#pls mind your wording I'm not sure I want that to be my legacy on here lmaoooo
I am in love with your brain. The sex post just changed my brain pathways and like enlightened me completely. Thank you 💕💕💕
Omg, thank you so much for this!! It took so long to finish writing that I started getting really self-conscious about it, and nearly scrapped the whole draft several times. (As someone who is both allosexual and a virgin, the imposter syndrome anxiety was a little overwhelming sometimes lol)
I'm so glad to see that people have been responding so well to it, whether they necessarily agree with me or not. Everyone has been so lovely, and I love reading every single response people have written. 💕
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thatrandomidiot182 · 22 days
Velaryon Reader!
Who has received news of the... fondness Lord Corlys has been showing two certain brothers in Driftmark. She sees what her father is imagining, and she hates it.
This time, no one is there to comfort her during her breakdown. She screams and cries and turns her bedroom upside down in her rage. She weeps and wails, lamenting over her parents' blatant refusal to acknowledge her. They didn't even acknowledge her betrayal!!
She vows to destroy her parents and their legacy. Their neglect will be the doom of the house Velaryon. Reader will ensure that no one will ever recognize the names Corlys or Rhaenys. No one will ever remember the Sea Snake and the Queen Who Never Was.
Their legacies will be erased, buried underneath the shadow of her glory. She will rewrite the histories in her name.
Soon, her name will be synonymous with House Velaryon, and no matter the outcome of this war, the true winner will be her, for she will be remembered regardless.
As for the happenings in the Red Keep, tension has formed among the council as Reader sits in on the council meetings in Aemonds stead.
During the meetings, Reader simultaneously sympathizes with Aegon and scorns him. He now tries to fulfill his duties, when it is already far too late. He expects everyone to respect and adore him when he has done nothing to warrant their approval or trust. He is arrogant.
Which keeps him blind...
When the discussion of Harrenhal is brought about, Reader reassures Aegon that Cole and Aemond have the situation handled.
"My husband and Ser Criston march on Rooks Rest as we speak. Harrenhal must wait."
"Wha- A pathetic prize! No, tell them to turn around at once, I want Harrenhal back!"
"I can assure you, my King, Daemon will find no love in the Riverlands. We will lose nothing by giving him time to make an arse of himself, but we will lose far more if we ignore our current situation in the crownlands."
Reader then goes on to demonstrate Aemonds thought behind taking Rooks Rest, much to the dissatisfaction of the councilmen.
"How exactly do you know this? Are we supposed to just believe the word of a woman? One who is not yet married into the royal family, mind you."
Reader then goes on to admit that her and Aemond had eloped before his departure, the looming threat of war and death being great motivators behind their decision.
"The Queen herself was our witness."
No one believed her words of course, but the matter was quickly forgotten when Reader mentioned that Aemond had been writing her letters informing her of his plans and actions.
Aegon is furious, and accuses them of scheming behind his back.
Reader humbles him very quickly once he lashes out at her. (This next part is spoken in High Valyrian and kind of replaces Aemonds speech lol.)
"You had more pressing concerns to address... What with your dealings in the court, and swearing in new Kingsguards... not to mention that you have just experienced a terrible loss... I did not wish to burden you further with a matter that seemed already handled. Of course, if you have a wiser strategy in mind, I encourage you to voice it to your council. I am sure they are all awaiting your thoughts..."
Aegon was rendered speechless, caught off guard, and completely clueless as to what was just said.
The king was made a fool of, stumbling over his second language like a child.
That night, as Reader was convincing Helaena to begin training with Dreamfyre, Larys runs straight to Reader after his brief meeting with Alicent in her room. He informs Reader of the tea (pls get the joke, I think I'm so funny) in exchange for an interesting rumor floating about The Vale.
Reader senses Aegons building frustration.
She sees his impatience and anxiety.
Watches how his helplessness and pride clash and begin to form the perfect rope for her to tie around his neck...
She hastily sends a letter to Aemond before making her move.
It was fate that she happened to visit just as Alicent had left Aegon with tears and snot running down his face.
She comforted the young king, cradling him and wiping his tears while he mumbled and whimpered about his mothers words.
Reader instills Aegon with confidence and advises him to do what his mother asks and prove himself a worthy king.
