#plumpton place
littlequeenies · 9 months
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Unknown, Charlotte Martin, Scarlet Page, Peter Clifton and Jimmy Page outside Plumpton Place most likely during recording of The Song Remains the Same, summer 1973.
Photo and info from https://www.instagram.com/70s_rockworld/
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kulturegroupie · 2 years
Behind the scenes of ‘The Song Remains The Same’ fantasy sequences
Sept./Oct. 1974
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naryrising · 2 years
I just wanted to tell you that your words about the preservation of ordinary people's writing (besides being an important point to the discussion) were very comforting.
To imagine a future historian being fascinated by something, I myself might consider mediocre at best and not very interesting for anyone... it's a nice thought. Thanks.
Oh yes, social historians are really into whatever they can scrounge up of ordinary people's perspectives on things. I'll give a few short examples from my own area of study.
My graduate research involved looking at court cases from the 13th-15th centuries in England. This wasn't because I was really super into legal history or wanted to find out how the legal system worked (although I did have to learn that as a side effect). But it was because legal documents - things like wills, contracts, court cases - are among the best surviving sources for the words and opinions of ordinary, non-elite people. If I could have found a diary or some 14th century person's blog about my topic or something instead, my god, I would have used that, it would have been so much better.
Surviving collections of letters from the late medieval period are so well-known and studied by historians that they have their own Wikipedia pages: the Paston letters, the Plumpton letters, the Stonor letters, the Cely letters (which were only preserved because they were evidence in a court case, see above). These are collections of personal letters and business contracts and so on from what would basically be upper middle class or lower upper class people. Merchants, knights, lower nobility or upper landowners and gentry, that sort of class. Educated and financially well-to-do, but not the uppermost leaders of the land. Even that - letters and writings from people who were, in their own time, quite wealthy and influential in comparison with like 95% of the rest of the population - is so rare and so useful that historians base entire research projects around them. Finding even a fraction of something comparable by people less socially and financially well-off from that place and time period would be the discovery of the century.
There's a research project called REED - Records of Early English Drama. Their entire purpose over the past 40+ years has been to gather and publish volumes of primary source material related to music and dramatic performance in England before 1642. This is meant to help scholars understand the context for, e.g., Shakespeare and Marlowe and others - what sort of environment were they coming out of, what kind of entertainments were they and their audiences familiar with? Their sources are mostly things like account books and court cases, church records and local government documents. A ton of what they can document is literally just that a performance of some kind happened. You get a note of a merchant guild paying 6 shillings for musicians to play at a banquet, or a town council noting that they paid to put up a stage because there were 'players' at Easter. What were they performing, and what did people think about it? Mostly unknown. The number of 'personal' sources - people writing about what they saw or (even rarer) thought about a performance - is very small. So yeah, the 16th century equivalent of someone's Hamlet fanfic or whatever, their feelings and thoughts about a dramatic performance, would get entire volumes published about it, guaranteed.
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Positive Encounters with Jimmy Page & Robert Plant
"When I lived in Brighton, in the late seventies and early eighties, I met Jimmy Page and Philip Hale at a private musical event in Hassocks where I played piano for a small invited gathering. I chatted to Jimmy and briefly to Philip. I was invited to Jimmy's home at Plumpton shortly afterwards where an engineer was mixing Robert Plant's vocals on the album "In Through The Out Door". It was lovely, atmospheric; a truly beautiful place. There were guitars everywhere, even nine in the tiny WC. It was a charming place and Jimmy was a gentle, compassionate host. I recognised Philip Hale's photo in a local paper a short while later and recognised him immediately. It was so sad to read of his passing." Reply
Anonymous25 May 2017 at 13:15
"Jimmy Page was nice when I met him."
by Anonymous reply 6 December 19, 2021 4:05 AM
"Yes, and I worked in Burbank (Hampton’s) which was an industry restaurant so met many, many celebrities and never acted a fool.
But when I met Jimmy Page in London ten years ago, I mumbled some gibberish, rolled my eyes at myself, then we stood staring at each other for what felt like an entire minute then I said, “anyway, I’m a really huge fan” and he yelled, 'awww!' And gave me a big, tight hug.
He was actually so sweet and I’m sure he got that idiotic behavior all the time but I was just the biggest dork."
by Anonymous reply 7 March 14, 2024 12:09 PM
"Wow R7! That's so cool. I probably would have reacted the same way. Who goes to work expecting to meet Jimmy Page!"
by Anonymous reply 8 March 14, 2024 12:37 PM
Oh, sorry. I didn’t write that properly - was still waking up, I think.
I didn’t meet Jimmy at Hampton’s in Burbank but in London where I was on vacation. I saw him walking with another guy and introduced myself."
by Anonymous reply 17 March 14, 2024 7:44 PM
This quotation by Pamela Des Barres about Jimmy is (partly) positive. Jimmy was a player. While we're on the subject, Robert was a player too.*
"Jimmy Page
'My other true love that I thought I was really, really in love with. And he sure led you to believe it, man. I found out later from three other girls that he said the same things to all of us. But the best lover, the best talker, the best line giver, the best everything. He was it. He was the supreme catch if you were a groupie because he took you on the road, he bought you things, he whispered sweet nothings all the time. He led you to believe you were the one. And it really felt good.
