#pls just ignore them xxxxx
ttuesday · 3 years
Okay, but hear me out: The VDL gang reacting to you singing to them. 🥰
*serenades Pearson by singing livin’ la vida loca*
Arthur is completely entranced by your voice. While you sing, it's like everything else becomes quiet and all he can hear is you singing to him.
He doesn't want to overwhelm you with compliments in case it has the opposite effect and makes you feel self-conscious so he only mumbles a small compliment.
Arthur loves it when you sing but he never wants you to feel like you have to sing to him. But my god, whenever you sing it's like the whole world goes still.
Charles thinks your voice is very peaceful and can’t help but relax when he hears you sing.
Your singing reminds him of happier times and he loves how flawlessly you hit every note.
Charles knows he won’t be the only one that loves your voice so he wait a few hours before he finally compliments you and speaks to you about your singing.
After you finish singing, Dutch loudly claps and gives you a standing ovation. He isn't shy about telling you about how amazing he thinks your voice is.
This opens so many new possibilities for Dutch. His mind runs wild with all the con opportunities your singing brings in.
Whenever the morale around camp is low, Dutch asks you to sing a song to raise everyone’s spirits again.
John was surprised to hear you sing. He’s heard Javier, Karen, Mary-Beth and even Pearson sing but none of them were as good as you.
Although John doesn’t show much emotion during your performance, he’s listening intently to every lyric and slight change of tone.
Afterwards, John awkwardly mumbles “that’s a uh, that’s a very pretty song”. He really doesn’t know how else to compliment you without making a fuss.
Javier is super excited when he first hears you sing. Finally, someone else in the gang that’s musically talented.
Javier sits down beside you and begins to strum his guitar, trying to keep pace with the song you’re singing.
He admires how you can make any song feel unique and special. For the rest of the night Javier talks to you about different songs and melodies.
Your voice completely takes Micah by surprise. He didn’t expect to hear such a powerful, smooth flowing voice from you.
He’s paranoid about complimenting your voice, mainly because Micah doesn’t know how to compliment someone without sounding sarcastic or like he wants to get in their pants.
Instead Micah opens up to you and tells you about the songs he heard when growing up. If you know any of the songs and sing them to him, then Micah bashfully smiles at you and for a second, he’s speechless.
Sadie smiles warmly at you while you sing. It reminds her of the times she’d casually sing while tending to the horses back at her ranch.
She’s hesitant at first to mention this to you but after hearing you sing another few times, Sadie finally tells you that she likes (or liked) to sing.
You’re the only person Sadie will sing in front of and even at that she might only join in for the chorus of a song you’re singing. It’s a small sign that she’s comfortable with you but being able to sing a little again means a lot to her.
Bill stutters a compliment after hearing you sing. He’s caught off guard by your singing and so he’s more awkward than usual when trying to compliment you.
Don’t be surprised if Bill asks you to sing some songs to him and yeah, he’ll probably drift off to sleep as you sing to him.
It’s not that he finds your voice boring, Bill thinks both you and your voice are very comforting and that’s why he usually falls asleep.
The second Sean hears someone singing, his ears perk up and he just needs to join in.
Even if Sean doesn’t know the song, he’ll still loudly sing along and make up the words as he goes.
And if you have a good voice then maybe Sean will say your singing voice is nearly as good as his.
He’s not interested unless you’re singing wap
She tells you to stfu and get back to work, she has no time for slackers having a sing song.
