#pleasemymel0dy 01;
hollowfaith · 1 year
「✧」 "Yes, yes, I understand. Just hold still for a moment."
Adjusting the bag of food in his arms until he had one hand free, Aurelius dutifully bent down and "pet" the small white rabbit creature wearing a flower pink hat over its cutesy ears.
"You're rather well-behaved, so I can reward you with a snack."
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"Would you like the meaty jerky bites or the veggie crunch surprise? Hm, can you even understand me, I wonder..."
Most of the beasts here could hardly speak, after all. Though that made them more amiable than some humans, at least.
@pleasemymel0dy ໒꒱ — peculiar petting zoo
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hanabisays · 1 year
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"Ooooooooooooh my GOD!! I am so, so sorry!" Hanabi has her hands together in a prayer like gesture and starts rubbing the palms of her hands together, "I am SO sorry." She repeats. "I-I thought you were a doll that some child had lost.
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ghostbxsted · 1 year
THREAD 01 || @pleasemymel0dy
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Now, Danny has seen and met a lot of strange things during his relatively short life. But the rabbit in front of him looked like something straight out of a children's cartoon. Or some sort of magically animated stuffed toy.
At least it probably wasn't going to bite his head off. Probably. Looks can be deceiving.
Nonetheless, Danny gives MyMelo a small wave and a hello. "Hi there, are you from around here? Uh, nice to meet you, Ms. Bunny." 'Here' being the forest he was taking a stroll in.
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sxnburst · 2 years
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"WHAA!" He jumps, screaming like a startled monkey as he bolts backward at the sudden presence such a small creature. He had thought that the creature was just a tiny doll. That some child had lost it, but..BUT it talked and he hadn't expected that at all.
Lowering himself lower so that his nose ever so lightly boops the white bunny's tummy, Sun asks, "What are you?"
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gatlingfever · 2 years
starter - @pleasemymel0dy
There are animals or almost none to her world but this one seemed adorable but Marian doesn't know the definition of 'cute creatures'. Are there any more of these odd creatures in this place? Marian will never know as much as she wanted to.
So as she is spaced out on staring at Melody.
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Marian is just there... staring at Melody.
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impulsciv · 5 years
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“Whoa, no way, you some kind of walkin’ talkin’ stuffed animal? Like a new version of a furby but slightly less demonic and no batteries necessary?” He babbles on, crouching down to the.....stuffed (?) rabbit and poking her gently in the stomach. 
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daxned · 2 years
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She’s seen a lot of strange creatures back home. This one is entirely new. The creatures that she had summoned weren’t cute like this one. The Sapling was by far the closest and even that was unintentional. HECK, she doesn’t even know why the Sapling was still here, refusing to go back through the portal at that time. 
She watches as this white rabbit-looking creature bounds over the small flower field. Looks like the creature is working hard in maintaining the tiny flower garden. 
She wonders. 
If she were to touch the creature, would it be soft? 
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firstclassrookie · 3 years
“So, uh, what do you think?” Leon’s given up trying to make sense of what’s happening around here. One minute he woke up and the world had gone black and white-- and now he’s investigating a crime scene with a little rabbit that everyone’s calling his partner. He adjusts his hat, glancing down at her. They both certainly look the part of detective, at least. Might as well go along with it for now until he can learn more, but he’s getting her out of here at the first sign of danger.
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“They said it was some kinda jewel theft, right? Should we start by looking around for clues...? I’ve never been a detective before.”
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parasouru · 3 years
random starter - @pleasemymel0dy​ 
Wandering around with that wretched umbrella on Parasoul, maybe she’d want to look for answers about where this ‘Hello Kitty’ from. This umbrella might have a connection, so there’s one. Might be related but she will find out herself as she stops her.
This one almost looked like Sagan and she’s not going to lie.
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“Excuse me, do you know who is this one in my umbrella?” She asked but hope she didn’t cause mental anguish.
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ascarletflame · 3 years
What and who is this adorable lost child? Creature? Thing? Grimm feels like he's about to cry just looking at her.
“Are you enjoying the colors in the sky, dear child? Ah, I've something I can show you! Look, look!”
The Troupe Master takes his fire dancing staff, though that's not what it's going to be used for today. The wind is already blowing pink petals about, so he whirls the staff above the little rabbit creature. The petals get caught in the flow, spinning in circles in the air above her until they slowly fall all around her.