He was the epitome of British royalty. I haven’t seen Jimmy in years. Although, you know what I hear now, he’s let his hair go grey and he’s sober for years. I think he’s a completely changed guy.'"
Here are a few threads with nice stories about coming across/interacting with Robert.
"I'll post since may be interesting for some of you guys who like this album.
I was assistant engineer on the recording. I was just 18 years old at the time. It was recorded at the 3rd Studio I worked at, Marcus Music, Kensington Gardens Square, which got demolished to make way for the rebuilding of Whiteleys :(. That was a great studio. I also assisted on ABC's Alphabet City there.
I loved working on this album. I volunteered because I had grown up with Led Zep. My best friend's uncle was Led Zep's roady and then did some live sound for them, IIRC. Led Zep IV was my fav album when I was 14. So, I volunteered for the Robert Plant session when I knew he was coming in. I hit it off with him straight away because of the indirect connection. Such a great guy. I got to sleep at normal times since he started at 10am and finished at 8pm, which is unheard of. He would buy us all curry EVERY lunchtime. I got to record some of his vocals in the upstair studio, which was a real privilege as a trainee engineer.
He would mercilessly tease Tim Palmer who was the producer/main engineer. Tim had done work with Texas. We took days getting a drum sound and RP was really digging TP that they recorded Led Zep IV in a week, or whatever it was, and the drum sound then was way better than he was getting now!
I remember Doug Boyle, quite a young guitarist, buying this supposedly super-duper guitar amp from the States. Trouble was it just sounded **** in the studio. Plant really gave him good teasing on that as well. Of course the great guitar amps are Marshalls and Vox AC30's.
The real icing on the cake was when Jimmy Page came and did some guitar over dubs. I was, and still am, such a fan. He used Vox AC30 amp and Les Paul. The sound was just amazing, and the way he played just had that great sound. When he bent just a single note that guitar just sang.
So, working on that album was one of the BIG highlights of my career. RP gave me £200 at the end too!! That's unusual. Assistant engineers/Tape Ops got a pittance, so it was well appreciated. RP's knowledge of music was amazing. He was playing REM, who I hadn't heard of at the time."
-Timbo21, Sep 2, 2018
https://www.mumsnet.com/talk/am_i_being_unreasonable/1271389-to-be-wondering-a-lot-what-Robert-Plants-first-date-with-Liz-Jones-would-be-like susiedotcom · 02/08/2011 13:26
"I'd never heard of Liz Jones before now, but I do see Robert Plant out quite frequently in Worcester (well, DH does now that I never go out after dark…) He's the loveliest, coolest, friendliest guy ever and I can't believe he'd go out with the woman I've just been reading about. I'm quite pleased (and a bit surprised) to see so many RP fans on here though."
There seems to be a good amount of positive and negative experiences posted online when it comes to Robert. Here's a few of the negative ones:
This one in particular is from a Q&A thread hosted by men who work in the Nashville music business.
"NG1 here. I know the engineer who has worked on many of Allison Krauss' records. I love how natural and unforced her voice sounds. He said that is partly because she barely whispers when she sings, and they have the volume tuned up high to catch her voice. Her voice is beautiful."
by Anonymous reply 319 June 12, 2016 5:05 AM
"R 319 take a listen to Alison's first couple of records -- she was singing in her "real" voice then. Her current whispery, throaty, style, while lovely, isn't natural and has lead to a few bouts of vocal rest and forced time off the road. And while she can be charming, she can also be, shall we say, difficult. That second album with Robert Plant will never see the light of day, she drove him nuts in the studio."
by Anonymous reply 326 June 16, 2016 4:40 AM
"NG1 here.
Patty Griffin is not a Nashville artist. She's from Maine, and started in the folk scene in Boston. She moved to Nashville for a very brief time, where she recorded her first two albums, them moved to Austin, where , I believe she still lives. I see her around some, but I don't think she spends that much time here. She and Robert Plant live together -- or at least used to, I don't know if they still do -- which seems like the strangest couples. I've met Plant many many times, and he is the world's biggest ass."
by Anonymous reply 344 June 18, 2016 4:04 AM
"To NG1
Thank you for mentioning to us about Robert Plant. I always thought he was an ass. He thought his crap didn't stink. I wouldn't be surprised if Patty Griffin kicked him to the curb.
Like you have said on here before is Country music is where any artist can be forgotten or be pushed to the side at any time. Dang, that sucks."
by Anonymous reply 345 June 18, 2016 10:02 AM
"Oh, and Patty and Robert split up more than a year ago." by Anonymous reply 347 June 19, 2016 6:37 AM
Posted February 16, 2011
"The Show Must Go On?
