#plus like i feel like SS just becoming happy and a good person doesn't really make sense for his character
lord-squiggletits · 1 year
One TF fandom argument that confuses me is when people put Megatron and Starscream versus each other like, when people say that it's "unfair that Megatron gets redemption but Starscream doesn't" (in regards to IDW1) because like. One, IDW1 in phase 2 was written by like 4 different writers, so you can't try to claim that there was some unified vision where the nonexistent Singular Writer of IDW was like "no Starscream isn't allowed to have nice things."
And second, I don't think the writers would even think of it that way? It's not like the writers were like "okay we have one Get Out Of Jail Free Card and we're going to spend it on Megatron, sorry Starscream maybe in the next reboot you can get it." The divisions fans make between X character likers and Y character likers are completely made up fandom drama and sometimes I feel like people don't understand that the writers aren't privy to fandom infighting/drama and wouldn't write Megatron and Starscream in opposition to each other as if one character's gain must come at the other's expense.
And finally............. IDW1 Starscream literally does get to be portrayed as a more morally gray person, have his feelings shown and treated as human, even make some friends/have people treat him nicely? IDK what fucking comics people are reading where they think that Starscream is treated as an evil villain with no redeeming qualities at all. Maybe it's the same Starscream fans who shit on TAAO/Scott or something, that's the only way I could explain it.
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420pogpills · 3 years
Feeling a bit blue after reading some George critical posts. His critical posts always centers on his privateness and lack of speaking out online.
I mean I do agree with a few of them, sometimes I do wish George speak more for himself instead of other CC's doing it for him, I love the straightforwardness he has in addressing serious issues such as the slurs and the fake ss, plus I remember a tweet he replied to telling not to be angry at Wilbur for saying he was the less succesful Dream, because they are both good friends and that he actually agrees with it as well. I don't know, I'm still new to the fandom so I wasnt around during many controversies that had happened and George has become my go to comfort streamer now so I could be biased.
But being mad at George for not showing that much support online like on Twitter just makes me iffy. I am not a social media person so I don't really understand why people are so obsessed with that. People are coming at George because he rarely defends or is supportive of Dream on Twitter. I'm just confused, just because he doesn't show it online doesn't mean he is like that in private as well. It definitely does not mean that he is a bad friend or is taking advantage of Dream.
I see takes such as Dream gives so much to George but George rarely gives back. How do you know that? Because that's what you have seen based on online videos or interactions? I swear people need to realise not everything has to be revolved around social media and some people are uncomfortable with sharing on it. Even CC's has their sides that they prefer to keep private and we all should respect that. I do relate to George in terms of having trouble expressing my feelings in words and all, to see people coming after him because of that just disappoints me. It's fine if you like to be openly vulnerable online (like Dream) and it's also fine if you want to be private and be online just for fun and laughs.
I like George for many reasons, and a hot take, I like George for being apolitical as well because it reminds me that George is a content creator and i watch him for entertainment and comfort, and his privateness also really helps for me to keep a healthy boundary as a fan. So, it doesn't really matter to me on what George does or does not speak out on his platform because to me, he is just a content creator who makes me happy with his content.
Sorry for the long post, just wanted to rant. Have a nice day :]
very very strongly agree, that people need to stop thinking if it's not on social media, that it didn't happen.
(answer got long so putting it under here)
to put it into perspective - you'll never see me post on my instagram story about how it's my friends birthday. i hardly ever post period. because social media doesn't mean that much to me. but i will call my friend, wish them a happy birthday, i'll secretly send a gift to their house, or i will bring a gift to their party, etc.
someone who only sees my online presence can think 'wow she's a shit friend she didn't even wish her friend a happy birthday'. when in reality, they couldn't be more wrong, because i appreciated and celebrated my friend - i just didn't post it on social media. does that mean what i did has no meaning? that it didn't happen? absolutely not.
content creators do NOT have to put their whole lives online. they already get very little privacy as is. there's no reason why they should have to constantly post every interaction online to prove that it happened. see how silly that sounds?
you can assume things. you can have opinions on things. but if they are going to be completely negative, and more than likely untrue, maybe it's best to keep them to yourself.
and yesss agree, george is very much a comfort streamer! you literally don't have to think about anything at all when you're watching him, he's like a therapy session without you needing to talk :') ❤️
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