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tamagotchi · 5 years
Big no one asked but here’s a recent story: get a text from a number I didn’t knew a few days ago ... asking me for my snap and number for a friend.. I’m like tf? And ignore it. Last night went to a party like impulsively an as im on the way my fiends like btw x will be there :))) I’m like who? So I’m there and the hosts like HHHHH JOHN UR JMHERE COME WITH ME.. walks me to a room and goes XXXXX I BROUGHT A GIFT FOR UUU I’m like :)))))))))...........................not happening rn is it? Yeah , it’s a chick that came into my job with her friend once, called the store after they edt asking for my coworkers number, I ask him and he gives it, they text him, he’s like nvm, I tell them he’s gay... she sells well my fiend liked u and thot U were cute .. I’m like.. yeah.. GHOST. So ya this happening. I hear all this shit from patty ppl about how she was drunk going off about how lunch she likes me but like.. drunk so enthusiastic and emotional.. that’s why friend texted me to come.. tf.. (I knew about it - she invited me, but I wasn’t feeling it at the time) yeah so I start to feel real bad and I text back giving my snap.. she ads me so I come off like 100% real and spill like .. I kinda wanacopy pasted what I said.. but I’m like- tldr, “I wana be real, don’t tell anyone pls, I get if u change ur mind I rly do, I’m trans, so wig . BITCH GOES SHE DOESNT CARE AO IM LIKE WOW :D UM? SHE GOES IM LOOKING YO JUST HOOK UP. Bitch
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Here are the faces I need. All that shit put out there all that worrying and stalling and anxiety ..(I’m not out at ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLL never told anyone that didn’t kno me in high school)so I get all emotional when she says idc.. all coz she wants FUCK???? yeah.. not how that shoulda went.. sheesh.. ny first exp like this ever and it’s in the name of.. 1 night stands.. ugh
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artificialqueens · 6 years
Honey (Monet x Monique) - Ortega
a/n: this is just my way of letting u all know that i stan Monet and Monique and ship them so bloody much that this happened. me n Salem (Citrus) were talking about how funny it would be to call this fic Honey bc of all the Trixie stans that fucking hate the brown cow/sponge chat, but also because of the Kehlani song Honey that reminds me so much of these two being pure. enjoy n pls let me know what u think! (p.s. last chapter of Game is coming i promise xxxxx)
Summary: performing arts college au, two gals being pals. Monet reminisces over how she got together with her girlfriend. Monique just wants to eat ice cream tbh.
The clock was ticking so slowly. Time seemed to be moving slower than it ever had done before in Monet’s life, but that always seemed to happen in tutorials. It seemed to happen even more frequently, she found, when Valentina was talking. Usually she would listen and try to contain her laughter as the girl flipped her long, straight hair about her shoulders and went on a long, self-centered tangent which had nothing to do with the topic at hand, but today her voice was grating. Performance showcases were coming up, and she had to practice. She had better things to do with her time than listen to her drone on in that high, affected, airy-fairy voice about…what the fuck was she even talking about?
“…and so I think if I chose that it would really highlight my vocal versatility, plus I could work in a costume as well, and maybe do a dramatic monologue at the start to illustrate the character,” she said, appearing to be finished. Monet looked over at her tutorial leader, Jinkx, who was half-asleep and very confused.
“Um…sorry, I don’t see how we got from the prevalence of 5/4 time signatures in later Jazz music to…” Jinkx blinked. “…you performing in your final showcase as Jean Valjean.”
All eyes shifted to Valentina, who blinked back at her. “I mean, isn’t it obvious? I feel I made my train of thought very clear.”
As Jinkx steered the conversation back to whatever the fuck it had been about in the first place, Monet scribbled in her notebook. She still hadn’t sorted her setlist out for her performances, or organised the band, and it was only a fortnight away. She was stressed. She almost didn’t notice her phone buzz.
Mo: bitch what the fuck was that all about?!?!?!!?
Mo: is she on crystal meth?????
Pause. Buzz.
Mo: why u ignoring me sis???
Mo: this is no way to treat ur girlfriend u whore
Mo: i know ur seeing these u bitch
Monet gave a light sigh and looked up. There, opposite her, was the living spambot herself that she had the privilege (or curse, she joked internally) to call her girlfriend, Monique. Her huge mane of dyed orange hair was blown out to frame her face perfectly, and the lids of her eyes sparkled with purple glitter which matched her highlighter. Monet’s heart did a flip. It still did when she looked at her, even after the 1 and a half years they’d been together. It seemed simultaneously like such a long time and also no time at all. It didn’t even count the two years beforehand that Monet had spent with a crush on her, which probably made it seem longer. Monique hadn’t noticed Monet looking at her yet and was still typing with her huge pointy nails, a feat which never ceased to amaze Monet.
