#pls don't feel you need to match
flamesque · 2 months
₊❏❜ ⋮ i'll chase you to the ends of the earth. ⚬𓂂
He is used to it; however, that didn't mean he accepted it.
Rafayel sighed as he let his head rest against his palm, the same thing being drilled into his mind by the endless sea of words spewing the history of Lemuria and the world on the surface repeated like a broken record from the elders. He seemed to be falling asleep and was immediately scolded for not paying attention.
Evidently, something came up that had the elders leave the vicinity for the time being and this served as an opportunity for Rafayel to escape. He had attempted in doing so a few times, but he was sure that this time he would be able to be successful. 
A blue fish swam around him and held his hand out, allowing the fish to swim over his palm. 
"Shall we head to the surface? It's a little boring right now and I'm tired of hearing the elders saying the same thing over and over again." 
The fish continued swimming over his palm before seemingly directing him toward an opening to which he was able to squeeze through. It was then he realized that he was out of the city walls of Whalefall City and was able to swim to the surface.
He thanked the fish before it disappeared back through the city walls and Rafayel didn't have to think twice as he turned away from Whalefall City to swim up to the surface; however, before he allowed himself to fully come out, he swam slowly as the damn words from the elders rang in his head. 
"The world on the surface is dangerous, even if those people worship our Sea God, there is a chance that someone will try to capture him."
"As the previous Lemurians have..." 
"Rafayel, you must never venture out to the surface world. Your people are here, that is all that should concern you." 
And the annoying part of all. "The Sea God will one day meet the Goddess of the Forest, and when that day comes, should he fall in love with her, it will be the beginning of the downfall of Lemuria."
Rafayel always thought it to be those stories to be something a parent would tell to their child to make them listen. And besides, Rafayel had always been, not only a rebellious soul, but one of sheer curiosity. 
Once he peeked out from the water, he spotted a woman by the shore. And he had seen a few other humans before, but something about her was different and he couldn't help but to swim towards the shore, closer to her. Who could she be? For some reason... he needed to know and while he doesn't know why he needs to, he simply just has to try; in a way, it felt as though there were residual feelings, feelings that weren't from him and that in itself baffled him.
So without thinking, his mouth opened to speak.
"Who might you be? You don't seem... human to me, although you do appear to be." He tilted his head briefly before letting out a laugh. "Ah, apologies. This is bold of me, I will admit."
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skrunksthatwunk · 4 months
yu yu hakonstruct intricate rituals which allow you to touch the skin of other men.mp4
crossposted to youtube
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djrockers · 13 days
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Am comparing all of DJ and Rockstar's outfits for inspiration and thought "date outfits" as a cute idea while comparing these two, and just then realized they both have white sparkles around their heads. I can not believe I haven't noticed that sooner, djrock makes me feel insane just from how often they unintentionally match when I'm not even looking for it I need to be put in a cage
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georgie-abhrams · 7 months
WHO: @drewparrish WHERE: His Place
Lately, every time she'd been at home she'd felt restless. Uncomfortable, even. It could've been because of the fight she'd gotten into with her mother the week before. The exchange becoming so heated both Wyatt and Lee had come out of their rooms to break up the argument. Things had been said that couldn't be taken back, and while Georgie was used to her mother's insults, something about that fight had been different. More feral. More truthful than any she could remember. Which was why her mother's words had cut her so deep, despite the promise she'd made to herself decades ago to simply let Delilah's words run right off of her back.
So when she got to a point where she'd normally run off and do something she'd find herself regretting later; instead of allowing her normal, self destructive habits to take over, Georgie found herself using the spare key he'd given her to let herself into Drew's home. A place that felt like home more than her own pool house did at times.
