#plus I wrote most of it on planes and airports so whenever I think back on it it feels like a fever dream
blackhallow · 1 year
your fic got me thinking about kuki/misayuki and i hate it here 😞😞😞😞 thinking about yuki yearning because she realizes first how she feels about having a crush on her only friend and silently pining because she doesnt want her only friend to be hurt even more when she merges with tengen and disappears forever.......misato only realizing how she feels when yuki leaves 😍😍😍 i want them to be MESSY and ANGSTY 😈😈 them reuniting years later after riko dies and comforting eachother but there's this air of grief (?).......misato recovering and bonding with yuki once again and they get back into their old rhythm again and yuki telling her about all the places she's gonna take her when she gets rid of ce for good.....misato wanting so badly to believe her but so much has happened between them in the years they had been separated so there's that part of her that's stuck in the middle because she's scared of feeling too happy/too comfortable even tho yuki makes that difficult for her sometimes. i say sometimes because yuki starts to push away everytime she gets too close to someone (because she's the same as misato!!! :)) the only exception being todo but thats different
i think i'm gonna stop rambling now ive thought about these 2 characters an unhealthy amount esp considering they've never interacted/mentioned eachother i blame u for trapping me i h8 it here sm 😭😭😭😭
I haven't logged on in days and this is the first thing I see on my inbox I'm going to cry?? ANON YOU GET ME omg they're so good and they make so so so much sense!!! The dynamic would already be complicated enough when they're young and then it just gets more and more complicated as time passes and they get separated and hhhh the idea of them kinda pushing each other away even after years of yearning haha how dare you say that 🙃
I go back and forth so much on whether they saw each other again before Riko died and I like the angst of Yuki only coming back after she's dead but. but. but. What if Misato Riko Yuki found family 😪 Just Yuki arriving during Hidden Inventory and stopping Toji before things can go awfully wrong and taking Riko and Misato away. I think about those three a lot. I think about them and Todo a lot too they would be such a weird little family 😪😪😪😪 Anyway. They mean the world to me. Welcome to rarepair hell :)
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notasdriedapricots · 3 years
Some HCs for young Lucas in Argentina no one needs but here they are
I know it's canon that he "helped build houses in Argentina", and that doesn't mean he necessarily lived there, but it kinda does. And he said he moved a lot in the same chapter, it's implicit, okay I don't care lol. It goes without saying, but if anyone thinks I'm wrong/wants to ask about something specific or that I forgot/wants to add something, you're more than welcome and I'd love that.
Ok, so given that a few days ago was a homeland date, and that the very next day a mate (this 🧉, not this 🧍‍♂️) was thrown at me on the dashboard (which was awesome tbh) I actually sat down and wrote them. And now here they are
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- So, while we're still at the subject: mate. For those who don't know, mate is basically shared reversed tea, that's the easiest way to explain it; it's not tea, but it's close enough, and the proportion between leaves and water is inverted, and you pass the thing around until you're out of water. Yeah, you know Lucas was not into the whole "five people sharing a straw" thing, he found it disgusting, but he eventually gave in because of peer pressure. He wouldn't now, but at the time he was a teenager in a foreign country trying to make friends and was already at a disadvantage (more on this below). He liked the taste, though; it's kinda like a strong green tea. Still avoided it whenever he could, but did have it on his own at home sometimes while studying, and he knows all the details about it (dusting the leaves, appropriate water temperature, starting with cold water, not overpouring, not moving the straw...). Hasn't had it since he moved away, though.
- When? From mid 2008 to late 2009. So, because I headcanon him as being born in 92, he moved there soon after turning sixteen and left at about seventeen and a half. I was rambling about the school year but I feelt it got too technical; I'll explain it further if you want, but I swear it makes sense.
- Another basic: Where? Maybe surprisingly, not Buenos Aires. His dad would have business there because of course he would, but he wouldn't take his family to live there. They would live in another big city, likely Córdoba, that's close enough (and has regular, hour-long flights to and from Bs. As.), big enough, but less dangerous. In a private neighborhood, though; the famous one on the south side. The horse related one. Wink.
- It's practically canon that he was in TECHO, come on. Which makes sense, because TECHO has always been full of rich kids.
- Obsessed with the food. A mixture of Spanish and Italian with a twist, plus fantastic meat and fantastic wine. Simple but effective. And his mother picked up some cooking habits and recipes, which he appreciated deeply.
- Appreciates the simplicity of the whole concept of "asado", and his high school friends taught him to light a fire properly. Keep achuras the fuck away from him, though.
- Has a weakness for dulce de leche, of course, and keeps a jar of it in his fridge at all times.
- Love/hate relationship with the slang. So. Much. Slang. And it was hard the first month. Like, you thought "succulent" was bad? He got war flashbacks from that. He spoke Spanish Spanish at first, so he got made fun of for the way he pronounced the "z"s and some "c"s, and how he said "tú" and "vosostros" instead of "vos" and "ustedes" (this explanation is useless if you have no idea about the differences between Spanish and Rioplatense Spanish, but this would have been such a big deal. Think a whole new way to conjugate 2° singular AND plural. Also verb usage. Also, if we do put him in Córdoba, the accent. Also very fast speech. Poor Lucas).
- On the note of language, even though he was kinda shocked at first, he ended up finding the extremely liberal use of curse words hilarious.
- Tried going to a football match. Once, and never again. Not vibing with the "climate"...
- Played football with a group of high school friends every Saturday.
- Still baffled by the politics.
- Went to the coast for a week one summer. It was supposed to be two but his parents were like "Nope" and left early. Still thinks people who go to the beaches are low-key-high-key delusional. ("You know that Brazil is right there, right? It's literally one plane away.")
- So shocked at first when every guy he was introduced to bro hugged him and every girl kissed him on the cheek. He quickly got used to it, though, and lowkey missed the excessive warmness when he left.
- Surprised at how people could have the most offensive nicknames and be completely fine with it. I'll just say he himself got fucking lucky he didn't get one.
- Had a group of friends that he missed like crazy when he left. They threw him a surprise goodbye party and showed up at the airport. He still talks to most of them every once in a while.
- He had to readjust a bit when he returned to the UK.
- During college he went back twice, once in summer and once in winter. In summer he rented a car and went through the "Route of wine" in Mendoza, and then drove through the Patagonia (aka the south of the country). In winter he visited the north: the Iguazú waterfalls, the north-west, and some big cities.
- Oh, and that gif is from what became one of his favourite movies: Nueve Reinas. He was watching The Simpsons on TV when the episode ended and the movie began, so he left it on. If you're curious, DO NOT watch the American version; there's a very strong cultural factor that is completely incompatible and ruins the movie.
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How I unwind: Luke Arnold
Bearing more than a passing resemblance to Michael Hutchence is something Luke Arnold says he has been hearing about for years. Now it's being taken full advantage of in the actor's role as the late frontman in the docu-drama INXS: Never Tear Us Apart, which screens on television from tonight. The one-time Sydneysider fielded Unwind's questions from Cape Town, South Africa, where he is filming a second series playing Long John Silver in the pirate-themed American TV drama Black Sails.
My first thought on waking up in the morning tends to be …
Where am I? I've slept in six different apartments around the world in the last month, plus airport lounges, planes, in the back of cars. I'm living in multiple time-zones so I'll just grab a few zzz's whenever I can and wake up in a daze. Then I'll start hunting for coffee.
Something I couldn't live without is …
My family. I know I should say some kind of object, but I lose stuff so often I can't get attached to anything material.
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Born for it: Luke Arnold as Michael Hutchence
I've been spending most of my time lately on …
Planes. I barely knew what a frequent-flyer point was a year ago, now I'm collecting them like crazy. I'm getting to see a lot of the world, which is great, but I've still never been on an actual holiday overseas that wasn't for work.
Growing up, what INXS meant to me was …
The embodiment of sex, drugs and rock'n'roll. There was something about INXS that, from the outside, embodied that fantasy. And the ''sex'' side of it definitely comes out in the music. I had a self-made INXS mix CD in my car when I was in high school and it served me well. Play Need You Tonight at the right moment on a dance floor and it can work magic.
The most challenging part of playing Michael Hutchence in Never Tear Us Apart was …
Covering so many years in such a small amount of time. Toby Wallace does an amazing job of playing a teenage Michael and I play him from 19 to 37. There is a huge development in Michael's character - both as a person and as a performer - through the years. Plus as we move from the '70s to the '80s and into the '90s, everything moves forward: dance moves, hairstyles, fashion. All these things needed to be accurate to the time but we'd shoot out of sequence. On the first day I think we shot nine scenes in seven different time periods.