Mo: here’s a nude i took earlier
Mo: 26012019_602040.jpeg
Just as Monet was about to tap on the picture, she heard her name being mentioned. She looked up with a start, the heat rushing to her face as if everybody could see her texts. The whole room was looking at her expectantly, save for Monique who was looking just as rabbit-caught-in-headlights as Monet imagined she was.
Jinkx gave a kind smile, obviously seeing that she hadn’t been paying a blind bit of attention. “Have you started thinking about the showcase much yet, or not at all?”
Monet gave a grateful exhale. Then, she thought for a second. “I know that I need to get a setlist done but I almost feel like I have too many ideas going on and I don’t know which one to go with? Like I don’t have a theme.”
“Oh, I feel that, honey,” came a theatrical voice from across the room. Trixie Mattel, the scholarship kid, was bright and talented, but also annoyed fuck out of Monet because of her incessant catchphrase. “I sat for ages trying to think of what I should sing. But then I thought, what’s really going to show me for me? A bit of who I am? And then it just hit me- honey! I say it so often it’s such a huge part of me, so why not theme all my songs around it?”
Jinkx smiled at the student. “Which are?”
“Honey, Honey from Mamma Mia: The Musical, Honey I’m Home by Shania Twain, and Honey, I’m Good by Andy Grammer,” she smiled proudly. Monet heard a tiny snort across the room and her eyes immediately drifted to Monique who was sniffing as if she had a cold.
“Well, at least someone’s sorted,” Jinkx shrugged, raising her eyebrows and checking the clock. “Okay, that’s us done. Go practice and get organised.”
There was a wild scraping of chairs and bags flying over shoulders as the other students raced out of the seminar room. Monet was last out by the time she’d packed up and thrown her jacket on, and she left the room to find Monique leaning against the wall in the empty corridor waiting for her. She smiled gently as she saw her girlfriend.
“Good to go?” Monet asked her, running a hand down her arm and taking her hand.
“Well, you took long enough,” Monique pouted, cheering up when Monet squeezed her hand. “If we go get ice cream will you share it with me?”
Monet feigned a sob. “I really need to practice.”
Monique stopped in the hall and did her best impression of a dying kitten. Monet rolled her eyes. “Fine! We’ll go.”
Monique was happy as she walked hand in hand with Monet to the ice cream parlour. She radiated bubbly excitement as she talked about her showcase and how she was going to perform all original songs, including one about a brown cow. This was precisely what Monet loved about Monique- her neverending energy, her lust for life, her complete fucking off-the-wall ideas and creativity that nobody else seemed to have. She’d always been like that in high school, too- you could hear her before you could see her, and it was as if every moment was part of her own, Monique-Heart-based reality show. She was always popular, but not quite in the bitchy sense, and she was always surrounded by her friends: Mayhem, the queen bee, Asia, the makeup artist, Vixen, the bitch never out of detention. Monet always stayed in her lane- after all, there was no real reason for their paths to cross- but she’d often look across the lunch hall to the table of goddesses and feel intrigued and shy at the same time, confused by the feelings that years later she’d recognise as a classic, embarrassing high school crush.  
They arrived at the cafe where Monique sat down, all but grabbed the menu from Monet’s hands, and began flicking through it.
“What do you want?” she asked Monet, not looking up from her flicking. Monet let out a burst of laughter.
“Bitch, you just took the menu from me! How the hell am I supposed to know?! Get whatever you want,” she shrugged, leaning back in her seat and looking out of the window. “I don’t mind.”
It was cold and grey outside but somehow Monique made it seem so much more colourful- a huge lilac sweatshirt with an enormous pair of eyes stitched onto it, patterned blue and green exercise leggings. Stuff that anyone else would be afraid of wearing, but not Monique. Monique was fearless.  
Monique decided on a red velvet and white chocolate sundae. She proudly announced that she chose it because she remembered red velvet was Monet’s favourite, Monet smiling and not letting on that she had no intention of sharing the sundae and she only agreed to get ice cream because Monique would have been sad if they didn’t.
“I can’t believe you’re performing that fucking cow song at your actual showcase. You’re crazy,” Monet laughed suddenly, shaking her head.
“What?” Monique asked incredulously. “So it’s okay for Trixie to theme her whole show around fucking honey but I can’t do a song about a brown cow?”
