#pleaser. but then i looked at my sched and saw id close then open and asked jf shed wirk my open and id work her close the next day. never
babe. you should talk to your friend about it. it won’t be easy but honestly it sounds like she should have talked to you about changing her mind, not blindsided you like that. i’m sorry you’re going through a tough time, you ARE enough, sometimes it just takes time to find your people. coming from someone who just ended a friendship due to not communicating, you should talk to her. you don’t have to make it a big deal, just calmly say “it hurt when you didn’t formally ask me to be a bridesmaid after we had already talked about it.” and make sure she knows you respect her decision but you have every right to also be hurt. just because it’s her wedding day, doesn’t mean she should do that to you. the outcome might not change but i’d bet it would be good to talk about it and air it all out. sending you love 💜💜💜
Like I just distinctly remember her giving me my Christmas present the year she was giving everyone gifts to ask if they'd be in the wedding and I just got some candles. And I was just genuinely so confused. And ever since then I get excited any time she asks me to do her a favor cause my delusional little self thinks she's gonna ask me to be in the wedding cause someone else can't. And just... the friend thats officiating, they don't even like half the time. She literally threw a bottle of water at her boyfriend and it mostly got on my friend's fiance and he got pissed. And I'm like why is she in the wedding still but not me? And I just wanna text her all my feelings cause I'm better at articulating them that way but then she'll get pissed at me for not coming to her in person and having a conversation "like adults" cause that has happened before. I also just think it's why I've been having so much anxiety and depression lately like not even wanting to get out of bed.
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