She'd hoped he'd be home, but wasn't surprised to find the townhouse empty. Georgie had noticed Drew working later hours in the past weeks. But instead of leaving, Georgie deposited her heels by the door like she always did and made her way further into the home- heading directly for Drew's bedroom. There, she stripped out of her clothes, leaving them in a crumpled pile on the floor, and changed into an oversized sweater- choosing to forego the restriction of pants for the time being. With her blonde hair up in a messy bun, Georgie then meandered her way into the attached bathroom and used the makeup remover she kept there to clean her face. There weren't many people she allowed to see her bare faced- her makeup and high heels often serving as her mask, her armor; but she felt safe with Drew. Safe enough to be herself, to show herself.
Once she was sufficiently comfortable, Georgie made her way back out of the bedroom and into the kitchen, searching through his fridge for something to eat. When she didn't find anything that sounded good, Georgie began to pull out the ingredients she'd need to make the easiest pasta dish she knew- cacio e pepe.
She was mid grating the cheese when she heard the front door open, a soft smile forming on her features as she waited for him to come into view- the smile only growing when she finally saw him. "Honey, you're home." She mused, a grin now coloring her features. "Long day?"
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cursivebloodlines · 1 year
Muse: Douglas "Dougie" Blackwood
Open to: F/NB | Mutuals and non-mutuals
Scenario: "you broke my heart two years ago when you decided to leave and i finally moved on, and now you tell me you’re back for good?”
Created with Beta | Open Starters tag (All old starters were made with legacy, let me know if you ever need one reposting with beta). | @indiestarter
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"Two years," Dougie's voice shook as he tried so desperately to keep his tone steady. That had always been difficult for him, his emotions worn on his sleeve, just like his heart. "It took you two years to decide you want me again?"His arms crossed over his chest like he was putting up a barrier between them. He knew things had been a bit difficult prior to her leaving, but he never thought it was that bad for her to just up and leave without a care in the world. Like he was nobody. All this time, he wondered what he did wrong, what he could've done to salvage their relationship if he had the chance. But that's the problem; there was no chance.
Everything he ever wanted to say was at the tip of his tongue. All the words he never had the chance to, that he'd mentally locked away ready to be unleashed at any moment. The sleepless nights, the tears, the isolation... Every wave of emotion cut him to his core at that moment, reminding him of all the pain and agony he'd endured when she cut ties with him. And what was he supposed to do? Welcome her back with open arms?
"I-I...I don't know what you expect me to say," Dougie uttered, sheer pain engraved on his face, torn between wanting to forget about everything that happened and continue on as normal instead. But hadn't he been hurt enough? Despite his tidal wave wreckage of emotions flooding through his bloodstream, he never raised his voice, never sounded angry... Just confused. Almost broken. Remembering all the times they had together... he blinked away the stinging sensation of his eyes. "Two years is - it's a long time," he said weakly, "I am not the same person as I was back then. And neither are you. I-I don't even know who you are anymore..." for as long as he could remember, he had always been a giver of second chances. But this? This was a lot to digest.
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maricabrera · 2 months
WHO: @coltonatwater WHERE: The Side of the Road Somewhere
Mari had been on her way to pick Colton up- well, if you could call their little ritual picking him up. She usually drove to meet him, honking twice and then climbing into the passenger's seat of the old truck and allowing the blonde to drive from there. Which was the plan tonight for their dinner plans, except... well, except Mari was driving from one town over and if Mari was driving for more than five minutes there was more than likely going to be some kind of incident. Except, by the grace of the universe or someone, this incident wasn't her fault.
She'd been sitting at a red light when the car came up quickly behind her, swerving at the last minute and only clipping the back corner of her car, which caused her to panic and hit the gas. Luckily, Mari hadn't hit anyone else- just ran her car up onto a curb and hit a light pole. There was no driving it to Colton's, but there were also no injuries, which she was grateful for. But it did mean she was going to be incredibly late...
