#plot twist: bill said nothing and buzz is just being a paranoid little brat
warloving-blog · 5 years
warloving  asked:
⁂ - grab my muse by the front of their shirt, possibly shoving them back
@wisenedup  answered:
Bill staggered back, his heart jumping into his throat as his hand flew to Buzz’s.        “Hey-” It would have sounded angry, but his voice cracked. “Buzz- You don’t wanna start this!” Even as he said it, he knew it was the wrong thing to say. Buzz didn’t like to let things go, and he even less liked to be told what to do. “Shit-”
          Red. All he could see was red.
          With deceptive strength for his build, Buzz knotted his fists in Bill’s collar and all but lifted him off his feet. A powerful shove sent the bigger man backwards, slamming him into the wall with such force that the shelves rattled.
          “What was that?” he snarled. “You said something about me-- what was it?” Buzz twisted at Bill’s shirt and leaned in so close he could have bitten his nose off he if he was crazy enough to try. “Go on, spit it out!”
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