#plsss I know I'm late but I forgot I made this
chaosfantasmic · 7 months
So lu got updated
(art creds to @linkeduniverse btw)
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hotchlove · 6 months
Trustworthy | Reader X Aaron Hotchner
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hi!!! welcome to my first one-shot fanfic :) i had a blast writing this and hope u'll have even more fun reading it.
• i take requests! plsss dm me or leave them here if u have anything fun you'd like me to write. it can be angst, anytype of trope, smut, etc. • PLZ NOTE: i ONLY do oneshots. they differ from long to short depending on the character and story. i do not write series! • trustworthy - 3.1k+ words (i got carried away D:) • desc.: - quite a bit of angst - probable inaccurate description of readers job - happy ending ♡
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it's been about five or six months since i've joined the behavioral analysis unit in the fbi. it's not like i've been counting the days...
who am i kidding? it's been exactly 191 days - whereas like 2 of those days my boss, SSA Aaron Hotchner, was actually nice to me.
those being my first two shifts.
on the third day, i had to make a spontaneous choice whilst on a case - one that, sure, was reckless and stupid and to quote hotch "unprofessional", but i managed to save many unpredictable lives with that choice.
we were on a case in miami, a state the team hasn't visited yet up until that day.
it was a 3h flight but it was a big case, so those hours flew on by as garcia briefed us. a 36 year old mother recently lost her teenage child to the hands of a drunk and supposedly has had hallucinations of her late child telling her to kill other kids, as revenge, i'm guessing - spooky, right?
i suggested manic schizophrenia - clear symptoms and obvious manic signs (the killings). that suggestion kind of cleared the foggy air on the jet. hotch gave me a nod of approval and i felt pretty damn proud of myself, it was only my third day after all.
on the third and last day, we finally cornered the woman on a traffic free highway. she had no where to run, agents were surrounded all around her - but she was holding a shotgun. the simple way out would've been having one of our federal snipers shoot her - but i couldn't let that happen. she killed the children of many, and letting her die a painless and simple death just didn't feel right.
i swatted the snipers away, the red laser that was planted on her forehead now gone. i throw my gun on the floor and pretend to surrender, hands up. "you remind me of my mother." i tell her, my arms up.
"Y/N." hotch warns me. his eyebrows furrow as he sees me now weaponless, basically staring the shotgun in it's eyes. i don't turn to him, i don't even acknowledge him. "she tried so hard to protect me." i say and walk tiny steps towards the woman, who now walks backwards to avoid me.
"stop! one more move and i-i'll shoot." no she won't. "she basically devoted her life to making sure i remain scratchless and pure." i chuckle.
"well, look how that turned out. i've got scars all over my body and a fun memory to come with all of them." i get even closer to her. "i know how you feel. i know how much you miss him." the woman cries and nods.
"i do. i really do. what did i do wrong?!" she yells and she points the shotgun at me. "i protected him like he was made out of glass, whilst other mothers - bad ones - let their kids wander everywhere alone."
hotch jumps a little seeing the woman point her hefty gun at me. "Y/N. move." he warns, his tone as stern as his expression.
i shake my head but don't look back. "other mothers - bad ones - still have their kids. and mine," her tears fall. "my baby boy got swept off his feet the only time - an exception - when he got to walk home alone from school." she cries.
"you're right. you did everything right," i reassure her and walk even closer, only 10 meters standing between me and the shotgun barrel.
"except you forgot one thing," i scoff. "teaching him to grow the fuck up."
the gun drops to the floor shortly after she shoots. morgan runs towards her, putting the metal cuffs on her wrist. he reads her rights and takes her to the sheriffs wagon that was parked just 2 minutes away.
the bullet didn't hit me - she had no idea how to take an accurate shot. god, she barely even held that shotgun - the weight of it almost holding her instead of the other way around.
"agent Y/L/N!" hotch runs towards me, i pick myself up. "we got he-" i get interrupted by him. "what is wrong with you?!" he yells.
"are you actually insane? i gave you a direct order to move. do you think of me as a fool?" he yells, his voice basically growling.
"excuse me? i just basically handed her to you." i say, offended he's yelling at me for doing my job. "and in the process you almost got your head blown off." he's even angrier as i talk back.
"head blown off?" i scoff. "hotch, the woman couldn't even hit a giant red target if she tried. it was a risk i had to ta-" he interrupts me again.