“Yeah but…” Monet smiled, knowing it would annoy her girlfriend. “…it only works when she does it.”
Monique launched herself across the table to wallop Monet on the arm. Suddenly guilty, Monet reached across and took Monique’s hand, stroking her knuckles gently and taking care to avoid getting stabbed by her nails.
“I’m kidding. Your song’s fun.”
“Oh, it’s a bop,” Monique nodded emphatically.
“Facts are facts,” Monet smiled, using the phrase she knew Monique loved so much.
“Facts are facts,” Monique repeated, beaming at her from across the table. “I ever tell you how lucky I am to have you?”
“No,” Monet deadpanned, taking a sip out of the glass bottle of coke she’d ordered. Monique laughed and mirrored her sip. That was all their relationship seemed to consist of- laughter, constant fun and affection. Monique was funny in her own crazy way, hyper, and Monet was always joking about with her, teasing and poking fun at her until Monique went in a huff and Monet had to faux-beg for forgiveness. She knew Monique always found her funny, though, even though some people thought she wasn’t. In fact, humour was how Monet managed to get Monique on side when they first met properly. It was the first week of Year 13, and they had been put in the same Drama class. They’d been going round the circle talking about the classic bullshit start-of-the-year stuff- what they wanted to get out of the course and suchlike- and a loud-mouthed, domineering girl called Eureka was having her turn. Monet recognised her- she’d always been the year above her in school, but for some reason she was repeating Year 13 (there were rumours it was because of exam failures). Eureka was talking in a faux-humble style of how she already had an agent and how she was going to become a famous actress once the year was over, and that she didn’t really need to be taking Drama to be a professional anyway, she was just doing it for fun.
“Is that why you’re taking it to AS Level for the second time?” Monet had muttered. She thought she’d been quiet, but it had come out way louder than she’d expected, and it got her some glares from some of the bitchier girls. There had been a snort, though, from the other side of the room, and Monet’s gaze had followed it to the source- Monique Heart, who was smiling at her guiltily.
After class, Monet had taken a bit of heat from Eureka and her friends outside the Drama studio, until Monique had turned the corridor. She looked at the girls surrounding Monet, narrowed her eyes, cocked her head, and they’d left. That was the influence she held, and it captivated Monet slightly.
“Did they give you any trouble?” she’d asked, gazing at Monet intently with kind eyes. “Because if they do, just let me know. Vixen’s been looking for an excuse to drag that bitch since she joined our year.”
“Thanks,” Monet had given a quick, awkward smile and walked away, assuming the conversation had been over. She’d been surprised when Monique had caught up with her, walking quickly to match her footsteps.
“I thought it was funny, by the way. What you said. The bitch is so full of shit.”
“Someone had to say it,” Monet shrugged. She smiled to herself. Her heart had felt as if it’d swollen twice its size and she’d felt so satisfied that Monique had found her funny.
“Facts are facts,” Monique had agreed. It was the first time Monet had ever heard her say that. “So how come you’re crashing AS Drama?”
“It’s not a crash, I did A Level last year. I just think we were in different sets,” Monet explained, still amazed that Monique was talking to her. “I’m applying to Performing Arts college. The Academy?”
“Oh, same!” Monique had cried, a high-pitched shriek of recognition. “This is great! Now we can be each other’s emotional support when we do our auditions.”
Monet had smiled, and had gone to say something else when Monique omitted another large cry. As she waved, Monet realised she’d seen her friends.
“I gotta go but I’ll see you tomorrow, Monet!” she’d all but yelled as she ran off to join the other girls. Monet had been disappointed that their conversation was over, until she remembered that they had Drama in first period the next day which was less than 24 hours away.
Monet was suddenly distracted by a wet spoon hitting her nose. She blinked, surprised.
“What was that for?” she asked. Across from her, Monique was halfway through her sundae. Monet had no idea how long it had been there.
“You’ve been staring into space for like, two minutes solid,” Monique explained. Monet took another look at the sundae and laughed.
“You ate all that in two minutes?”
Monique rolled her eyes at her. “Can I be me?”
