cellphone. The toll free lines were constantly busy... but we would try for HOURS to get our votes in. The next day, the show's producers would tally up America's votes... and eliminate the person with the least amount of votes.
It never occurred to me these shows could be produced or that they weren't actually tallying up their votes. I believed EVERY week... whether or not America and I thought the same. American Idol never showed the exact number. They never showed their work. They never released their tallying numbers. We just blindly believed the results echoed by Ryan Seacrest. He was the vote for America, and we believed his charming smile.
Some weeks, America just got it wrong.
On February 12, 2003 (detailed notes, people!!) Clay Aiken, a tall skinny red haired GEEK from North Carolina, whom I knew there was something magical about him from his audition, was eliminated from the semi-finals. I was CRUSHED. He had the star power, the voice, not the looks, but he could sing the phone book and steal my purse. I was devastated... until they revealed he was going to be given a second chance at the wild card. And three weeks later on March 5, 2003 (!!!), Clay Aiken sung a cover of Elton John's "Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me" and was safe into the top 12.
Week after week, I watched the Tuesday, voted up until midnight by redialing the toll free number, and suffered with anxiety all through Wednesday waiting for the results that night. I imagine I was insufferable. As someone who processes things by speaking, I know I only talked about American Idol... and Clay Aiken. I printed pictures of Clay Aiken from Google to tape to the inside of my locker. I would memorize the songs song week after week, further researching each composer or guest judge's song catalog. Gladys Knight was the guest judge and mentor for the contestants one week. That week, each contestant sand her music... so all I downloaded from Limewire were versions of the contestants covers or that week's guest judge's original music. These days, I can't remember if I've taken my medication or where I put my car keys but I can name five Gladys Knight songs or why Lamont Dozier was pivotal for music as we know it today. (He's the father of Motown... every Motown song you know, that's Lamont Dozier.) Well, Clay Aiken mat it to the finals along side Rueben Studdard, America's Velvet Teddybear. Everyone at school would pass me by my lockers and heckle me about Clay Aiken. "He looks like a nerd. No way he will get votes." "He's ugly. He'll never make it." "Ew, doesn't he look weird and creepy? Why do you have a creepy guy in your locker?"
"He's clearly gay." I wasn't unfamiliar with bullying. I was an awkward kid in a private school full of blonde beautiful rich kids. Both of my parents had jobs, my mom having multiple jobs, while my peers all came from money. Any ounce of difference was almost immediately exposed. It's a ritual. If you're like me, you took your bullying and became funny instead. If I got to the punchline first, they couldn't use my difference as ammunition. This would unfortunately be a running theme into my adult years... but we will save that for later.
I know now that the bullying isn't something I should be been resilient towards. I shouldn't have had to use sarcasm as a weapon to dodge the cruel nature of asshole kids. I was never taught how to stand up for myself.
On May 21st, the American Idol finale was to air. For weeks, I had been focused on nothing else but this singing competition show. I felt like the contestants were my friends. I posted one last picture, this time on the outside of my locker. I said a prayer for Clay Aiken. And if God loved me, he would let Clay Aiken win so I would stop the bullying at least until the end of the 9th grade.
Well, May 22nd... and I was living in a world where Clay Aiken lost to Rueben Studdard... by a mere 124,000 votes.
I walked into school to giggles and whispers behind my back. No one spoke to me... that was until I got to my locker.
My once decorated locker with ballons, ribbon, tape, and hand written lyrics... was vandalized. I walked into first period and everyone sitting down laughed as I walked in to class.
Mrs. P rallied the class quiet and we went through that day's assignments. I got sent to the office because my vandalized locker was clearly my fault. Someone had taken sharpie and drew devil horns on my Clay Aiken picture I printed from the computer lab. The Devil Clay Aiken had a quote bubble that said, "I'm a F A G" The sharpie had bled through the cheap printer paper and onto the locker itself. I was told to clean out of my locker instead of going to class. I was advised to not have a locker for the rest of the school year. I was being punished for being passionate about a singer.
If hearts were unbreakable
I could tell you where I stand
I would be the smartest man
If I was invisible... wait, I already am.
The rest of that school year was a blur... and somehow everyone remembered that I loved Clay Aiken so passionately that year but never recalled the obvious bullying I faced for being passionate about something I liked. To my developing brain, I was being told that my passions aren't worth being expressed as I could risk being mocked.
The only person who supported my passion and adoration for Clay Aiken was my mother. She took me to the American Idols concert that summer where I saw him for the first time. We won tickets to his tour the following year along with American Idol Alum Kelly Clarkson. It's where we went backstage... and I completely embarrassed myself. I couldn't SPEAK at all in front of him.
And that's just how i felt... I felt truly invisible.
And honestly, being invisible felt like a waste of a life, if you ask me.
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