"no- no, agent. it wasn't. you put your life on the line to appear macho infront of everyone here." he puts his pistol in it's holder and crosses his arms, taking slow but sure steps towards me. "you took control of the case like you're a veteran - but actually, you're just a rookie that will probably quit in the span of 2 months because you'll realise you can't do this." he growls again. that one hurt. "badge and gun. you're flying back to quantico tonight. i'll put in a request for a two week suspension as soon as i am back." he holds out his hand, waiting for me to hand him my gun and badge. my eyebrows furrow. "what?" my mouth parts - speechless. "you can't be serious." i say, unsure if he is. he's silent for an entire minute.
so he is serious. i give in - i have to, he's my boss, so i hand him my badge and my gun. without saying anything, i walk away. leaving the crime scene, wasn't authorized to be there anymore anyway. and ever since that day, 188 days ago, aaron hotchner has got it in for me.
everyones sitting in the briefing room except me and garcia. i walk in 2 minutes late and excuse myself, "sorry, lost track of time." JJ nods and hotch says "you own a watch, don't you, agent?" his angry expression once again tainting his face.
god i'd pay a ridiculous amount of money to punch him just once. "yes, sir. will not happen again." i reassure.
no one calls hotch sir except me. it's kind of a unspoken rule - the others are close to him, which i am not. which i will probably never be, considering he still judges my mistake as a way to not trust me with anything.
garcia walks in just a minute after me "sorry, guys, kevin was blabbing and blabbing and i could not get him to shut up." she says and smiles awkwardly. "it's fine" hotch says. "everyone's allowed to be late - once." he raises an eyebrow and looks at me.
just one punch.
JJ briefs us on the case and tells us the local police department doesn't want us there - so she's going to have to convince them, which can take a day or two. i don't mind - i was honestly not in the mood for a flight today. everyone goes back to their every day business. files, reports, coffee and smalltalk in the kitchen - or for morgan and garcia, friendly flirting in her office.
me and spencer are both stirring a fresh cup of good ol' joe in the kitchen, talking - or well, he's talking - about some new physics crap. i just nod and pretend i understand.
the color of the beige wall behind him looks particularly interesting today. he keeps explaining and suddenly goes "BOOM!" his hands wide and i jump a little at the noise - spilling coffee all over my pink blouse. i look at him annoyed, "oh my god. i will murder you." he can't contain his laugh and bursts, "i was just demonstrating!" then goes running out of the kitchen before i can get to him. i sigh and look at my now brown blouse - this would be awfully devastating if i didn't have a go-bag. i place my almost empty mug in the kitchen sink and head towards my tabe - emily giving me a curious stare. "what happened to you?" she scoffs, "physics." i reply and take my go-bag, fishing out the only blouse i have - a white one.
emily just nods at my remark and goes back to her file as if it was the most normal thing ever. considering it's me - it probably was. i change in the ladies room and scrunch my coffee splattered blouse into a ball. standing infront of my mirror i realise how see-through this blouse is - especially with a pink bra that i wore just for the pink blouse. "you have got to be kidding me." my eyes widen. it's really not that bad, but it's noticeable. so noticeable HR might force us all into a "appropriate clothing" seminar tomorrow. i really don't have much of a choice so i walk out like that, hoping or praying no one notices. my hope is diminished when i meet garcia in the bullpen, holding her palm to her hand so she doesn't burst out laughing. "not a word, garcia." i look at her, my eyes shooting arrows. thank god for kevin, as he comes and pecks her lips, her surpressed laughter now gone like the wind. saved by the bell. or well, by a kiss. i sit down at my table and keep working on my reports - if i slouch down enough you really can't see it. i'm a great problem solver. a rough, deep voice calls my name from a distance, "agent Y/L/N, my office, please." hotch says standing in his doorway. my head drops in defeat - i really have no luck today. i grab the file i was working on and hold it on my chest, basically hugging it - it makes me look weird but not weirder than having my pink bra open for everyones eyes. i stand infront of his door, mumbling to myself about how i hate my life and knock twice. "come in" hotch says, his eyes glued to his computer. "sir. you wanted to see me?" he nods and tells me to sit down, still not looking up. and so i do, i sit down and keep hugging my file like it's gonna grow legs and walk away. he finally raises his head and looks at me. his eyebrows furrow at the sight of me holding for dear life on the file, "is that for me?" he asks. "huh?" the file. "oh, no- i just really like this file." i smile awkwardly and his mouth parts as if he wanted to say something more, but he doesn't. the embarassement i'm feeling right now could wash half the population off of the earth. "you're gonna have to be transfered to a different unit." he says and coughs, his throat sounding almost dry as he barely speaks that sentence. my eyes widen to 