Monet smiled. “You can finish it. I don’t want any. I’ll still go halfers with you when we’re done.”
“You’re sweet,” Monique said softly, then followed Monet’s gaze out the window. “What were you thinking about anyway?”
“Just us before college. Before we were together,” Monet gave a small shrug and Monique grinned. She seemed eager to say something and was hurrying her current mouthful of ice cream so she didn’t have to speak with her mouth full.
“Remember how nervous I was the first few months we were together in case my parents found out?” she laughed, as if it was a joke. Monet didn’t remember it being a joke at the time. “Then we came here and I’m like ‘Hi, everyone, this is my girlfriend, Monet!’, ‘Hi, America, this is my girlfriend, Monet!”, “Hello, world, did you know I have a girlfriend? Her name is Monet!’. I think the whole college knows by now.”
Monet smiled. “I’m glad you can show me off, it’s what I deserve.”
Monique turned suddenly quiet, something that Monet hardly ever saw. A light blush had hit her cheeks. “I still remember being so happy getting partnered with you for our performance pieces, because it meant I’d get to spend more time with you.”
Monet smiled affectionately. “So was I, but then I was like ‘shit’ because I was already so nervous around you.”
“So was I!”
“Shut up, no you weren’t,” Monet let out a laugh. “You were a motherfucking foghorn around me, I swear I caught tinnitus from working with you.”
“Yeah! I get loud when I’m nervous, sis,” Monique muttered, taking a sip of her drink and looking so meek and so un-Monique that Monet wanted to both laugh and wrap her arms around her and never let go. “If it hadn’t been for Vixen we wouldn’t even be sitting here together now, how crazy.”
Monet snorted. “Yes we would. We’d both have got in here, just we’d probably still be friends and we’d both have huge crushes on each other but be too scared to tell.”
Monique looked indignant. “Hey, I would’ve told you at some point! Just needed to get my nerve.”
“Well, Vixen did it for us.”
It was true that neither of them really had had to make the first move because one lunchtime, just after their final performances and after Monet and Monique had found out they would both be going to the same college, Vixen sat down at Monet’s lunch table right beside her. Monet remembers Bob, Pepper and Cracker looking at them both and then dropping their conversational volume about ten decibels so that they could both talk and listen in. Her friends were so predictable.
“Hey,” Vixen started off. There was a sort of scheming little smile on her face, like she knew a joke that she’d never share with the world. “So Monique wants to know if you like girls.”
Monet vividly remembers drinking from a carton of orange juice and nearly choking on it. “Um. Why?”
Vixen looked at her nails, a small frown coming over her face as she realised she’d chipped one. “Monique’s never been with a girl before but she has this lesbian crush on you, it’s kind of adorable. Anyway, I thought I should ask in case you’re not into that. Pointless raising her hopes if they’re just gonna be crushed.”
Monet had blinked a little at her, while noticing that her friends beside her had dropped all pretence of talking to each other and were now full-on listening to their conversation.
“I mean, I kinda…like her too, I guess?” Monet replied, trying to sound casual when her heart was beating so fast she was afraid it would land her in hospital.
Vixen narrowed her eyes at her. “You kinda like her, or you like her? Which is it?”
“I like her,” Monet replied immediately. Then that same smile had appeared on Vixen’s face as she’d slid off the chair and sashayed over to her usual table. And then Monet had been thrown into a state of panic and anxiety- what if Vixen had been asking for a joke? What if she had just wanted to embarrass Monet, and Monique didn’t feel the same at all? She wouldn’t have been able to look Monique in the eye. She hadn’t dared to look over to the other table and, as her friends had consoled her, Monet thought she’d made a dreadful mistake.
So when Monet had been rushing to her next class after lunch and taking a shortcut she’d though that only she knew, she’d been surprised to see Monique sitting on a bench deep in thought. Self-conscious, Monet tried to hurry past her, but was stopped by a call.
She turned and Monique was smiling at her gently. It was a genuine smile. It didn’t seem scheming, or part of a set up. In fact, it looked a little shy.
“Hey,” Monet smiled back nervously, perching on the bench. “Sorry I kinda blanked you, I was rushing to get to class.”