Someone worthy enough to sit the throne.
Someone worth listening to...
She fills his head with Illusions of grandeur and heroism, mindfully comparing him to the likes of Aemond, Cole and his father.
"No one would bow to a cowardly king. Bravery and honor are something you must earn, and the opportunity will not be found here, wallowing in your bed." (Hook, line and sinker folks.)
That night, Aemond flew back to the Red Keep with Melys' corpse grasped in Vhagars mouth. He rushed to meet Reader with an urgency previously unseen on the man. He speaks to her in rushed sentences, and hurried whispers.
Aegon was burnt out of the sky.
Melys the Red Queen was dead.
Rooks Rest was conquered.
Rhaenys Targaryen was captured, alive.
The latter being a close-guarded secret kept between no one but Aemond, Reader and her personal guard.
Reader then had Rhaenys imprisoned near Driftmark.
Many of its people still respected and adored her as its true heir, so it wasn't very hard for her to send her mother and her most trusted soldiers to some small castle on the edge of Driftsmark's lands. There, no one would suspect a thing, the soldiers bore the Velaryon color and sigil, and the castle was unknown to have a dungeon.
It was the perfect place to keep her until she was needed...
The next issue Reader dealt with, was the question of who would rule in Aegons stead.
Alicent had volunteered herself, which the rest of the council immediately shot down, much to Readers delight.
Reader then volunteered Helaena, as she herself is now in the position Alicent was just weeks prior.
"After all, she is the Queen, she is the obvious choice for regent."
While the rejection was not as harsh as Alicent's, it was still just as swift.
"The Queen is too soft. We are in a time of war, we need strength!"
"Then I believe our choice is already made clear..."
Alicent threw a fit when everyone agreed.
"It must be Aemond, the realm would call us hypocrites otherwise."
Alicent's last attempts died as Cole gravelly spoke,
"Aemond is next in line, it must be him."
As Aemond stood and moved to take Aegons seat, he made a show of having Reader occupy his own emptied chair.
Aemond wasted no time in making moves. First and foremost, Reader was officially seated on the council and named the Master of Ships, as she had her fleet gifted by her father and a newly acquired addition of fifteen ships and their men, won from the hands of Dalton Greyjoy during a game of cards.
Next, the joint Lannister and Wyld army was to march to the Riverlands and meet Daemon with force.
In order to address the concerns of the smallfolk, Aemond ordered a curfew to be set, and all entries were to be closed besides the main gate, where he instilled a mandatory checkpoint for any and all entries and exits made to be thoroughly examined.
He requested his mother to work with Reader and establish a 'clinic' at the sept, where the sisters and maesters were to treat the smallfolk at their whim, and where they would now host a bi-nightly rationing of fresh food. Simple foods, such as sandwiches and soups would be handed out as well as drinking water and 2-4 vegetables and fruits per family.
Tyland showed concern for how it would be funded and Reader ensured that it would all be taken care of.
By which she means she has huge shipments of food and gold coming in from Essos where she traded a pair of small, albiet habitable, unclaimed islands near Driftmark to the Triarchy.
In conclusion, a very productive meeting.
The announcements were met with confliction amongst the smallfolk. On one hand, they were anxious and infuriated at the lockdown, but on the other they were relieved and awed at the generosity and compassion showed by the Prince. Most were placated and went back to their homes in relief that their safety and wellbeing was being thought of and worked on. However, few still wanted out, and thus a large queue began forming at the main gate, people frustratedly waiting to go through the checkpoint and flee Kings Landing.
Reader personally assured her servants and handmaids of their and their families' safety and wellbeing, ensuring their already unwavering loyalty stayed strong.
Once in the quiet solitude of their now shared room, Reader and Aemond gather to discuss their future and the future of their houses and regroup their thoughts and experiences.
"I do not wish to give up on Jacaerys, I should like him to be spared somehow... So that we may one day make amends, all of us."
"It is unlikely to happen my love, instead of dwelling on possibilities we should focus on our current situation and our next moves."
Reader quietly relents to his words and informs him of Helaenas newfound determination to train with Dreamfyre. The rest of her free time would now be dedicated to running drills in the air alongside Reader and her dragon.