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“Now you are the Queen of the Cherry Blossoms!”
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hcneycrxsp · 3 years
She is SO hungry and she has no idea where she even is. The Girl opens her mouth, but then decides to close it right back. What was she going to do? Scream? Call for help? The Girl looks around for a couple of minutes and then she spots it. A small doll. She knows right away and it’s so cute! She can put it in her collection. The doll is small enough to fit with Bibit after all~!
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Here she comes! Running over to My Melody to grab her.
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draconichearts · 3 years
                  STARTER   /            ( @pleasemymel0dy​ )
To the unknowledgeable, Axew may look a bit creepy. Terrifying even. Despite the little dragon’s heartfelt smile, she was still a dragon after all. You know, ferocious if angered, just like in legend. However, Axew was anything but. Especially not in this form. Haroxous may tend to get more frightened glances her way. But Axew? Adorable. Tiny. Absolute baby.  ❝Hi there! Do you wanna pet Axew? She’s very friendly, I swear!❞
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The little dragon-type in Iris’ arms stares at the pink-colored stranger, and then breaks out into a big smile! Iris mirrors the smile, her eyes wide and pleading - with a certain childlike innocence.
 ❝Go on, go on! She loves head pats! Watch.❞ Iris strokes the top of Axew’s head gently, watching her new acquaintance all the while.  ❝See? She’s not gonna do anything! I’ll put her down on the ground. Now, Axew, go make friends... and be nice about it!❞
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numbershunting · 3 years
He’s been seeing some...really weird stuff in the mist lately. After a couple very near misses with his transformation dropping at the wrong time (complete with chest pain that feels straight up dangerous), Kaito has stuck to the paths as much as possible. Except that it’s not always possible, so he ends up wandering through the fog, ignoring his headache and wondering whether the phantasms of Heartland all around him are any kind of real or not.
Except that they’re not all phantasms of Heartland.
He thought they were at first, but then he started seeing paths and park rides that he doesn’t recognize. The Heartland theme park forms the literal heart of his home city; he knows the whole place like the back of his hand. So what is this empty row of game booths? What monsters are these, sitting behind counters in plushie form? And - wait, that’s not a plushie at all. It’s - they’re? - moving.
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kissreturn · 3 years
@pleasemymel0dy || ♡'d for a starter
Hmm~♪ Hmm~♪
Peach is humming a soft melody as she lounges in a field far from the hustle and bustle of city streets. She wouldn't normally mind the large crowds, but the nature-y spot was much needed after her sudden world-hopping experience -- talk about stressful!
Shaping a colorful assortment of flowers into crowns, her fingers hover for a moment when a cute little bunny passes by, clearly as enamored with the blossoms as her.
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Unable to resist the sheer adorableness (the other's parasol being the final straw), she turns to the bunny with a warm smile, "Hello there! It seems as though I've made a couple crowns too many, would you like one? It'd go perfectly with that charming hood of yours!"
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twotonesnake · 3 years
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This...thing looks familiar, somehow. 
He’s...slept, recently, right? Yesterday? Yeah. Yeah. 
Yamazaki is sitting on a bench, styrofoam take-out box in his lap, a slice of barbeque pork between his chopsticks that didn’t break apart quite right. 
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“I’m not sharing my char siu, if that’s what you’re staring at, little weirdo.” 
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thirdchance · 3 years
mission: bug eat bug world ☾ @pleasemymel0dy
Truth be told Ayanami had not entirely understood the magnitude of the “maintenance” Spirale was currently undergoing, let alone the purpose of it. Having woken up on the island merely days ago, one might have considered it the more rational decision to lie low and observe the situation before acting impulsively. Ayanami, once soldier now scavenger, did not understand the rationality behind that. After all, if everyone believed themselves too insignificant to, at the very least, bolster the data sample for the Star’s crisis research, surely the island would fall to invaders in no time.
It was that rationale that found Ayanami, still wearing her pitch-black plugsuit and interface headset, standing at the entrance of the bustling Netwalk, grocery bag in hand. Entering the park, Ayanami blinked slowly at the sizable swarm of robotic insects buzzing around the light fixtures in great metallic masses. Glancing down at her groceries: a small bag of flour, water, vegetable oil, and cooking wine, it dawned on Ayanami that she had missed a crucial detail in her small mission’s brief.
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“Oh. They aren’t normal ladybugs...”
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