"Before you say anything, it's not my fault." She began, cutting off the man's greeting when he answered the phone. "But I'm gonna need you to come pick me up. Please." She added the word of gratitude a moment later. "And maybe bring a tow truck? Ol' Betty... she's..." Letting out a sigh, Mari turned to look at her truck, still pressed against the unmoving pole with the hood and grill crumpled around the metal. "She's in a state. I promise dinner after, on me. And dessert. And drinks. I'll even sing you a song." She mused. "I've already dropped you a pin for the location." Chewing on her lower lip, the brunette leaned back against the wrecked vehicle and let out a sigh. "I'm sorry. I can Uber home and we can reschedule if you want. I'm sure you're sick of playin' my knight in shining armor."
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elysiium · 1 year
& 𝐑𝐄.  AURALINE & LEOPOLD WAYNE / @violentdesires
COME WHAT MAY . it was a vow leopold and auraline made to each all those years ago — when she was just a simple girl and he her guardian . when the world was such a perfect place and all they had were each other . a vow never forgotten even as the seasons changed ( winter to spring , autumn to summer ) . as storm clouds gathered , a river wide separating them for a time . even then their love never died . it never would . not even with the end of time . and it did take time for them to get where they are now . by each other's side once again , everything revolving around each other as it was meant to be . yet even after all this time , she never knew that it could feel like this — like she's never seen the sky before . not until she watches her warlock climb those steps , each one closer to her , his eyes bright like the glowing moon . as he stands by her side in front of her court , taking her hand in his , making that same vow . come what may . not just for her , but to her people . to be their king . the king that they need . the king they deserve . her heart sings to him and she knows he can hear it : telling him that she is giving him everything . everything that she is — from that simple girl she use to be to the queen she is now . the tears in her golden eyes reflect back every single memory that took them to where they are now — the good and the bad , and all the good that has yet to come . and when their lips meet , the stars collide overhead ; she vanishes in his kiss , sealing their vow once again . come what may .
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with crowns on both heads , they turn to the crowd , standing together . and auraline knows that the greatest thing she'll ever learn is this : to love and be loved in return . together , they are stronger . singing out their song . come what may . and their love , their vow , will strength her court . their court . the celebration that follows moves with such perfect grace — leopold spinning her in his arms , over and over again , the two dancing among their fae until she's dizzy with ' i love yous ' and come what mays and she's out of breathe . she pulls him away from the crowd , feet still dancing as she leads him out of the room and into another — an empty balcony away from prying eyes ( guards standing at the entrance , doors closed to give them privacy , a moment finally alone ) . her cheeks are flushed as she looks to her king , hand still in his . ❛ so how does it feel ? having all of this as yours ? ❜ she asks , free arm gesturing out to their land below them , trees and the hidden creatures in them spanning till where green meets the night sky .
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wickedlvst · 6 months
closed for @hurtrite for this starter call // based on (x)
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platinum hair shone brightly in warm candlelight, leaving the resemblance of a halo, as she took a few tentative steps towards the blonde giant of a man. with the eyes of both their clans upon her and her older brother’s gaze glaring daggers into her back to keep her moving, knowing all too well how she’d fought this alliance tooth and nail, it was impossible not to feel like the sacrificial lamb led to its slaughter. not that she couldn’t understand why her older brother had been pushing this marriage, all too determined to end the war that had already cost both of them their father in a brutal battle, leaving most of the men of their village incapacitated if not a mutilated corpse on a field drowning in blood. if it meant offering her up as a sacrificial offering to a merciless barbarian to avoid further bloodshed, not to mention the eradication of their people, he probably would have let them all fuck her one after the other right there on the battlefield. freya couldn’t even really blame him for this decision, instilled with an overwhelming sense of duty and loyalty for her people - even if she hadn’t been allowed to fight with them as so many other women of their village had. the jarl’s daughter was too precious a cargo to risk her getting hurt, too valuable of a bargaining ship. it hadn’t mattered to either her father or brother that she could fight as least half as well as some of their men, that she’d have rather faced the possibility of a brutal death out there with them as opposed to being left behind to imagine the worst, without being able to do anything to help.