Locals comment on the Band of Joy turmoil in Tennessee:
dropshadow 8:50 AM on February 14, 2011
'Try waiting on him sometime, and you'd never buy another ticket to one of his shows. He's a complete ass.'
There was also a thread on Datalounge that had a comment about how wait staff members working in various restaurants in Austin "hated" Robert, but I can't find the thread, nor do I remember the title. I'm pretty sure the thread was from the time he lived there with Patty or shortly after he'd moved back to England.
Here's more DL threads on LZ, for anyone interested:
https://www.datalounge.com/thread/25295397-let-s-talk-about-lez-zeppelin! (Lez is just a typo, it's not a reference to the cover band.)
There's other mentions of Jimmy and Robert in non-LZ threads on DL. You can use the search feature on the site, but theirs is not the best. Another option is to type a name and site:datalounge.com into a search engine. There have been other LZ threads & threads that contained LZ stories on DL, such as the one below, but they've expired.
Random Robert stories:
"Dreamland 2002: would get my vote. Saw him on that tour. Small venue of less than 2000 people. I was standing about 4 deep as there were no seating except the balcony. He kept smiling at this hot girl off to my right. As the show drew to a close, security came out and escorted her backstage. Guess a good time was had by all."
-JFSebastion, Dec 14, 2021
"Jimmy (Page) had an upward curve until LZ IV,followed by a downward spiral from there on. This point of view was confirmed to me by none else than Robert Plant at Copredy in 1995 when discussing LZ! Twenty years later I still hold to this opinion."
-joachim50, Mar 4, 2016
"I actually did not like to be misunderstood and misquoted:
Please note that there is a difference betweeen curve and spiral.I will not elaborate on either. I described "the upward curve until LZ IV,and the downward spiral as a "point of view that was confirmed (to me)by Robert Plant at Copredy in 1995 when discussing LZ.
So this was MY opinion at the time which I put across to Robert Plant,and he agreed to MY opinion.So I label it as his confirmation.
The background is that I got into talking with him at the bar at Copredy when I was chatting with Dave Pegg and Simon Nicol and was introduced to Robert Plant.During the course of our chat he(RP) asked me for my opinion about the albums of LZ to which I replied,that I regarded the" First Four" as monuments having an upward curve especially as Jimmy Page's contributions were concerned,and that afterwards an increasing number of cracks were to be noticed until ---in my opinion---the whole thing collapsed with Presence.
Robert Plant looked at me and told me that he agreed,and gave as reasons "too much money,too many birds,too many hard drugs,and too many personality clashes."
He also said that during the last 5 years of LZ his heart had not been in it anymore,and that he had been coerced by management to continue.He also said,that he regretted not having stopped working with LZ since especially the qualities of Jimmy Page and John Bonham had vaporized more and more dramatically due to their complete immersion into the Rock'n Roll lifestyle."
-joachim50, Mar 4, 2016
"I really enjoy all the albums up to and including Fate Of Nations, with the exception of Manic Nirvana, which is okay, but not much more. I have to be in a 1980s mood for Shaken ‘N’ Stirred, but when I am, it’s a real blast. I saw RP on the tour for his second album and I remember a girl shouting out, 'I love you Robert', to which he replied 'You wouldn’t like the real thing at home.' That gig was a lot of fun."
-The Bishop, Feb 8, 2024
There are a lot of Zep threads on the Steve Hoffman Forum, as well as specific ones on Page, Plant, Jones and Bonham.
Does anyone know which interview this poster is referencing?
This is a comment from a thread on the Steve Hoffman Forum but I can't remember which thread. I copied the comment but forgot to copy the link:
"Occam's Razor - Okay, thanks. I get it now. To tell you the truth from my perspective, I think Robert thought Alison was more capable in a wider genre of music and could adapt to more of his style. I knew the first time I heard/saw the "Please Read the Letter" video it wasn't exactly right. He was restaining his voice to match her style and adapting to her style. I knew it would only be a matter of time. When I read, remember this, that he wanted her to "moan" on a particular song, and she responded with "I'm not black", she just blew it. That statement was wrong on many levels even if she couldn't "moan" as he wanted. Totally "ignorant" thing to say in my opinion. Anyway, I DO love his current project very much and think Patty is just perfect. I think Robert finally found it. Also, LOVE the fact that he's doing more of a SOLO project rather than "duet" style. I do think though that Patty's voice and ability to adapt to Robert's style enhances his singing in a very positive way. His voice is sounding amazing.
BTW when you are a talent like Robert, yeah, four days is enough time to KNOW just where the thing is going or not going. I totally agree with him on that."
That response from Alison was indeed wrong. I'm curious to know who told this story. If it wasn't Robert, it was probably T Bone Burnett. If anyone can link to the interview that mentions this, or remembers anything about it, please let me know. I'd appreciate it.
*Just to give one example of this, from Lisa Robinson's Vanity Fair piece on Led Zeppelin, "Robert's tour amours were girls he managed to convince that he was, at any given moment, about to leave his wife, Maureen, the mother of his two young children."
