#plus i have cervical ectropion which is sort of similar to vaginismus and is agonisingly painful wrt penetration
bisexual-slime · 1 year
HOLY FUCKING SHIT i just tried putting a tampon in for the first time at the ripe old age of almost-20 and it’s one of the worst things that’s ever happened to me???? it hurt so fucking much holy fuck. i took it back out almost immediately, it was so uncomfortable. why do so many women choose to do this to themselves
I've never used a tampon bc scary but I've just never really understood why that would be your first choice and why it's the most common choice. I always used pads and while they may not be the most secure, they're comfy and dont require insertion so they were always my first choice (never used anything else). lichrally why would you choose this!!! they're so horrible they need to be abolished tbh
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