but freya supposed it didn’t matter anymore. all she could do now was to hold her head high and make the best of an impossible situation. if it meant sleeping with a knife in her bed to keep her future husband from killing her in her sleep, so be it. only a fool would trust him to not try anything so cruel and she might be many things but a fool she was most certainly not, mind almost as cunning as that of the trickster god. she came to a stop only a few feet away from him, keeping her body with all her might from trembling at his intimidating presence. she was not going show any sign of weakness, refusing to act like the prey her family apparently considered her to be. forcing a smile onto her lips, she squared her shoulders, trying her best to make for her lack of height and overall fragility with a good posture. "i look forward to bringing our people together and setting an end to this war that's already cost too many lives", she opened the conversation, tone polite yet an attentive listener would easily notice the hint of an accusation behind them, obviously putting all of the blame for the bloodshed on him, "may the gods bless our connection."
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lrdvyke · 7 months
@luredeep continued from here !
He's dead.
A statement that stills Vyke. It shouldn't have. He should've known, what with their long walk down from the mountain, through the ash that filled boots and helm both. What with each night and day that Vyke filled with questions when no signs of Rogier but the growing weight upon Darian's golden back was shown. Vyke is quiet regardless. He listens to the tale that circles back around to the stark realization that three are back to two was once down to just one ( will it be one again? ) because Death has claimed Rogier.
Surely you remember.
Vyke remembers all too well. The knowledge he gained by those within the Ancient Dragon cult: the death of the Golden Sun of Leyndell, the dragon's champion, the prince of Death himself. He gave what he learned to Rogier—some already known, others just then realized. Curiosity bloomed as sure as ever. And, in turn, from the mouth of the Spellblade came his own knowledge to give as if in trade. All digging ever deeper that which to drop the seed within a wondering mind, until the flowering plant of leaking death and frenzy comes forth finally to be realized in the likes of creeping thorny vines, or the engulfing grasp of burning fingers.
Curiosity does that to you. Here. In the Lands between.
Is it my fault? No. No. Coincidence ... that is all it must be. Mouth dry, he licks his lips, tasting the salt and sickly burning bitterness of his amalgamed tears. A small sound slips out of him as his eye blurs further with the coming burn. Tears leak forth, springing only out of one side, setting a new pain to come across his covered face. The rising tide of grief is so familiar to him that it feels more rooted, more stable, because he knows what becomes of it even if he tries to hold it down. ❛ Do not take your anger out on him. ❜ Is what he finally says to it all, quiet and strained, pleading almost. ❛ Must he have followed your exact guidance to be deserving of your mercy, even now when he has no voice of his own? ❜
Vision tunnels, the frenzy feels ever closer now like it had back upon the Mountaintops ( in the back of his throat, the meager flame in the palm of his hand sputters, the back of an eye, the blaze in his empty socket flickers in hunger ). The tears fill even the helm then and slip from the bottom as if it is his second eye. Vyke is quick to clean them, sticking to worn metal gloves, lest their very presence mar those untouched. ❛ Neither leaving was done out of a spite for you, Darian ... but what you feel in answer is. You watched him die and held onto that anger. ❜
Is that how you look at me now? Vyke wishes to ask, but he swallows it. This is not about him, but the voice in the back of his mind returns filling with scathing irrationality.
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pctaldrunk · 2 years
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@yoakkemae​ asked   :    17) one muse has been holding a grudge only to discover the other has been secretly doing something to help them. // ran & kid.   -   SHOOT IDK WHICH MEME THIS IS (ACCEPTING)
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Sonoko’s celebrity crush is loud and exuberant, but it is endearing and harmless - and sometimes, unfortunately inconvenient.  Despite the nature of a great majority of her acquaintances - she’s not her father and she’s not Conan and she doesn’t always enjoy spending Saturday nights at a gala or a museum, WAITING and watching for the phantom thief to appear in a room teeming with nervous policemen. And anyway - she always wondered if it isn’t true that the more people present, the more options he would have to impersonate? - As it turns out she PARTICULARLY doesn’t enjoy Saturday nights she spends locked in the bathroom in a likely drug-induced slumber while said thief runs amok - presumably wearing her face. If she hadn’t been strapped into something so complicated (at Sonoko’s insistence, no less) or had sturdier shoes - well, as her mother had said from an early age, there’s no crying over spilt milk. 