A memorable moment I had with a member of the real INXS around the movie was …
The first week of rehearsals, when Tim Farriss joined us to take us through band practice. I mean, it doesn't get much better than that. Because we had to match our performance to the archival footage of their concerts, I had written out the lyrics with stage directions on this messy collection of notepads and paper spread out around the microphone stand. Tim came up to me during the day and told me that was exactly how he remembered Michael being in rehearsals. I got a huge boost of confidence because of Tim's support from the very beginning.
I'd describe my real-life singing skills as …
Developing. I had a huge fear of singing in front of people for a long time and struggled to find my voice. At drama school we had to do public concerts and I'd kind of just make a mockery of it out of fear of properly trying and failing. But over the years I've been working at it, wrote some songs and even had a band for a bit, and I'm lucky I did.
The music I have on high rotation is …
Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds. Like Michael, I'm a huge Nick Cave fan and that's what I generally play in my green room before shooting. I've bought tickets to see them three times but always end up missing the concert because of work. I've got a ticket to see them later this year so hopefully it finally happens.
On screen I most like watching …
Anything with a sense of adventure. I grew up loving Indiana Jones, Zorro, The Never Ending Story, and my taste is still pretty similar. I watch anything, in any genre, but give me a good old quest any day.
The most interesting part of playing Long John Silver in Black Sails has been …
Discovering the reality of pirate life. We're really exploring the world in a way that has never been shown on film or television before. The battles feel real, the politics and lifestyle makes sense and you feel like these people actually existed rather than being fantastical. It's always a challenge but I wouldn't want to be on any other show.
Taking up my reading time is …
Scripts. Black Sails shoots for half the year, which means I get to find new projects in the break. After season one I did and now I'm looking to see what's out there for beyond season two. After playing my dream role, it's hard to know what to do next.
I get wound up when …
I deal with bad pedestrians. I think it needs to be addressed on a worldwide scale. Someone should do an international ad campaign: ''Whatever side of the road the cars drive on, that's the side you walk on.''
I like to unwind by …
Going back to my parents' place and turning off my phone. [I] usually do the cryptic crossword with my dad, spend the morning at the beach, play a bit of PlayStation with my brother and have a beer and barbecue in the backyard. The more I travel, the nicer it is to come home. 
- The Sydney Morning Herald
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Misunderstanding - GD
A/N: This was the first fic-fic I actually wrote so I edited it so let’s see how it does!
legitimately very cringy but I chose to keep it up! I wrote this in 2018?
Warnings: Language, Angst
Word Count: 1.8k
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Your POV
I love Grayson Bailey Dolan. That is a fact. A well known fact to almost everybody, or at least that's what I thought.
We met three years ago in Jersey, when I was with my grandparents for the summer. I was reaching for a pancake mix, but it had been conveniently placed on the very top shelf. A cute boy with brown hair saw me struggling handed me the box.
We exchanged numbers and talked for a while before heading our separate ways. That boy was Grayson.
We spent the entire summer together [with Ethan too] and then I had found out that they would be moving to LA, where I already lived. We've been dating for almost three years, and it's been a dream. One of the reasons why we've lasted this long is our shared love for film, which is actually why I'm still in LA (besides the twins), is that I'm in film school, and I help them film all the time.
I'm working on a project for one of my classes, and to switch things up, I decided to use my friend Kian as a subject. The twins also happened to be in New York at the moment for TRL, but I still did want to spend time with Kian. Things were always a little tense with the twins and Kian, with the whole Meredith situation, but they both respected my relationship with the other. 
Kian being one of my best friends, had asked me to come over and hang out, and then I asked him if his house members would want to be in my short film. 
They said yes, so I drove over with all of my equipment. 
When I knocked on the door, JC answered and we caught up a little before Kian saw me and toppled me before I even got through the door. 
"You ready to film!!?!??" He practically yelled into my ear. 
"Okay first off, lower your voice, and don’t forget Lawley, this is still my project."
"Yes ma'am," he said with a little salute. 
Almost 3 hours later, filming was done.
"Great job everybody! Thank you for allowing me to do my film y’all, I should get home and edit, but I'll see you guys soon and send you the finished project!"
I was met with a cacophony of "But it's late!" "You should stay the night" "Don't go Y/N!" "We love you please stay!"
I finally gave in, slipped my shoes back off, put down my bag, and plopped on the couch.
"Okay then, what movie are we watching?"
"Well are you guys ready for a Jim Carrey marathon?"
Shouts of disagreement were spread out throughout the room.
"Rude- like you didn't have to be so mean about it like I thought we were friends guys! I thought you guys loved me but I guess none of you would care if I just locked myself in my room all night and cried. Like-" Bobby on the opposite couch had had enough.
"Kian if you don't shut up right now I swear I will lock you out of the house and clear out your room and you can find it all on the curb tomorrow morning."
"But then Y/N could just welcome me into her home."
I shook my head and told him he was on his own, and in return was promptly flipped off.
We eventually started a High School Musical marathon but soon everyone went to their rooms or fell asleep, so it was just me and Kian. He turned to me once the movie ended.
"Y/N, wake up!" I groaned in response, still only half awake.
"You should spend the night man, it’s late."
At this I startled awake, remembering that the twins were supposed to come in from their flight around this time.
"No- I have to get home!"
"Wait why? It’s after midnight?"
"I don't know when Gray gets back, well I do, but you know it’s late, and I want to be there when he gets home."
"God, you're such a nice girlfriend. Okay, go home, but please be safe driving!"
"Thank you Kian, I love you!"
"Love you too now go get your mans!"
I finally got home after the short drive and got up to the house. Once I unlocked the door, I screamed at first, because I was scared that it could have been an intruder, and then it turned to excitement. Gray was home.
"Hi bubba I'm glad you're home!" I leaned in to hug Gray, but he didn't accept the embrace. "Is everything okay? How was set?"
"I dunno, how about you ask Kian," he responded curtly. He seemed tense and honestly pissed.
"You know Kian is just a friend, bubba." Who does he think he is?
Grayson's POV: 3 hours ago
We had boarded the plane a while ago when Ethan showed me a picture of my girlfriend all cuddled up with Kian on Harrison's instagram. The caption was "harrisonwebb97 the gabriella to his troy.
"What the hell is this??"
"Gray, they're just friends. I don’t like him but they’re close. "
"Friends don't hold each other like that. And that caption too- like what the fuck dude?"
"She's known Kian for forever though, have trust in her, plus like look at everyone right next to them too."
"I'll text her later." I did text her later, a lot actually.
where are you?
getting on the plane...
i love you
is your phone off?
please answer me
y/n answer me wtf is going on rn
are you having fun?
kian looks like he's having a blast, holding you like that
i bet you and kian hooked up after that picture on harrison's instagram
well now i'm not the only one in LA.  
whatever, I'll see you at home
maybe I should have kissed that fan at the airport, she probably would be less of a slut then you.
Delivered 11:34 pm
I left voicemails too. I knew they were just friends, but she would've answered me by now- she always answers. The delay could only mean one thing. At first I was upset and hurt but now I'm pissed. This is all so stupid.
Grayson's POV: Present
"And friends lend each other sweatshirts." She should know what she did.
"What are you talking about?"
It took her a while before she realized she was wearing Kian's sweatshirt. "He gave it to me while we were watching the movies, I was cold, that's all."
"That doesn't even make sense but what were you doing there in the first place?"
Your POV
Now I was mad. I thought that after everything he would understand that I was loyal to him and only him. He knows that Kian and I are friends.
"I was there to shoot my project and then they asked me to stay for some movies! And it’s just a damn jacket, Gray." He wasn't the only one angry now.
"Well why didn't you answer your phone?"
"My phone was off? You know that- whenever I shoot I have my phone off! Sorry I forgot to turn it back on? What’s your deal right now, because you’re getting so aggro I’m starting to get mad.”
"Check your phone." His face was stoic, and he completely dismissed my words.
I read the messages. All of them. I didn't even want to think about what was on that voicemail. He knew my insecurities-he knows them.
His words had tears starting to trickle down my face, "You don't trust me?" How could he be so presumptive? There’s never been anything like that between Kian and I or anyone else but him for that matter.
"Why should I? I mean you're the one whoring around." His face was blank- and it was scary. Scary how when he’s usually just such a bright and uplifting person, to this dark and angry guy.