3x their size, "what? but i didn't do-" i take a breath. "i didn't do anything wrong? you're just gonna transfer me? just like this? wh- i don't get it." i rise from my seat not realising i let my file drop. he stares at my chest and then back to my eyes like 10 times till i realise. i heastily grab the file again, sit back down and cover my chest back up, "i spilled coffee on my other blouse." i explain. hotch sighs, "it wasn't my decision. strauss wants you gone." he coughs again. "i tried to convince her, agent." i scoff. sure he did. he was probably the first one to agree to the transfer. "you're joking, right?" i stand up once again, file still in my embrace. "i know you want me gone. i just know you were the first one to agree with strauss decision." i raise my voice slightly. "wanting me gone is one thing, so is transferring me - but lying about it? you're pathetic." hotch's eyebrows furrow. he doesn't seem angry, he just seems.. apologetic? "agent, listen to m-" this time i interrupt him, "i'm done listening," i drop the file on his table "here. it's yours now." i exit his office but notice in my peripheral vision that he stood up, as if wanting to follow me. all eyes are on me and how i storm to my desk, either that or my pink bra. but i don't care. i grab my bag and jacket, my files still scattered around my desk - but they're not mine anymore, so why should i care? "Agent Y/L/N." hotch calls and exits his office, i ignore him and just keep walking. "Y/N." he calls me by my first name now. i notice the elevator is about to leave so i ask the person in it to hold it, a hand splitting the doors as i manage to walk in just in time, aaron standing 10 feet away looking defeated. --
i took a cold shower as soon as i got home to calm my nerves. didn't help much but pretending it did helps. got myself dressed in a large shirt and some raggedy pyjama pants and poured myself a glass of red wine. then another one. i'm reliving today in my thoughts - why did i get fired from the bau? and why did aaron - sorry, hotch - lie? everyone knows he despises me and wanted me gone as soon as possible, and he did so, why lie then? i gulp down another sip of wine and hear a knock at my door. if this isn't the chinese food i ordered i'll be heavily disappointed. i open the door without checking who it is and see hotch standing infront of my apartment door, the arms of his dress shirt folded up to his elbows and his jacket held on his shoulder by his hand. he looks pissed. like always but worse. "what are you doing here? i don't need to transfer to another apartment, do i?" i mock him and cross my arms. "can i come in?" he asks with a stern expression. "why?" i look at him, awaiting an explanation. i'm not just gonna let my asshole boss into my apartment with no plausible reason. "we need to talk. please." his expression changes and my heart breaks a little. i don't know why. i hate him. he's rude and selfish and made me doubt my career. but i let him in anyways. i take a seat on a bar stool at my kitchen island, sipping on my red wine waiting for him to say what he has to say. "i didn't request your transfer. i didn't agree with strauss either." i scoff but he keeps talking before i can, "but i couldn't disagree either." i knew it. god this motherf- "you got offered a unit chief position." he says and my eyes widen. "it's gonna be great for your career. it's a better pay and everything." he walks towards me and chuckles, "you'd be in a higher department than me, and that within just 6 months of working at the fbi." my eyebrows furrow, he better not be playing with me because i'm believing every second of it. "i didn't want you gone. you're an amazing agent and we," he gulps. "i was so lucky to have you. but i can't deny you a promotion out of my own selfish reasons." my mouth parts as i inhale a small breath. this is.. unexpected, to say the least. "hotch, i'm so sorry for going off at you like that." he shakes his head, "don't apologise. i know how i've been treating you and it was unfair. and totally unprofessional." he takes small steps towards me, stopping just infront of me. he swipes a strand of hair behind my ear and my body freezes - his warm fingers slightly touching my ear, his gaze so soft. i've never seen him so vulnerable before. "i care for you. and even though i handled it poorly, i thought i'd lose you on just your third day." he exhales and his arms now cross. "i couldn't let that happen. so ever since, i thought going hard on you would cause you to be more careful, less reckless." his head drops and his eyebrows furrow. "i know it was selfish, and god did i hate seeing you on the verge of tears everytime i had to discipline you." he looks me straight in the eyes, they no longer shoot fire arrows, they shoot soft looks and quick smiles as his mouth curls a little. "i'm sorry, Y/N. and i hope you'll find it in your heart to forgive me." he closes his eyes and leans forward, placing a kiss on my cheek. i stand there, still frozen. i don't manage to say anything but i notice him moving. leaving. he grabs his jacket and twists the doorknob on my door without a word. "wait -" i manage to blurt out and he turns around, surprised. i walk towards him in a very quick manner, basically sprinting. if me two hours ago was put in this position, i'd finally take swing at the punch i've been begging for. but i don't. instead, i cup his cheeks in my hands and kiss him.