Despite the weakness that lingers in her limbs from the sleeping smoke - being left in a camisole and shorts made it easy to kick the door to the stall nearly STRAIGHT off its hinges when she comes to to the sound of footsteps and caught a glimpse of white from the crack beneath. It’ll be a disadvantaged fight, since her head is still spinning a little - if she isn’t gassed again immediately, anyway - but when she prepares to kick Kid’s stupid hat off, she notices that he isn’t holding a jewel in white gloved hands but rather a familiar looking pair of shoes. Sonoko had lent (or rather, presented) the impractical but sparkly monstrosities to her earlier that very evening - and while she knew better than to let Sonoko dictate her wardrobe, her scuffed boots did seem out of place for the venue. 
Voice is croaky when she asks, incredulity coloring her voice, “...Are you...putting heel-liners in my shoes?” Registers the STING that half-circles her ankles finally, the incessant discomfort that she didn’t quite manage to ignore all night - feet suddenly cold on the tiles. Realizes, a moment later. “...And last time, the bandaid for those new flats.” Silent, still, watching as she leans against the door, for longer than she’d planned to. It’s strange to think about - she’s grown up surrounded by the idea of justice, and yet Ran has always had a strong ATTACHMENT to the idea of kindness. To find it in a world renowned jewel thief, so suddenly and in so simple a thing, after wanting to bite his head off for a whole evening...was jarring, to say the least. Mumbles, half to herself - “...I guess you’re the gentleman thief for a reason.” 
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torturedmuses · 2 years
Ida needed a fresh start. Her fiance--now ex-fiance--had been cheating on her for months. He was all she had known for five years, and she was so lost on her own. For the first time in five years, she was alone. She bought a little country cottage that sat back from the road. Vines creeped up the brick, but Ida liked how it looked. The brush outside the home, though, was brown and dead. No one had watered a plant here since 2015. Ida, though, was clueless as what to do to the outside of her home.
Work had run late. A disheveled Ida walked as fast as body would carry her up the driveway. She was supposed to be here ten minutes ago to meet the landscaper. Files were tucked under her arm, her hair was falling out of its ponytail, and her lab coat was hanging off one shoulder. She spotted him standing near the porch. “I’m so sorry! I lost track of time at work. I'm Ida. You must be Leonardo." As she reached out to shake his hand, the files under her arm shifted and fell to the concrete. "Oh, geez." Cheeks turned red in embarrassment before crouching to pick them up. "I promise I'm usually much more put together than this.
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@earthssprout wanted a starter in Silver's present <3
What was a child doing here?
He wasn't sure where she'd come from, but he knew nobody belonged this far into the city. Not even himself, though he was looking for supplies. They had a tendency to come more easily in the city, as others weren't as likely to swipe them all up. Upon spotting someone so young, protective instincts immediately kicked in. The hedgehog dropped the spare bandages in his arms and ran as fast as he could towards her.
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"Are you okay?"
She was slightly shorter than Silver. Humans were usually much taller. He held out a hand. Gosh, was he worried. Children belonged in a settlement, safe inside a dwelling where the monsters that roamed couldn't get to them as easily. Glancing around, the hedgehog considered using his psychokinesis to create a shield of objects.
Just so no monsters spotted them.
"You're not safe here. If you'll let me, I'll take you somewhere the monsters can't hurt either of us." For the sake of her safety, he offered a smile. "My name is Silver. Will you tell me your name?"