He mentions Aegon and his current predicament and Reader assures him that Aegons time will come. For now, they must deal with Rhaenyras growing boldness as her maid Elinda now roams Kings Landing.
Aemond goes on to question what will be done about Harrenhal and Reader explains that she believes it best that the Lannister/Wyld army await the rivermen at the Frey bridge. There, they will await Daeron and the Hightower army before continuing to confront Daemon alongside Reader and her dragon.
Aemond hates the plan and begs her to reconsider. Not only is it putting his baby brother at risk but her as well!
Reader is stubborn and insists that there is no other way.
If they allow Daemon to conquer the crownlands, they would be outnumbered, so it is best to strike him in neutral, open land before he gets too close.
If they instead wait and allow Daemon to march on Kings Landing, Rhaenyra and her dragons are sure to join and they would be conquered.
Aemond attempts to convince her to at least let him and Vhagar fly against his uncle instead but Reader immediately shuts that down.
She knows pitting him against Daemon would be sending him to his death. No matter how fearsome Vhagar is, Aemond is still fairly new to battle and easily influenced by his emotions and past grudges. He'd take the challenge as an opportunity to show off and prove his uncle as lesser then.
If he were to fight against Daemon, he'd lose.
Reader is convinced that her and Daeron would manage just fine and tells him so.
Aemond has no choice but to abide, though not without compromise. He proposes that Reader and the Lannister/Wyld army go to the Frey bridge while Daeron with the Hightower army will meet Cole, Gwayne, and her army to form a pincher maneuver and cage Daemon in.
Reader agrees, with perfect timing as the next day they received word of Jason Lannister summoning Aemond...
"I will send word to Lord Jason at once, husband. As soon as my affairs have been settled here, I will set out."
Oh man was the council in uproar at that, but, unlike Aegon, Aemond had complete control of the situation and quickly took the reigns of the conversation.
He immediately makes it known that the decision was not up for debate.
Cole and Reader would set out as soon as possible.
Tyland will go treat with the Triarchy for more ships (as a way to keep him out of Aemonds hair)
Aemond and Vhagar will stay in Kings Landing in preparation of any attempted invasion by Rhaenyra.
Alicent attempts to convince Reader to make Aemond reconsider dismissing her from the council before she leaves and Reader assures her that she will speak with him... But why would she do that when Alicent needs to be gone in order for Reader to make her next steps?
Reader flies out to the bridge after meeting with Jason Lannister at the Golden Tooth for a brief chat informing him of the change in plans. Once he and his men were sufficiently marching to their targeted location, Reader flies ahead in order to ensure the Frey's cooperation, lest they begin to have second thoughts about their allegiance.
In the meantime, Elindas efforts bore no fruit, as the smallfolk were plenty placated by the Regents newly established food drive. Ulf himself spoke out against the slander of his Queen and praised the Regent and his wife for their acts, which have been accomplished in such little time compared to Aegon or Rhaenyras continous demonstrated lack of care.
Orweyle informs Aemond that despite having made it through the night, the King shows no sign of awakening anytime soon and that the maids have done an excellent job thus far ensuring the kings comfort and wellbeing with their dedicated care. (👀)
Reader is greeted with a surprise upon her visit to the Frey's...
Jacaerys has been suffering a deep depression since their last meeting. The loss of both his brother and soulmate at once was a cruel reality he was forced to deal with.
He has taken to suppressing his grief and sadness and now turns to relying on his anger to keep him afloat. He functions with a fog in his brain and a weight in his heart, and only keeps pushing through to please his mother and see her victorious.
Seeing her again was never in his plans.
After all the suffering he has endured at her hand, he had hoped to never again face her as he knew it would cause him to falter.
Despite his rage and the unrelenting heartbreak, his stomach still flutters at the mere sight of her.
The Frey's are terribly nervous at the sight of the huge black dragon trailing behind Reader as she makes her approach towards their seated figures. They feel the tension between the two and don't hesitate to make a hasty departure once it was obvious that they were too preoccupied with making tense snide remarks to one another to care about their presence.
Jace is very curt, and attempts to instigate Reader into an argument.
Reader doesn't fall for his provocation and instead seizes the opportunity to apologize and attempt to explain her words from their previous encounter but Jace wants none of it.