he doesn't react at first, the kiss starting slow, but then he grips at my waist tightly and pulls me towards him. he grins into the kiss and it feels like he just wants to eat me whole. he's greedy, unwilling to share, like he's wanted this for a while. i break the kiss so i can take a couple of breaths, he doesn't let go of my waist and looks me in the eyes. "i'm really sorry" his thumb carressing my left cheek. "you've said that."
"not enough." his lips land on mine again, this kiss shorter, more like a peck. his strong arms embrace me and my head lays on his broad chest. "isn't this unprofessional? a boss and his subordinate?" i ask as he hugs me tightly, "you're not my subordinate anymore, though, uniet chef Y/L/N." i chuckle into his embrace and pull myself away from him, looking into his eyes. "what if i don't take the job?" his eyebrows furrow and he shakes his head, "you have to, it's an amazing offer." i shrug and look up at the ceiling. "maybe. i kinda like my current work place though, i'd be willing to go back. unless of course my snarky boss won't take me." i grin playfully and he kisses my forehead. "monday 8:00 o'clock. don't be late this time."
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arlestial · 2 years
heyyy I absulutely LOVE your writing!
Could you maybe do a part 2 for the recent Nahoya foc? Dont rush yourself and take core plsss
❝you're losing me❞
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synopsis : Today is you and Nahoya’s anniversary. You thought he would come back early to celebrate it with you - it was a special occasion after all. But you were wrong.
pairing : Nahoya Kawata (Smiley) x f!reader •—Tokyo Revengers
tw : Part 2 of the previous Nahoya x reader (Part 1 is here), full angst, no comfort.
word count : 1250~ words
author-note : Hi ! You're not the only one who asked a part 2, I'm glad ! So here it is (I made an angst ending, I didn't know if you prefered a good one, if it's the case, tell me, and I'll write an alternative end), I thought it would be better with this end. Sorry for the delay, I hope everyone will like it (especially you @rome-alone !) take care of yourself ♡
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He fucked up. And perhaps it was his last chance.
Nahoya wasn’t sure of the date, so he checked. One. Two. Three, four or five times. But he couldn’t even understand himself. Did he really forgot it ? Your couple birthday ? He realized when he saw your figure on the couch, the pillow wet because of your tears. He remembered about the restaurant, the restaurant where you waited for him for hours, the gifts, that you probably bought weeks ago…
He was so sorry. He wanted to wake you up, to apologize deeply, but you seemed tired, cold, and above all, extremely sad. Disappointed. So, he just took a cover, and put it on you, caressing your cheek with his finger. But when he saw your face, your brows furrowed in your sleep, he just left you on the couch, a bit sad of your reaction.
The next morning, you wake-up, sun on your eyelids. You growled, tired, and headed to the bedroom to take some clothes, in order to take a shower in the bathroom. On your way, while you stretched your arms, you met the person you didn’t want to meet at all. Nahoya. You just bumped his shoulder, trying to access to the wardrobe. He scoffed, quite shocked you were doing the cold shoulder now, and coughed for your attention. He was even more shocked to see that you didn’t even glance at him.
« Mornin, baby. The cat got your tongue ? » he said, in a flirty tone.
« I wish he could eat yours. », you responded, taking your clothes from the wardrobe, trying to form a good outfit for an hang-out today.
« No need to be this cold, babe », he looked at the outfit, puzzled, « where’re you going ? »
« Somewhere. Maybe the restaurant where I waited for hours yesterday ? Who knows. »
You walked to the bathroom and locked the door behind you. You didn't want to see him now, or you would definitely punch him in the face. You took your shower, then dressed-up, brushed your teeth and your hair, and exited the bathroom, only to find (again) Nahoya in front of you.