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thedevilsbckbone · 14 days
closed starter for @sickuhhh
It'd been ten months since Evelina had found herself in this somewhat, sleepy mountain town. Ten months since she'd moved further up the coast to get away from the demons and trail of blood that she'd left behind. She'd desperately tried to avoid any of that here - hoping to just live out a normal life. But when someone went through the things she had, could they ever really be normal? The first deaths, that of her parents, had been in a mix of self defense and the heat of the moment. She'd been equally devastated by what she'd done as she had been relieved, finally free of the abuse she'd endured for years under their roof. That one she'd been able to claim that anyone else might have done as the same had they been in the teen's shoes.
The second time could have also been claimed as self defense, a poor girl standing up for herself. An accident, that's all it was to those who looked at it from the outside. For the blonde though, she knew the truth. Unlike with her parents, there was no remorse this time; no regret. This time she felt something completely different. It was satisfaction and exhilaration to the extreme. A feeling the blonde had never really known until that point. Ever since then, Evie longed to feel that feeling again.
She'd tried a plethora of things to chase that high once more but time and time again, it all just fell flat. Nothing had ever made her heart race so exquisitely and her skin buzz like a livewire quite like taking a life had felt. Still, Evelina did her best to repress that side of her, to ignore that longing feeling, knowing that what she truly wanted was taboo. She'd tried to stifle those feelings down to her best ability, but as more and more time went on, the blonde found it harder to ignore that ever growing urge.
It was a Tuesday night but Evie had decided to head to one of the local bars for a drink, needing a distraction from those feelings that seemed even more insistent that night. The spot was dead save for the few older regulars and a couple small groupings of tourists obviously stopping in for a bit before they went up to the mountain. There was a lodge up there so it wasn't uncommon to see strangers lingering around these parts often. However, Evelina noticed one guy there that stood out from the rest of the unfamiliar faces. Unlike most tourists, she'd noticed he seemed to be alone. It also didn't go unnoticed by the blonde that he was probably close to around her own age than most of the other people there, and was extremely handsome. More than that though, there was an aura about him that just felt different and the blonde couldn't quite put her finger on what it was. Something about it intrigued her though.
It compelled her to move towards the side of the bar where he sat, taking a seat beside him as she placed her almost empty drink on the counter and gave the bartender a smile. "Can I get another one, Jake?" She asked, in a friendly tone to the bartender, turning her attention back to the stranger, leaning her head in her hand as she took him in, quite the contender to be a good distraction she thought. "Hi-" she offered him in that same, sweet tone. "Just passing through?" She asked curiously, hoping her charm would help strike up a conversation.
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amaiavespillo · 5 months
who: @hiddenvaldis where: pub- late night
The pub was bustling with patrons despite the late hour, with the band playing extra loudly to be heard over the raucous cheering of a nearby card game that was gaining a small crowd. Tucked away at a table in the back corner sat Amaia, nursing an ale and drinking in the vibrancy of the room.
Her foot tapping along to the music, she didn't try to hide a small smile as she watched a younger man try to drain three pints of beer while his friends cheered him on. It had been so long since she'd been surrounded by people who weren't afflicted by illness or madness, that she'd almost forgotten how contagious joy could be.
Draining the dregs of her ale, Amaia stood, planning on heading home for the night - maybe she'd take the long way home and take in the starry skies - when the sudden scraping of chairs caught her attention. Apparently the most recent card game hadn't ended well and she could feel the tension filtering through the air.
She should have left, let the two men work out their tensions but instead, Amaia moved through the growing crowd, her hands raised as she slid between them. "Hey now - why don't you both take it outside and cool off? There's no need to start anything in here."
The larger of the men clearly didn't agree, if the heavy fist swinging her way was any indication. Amaia dodged neatly to the side, her eyes remaining on the bigger threat even as she heard his fist make contact with someone else. "You alright?" she called to the person behind her.
