#pllos thoughts and feelings
karouvas · 3 months
genuinely: is spookyspaghetti.com supposed to be tumblr?
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gallners · 3 months
Oh no it's good and all and I like the girls but can't get invested in any of the relationships idk why the writers wanted to ruin most of them I hope they don't mess with Mouse's relationship how do you feel about them? I did watch the original PLL and read the books I thought the books were better wished they did stick to the source material as much as possible I still enjoyed the show too not a fan of the teacher student relationship in the books Ezra actually goes to jail for it even in the show he should've went to prison he was creepy af idk how they white washed it and made people believe it was okay.
ohh really?? i like most of the relationships!!! i think i'm probably in the minority with jen/noa because i don't love them :/ the chemistry isn't really there for me and they're not making jen very likeable by bringing her in and then just making her lie and steal a bunch of times. i don't hate them or anything though, they're just not my favourite of the relationships. everyone else i really like! i think ash and mouse are the cutest couple but i like imogen/johnny and tabby/christian. not a huge fan of faran and greg though :/ ohh interesting! i watched the original pll but i never finished i think i stopped watching around s4 maybe? and i never read the books so i'm not sure how different is was but i trust you when you say the books were better lmao YEAH i loved that pllos basically called ezra weird because HE IS! i like how they keep referencing the original pll in little ways!!
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bcuztv · 2 years
PLL: Original Sin Thoughts and Feelings…
When Imogen told Tabby the names of the couple adopting her baby I screamed on the inside and on the outside.
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book-tease · 2 years
i went into pll original sin knowing damn well it would aggravate me because of ras and i had made my peace with it until they showed up in bootleg rosewood with whoever the fuck the man who says he’s eddie lamb and then riverdale existing in the universe please i just want to escape it
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anglinasjolie · 2 years
Theory time (PLL: Original Sin)
I was a pre teen when I started watching the original PLL and I was obsessed with it back then, PLLOS has made its way into my adult life and now i’m obsessed with theorizing everything again so let’s go
At that beach scene Imogen is still wearing the clothes from Karen’s party which makes me think baby was conceived that night, so something happened either at the party or on the way home.
Tabby was SA’d that’s why she keeps the camera at the boy’s locker room, she’s probably trying to discover who was it and tbh I have a feeling it might be Noa’s boyfriend. The opening has a lot of futebol references
One of them is for sure helping A, that text message? “Reveal your true self, 1 bully down 5 to go” was shady asf
Minnie is off but I don’t think she has anything to do with A but something equally sinister has happened to her
Karen really died, Kelly planned her death. There was a lot of swapping that day but i’m sure Kelly is the evil twin, the way she told the ‘truth’ after her dad gave a speech about how he would end those girls life? self preservation, she needed him to stop digging further into her sisters death
The sheriff definitely has an affair with the principal. I said what I said
Angela was being followed by someone/threatened the night of the party
Also, that wasn’t a party. No one calling the cops or 911? no way, literally no way. I’m pretty sure it was just the moms and Angela that night, as Tabby’s mom said “they know what everyone thinks is the truth” there’s more to it.
Masked man and A are different people but work together
Now this is just a random thought, NO ONE NOTICE THE JANITOR IS GONE????
I need Imogen to be gay that’s it. that’s the comment.
There’s a teddy bear close to Angela’s memorial (?) below the scarlet letter book, masked man carries the same bear in the series intro
that’s it my inbox is open if anyone wants to discuss any of it <3
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i hope no one minds if i liveblog this bitch: pllos from 1x02-1x05
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surprise, bitch. i bet you thought you’d seen the last of me. it’s been a hot minute since i’ve done one of these so i thought i’d hop on here and lb pllos! i already started the first ep and i really like it so far and hope it doesn’t crash and burn like og did lmao anyway! let’s get started on the episode.
wow for a hot second i thought imogen was drinking while pregnant and thought ‘damn, she really doesn’t want that baby’ 😭
greg is an asshole and karen is fucked up for not believing imogen
really wanna know what karen’s doing in the video
the 4th wall breaking is a little cringe to me i’m ngl
i like how they’re all convinced karen is the one harassing them. it’s very different from og where everyone was a suspect what seemed like every other episode
i have a bad feeling about this screening
ohhhh shit. i knew this wasn’t gonna end well
damn karen was GONE in that video
‘namaste, sloppy bitch’ the comments on karens post are taking me out 😭😭
hmm. wonder what karen’s planning
they’re gonna ‘carrie’ her…why am i not surprised
sheriff beasley looks so much like wilden it’s creepy
noa using what she saw as leverage to get her ankle monitor off for the night is such a boss bitch move
the girls look so good!!
kellys earrings are hideous
mouse saying ‘did you think this was my first time smoking pot?’ and immediately breaking out into a cough is making me lose it 😭😭
i know it’s too soon but i really like shawn so far
‘may we have this dance?’ they’re so cute 🫂
oh God this is gonna be so humiliating
well that was definitely more traumatizing than a can of paint
well that was fucking crazy
imogen really went into an old abandoned warehouse…has she never seen a horror movie?
