#please........... learn to be okay with characters not being niceys...............
rainswolfs · 2 years
"scaramouche is kind on the inside uwu" girlie he won't hesitate to murder you and your entire bloodline on sight
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🪀- Do they like to do activities they did as a kid? What feels nostalgic to them
🤯- How did they feel when they first learned about regression?
For jumin!!! Also this is a 🎟 free ticket to talk about anything u want regarding him in this ask on top of the 2 questions!!!! Muah♡
ACTUALLY this is so embarrassing but I think you see a bit of younger Jumin in the bad after ending and I HAVE NOT PLAYED IT WAAAAA so. If anything from there is Relevant please tell me about it but also be niceys about it !!!!
Jumin SAYS that his father was always good to him and that he had a good childhood but. um. I do not believe him entirely not because I think he would lie because I think he really does believe he had a good childhood !! He was raised Effectively to grow up into a businessman but. He never really Did the little kid stage. And to be fair. He is autistic and an ideal happy childhood for him would Not look the same as a neurotypical one but even with that in mind he missed out !!!!! Anyway All Of That To Say. There aren’t really activities from his childhood for him to try doing !! Besides. I don’t know those work books that are written for children who need more practice with writing or math or whatever than what they get through school. I don’t think Jumin ever Needed to do these when he was in school but he would anyway despite being at the top of his class. Anyway he wouldn’t like them when he’s regressed !!!! They require too much thinking and it overwhelms him !!
I think the first time Jumin heard about age regression was in reference to Yoosung since he has always been pretty open about it !! At the time Jumin decided to have zero opinion on the matter because it didn’t affect him and therefore thinking about it was Unnecessary. BUT when he realised he ALSO regressed then he was. Not as neutral on the topic !!! He saw it as much more shameful now and not that he does not respect Yoosung… but. He would think that regressing is Fitting for someone Like Yoosung but not someone people should take seriously !! Jsjsjs
Owah… muamuamua 🥺 I think I will. Take this as my opportunity to talk about that draft that has been waiting for months(???) !!!!!! Okay ouuuu Jumin is soso easily overwhelmed when he is little !! And because of this it was hard at first for V to think of how he could entertain him like a good caregiver!! He can’t play pretend because it’s hard for him to be creative in that way and he can barely watch TV because if it is too brightly coloured or loud or if characters move too fast it bothers him + he finds a lot of kids’ shows too patronising. Sometimes Jumin does simple logical games as V watches but V wanted to find something they could do together !!!!! And the answer was jigsaw puzzles oweh… it can be hard for Jumin to do the puzzles on his own because of his dexterity issues but he loves to organise things into neat little categories !!! So he sorts all the puzzle pieces for V to put together 🥺
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