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joaovianpainting · 1 month
House painting services in Plumpton, Quakers Hill, Seven Hills
If you are looking for house Painting Services in Plumpton, Quakers Hill, Seven Hills, then you are in the right place. It is very important to keep the house well-maintained by painting it timely. Painting by the right skilled, experienced persons who are experienced can save the house from ruining it. Joao Viana & Sons is one of the best house painting services in Plumpton. If the painting service of your house is done by the right service persons then it will show your taste, values, etc. Painting the house timely, repairing the house in a proper way, can increase the life span of any construction. Moreover, it will look great. Whenever people visit your house they will appreciate the color. Who doesn’t like the appreciation? Everyone does. If you are tired of your old style, old look of your house then you can try out this painting service.
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plumptontyres · 5 months
When you're on a curving road, you might not be too aware of the complex dance taking place below your car. Nevertheless, the suspension system is working nonstop to negotiate the difficult terrain between smoothness, stability, and safety. Modern Suspension Plumpton systems are finely tuned engineering marvels that do more than just cushion the effects of bumps and potholes. They balance the opposing needs of performance and comfort. In this investigation, we explore the intriguing realm of suspension systems and discover how they improve the driving experience. 
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Quality Care and Education for Your Child in Oakhurst, NSW - Oakhurst Preschool and Child Care Centre
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Quality Care and Education for Your Child in Oakhurst, NSW - Oakhurst Preschool and Child Care Centre
Welcome to Oakhurst Preschool and Child Care Centre, located in Oakhurst, NSW. We are a family-run business, dedicated to providing the best quality care and education for the children of our community. Our experienced staff strive to create a safe, fun and nurturing environment to help foster your child’s development. 
At Oakhurst Preschool, we offer a range of services to meet the needs of children from 0 to 5 years old. Our services include: 
• Long day care for children aged 0 to 5 years 
• Early learning classes for children aged 3 to 5 years 
• Preschool classes for children aged 4 to 5 years
• Education and care services in Hassall Grove and Plumpton 
• Drop-off and pick-up services 
• Vacation care
 • Educational excursions 
Our aim is to provide a supportive and stimulating environment that supports your child’s learning and development. We provide educational activities, such as music, art, science and literacy, as well as outdoor activities. We also offer a range of extra-curricular activities, including dance and sports.
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At Oakhurst Preschool, we are committed to providing a safe and secure environment for your child. We have stringent safety measures in place and all of our staff are fully trained and qualified in child care and protection. 
We strive to create an environment where children can learn, play and grow. We are proud to be part of the local community and we value the relationships we have with our families.
If you are looking for quality care and education for your child in Oakhurst, Plumpton, Hassall Grove or Bidwill, please contact us today to find out more about our services. We look forward to hearing from you. visit: https://oakhurstpreschool.com.au/
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tremble-and-shake · 6 years
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The top two pics are from a specially commissioned Christmas card that Jimmy Page sent to send to family and friends in 1973. The image on the cover is a print of a drawing by Aleister Crowley.
The second two pics are from a card, currently fetching $1600 on eBay, that Jimmy sent to a George Brooks & Jeffrey Rhodes of Yorkshire.  Jimmy had bought numerous items from their collection of Aleister Crowley’s personal effects.
Wondering what 93 means? Here are a few notes as it relates to Thelema:
The central philosophy of Thelema is in two phrases from Crowley’s Book of the Law (aka Liber AL): "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law" and "Love is the law, love under will." The two primary terms in these statements are "Will" and "Love", respectively. In the Greek language, they are Thelema (Will) and Agape (Love). Using the Greek technique of isopsephy, which applies a numerical value to each letter, the letters of each of these words sum to 93.
Since saying the entire Law can be cumbersome, using 93 has become a kind of shorthand for correspondences and salutations.  In informal written correspondence, one often finds the number at the head of a letter and in the form "93 93/93" at the end. In this case, the initial "93" stands in for "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law," and "93 93/93" stands for "Love is the law, love under will."
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jimmys-zeppelin · 3 years
chapter eighteen
(table of contents)
(chapter seventeen)
august 26, 1976
The sun blazed through the clear California sky after days and days of rain and cloudy weather. Ellie decided that that was her sign to pack her things and go down to the beach for the day. To take in the sights, have a swim, and to get the relaxing tan that she so deserved.
Since finishing the album—which she finally landed on a title for—Ellie only needed to look at concepts for a cover photo and some layout options before everything was ready for the press. There was still a lot she had to do afterwards, though. Interviews, touring, and all other public appearances would be mixed into her daily life once again. But for now, she was enjoying a lazy day on the beach.
The blonde covered her identifying features with her large, square sunglasses and a big, floppy hat that would hopefully shade most of her face. She paid the person sitting in the ticket booth, and entered the hot and sandy area with no qualms.
Finding a secluded area to herself, she settled down. Placing her chair and towel side by side before beginning to apply her sunscreen. A few joggers passed by and paid her no mind. Pulling her watch from her bag, she was sure it was still too early for the water to be warm enough to take a dip in. She settled for a quick hour-long tan instead.