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warystares · 8 months
✘ CLOSED / ft. dilan ozdemir ( @bloodiedfields ) at el anhelo
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if he can, lindsay tries not to let himself get too in his own head about his ( semi - regular ) visits to el anhelo ; he has a tendency to overthink nearly every decision he makes and he's well aware he could just as quickly talk himself right out the door ― he knows this to be true from the numerous times he's convinced himself to leave the establishment before he's even entered and stride right past tinted doors back toward his flat. dilan doesn't know this, of course. it might seem a silly distinction to make ― why would she ? ― but as it turns out, the young escort knows far more about lindsay buchanan than most. that's his own doing, too, believe it or not ; guarded as he appears ― and truly, for the most part, he is ― he just needs someone to talk to sometimes. he is a man plagued by burdens, by demons that weigh like iron shackles on aching limbs until they've been rubbed raw. it's exhausting. but there are certain things he cannot justify placing on his coworkers, his friends ; other things, too, that he cannot bring himself to say aloud in a confessional, or perhaps that he fears might be a waste of the church's time. of god's time.
( he wonders at times if he is the waste, but he often pushes those thoughts aside, if for little more than ellie's sake. )
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what lindsay really needs is a therapist, if he's being perfectly honest. ( he won't. ) the irony is he knows sentry would provide if he simply said the word, that he could get real help at the expense of his insurance instead of paying out of his own pocket for whatever . . . this is. but that's not to devalue dilan ! not in the least. lindsay's hardly in any place to denounce the service she provides, after all. he's no hypocrite. as he sits across from her now, clutching a drink in his hand like it's a lifeline, he wonders if he tips her well enough for what is likely a gross misuse of her time. ❝ do you ever feel like you want for more than you really deserve ? ❞ he doesn't know where the thought comes from, much less why he decides it best to pose it as a question, but he's quick to begin backpedaling. ❝ not, erm ― christ, not like, you specifically ― i'm sure you're a lovely young woman deserving of plenty, i just ― ❞ lindsay heaves a sigh and glances down toward his glass ; a quick shake of his head and he's trying to play it off. ❝ you know what ? maybe . . . maybe just don't answer that. i don't know what i'm on about anyway. how, uh . . . how've you been ?❞
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carmenblake · 8 months
WHO: @seongxhyunwoo WHERE: Frontier Foods
"Ellie." Carmen's voice was stern as she did her best to corral the seven year old during their weekly grocery trip. In an attempt to not spend more of her dwindling savings than she already was, she'd taken her goddaughter to McDonalds for lunch prior to arriving at Frontier Foods. They say grocery shopping on a full stomach was better, right? But maybe the chocolate milkshake the pair had shared wasn't the best idea. Ellie had been on what? A sugar high? Ever since they stepped through the doors. "Clementine!" This time using the child's full name, Carmen abandoned the shopping cart to chase after the young girl who'd made a beeline for the cereal aisle with no regard for anyone else around her.
It was only when the little girl ran into the legs of someone else, causing her to stumble backwards and land on her butt, that Carmen let out a hefty sigh. "Come on." Reaching down to help the little girl up, Carmen made sure she was okay before nodding to the man in front of them. "Apologize, Ellie."
Holding on to her guardian's hand, seven year old Ellie hid her face in the side of Carmen's arm before a gentle nudge had her looking up to the stranger with a bashful smile and a quiet apology before looking to Carmen to make sure she'd atoned for her mistake. "Thank you, this is why I told you to stay near me. Fruity Pebbles aren't worth a collision, honey."
Finally turning her attention to the man Ellie had run in to, Carmen did her best to offer him an apologetic smile. "Sorry about her, I guess milkshakes aren't exactly great to share with a seven year old before coming to the grocery store. You okay? She didn't get anything on your clothes or anything right? I swear her hands always seem to be sticky and I don't know why."
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