« Where are you going and with who ? »
« I’m not gonna tell you. After all, you don’t need to know. You probably don’t care about me anyway. »
« Y/N, please, stop your childish behavior », he said, sighing, « we can talk this out, like civilized people. »
« My childish behavior ? Are you being serious right now ? You left me alone on our birthday to hang out with your friends, even though you knew I was waiting for you, don’t tell me you’re the civilized person here. »
He reached for your hand, but you slapped it away.
« Don’t you dare fucking touch me now, » and your voice began to shake a little, « after all I have done for you, for us, you ditched me like I was nothing to you, again », and tears left finally your eyes.
« Y/N, I’m so sorry. Please, listen to me. I know I fucked up. Give me a second chance. I shouldn’t have- » 
« It’s too late to apologize, Nahoya. It’s not the first time you left me alone to hang-out with your friends », you sobbed, « I’m not a toy you can play with when you want too. W-Why can’t you just think about me for once ? »
« I always think about you, I promise ! Just give me a second chance, I’m not gonna fuck it up again. Please. »
« I can’t, how can I trust you ? You hurt me-»
« Stop acting like the fucking victim now ! I’m as hurt as you, you act like I’m a fucking monster who treats you like shit ! »
He yelled and firmly grabbed your wrist, hurting you in the process. You stopped sobbing. You were not shocked. You were terrified. You knew Nahoya was a bit violent, he likes fighting, and all that stuff, but he always promised to be affectionate with you, never yell at you or even touch you in a violent way. Another promise he didn’t keep. He realized what he did, and silence filled the room. Tears flowed down your cheeks, your wrist still in in Nahoya’s hand, who was breathing heavily.
« I hope I never met you. »
« Wait, Y/N, I’m sorry- »
« I don’t want to be yours anymore. », you scoffed, « If you considered me as yours in the first place. »
You removed your wrist from his grip, you took your bag, and left the apartment, drying your tears. Nahoya tried to follow you but then, he understand.
You were gone. Forever.
Two months later, Nahoya was with his gang, and he couldn't stop thinking about you, still hoping that one day you would forgive him. He saw you across the street, walking and laughing. His eyes widened when he saw the person you were with; a boy from the opposite gang, walking hand in hand. The boy looked at him, with sharp, hateful eyes. The feeling of jealousy, he didn’t even have the right to feel, rose in his chest. You called out the boy’s name, and he looked back at you, giving you a kind and beautiful smile. You two kissed, and sudden tears left Nahoya's eyes. Now, you were with someone else. Someone who deserved you. It was too late.
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saintobio · 3 years
"it was my promise to you when we were six"
but at the same time oh my heart it made me want to cry thats such a sweet line I love the childhood best friends trope ;n;
@svnkxu said
“that was my promise to you when we were 6” 🥺🥺🥺 aw ur so sweet. sike i hate u. two faced mf, r u gonna be a bitch or r u gonna be nice, CHOOSE ONE! you don’t get to live a life w two girls. make up ur mind!!! even if u chose me id slap u 😒😒 toji lets fuck pls <3 ok sorry ignore that little rant. anyway great chapter as always!
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Anonymous said
“It was my promise to you back when we were six.” yeah sure we trust you 🙄 is that another way to manipulate y/n or was he serious? I just can't trust that mf anymore 🥺 plwase y/n Keep being the goddess you were back in the pool and tell him to golf the fuck off with his promises 🏌️‍♂️
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Anonymous said
nah nah nope. i dont give a single shit about that promise im cutting his dick off 🥰 gojo satoru suffering instead of y/n when???? i need it desperately
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Anonymous said
so gojo thought about us as kids huh.......... well for fucks sake youre a bit late now dont you think?? get yo act together mf please----
- mc anon
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Anonymous said
"It was my promise to you back when we were six."
Don't even think for a second that I forgot what you told Sera before you went home just because Y/N spilled facts (Y/N, sweetie, I'm so proud of you 😘)!
"She doesn't have me."
Damn, I almost believed that he secretly genuinely loves Y/N and that he actually wanted the wedding from the very beginning because it's with her, based on the things Gen said, his unconscious seeking of Y/N's attention and knowing that Y/N probably didn't remember the promise until he mentioned it. I almost felt bad for him when she asked and that's his response. Almost 🤣.