The tears just kept on coming, and I could do nothing to stop them. After everything, and this is how he treats me? After one post on social media, he’s calling me such horrible names?
He started to turn away towards the door with his still packed suitcase.
"Three years," I mumbled through my tears. He probably couldn't even be bothered to hear me.
"What?" As he turned around I could tell he was annoyed, but I was heartbroken because my boyfriend, or ex boyfriend- whatever he was now- had said these things. I couldn’t believe how the person I trust the most could be saying such vile and hateful things.
"Three years of trust, of an honest and strong relationship! Gray- I love you. I love you and only you. I thought we had established that but I guess we aren’t on the same page. Kian and I have never been anything more than friends, and you know he has a thing for Franny. I was cold! That was all! I turn my phone off when I film, and you of all people should know this. When I walked through that door I expected to see the man I love almost as excited to see me as I was for him, because of how much I love and miss you. You know that I trust you. You know how I feel about the literal millions of girls pining after you day after day, yet somehow I’m the one you chose. I thought that we had a mutual understanding and that we both trusted another and that we loved each other. I love you Grayson Bailey Dolan. Why can't you see it? Everyone else can."
At the last line I fell to my knees as I sobbed. My body wouldn't stop shaking and my face was probably all blotchy and puffy but I didn't care, I just felt heartbroken.
Grayson's POV
I knew I fucked up. We've gotten into fights before, but nothing too major, and they've been small and it ends with some ice cream. Cute and happy couple-y shit. Not tonight- tonight the only sound in the apartment was the sound of her soft and shaking sobs.
"Look I'm sorry I neve-"
"Why? I mean the things you said," she croaked, and I felt my heart break when I saw the look in her eyes, filled with sadness and fear.
"I was scared, I mean like Look at Kian! He could have anyone." She started to almost laugh? I swear I heard her chuckle.
"Grayson, I told you. Kian has a thing for Franny, and it is mutual, they just aren't official yet. I love you, and only you, and Kian's my friend and all, but I would never actually date him. He’s basically my brother! I don’t see why you can’t just believe what I have to say!”
She was still crying and all I wanted was to hold her. And to apologize over and over again, and to tell her how stupid I was for ever making her so upset.
I wrapped my arms around her, and while she still was tense, she relaxed slightly. I rocked the two of us in silence for a bit, then decided to speak. 
"I'm an idiot." She scoffed at that.
"That has been established."
"And an asshole."
"And extremely jealous..."
"No shit Sherlock! What the hell was that!" She slapped my arm with that, but I know she intended no harm. 
"...and a terrible boyfriend." This received no response, so I continued. "I shouldn't have acted the way I did. I should never have said the things that I did, regardless of if it was an impulsive move or not. Y/F/N Y/M/N Y/L/N I love you and I fucked up. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and I promise to never doubt your love and trust again. Hell, I don't want to spend the rest of my life with you, I want to spend eternity with you, and there's no way you’re getting rid of me. I want to raise a family with you. I want to move back to Jersey with you, I want to live my life with you, and I want everything, but I only want it with you-and now you're crying again." She had turned around, and was holding me close. 
"You want a family in Jersey? With me?" She looked up at me with tears still in her eyes, this time hopefully happy tears, but she still sounded scared and unsure. That uncertainty in our future made me feel so horrible.
"Of course. You're the one thing always on my mind and I love you, and only you, forever and always."
"Forever and always" she whispered, and she looked up at me, and now she's actually smiling! "Bailey, I love you, but don't test me again, okay?" she was finally wiping the tears off of her beautiful face.
"I got you Y/N, and I love you too, now lets go to bed okay?"
It would be alright, with time, but for now, they both just needed to hold each other and sleep it off.
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huge life update..!!
hey everyone !! so as you’ve seen, we’ve been slowly returning to this blog. we’re so sorry for kind of abandoning it in the past few months, it wasn’t on purpose and we never really meant to do it. there was no “let’s take a hiatus” decision, we did want to keep running the blog but a lot has been going on and life has been really distracting !! soooo much has happened with us, and we can’t wait to tell you all about what we’ve been up to !!
we left off telling you about our month-long first meeting. ruby lived in california while i lived in canada, and we met online through pokemon. at the very beginning of april, after almost a year of dating, ruby flew over to canada and we met for the first time. we spent an amazing month together and did so many fun things before she had to leave at the end of april, just a few days before our one year anniversary. it was a very tearful goodbye as being together in real life had been so wonderful that we really dreaded going back to being long distance. this is the part you’ve already known. oh how things have changed...
it was only a short two months before we saw each other again. we spent may and june apart, but then, at the very end of june, i was the one who flew to california. like ruby in april, it was my first time going through an airport and on an airplane all by myself !!! i was extremely nervous to do it but after it had happened, it wasn’t neaaarly as bad as i thought it would be. the flight itself was disappointingly extremely boring and i couldn’t wait for it to be over. i absolutely love looking out the window but the woman in the window seat beside me, as well as apparently every single person around me, kept the windows closed the entire flight ! ! ! ! and oh god that woman... i couldn’t text ruby throughout the flight so i wrote down the hilarious things she said so that i could tell her them later. i won’t say what they were right now because i don’t want a huge portion of this life update to just be about her but dear god ... if anyone wants to know what happened with her, feel free to send an ask about it and i will most gladly tell c; let’s just say... i named her melania trump ...
ruby and i had no idea that we would see each other again so soon. when we parted at the end of april, we had no clue for how long it would be. we hoped we would be lucky enough to see each other again around christmas, because we knew we really wanted to spend that together. and we ended up being even luckier than that ! we did lots of fun things in california; went swimming in ruby’s pool (i don’t have a pool so this was exciting to me okay !), went to a fair on the fourth of july where we saw a rodeo and amazing fireworks, we drove 10 hours to arizona !!!, where we camped for a few days in The Wilderness, and we had never seen so many stars in our lives. the town of sedona and the mountains in arizona were so extremely beautiful and breathtaking. we went to san pedro and santa monica pier... sedona and santa monica were my two favourite places, especially santa monica. they were both so extremely beautiful. the stars in sedona and the sunset on santa monica beach... in california we also discovered ubereats. i mean, we’d always known it existed, but they had only just started making deliveries where ruby lived, and we don’t have it where i live in canada, so we had never used it before. we ordered it once and then...got addicted. we ordered quite a few “feasts” every few days where we would buy enough food that it looked as though it were for a party, but it was just the two of us. relationship goals though, am i right ? i loved our feasts ! we also walked around hollywood, of course, which i’d really wanted to see. i got a lot of fun souvenirs ! and we saw the hollywood sign !! that about ended my time in california... or i should say, OUR time.
that’s right, when i returned to canada at the end of july, after spending one month in california, ruby came with me. it was my dad’s idea, that she should come for another visit and experience summer in canada, since when she was here in april it was still winter and way too cold to do certain things. we had her ticket to canada bought before i even left for california !
we missed our flight. we might’ve left the house a tiny bit too late, and then there was traffic on the way to the airport. once we got there, there was technically still time. our plane hadn’t left off yet and we knew that planes never left exactly on time anyway. if we hurried through security we could probably still.... but they wouldn’t let us !!! immediately at check in they told us that we could no longer check in for this flight. it was too late. we had to be there at least an hour before departure. even though we probably could have made it, they said no... but they told us they could put us on the next flight. which was at 6pm. IT WASN’T EVEN NOON YET. ruby’s parents had already left us at the airport, we couldn’t sit there until 6pm !!!! PLUS, my parents had already driven 2 hours to toronto for us at this point, doing some shopping before they expected to pick us up at the airport at 7pm canadian time. like this, we wouldn’t even BOARD OUR PLANE until 9pm their time !!!! WE WOULD ARRIVE IN CANADA NOT AT 7PM, BUT AT PAST 2AM. this could NOT happen. my parents, with my little siblings with them as well, could not wait for us until 2am. there had to be a sooner flight. there had to be. AND LUCKILY, THERE WAS. they said that they could squeeze us onto a flight that left just an hour after our original flight. we would only arrive in canada slightly late. thank god. we also extremely luckily got seats together. our seats weren’t assigned until we were waiting for the plane to begin boarding. the man at the desk said that unfortunately, they didn’t have any seats left together, as he started printing our boarding passes... but he didn’t even finish saying it before he cut himself off, seeing that they DID have a seat together, and printed our new tickets, next to each other. finally everything was set !!! we had a much better flight together than i did when i flew to california. i got the window seat and got to look out the window all i wanted !!! we also watched ratatouille on the plane. because of delays, we didn’t get there until 10pm canadian time. it was nice seeing my family again after a whole month away. and then was the long drive home... we got to my house near 1am. AND I GOT TO SEE MY CATS. i had been away from them for so long !!!!!!! 