"Enough nonsense, it is clear to me that we are here for the same reasons, therefore there is only one way we could possibly settle this affair."
"You would propose battle? So quickly? You and your little Vermax against me and mine? Truly Jacaerys, is this an attempt you fullheartedly believe will prove victorious, or do you think so little of me to assume that I would yield?"
"Fly or do not, Vermax and I will meet you with fire and blood regardless."
Reader begrudgingly follows his lead after his demonstrated stubbornness and mounts her dragon before taking to the skies alongside Vermax.
Despite the difference in size and experience between the two dragons, Vermax was remarkably swift and nimble in comparison to the larger.
Reader evades his attacks to the best of her ability but Vermax (reluctantly) follows his riders commands to the best of his ability and manages to land quite a few good nips and slashes on the larger beast, slowly chipping away at his wings and neck.
Eventually, Reader is forced to counter, as her dragons agitation and impatience begins to grow.
Thus, Jacaerys is forced into reluctant defeat as he abruptly finds Vermax's fragile neck in-between the maw of the black beast.
Reader instructs her dragon to carefully grasp Vermax in his clutches and begin towards a large clearing in the distance. Once there, Vermax is released and Reader dismounts to meet Jace in the middle of the meadow. (Am I imagining the meadow from twilight? maybe...)
Once his feet were planted firmly on the ground, Jace finds himself at a standstill with Reader and can't bring himself to utter a word.
Reader takes his silence in stead and wastes no time. She immediately apologies for Winterfell, and hastily explains her words and actions, begging Jace to reconsider his hatred for her.
Jace, although extremely reluctantly, accepts her apology and insists she honestly confess her thoughts on Lucerys and Aemond in exchange.
Reader agrees and the two form a momentary truce in order to face one another with open minds and neutral hearts.
Reader firstly assures Jace that she makes no excuse for the way she acted, but that she does regret it. She tediously walks him through her thoughts and actions that night, and explains how her desperation led her to speak before considering his feelings. She confesses her grudge against Lucerys and how the shared hatred of the boy is what led to her growing so close with Aemond in their youth. She insists that despite their grievances, the thought of killing the boy never would have been acted upon by herself or Aemond.
Jace is conflicted. He finds himself unwilling to trust her yet doing so regardless. He apologizes for his harsh words that night and assures Reader that he doesn't hate her. He may be incredibly upset at and hurt by her, but hatred is not found.
"I-I cannot find it in myself to hate you for such a reason. Even knowing you wanted to kill my brother could not deter me, I would be hypocritical to do so seeing as I myself wish Aemond dead."
He divulges his guilt over his own words, and explains how the grief and anger had taken over, completely overtaking any clear thought in the moment.
Reader properly consoles him and assures him that his apology is unwarranted.
"You have nothing to apologize for. You were grieving, and I had no place burdening you with my fantasies."
Another night passes, with the two reconciling and rekindling the fragile embers left of their relationship.
Reader tells him that she married Aemond.
Jacaerys is understandably crushed but vows to fight for her still.
Reader knows its a hopeless thought but entertains him regardless.
As the sun begins to rise, Reader and Jace share one last kiss goodbye before parting for their respective castles.
They had agreed to leave the Frey bridge up tot he gods, as whoever's troops reach it first will be the ones with the rightful claim.
When Reader meets back up with the Lannister/Wyld army, she is greeted by messengers from Kings Landing and Driftmark.
The news from Kings Landing wasn't particularly shocking,
Aemond wrote seeking advice on what to do about Rhaenyras bastard scouting.
Larys wrote in concern that Otto is MIA.
Helaena wrote with updates on her training.
The letters from Driftmark, however, from her men contained some much more interesting information...
First, a ship containing some very valuable 'cargo' was seized by Readers incoming ships from essos while crossing the sea.
Second, an unknown dragonrider has appeared in the skies of her hometown...