“Oh well sorry, you better go!” Monique insisted, appearing more embarrassed by the second. Something in Monet wanted to find out why, so she replied.
“No, it’s okay. I’m late now, might as well commit to it,” she shrugged, looking at the other girl whose brows were furrowed. “How come you’re up here anyway?”
“Just thinking about stuff,” Monique said simply. Still with her eyes on the grass below, she continued. “Monet…”
Monet’s heart was rattling against her ribcage as if it was trying to escape her body. “Mm?”
“Did Vixen tell you? You know…about…me? And…you?” Monique asked calmly, even though looking back Monet thought that her insides were probably as fucked up as her own.
She’d wondered about whether or not to tell the truth. “About you liking me? Yeah, she did.”
Monique visibly cringed. “That motherfucking fruitloop bitch. I’m gonna kill her.”
Monet let out a laugh and Monique joined in too, softly. Her gaze finally met Monet’s own. “She told me that you like me too, though, right?”
Monet was sure she’d felt her heart stop completely, if only for a second. “Um. Yeah, I guess I do.”
There was a pause, and Monet panicked. “Monique, look, I don’t know if this is a huge in-joke you and your friends have, but-”
“Oh no, it’s really not! I promise,” Monique had blurted out. She’d been so far away from her usual chilled out, calm self, and she’d looked back to the ground. “So, uh. Do you want to go get food after school?”
Monet’s heart exploded. “Yeah. That sounds fun.”
“Just to clarify, this would be a date. Like this is me asking you out on a date,” Monique repeated, her eccentric energy slowly coming back. Monet snorted.
“Girl what do you think I am, hard of hearing? I get it,” she’d laughed, leading to Monet thumping her with her bag, standing up, and walking away.
“Don’t bother! It’s cancelled!” she’d cried out to her as she walked off, Monet doubling over laughing and happy in the knowledge Monique didn’t mean a single word.
Fast forward to today and they were leaving the ice cream parlour, hand in hand again, Monique happy and full of ice cream and Monet happy because her girlfriend was happy.
“I never thought it would be this easy, you know?” she mused out loud, Monique turning to her and pulling a confused face. Monet smiled and clarified. “Us. We always wondered how we’d do when we moved here and had to be on the same course but it’s so easy.”
“Of course it’s easy. You’re with me! What are you trying to say, that I’m hard work?” Monique all but screamed, Monet’s face remaining deadpan.
“Shut up,” Monique laughed, turning and pulling Monet in for a kiss. Monique’s kisses were always so much like her- soft and gentle but with a crazy passion that knocked Monet for six every time. They were interrupted by a disapproving voice muttering something about Jesus and tradition. Monique immediately whipped herself round from Monet’s face, found the culprit (a balding old man) and fired back.
“Sir, the ten commandments said ‘love thy neighbour’, and Jesus said ‘why do you break the command of God for the sake of your tradition?’, so I think the fuck not, bitch,” she all but spat at him. As the man walked away, stunned, she turned and wrapped Monet in a protective hug, which she was grateful for. “Try to out-Jesus me, whore.”
“Do you want to come back to mine and watch something?” Monet asked, trying to take her girlfriend’s mind off the situation.
“Like what?”
“X Files?”
Monique whined. “Bitch, stop trying to introduce me to your fucking alien fantasy! I’m not interested, I don’t get it!”
Monet tried to pull the same puppy-eye face that Monique loved to pull so much. It appeared to work because Monique’s face softened and she smiled, tucking a lock of Monet’s huge wavy black mane of hair behind her ear. “But you like it, so I’ll try to get into it.”
They ended up at Monet’s flat lying spooning on her bed, Monique the little spoon and getting a better view of the laptop screen, Monet just happy at getting to hold her around her small waist. They had long since changed into pyjamas even though it was only around 4 in the afternoon, Monet in a massive t shirt and sweatpants, Monique in a borrowed cami top and cotton shorts, and Monet had drawn the curtains so that her whole room was cosy and dark and illuminated by fairy lights and the laptop.
“It’s alright. The X Files,” Monique yawned sleepily. “Not the best but not the worst.”