so began our next month in canada. it was august, and we tried to do as many fun things together as we could. just a few days after we returned to canada, my family left for the long weekend to the state of new york. so we had the house to ourselves ! my siblings are... extremely loud and annoying. whenever they’re home, we try to stick to my room because there are no words for how horrible they are. so we were very glad to have the house to ourselves for once and took the opportunity to cook some tasty food together ! we made several good breakfasts and we even cooked two batches of meringues, which were really good. during the rest of august, we went swimming at the beach (where we had taken a walk back in april and i died from how freezing it was back then), shopped at my favourite mall, watched the incredibles 2 at the theatre, went to the african lion safari where we saw many animals such as elephants, zebras, giraffes, lions, and more, and we bought ruby a (very cheap) nintendo switch !!! she had been wanting one for literally EVER but had no money to get one. she was always really upset that she may never get one, especially with lots of games coming out that she wanted. so i helped her get one and she was so happy !!! we also both played my most favourite game in the world, together on our switches, when we saw that it had been released for switch: okami hd !!!! we have actually yet to finish it but we are very close to the end.... it’s such a good game and ruby really loves it ! i’ve wanted her to play it forever ! we also got mario kart 8 for switch, which has been a lot of fun to play together, we went to niagara on the lake, where we tried beavertails and poutine for the first time, but then when we had barely ate some of the poutine a TINY gust of wind somehow managed to blow it off our table and spill it all over the ground >:( we were so depressed !!!!!!  we also went on a horse carriage ride ! and tried costco fries ! (costco’s in the US don’t sell fries in their cafe area and i have always really loved them and wanted ruby to try them... on the other hand american costco’s sell chicken bakes which are SO good and canadian costco’s don’t D’: i will miss them..) and we had campfires again !! just like back in april !! ruby has also helped me find homes for 5 stray kittens/cats that lived outside my house. they were a big problem, always having kittens and sadly suffering during the winter when it was freezing and there was little food. we were finally able to help the last of them !!! that makes over 20 strays that i’ve found homes for ! however... there were actually 6 cats. the last was a black cat named pepper. i loved her a lot but she was very sick. a rescue did take her along with the other adult stray and had her treated and fixed !!! but they couldn’t find a home for her... so they ended up returning her a month later and... we ended up taking her in just a few days ago !!! pepper is now mine !! i have 6 cats now hehehe... so that makes for our time in canada.
you may be thinking to yourself: but you said you spent the month of august together. it’s been more than a month. you both adopted pepper just the other day, and it’s october now. well... that would be right ! ruby is still here. SHE IS STAYING HERE.
YES. YES. YES. RUBY IS IN CANADA AND NOT LEAVING. so a few weeks into august, i asked my dad for advice on what the heck we’re supposed to do for ruby to begin immigrating to canada. he said well why wait ? there’s no better time to start than right now. we were ecstatic and in disbelief. we wouldn’t have to say goodbye again. ruby was not going back to california. so it was still august when we cancelled ruby’s flight and began preparing for her move. she couldn’t go back for her stuff in california because well... it would be weird and suspicious if she spent a whole month in canada, went back to california for like a week, and then returned with a ton of stuff. what would she even tell as her reason for returning to canada at airport security this time ? yeah... we thought it would be best if she didn’t leave the country. instead, her mom is going to be mailing several packages of ruby’s belongings over. but don’t worry, we’re not secretly keeping her here illegally. my family has immigrated illegally to canada and ruby’s illegally to the US, so we know all of the trouble that causes and want to avoid that. she is technically still a visitor. americans are allowed to visit canada for 6 months per year, every year, so she can be here no problem until the end of january 2019. so we have until then to figure out something more to keep her here longer. we are planning to begin college together, and that way she can get a study permit and a work permit for the length of the program (likely around 18 months). in those 18 months we would then make progress toward keeping her here after graduation, such as having her apply for a permanent residency. it’s hard but i’m sure everything will work out !
however, we are... extremely stressed out at the moment. the problem is, we have no money. we need thousands to pay for college. we need jobs to get money. ruby can’t even get a job yet, as she has no work permit. also, neither of us have driver’s licenses, though we are working to get them. and she cannot get a work permit until she has a study permit. but to get the study permit we have to have a way to pay for school---- you see the problem.
we want to go to college for video game design and development. we both have a huge love and passion for video games and would love to be the ones creating them. we already have plenty ideas for games that we want to create one day. (because of me tbh,.. every little thing gives me a new idea !) the first school i thought of was the toronto film school. so one day we simply requested more information from them, so we could learn more about what the school and the program were like. the admissions adviser called us pretty much immediately and was super nice. we talked to him a lot over the course of several days, and were very excited to apply for this school. however... we hadn’t fully thought things through just yet. looking back on it now, he kind of pressured us a little bit, urging us to apply right away so that we could be accepted and start at the school in january 2019. he said that the school would help us find an apartment in toronto and everything. toronto is 2 hours away so of course we’d have to move out to attend this school. now, filling out an application isn’t the bad thing. neither were the short essays we had to write along with the application. i don’t mind applying and even being accepted to this school. what i mind is the price, after realizing that toronto may not be the best idea. the application had a $100 fee, each, and we are extremely extremely extremely broke. but we paid it. they urged us to, made us feel like we had to apply right at that moment and that everything would work out. within just like, 4 or 5 days honestly, of simply requesting some more information about the school, we had applied and paid a non-refundable $200 together. and just a few days after that.... we truly realized how bad of an idea it was. we hadn’t even glanced at other schools to see what our options were. i did mention our worries about money to our admissions adviser for toronto film school, telling him that i have no idea how we are going to pay for all of this and that we may just have to apply for another school--- he brushed me off very quickly. didn’t even consider the option and just told me that everything would be fine and we would find a way to pay for the school and that we should apply as soon as possible so that our spots for january could be saved. he pushed me to apply, and i feel stupid for doing so now. i regret it. if it had just been a written application and all free it would all be fine but what i regret is the two of us losing $200 when we have nothing. we could have used that money to apply for a different school or pay the fee for our driver’s license test and now we have nothing. i am salty about that. i kind of feel scammed. i wish we could get our money back but i’m certain there really is no way... it’s non-refundable. sighs... the issue is, toronto is SO expensive. the school tuition would have been $33,000 each, and we thought we were soooo lucky because they told us ruby wouldn’t have to pay an extra 10k in international fees and instead get the same 33k as me. toronto, being an enormous city, gives you the shittiest, tiniest apartments, for so much money. rent would have been about $1,200 a month for an 18 month program. we were easily looking at about $88,000 that we would have to pay together. god, i am only just realizing just how much that would have been. and that is ONLY for our schooling and housing, not including other utilities and things like food. where would we, jobless as we currently are, GET 88 THOUSAND DOLLARS ??? pluuus, fafsa (american college aid) does not support the toronto film school. however osap (canadian college aid) does. i would have gotten some help for my tuition but ruby, the one who needs the help the most, being in a foreign country with no money and unable to get a job yet, would receive NOTHING. apparently fafsa hardly gives you anything anyways... but something is obviously better than nothing, and she would get nothing.
so toronto film school was a bad idea. i regret spending that $200 application fee. even if we get accepted, i hardly doubt it’s going to happen. i don’t think i want it to happen anymore. the costs scare me too much. we would struggle too much. it would be impossible.
on the bright side, i suppose, we are now considering a better school option. (though that doesn’t make the extreme stress go away, of course. we are still extremely broke). there is a school 40 minutes from my house called the university of western ontario. it’s closer by, so the location is much better and we’d be able to visit home much more often. housing would also be so, so much cheaper. the apartments there are not only much better quality, but larger, and cheaper. i visited an apartment building just today that is literally directly across the street from my favourite mall and a 5 minute walk from the university. it is the perfect location and i’m kind of in love with it. the tuition itself is likely much cheaper as well. i have not requested any information from this school yet so i have no idea how much exactly a video game program would cost, but when i quickly googled the general cost of this school, it told me that it is 8k for canadian students and 24k for international students. yep, international fees, which the toronto film school apparently didn’t have. it’s not very fair that i have to pay only 8k possibly while ruby has to pay 24k, but 24k is still much cheaper than 33k. that is nine thousand dollars we would save. PLUS, fafsa actually supports this university. we highly hope that they would give ruby a decent amount of money, though she says they hardly help at all. they gave her only a few hundred when she applied to a californian college once that she didn’t end up attending, and her sister actually started college extremely recently and they gave her absolutely nothing. so... there’s a chance they won’t help much. there’s also a chance that since she’s going to school in a whole other country rather than in the US, they might give her more for that. but we have no idea how much they might give her until she applies for it. we can only hope that it’s a good amount. though... any little bit helps. at least at this university she will get something.