Ellie plucked the book that sat in her bag, a book Jimmy had suggested, actually. A fictional quick-read that he thought she'd get a kick out of especially since she revealed she was trying to get back into reading—a habit she'd gotten out of rhythm with since moving to California.
She cracked the book open as she marked the time. Half hour to tan her backside, half hour on her front. Maybe she'd go swimming sometime around noon.
In the early afternoon, Ellie finally returned home from her beachy activities. The house was silent and her sand-covered sandals crunched against the tile floor. Her body was warm from the sun and it served as a stark contrast from the temperature inside of her home.
She flicked through her mail, finding an envelope larger than the rest with a return address to "J. Page" of Plumpton, UK. Ellie shoved the rest of her letters aside, rushing to the kitchen for a knife to open the envelope.
"Eleanor, dear, I hope this letter finds you well. Enclosed is your ticket to the premiere of the film as well as a VIP Pass just to save you any trouble. The last thing a beautiful woman like you needs is trouble...I'm trouble enough. In any event, the date will be for the 20th of October. I believe the theatre is close to you (more info on the ticket) so thankfully we won't have to travel very far. I look forward to being there with you and have us make yet another rare public appearance...haha. Loving you always, Jimmy."
Ellie cracked a smile at the letter, folding it up neatly again as she moved on to the ticket and VIP pass. She ogled at the documents, taking her time in reading, re-reading, and inspecting each and every aspect of them until she was satisfied. She figured she would call Jimmy later on in the evening as she put everything back inside the envelope and placed it inside a drawer where she knew she wouldn't forget it.
She made her way upstairs to the shower, turning the water on to just the right temperature before hopping inside. Washing the sand off her body was the most relieving part, watching the uncomfortable grains float down the drain bringing her peace.
As she lathered herself, something about serenity of the moment dug a memory up in her mind from long ago. More than a year, definitely, but the memory was much more intense than anything that had happened to her in a long time.
Jimmy had been on one of his many visits to the US for Zeppelin business, but he managed to squeeze in a few hours and even some time from an event he wound up bailing in order to be with her.
His touch was delicate and soft like a blanket encapsulating her in its grasp. His wet kisses littering her upper half as her back was pressed to the cold tiles of the wall. Jimmy was delicate in all the ways that mattered, but aggressive where he needed to be as well; and the way he had her pinned to that wall was anything but delicate.
Hungry words fell from his lips between his smacking kisses all over her chest. That had been after a short, two month break. Ellie could hardly imagine what he'd do in the less than two months left until they would see each other.
Well, she did know what the outcome would be...
The blonde shook her head, quickly finishing up her shower before heading back out into her bedroom clad in two towels—one for her head, the other for her body. She calmly made her way to the phone beside her bed and dialed the numbers her fingers had become so used to pressing.
The dial tone drone on...the repetitiveness being something she was growing bored of. It was either the ringing of the telephone on her end or the anticipation of Jimmy picking up the phone only for them to have a lukewarm conversation about their days and weeks and upcoming events. Ellie found herself getting tired of the cycle. She needed the end of it to come as soon as possible.
There was a click on the other side, but a different voice came from the receiver this time, "Page residence, how may we assist you?" Ellie quickly recognized the voice as belonging to Robert.
She chuckled at his choice of opening statement, "Hi, Robert...may I speak with Jimmy, please?"
"And who is 'I'?" Robert asked, trying to sound as preposterous as he could. In the distance, Ellie heard Jimmy's voice, 'Robert, get off the phone!', to which the singer replied, "You don't want to talk to your girlfriend?"
'What?' Jimmy said. There was a rustling and the closing of a door before a deep breath was blown into the phone, "Ellie?"
"Hey, what's up? I just got your letter in the mail, by the way."
"Oh, great. Listen, I think next week I'm gonna buy my ticket to come see you. I'll be in around the second week of October I think." He sounded sober and conscious in his words, filling Ellie with relief. A relief that she was in need of at a time like this.
She whined into the receiver, "can't you come sooner?" she asked, flopping down onto her bed with a thump.
"Els, I'd have to check my schedule. Maybe I can manage a few more days, but I can't make any promises."
"Y'know..." Ellie trailed off, "I was just in the shower and, uh, do you remember when we first started dating and we had just spent our first few months apart?" she asked, hoping he was catching her drift.
"You mean when I finally came back to your house and had my way with you in the shower?" he laughed, "Because if that's what you're talking about, then yes I remember. Very vividly, actually."
"You had me pinned to the wall, one hand on my ass, the other holding my arm up...you were giving," she paused, a breathy sigh punctuating it, "everything. That is, if I'm recalling it correctly."
"You forgot the part where I had my mouth on every possible part of your skin...your beautiful skin. Perhaps we should do it again when I get back? We are trying after all, aren't we?"
"Yes, we are," Ellie replied, unable to avoid the heat rising to her cheeks at the thought of them together again. It made her heart race with excitement. She leaned in closer to the phone, hushing her tone so as to keep her next statement between the two of them, "put a baby in me, Jimmy."