“Mm. Just like sex with you,” Monet joked, Monique suddenly waking up to walk across the room as if she was leaving, then returning to her spot in Monet’s arms.
“You can literally go fuck yourself,” Monique bit back, but the yawn that escaped her mouth halfway through softened her words.
Fuck, Monet loved her so much. It got her thinking about how long it could be this good for. All couples hit snags and bumps in the road and, although they hadn’t had any yet, it was surely inevitable. Monet wondered what their first proper argument would be like and if they could recover from it, or if Monique was the type to walk away.
“I can hear you thinking,” Monique interrupted her train of thought, Monet feeling sheepish at having been caught out.
“Just thinking about us,” she admitted. “Wondering how long the honeymoon period is going to last. Before we eventually have a big fight and you leave me.”
Monique sat up abruptly. “And who says our honeymoon period won’t be our whole relationship?”
Monet laughed, tugging her girlfriend down with her. “Okay, yeah. That sounds good to me.”
“Anyway. I like annoying you too much to ever leave you,” Monique smiled, satisfied. She lay back down on the bed, and Monet could feel her stretching.
“Nap?” Monet suggested, stroking Monique’s hair and flipping it over her shoulders and out of her face.
“Nap,” Monique confirmed, wriggling a little in Monet’s arms and getting comfortable.
“I love you,” Monet smiled, kissing her girlfriend’s shoulder then reaching back to tie her own hair in an elastic.
“I love you too, girl,” Monique replied, reaching around to grab Monet’s arm and replace it around her waist.
“Goodnight, Mo.”
“G’night, honey.”
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Old poems
these are all of MY older poems going from 2014-2017
found my wattpad from ages ago and im going to be posting my old poems every now and then so pls dont make fun of me these are old but i WILL eventually start to post my newer work soon xxxxx 
 Suicide stays on my mental
Wondering what's really gonna happen when I finally break thru
When I finally get fed up and sick of the shit
When I finally sit there and decide to quit
The only thing that's stopping me is my own hand
Feels like nobody really there like it's all just an act
I really don't have nobody that truly got my back
Every single one of you is fake and fucking temporary
Nobody gonna b satisfied till I finally end it
Till I finally get pushed to the point and say fuck it
You think I'm all talk but watch one day I'll show you
When I finally get the guts to just end it cuz see I don't even know you
I could cut it off quick like I got nothing to live for
Cuz see I'm truly careless like it don't even matter
You not gonna b happy till my brains really splatter
Suicide crosses my mind often
I wonder what I look like inside of a coffin
I have a handful of attempts but see when I get to that point I hear this voice in my head don't know if it's god, satan, or just somebody dead
The voice always tells me to stop and I end up listening but I'm learning to ignore them and eventually you'll see my blood glistening
I turn it into jokes so I don't have to deal with it
So I don't have to accept the fact that I'm not good or how I'm misunderstood
Suicide all in my head Wondering what's gonna happen if I end up dead
When I say goodbye and go to the sky Don't miss me then cuz we both know it's pretend 
i rolled with the punches
although sometimes it felt as if i was getting jumped
i can still taste the tears of regret
i can feel the feeling of mental abandonment
i hold my breathe all day
and fucking gasp for air at night
you were the same as everyone else
you changed me and not for the good
i hate the fact that i can not hate you
you made me feel so alone
i loved you and you loved to make me cry
i didnt care bc you were the only one there
yet you made me want to pull out my hair
its like you hated me more than you loved me
you got a kick out of hurting my heart and watching me fall apart
i got a kick out of having someone to call my own
you made me feel ugly and worthless
made me feel like i was not worth it
your words would cut me like sharp piks
your voice was frightening like the scary music in a horror film
but our memories still cross my mind from time to time
i would look into your eyes and you would always look back
so tell me did why did you have to hurt me
why did you have to make me feel even more forsaken
you lied to me so much that i never knew the truth
and i think thats starting to happen with this new girl too
see youve changed me and not for the better
now i can never trust someone fully it just wont b the same
and to this day i still cringe when i hear your name
i see the good in all people and see thats my problem
i should of turned around as soon as you walked in
young thoughts that walk thru my mind but only sometimes