so the university of western ontario sounds heaven sent. just one problem. they might not have a video game program. and we reaaally want to go into video game development.... it took me two years to decide what career i wanted in life because none of them bring me happiness !!!!! i don’t want to miss out on this one now that i finally decided on it !!!! but there is still hope. western university does list a video game program on their website, they just say that it is currently closed. however i have seen articles published in just 2017 about how western is “one of the best schools for video game development”. i wonder, if it’s so great and those articles were posted just last year, how can they have the program unavailable ! what i am hoping is that they only mean it is unavailable for the current year, which would make sense. the school year just started, it is too late too apply. but we weren’t planning on attending until 2019. perhaps, perhaaaaps... they do still have the program and it will be open again in 2019, when we wanted to attend ? however i cannot confirm this until i contact the school, which i will do soon... i really hope this is the case. if western university offered video game design and had all of these other perks, it would be literally perfect.
(but we are still very poor and very stressed out and afraid)
currently, we need to finish getting our driver’s licenses. we, especially ruby, need $150 each just to do the test... then i need to get a job. and ruby needs to get accepted into a school so she can get a study permit and work permit and she can get a job. and then we have to purchase (yes purchase, not rent, my dad claims it’s the better option) an apartment, move out, and juggle school, work, and life all at the same time, while also working to make ruby a canadian citizen. phew ! ! !
ruby has considered making a gofundme and i think that we will do it soon... i don’t know if anyone would donate, they didn’t when i tried to make a gofundme a few years ago when my dog had cancer. but we can hope. any bit that any one would donate would help us with something. so i think that we will do it. we’ll probably post the link on here once we have it, in case any of you would be able to, and be kind enough to, help us out ;w; how does that sound...? does anyone here think they would be able to donate something once we have that link..? we are wondering whether we can expect to get any sort of help from here ;w; ... apart from that and getting jobs, i’m not sure how we can make some extra money... we will need as much of it as we can get if we want to make it through this without struggling terribly. i wish either of us were particularly good at something to sell on etsy or commissions or... i don’t know. i don’t know what else we can do.
anyway, that leaves us where we are now ! we have a lot on us that we need to accomplish but.. we will try to get through it. we will get through it. together. because i still can’t believe she’s here. i can’t believe this is happening. that we never have to say goodbye and we can begin work on keeping her here forever. it’s an amazing, amazing thing, but it has its difficulties. but we have already gone through so much together. it truly is 20gayteen. at the beginning of this year, we had never even met in real life yet, and we didn’t know yet that we would. in april, we met, and when she left we didn’t expect to be back together so soon. and even then, we had no idea that this would happen. that she would stay here and we would be looking to begin college and move out together. god, the things that have happened this year. wow. Wow. i have a hard time believing that this is real, that i’m not dreaming. i never thought something like this could happen. tomorrow is our 17 month anniversary, and we are together.
(sorry this was so long !! we’ve been waiting really long to update you guys on All of the things that have happened c: thank you so much if you managed to read the whole thing, and we’d love to chat about it more if you’d like to send an ask about anything ! ...remember, my melania trump airplane story... and i hope that when we create a gofundme in a couple of days, any of you will be able to help us out !! ;w; love you all !!! 💖💖💖)
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starboyjxmin · 7 years
Blithe (One Shot)
Happy birthday my love.
Pairing: Jimin x Reader
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“We’re going to be late if you continue to wait for that 99% to turn into 100%.” Your friend was anxiously waiting for you by the door of the bathroom which was ajar, enough to see you sitting fully clothed on a closed toilet, holding up your phone which was charging with what seemed as a string. 
“No, no, no, you need to understand that if I’m waiting for it to be fully charged you need to stop bothering me. I don’t bother you when you wait for the microwave to exactly get to zero.” You spat back, looking at the orange battery icon, knee bouncing as you patiently waited for it to be at its full capacity.
Today was an important day for Y/N. Emphasis on important, thank you very much.
“Y/N if we don’t leave now, we will be late to the airport and Jimin will have missed us, most importantly you.” He was practically hovering at this point.
“Okay, let’s go.” Your heart started to beat abnormally and your stomach began to squeeze, sending electrical shocks that were more of a death shock than a zoo in your tummy.
Today was the day that you finally meet your boyfriend from South Korea. Park Jimin was the oldest and sweetest soul you had ever known.
You had known him thanks to your best friend who had convinced you to join an online Korean book club that was interested in Harry Potter, which you first found to be a very ridiculous idea given that you didn’t know Korean to begin with, unlike him. However, according to him; “Best fucking thing I have ever done also, you’ll enjoy it.” And he had turned out to be right.
After a week of almost giving up (Google Translate was such a pain in the ass), the President of the club suddenly began to send you multiple text posts regarding Harry Potter head cannons in English. This would make you smile at 2 A.M. The President then began to speak to you a lot about his own theories regarding what he thought about Phoenix being Dumbledore’s horcrux.
Soon, the theories which were translated with what you presumed to be Google Translate, turned into Good Morning messages then-
[Starboy52]: “Sorry but can I have your number?” You stared blankly at your screen. Wait what?
[Moonchild13]:“Why?” Of course you would be hesitate, you didn’t know who he really actually was to begin with.
[Starboy52]: “The app sometimes crashes on me, and the website can be a bit slow as you can tell.” You giggled, fondly remembering how he once organized a giveway and announced the winners which took you three hours afterwards to find out who had won.
[Moonchild13]: “Even then, how can I know I can trust you? Plus, won’t you be charged for long distant texts?”
[Starboy52]: “How can I trust that you’re in America and actually speak English, not using a translator?” You giggled at his message.
[Moonchild13]: “Send me a picture of who you are then and I’ll send you one as well.”
Somehow this had become the start of many actual calls where both of you were mostly quiet and giggling because one would send the other messages that were translated. Soon, he began to teach you certain words in Korean as you taught him phrases in English.
“Hi, my name is.”
“Hi, my name is.” He repeated after you, a smile could be heard in his voice.
Things advanced, he called as soon as it was morning for you, and at night when he wasn’t busy during the day. Although the obvious language barrier between the two of you was very evident and high, it never stopped the two of you from enjoying each other’s presence on the phone, if anything this was comforting. This would sometimes lead to you sleeping until very late, but it was never a problem.
“When can I finally see your face?” You had agreed to yourself that if Starboy52, the president of the book club did not Facetime you in 5 months, you would confront him about his true identity.
“I’m not, mmm, I’m not cute.” Nonsense, he sounded cute.
“Oppa, please.” You could hear a muffled sound in the background and his low mm fill the space as well.
“Promise you won’t be angry.”
“Okay..” You were nervous, almost sick to your stomach as you waited in anticipation for the face of the man you were starting to fall in love with. The familiar sound announcing an incoming Facetime video call made you want to puke. Your finger hoovered over the accept button momentarily as cold terror spread from your fingertips, down your arm, and up to your shoulder, almost as if you had hit your funny bone.
“Aein.” A blonde haired, sweet faced boy with chubby cheeks and thick lips appeared on screen. He turned momentarily, out of shyness showing you his sharp jawline which left you in awe. 
He wasn’t cute, he was gorgeous. 
“H-hi.” That was the beginning of multiple Facetimes that would involve both of you falling asleep together despite the difficult time zones. Nothing was an obstacle for you and him.
“Terminal 5A will be unloading shortly.” You felt a familiar wave of anxiety fawned over your whole body and your hearing going numb as your friend was in your face saying something while pulling you around the airport. The overhead screens informed you that Terminal 5A was the plane from Seoul, making it further real to you that your lover was here, finally close and not a sick joke that your brain played on you.
“How will I know if you really mean everything and actually are coming to LA?” You heard some soft talking in the background.
“I-” He paused as you could hear his friend Namjoon helping him out with the translation so he could answer you back in English. “have my ticket, mmm,” His deep hums never failed to make you feel so at ease. “I go-be there soon,” He quickly corrected himself as you hear Namjoon laughing in the background. 