I really don't like this chapter, it just did not come together the way I wanted it to, but I refuse to let it hold me back so here it is! I will probably revamp this sometime in the future, but only after I finish the series.... maybe before starting the side chapters, who knows.. Anyways I hope you guys like where this series is headed so far, thanks for putting up with my shenanigans so far <3
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hyunsuks-beanie · 3 years
You so cute 😭 pls First of alll thank you for all the kindness you put in your words .) I told you cz I wanted to get another opinion from the side🥺💖
About my last relationship.. it was the most hurtful , the person swore to stay with me forever and never let me go .. and I’ve tried so hard not to fall for them , but after 1y I gave up and gave my whole self in.. and after some time everything ended … it was 3 months ago and I’m not healing at all , I can’t .. :( I just lost trust everything., I thought we were like soulmates but ..
As for this guy friend , I know him 6 months , we became good friends (?) idk just good mates you know .. he was hitting on me from the day we met , but I said I’m taken and he seemed to be okay with friends.. I just wanted to be friends that’s it .. but apparently no guys want to be in my friend zone 😂😭😩🤡
So this guy , he doesn’t know I’m single now I haven’t told him at least and recently we have been having really good time together, so that’s why I wanted to give him smth for his bday , but just as a friend you know , but I was afraid he might fantasise something else out of it 😂
I changed my mind because of recent conversation we had .. where he expressed his opinion of women as creatures that must give birth to kids , it’s their duty, doesn’t matter you want them , you child free , doesn’t matter you were born to give legacy to men
That was like a slap for me .. omg I was and still so disappointed and mad at this kinda attitude and they way men see women like wth
Like the whole point of my existence from his words is to get a men and provide yes provide his with kids💀
There’s no emoji to describe how furious I am.. and I cannot believe many people even women stand by this position .. That’s so unfair.. I thought days of slavery were over …
As for marriage.. you probably can tell how I feel about it ?😂😭😭
IM SO SORRY FOR PUTTING ALL OF THIS ON YOU .. first I just wanted to ask if I should send 🍾 to my new dude friend.. and now you know almost everything about me 😂😭😩 I feel so awkward and guilty.. but from another side I wanted to listen to what you say .. I don’t know what’s wrong with me 😭😂 I’m sorry
I’m so disappointed rn, feeling so unworthy.. always dealing with sexism at work , now my friends and fam putting their narratives on me making me feel like the second sort of a human of course after men.. nothing helps at this point, I have this feeling like craved somewhere inside of me ..😖 even if I know theoretically all of us we have choice .. I feel caged
Ahhh I should really stop sharing this much 😭 I’m sorry I hope I’m not making you feel uncomfortable.. I just wish I had one person to understand me..
That’s all about this update
/ 🐱
Yes love I totally understand, and don't worry, it's definitely not a bother💖
Sad and ugly breakups are always the worst, and the fact that they hurt for so damn long is just heartbreaking😭I'm so sorry you had to go through that, but I hope you'll be able to pick the pieces up and move on one day soon. I know you lost trust in everyone and everything, but believe me, it gets better. I've been through it, and I came out happier and stronger. And so will you, so don't you worry💖
Honestly I hate it when people can't read the signals, like...can you stop hitting when you know the other person isn't interested? Anyway, being friend-zoned is never nice lol, so he definitely mustn't have liked it. And yeah, good thing you didn't exactly give him a present, bc his views on women and their role are PLAIN DESPICABLE. That's such a disgusting thing to think about women, and I mean, his mind honestly is in the 12th century smh. Like bitch please, I'm a woman, and I have far more important things in life than handling the household and bearing children.
Like sure, I want kids of my own one day, but thats because I WANT TO BE A MOTHER ONE DAY, not because I want to give some random man any right over my body wtf? And honestly, I'm happy you didn't tell him you're single now, it's none of his business and you're better off away.
I'm furious too, and yeah, it's really saddening how even so many women consider such stuff to be the responsibility of another woman, rather than a choice. People need to get their heads out of their asses. I'm sorry for the language but it is what it is.
And yeah, I understand your views on marriage and tbh I'm the same. Relationships just don't work for me and idk if I'll be able to take a life-long one at that.
Bestie noooo😭😭Not at all!! I'm just glad you trust me enough to tell me so much about yourself, and you can tell me stuff about yourself any time!! It's never annoying, and I'm never too busy for friends 💕And yeah, we all theoretically have a choice. But that's just it, it's theoretical for so many of us, not just women. There's people with views that are ancient, and they try to force them upon us and it's so annoying and hurtful😭But you gotta stand your ground and keep pushing, bc you've only got yourself.
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