i’ve lived in a life of heaven examined as a world of sin
your eyes are the fences to heaven within
each day i will tell you your worth
that you are my personal guardian angel here on earth
that you are my sunshine on a dark day
that by your side i will stay until the day we turn gray
you showed up right in time
for you any hill i will climb
cariño, sólo pienso en ti
without you id b empty
you are truly a blessing
the thought of losing you is quite depressing
you are my favorite daydream
when i look at you i can tell your eyes gleam
make you climax till you scream
for you id do anything
i get happy over little stuff
i like words like shit and fuck
i dont enjoy having friends
i see the world thru a thick lens
i have a dog named junior
yeah hes rad and gnarly
i dont ever go to parties
and i dont like 2 say sorry
all my thoughts are glitter and sparkly
im looking for myself like safari
i like girls more than boys
i play with they emotions like toys
a lot of people crush on me
always rushing and nudging me
they like the way that im raw and how i put them in awe
i hit my head on the wall
i act like i am above all
im always laughing like im off alcohol
i find everything funny
like how my mom just dont love me
dirty everyone has done me
how everyone likes to just judge me
they like how im chubby and lovely
i like music a lot
my thoughts are always nonstop
sometimes they call me flowerpot
i like to drink tea and not soda
im the sickest, ebola
i hate the winter its too cold
in the summer i grow
i like stickers and socks
i like the jellies and boondocks
i like anime and hentai
i dont like to lie or cry
im sweet like pumpkin pie
i hit that bitch in her eye
i own nothing but ripped vans
but one day youll see me driving that benz
i like strawberry shakes
and to make girls legs quake
i keep them wet, the great lakes
i like long walks by myself
i cant reach the top shelf
i think tattoos and piercings are cool
trust no one, thats my rule
i like oldies and funk
im clumsy like an old drunk
i dont like to come out my bubble
it always seems to put me in trouble
i hate to hate
to me you may never relate
i get happy over little stuff
i put up this front like im tough
i seem to carry bad luck
im the best, hands up
screaming 666
my feelings mix
wonder what he has in his bag of tricks
my eyes continue to drip
i feel my soul as it slips
should i give it to him or keep it for myself
my soul is cold like an ice shelf
hes called for my name himself
shall i continue to be forever alone by oneself
or give it away to be loved and admired
my patience is expired
singing by myself like a lonely choir
wondering what it feels like to be sincerely supported and appreciated
wondering why i was even created
the fearsome part is is that i am not afraid
ive often thought about giving my psyche for trade
it walks across my mind often
i continue to live a life of no precaution
i sin often
so whats the point
why am i waiting
should i give it up and inside become rotten
or stay on the safe side and still disappoint
wondering if that deal would be worth it
cuz everyone knows im not perfect
god treated my sexuality like a joke
ive always knew but i never spoke
the day they found out everything went rabbid
acting like my choice of companions was just a bad habbit
ugly words thrown at me like queer and fruitcake
fruitcake to every christmas dinner that i am no longer welcomed at
not wanting me to walk in front of them like a black cat
get up everyday wearing the word faggot like an expensive pair of sunglasses
take the time to cross the street just so you dont  have to share a sidewalk with me
die of thirst so they dont have to use the same water fountain as me
that i should just like he and not she
saying that i am a sin and you will pray for me
cuz im homo you act like im ill like im missing chromos
think its a shame so you back out of my life in slow-mo
that girl es asqueroso y loco
then to accept me you rather push me on the streets like a hobo
sorry that i cannot be saved and you cant just wash this sin away
at the end of the day i dont care if you stay
Hi my angel
I hope all is well
I hope you still look down on me while I sit in this empty cell
No it's not jail but simply life now
I thought I could never do it without you but look at me now
I miss you dearly and still cry often
Wondering why you had to lay in that coffin
The thought of you still makes my eyes tear
The fact that I will never see you again makes me want to throw a chair
I forgot what your voice sounds like and even your laugh
I'd give anything up to take all that back
My first mother, father and friend
I'd kill someone to see you just once again
I miss you my angel more than anything I've took grip of
I hope you still look down from way up above
Always in my heart my one and true love
Goodbye for now but I'll see you again
Forever my angel till we meet again
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