“Wait, really?” Okay now this, you never expected to ever be true much less for him to actually have the ticket so soon. You knew he was well off, he had simply told you that he was in a band that did okay but never told you what type of band or the name. It never came to you to google him either since you pent most of your time in school and dedicated to him. Jimin knew you were in college, and that you were 2 years younger with an older sister and a single dad who parented you. But he was very private about his family, the only information you knew was that he had both parents and a younger brother around your age who he loved very much. 
“Mhm, surprise!” Surprise indeed.
“I don’t want to be here, I’m nervous now.” You began to pull your friend’s hand off your wrist but he simply tightened his grip, giving you a puzzled look. 
“Wasn’t it you that tormented the poor boy to come visit you since you were low on money, and a broke college student?” Your friend rolled his eyes as he saw your pathetic face scrunch up. He knew that if he let you go on about with your tantrum, there would be no time to catch the boy on time so he pulled you about, determined for you to meet him.
“He makes me so happy, we laugh so much, I think he’s the one but I am nothing in comparison-” Your friend shot you a terrifying look as he continued to pull you around the airport by the arm.
“Do not say such stupid thing ever again.” He turned his eyes away from you as the lad now faced the arrival section. “Here we are.” 
“I don’t...” A tiny voice came out of you, sounding extremely shaken up.
“You are more than what he deserves. This guy makes you happy, yes, but guess what. You make him even happier. He does anything to make you smile. He finds the time in his very busy day to send you short messages, send you pictures and videos, and then he facetimes you despite having to sleep after a tiresome day. So why would you think you are nothing in comparison to him? Without you, there is no Park Jimin. Now get a grip, mate. He’s here.” 
“I-,” A loud heart pounding was heard in your ears, chest constrained, palms clammy as you caught sight of the blond mob of parted hair as a man with dark shades made his way towards you. The same chipped smile that had made you continuously blush whenever it was shown on the screen of your phone, was now here. No longer was it trapped in a small screen making Jimin’s smile no justice but rather in front of you and adorning his beautiful face. 
“Aein.” The tenor voice that use to aid you to sleep sometimes now sounded even richer mixed in with the air and buzz of the unruly airport. Here he was. Jimin was here. He was real. 
He jogged towards you, stopping only when his warm body hit yours, his arms engulfing you in a tight squeeze as he buried his face into your neck. 
Jimin would never admit this vocally but he had been wanting for the day that he could finally hold you and love you the same way you had all these months when he was lost as a overly worked idol. But you came into his life unexpectedly. All he ever wanted was to put his few free seconds into a book club and what he got was a girlfriend who was there for him at every waking second, supporting him, holding him in place when the stress of being perfect was making him wish he could just float away. But you were there. Making him keep his head and loved him for being just Park Jimin from Busan instead of Park Jimin of BTS. That was all he ever wish.
“Aein..” You said back, running a hand through the back of his head, feeling his hair between your fingers. “You’re here.” His arms tighten even more around you.
“I’m home.”
(A.N. // I wrote this 5 months ago but I didn’t know where I wanted this to go or much less what I wanted it to be. So it’s been sitting in my drafts collecting dusts but due to it being Jimin’s birthday, I now know why I wrote and where this was suppose to go. Also, I dedicate this to my Jimin anon who I love dearly and hope has been doing fantastic. Happy Birthday, Jimin. You’re alright, kid.)
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dontshootmespence · 7 years
Time with Mom
A/N: Since I’m in an Elle mood and I just want to give her the love she never got to have on the show, I’m doing a follow up to the piece I did the other day called The World in the Palm of My Hand. Here Elle and the Reader go to visit Elle’s mother in Brooklyn. I had a couple requests for a follow-up which makes me so happy because #elledeservedbetter. @coveofmemories @sexualemobitch @jamiemelyn @unstoppableangel8
As you made your way through airport security, you set your guns aside, having already cleared them, but as Elle made her way through the machine beeped anyway. “What else could I possibly have on me that needs to come off?” she asked incredulously. The airport employees kept telling her to go back and come through again, but they hadn’t noticed what was making her beep every time she went through. 
When she turned to you though, the light streamed through the gigantic windows overhead and the sun shone off the orb hanging around her neck. It made you smile, because she never took it off. “Babe,” you said, touching your own neck, “It’s the necklace.”
“Oh,” she said sweetly. She reluctantly pulled it off and placed it in the machine, swallowing hard as it went through; she was always afraid she was going to lose it, which was why she never took it off. The instant she made it through and her personal effects were cleared, she asked you to fasten the necklace around her again, smiling as the globe fell heavily but comfortably against her skin. 
It was too late now anyway, you were already on your way, but you asked again. “You sure your mom is good with us right? I know I’m the first woman you’ve ever dated.” Although Elle identified as a lesbian now and you always had, Elle had only brought men home to meet her mother, and only a few at that. As you stared into her soft eyes and pushed the shortened brown hair behind her ear, you just thought that you really loved this woman and if her mother didn’t like you, you were going to be crushed. 
“I’m sure, babe,” she said. The two of you had just made it through security in time for boarding, immediately walking onto the plane. “My mom just wants me to be happy. She’s going to love you.”
“I hope so, because I kinda love you.”
“That’s all she’ll need.”
After landing at JFK International Airport, Elle hailed you a cab and held you hands in the backseat, half sleeping as you were both still tired from the flight and the previous few weeks of work. Elle woke up just before the cab pulled up to her mother’s apartment in Brooklyn and nudged you awake. “We’re here, baby,” she said softly, handing the cabbie his fare plus a tip before getting out and grabbing both of your suitcases. 
As you approached the door, your heart began to beat faster, still nervous to meet your girlfriend’s mother despite all her reassurances. Since the apartments were so close together, it was hard to tell where the delicious smell was coming from, but something smelled amazing. Elle knocked on the door twice and called to her mother when her mother asked who it was. “It’s me, Mama, and my girlfriend.”
When her mother opened the door, an enormous smile spread across her face, as well as Elle’s, and you couldn’t but notice that the delicious smells were definitely wafting from her mother’s apartment. It had been quite a while since she’d been able to see her and you could tell how happy her mother was to have her home, even if it was only for a little while. “Oh baby girl,” she whispered. “I’ve missed you so much. And you.” She cooed softly as she turned toward you. 
Seeing her head on made you realize how much she and Elle really did look alike. While Elle’s hair was now short, her mother’s was slightly longer, her brown locks speckled with a little salt now and then and extending just past her shoulder blades. Elle had her mother’s eyes, deep set, but piercing and simultaneously warm. She cupped your cheeks in her hands and gave you a kiss on either side. “I can see why you like this one,” her mother said. “She’s pretty.”
“Thank you, Mrs. Greenaway,” you said as you blushed.
Her mother scoffed and walked inside, inviting you both in behind her. “Please, Mrs. Greenaway is Elle’s grandma. Please call me Catherine.”
“Okay, Catherine,” you said. Your nerves melted away and you relaxed your shoulders, which caught Catherine’s attention.
“Were you nervous to meet me, sweetheart?” You had been, but you had no idea why because she was one of the most immediately inviting people you’d ever met. 
When you nodded, she gave you another hug and seemed to understand why. “All I want is for my baby to be happy,” she said.
“I’m glad. My family is originally from New York too, and my grandfather still struggles with the fact that I’m a lesbian, so I was a little nervous admittedly.” You came from a family with old-school values, with the exception of your immediate family; you kept close contact with your parents and siblings, but your extended family pretty much wrote you off after you came out at 16. 
With that out of the way, both you and Elle were able to focus on whatever her mother had been cooking. Looking into the pot gave a delicious picture of spaghetti and meatballs. “Now, babe,” Elle said, “I know you’ve seen me eat before and I am not delicate, but when it comes to my mom’s food I’m probably even more disgusting.”
“If you don’t think I’m going to be slurping up this spaghetti, you’re out of your mind.” You laughed.
“Okay, good.”
As her mother continued to cook, Elle joined her, and you attempted to help, but both mother and daughter told you to sit; you were the guest after all. “Okay, I will,” you said, sitting down at the dining room table which so reminded you of your grandparents old home. “But next time we visit, I’ll help because I won’t be new anymore.”
“That I can deal with,” Catherine replied. 
For a while, you just reveled in the picture of Elle and her mom cooking side by side, their flow in the kitchen so practiced and comfortable. You could’ve dwelled on the fact that this reminded you of your childhood with your grandparents who you no longer spoke to, but if it was still bothering you later, you’d talk to Elle then. For now, Elle was happy and carefree, her head resting on her mother’s shoulder, and that’s all you had wanted for her these past few weeks. “Dinner is ready,” Catherine said. “You two sit. I’ll serve.”