i’m guessing angela is the one who died in ep one
A is a whole ass murderer and imogen still decided that going to that warehouse was a good idea and now she’s scared shitless in some broken down van
something about wes is off…i don’t trust him
it’s a bit fucked up for them to throw imogen and tabby under the bus
‘we tried to befriend her’ didn’t look that way to me
‘no one was kinder to angela than your mother’ didn’t she make sidney ignore her at the rave? lmao
i really, really don’t like wes
so glad tabby got the fuck out of there
‘may your child be taken from you like mine was taken from me’ damn
the entire beasley family is insane
i really hope we have some concrete answers by the time the finale is happening
damn i kinda feel bad for kelly
‘i didn’t like you, karen’ dkfjgjvjfjs she’s so real
A’s so fucking creepy i love it
oh so noa’s mom has been a user for a while
mouse and imogen holding hands while walking 🥹
oh hell no is kelly gonna try to become karen?
i still can’t believe noa’s mom let her take the fall for the drugs like what the hell
baby imogen was so cute aw
‘hello?’ imogen really is the classic horror girl 🤦🏻‍♀️
not even gonna lie, A standing under the stairs scared the shit out of me 😭
LMFAOOO imogen’s messed up
i love tabby sm
and now kelly’s quoting karen…so weird
‘it’s kinda like i’m dancing with karen again’ well now i’m thinking my theory is correct
oh God i wanna give imogen a hug 🫂
the friendship the girls have is something that can be so personal
‘what are these?’ ‘they aren’t mine!’
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greg’s so stupid 😭😭
hmm. i wonder who ripped out the pages from the journal…davie or A?
oh what the hell why is A chasing noa
GOD that chase has me on the edge of my seat
‘punish the guilty’ ‘guilty? who’s guilty?’ ‘your mother’ somehow i’m not even surprised
poor noa ☹️
wait…does farran think A is kelly?
wow, okay. what she actually thinks is way crazier
davie and her friends seem like horrible people
not at all relevant to the plot but imogens butterfly earrings are so cute
‘it’s like your attic is a fucking spider airbnb’ pls 😭
‘thanks for moviesplaining that to me’ lmfaooo
love faran but it was kinda stupid of her to go to their dance teacher so early
‘fuck. you’re right.’ ‘damn straight.’ i love tabby sm
no way mouse is only 15??? i thought they were all like juniors
hmm. idk what to think about kelly.
faran makes a gorgeous, gorgeous poison ivy
why the FUCK is mouse pretending to be that mans missing daughter?????
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A having the same pumpkin mask angela had is odd…how would he even know she wore it?
i really wanna know wtf mouse is doing
not kelly hooking up with greg
okay now i’m even more curious about mouse
not at all surprised faran lost the role
wow, that scene between tabby and imogen was so powerful. it brought me to tears.
this is super long so i’m ending this here and starting a new lb for the rest of the eps!
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alyssaforevermore · 2 years
It’s been hours and I’m still really annoyed they decided to have Aria and Ezra adopt Imogen’s baby. Like, yes, it’s a cool nod to the OG show and a way to tie the shows together but it feels icky. PLLOS was so vocal about being anti-creepy/inappropriate/illegal relationships and then decides to have that couple adopt the baby?? Yeah, no. The baby was conceived via SA and now her adoptive father is also a statutory rapist. I hate it.
I thought after PLL ended and it had sat with people, most of us were collective in agreeing that their relationship was gross (no matter the chemistry between the actors) and to see so many people celebrating that they adopted the baby is… yikes.
I could go on forever about how messed up that ship is, but I don’t have the energy rn. Maybe another day.
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alexzalben · 2 years
Hey, I know this bit gets bothersome but any thoughts on when there would be a verdict as to whether pllos will be renewed? I sure hope no matter the decision we just know shortly and it doesn't drag out
Nah, not bothersome, I just don't have any good answers here, like anyone else. It's chaos right now.
So, to game it out for you from my extremely limited perspective... In The Before Times, I would have said that PLL:OS getting renewed was almost assured. The show has a great social reach, great reviews, and HBO Max has been pushing how young audiences are flocking to it. Given the directive was to expand HBO's normally older/male reach, this would seem like a winner.
We're not in The Before Times, though, as the directive for HBO Max has changed dramatically. Instead of looking to expand to all four quadrants of viewers, they're planning on playing to HBO's traditional strengths, which is why so much more younger skewing material and animation has been cut; and for unscripted, Discovery already has this covered. YA stuff like PLL is very much an unknown at the moment... Is it safe because it has critical acclaim, and could feel like a True Blood style show? Maybe. Is it in danger because it has a younger skewing audience, and does not go as hard with the sex and violence as a traditional HBO show? Also, maybe.
The long and the short of it is that anything that is an actual HBO show is probably okay. Anything that was or is an HBO Max show, like PLL, is almost definitely being evaluated in some fashion.
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bcuztv · 2 years
Kelly telling Greg: “Call me Karen”
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bcuztv · 2 years
So I’ll admit, I did fan girl when I heard the names Aria and Ezra but it is strange that they would use that couple because it felt like the show was setting an example portraying Wes’s character as a creep.
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bcuztv · 2 years
PLL: Original Sin Thoughts and Feelings…
*Spoiler alert S1E8 🚨
Pregnant and by herself, what would possess Imogen to go check out the Water’s house… and go inside …BY HERSELF AND PREGNANT.
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