He breathed deeply into the phone again, "God damn," he swore, "if Robert wasn't here right now I'd take this further, but—"
"Next time, then." Ellie said simply, "I'm home all day tomorrow. Call me at your earliest convenience."
"I miss you." Jimmy said, a twinge of sadness embellishing his words.
"I miss you." Ellie answered, "See if you can make it a few days earlier, maybe."
"You know I will, my love."
"Okay," she said sweetly, "I'll talk to you soon, okay Jim?"
"Alright, dear. Have a good night."
"You, too." Ellie replied, getting up to hang the phone up on the receiver again. With that she made her way to her closet to get dressed.
masterlist | playlist
Taglist: @diaryofafan17 @tophats-n-lespauls @witchesdust @jonesyjonesyjonesy @paginate54 @hejustsatisfiess @salixfragilis @calico-skiess @reincarnated70sbaby @rebel-without-a-zeppelin @kyunisixx if you want to be added to the list lmk!
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lottawanna · 3 years
Swan Song
The lost Led Zeppelin masterpiece. Sometime around the early sessions for ‘Physical Graffiti’, Jimmy Page had begun work on an ambitious instrumental piece at his home in Plumpton Place, East Sussex that he was calling “Swan Song”. Jimmy had a vision for a lengthy track incorporating many sections/orchestrated overdubs that arrived back at the same theme throughout. This song was said to be 20+ minutes in its infant stages. When the band began recording for ‘Physical Graffiti’, the instrumentals of this epic piece were partially recorded but were never saw through to completion. The truth is, during the sessions for the iconic double album, Zeppelin’s creativity was at an all time high and they had other lengthy tracks that were being worked on such as “Ten Years Gone” and “In My Time of Dying”. With the plethora of quality material Zeppelin had, they could afford to leave “Swan Song” for a future album.
2 years later, Jimmy revisited this idea in a 1976 interview - “I’ve spoken before about a long piece I’d written. I wanted to orchestrate the guitar and put it through various treatments. The original idea was to have four sections coming back to the same theme each time. There would be four separate melody lines dealing with the seasons. Robert will do the lyrics. I know I can work the whole thing out from the trial runs I’ve laid down. It’s a really exciting prospect.” Throughout the next few years, Page kept working on this song, incorporating elements into his live renditions of “White Summer/Black Mountain Side”. Unfortunately, this song ran out of time with Zeppelin following Bonham’s tragic death in 1980. Had this not happened, there’s no doubt that Page would have revisited it for a proper recording. Jimmy, never being one to let a good idea go to waste, began working on this song again during his time with the supergroup, The Firm. The band started when Jimmy and Paul Rodgers began casually recording together. It was reworked with Rodgers laying down some inspired lyrics and it became “Midnight Moonlight”, which found its place on the bands self titled debut album. Here, it can be seen at the ARMS charity concert.
{ — give credit if reposting — }
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jonesyjonesyjonesy · 3 years
me: *stares at aerial view of plumpton place for the 15th time*
my fic: please, no one cares, just write the next chapter.
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unknowncountrygirl · 3 years
Murphy Finding His Mojo pt2
There were not many days that he was thankful to be ass level with the world, but on days when Iris wore her high waisted denim, he counted himself lucky. Iris was curvy, and had athletic legs, which meant her hips and a larger then normal derriere. She also had this strut she did, he wasn't sure if it was something she did consciously or not, where her hips did this back and forth motion, drawing even more attention to her figure.
She opened the door to the library and allowed him to enter. He noticed the elephant in the room almost immediately.
“How am I supposed to improve my commentating with Rath looming in the shadows?” He asked, seeing the yellow blonde hiding over in one of the sections near where Iris had sat down.
“Forget about her, Murphy. We're here to remind you of the game you love. I'll have you back in the booth in no time and better then ever.”
“Brilliant, Coach Rosewood.”
“Shhhhhh!” Pince hissed.
“Careful, Murphy. Let's not get removed from the library before we can do what we need to do.” Iris warned as she found a unoccupied table to sit at.
“Well then Coach, what are we here to do. Will we be studying the young witches and wizards as they swiftly skim books... Acutely noting their every page turn and stroke of the quill?”
“No, Murphy. Believe it or not, we're in the library to do some reading. I want you to study up on Quidditch History. This will help reignite your Quidditch commentating skills.”
“You know who you're talking to, right? I'm an expert on Quidditch history.”
“I'm well aware, but you never know what details and interesting tidbits you might discover.” She urged him.
“You're right Iris. It never hurts to go over Quidditch Through the Ages another read, just in case I missed an arcane Quidditch move or two in my 78 reads.”
“All right then. Never stop being a student of the sport. You can never know what you'll discover.” She opened her own book and turned her head down.
“The story of Roderick Plumpton is one of my favorites, the Plumpton pass never ceases to amaze me.” He mentioned to her, going over that part of the book. She looked over the edge of her book and just gave him a smile. “Gertie Keddle has a diary of Quidditch commentary from the year 1050, perhaps we could check that one out?”