“Would you consider coming to visit Elle in DC?” you asked. “Because if you come to my place I’ll cook for you.”
“She’s beautiful and she cooks?” Catherine asked, eyeing her daughter as Elle blushed. “I like her even more now. What’s your favorite thing to cook?”
There was an array of recipes sitting in your cabinets at home. “I’m a master at chicken cutlet parmigiana, but I also love beef stir-fry over rice. And I can bake with the best of them. I actually think I like that more.”
Elle sat down at the table as her mother piled some food on a plate. “Oh mom, she makes this delicious chocolate and raspberry cake that I’m pretty sure would get you to marry her.” You blushed and jokingly brushed your shoulders. 
“Then I think you might have to make me some beef stir-fry and chocolate and raspberry cake whenever I come to visit,” Catherine said, smiling at you before glancing back down to her daughter. “Oh, what’s this? This is beautiful.” She grazed her fingers over the globe that was hanging at Elle’s neck.
Elle lifted it off her neck momentarily to show her mother as she smiled toward you. “Y/N got it for me. She said she wanted to give me the world. So there it is.”
Catherine blew you a kiss from across the table as she refastened the necklace and sat down next to her daughter, serving herself some spaghetti and meatballs. “That’s all I ever wanted for you,” she said, giving Elle a kiss on the cheek. “I’m glad someone else can see what I see in you.”
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caydenhathaway-blog · 8 years
   Who’s Scully and who’s Mulder: I feel like they'd both kinda be a healthy blend of Scully AND Mulder? But I would say Viktor leans SLIGHTLY more towards Mulder and Yuri leans SLIGHTLY more towards Scully, just because I see Yuri as more cautious and Viktor as the nub who would wake up one morning and go "Alright Bigfoot Hunting Day!!"
   Who loves cold pizza and who thinks it’s disgusting: Yuri thinks it's absolutely DISGUSTING, Viktor doesn't *like* it but he'll eat it because he's lived alone for his entire adult life and can't cook so he eats what's available to him, Yuri is a little horrified at some of the stuff he puts in his mouth honestly
   Who’s more likely to casually wear the other’s underwear and who’s more likely to always ask to see it: Neither really share underwear, oddly enough, because their sizes are quite different and it's usually uncomfortable, plus, since they both wear boxers, there's not really as much of a sexual quality to it as there would be if one of them wore panties on the regular (they do but only on sexual occassions) Every now and then they're in a rush and accidentally grab the wrong pair, and once in a wile Yuri will put on Viktor's to try to seduce him, but that's really as good as it gets (Viktor only ever wears Yuri's by mistake because Yuri has really slim hips and it's too tight for Viktor to be comfortable)
   Who can’t sleep without their special pillow/tea/sound machine/whatever and who can sleep literally anywhere: Viktor can and will sleep anywhere as long as he has something breathing to use as a pillow (Makkachin, Yuri, one time he used Yurio when they were sharing a cab to the airport and let me tell you how much Yurio did not appreciate that) Yuri can sleep most places if he's tired and has a dark place to rest his eyes, so if he has a sleeping mask or can snuggle into Viktor's shoulder it isn't a problem
   Who orders those terrible cooking appliances from infomercials three times a month and who sighs dramatically everytime they see a package on the porch: Yuri has tried ordering them a few times over the years but has learned his lesson, Viktor, however, believes everything he sees on TV and poor Yuri always feels a sense of dread now whenever there's a box on the doorstep
   Who doesn’t trust traditional medicine and has weird natural cures for everything and who’s lowkey afraid to ever get sick because of it: Someone wrote a headcanon about Viktor having a huge variety of weird Russian remedies for EVERYTHING and Yuri being a long-suffering victim and I completely believe that headcanon
   Who casually brings up sex at the breakfast table and who chokes on their cereal because of it: Viktor casually brings it up just about anywhere and Yuri chokes on //air//, he doesn't even need cereal
   Who gets the same ice cream flavor every single time and who always experiments with the newest, craziest ones available: Viktor tries every crazy flavor he can find, Yuri is really plain about ice cream and just gets pretty much the same thing all the time
   Who’s more likely to be a starving artist and who’s more likely to settle for a well-paying job that they hate: I can really honestly see it going both ways for both of them but I would say Viktor is more likely to be a starving artist and Yuri is more likely to work at a job he hates just because Viktor has more confidence in himself, I feel like Viktor KNOWS he's a good artist and KNOWS he can make a living at it if he tries hard enough so he won't settle for less, but Yuri's severe lack of confidence means that he's more likely to give up and settle for something he hates to make a living if he has to, on the other hand though I can see Yuri being a starving artist if he can sincerely make peace with that/be ok with living on a thin line of financial support because I don't think money matters to Yuri, so if he can SURVIVE he'll dedicate his time to art, and I can also see Viktor taking a job he hates if he's influenced to, if he were only around people who didn't believe in him and pushed him to do something stable, he would do it just to satisfy them
   Who insists on getting things professionally fixed and who insists that anything can be repaired with tape: Yuri feels like most things can be fixed with tape/glue/thread and Viktor insists on getting everything professionally repaired for the best results, even if they overcharge
   Who reorganizes the bookshelves at three in the morning and who would rather throw all of their books out the window than be awake at that hour: Yuri reorganizes things at three in the morning when he can't sleep or when something is nagging him, Viktor is the long-suffering sidekick who will bite his tongue and help Yuri so that he can go back to bed
   Who wants to travel EVERYWHERE and who freaking hates everything to do with planes and is atleast 20% sure they’re going to somehow die due to plane related causes: Viktor would make a career out of traveling all over the world if he could honestly, it's been made pretty clear in canon to me that he has a really intense love for exploring different cultures and he obviously doesn't mind things like planes and hotels, Yuri would honestly rather stay home because he gets really extreme jetlag and just all around prefers to be comfortable there, but planes don't bother him and he DOES like exploring other places so he'd probably be pretty good with it if he could get over his jetlag
   Who’s up bright and early and who hisses at the sight of the sun: Viktor is up at the crack of dawn already sunny and happy, Yuri is the person who groans and burrows into the blankets to sleep in the fetal position if he possibly can
   Who does the taxes every year and who keeps asking why the government even DESERVES their money: Viktor always highkey complains about taxes like it's some form of death ... but as hard as Yuri tries he can't make sense of it so he collects their information and hires an accountant to do it (Yakov had to do Viktor's taxes before Yuri came along and nearly lost what hair he has left when he was doing it)
   Who gets really philosophical and deep at three A.M. and who answers everything they say with a bad pun: They both get philosophical every now and then but it's pretty rare, when they do though, the other listens as sincerely as they can and tries to answer honestly, neither of them make puns
   Who has a Favorite Mug TM and who drinks coffee out of soup bowls if it’s convenient: Viktor has a Favorite Mug.. but at the same time he'll also drink coffee out of a soup bowl if it's convenient, Yuri doesn't care what mug he drinks out of, as long as it's a mug
   Who freaks out over a bad hair day and who diligently lends them one of their many hats: Viktor freaks out, Yuri buys a small collection of hats for exactly this reason (he color matches them)
   Who forgets everyone’s birthdays and who has already bought a card two months in advance: Viktor can barely remember his OWN birthday ok? Much less anyone else's, Yuri makes a point of remembering everyone's birthdays and being prepared but he doesn't buy cards that far in advance
   Who spends the holidays relaxing and who spends the holidays screaming and shaking like a chihuahua with anxiety: Viktor relaxes, Yuri goes out of his mind with anxiety over pretty much everything
   Who spends an obscene amount of time decorating the nursery and who has to drag them to bed every single night (and then drag them BACK to bed every single night when they inevitably get up to try again): Yuri, Yuri is downright obsessive about the nursery, he often passes out in the middle of decorating if Viktor doesn't get to him first, poor Viktor is running interference during the entire process trying to keep Yuri from killing himself in there
   Who has a thousand followers they’ve never even talked to on social media and who doesn’t know what a hashtag is: Viktor is very popular on social media, Yuri is too to some degree but Yuri doesn't know anything about what he's doing and most of the time Viktor absconds with his phone and posts things for him (sometimes they're embarrassing)
   Who has hideous fashion sense and who’s lowkey offended everytime their partner leaves the house: I think it's pretty obvious that Yuri's taste is all in his mouth (according to Viktor) and if it was up to Viktor Yuri's entire wardrobe would be redone (he tries when they first get married but it makes Yuri feel bad so he puts (mostly) everything back)
   Who steals ingredients from the other wile they’re cooking and who’s always guarding their ingredients with a wooden spoon: Viktor is the theif- every freaking time too
   Who arranges their entire life around the dog and who teases them for it but does the same thing: They both arrange their entire lives around their dog(s) and neither blames the other for it, they both get it
   Who talks in their sleep and who always tries to get it on video: Neither of them really talks in their sleep that much, but when they do, the other is always quick to record
   Who plans their vacations right down to bathroom breaks and who destroys The Plans TM the second they get out of the car: Neither of them really make plans actually, they both pretty much just go with the flow
   Who knows a ton of weird facts about everything and who always marvels at the absurdity: They both know a little bit about some random things but neither is all that much of a random info wiz but they're both EXTREMELY FREAKING IMPRESSED with every single little thing
   Who’s the first one to say I love you in the morning and who’s the last one to say it at night: Honestly? It's kind of a running competition with them to see who can say it first in the morning and who can say it last at night- the second of the two can go on for as long as an hour sometimes
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brendagilliam2 · 8 years
Changing the game: Sara Soueidan on new web technologies
Learn practical frontend solutions for creative design challenges at Generate New York on 28 April! In her opening keynote Sara Soueidan will share some of the lessons and techniques she learned building websites for clients over the past three years. Book your ticket today!