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no one trusts gojo 😭😭😭 plsss these are so funny
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saintobio · 3 years
HWJSJEJDQHHQ I'M A MESS RN 😭 MAI MY BELOVED CAMEO & toji has my heart already plsss imagine if mc decided to push thru with the clothing line bc of toji and mai's undying support that would be so cute!!! i hope we could see them more because mc deserves to be surrounded by nice and genuine people too 😌 ps: fawk u gojo 😋💓
Anonymous said
I'm so engrossed in this fic that I genuinely felt the sheer happiness when Toji wanted to talk more about our interests. I kept on thinking that there might be some ulterior motive that's leading the convo but as soon as he widened his eyes and smiled when we shot him w that "forgot you were pushing 40" just made me feel so comforted idek 😭 until a fucking grumpy furby came in and ruined it all 😭 I love how we did that "u see this fucking face? He's satan :D" with gojo though, it felt good ⛈
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Anonymous said
toji i am in love with you ‼️ yn leave gojo pls (for now)🙏 and now we seeing some of gojo’s inner turmoil too 👀 he tryna ignore how he starting to feel
just to let you know you’re literally my favorite author on this app bc my lord the amount of DEVELOPMENT we’ve already seen in five chapters, and the way every single character has so much depth. please never stop writing 😭 please take care of yourself too 🙏 you gotta publish a book or something and you can’t do that if you don’t take time for yourself ‼️ thank you for all your efforts and incredible talent 🥰
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Anonymous said
Ok so I’m 99% sure Y/N is gonna die at the end and this makes me so sad ):
After this chapter I just want her to get closer to Toji and get the happy ever after she deserves with him and they raise Megumi together. Periodt.
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Anonymous said
Yooo this was wild. I’m all for Y/N just packing it up and being w/ Toji. He’s a fine ass dilf who cares about her and her well-being beyond her money and status. But I think that it’s really funny that Sera seems to focus only on what Gojo can do for her in terms of the materialistic sense rather than emotional. So far, he’s only been seen giving her things rather than true affection (Although that could just be because we don’t see both of their POVs that often). Not to mention the fact that Gojo doesn’t seem to love her enough to give up his money and status for her 🙃. Anyway, Gojo and his hoeish ass can go be with his beloved Sera. At this point, I’m shipping Y/N x Toji until further notice.
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Anonymous said
also.... YN seemed to be... Sick.....
- 🌸anon
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Anonymous said
AAAAAAAAAAAAA GODDAMNIT yn does NOT deserve to be treated like this 😭😭 i’m glad she found a friend in Toji, but i’m begging you to give Yn more friends she can rely on 😭😭
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Anonymous said
I love love love this series, your writing is beautiful I am in tears.
All I want is for YN to stop caring and Gojo to finally notice exactly how great she is, like everyone else sees.
BUT I hope it’ll be too late because she will already be Tojis. YN will be designing her wedding dress and she will be Megumis new step mom, and she’ll finally be loved softly. Her dad sucks, fuck his business.
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@seashellmichellee said
ngl if I were y/n I’d fucking leave Gojo for Toji WLDJAK like???? I stan a gentleman and someone who genuinely cares 😫
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Anonymous said
another great but heartbreaking update :”) canon toji is a lil uhh sus BUT SN!Toji is a sweetheart !! Imagine yn discovering what true love is really like w toji :(( he appreciates n loves her sm that he supports her dreams of being a fashion designer !! Toji eases her insecurities AND IS AN AFTERCARE KING, yn builds her own brand outside of her family while gojo and sera end up in the streets where they belong <33 in all honesty we’re in for more angst before any fluff bc you’re the author LOL
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Anonymous said
the way toji & y/n need to get together... gojo gotta look at them and be like oh fuck i messed up 💔 anyways toji+mc supremacy <3 thank you for putting it in my fav character! the way you wrote toji & mc’s interactions was SO good and so soft! you can tell toji warmed up to mc and was willing to literally protect her... he could cherish her so much better than gojo ever could 😭😭😭 can’t wait for the next chapter! you always keep us on our toes ILY for that 💗
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i am loving the toji brainrot you guys !! i’m glad you liked his introduction <33 i also enjoyed writing the zen’ins i just love them sm ?? :’) i hope toji lessened the angst for this chapter bc we are all fuming at gojo until further notice 😤
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