“I don't see why not, do you want me to look for it?” She whispered.
“Do you mind?” He asked.
“Not at all,” Iris closed her book and stood up, only to bend over and pick up a quill off the ground. Murphy's eyes looked over and watched her double over, then quickly looked back to his book before she noticed him oogling her.
A few minutes later she returned and placed the print of Gertie Keddle's diary down on the table, and sat down, two books in her hands for herself.
“Did you know players once caught boulders on their heads! Then the beater was born.”
“SHHHH!” Pince hissed once again.
“Maybe turn down the volume, Murphy.” Iris warned him. He let out a sigh and went back to reading his book. Occasionally he would hear Iris make little noises of excitement or coo's of interest, which always made him look over and across the table at her.
She had picked up a book about botany of some sort, and actually had found a piece of parchment and a quill, taking notes.
Before he knew it, he looked at the clock and a couple hours had passed. He looked across at Iris and noticed she had a different book in her hands.
“What do you think Murphy? Feeling refreshed and newly inspired on your Quidditch history?” She asked when he closed the book.
“I am indeed, Iris! The story of legendary seeker Roderick Plumpton is an especially inspiring one! He famously caught the Snitch after inly 3.5 seconds! Of course, many believe it to have been a fluke, with Plumperton's sleeve being the true hero. Oh, what I'd give to have been in that Commentary Box for that moment.” He excitedly told her.
“I love the passion, Murphy, but like Plumperton may or may not have done, lets not lose sight of the task at hand. This is only the first step in Murphy McNully's quest to be the best he can be!”
“What's next, Coach?”
“Next? Hm... right, next.” Iris tapped her fingers on her bottom lip, worriedly.
“Iris, are you making this up as you go?” He asked her, raising his eyebrow.
“Of course I'm not making it up as I go! But it's important both in coaching and commentating to not be overly rigid, so I left room for flexibility.” Iris covered her tracks brilliantly
“And flexibility allows us re-evaluate based on my progress, brilliant Iris!”
“Exactly! Brilliant observation, Murphy!” Oh yeah, this was flirting at it's finest and Murphy was lapping it up.
“It's like a chaser having to break formation to dodge a bludger! Or a seeker suddenly having to change course!”
“All right Murphy-”
“Or a beater having to-”
“Murphy McNully! How many times do I have to tell you to keep your voice down!” Pince hollered at him.
“Well, this was inevitable.”
“Sorry, Madam Pince. Keeping my voice down isn't exactly my strong suit... in fact I have trouble controlling it at all.”
“Then may I suggest you go somewhere and learn to do just that.”
“That's it Murphy! I know what we should do next! You need to learn voice control and especially how to project your voice even further while announcing Quidditch.” Iris told him happily, looking like she had struck gold in a mind.
“Blimey Iris, that sounds like a dream come true.”
“Then lets head to the Charms classroom where you can shout as much as you want. It's the next step of your training.”
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swanqiu · 4 years
// where are all the ravenclaw rp muses? i am actually baffled there are not more and i am genuinely craving more housemate interactions for cho because like... these are relationships she’s consistently formed over the course of seven years. this is her found family.
like give me marietta edgecombe, cho’s ride-or-die since their first year, who hates sitting in the stands in 0°C weather, but does it anyway to collect the names of whatever players on the opposing team try to play dirty with cho. at breakfast the next morning, their glasses of orange juice suspiciously explode all over their front, and marietta unflinchingly flips to the next page in witch weekly as she covertly slides her wand back into her sleeve. give me terry boot, who willingly grows out his hair until it’s long just so that he can enjoy the feeling of cho braiding it when he doesn’t want to overthink all of his final exam answers anymore. he’s cho’s first kiss, and while it’s sweet and only slightly awkward, there isn’t really much of a spark, and that’s when terry shyly admits he’s not interested in her that way, isn’t really interested in any girl that way, and cho’s mind puts together all of those glances at a certain ravenclaw captain late at night in the commons, and her heart swells with a deep and affectionate fondness for terry boot. they sometimes stay up late talking about their respective crushes on quidditch boys who could absolutely scoop them up, and terry’s presence in her life is the first real inclination cho has that soulmates exist. give me the lesser known boys of the ravenclaw quidditch team— randolph burrow, and grant page, and jeremy stretton, and duncan inglebee, and jason samuels— cho’s brother figures who stay out late with her just to make sure she doesn’t hurt herself practicing a wronski feint or a plumpton pass or whatever else she wants to do when it’s already half an hour after practice ended. their team group chat, if they had one, would be constant requests for her input on how to cook a perfect sunnyside without breaking the yolk and how to wash their partner’s delicates and what do i get for mum’s birthday gift please help???, and cho endlessly and patiently and blearily takes the time to type out her responses when her phone vibrates with that chat-specific pattern at 2 am.
i could go on and on, literally unprompted, about roger davies, or padma patil, or luna lovegood, or anthony goldstein, or michael corner, or penelope clearwater, but this post that’s not even a fully formed headcanon or whatever is already running long and like— we all have things to do and places to be lmao.
in conclusion, i am: very tender about ravenclaws and ravenclaw muses. in conclusion, i will: likely love you on SIGHT if i see you with a ravenclaw muse. 