Unusually, net’s Skype chat with Sara Soueidan takes place in a tantalising series of five- or six-minute chunks. It’s not that she’s too busy to talk, but that’s as long as her home internet connection in Lebanon is inclined to give us. “It’s like this most of the time,” Soueidan smiles. “It actually sometimes benefits me in my work, because I tend to focus on performance a lot more. Whenever I’m building anything I get to test it on an actual bad connection!”
She seems remarkably unfazed by the situation, given that she works on the web. As a freelance frontend developer Soueidan has risen to prominence over the last couple of years, building up a strong portfolio of client work, garnering praise for her articles on CSS and SVG, and establishing a presence on the global events circuit. “What I love about my job is the variety,” she says. “The variety of what I get to work on, who I get to work with, and where I get to do the work. Like sometimes I get a lot of work done in a plane or during a layover in an airport in a strange city somewhere.” 
In her opening keynote at Generate New York Sara Soueidan will share some creative challenges and how she approached them using her frontend stack
Global pursuits
It’s not as footloose and fancy-free as it sounds; holding a Lebanese passport means the vast majority of Soueidan’s business trips require a visa. Paperwork takes around a week, and the application process can take three or four. Most embassies require her to leave her passport for this period, so if she’s speaking at a conference in January she won’t be able to travel anywhere in December, for example. She’s had to decline a lot of invitations for this reason.
Choose a website builder: 16 top tools
“It gets stressful. It gets really tiresome,” she sighs. “It’s usually worth it because I very much enjoy speaking at conferences and meeting new people, but the process has been getting a lot more stressful recently.” 
She sounds so wearied by the situation that it prompts us to ask if she’s considered moving. She’s had offers – jobs in London, San Francisco, Amsterdam and Berlin have all been on the table – but it’s not enough to tempt her. 
Soueidan is a popular speaker on the global conference circuit
“I don’t have anything outside. I’m not going to leave everything and everyone I love behind just so I can work for some big company abroad and make more money, or get some passport that would allow me to travel with a little bit more ease,” she responds. “No, it’s not something I’m thinking about doing at the moment.”
A virtual gold mine
Thankfully, the languages of the web cause fewer headaches. When Soueidan got her first taste of HTML at around 14 in an IT class, it just made sense. “It all looked very, very familiar to me even though I had never seen that kind of markup before.” 
Despite this, when picking her major it was not Soueidan’s first choice. “I wanted to do architecture,” she announces. “But we weren’t particularly rich back then, so I had limited options when it came to what major I could choose. The one that sounded the least boring was computer science.”
It wasn’t until after college that Soueidan really revised her opinion. A developer friend recognised her potential and decided to teach her CSS. After 10 lessons she was hooked, and started to explore JavaScript. She discovered Codrops (“It felt like I had found a gold mine. I fell in love with web development even more when I found their website”) and CodePen, which had just launched.
I love breaking complex topics into very simple, digestible ideas
Then, around the start of 2013 and in search of a challenge, she decided to recreate all the 3D animations in Windows 8 using just CSS. She wrote her first article explaining her process, and it amassed over 20,000 views in three weeks. The work won her her first client.
After the success of that first article, Soueidan embraced her natural teaching ability and started writing more and more, before moving into running workshops. “When you’re learning something new, you have this fresh perspective and you’re able to explain it in a much clearer way to other people that are also just getting started with it,” she enthuses. “I love breaking complex topics into very simple, digestible ideas. Every time I learn about something new and I’m excited about it, I want to share my excitement with people.” 
Old and new
The topic Soueidan has been so effectively breaking down for people recently is SVG. She’s become known as something of a guru on the subject, but when we ask her about it, it’s clear her enthusiasm has moved on to other things. “I’m starting to stray away from SVG,” she says carefully. “I spent a lot of time digging into it before. I now think of it as just one of the many useful tools we have at our disposal.” 
She explains that in her current project – a redesign of Smashing Magazine – SVG enabled her to create content that was visually appealing, but also accessible and performant. As she continues, she seems to warm up a little and we see a twinkle of that previous passion. “I think it’s the most ideal way for that situation; it’s extremely powerful. It enables us to think of creative ways to display images.”
However, with great power comes great responsibility, and there are some lingering bugs in basic features that need to be fixed if SVG is to become truly useful. “I don’t use CSS animations on SVG elements unless I know the animation is very trivial. If I really need an animation to work everywhere I have to use JavaScript, and I know that a lot of people also eventually resort to JavaScript because of the browser inconsistencies and lack of support for the basic features.” 
So SVG is on the back-burner. What is getting Soueidan fired up these days? “What interests me the most now is CSS Grid. The syntax is a bit usual, a bit different to what we’re used to with CSS, but it’s definitely much better than everything we’ve had so far. Even Flexbox. Grid is definitely what I’m going to be using for layouts in the future.” 
She explains that Grid is so exciting because it abstracts the layout from the DOM, meaning you can place your DOM elements in any visual order you want, all from the style sheet. It’s the latest in a range of technologies that are changing the game when it comes to web design. 
Soueidan won the Developer of the Year net award in 2015
“Combine it with features like CSS Regions and Shapes, plus things like vertical writing modes or CSS transforms, and you’ve got a set of tools that enable you to break outside the norm to create pages that are no less creative than those we see in print design. I’ve always been into print design so the ability to see the same creative designs on the web is extremely exciting.”
Finding a spark
Those who have met Soueidan or seen her speak often comment on her energy. Her conference talks seem to run at 100mph. When she’s interested in something, her enthusiasm is palpable. “Sometimes I know I have a lot of stuff that I want to do the next day and I really want to do it, I mean I’m excited about doing it, so I start early,” she enthuses. “Sometimes I start even before I eat my breakfast.”
It seems like her energy knows no bounds, but we ask, half joking, how she manages to keep it up – especially as it seems like every professional has their own burnout horror story. There’s a long pause. 
“Actually I lost my inspiration for a while. I was on the verge of a burnout, literally. I did have a short period of depression as well. I wasn’t excited about anything on the web any more. When you’re doing something you love, it’s very easy to overdo it and I tend to do this a lot. I end up exhausting myself without realising it. Now I’m starting to be more aware of myself and my energy and my time. Time is very important here.”
Thanks to a combination of returning offline pursuits – Soueidan is a keen artist and nature-lover – and more conscious time management, things have got a lot better. Last year she decided she would take every December off as a ‘reading month’, to read a few books, learn new topics and work on any side projects. 
In the end, Soueidan’s natural affinity for the web also played a part in restoring her energy. “Learning new things is one of the things that gets me back on track. If I find there is a new technology that everyone’s talking about and it’s exciting, it’s usually enough. I just need that small spark and that is enough to bring me back.” 
This article was originally featured in net magazine issue 287; buy it here.
Sara Soueidan will share a ton of techniques and practical tips in her opening keynote of Generate New York on 28 April. Register today!
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The post Changing the game: Sara Soueidan on new web technologies appeared first on Brenda Gilliam.
from Brenda Gilliam http://brendagilliam.com/changing-the-game-sara-soueidan-on-new-web-technologies/
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