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houseslots264 · 3 years
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brown-dirt-cowboy · 4 years
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Music room, Plumpton Place
Former home of Jimmy Page
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codyssfern · 5 years
PLEASE do write a blurb about cuddling with xavier i love my soft boy
your wish is command!!
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(gif cred codyfernsource)
a/n: i apologize for the shittiness 😔 but here you guys go xoxo
warnings: cussing? (maybe)
to be fair you never planned to spend your summer in a camp in the middle nowhere but everything and anything was sort of inevitable when it came to your friends. so when you found yourself laying in bed in your cabin at camp redwood with an arm around your best friend’s waist and a hand playing with his hair, you weren’t shocked.
your best friend being xavier. xavier plympton or as you and montana liked to call him “plumpton” that nickname specifically was no other than montana’s doing. she and xavier had a thing a while back, more of a fling than a serious relationship but montana has never learned to shut up about xavier’s butt.
“why are you moving so much?” xavier asks turning to face you.
oh yes. xavier plympton was indeed the little spoon.
“you are forcing me against my own will to be the big spoon so i think i have the right to move around until i feel comfortable.”
xavier clicks his tongue, “you know why i hate to be the big spoon,” you roll your eyes, “my clothes get all crumpled up.”
“they’re your pajamas not something you wear on a date!”
“so this isn’t a date?”
only you would agree to spend the whole summer stuck in some camp with the boy you liked and also cuddle him at his demands not thinking, in any way, how this could affect you.
“you know how i know this isn’t a date?” xavier looks at you, “cause there’s no way in hell you’d ask me to be the big spoon. you like to appear as ‘extra manly’ and cocky as you can around people you tend to want to bone.”
xavier was rather intrigued by your observations. i wasn’t a shock to him though, you two went way back. he was grateful for you. when you met him he was at his lowest and you’ve been nothing but his rock ever since. it was around you where he felt the most comfortable and like he could let his guard down.
“are you saying that just because i ask you to be the big spoon that i don’t want to ‘bone’ you?” he asks using air quotations.
you pout your lips, “well do you?”
“i mean,” he sits up leaning his back against the headboard, “can’t say i haven’t thought about it.”
you couldn’t believe you were having this conversation. this could either be heaving or hell, you thought to yourself.
“don’t bullshit me, xavier.”
he scoffs, “i’m not! and i’m not just saying that because we almost died yesterday at the hands of some stupid townsies either.”
you almost forgot that you and the gang were harassed all night last night by a couple of townsies dressed as mr jingles. a serial killer who massacred a group of councilors 14 years ago in this very camp.
“you know i was almost close to forgetting about that,” you sigh, “now i’m mad at you all over again for dragging my ass to this shithole.”
xavier groans so loudly you’re surprised brooke and montana were still passed out.
“don’t change the subject.” he says placing his hand on your knee.
you look at him. so pretty, you thought to yourself. with his stupid blonde streaked hair and blue eyes. this was so typical of him, flirting was like a sport to him. he’d be a gold medalist if flirting was actually a sport.
“i will, cause one; you’re annoying. two; brooke and montana are across the room and i don’t want them getting the wrong idea.” you pat his hand away from your knee, “now are we gonna go back to sleep or not?”
he hums, “on one condition,” you had no choice but to listen, “kiss me.”
you rolled your eyes so far back you were shocked they didn’t come out the back of your head.
“i don’t think so.” you cross your arms.
“c’mon don’t you wanna see if there’s a spark or something?” he was almost begging, “you can’t tell me you haven’t thought about it.”
oh you had. for quite some time now but you weren’t just gonna give in just like that. were you?
“whatever gets your ass to sleep... i guess.”
your tone was almost unsure. you were unsure yet suddenly in a matter of seconds xavier closed whatever space was between the two of you. his lips were soft yet his kiss was fast paced and passionate. you wondered if he remembered that one druken kiss you guys shared the night he and montana broke up.
“i think,” you say between the kiss, “we should s-stop.”
he hummed against your lips but before he could say anything someone else did
“i think you should stop too!” montana says making you and xavier jump and hit your heads, “brooke and i just want to get some sleep and you two keep sucking each other’s faces off!”
“oh my god!” you scream, “how long have you been awake?!”
“let’s just say... i think we all felt the spark so go to freaking sleep.” she says before laying back down.
you kept mouthing ‘oh my god’ under your breath.
“calm down, babe,” xavier chuckles, “it’s just montana.”
you let out a weak smile before laying back down, “not really how i pictured that going.”
“she was right about one thing though,” you raise an eyebrow at him as he goes to lay back down as well, “there was a spark.”
you roll your eyes and turn around so your back was facing him.
“goodnight, xavier.”
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